/// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the VfsCDReader class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The stream to read the ISO image from.</param>
        /// <param name="variantPriorities">Which possible file system variants to use, and with which priority.</param>
        /// <param name="hideVersions">Hides version numbers (e.g. ";1") from the end of files.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// The implementation considers each of the file system variants in <c>variantProperties</c> and selects
        /// the first which is determined to be present.  In this example Joliet, then Rock Ridge, then vanilla
        /// Iso9660 will be considered:
        /// </para>
        /// <code lang="cs">
        /// VfsCDReader(stream, new Iso9660Variant[] {Joliet, RockRidge, Iso9660}, true);
        /// </code>
        /// <para>The Iso9660 variant should normally be specified as the final entry in the list.  Placing it earlier
        /// in the list will effectively mask later items and not including it may prevent some ISOs from being read.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        public VfsCDReader(Stream data, Iso9660Variant[] variantPriorities, bool hideVersions, int sectorSize)
            : base(new DiscFileSystemOptions())
            _data         = data;
            _sectorSize   = sectorSize;
            _hideVersions = hideVersions;

            long vdpos = _sectorSize * 16; // Skip lead-in

            byte[] buffer = new byte[_sectorSize];

            long pvdPos = 0;
            long svdPos = 0;

            BaseVolumeDescriptor bvd;

                data.Position = vdpos;
                int numRead = data.Read(buffer, 0, _sectorSize);
                if (numRead != _sectorSize)

                var offset = 24;

                bvd = new BaseVolumeDescriptor(buffer, offset);

                if (bvd.StandardIdentifier != BaseVolumeDescriptor.Iso9660StandardIdentifier)
                    throw new InvalidFileSystemException("Volume is not ISO-9660");

                switch (bvd.VolumeDescriptorType)
                case VolumeDescriptorType.Boot:
                    _bootVolDesc = new BootVolumeDescriptor(buffer, offset);
                    if (_bootVolDesc.SystemId != BootVolumeDescriptor.ElToritoSystemIdentifier)
                        _bootVolDesc = null;


                case VolumeDescriptorType.Primary:     // Primary Vol Descriptor
                    pvdPos = vdpos;

                case VolumeDescriptorType.Supplementary:     // Supplementary Vol Descriptor
                    svdPos = vdpos;

                case VolumeDescriptorType.Partition:     // Volume Partition Descriptor

                case VolumeDescriptorType.SetTerminator:     // Volume Descriptor Set Terminator

                vdpos += _sectorSize;
            } while (bvd.VolumeDescriptorType != VolumeDescriptorType.SetTerminator);

            ActiveVariant = Iso9660Variant.None;
            foreach (Iso9660Variant variant in variantPriorities)
                switch (variant)
                case Iso9660Variant.Joliet:
                    if (svdPos != 0)
                        data.Position = svdPos;
                        data.Read(buffer, 0, _sectorSize);
                        SupplementaryVolumeDescriptor volDesc = new SupplementaryVolumeDescriptor(buffer, 0);

                        Context = new IsoContext(_sectorSize)
                            VolumeDescriptor = volDesc, DataStream = _data
                        RootDirectory = new ReaderDirectory(Context,
                                                            new ReaderDirEntry(Context, volDesc.RootDirectory));
                        ActiveVariant = Iso9660Variant.Iso9660;


                case Iso9660Variant.RockRidge:
                case Iso9660Variant.Iso9660:
                    if (pvdPos != 0)
                        data.Position = pvdPos + 24;
                        data.Read(buffer, 0, _sectorSize);
                        PrimaryVolumeDescriptor volDesc = new PrimaryVolumeDescriptor(buffer, 0);

                        volDesc.LogicalBlockSize = 2352;

                        IsoContext context = new IsoContext(_sectorSize)
                            VolumeDescriptor = volDesc, DataStream = _data
                        DirectoryRecord rootSelfRecord = ReadRootSelfRecord(context);

                        InitializeSusp(context, rootSelfRecord);

