public void Draw(SKCanvas canvas, IReadOnlyViewport viewport, IWidget widget,
                         float layerOpacity)
            var scaleBar = (ScaleBarWidget)widget;

            if (!scaleBar.CanTransform())

            // If this is the first time, we call this renderer, ...
            if (_paintScaleBar == null)
                // ... than create the paints
                _paintScaleBar        = CreateScaleBarPaint(SKPaintStyle.Fill);
                _paintScaleBarStroke  = CreateScaleBarPaint(SKPaintStyle.Stroke);
                _paintScaleText       = CreateTextPaint(SKPaintStyle.Fill);
                _paintScaleTextStroke = CreateTextPaint(SKPaintStyle.Stroke);

            // Update paints with new values
            _paintScaleBar.Color             = scaleBar.TextColor.ToSkia(layerOpacity);
            _paintScaleBar.StrokeWidth       = scaleBar.StrokeWidth * scaleBar.Scale;
            _paintScaleBarStroke.Color       = scaleBar.Halo.ToSkia(layerOpacity);
            _paintScaleBarStroke.StrokeWidth = scaleBar.StrokeWidthHalo * scaleBar.Scale;
            _paintScaleText.Color            = scaleBar.TextColor.ToSkia(layerOpacity);
            _paintScaleText.StrokeWidth      = scaleBar.StrokeWidth * scaleBar.Scale;
            _paintScaleText.Typeface         = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName(scaleBar.Font.FontFamily,
                                                                         SKFontStyleWeight.Bold, SKFontStyleWidth.Normal, SKFontStyleSlant.Upright);
            _paintScaleText.TextSize          = (float)scaleBar.Font.Size * scaleBar.Scale;
            _paintScaleTextStroke.Color       = scaleBar.Halo.ToSkia(layerOpacity);
            _paintScaleTextStroke.StrokeWidth = scaleBar.StrokeWidthHalo / 2 * scaleBar.Scale;
            _paintScaleTextStroke.Typeface    = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName(scaleBar.Font.FontFamily,
                                                                          SKFontStyleWeight.Bold, SKFontStyleWidth.Normal, SKFontStyleSlant.Upright);
            _paintScaleTextStroke.TextSize = (float)scaleBar.Font.Size * scaleBar.Scale;

            float  scaleBarLength1;
            string scaleBarText1;
            float  scaleBarLength2;
            string scaleBarText2;

            (scaleBarLength1, scaleBarText1, scaleBarLength2, scaleBarText2) = scaleBar.GetScaleBarLengthAndText(viewport);

            // Calc height of scale bar
            SKRect textSize = SKRect.Empty;

            // Do this, because height of text changes sometimes (e.g. from 2 m to 1 m)
            _paintScaleTextStroke.MeasureText("9999 m", ref textSize);

            var scaleBarHeight = textSize.Height + (scaleBar.TickLength + scaleBar.StrokeWidthHalo * 0.5f + scaleBar.TextMargin) * scaleBar.Scale;

            if (scaleBar.ScaleBarMode == ScaleBarMode.Both && scaleBar.SecondaryUnitConverter != null)
                scaleBarHeight *= 2;
                scaleBarHeight += scaleBar.StrokeWidthHalo * 0.5f * scaleBar.Scale;

            scaleBar.Height = scaleBarHeight;

            // Draw lines

            // Get lines for scale bar
            var points = scaleBar.GetScaleBarLinePositions(viewport, scaleBarLength1, scaleBarLength2, scaleBar.StrokeWidthHalo);

            // BoundingBox for scale bar
            BoundingBox envelop = new BoundingBox();

            if (points != null)
                // Draw outline of scale bar
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i += 2)
                    canvas.DrawLine((float)points[i].X, (float)points[i].Y, (float)points[i + 1].X, (float)points[i + 1].Y, _paintScaleBarStroke);

                // Draw scale bar
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i += 2)
                    canvas.DrawLine((float)points[i].X, (float)points[i].Y, (float)points[i + 1].X, (float)points[i + 1].Y, _paintScaleBar);

                envelop = points[0].BoundingBox;

                for (int i = 1; i < points.Length; i++)
                    envelop = envelop.Join(points[i].BoundingBox);

                envelop = envelop.Grow(scaleBar.StrokeWidthHalo * 0.5f * scaleBar.Scale);

            // Draw text

            // Calc text height
            SKRect textSize1 = SKRect.Empty;
            SKRect textSize2 = SKRect.Empty;

            scaleBarText1 = scaleBarText1 ?? string.Empty;
            _paintScaleTextStroke.MeasureText(scaleBarText1, ref textSize1);

            var(posX1, posY1, posX2, posY2) = scaleBar.GetScaleBarTextPositions(viewport, textSize.ToMapsui(), textSize1.ToMapsui(), textSize2.ToMapsui(), scaleBar.StrokeWidthHalo);

            // Now draw text
            canvas.DrawText(scaleBarText1, posX1, posY1 - textSize1.Top, _paintScaleTextStroke);
            canvas.DrawText(scaleBarText1, posX1, posY1 - textSize1.Top, _paintScaleText);

            envelop = envelop.Join(new BoundingBox(posX1, posY1, posX1 + textSize1.Width, posY1 + textSize1.Height));

            if (scaleBar.ScaleBarMode == ScaleBarMode.Both && scaleBar.SecondaryUnitConverter != null)
                // Now draw second text
                scaleBarText2 = scaleBarText2 ?? string.Empty;
                _paintScaleTextStroke.MeasureText(scaleBarText2, ref textSize2);

                canvas.DrawText(scaleBarText2, posX2, posY2 - textSize2.Top, _paintScaleTextStroke);
                canvas.DrawText(scaleBarText2, posX2, posY2 - textSize2.Top, _paintScaleText);

                envelop = envelop.Join(new BoundingBox(posX2, posY2, posX2 + textSize2.Width, posY2 + textSize2.Height));

            scaleBar.Envelope = envelop;

            if (scaleBar.ShowEnvelop)
                // Draw a rect around the scale bar for testing
                var tempPaint = _paintScaleTextStroke;
                canvas.DrawRect(new SKRect((float)envelop.MinX, (float)envelop.MinY, (float)envelop.MaxX, (float)envelop.MaxY), tempPaint);
Beispiel #2
        private void canvasView_PaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
            SKSurface surface = e.Surface;
            SKCanvas  canvas  = surface.Canvas;


            int width  = e.Info.Width;
            int height = e.Info.Height;

            // Set transforms
            canvas.Translate(width / 2, height / 2);
            canvas.Scale(Math.Min(width / 210f, height / 520f));

            // Get datetime
            DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Head
            canvas.DrawCircle(0, -160, 75, blackFillPaint);

            // Draw ears and eyes
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                canvas.Scale(2 * i - 1, 1);

                canvas.Translate(-65, -266);
                canvas.DrawPath(catEarPath, blackFillPaint);

                canvas.Translate(10, -170);
                canvas.DrawPath(catEyePath, yellowFillPaint);
                canvas.DrawPath(catPupilPath, blackFillPaint);

                // Draw whiskers
                canvas.DrawLine(10, -120, 100, -100, whiteStrokePaint);
                canvas.DrawLine(10, -125, 100, -120, whiteStrokePaint);
                canvas.DrawLine(10, -130, 100, -140, whiteStrokePaint);
                canvas.DrawLine(10, -135, 100, -160, whiteStrokePaint);


            // Draw tail
            canvas.DrawPath(catTailPath, blackStrokePaint);

            // Clock background
            canvas.DrawCircle(0, 0, 100, blackFillPaint);

            // Hour and minute marks
            for (int angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += 6)
                canvas.DrawCircle(0, -90, angle % 30 == 0 ? 4 : 2, whiteFillPaint);

            // Hour hand white
            canvas.RotateDegrees(30 * dateTime.Hour + dateTime.Minute / 2f);
            whiteStrokePaint.StrokeWidth = 15;
            canvas.DrawLine(0, 0, 0, -50, whiteStrokePaint);

            // Hour hand gray
            canvas.RotateDegrees(30 * dateTime.Hour + dateTime.Minute / 2f);
            grayStrokePaint.StrokeWidth = 10;
            canvas.DrawLine(0, 0, 0, -50, grayStrokePaint);

            // Minute hand white
            canvas.RotateDegrees(6 * dateTime.Minute + dateTime.Second / 10f);
            whiteStrokePaint.StrokeWidth = 10;
            canvas.DrawLine(0, 0, 0, -70, whiteStrokePaint);

            // Minute hand gray
            canvas.RotateDegrees(6 * dateTime.Minute + dateTime.Second / 10f);
            grayStrokePaint.StrokeWidth = 5;
            canvas.DrawLine(0, 0, 0, -70, grayStrokePaint);

            // Second hand
            float seconds = dateTime.Second + dateTime.Millisecond / 1000f;

            canvas.RotateDegrees(6 * seconds);
            whiteStrokePaint.StrokeWidth = 2;
            canvas.DrawLine(0, 0, 0, -80, whiteStrokePaint);

            // Draw middle dot
            canvas.DrawCircle(0, 0, 3, blackFillPaint);
Beispiel #3
        public static void Draw(SKCanvas canvas, double screenWidth, double screenHeight, ZoomInOutWidget zoomInOut,
                                float layerOpacity)
            // If this widget belongs to no viewport, than stop drawing
            if (zoomInOut.Map == null)

            // If this is the first time, we call this renderer, ...
            if (paintStroke == null)
                // ... than create the paints
                paintStroke     = CreatePaint(zoomInOut.StrokeColor.ToSkia(layerOpacity), stroke, SKPaintStyle.Stroke);
                paintBackground = CreatePaint(zoomInOut.BackColor.ToSkia(layerOpacity), stroke, SKPaintStyle.Fill);
                paintText       = CreatePaint(zoomInOut.TextColor.ToSkia(layerOpacity), stroke, SKPaintStyle.Fill);
                // Update paints with new values
                paintStroke.Color     = zoomInOut.StrokeColor.ToSkia(zoomInOut.Opacity);
                paintBackground.Color = zoomInOut.BackColor.ToSkia(zoomInOut.Opacity);
                paintText.Color       = zoomInOut.TextColor.ToSkia(zoomInOut.Opacity);

            var posX = zoomInOut.CalculatePositionX(0, (float)screenWidth, zoomInOut.Orientation == Orientation.Vertical ? zoomInOut.Size : zoomInOut.Size * 2 - stroke);
            var posY = zoomInOut.CalculatePositionY(0, (float)screenHeight, zoomInOut.Orientation == Orientation.Vertical ? zoomInOut.Size * 2 - stroke : zoomInOut.Size);

            // Draw a rect for zoom in button
            SKRect rect;

            rect = new SKRect(posX, posY, posX + zoomInOut.Size, posY + zoomInOut.Size);
            canvas.DrawRoundRect(rect, 2, 2, paintBackground);
            canvas.DrawRoundRect(rect, 2, 2, paintStroke);

            // Draw rect for zoom out button
            if (zoomInOut.Orientation == Orientation.Vertical)
                rect = new SKRect(posX, posY + zoomInOut.Size, posX + zoomInOut.Size, posY + zoomInOut.Size * 2 - stroke);
                rect = new SKRect(posX + zoomInOut.Size, posY, posX + zoomInOut.Size * 2 - stroke, posY + zoomInOut.Size);
            canvas.DrawRoundRect(rect, 2, 2, paintBackground);
            canvas.DrawRoundRect(rect, 2, 2, paintStroke);

            // Draw +
            canvas.DrawLine(posX + zoomInOut.Size * 0.3f, posY + zoomInOut.Size * 0.5f, posX + zoomInOut.Size * 0.7f, posY + zoomInOut.Size * 0.5f, paintText);
            canvas.DrawLine(posX + zoomInOut.Size * 0.5f, posY + zoomInOut.Size * 0.3f, posX + zoomInOut.Size * 0.5f, posY + zoomInOut.Size * 0.7f, paintText);

