public IHighlightingDefinition Make()
            //if (File.Exists(codeHighlightingSchemeFile))
            //    using (Stream xshd_stream = File.OpenRead(codeHighlightingSchemeFile))
            //    using (XmlTextReader xshd_reader = new XmlTextReader(xshd_stream))
            //    {
            //        CodeHighlightingScheme = HighlightingLoader.Load(xshd_reader, HighlightingManager.Instance);
            //    }

            XNamespace xn = "";

            XElement complexFunctions = new XElement(xn + "Keywords", new XAttribute("color", "ComplexFunctions"));

            foreach (var func in langBase.GetComplexFunctionsList())
                complexFunctions.Add(new XElement(xn + "Word", func));

            XElement functions = new XElement(xn + "Keywords", new XAttribute("color", "Functions"));

            foreach (var func in langBase.GetFunctionsList())
                functions.Add(new XElement(xn + "Word", func));

            XDocument doc = new XDocument(
                new XElement(xn + "SyntaxDefinition",
                             new XAttribute("name", "Lang"),
                             new XElement(xn + "Color",
                                          new XAttribute("name", "Comment"),
                                          new XAttribute("foreground", "Green")
                             new XElement(xn + "Color",
                                          new XAttribute("name", "String"),
                                          new XAttribute("foreground", "Brown")
                             new XElement(xn + "Color",
                                          new XAttribute("name", "Digits"),
                                          new XAttribute("foreground", "DarkBlue")
                             new XElement(xn + "Color",
                                          new XAttribute("name", "Functions"),
                                          new XAttribute("fontWeight", "bold"),
                                          new XAttribute("foreground", "Purple")
                             new XElement(xn + "Color",
                                          new XAttribute("name", "ComplexFunctions"),
                                          new XAttribute("fontWeight", "bold"),
                                          new XAttribute("foreground", "Blue")
                             new XElement(xn + "RuleSet",
                                          new XAttribute("ignoreCase", true),
                                          new XElement(xn + "Span",
                                                       new XAttribute("color", "Comment"),
                                                       new XAttribute("begin", "//")
                                          new XElement(xn + "Span",
                                                       new XAttribute("color", "Comment"),
                                                       new XAttribute("multiline", true),
                                                       new XAttribute("begin", @"/\*"),
                                                       new XAttribute("end", @"\*/")
                                          new XElement(xn + "Span",
                                                       new XAttribute("color", "String"),
                                                       new XElement(xn + "Begin", "\""),
                                                       new XElement(xn + "End", "\""),
                                                       new XElement(xn + "RuleSet",
                                                                    new XElement(xn + "Span",
                                                                                 new XAttribute("begin", @"\\"),
                                                                                 new XAttribute("end", @".")
                                          new XElement(xn + "Rule",
                                                       new XAttribute("color", "Digits"),
                                                       @"\b0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+  # hex number" + "\r\n" +
                                                       @"|\b" + "\r\n" +
                                                       @"(\d + (\.[0 - 9] +) ?   #number with optional floating point" + "\r\n" +
                                                       @"|\.[0 - 9] +         #or just starting with floating point" + "\r\n" +
                                                       @")" + "\r\n" +
                                                       @"([eE][+-]?[0 - 9] +) ? # optional exponent" + "\r\n"

            using (Stream reader = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(doc.ToString())))
                using (XmlTextReader xshd_reader = new XmlTextReader(reader))
                    return(HighlightingLoader.Load(xshd_reader, HighlightingManager.Instance));