                        if (variant == Iso9660Variant.Iso9660
                            (variant == Iso9660Variant.RockRidge &&
                            Context       = context;
                            RootDirectory = new ReaderDirectory(context, new ReaderDirEntry(context, rootSelfRecord));
                            ActiveVariant = variant;


                if (ActiveVariant != Iso9660Variant.None)

            if (ActiveVariant == Iso9660Variant.None)
                throw new IOException("None of the permitted ISO9660 file system variants was detected");
Beispiel #2
        protected override List <BuilderExtent> FixExtents(out long totalLength)
            List <BuilderExtent> fixedRegions = new List <BuilderExtent>();

            DateTime buildTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            Encoding suppEncoding = _buildParams.UseJoliet ? Encoding.BigEndianUnicode : Encoding.ASCII;

            Dictionary <BuildDirectoryMember, uint> primaryLocationTable       = new Dictionary <BuildDirectoryMember, uint>();
            Dictionary <BuildDirectoryMember, uint> supplementaryLocationTable =
                new Dictionary <BuildDirectoryMember, uint>();

            long focus = DiskStart + 3 * _buildParams.SectorSize; // Primary, Supplementary, End (fixed at end...)

            if (_bootEntry != null)
                focus += _buildParams.SectorSize;

            // ####################################################################
            // # 0. Fix boot image location
            // ####################################################################
            long bootCatalogPos = 0;

            if (_bootEntry != null)
                long   bootImagePos  = focus;
                Stream realBootImage = PatchBootImage(_bootImage, (uint)(DiskStart / _buildParams.SectorSize),
                                                      (uint)(bootImagePos / _buildParams.SectorSize));
                BuilderStreamExtent bootImageExtent = new BuilderStreamExtent(focus, realBootImage);
                focus += MathUtilities.RoundUp(bootImageExtent.Length, _buildParams.SectorSize);

                bootCatalogPos = focus;
                byte[] bootCatalog      = new byte[_buildParams.SectorSize];
                BootValidationEntry bve = new BootValidationEntry();
                bve.WriteTo(bootCatalog, 0x00);
                _bootEntry.ImageStart  = (uint)MathUtilities.Ceil(bootImagePos, _buildParams.SectorSize);
                _bootEntry.SectorCount = (ushort)MathUtilities.Ceil(_bootImage.Length, Sizes.Sector);
                _bootEntry.WriteTo(bootCatalog, 0x20);
                fixedRegions.Add(new BuilderBufferExtent(bootCatalogPos, bootCatalog));
                focus += _buildParams.SectorSize;

            // ####################################################################
            // # 1. Fix file locations
            // ####################################################################

            // Find end of the file data, fixing the files in place as we go
            foreach (BuildFileInfo fi in _files)
                primaryLocationTable.Add(fi, (uint)(focus / _buildParams.SectorSize));
                supplementaryLocationTable.Add(fi, (uint)(focus / _buildParams.SectorSize));
                FileExtent extent = new FileExtent(fi, focus);

                // Only remember files of non-zero length (otherwise we'll stomp on a valid file)
                if (extent.Length != 0)

                focus += MathUtilities.RoundUp(extent.Length, _buildParams.SectorSize);

            // ####################################################################
            // # 2. Fix directory locations
            // ####################################################################

            // There are two directory tables
            //  1. Primary        (std ISO9660)
            //  2. Supplementary  (Joliet)

            // Find start of the second set of directory data, fixing ASCII directories in place.
            long startOfFirstDirData = focus;

            foreach (BuildDirectoryInfo di in _dirs)
                primaryLocationTable.Add(di, (uint)(focus / _buildParams.SectorSize));
                DirectoryExtent extent = new DirectoryExtent(di, primaryLocationTable, Encoding.ASCII, focus);
                focus += MathUtilities.RoundUp(extent.Length, _buildParams.SectorSize);

            // Find end of the second directory table, fixing supplementary directories in place.
            long startOfSecondDirData = focus;

            foreach (BuildDirectoryInfo di in _dirs)
                supplementaryLocationTable.Add(di, (uint)(focus / _buildParams.SectorSize));
                DirectoryExtent extent = new DirectoryExtent(di, supplementaryLocationTable, suppEncoding, focus);
                focus += MathUtilities.RoundUp(extent.Length, _buildParams.SectorSize);

            // ####################################################################
            // # 3. Fix path tables
            // ####################################################################

            // There are four path tables:
            //  1. LE, ASCII
            //  2. BE, ASCII
            //  3. LE, Supp Encoding (Joliet)
            //  4. BE, Supp Encoding (Joliet)