            // Draw -
            if (zoomInOut.Orientation == Orientation.Vertical)
                canvas.DrawLine(posX + zoomInOut.Size * 0.3f, posY - stroke + zoomInOut.Size * 1.5f, posX + zoomInOut.Size * 0.7f, posY - stroke + zoomInOut.Size * 1.5f, paintText);
                canvas.DrawLine(posX - stroke + zoomInOut.Size * 1.3f, posY + zoomInOut.Size * 0.5f, posX - stroke + zoomInOut.Size * 1.7f, posY + zoomInOut.Size * 0.5f, paintText);

            // Perhaps we should resize the Envelop about half of stroke, because of Skia rendering have of line outside
            if (zoomInOut.Orientation == Orientation.Vertical)
                zoomInOut.Envelope = new BoundingBox(posX, posY, posX + rect.Width, posY + rect.Width * 2 - stroke);
                zoomInOut.Envelope = new BoundingBox(posX, posY, posX + rect.Width * 2 - stroke, posY + rect.Width);
Beispiel #4
        private void canvasView_PaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
            SKSurface surface = e.Surface;
            SKCanvas  canvas  = surface.Canvas;


            int width  = e.Info.Width;
            int height = e.Info.Height;

            // Set transforms
            canvas.Translate(width / 2, height / 2);
            canvas.Scale(Math.Min(width / 210f, height / 520f));

            // Get DateTime
            DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Head
            canvas.DrawCircle(0, -160, 75, blackFillPaint);

            // Draw ears and eyes
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                canvas.Scale(2 * i - 1, 1);

                canvas.Translate(-65, -255);
                canvas.DrawPath(catEarPath, blackFillPaint);

                canvas.Translate(10, -170);
                canvas.DrawPath(catEyePath, greenFillPaint);
                canvas.DrawPath(catPupilPath, blackFillPaint);

                // Draw whiskers
                canvas.DrawLine(10, -120, 100, -100, whiteStrokePaint);
                canvas.DrawLine(10, -125, 100, -120, whiteStrokePaint);
                canvas.DrawLine(10, -130, 100, -140, whiteStrokePaint);
                canvas.DrawLine(10, -135, 100, -160, whiteStrokePaint);


            // Move Tail
            float t = (float)Math.Sin((dateTime.Second % 2 + dateTime.Millisecond / 1000.0) * Math.PI);

            catTailPath.MoveTo(0, 100);
            SKPoint point1 = new SKPoint(-50 * t, 200);
            SKPoint point2 = new SKPoint(0, 250 - Math.Abs(50 * t));
            SKPoint point3 = new SKPoint(50 * t, 250 - Math.Abs(75 * t));

            catTailPath.CubicTo(point1, point2, point3);

            canvas.DrawPath(catTailPath, blackStrokePaint);

            // Clock background
            canvas.DrawCircle(0, 0, 100, blackFillPaint);

            // Hour and minute marks
            for (int angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += 6)
                canvas.DrawCircle(0, -90, angle % 30 == 0 ? 4 : 2, whiteFillPaint);

            // Hour hand
            canvas.RotateDegrees(30 * dateTime.Hour + dateTime.Minute / 2f);
            canvas.DrawPath(hourHandPath, grayFillPaint);
            canvas.DrawPath(hourHandPath, whiteStrokePaint);

            // Minute hand
            canvas.RotateDegrees(6 * dateTime.Minute + dateTime.Second / 10f);
            canvas.DrawPath(minuteHandPath, grayFillPaint);
            canvas.DrawPath(minuteHandPath, whiteStrokePaint);

            // Second hand
            float seconds = dateTime.Second + dateTime.Millisecond / 1000f;

            canvas.RotateDegrees(6 * seconds);
            whiteStrokePaint.StrokeWidth = 2;
            canvas.DrawLine(0, 10, 0, -80, whiteStrokePaint);
Beispiel #5
        public byte[] GetImage(string referenceName, int zoomLevel, int chunk)
            var refer  = _service._references.First(r => r.Name == referenceName);
            var height = (_service._histograms[refer.Name].Max() + 1) * 15;

            using var surface     = SKSurface.Create(new SKImageInfo(WIDTH, height));
            using SKCanvas canvas = surface.Canvas;

            using SKPaint paint = new SKPaint
                      Style       = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                      Color       = SKColors.Black,
                      StrokeWidth = 1

            using SKPaint fillPaint = new SKPaint
                      Style       = SKPaintStyle.Fill,
                      Color       = SKColors.Blue,
                      StrokeWidth = 1

            using SKPaint reverseFillPaint = new SKPaint
                      Style       = SKPaintStyle.Fill,
                      Color       = SKColors.Red,
                      StrokeWidth = 1

            var startY = 7;
            var list   = new List <long> {

            using var reader = new StreamReader($"{_service._references.IndexOf(refer)}.tmp");
            string line;

            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                var splitLine = line.Split('\t');

                var read = new SamFile
                    QueryName       = splitLine[0],
                    ReferenceName   = splitLine[1],
                    StartingPos     = int.Parse(splitLine[2]),
                    DrawExpressions = DataService.GetDrawExpressions(splitLine[3]),
                    Reverse         = bool.Parse(splitLine[4])

                var realStartingX = zoomLevel * read.StartingPos;

                if (realStartingX >= (chunk + 1) * WIDTH)

                var index      = list.FindIndex(i => realStartingX > i + 1);
                var y          = startY * (index != -1 ? index : list.Count);
                var lineLength = read.DrawExpressions.Sum(de => de.Length) * zoomLevel;

                if (index == -1)
                    list.Add(realStartingX + lineLength);
                    list[index] = realStartingX + lineLength;

                realStartingX -= chunk * WIDTH;

                if (realStartingX < 0 && realStartingX + lineLength < 0)

                canvas.DrawLine(new SKPoint(realStartingX, y + 3), new SKPoint(realStartingX + lineLength, y + 3), paint);

                var currentX = realStartingX;
                foreach (var draw in read.DrawExpressions)
                    if (draw.Type == DrawType.Rectangle)
                        canvas.DrawRect(currentX, y, draw.Length * zoomLevel, 5, read.Reverse ? reverseFillPaint : fillPaint);
                        canvas.DrawRect(currentX, y, draw.Length * zoomLevel, 5, paint);
                    currentX += draw.Length * zoomLevel;


            var      width      = (chunk + 1) * WIDTH * zoomLevel > refer.Length * zoomLevel ? refer.Length * zoomLevel % WIDTH : WIDTH;
            var      realHeight = 7 * (list.Count + 1);
            SKPixmap pixmap     = surface.Snapshot().Subset(SKRectI.Create(0, 0, width, realHeight)).PeekPixels();

            SKData data;

            if (realHeight > 15000)
                data = pixmap.Encode(SKPngEncoderOptions.Default);
                var options = new SKWebpEncoderOptions(SKWebpEncoderCompression.Lossless, 100);
                data = pixmap.Encode(options);

Beispiel #6
        private void ReadElement(XElement e, SKCanvas canvas, SKPaint stroke, SKPaint fill)
            // transform matrix
            var transform = ReadTransform(e.Attribute("transform")?.Value ?? string.Empty);

            canvas.Concat(ref transform);

            // SVG element
            var elementName = e.Name.LocalName;
            var isGroup     = elementName == "g";

            // read style
            var style = ReadPaints(e, ref stroke, ref fill, isGroup);

            // parse elements
            switch (elementName)
            case "text":
                if (stroke != null || fill != null)
                    ReadText(e, canvas, stroke?.Clone(), fill?.Clone());

            case "rect":
                if (stroke != null || fill != null)
                    var x      = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("x"));
                    var y      = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("y"));
                    var width  = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("width"));
                    var height = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("height"));
                    var rx     = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("rx"));
                    var ry     = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("ry"));
                    var rect   = SKRect.Create(x, y, width, height);
                    if (rx > 0 || ry > 0)
                        if (fill != null)
                            canvas.DrawRoundRect(rect, rx, ry, fill);
                        if (stroke != null)
                            canvas.DrawRoundRect(rect, rx, ry, stroke);
                        if (fill != null)
                            canvas.DrawRect(rect, fill);
                        if (stroke != null)
                            canvas.DrawRect(rect, stroke);

            case "ellipse":
                if (stroke != null || fill != null)
                    var cx = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("cx"));
                    var cy = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("cy"));
                    var rx = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("rx"));
                    var ry = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("ry"));
                    if (fill != null)
                        canvas.DrawOval(cx, cy, rx, ry, fill);
                    if (stroke != null)
                        canvas.DrawOval(cx, cy, rx, ry, stroke);

            case "circle":
                if (stroke != null || fill != null)
                    var cx = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("cx"));
                    var cy = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("cy"));
                    var rr = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("r"));
                    if (fill != null)
                        canvas.DrawCircle(cx, cy, rr, fill);
                    if (stroke != null)
                        canvas.DrawCircle(cx, cy, rr, stroke);

            case "path":
                if (stroke != null || fill != null)
                    var d = e.Attribute("d")?.Value;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(d))
                        var path = SKPath.ParseSvgPathData(d);
                        if (fill != null)
                            canvas.DrawPath(path, fill);
                        if (stroke != null)
                            canvas.DrawPath(path, stroke);

            case "polygon":
            case "polyline":
                if (stroke != null || fill != null)
                    var close = elementName == "polygon";
                    var p     = e.Attribute("points")?.Value;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p))
                        var path = ReadPolyPath(p, close);
                        if (fill != null)
                            canvas.DrawPath(path, fill);
                        if (stroke != null)
                            canvas.DrawPath(path, stroke);

            case "g":
                if (e.HasElements)
                    // get current group opacity
                    float groupOpacity = ReadOpacity(style);
                    if (groupOpacity != 1.0f)
                        var opacity      = (byte)(255 * groupOpacity);
                        var opacityPaint = new SKPaint {
                            Color = SKColors.Black.WithAlpha(opacity)

                        // apply the opacity

                    foreach (var gElement in e.Elements())
                        ReadElement(gElement, canvas, stroke?.Clone(), fill?.Clone());

                    // restore state
                    if (groupOpacity != 1.0f)

            case "use":
                if (e.HasAttributes)
                    var href = ReadHref(e);
                    if (href != null)
                        // TODO: copy/process other attributes

                        var x            = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("x"));
                        var y            = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("y"));
                        var useTransform = SKMatrix.MakeTranslation(x, y);

                        canvas.Concat(ref useTransform);

                        ReadElement(href, canvas, stroke?.Clone(), fill?.Clone());


            case "line":
                if (stroke != null)
                    var x1 = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("x1"));
                    var x2 = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("x2"));
                    var y1 = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("y1"));
                    var y2 = ReadNumber(e.Attribute("y2"));
                    canvas.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, stroke);

            case "switch":
                if (e.HasElements)
                    foreach (var ee in e.Elements())
                        var requiredFeatures   = ee.Attribute("requiredFeatures");
                        var requiredExtensions = ee.Attribute("requiredExtensions");
                        var systemLanguage     = ee.Attribute("systemLanguage");

                        // TODO: evaluate requiredFeatures, requiredExtensions and systemLanguage
                        var isVisible =
                            requiredFeatures == null &&
                            requiredExtensions == null &&
                            systemLanguage == null;

                        if (isVisible)
                            ReadElement(ee, canvas, stroke?.Clone(), fill?.Clone());

            case "defs":
            case "title":
            case "desc":
            case "description":
                // already read earlier

                LogOrThrow($"SVG element '{elementName}' is not supported");

