Beispiel #1
		public RichTextBox() {
			accepts_return = true;
			auto_size = false;
			auto_word_select = false;
			bullet_indent = 0;
			base.MaxLength = Int32.MaxValue;
			margin_right = 0;
			zoom = 1;
			base.Multiline = true;
			document.CRLFSize = 1;
			shortcuts_enabled = true;
			base.EnableLinks = true;
			richtext = true;
			rtf_style = new RtfSectionStyle ();
			rtf_section_stack = null;

			scrollbars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.Both;
			alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
			LostFocus += new EventHandler(RichTextBox_LostFocus);
			GotFocus += new EventHandler(RichTextBox_GotFocus);
			BackColor = ThemeEngine.Current.ColorWindow;
			backcolor_set = false;
			language_option = RichTextBoxLanguageOptions.AutoFontSizeAdjust;
			rich_text_shortcuts_enabled = true;
			selection_back_color = DefaultBackColor;
			ForeColor = ThemeEngine.Current.ColorWindowText;

			base.HScrolled += new EventHandler(RichTextBox_HScrolled);
			base.VScrolled += new EventHandler(RichTextBox_VScrolled);

			SetStyle (ControlStyles.StandardDoubleClick, false);
Beispiel #2
		// To allow us to keep track of the sections and revert formatting
		// as we go in and out of sections of the document.
		private void HandleGroup (RTF.RTF rtf)
			//start group - save the current formatting on to a stack
			//end group - go back to the formatting at the current group
			if (rtf_section_stack == null) {
				rtf_section_stack = new Stack ();

			if (rtf.Major == RTF.Major.BeginGroup) {
				rtf_section_stack.Push (rtf_style.Clone ());
				//spec specifies resetting unicode ignore at begin group as an attempt at error
				rtf_skip_count = 0;
			} else if (rtf.Major == RTF.Major.EndGroup) {
				if (rtf_section_stack.Count > 0) {
					FlushText (rtf, false);

					rtf_style = (RtfSectionStyle) rtf_section_stack.Pop ();
Beispiel #3
			public object Clone ()
				RtfSectionStyle new_style = new RtfSectionStyle ();

				new_style.rtf_color = rtf_color;
				new_style.rtf_par_line_left_indent = rtf_par_line_left_indent;
				new_style.rtf_rtfalign = rtf_rtfalign;
				new_style.rtf_rtffont = rtf_rtffont;
				new_style.rtf_rtffont_size = rtf_rtffont_size;
				new_style.rtf_rtfstyle = rtf_rtfstyle;
				new_style.rtf_visible = rtf_visible;
				new_style.rtf_skip_width = rtf_skip_width;

				return new_style;