            // Find end of the path table
            long      startOfFirstPathTable = focus;
            PathTable pathTable             = new PathTable(false, Encoding.ASCII, _dirs, primaryLocationTable, focus);

            focus += MathUtilities.RoundUp(pathTable.Length, _buildParams.SectorSize);
            long primaryPathTableLength = pathTable.Length;

            long startOfSecondPathTable = focus;

            pathTable = new PathTable(true, Encoding.ASCII, _dirs, primaryLocationTable, focus);
            focus += MathUtilities.RoundUp(pathTable.Length, _buildParams.SectorSize);

            long startOfThirdPathTable = focus;

            pathTable = new PathTable(false, suppEncoding, _dirs, supplementaryLocationTable, focus);
            focus += MathUtilities.RoundUp(pathTable.Length, _buildParams.SectorSize);
            long supplementaryPathTableLength = pathTable.Length;

            long startOfFourthPathTable = focus;

            pathTable = new PathTable(true, suppEncoding, _dirs, supplementaryLocationTable, focus);
            focus += MathUtilities.RoundUp(pathTable.Length, _buildParams.SectorSize);

            // Find the end of the disk
            totalLength = focus;

            // ####################################################################
            // # 4. Prepare volume descriptors now other structures are fixed
            // ####################################################################
            int regionIdx = 0;

            focus = DiskStart;
            PrimaryVolumeDescriptor pvDesc = new PrimaryVolumeDescriptor(
                (uint)(totalLength / _buildParams.SectorSize),            // VolumeSpaceSize
                (uint)primaryPathTableLength,                             // PathTableSize
                (uint)(startOfFirstPathTable / _buildParams.SectorSize),  // TypeLPathTableLocation
                (uint)(startOfSecondPathTable / _buildParams.SectorSize), // TypeMPathTableLocation
                (uint)(startOfFirstDirData / _buildParams.SectorSize),    // RootDirectory.LocationOfExtent
                (uint)_rootDirectory.GetDataSize(Encoding.ASCII),         // RootDirectory.DataLength

            pvDesc.VolumeIdentifier = _buildParams.VolumeIdentifier;
            PrimaryVolumeDescriptorRegion pvdr = new PrimaryVolumeDescriptorRegion(pvDesc, focus, _sectorSize);

            fixedRegions.Insert(regionIdx++, pvdr);
            focus += _buildParams.SectorSize;

            if (_bootEntry != null)
                BootVolumeDescriptor bvDesc = new BootVolumeDescriptor(
                    (uint)(bootCatalogPos / _buildParams.SectorSize), _buildParams.SectorSize);
                BootVolumeDescriptorRegion bvdr = new BootVolumeDescriptorRegion(bvDesc, focus, _buildParams.SectorSize);
                fixedRegions.Insert(regionIdx++, bvdr);
                focus += _buildParams.SectorSize;

            SupplementaryVolumeDescriptor svDesc = new SupplementaryVolumeDescriptor(
                (uint)(totalLength / _buildParams.SectorSize),            // VolumeSpaceSize
                (uint)supplementaryPathTableLength,                       // PathTableSize
                (uint)(startOfThirdPathTable / _buildParams.SectorSize),  // TypeLPathTableLocation
                (uint)(startOfFourthPathTable / _buildParams.SectorSize), // TypeMPathTableLocation
                (uint)(startOfSecondDirData / _buildParams.SectorSize),   // RootDirectory.LocationOfExtent
                (uint)_rootDirectory.GetDataSize(suppEncoding),           // RootDirectory.DataLength

            svDesc.VolumeIdentifier = _buildParams.VolumeIdentifier;
            SupplementaryVolumeDescriptorRegion svdr = new SupplementaryVolumeDescriptorRegion(svDesc, focus, _sectorSize);

            fixedRegions.Insert(regionIdx++, svdr);
            focus += _buildParams.SectorSize;

            VolumeDescriptorSetTerminator       evDesc = new VolumeDescriptorSetTerminator(_sectorSize);
            VolumeDescriptorSetTerminatorRegion evdr   = new VolumeDescriptorSetTerminatorRegion(evDesc, focus, _sectorSize);

            fixedRegions.Insert(regionIdx++, evdr);