            // restore matrix
Beispiel #7
        private void canvas_PaintSurface(object sender, SkiaSharp.Views.Forms.SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
            SKImageInfo info    = e.Info;
            SKSurface   surface = e.Surface;
            SKCanvas    canvas  = surface.Canvas;

            SKPaint strokePaint = GetPaintColor(SKPaintStyle.Stroke, null, 10, SKStrokeCap.Square);
            SKPaint dotPaint    = GetPaintColor(SKPaintStyle.Fill, "#DE0469");
            SKPaint hrPaint     = GetPaintColor(SKPaintStyle.Stroke, "#262626", 4, SKStrokeCap.Square);
            SKPaint minPaint    = GetPaintColor(SKPaintStyle.Stroke, "#DE0469", 2, SKStrokeCap.Square);
            SKPaint bgPaint     = GetPaintColor(SKPaintStyle.Fill, "#FFFFFF");


            SKRect arcRect = new SKRect(10, 10, info.Width - 10, info.Height - 10);
            SKRect bgRect  = new SKRect(25, 25, info.Width - 25, info.Height - 25);

            canvas.DrawOval(bgRect, bgPaint);

            strokePaint.Shader = SKShader.CreateLinearGradient(
                new SKPoint(arcRect.Left, arcRect.Top),
                new SKPoint(arcRect.Right, arcRect.Bottom),
                new SKColor[] { SKColor.Parse("#DE0469"), SKColors.Transparent },
                new float[] { 0, 1 },

            path.ArcTo(arcRect, 45, arcLength, true);
            canvas.DrawPath(path, strokePaint);

            canvas.Translate(info.Width / 2, info.Height / 2);
            canvas.Scale(info.Width / 200f);

            canvas.DrawCircle(0, -75, 2, dotPaint);

            DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now;

            //Draw hour hand
            canvas.RotateDegrees(30 * dateTime.Hour + dateTime.Minute / 2f);
            canvas.DrawLine(0, 5, 0, -60, hrPaint);

            //Draw minute hand
            canvas.RotateDegrees(6 * dateTime.Minute + dateTime.Second / 10f);
            canvas.DrawLine(0, 10, 0, -90, minPaint);

            canvas.DrawCircle(0, 0, 5, dotPaint);

            secondsTxt.Text = dateTime.Second.ToString("00");
            timeTxt.Text    = dateTime.ToString("hh:mm");
            periodTxt.Text  = dateTime.Hour >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM";

            var alarmDiff = alarmDate - dateTime;

            alarmTxt.Text = $"{alarmDiff.Hours}h {alarmDiff.Minutes}m until next alarm";
Beispiel #8
 public void DrawLine(Vector2 from, Vector2 to)
     _skiaCanvas.DrawLine(from.ToSkiaPoint(), to.ToSkiaPoint(), _skiaPaint);
        private void SKCanvasView_PaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
            SKSurface surface = e.Surface;
            SKCanvas  canvas  = surface.Canvas;


            int width  = e.Info.Width;
            int height = e.Info.Height;

            double heightAsDp = Height;
            double widthAsDp  = Width;
            var    density    = width / widthAsDp;

            float tickSizeAsPixel        = (float)density * TickSize;
            float currentTickSizeAsPixel = (float)density * CurrentTickSize;
            float tickWidthAsPixel       = (float)density * TickWidth;

            TickPaint = new SKPaint()
                Color       = SKColors.Wheat,
                Style       = SKPaintStyle.StrokeAndFill,
                StrokeWidth = tickWidthAsPixel,
                IsAntialias = IsAntialias,
            CurrentTickPaint = new SKPaint()
                Color       = SKColors.MediumVioletRed,
                Style       = SKPaintStyle.StrokeAndFill,
                StrokeWidth = tickWidthAsPixel * 1.5f,
                IsAntialias = IsAntialias,
            EllepsedTickPaint = new SKPaint()
                Color       = SKColors.MidnightBlue,
                Style       = SKPaintStyle.StrokeAndFill,
                StrokeWidth = tickWidthAsPixel,
                IsAntialias = IsAntialias,

            int   radius            = (width <= height ? width : height) / 2;
            float TickMargin        = currentTickSizeAsPixel - tickSizeAsPixel;
            float degreeStep        = (Direction == Direction.Clockwise ? 1 : -1) * (FinishAngleDegree - StartAngleDegree) / TickCount;
            float currentTickDegree = CurrentTick * (Direction == Direction.Clockwise ? 1 : -1) * (FinishAngleDegree - StartAngleDegree) / TickCount;
            var   tickStartRadius   = radius - currentTickSizeAsPixel;
            var   tickEndRadius     = radius - TickMargin;

            canvas.Translate(width / 2, height / 2);

            for (int i = 0; i < TickCount; i++)
                if (i < CurrentTick)
                    canvas.DrawLine(0, tickStartRadius, 0, tickEndRadius, EllepsedTickPaint);
                    canvas.DrawLine(0, tickStartRadius, 0, tickEndRadius, TickPaint);


            canvas.RotateDegrees(StartAngleDegree + currentTickDegree);
            canvas.DrawLine(0, tickStartRadius, 0, radius, CurrentTickPaint);
Beispiel #10
        public byte[] DrawAreaAtSize(ImageStats stats, List <CompletePaintOp> paintOps)
            //This is the new core drawing function. Once the paint operations have been created, I just draw them here.
            //baseline image data stuff
            SKBitmap bitmap = new SKBitmap(stats.imageSizeX, stats.imageSizeY, SKColorType.Rgba8888, SKAlphaType.Premul);
            SKCanvas canvas = new SKCanvas(bitmap);

            canvas.Scale(1, -1, stats.imageSizeX / 2, stats.imageSizeY / 2);
            SKPaint paint = new SKPaint();

            foreach (var w in paintOps.OrderByDescending(p => p.paintOp.LayerId).ThenByDescending(p => p.areaSize))
                paint = cachedPaints[w.paintOp.Id]; //SetPaintForTPP(w.paintOp); // w.paintOp.paint;

                if (w.paintOp.FromTag)              //FromTag is for when you are saving color data directly to each element, instead of tying it to a styleset.
                    paint.Color = SKColor.Parse(w.tagValue);

                if (w.paintOp.Randomize) //To randomize the color on every Draw call.
                    paint.Color = new SKColor((byte)r.Next(0, 255), (byte)r.Next(0, 255), (byte)r.Next(0, 255), 99);

                paint.StrokeWidth = (float)w.lineWidthPixels;
                var path = new SKPath();
                switch (w.elementGeometry.GeometryType)
                case "Polygon":
                    var p = w.elementGeometry as Polygon;
                    //if (p.Envelope.Length < (stats.degreesPerPixelX * 4)) //This poly's perimeter is too small to draw
                    path.AddPoly(PolygonToSKPoints(p.ExteriorRing, stats.area, stats.degreesPerPixelX, stats.degreesPerPixelY));
                    foreach (var ir in p.Holes)
                        //if (ir.Envelope.Length < (w.lineWidth * 4)) //This poly's perimeter is less than 2x2 pixels in size.
                        path.AddPoly(PolygonToSKPoints(ir, stats.area, stats.degreesPerPixelX, stats.degreesPerPixelY));
                    canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);

                case "MultiPolygon":
                    foreach (var p2 in ((MultiPolygon)w.elementGeometry).Geometries)
                        //if (p2.Envelope.Length < (stats.degreesPerPixelX * 4)) //This poly's perimeter is too small to draw
                        var p2p = p2 as Polygon;
                        path.AddPoly(PolygonToSKPoints(p2p.ExteriorRing, stats.area, stats.degreesPerPixelX, stats.degreesPerPixelY));
                        foreach (var ir in p2p.Holes)
                            //if (ir.Envelope.Length < (stats.degreesPerPixelX * 4)) //This poly's perimeter is too small to draw
                            // continue;
                            path.AddPoly(PolygonToSKPoints(ir, stats.area, stats.degreesPerPixelX, stats.degreesPerPixelY));
                        canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);

                case "LineString":
                    var firstPoint = w.elementGeometry.Coordinates.First();
                    var lastPoint  = w.elementGeometry.Coordinates.Last();
                    var points     = PolygonToSKPoints(w.elementGeometry, stats.area, stats.degreesPerPixelX, stats.degreesPerPixelY);
                    if (firstPoint.Equals(lastPoint))
                        //This is a closed shape. Check to see if it's supposed to be filled in.
                        if (paint.Style == SKPaintStyle.Fill)
                            canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);
                    //if (w.lineWidth < 1) //Don't draw lines we can't see.
                    for (var line = 0; line < points.Length - 1; line++)
                        canvas.DrawLine(points[line], points[line + 1], paint);

                case "MultiLineString":
                    //if (w.lineWidth < 1) //Don't draw lines we can't see.
                    foreach (var p3 in ((MultiLineString)w.elementGeometry).Geometries)
                        var points2 = PolygonToSKPoints(p3, stats.area, stats.degreesPerPixelX, stats.degreesPerPixelY);
                        for (var line = 0; line < points2.Length - 1; line++)
                            canvas.DrawLine(points2[line], points2[line + 1], paint);

                case "Point":
                    var convertedPoint = PolygonToSKPoints(w.elementGeometry, stats.area, stats.degreesPerPixelX, stats.degreesPerPixelY);
                    //If this type has an icon, use it. Otherwise draw a circle in that type's color.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(w.paintOp.FileName))
                        SKBitmap icon = SKBitmap.Decode(TagParser.cachedBitmaps[w.paintOp.FileName]);     //TODO optimize by making icons in Initialize.
                        canvas.DrawBitmap(icon, convertedPoint[0]);
                        var circleRadius = (float)(ConstantValues.resolutionCell10 / stats.degreesPerPixelX / 2);     //I want points to be drawn as 1 Cell10 in diameter.
                        canvas.DrawCircle(convertedPoint[0], circleRadius, paint);
                        //TODO re-add outline paint to this DLL not TagParser.
                        //canvas.DrawCircle(convertedPoint[0], circleRadius, TagParser.outlinePaint);

                    Log.WriteLog("Unknown geometry type found, not drawn.");

            var ms   = new MemoryStream();
            var skms = new SKManagedWStream(ms);

            bitmap.Encode(skms, SKEncodedImageFormat.Png, 100);
            var results = ms.ToArray();

            skms.Dispose(); ms.Close(); ms.Dispose();
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an SVG image instead of a PNG file, but otherwise operates the same as DrawAreaAtSize.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stats">the image properties to draw</param>
        /// <param name="drawnItems">the list of elements to draw. Will load from the database if null.</param>
        /// <param name="styles">a dictionary of TagParserEntries to select to draw</param>
        /// <param name="filterSmallAreas">if true, skips entries below a certain size when drawing.</param>
        /// <returns>a string containing the SVG XML</returns>
        public string DrawAreaAtSizeSVG(ImageStats stats, List <DbTables.Place> drawnItems = null, Dictionary <string, StyleEntry> styles = null, bool filterSmallAreas = true)
            //TODO: make this take CompletePaintOps
            //This is the new core drawing function. Takes in an area, the items to draw, and the size of the image to draw.
            //The drawn items get their paint pulled from the TagParser's list. If I need multiple match lists, I'll need to make a way
            //to pick which list of tagparser rules to use.

            if (styles == null)
                styles = TagParser.allStyleGroups.First().Value;

            double minimumSize = 0;

            if (filterSmallAreas)
                minimumSize = stats.degreesPerPixelX; //don't draw elements under 1 pixel in size. at slippy zoom 12, this is approx. 1 pixel for a Cell10.
            var db  = new PraxisContext();
            var geo = Converters.GeoAreaToPolygon(stats.area);

            if (drawnItems == null)
                drawnItems = GetPlaces(stats.area, filterSize: minimumSize);

