Beispiel #1
    // update a row
    void UpdateRow(string id, string name)
        // list of data to be updated
        List <SQLiteDB.DB_DataPair> dataList = new List <SQLiteDB.DB_DataPair> ();

        // data to be updated
        SQLiteDB.DB_DataPair data = new SQLiteDB.DB_DataPair();
        data.fieldName = "Name";
        data.value     = name;


        // row to be updated
        SQLiteDB.DB_ConditionPair condition = new SQLiteDB.DB_ConditionPair();
        condition.fieldName = "Id";
        condition.value     = id;
        condition.condition = SQLiteDB.DB_Condition.EQUAL_TO;

        int i = db.Update("Users", dataList, condition);

        if (i > 0)
            Debug.Log(i + " Record Updated!");
            _name = "";
            _id   = "";
Beispiel #2
    // add a single entry in database
    void AddRow(string id, string name)
        List <SQLiteDB.DB_DataPair> dataPairList = new List <SQLiteDB.DB_DataPair>();

        SQLiteDB.DB_DataPair data = new SQLiteDB.DB_DataPair();
        // Insert first row
        // first field
        data.fieldName = "Id";
        data.value     = id;

        // second field
        data.fieldName = "Name";
        data.value     = name;

        // insert into Users - first row
        int i = db.Insert("Users", dataPairList);

        if (i > 0)
            Debug.Log("Record Inserted!");
            _name = "";
            _id   = "";
    //public IEnumerable<T> Query(Expression<Func<T, bool>> queryPredicate)


    public bool Insert(T item)
        bool successful = false;

            List <SQLiteDB.DB_DataPair> dataPairList = new List <SQLiteDB.DB_DataPair>();
            SQLiteDB.DB_DataPair        data         = new SQLiteDB.DB_DataPair();

            LogHelper.Log(LoggingLevel.TRACE, _config, "Creating new " + typeof(T).Name);

            foreach (var property in _itemProperties)
                if (property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ColumnIgnoreAttribute), false).Length == 0)
                    // If the property is marked as required and is null, throw an exception
                    if (property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RequiredAttribute), false).Length != 0 &&
                        //!property.PropertyType.IsValueType &&
                        property.GetValue(item) == null)
                        throw new RequiredFieldException(property.Name);

                    string fieldName          = property.Name;
                    var    fieldNameAttribute = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FieldNameAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() as FieldNameAttribute;
                    if (fieldNameAttribute != null)
                        // cleanse by replacing all spaces with underscores
                        // TODO rip out all symbols and other invalid characters
                        fieldName = fieldNameAttribute.FieldName.Replace(" ", "_");

                    data.fieldName = fieldName;
                    data.value     = ConvertValueToString(item, property);

                    LogHelper.Log(LoggingLevel.TRACE, _config, "Added {" + data.fieldName + ", " + data.value + "} to object.");

            int changeCount = _db.Insert(_tableIdentifier, dataPairList);

            LogHelper.Log(LoggingLevel.LOG, _config, changeCount + " change(s) on insert to " + _tableIdentifier);

            if (changeCount > 0)
                successful = true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            LogHelper.Log(LoggingLevel.ERROR, _config, ex.ToString());

    public bool Update(T item)
        bool successful = false;

        List <SQLiteDB.DB_DataPair> dataPairList = new List <SQLiteDB.DB_DataPair>();

        SQLiteDB.DB_DataPair      data      = new SQLiteDB.DB_DataPair();
        SQLiteDB.DB_ConditionPair condition = new SQLiteDB.DB_ConditionPair();

        foreach (var property in _itemProperties)
            // if the property isn't being ignored
            if (property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ColumnIgnoreAttribute), false).Length == 0)
                // if isn't primary key
                if (property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PrimaryKeyAttribute), false).Length == 0)
                    data.fieldName = property.Name;
                    data.value     = ConvertValueToString(item, property);
                // else is, it can't be updated but instead used for finding record to update
                    condition.fieldName = property.Name;
                    condition.value     = ConvertValueToString(item, property);
                    condition.condition = SQLiteDB.DB_Condition.EQUAL_TO;

        if (_db.Update(_tableIdentifier, dataPairList, condition) > 0)
            successful = true;