            //baseline image data stuff
            //SKBitmap bitmap = new SKBitmap(stats.imageSizeX, stats.imageSizeY, SKColorType.Rgba8888, SKAlphaType.Premul);
            var          bounds = new SKRect(0, 0, stats.imageSizeX, stats.imageSizeY);
            MemoryStream s      = new MemoryStream();
            SKCanvas     canvas = SKSvgCanvas.Create(bounds, s); //output not guaranteed to be complete until the canvas is deleted?!?
            //SKCanvas canvas = new SKCanvas(bitmap);
            var bgColor = SKColor.Parse(styles["background"].PaintOperations.First().HtmlColorCode);

            //Backgound is a named style, unmatched will be the last entry and transparent.
            canvas.Scale(1, -1, stats.imageSizeX / 2, stats.imageSizeY / 2);
            SKPaint paint = new SKPaint();

            //I guess what I want here is a list of an object with an elementGeometry object for the shape, and a paintOp attached to it
            var pass1 = drawnItems.Select(d => new { d.AreaSize, d.ElementGeometry, paintOp = styles[d.GameElementName].PaintOperations });
            var pass2 = new List <CompletePaintOp>(drawnItems.Count() * 2);

            foreach (var op in pass1)
                foreach (var po in op.paintOp)
                    pass2.Add(new CompletePaintOp(op.ElementGeometry, op.AreaSize, po, "", po.LineWidthDegrees * stats.pixelsPerDegreeX));

            foreach (var w in pass2.OrderByDescending(p => p.paintOp.LayerId).ThenByDescending(p => p.areaSize))
                paint = cachedPaints[w.paintOp.Id];
                if (paint.Color.Alpha == 0)
                    continue; //This area is transparent, skip drawing it entirely.
                if (stats.degreesPerPixelX > w.paintOp.MaxDrawRes || stats.degreesPerPixelX < w.paintOp.MinDrawRes)
                    continue; //This area isn't drawn at this scale.
                var path = new SKPath();
                switch (w.elementGeometry.GeometryType)
                //Polygons without holes are super easy and fast: draw the path.
                //Polygons with holes require their own bitmap to be drawn correctly and then overlaid onto the canvas.
                //I want to use paths to fix things for performance reasons, but I have to use Bitmaps because paths apply their blend mode to
                //ALL elements already drawn, not just the last one.
                case "Polygon":
                    var p = w.elementGeometry as Polygon;

                    path.AddPoly(PolygonToSKPoints(p, stats.area, stats.degreesPerPixelX, stats.degreesPerPixelY));
                    foreach (var hole in p.InteriorRings)
                        path.AddPoly(PolygonToSKPoints(hole, stats.area, stats.degreesPerPixelX, stats.degreesPerPixelY));
                    canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);


                case "MultiPolygon":
                    foreach (var p2 in ((MultiPolygon)w.elementGeometry).Geometries)
                        var p2p = p2 as Polygon;
                        path.AddPoly(PolygonToSKPoints(p2p, stats.area, stats.degreesPerPixelX, stats.degreesPerPixelY));
                        foreach (var hole in p2p.InteriorRings)
                            path.AddPoly(PolygonToSKPoints(hole, stats.area, stats.degreesPerPixelX, stats.degreesPerPixelY));
                        canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);

                case "LineString":
                    var firstPoint = w.elementGeometry.Coordinates.First();
                    var lastPoint  = w.elementGeometry.Coordinates.Last();
                    var points     = PolygonToSKPoints(w.elementGeometry, stats.area, stats.degreesPerPixelX, stats.degreesPerPixelY);
                    if (firstPoint.Equals(lastPoint))
                        //This is a closed shape. Check to see if it's supposed to be filled in.
                        if (paint.Style == SKPaintStyle.Fill)
                            canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);
                    for (var line = 0; line < points.Length - 1; line++)
                        canvas.DrawLine(points[line], points[line + 1], paint);

                case "MultiLineString":
                    foreach (var p3 in ((MultiLineString)w.elementGeometry).Geometries)
                        var points2 = PolygonToSKPoints(p3, stats.area, stats.degreesPerPixelX, stats.degreesPerPixelY);
                        for (var line = 0; line < points2.Length - 1; line++)
                            canvas.DrawLine(points2[line], points2[line + 1], paint);

                case "Point":
                    var convertedPoint = PolygonToSKPoints(w.elementGeometry, stats.area, stats.degreesPerPixelX, stats.degreesPerPixelY);
                    //If this type has an icon, use it. Otherwise draw a circle in that type's color.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(w.paintOp.FileName))
                        SKBitmap icon = SKBitmap.Decode(TagParser.cachedBitmaps[w.paintOp.FileName]);     //TODO optimize by creating in Initialize
                        canvas.DrawBitmap(icon, convertedPoint[0]);
                        var circleRadius = (float)(ConstantValues.resolutionCell10 / stats.degreesPerPixelX / 2);     //I want points to be drawn as 1 Cell10 in diameter.
                        canvas.DrawCircle(convertedPoint[0], circleRadius, paint);

                    Log.WriteLog("Unknown geometry type found, not drawn.");
            canvas     = null;
            s.Position = 0;
            var svgData = new StreamReader(s).ReadToEnd();

 public override void Draw(SKCanvas canvas, SKPaint paint, int x, int y)
     canvas.DrawLine(new SKPoint(x - 100, y), new SKPoint(x + 100, y), paint);
        public void Render(SKCanvas canvas, MapDataContext mapDataContext)
            var solarSystemVertexes = new List <SolarSystemVertex>();

            foreach (var solarSystem in mapDataContext.SolarSystems)
                solarSystemVertexes.Add(new SolarSystemVertex(solarSystem));

            var voronoiMesh  = VoronoiMesh.Create <SolarSystemVertex, SolarySystemTriangulationCell>(solarSystemVertexes);
            var voronoiCells = CreateVoronoiCells(voronoiMesh);

            using (var paint = new SKPaint())
                paint.Style       = SKPaintStyle.Fill;
                paint.IsAntialias = true;

                foreach (var cell in voronoiCells)
                    var solarSystem  = cell.SolarSystemVertex.SolarSystem;
                    var cellVertices = cell.SolarSystemVoronoiEdges;
                    var points       = SortVertices(cellVertices.SelectMany(x => new List <SKPoint>()
                        x.PointOne, x.PointTwo

                    if (solarSystem.allianceID != null && solarSystem.allianceID != 0)
                        var md5  = MD5.Create();
                        var hash = md5.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(solarSystem.allianceID.ToString()));
                        paint.Color = new SKColor(hash[0], hash[1], hash[2]).WithAlpha(60);

                        var path = new SKPath();

                        // for (var i = 0; i < cellVertices.Count(); i++)
                        // {
                        //     path.MoveTo(cellVertices[i].PointOne);
                        //     path.LineTo(cellVertices[i].PointTwo);
                        // }

                        for (var i = 0; i < points.Count(); i++)

                        canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);

                        // canvas.DrawPoints(SKPointMode.Polygon, points, paint);
                        paint.Color = new SKColor(0xB0, 0xB0, 0xFF).WithAlpha(50);
                        var path = new SKPath();
                        for (var i = 0; i < cellVertices.Count(); i++)

                        // canvas.DrawPath(path, paint);

                    // paint.Color = new SKColor(randomBytes[0], randomBytes[1], randomBytes[2]);
                canvas.DrawLine(new SKPoint(0.0f, 0.0f), new SKPoint(100.0f, 100.0f), paint);
        public static void DrawLine(this SKCanvas canvas, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, SKColor color, int thickness = 1)
            using var paint = new SKPaint { Color = color, StrokeWidth = thickness };

            canvas.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, paint);
 public override bool Draw(SKCanvas c)
     c.DrawLine(Point1.X, Point1.Y, Point2.X, Point2.Y, Paint);
Beispiel #16
        private void OnCanvasViewPaintSurfaceAsync(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
            var ArenaCell = (SKCanvasView)sender;

            int[] index = new int[2] {
                int.Parse(ArenaCell.StyleId[0].ToString()), int.Parse(ArenaCell.StyleId[1].ToString())

            SKImageInfo info    = e.Info;
            SKSurface   surface = e.Surface;
            SKCanvas    canvas  = surface.Canvas;


            if (ArenaCell.StyleId == "98")
                if (GameViewModel.PlayerSymbol == 'X')
                    x = info.Width;
                    y = info.Height;
                    canvas.DrawLine(40, 40, x - 40, y - 40, paint);
                    canvas.DrawLine(40, y - 40, x - 40, 40, paint);
                    x = info.Width;
                    canvas.DrawCircle(info.Width / 2, info.Height / 2, (x / 2) - 30, paint);
            else if (ArenaCell.StyleId == "99")
                if (GameViewModel.OpponentSymbol == 'X')
                    x = info.Width;
                    y = info.Height;
                    canvas.DrawLine(40, 40, x - 40, y - 40, paint);
                    canvas.DrawLine(40, y - 40, x - 40, 40, paint);
                    x = info.Width;
                    canvas.DrawCircle(info.Width / 2, info.Height / 2, (x / 2) - 30, paint);
            else if (GameViewModel.ArenaMatrix[index[0], index[1]] == ' ')
            else if (GameViewModel.ArenaMatrix[index[0], index[1]] == 'X')
                x = info.Width;
                y = info.Height;
                canvas.DrawLine(35, 35, x - 35, y - 35, paint);
                canvas.DrawLine(35, y - 35, x - 35, 35, paint);
                x = info.Width;
                int i = 35;
                canvas.DrawCircle(info.Width / 2, info.Height / 2, (x / 2) - i, paint);
Beispiel #17
        private void OnCanvasViewPaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs args)
            SKImageInfo  info       = args.Info;
            SKSurface    surface    = args.Surface;
            SKCanvas     canvas     = surface.Canvas;
            SKCanvasView canvasView = (SKCanvasView)sender;
            Pattern      pattern    = (Pattern)canvasView.BindingContext;

            int diagramsize = pattern.Fretboard.GetLength(1) - pattern.FirstFret + 1;

            diagramsize = diagramsize > 5 ? diagramsize : 5;
            int       scale = info.Width / diagramsize;
            int       scalecenter = (int)(scale * 0.5f);
            int       neckright = (int)(scale * 3.5f);
            int       radius = (int)(scale * 0.4f);
            int       firstfret = pattern.FirstFret;
            int       numfrets = pattern.Fretboard.GetLength(1);
            int       numstrings = pattern.Fretboard.GetLength(0);
            const int pad = 15;
            int       i, j;

            SKPaint notes = new SKPaint
                Style       = SKPaintStyle.StrokeAndFill,
                Color       = Color.Black.ToSKColor(),
                StrokeWidth = 1,
                TextSize    = scale
            SKPaint lines = new SKPaint
                Style       = SKPaintStyle.StrokeAndFill,
                StrokeWidth = 5,
                Color       = Color.LightGray.ToSKColor()

            // Draw the frets
            for (j = firstfret; j < numfrets + 1 || j < 4; j++)
                int fretheight = (j - pattern.FirstFret + 1) * scale + pad;
                canvas.DrawLine(scalecenter, fretheight, neckright, fretheight, lines);

            // Draw the strings
            lines.Color = Color.Black.ToSKColor();
            for (i = 0; i < numstrings; i++)
                int stringpos = (i + 1) * scale - scalecenter;
                canvas.DrawLine(stringpos, 0, stringpos, info.Height, lines);

            // Draw the notes
            for (i = 0; i < numstrings; i++)
                for (j = firstfret; j < numfrets; j++)
                    if (pattern.Fretboard[i, j] <= 0)
                    int x = (i + 1) * scale - scalecenter;
                    int y = (j - pattern.FirstFret + 1) * scale - scalecenter + pad;
                    canvas.DrawCircle(x, y, radius, notes);

            // Draw the nut
            lines.Color       = Color.Black.ToSKColor();
            lines.StrokeWidth = pad * 2;
            canvas.DrawLine(scalecenter, 0, neckright, 0, lines);

            // Draw the first fret number, if any
            if (firstfret > 0)
                canvas.DrawText($"{firstfret + 1}", 4 * scale, scale - scalecenter + (int)(pad * 1.5f), notes);
Beispiel #18
        public void Draw(SKCanvas canvas, IReadOnlyViewport viewport, IWidget widget, float layerOpacity)
            canvas.RotateDegrees((float)viewport.Rotation, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            var TL = viewport.ScreenToWorld(canvas.LocalClipBounds.Left, canvas.LocalClipBounds.Top);
            var BR = viewport.ScreenToWorld(canvas.LocalClipBounds.Right, canvas.LocalClipBounds.Bottom);

            var width  = viewport.Extent.Width;
            var height = viewport.Extent.Height;

            var  usedLineOffset    = lineOffset;
            uint usedLineOffsetInt = (uint)usedLineOffset;

            IEnumerable <SKPaint> usedPaints = paints;

            if (viewport.Resolution > 0.25)
                usedLineOffset    *= 10; // hide 10m layer
                usedLineOffsetInt *= 10; // hide 10m layer
                usedPaints         = paintsL2;

            if (viewport.Resolution > 3)
                usedLineOffset    *= 10; // hide 100m layer
                usedLineOffsetInt *= 10; // hide 100m layer
                usedPaints         = paintsL3;

            int lineCount100M = (int)(100 / usedLineOffset);
            //How many lines are 1000m
            int lineCount1000M = (int)(1000 / usedLineOffset);

            if (lineCount100M == 0)
                lineCount100M = 9000;                     //will never be reached, if we only render 1k's
            double screenWidthPerLine  = canvas.LocalClipBounds.Width / (width / usedLineOffset);
            double screenHeightPerLine = canvas.LocalClipBounds.Height / (height / usedLineOffset);

            //World coordinates of first lineOffset line
            var first100mW = (TL.X + (usedLineOffset - TL.X % usedLineOffset));
            var first100mH = (TL.Y + (usedLineOffset - TL.Y % usedLineOffset));

            //Screen offset of first lineOffset line
            double offsetCW = ((first100mW - TL.X) / usedLineOffset) * screenWidthPerLine;
            double offsetCH = screenHeightPerLine + ((TL.Y - first100mH) / usedLineOffset) * screenHeightPerLine;

            //offset of next 1k
            int KOffsetW = (int)((first100mW % 1000) / usedLineOffset);

            if (KOffsetW < 0)
                KOffsetW = 10 + KOffsetW;
            int KOffsetH = (int)((first100mH % 1000) / usedLineOffset) - 1;

            if (lineCount1000M > 1)
                KOffsetH = lineCount1000M - KOffsetH;

            for (double curX = offsetCW; curX < canvas.LocalClipBounds.Right; curX += screenWidthPerLine)
                var worldPos  = viewport.ScreenToWorld(curX, 0).X;
                var Xgrid10KM = (uint)(worldPos / 10000) % 10;
                var Xgrid1KM  = (uint)(worldPos / 1000) % 10;
                var Xgrid100m = (uint)(worldPos / 100) % 10;
                //var Xgrid10m = (uint)(worldPos / 10) % 10;

                string gridPosString;
                if (usedLineOffsetInt == 1000)
                    gridPosString = $"{Xgrid10KM}{Xgrid1KM}";
                else if (usedLineOffsetInt == 100)
                    gridPosString = $"{Xgrid10KM}{Xgrid1KM}{Xgrid100m}";
                    gridPosString = $"{Xgrid10KM}{Xgrid1KM}{Xgrid100m}{(uint)(worldPos / 10) % 10}";

                SKPaint paint;
                if (KOffsetW >= 1000 && KOffsetW % 1000 == 0)
                    paint = usedPaints.ElementAt(0);
                if (KOffsetW >= 100 && KOffsetW % 100 == 0)
                    paint = usedPaints.ElementAt(2);
                else if (KOffsetW >= 10 && KOffsetW % 10 == 0)
                    paint = usedPaints.ElementAt(1);
                    paint = usedPaints.ElementAt(0);

                if (KOffsetW == lineCount1000M)
                    KOffsetW = 0;

                canvas.DrawLine((float)curX, 0, (float)curX, canvas.LocalClipBounds.Height, paint);

                using (var gtext = SKTextBlob.Create(gridPosString, markerFont))
                    canvas.DrawText(gtext, (float)(curX + screenWidthPerLine / 2) - gtext.Bounds.MidX,
                                    20 + gtext.Bounds.MidY,


            for (double curH = offsetCH; curH < canvas.LocalClipBounds.Bottom; curH += screenHeightPerLine)
                var worldPos  = viewport.ScreenToWorld(0, curH).Y;
                var Xgrid10KM = (uint)(worldPos / 10000) % 10;
                var Xgrid1KM  = (uint)(worldPos / 1000) % 10;
                var Xgrid100m = (uint)(worldPos / 100) % 10;
                //var Xgrid10m = (uint)(worldPos / 10) % 10;

                string gridPosString;
                if (usedLineOffsetInt == 1000)
                    gridPosString = $"{Xgrid10KM}{Xgrid1KM}";
                else if (usedLineOffsetInt == 100)
                    gridPosString = $"{Xgrid10KM}{Xgrid1KM}{Xgrid100m}";
                    gridPosString = $"{Xgrid10KM}{Xgrid1KM}{Xgrid100m}{(uint)(worldPos / 10) % 10}";

                SKPaint paint;
                if (KOffsetH >= 100 && KOffsetH % 100 == 0)
                    paint = usedPaints.ElementAt(2);
                else if (KOffsetH >= 10 && KOffsetH % 10 == 0)
                    paint = usedPaints.ElementAt(1);
                    paint = usedPaints.ElementAt(0);

                if (KOffsetH == lineCount1000M)
                    KOffsetH = 0;

                canvas.DrawLine(0, (float)curH, canvas.LocalClipBounds.Width, (float)curH, paint);

                using (var gtext = SKTextBlob.Create(gridPosString, markerFont))
                    canvas.DrawText(gtext, 0,
                                    (float)(curH + screenWidthPerLine / 2) - gtext.Bounds.MidY,

Beispiel #19
        private void OnCanvasViewPaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
            SKImageInfo info    = e.Info;
            SKSurface   surface = e.Surface;
            SKCanvas    canvas  = surface.Canvas;


            canvas.Translate(info.Width / 2, info.Height / 2);

            SKPaint paint = new SKPaint
                IsAntialias = true,
                Color       = SKColors.Black,
                StrokeWidth = 2

            canvas.DrawLine(-info.Width / 2, 0, info.Width / 2, 0, paint);
            canvas.DrawLine(0, -info.Height / 2, 0, info.Height / 2, paint);

            SKPaint paintA = new SKPaint
                IsAntialias = true,
                Color       = SKColors.Red,
                Style       = SKPaintStyle.Fill

            SKPath pathA = new SKPath();

            pathA.MoveTo(0, 0);

            pathA.LineTo(0.1f * info.Width, -0.1f * info.Height);
            pathA.LineTo(0.3f * info.Width, -0.2f * info.Height);
            pathA.LineTo(0.5f * info.Width, -0.4f * info.Height);

            pathA.LineTo(0, -0.5f * info.Height);

            pathA.LineTo(-0.5f * info.Width, -0.4f * info.Height);
            pathA.LineTo(-0.3f * info.Width, -0.2f * info.Height);
            pathA.LineTo(-0.1f * info.Width, -0.1f * info.Height);


            canvas.DrawPath(pathA, paintA);

            //SKPaint paintB= new SKPaint
            //    IsAntialias = true,
            //    Color = SKColors.Blue,
            //    Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill

            //SKPath pathB = new SKPath();
            //pathB.MoveTo(0, 0);
            //pathB.LineTo(info.Width / 8, -info.Height / 4);
            //pathB.LineTo(0, -info.Height / 2);
            //pathB.LineTo(-info.Width / 8, -info.Height / 4);

            //canvas.DrawPath(pathB, paintB);
 public override void Line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
     _skCanvas.DrawLine((float)x1, (float)y1, (float)x2, (float)y2, _stroke);
        public override void DrawContent(SKCanvas canvas, int width, int height)
            var total = this.Entries.Count();

            if (total > 0)
                var captionHeight = this.Entries.Max(x =>
                    var result = 0.0f;

                    var hasLabel      = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Label);
                    var hasValueLabel = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.ValueLabel);
                    if (hasLabel || hasValueLabel)
                        var hasOffset     = hasLabel && hasValueLabel;
                        var captionMargin = this.LabelTextSize * 0.60f;
                        var space         = hasOffset ? captionMargin : 0;

                        if (hasLabel)
                            result += this.LabelTextSize;

                        if (hasValueLabel)
                            result += this.LabelTextSize;


                var center     = new SKPoint(width / 2, height / 2);
                var radius     = ((Math.Min(width, height) - (2 * Margin)) / 2) - captionHeight;
                var rangeAngle = (float)((Math.PI * 2) / total);
                var startAngle = (float)Math.PI;

                var nextEntry = this.Entries.First();
                var nextAngle = startAngle;
                var nextPoint = this.GetPoint(nextEntry.Value, center, nextAngle, radius);

                this.DrawBorder(canvas, center, radius);

                for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
                    var angle = nextAngle;
                    var entry = nextEntry;
                    var point = nextPoint;

                    var nextIndex = (i + 1) % total;
                    nextAngle = startAngle + (rangeAngle * nextIndex);
                    nextEntry = this.Entries.ElementAt(nextIndex);
                    nextPoint = this.GetPoint(nextEntry.Value, center, nextAngle, radius);

                    // Border center bars
                    using (var paint = new SKPaint()
                        Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                        StrokeWidth = this.BorderLineSize,
                        Color = this.BorderLineColor,
                        IsAntialias = true,
                        var borderPoint = this.GetPoint(this.MaxValue, center, angle, radius);
                        canvas.DrawLine(point.X, point.Y, borderPoint.X, borderPoint.Y, paint);

                    // Values points and lines
                    using (var paint = new SKPaint()
                        Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                        StrokeWidth = this.BorderLineSize,
                        Color = entry.Color.WithAlpha((byte)(entry.Color.Alpha * 0.75f)),
                        PathEffect = SKPathEffect.CreateDash(new[] { this.BorderLineSize, this.BorderLineSize * 2 }, 0),
                        IsAntialias = true,
                        var amount = Math.Abs(entry.Value - this.AbsoluteMinimum) / this.ValueRange;
                        canvas.DrawCircle(center.X, center.Y, radius * amount, paint);

                    canvas.DrawGradientLine(center, entry.Color.WithAlpha(0), point, entry.Color.WithAlpha((byte)(entry.Color.Alpha * 0.75f)), this.LineSize);
                    canvas.DrawGradientLine(point, entry.Color, nextPoint, nextEntry.Color, this.LineSize);
                    canvas.DrawPoint(point, entry.Color, this.PointSize, this.PointMode);

                    // Labels
                    var labelPoint = this.GetPoint(this.MaxValue, center, angle, radius + this.LabelTextSize + (this.PointSize / 2));
                    var alignment  = SKTextAlign.Left;

                    if ((Math.Abs(angle - (startAngle + Math.PI)) < Epsilon) || (Math.Abs(angle - Math.PI) < Epsilon))
                        alignment = SKTextAlign.Center;
                    else if (angle > (float)(startAngle + Math.PI))
                        alignment = SKTextAlign.Right;

                    canvas.DrawCaptionLabels(entry.Label, entry.TextColor, entry.ValueLabel, entry.Color, this.LabelTextSize, labelPoint, alignment);
        private void OnPaintSample(object sender, SkiaSharp.Views.Forms.SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
            surfaceWidth  = e.Info.Width;
            surfaceHeight = e.Info.Height;
            myCanvas      = e.Surface.Canvas;
            float side = Math.Min(surfaceHeight, surfaceWidth) * 0.5f;

            switch (_重繪狀態)
            case 重繪狀態.第一次初始化:
                myCanvas.Clear(Color.Gray.ToSKColor());      //paint it black

            case 重繪狀態.清除:
                myCanvas.Clear(Color.Black.ToSKColor());    //paint it black
                myCanvas.Clear(Color.Red.ToSKColor());      //paint it black
                myCanvas.Clear(Color.Blue.ToSKColor());     //paint it black
                myCanvas.Clear(Color.Gray.ToSKColor());     //paint it black

            case 重繪狀態.繪製點:
                var foo = 1;
                using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint())
                    paint.Color       = Color.FromHex("00FF00").ToSKColor();
                    paint.StrokeWidth = 5;
                    Random rm = new Random();
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3000; i++)
                        //myCanvas.DrawPoint(rm.Next(300), rm.Next(300), SKColor.Parse("#00eFF00"));
                        myCanvas.DrawPoint(rm.Next(surfaceWidth), rm.Next(surfaceHeight), paint);

            case 重繪狀態.收集資料:
                using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint())
                    paint.Color       = Color.FromHex("FF0000").ToSKColor();
                    paint.StrokeWidth = 3;
                    Random rm = new Random();
                    for (int i = 0; i < surfaceWidth; i++)
                        var fooPM = rm.Next(10);
                        if (fooPM >= 5)
                            fooPM = -1;
                            fooPM = 1;

                        var fooY = surfaceHeight - (32 + i / 3 + (rm.Next(10) * fooPM));
                        var fooX = i;
                        myCanvas.DrawPoint(fooX, fooY, paint);

            case 重繪狀態.繪製線:
                using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint())
                    paint.Color       = Color.Pink.ToSKColor();
                    paint.StrokeWidth = 7;
                    Random rm      = new Random();
                    var    fooPreX = 0;
                    var    fooPreY = surfaceHeight - 100;
                    for (int i = 0; i < surfaceWidth / 10; i++)
                        var fooPM = rm.Next(13);
                        if (fooPM >= 5)
                            fooPM = -1;
                            fooPM = 1;

                        var fooY = surfaceHeight - (100 + i + (rm.Next(50) * fooPM));
                        var fooX = i * 10;
                        myCanvas.DrawLine(fooPreX, fooPreY, fooX, fooY, paint);
                        fooPreX = fooX;
                        fooPreY = fooY;


            using (SKPaint paint = new SKPaint())
                myCanvas.Clear(Color.Gray.ToSKColor());  //paint it black
                SKRect r1 = new SKRect(10f, 20f, side, side);
                paint.Color = Color.Blue.ToSKColor();
                myCanvas.DrawRect(r1, paint);

                paint.Color = Color.Red.ToSKColor();
                myCanvas.DrawOval(r1, paint);

                paint.Color       = Color.FromHex("00FF00").ToSKColor();
                paint.StrokeWidth = 5;

                Random rm = new Random();
                for (int i = 0; i < 3000; i++)
                    myCanvas.DrawPoint(rm.Next(300), rm.Next(300), paint);
                    //myCanvas.DrawPoint(rm.Next(300), rm.Next(300), SKColor.Parse("#00FF00"));

                paint.Color       = Color.Green.ToSKColor();
                paint.TextSize    = 64.0f;
                paint.IsAntialias = true;
                paint.Color       = new SKColor(0x9C, 0xAF, 0xB7);
                paint.IsStroke    = true;
                paint.StrokeWidth = 3;
                paint.TextAlign   = SKTextAlign.Center;

                myCanvas.DrawText("這是Xamarin.Forms", 200f, 200f, paint);
                myCanvas.DrawText("這是Xamarin.Forms", surfaceWidth / 2f, surfaceHeight / 2f, paint);
Beispiel #23
        public SKData DrawHistogram(string referenceName, int zoom, int chunk)
            var refer = _service._references.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == referenceName);

            if (chunk == 0 && zoom == 10)

            using var surface     = SKSurface.Create(new SKImageInfo(refer.Length * zoom, 220));
            using SKCanvas canvas = surface.Canvas;


            using SKPaint paint = new SKPaint
                      Style       = SKPaintStyle.StrokeAndFill,
                      Color       = SKColors.Blue,
                      StrokeWidth = 1

            using SKPaint linePaint = new SKPaint
                      Style       = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                      Color       = SKColors.Black,
                      StrokeWidth = 1

            using SKPaint dashPaint = new SKPaint
                      Style       = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                      Color       = SKColors.Black,
                      StrokeWidth = 1,
                      PathEffect  = SKPathEffect.CreateDash(new[] { 20f, 5f }, 0)

            var histData = _service._histograms[refer.Name];

            var scale = (float)(100 / histData.Average());

            for (int i = 0; i < refer.Length; i++)
                canvas.DrawRect(i * zoom + 5, 200 - (histData[i] * scale), zoom, histData[i] * scale, paint);

            canvas.DrawLine(5, 0, 5, 200, linePaint);
            canvas.DrawLine(5, 199, refer.Length * zoom, 199, linePaint);

            var average = (int)(Math.Round(histData.Average()));

            canvas.DrawLine(5, average * scale, refer.Length * zoom, average * scale, dashPaint);

            using SKPaint textPaint = new SKPaint
                      Style        = SKPaintStyle.StrokeAndFill,
                      Color        = SKColors.Black,
                      StrokeWidth  = 1,
                      TextSize     = 20,
                      Typeface     = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName("Courier New"),
                      SubpixelText = true
            canvas.DrawText(average.ToString(), 6, average * scale - 2, textPaint);

            var cnt = textPaint.MeasureText("ACGT");

            if (zoom == 10)
                textPaint.TextSize = textPaint.TextSize * 40 / cnt;
                var shaper = new SKShaper(SKTypeface.FromFamilyName("Courier New"));

                canvas.DrawShapedText(shaper, reference, 5, 215, textPaint);

            var      width  = (chunk + 1) * WIDTH * zoom > refer.Length * zoom ? refer.Length * zoom % WIDTH : WIDTH;
            SKPixmap pixmap = surface.Snapshot().Subset(SKRectI.Create(chunk * WIDTH, 0, width, canvas.DeviceClipBounds.Height)).PeekPixels();

            var options = new SKWebpEncoderOptions(SKWebpEncoderCompression.Lossless, 100);

Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a bitmap of the graph.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Settings">Graph settings.</param>
        /// <param name="States">State object(s) that contain graph-specific information about its inner states.
        /// These can be used in calls back to the graph object to make actions on the generated graph.</param>
        /// <returns>Bitmap</returns>
        public override SKImage CreateBitmap(GraphSettings Settings, out object[] States)
            using (SKSurface Surface = SKSurface.Create(Settings.Width, Settings.Height, SKImageInfo.PlatformColorType, SKAlphaType.Premul))
                SKCanvas Canvas = Surface.Canvas;

                States = new object[0];


                int x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, w, h;

                x1 = Settings.MarginLeft;
                x2 = Settings.Width - Settings.MarginRight;
                y1 = Settings.MarginTop;
                y2 = Settings.Height - Settings.MarginBottom;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.labelY))
                    x1 += (int)(Settings.LabelFontSize * 2 + 0.5);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.labelX))
                    y2 -= (int)(Settings.LabelFontSize * 2 + 0.5);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.title))
                    y1 += (int)(Settings.LabelFontSize * 2 + 0.5);

                IVector YLabels = GetLabels(ref this.minY, ref this.maxY, this.y, Settings.ApproxNrLabelsY, out LabelType YLabelType);
                SKPaint Font    = new SKPaint()
                    FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High,
                    HintingLevel  = SKPaintHinting.Full,
                    SubpixelText  = true,
                    IsAntialias   = true,
                    Style         = SKPaintStyle.Fill,
                    Color         = Settings.AxisColor,
                    Typeface      = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName(Settings.FontName, SKTypefaceStyle.Normal),
                    TextSize      = (float)Settings.LabelFontSize
                float  Size;
                double MaxSize = 0;

                if (this.showYAxis)
                    foreach (IElement Label in YLabels.ChildElements)
                        Size = Font.MeasureText(LabelString(Label, YLabelType));
                        if (Size > MaxSize)
                            MaxSize = Size;

                x3 = (int)Math.Ceiling(x1 + MaxSize) + Settings.MarginLabel;

                IVector XLabels = GetLabels(ref this.minX, ref this.maxX, this.x, Settings.ApproxNrLabelsX, out LabelType XLabelType);
                MaxSize = 0;

                if (this.showXAxis)
                    foreach (IElement Label in XLabels.ChildElements)
                        Size = Font.MeasureText(LabelString(Label, XLabelType));
                        if (Size > MaxSize)
                            MaxSize = Size;

                y3 = (int)Math.Floor(y2 - MaxSize) - Settings.MarginLabel;
                w  = x2 - x3;
                h  = y3 - y1;

                SKPaint AxisBrush = new SKPaint()
                    FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High,
                    IsAntialias   = true,
                    Style         = SKPaintStyle.Fill,
                    Color         = Settings.AxisColor
                SKPaint GridBrush = new SKPaint()
                    FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High,
                    IsAntialias   = true,
                    Style         = SKPaintStyle.Fill,
                    Color         = Settings.GridColor
                SKPaint AxisPen = new SKPaint()
                    FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High,
                    IsAntialias   = true,
                    Style         = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                    Color         = Settings.AxisColor,
                    StrokeWidth   = Settings.AxisWidth
                SKPaint GridPen = new SKPaint()
                    FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High,
                    IsAntialias   = true,
                    Style         = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                    Color         = Settings.GridColor,
                    StrokeWidth   = Settings.GridWidth

                double OrigoX;
                double OrigoY;

                if (this.minX.AssociatedSet is IAbelianGroup AgX)
                    OrigoX = Scale(new ObjectVector(AgX.AdditiveIdentity), this.minX, this.maxX, x3, w)[0];
                    OrigoX = 0;

                if (this.minY.AssociatedSet is IAbelianGroup AgY)
                    OrigoY = Scale(new ObjectVector(AgY.AdditiveIdentity), this.minY, this.maxY, y3, -h)[0];
                    OrigoY = 0;

                DrawingArea DrawingArea = new DrawingArea(this.minX, this.maxX, this.minY, this.maxY, x3, y3, w, -h, (float)OrigoX, (float)OrigoY);
                double[]    LabelYY     = DrawingArea.ScaleY(YLabels);
                int         i           = 0;
                float       f;
                string      s;

                foreach (IElement Label in YLabels.ChildElements)
                    Size = Font.MeasureText(s = LabelString(Label, YLabelType));
                    f    = (float)LabelYY[i++];

                    if (this.showGrid)
                        if (Label is DoubleNumber && ((DoubleNumber)Label).Value == 0)
                            Canvas.DrawLine(x3, f, x2, f, AxisPen);
                            Canvas.DrawLine(x3, f, x2, f, GridPen);

                    if (this.showYAxis)
                        f += (float)Settings.LabelFontSize * 0.5f;
                        Canvas.DrawText(s, x3 - Size - Settings.MarginLabel, f, Font);

                double[] LabelXX = DrawingArea.ScaleX(XLabels);
                i = 0;

                foreach (IElement Label in XLabels.ChildElements)
                    Size = Font.MeasureText(s = LabelString(Label, XLabelType));
                    f    = (float)LabelXX[i++];

                    if (this.showGrid)
                        if (Label is DoubleNumber && ((DoubleNumber)Label).Value == 0)
                            Canvas.DrawLine(f, y1, f, y3, AxisPen);
                            Canvas.DrawLine(f, y1, f, y3, GridPen);

                    if (this.showXAxis)
                        f -= Size * 0.5f;
                        if (f < x3)
                            f = x3;
                        else if (f + Size > x3 + w)
                            f = x3 + w - Size;

                        Canvas.DrawText(s, f, y3 + Settings.MarginLabel + (float)Settings.LabelFontSize, Font);

                Font = null;

                Font = new SKPaint()
                    FilterQuality = SKFilterQuality.High,
                    HintingLevel  = SKPaintHinting.Full,
                    SubpixelText  = true,
                    IsAntialias   = true,
                    Style         = SKPaintStyle.Fill,
                    Color         = Settings.AxisColor,
                    Typeface      = SKTypeface.FromFamilyName(Settings.FontName, SKTypefaceStyle.Bold),
                    TextSize      = (float)(Settings.LabelFontSize * 1.5)

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.title))
                    Size = Font.MeasureText(this.title);

                    f = x3 + (x2 - x3 - Size) * 0.5f;

                    if (f < x3)
                        f = x3;
                    else if (f + Size > x3 + w)
                        f = x3 + w - Size;

                    Canvas.DrawText(this.title, f, (float)(Settings.MarginTop + 1.5 * Settings.LabelFontSize), Font);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.labelX))
                    Size = Font.MeasureText(this.labelX);

                    f = x3 + (x2 - x3 - Size) * 0.5f;

                    if (f < x3)
                        f = x3;
                    else if (f + Size > x3 + w)
                        f = x3 + w - Size;

                    Canvas.DrawText(this.labelX, f, (float)(y2 + 0.45 * Settings.LabelFontSize), Font);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.labelY))
                    Size = Font.MeasureText(this.labelY);

                    f = y3 - (y3 - y1 - Size) * 0.5f;

                    if (f - Size < y1)
                        f = y1 + Size;
                    else if (f > y3 + h)
                        f = y3 + h;

                    Canvas.Translate((float)(Settings.MarginLeft + 0.05 * Settings.LabelFontSize), f);
                    Canvas.DrawText(this.labelY, 0, 0, Font);

                IEnumerator <IVector>      ex          = this.x.GetEnumerator();
                IEnumerator <IVector>      ey          = this.y.GetEnumerator();
                IEnumerator <object[]>     eParameters = this.parameters.GetEnumerator();
                IEnumerator <DrawCallback> eCallbacks  = this.callbacks.GetEnumerator();
                SKPoint[]    Points;
                SKPoint[]    PrevPoints     = null;
                object[]     PrevParameters = null;
                DrawCallback PrevCallback   = null;

                while (ex.MoveNext() && ey.MoveNext() && eParameters.MoveNext() && eCallbacks.MoveNext())
                    Points = DrawingArea.Scale(ex.Current, ey.Current);

                    if (PrevCallback != null && eCallbacks.Current.Target.GetType() == PrevCallback.Target.GetType())
                        eCallbacks.Current(Canvas, Points, eParameters.Current, PrevPoints, PrevParameters, DrawingArea);
                        eCallbacks.Current(Canvas, Points, eParameters.Current, null, null, DrawingArea);

                    PrevPoints     = Points;
                    PrevParameters = eParameters.Current;
                    PrevCallback   = eCallbacks.Current;

                SKImage Result = Surface.Snapshot();

                if (Font != null)


                States = new object[] { DrawingArea };

Beispiel #25

        // do the drawing
        static void PaintSurface(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
            info = e.Info;
            var       surfaceWidth  = info.Width;
            var       surfaceHeight = info.Height;
            SKSurface surface       = e.Surface;
            SKCanvas  canvas        = surface.Canvas;

            if (canvas != null)
                canvas.Clear(); //Important! Otherwise the drawing will look messed up in iOS

            /*important: the coordinate system starts in the upper left corner*/
            float lborder = canvas.LocalClipBounds.Left;
            float tborder = canvas.LocalClipBounds.Top;
            float rborder = canvas.LocalClipBounds.Right;
            float bborder = canvas.LocalClipBounds.Bottom;

            xe = rborder / 100; //using the variable surfacewidth instead would mess everything up
            ye = bborder / 100;

            MakeSKPaint(); //depends on xe and ye and therfore has to be called after they were initialized

            /*********************HERE GOES THE DRAWING************************/

            //draw background for ram and disc: pink and yellow
            float  bgRamY1            = 1 + rowWidth;
            float  bgRamY2            = bgRamY1 + (rowWidth * ramSize);
            float  bgDiscY1           = bgRamY2;
            float  bgDiscY2           = bgDiscY1 + (rowWidth * discSize);
            SKRect sk_rBackgroundRam  = new SKRect(1 * xe, bgRamY1 * ye, 99 * xe, bgRamY2 * ye);   //left , top, right, bottom
            SKRect sk_rBackgroundDisc = new SKRect(1 * xe, bgDiscY1 * ye, 99 * xe, bgDiscY2 * ye); //left , top, right, bottom

            canvas.DrawRect(sk_rBackgroundRam, sk_PaintYellow);                                    //left, top, right, bottom, color
            canvas.DrawRect(sk_rBackgroundDisc, sk_PaintPink);

            //draw the words RAM and DISC
            float blackTextSize = sk_blackText.TextSize;

            float posTexty = (0.5f + rowWidth + (rowWidth / 2.0f)) * ye + (blackTextSize / 2.0f); // ye is already calculated in blacktextsize
            float posTextx = columnCenter * xe + xe;                                              //its already centered when specified in new SKPaint (...

            for (int i = 0; i < ramSize; i++)
                canvas.DrawText("RAM", posTextx, posTexty, sk_blackText);
                posTexty += rowWidth * ye;

            for (int i = 0; i < discSize; i++)
                canvas.DrawText(App._disk, posTextx, posTexty, sk_blackText);
                posTexty += rowWidth * ye;

            //draw the page sequence
            float blackTextNumbersSize = sk_blackTextNumbers.TextSize;
            float posTexty2            = ((rowWidth / 2.0f)) * ye + (blackTextNumbersSize / 2.0f) - 0.4f * ye;
            float posTextx2            = (1 + columnCenter + columnWidth) * xe;

            foreach (var p in SequenceList)
                canvas.DrawText(p.ToString(), posTextx2, posTexty2, sk_blackTextNumbers);
                posTextx2 += columnWidth * xe;

            //prepare a square
            float posPFX1 = 1 + columnWidth;       // 1 + columnWidth + (columnWidth / 6) * 1;
            float posPFX2 = posPFX1 + columnWidth; // posPFX1 + (columnWidth / 6) * 4;
            float posPFY1 = 1 + rowWidth;          //1 + rowWidth + (rowWidth / 10) * 1;
            float posPFY2 = posPFY1 + rowWidth;    // posPFY1 + (rowWidth / 10) * 8;

            //prepare a circle
            float radius = 0;
            float cx     = 1 + columnWidth + columnCenter;
            float cy     = 1 + rowWidth + rowCenter;

            //if (rowWidth > columnWidth){ radius = columnWidth / 2.6f * xe;}
            //else{ radius = rowWidth / 2.2f * ye;}
            radius = xPercent(0.025f);

            //draw pagefails
            for (int step = 0; step <= PageReplacementStrategies.currentStep; step++)
                if (PageReplacementStrategies.ram[step, 0, 3] == 2)
                    //with replacement(circle)
                    canvas.DrawCircle(cx * xe, cy * ye, radius, sk_PaintWhite); //center x, center y, radius, paint
                    canvas.DrawCircle(cx * xe, cy * ye, radius, sk_PaintBlue);  //center x, center y, radius,
                else if (PageReplacementStrategies.ram[step, 0, 3] == 1)
                    //without replacement (square)
                    //SKRect sk_Pagefail = new SKRect(posPFX1 * xe, posPFY1 * ye, posPFX2 * xe, posPFY2 * ye); //left , top, right, bottom
                    SKRect sk_Pagefail = new SKRect(posPFX1 * xe, posPFY1 * ye, posPFX2 * xe, posPFY2 * ye); //left , top, right,
                    canvas.DrawRect(sk_Pagefail, sk_PaintWhite);                                             //left, top, right, bottom, color
                    canvas.DrawRect(sk_Pagefail, sk_PaintBlue);                                              //left, top, right, bottom, color
                posPFX1 += columnWidth;
                posPFX2  = posPFX1 + columnWidth;// posPFX1 + (columnWidth / 6) * 4;
                cx      += columnWidth;

            //draw Ram: for every step thats done yet, look for pages in ram
            float posXText = (1 + columnCenter + columnWidth) * xe;
            float posYText = (rowWidth + (rowWidth / 2.0f)) * ye + (blackTextNumbersSize / 2.0f);

            for (int step = 0; step <= PageReplacementStrategies.currentStep; step++)
                for (int ram = 0; ram <= PageReplacementStrategies.ram.GetUpperBound(1); ram++)
                    int page = PageReplacementStrategies.ram[step, ram, 0];
                    if (page != -1)
                        canvas.DrawText(page.ToString(), posXText, posYText, sk_blackTextNumbers);
                    posYText += rowWidth * ye;
                posYText  = (rowWidth + (rowWidth / 2.0f)) * ye + (blackTextNumbersSize / 2.0f);
                posXText += columnWidth * xe;
            //draw Disc: for evry step thats done yet, look for pages in disc
            posXText  = (1 + columnCenter + columnWidth) * xe;
            posYText += rowWidth * ye;
            for (int step = 0; step <= PageReplacementStrategies.currentStep; step++)
                for (int disc = 0; disc <= PageReplacementStrategies.disc.GetUpperBound(1); disc++)
                    int page = PageReplacementStrategies.disc[step, disc];
                    if (page != -1)
                        canvas.DrawText(page.ToString(), posXText, posYText, sk_blackTextNumbers);

                    posYText += rowWidth * ye;
                posYText  = (rowWidth * (ramSize + 1) + (rowWidth / 2.0f)) * ye + (blackTextNumbersSize / 2.0f);
                posXText += columnWidth * xe;

            //draw M-Bits and R-Bits
            float posXbit = (1 + columnWidth + columnCenter - columnCenter / 2) * xe;

            float blackTextSmallSize = sk_blackTextSmall.TextSize;
            float blankSpace         = rowWidth * ye - blackTextSmallSize * 2.000f;

            if (blankSpace < 0.000f)
                blankSpace = 0.000f;
            float spaceY = blankSpace / 3.0000f;

            float posYRbit = 0.4f * ye + rowWidth * ye + spaceY + blackTextSmallSize;
            float posYMbit = 0.4f * ye + rowWidth * ye + spaceY + blackTextSmallSize + spaceY + blackTextSmallSize;

            if (PageReplacementStrategies.strategy == "RNU FIFO Second Chance" || PageReplacementStrategies.strategy == "RNU FIFO")
                for (int step = 0; step <= PageReplacementStrategies.currentStep; step++)
                    for (int ram = 0; ram <= PageReplacementStrategies.ram.GetUpperBound(1); ram++)
                        if (PageReplacementStrategies.ram[step, ram, 0] != -1)
                            String rBitValue = PageReplacementStrategies.ram[step, ram, 1].ToString();
                            String mBitValue = PageReplacementStrategies.ram[step, ram, 2].ToString();
                            if (PageReplacementStrategies.ram[step, ram, 4] == 0)
                                canvas.DrawText(rBitValue, posXbit, posYRbit, sk_blackTextSmall);
                                canvas.DrawText(rBitValue, posXbit, posYRbit, sk_redTextSmall);
                            if (PageReplacementStrategies.ram[step, ram, 5] == 0)
                                canvas.DrawText(mBitValue, posXbit, posYMbit, sk_blackTextSmall);
                                canvas.DrawText(mBitValue, posXbit, posYMbit, sk_redTextSmall);
                        posYMbit += rowWidth * ye;
                        posYRbit += rowWidth * ye;
                    posXbit += columnWidth * xe;
                    posYMbit = 0.4f * ye + rowWidth * ye + spaceY + blackTextSmallSize + spaceY + blackTextSmallSize;
                    posYRbit = 0.4f * ye + rowWidth * ye + spaceY + blackTextSmallSize;

            //Draw rows and colums
            float posCol = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i <= colums; i++)
                if (i == 0 || i == 1 || i == colums)
                { //first, second and last line is fat
                    canvas.DrawLine(new SKPoint(posCol * xe, 1 * ye), new SKPoint(posCol * xe, 99 * ye), sk_PaintFat);
                    canvas.DrawLine(new SKPoint(posCol * xe, 1 * ye), new SKPoint(posCol * xe, 99 * ye), sk_PaintThin);
                posCol += columnWidth;
            float posRow = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i <= rows; i++)
                if (i == 0 || i == 1 || i == rows || i == ramSize + 1)
                { //first, second and last line is fat, also the seperating line between ram and disc
                    canvas.DrawLine(new SKPoint(1 * xe, posRow * ye), new SKPoint(99 * xe, posRow * ye), sk_PaintFat);
                    canvas.DrawLine(new SKPoint(1 * xe, posRow * ye), new SKPoint(99 * xe, posRow * ye), sk_PaintThin);
                posRow += rowWidth;

            //execute all drawing actions
        public static (bool newRow, int usedWidth) DrawLine(SKCanvas canvas, SKBitmap bitmap, List <SKPoint> points, SKPaint paint, int size = 6, string text = "", int labelRow = 0, int labelXOffset = 0, bool drawPoint = false, float labelYHeight = -1, SKBitmap bitmapIcon = null)
            bool newRow = false;

            if (paint == null)
                paint = new SKPaint()
                    Color = WhiteColor

            // Dont fill the rectangles
            paint.Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke;

            int xOffset = 120; // TODO maybe trough padding

            float usedLabelWidth = paint.MeasureText(text) + 70 /* buffer */;

            if (xOffset + labelXOffset + usedLabelWidth > bitmap.Width)
                labelXOffset = 0;
                newRow       = true;

            if (points.Count == 0)
                return(false, -1);

            SKPoint prevPoint = points.First();

            foreach (var point in points)
                if (drawPoint)
                    canvas.DrawRect(new SKRect(point.X - size / 2, point.Y - size / 2, point.X + size / 2, point.Y + size / 2), paint);

                canvas.DrawLine(prevPoint, point, paint);
                prevPoint = point;

            // draw Legend

            int height = bitmap.Height;

            int yOffset = 25; // TODO Make padding depending

            int iconDist = 20;

            var textPaint = MediumTextPaint;

            int yBase = height - yOffset - (int)textPaint.TextSize / 2 + labelRow * 20;
            int xBase = xOffset + labelXOffset;

            if (drawPoint)
                canvas.DrawRect(new SKRect(xBase - size / 2 - iconDist / 2, yBase - size / 2, xBase + size / 2 - iconDist / 2, yBase + size / 2), paint);

            canvas.DrawLine(new SKPoint(xBase - iconDist, yBase), new SKPoint(xBase, yBase), paint);
            canvas.DrawText(text, new SKPoint(xBase + 5, yBase + size), textPaint); // TODO Correct paint?

            if (labelYHeight > 0)
                var specialPaint = textPaint;
                specialPaint.Color = paint.Color;

                canvas.DrawText(text, new SKPoint(bitmap.Width - 140 /* TODO dynamic trough padding */, labelYHeight), specialPaint); // TODO Correct paint?

                if (bitmapIcon != null)
                    canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmapIcon, new SKPoint(bitmap.Width - 140 /* TODO dynamic trough padding */, labelYHeight));

            return(newRow, (int)usedLabelWidth);
Beispiel #27
        private void DrawAxes()
            bool VerticalOrientation = this.canvasView.Width < this.canvasView.Height ? true : false;

            SKCanvas canvas = this.fullPlotSurface.Canvas;

            SKPaint yAxisUnitPaint = new SKPaint
                Color       = SKColors.Gray,
                TextAlign   = SKTextAlign.Right,
                IsAntialias = true,
                TextSize    = 14f

            SKPaint refLinePaint = new SKPaint
                Color       = SKColors.LightGray,
                Style       = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                StrokeWidth = 1f,
                PathEffect  = SKPathEffect.CreateDash(new float[] { 6f, 3f }, 0),
                IsAntialias = true

            //draw y axis
            float gridBottomX = this.gridPosX;
            float gridBottomY = this.gridHeight;

            for (float UVNum = minY; UVNum <= maxY; ++UVNum)
                float unitsFromGridBottom = UVNum * this.unitsPerUVLevel;

                float curUVPointX = gridBottomX;
                float curUVPointY = gridBottomY - unitsFromGridBottom;

                if (VerticalOrientation)
                    // draw line
                    canvas.DrawLine(curUVPointX, curUVPointY, (float)this.canvasView.Width, curUVPointY, refLinePaint);

                if (UVNum % this.deltaY == 0f || UVNum == 0f)
                    // write text at each reference point
                    float paddingX = 5f;
                    float paddingY = (yAxisUnitPaint.TextSize * 0.3f);
                    canvas.DrawText(UVNum.ToString(), curUVPointX - paddingX, curUVPointY + paddingY, yAxisUnitPaint);

                    // draw line
                    canvas.DrawLine(curUVPointX, curUVPointY, (float)this.canvasView.Width, curUVPointY, refLinePaint);

            SKPaint axisLabelPaint = new SKPaint
                Color       = SKColors.Gray,
                TextAlign   = SKTextAlign.Center,
                IsAntialias = true,
                TextSize    = 18f

            float verAxisPosX = axisLabelPaint.TextSize * 0.8f;
            float verAxisPosY = gridBottomY / 2f;

            canvas.RotateDegrees(-90, verAxisPosX, verAxisPosY);
            canvas.DrawText("UV Level", verAxisPosX, verAxisPosY, axisLabelPaint);

            SKPaint timeAxisMarks = new SKPaint
                Color       = SKColors.LightGray,
                Style       = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                StrokeWidth = 1f,
                IsAntialias = true

            SKPaint xAxisUnitPaint = new SKPaint
                Color       = SKColors.Gray,
                TextAlign   = SKTextAlign.Center,
                IsAntialias = true,
                TextSize    = 14f

            //for each x mark
            for (TimeSpan timeValue = minX; timeValue <= maxX; timeValue = timeValue.Add(TimeSpan.FromHours(1.0d)))
                int    hourValue   = timeValue.Hours;
                int    minuteValue = timeValue.Minutes;
                string timeText    = hourValue.ToString() + ":" + minuteValue.ToString("D2");

                float displacementFromBottom = (float)(timeValue.TotalMinutes - minX.TotalMinutes) * this.unitsPerMinute;

                float curTimePointX = gridBottomX + displacementFromBottom;
                float curTimePointY = gridBottomY;

                float markLength = 5f;

                if (timeValue.TotalMinutes % this.deltaX.TotalMinutes == 0)
                    //major mark
                    markLength = 10f;
                    canvas.DrawText(timeText, curTimePointX, curTimePointY + (paddingHeight), xAxisUnitPaint);

                canvas.DrawLine(curTimePointX, curTimePointY, curTimePointX, curTimePointY + markLength, timeAxisMarks);
Beispiel #28
        public override void DrawContent(SKCanvas canvas, int width, int height)
            var total = Entries?.Count() ?? 0;

            if (total > 0)
                var captionHeight = Entries.Max(x =>
                    var result = 0.0f;

                    var hasLabel      = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Label);
                    var hasValueLabel = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.ValueLabel);

                    if (hasLabel || hasValueLabel)
                        var hasOffset     = hasLabel && hasValueLabel;
                        var captionMargin = LabelTextSize * 0.60f;
                        var space         = hasOffset ? captionMargin : 0;

                        if (hasLabel)
                            result += LabelTextSize;

                        if (hasValueLabel)
                            result += LabelTextSize;


                var center     = new SKPoint(width / 2, height / 2);
                var radius     = ((Math.Min(width, height) - (2 * Margin)) / 2) - captionHeight;
                var rangeAngle = (float)((Math.PI * 2) / total);
                var startAngle = (float)Math.PI;

                var nextEntry = Entries.First();
                var nextAngle = startAngle;
                var nextPoint = GetPoint(nextEntry.Value * AnimationProgress, center, nextAngle, radius);

                DrawBorder(canvas, center, radius);

                using (var clip = new SKPath())
                    clip.AddCircle(center.X, center.Y, radius);

                    for (int i = 0; i < total; i++)
                        var angle = nextAngle;
                        var entry = nextEntry;
                        var point = nextPoint;

                        var nextIndex = (i + 1) % total;
                        nextAngle = startAngle + (rangeAngle * nextIndex);
                        nextEntry = Entries.ElementAt(nextIndex);
                        nextPoint = GetPoint(nextEntry.Value * AnimationProgress, center, nextAngle, radius);


                        // Border center bars
                        using (var paint = new SKPaint()
                            Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                            StrokeWidth = BorderLineSize,
                            Color = BorderLineColor,
                            IsAntialias = true,
                            var borderPoint = GetPoint(MaxValue, center, angle, radius);
                            canvas.DrawLine(point.X, point.Y, borderPoint.X, borderPoint.Y, paint);

                        // Values points and lines
                        using (var paint = new SKPaint()
                            Style = SKPaintStyle.Stroke,
                            StrokeWidth = BorderLineSize,
                            Color = entry.Color.WithAlpha((byte)(entry.Color.Alpha * 0.75f * AnimationProgress)),
                            PathEffect = SKPathEffect.CreateDash(new[] { BorderLineSize, BorderLineSize * 2 }, 0),
                            IsAntialias = true,
                            var amount = Math.Abs(entry.Value - AbsoluteMinimum) / ValueRange;
                            canvas.DrawCircle(center.X, center.Y, radius * amount, paint);

                        canvas.DrawGradientLine(center, entry.Color.WithAlpha(0), point, entry.Color.WithAlpha((byte)(entry.Color.Alpha * 0.75f)), LineSize);
                        canvas.DrawGradientLine(point, entry.Color, nextPoint, nextEntry.Color, LineSize);
                        canvas.DrawPoint(point, entry.Color, PointSize, PointMode);


                        // Labels
                        var labelPoint = new SKPoint(0, radius + LabelTextSize + (PointSize / 2));
                        var rotation   = SKMatrix.CreateRotation(angle);
                        labelPoint = center + rotation.MapPoint(labelPoint);
                        var alignment = SKTextAlign.Left;

                        if ((Math.Abs(angle - (startAngle + Math.PI)) < Epsilon) || (Math.Abs(angle - Math.PI) < Epsilon))
                            alignment = SKTextAlign.Center;
                        else if (angle > (float)(startAngle + Math.PI))
                            alignment = SKTextAlign.Right;

                        canvas.DrawCaptionLabels(entry.Label, entry.TextColor, TextDirection, LabelTextSpacing, entry.ValueLabel, entry.Color.WithAlpha((byte)(255 * AnimationProgress)), LabelTextSize, labelPoint, alignment, base.Typeface, out var _);
Beispiel #29
 public void DrawLine(IPen pen, CanvasPoint p1, CanvasPoint p2)
     _canvas?.DrawLine(p1.ToSKPoint(), p2.ToSKPoint(), GetSKPaint(pen));
 public void DrawLine(Pen pen, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
     _image.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, pen.SKPaint());