Beispiel #1
        public string[] Solve(string[] nodes)
            var routing = new RoutingModel(nodes.Length, 1, 0);

            routing.SetCost(new HaversineDistanceEvaluator(nodes, _maps));
            var parameters = RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters();

            parameters.FirstSolutionStrategy = FirstSolutionStrategy.Types.Value.PathCheapestArc;
            var solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(parameters);

            int routeNumber = 0;
            var results     = new List <string>();

            for (long node = routing.Start(routeNumber); !routing.IsEnd(node); node = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(node)))

Beispiel #2
        public static void Solve(int vehicles, Distance distances)
             * Generate constraint model

            // Third argument defines depot, i.e. start-end node for round trip.
            var model = new RoutingModel(distances.MapSize(), vehicles, 0);

            // Node costs vs. Arc Costs

             * A vehicle must not visit more than 7 cities

            //model.AddConstantDimension(1, 7, true, "count");

             * A vehicle must visit at least 3 cities

            /*model.AddConstantDimension(1, Int32.MaxValue, true, "count");
             * var count = model.GetDimensionOrDie("count");
             * for (int i = 0; i < vehicles; i++) {
             *  count.CumulVar(model.End(i)).SetMin(3);
             * }*/

             * City 3 and 5 must NOT be visited by the same vehicle

            //model.solver().Add(model.VehicleVar(3) != model.VehicleVar(5));

             * City 3 must be visited before city 5 (not necessarily by the same vehicle)

            /*model.AddConstantDimension(1, Int32.MaxValue, true, "time");
             * var time = model.GetDimensionOrDie("time");
             * model.solver().Add(time.CumulVar(3) < time.CumulVar(5));*/

             * City 3 must be visited right after city 5 (not necessarily by the same vhicle)

            /*model.AddConstantDimension(1, Int32.MaxValue, true, "time");
             * var time = model.GetDimensionOrDie("time");
             * model.solver().Add(time.CumulVar(5) + 1 == time.CumulVar(3));*/

             * Solve problem and display solution

            Assignment assignment = model.Solve();

            if (assignment != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Depot: " + model.GetDepot());
                Console.WriteLine("Total Distance: " + assignment.ObjectiveValue() + "\n");

                for (int i = 0; i < vehicles; i++)
                     * Display Trips:

                    Console.WriteLine("Round Trip for Vehicle " + i + ":");

                    long total  = 0;
                    var  source = model.Start(i);

                    while (!model.IsEnd(source))
                        var target = model.Next(assignment, source);

                        var from = model.IndexToNode(source);
                        var to   = model.IndexToNode(target);

                        total += distances.Run(from, to);
                            $" - From {distances.ToString(@from),-3} travel to {distances.ToString(to),-3} with distance: {distances.Run(@from, to),-3}");
                        source = target;

                    Console.WriteLine("Total Distance for Vehicle " + i + ": " + total + "\n");

Beispiel #3
        private static void VRP(int[,] locations, int[] demands, int num_vehicles)
            int num_locations = locations.GetLength(0);
            int depot         = 0; // The depot is the start and end point of each route.

            // Create routing model
            if (locations.Length > 0)
                RoutingModel routing           = new RoutingModel(num_locations, num_vehicles, depot);
                var          search_parameters = RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters();

                // Setting first solution heuristic: the
                // method for finding a first solution to the problem.
                search_parameters.FirstSolutionStrategy = FirstSolutionStrategy.Types.Value.PathCheapestArc;

                var distanceCallback = new DistanceLocationsCallback(locations);

                //  Display(distanceCallback.matrix);


                //  Add a dimension for demand.

                long   slack_max               = 0;
                long   vehicle_capacity        = 100;
                bool   fix_start_cumul_to_zero = true;
                string demand = "Demand";

                routing.AddDimension(new DemandCallback(demands), slack_max, vehicle_capacity, fix_start_cumul_to_zero, demand);

                // Solve, displays a solution if any.
                var assignment = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters);

                Console.WriteLine("Status = {0}", routing.Status());

                if (assignment != null)
                    // Solution cost.
                    Console.WriteLine("Total distance of all routes: {0}", assignment.ObjectiveValue());
                    // Inspect solution.

                    // Only one route here; otherwise iterate from 0 to routing.vehicles() - 1

                    for (int vehicle_nbr = 0; vehicle_nbr < num_vehicles; vehicle_nbr++)
                        long   index        = routing.Start(vehicle_nbr);
                        long   index_next   = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(index));
                        string route        = string.Empty;
                        long   route_dist   = 0;
                        long   route_demand = 0;

                        int node_index;
                        int node_index_next;

                        while (!routing.IsEnd(index_next))
                            // Convert variable indices to node indices in the displayed route.

                            node_index      = routing.IndexToNode(index);
                            node_index_next = routing.IndexToNode(index_next);

                            route += node_index + " -> ";

                            // Add the distance to the next node.

                            route_dist += distanceCallback.Run(node_index, node_index_next);
                            // # Add demand.
                            route_demand += demands[node_index_next];
                            index         = index_next;
                            index_next    = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(index));

                        node_index      = routing.IndexToNode(index);
                        node_index_next = routing.IndexToNode(index_next);
                        route          += node_index + " -> " + node_index_next;
                        route_dist     += distanceCallback.Run(node_index, node_index_next);

                        Console.WriteLine("Route for vehicle " + vehicle_nbr + ":\n\n" + route + "\n");
                        Console.WriteLine("Distance of route " + vehicle_nbr + ": " + route_dist);
                        Console.WriteLine("Demand met by vehicle " + vehicle_nbr + ": " + route_demand + "\n");

                        // Console.WriteLine($"Route: {route}");
                    Console.WriteLine("No solution found.");
Beispiel #4
        private static void Test()
            string[] city_names = { "New York", "Los Angeles",   "Chicago",   "Minneapolis", "Denver",  "Dallas", "Seattle",
                                    "Boston",   "San Francisco", "St. Louis", "Houston",     "Phoenix", "Salt Lake City" };

            int tsp_size = city_names.Length;

            // The number of routes, which is 1 in the TSP.
            int num_routes = 1;

            // The depot is the starting node of the route.
            int depot = 0;

            // Create routing model
            if (tsp_size > 0)
                RoutingModel routing           = new RoutingModel(tsp_size, num_routes, depot);
                var          search_parameters = RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters();

                // Setting first solution heuristic: the
                // method for finding a first solution to the problem.
                search_parameters.FirstSolutionStrategy = FirstSolutionStrategy.Types.Value.PathCheapestArc;

                // Setting the cost function

                // Create the distance callback, which takes two arguments (the from and to node indices)
                // and returns the distance between these nodes.

                //  routing.SetCost(new ConstantCallback());

                routing.SetArcCostEvaluatorOfAllVehicles(new DistanceCallback());

                var assignment = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters);

                Console.WriteLine("Status = {0}", routing.Status());

                if (assignment != null)
                    // Solution cost.
                    Console.WriteLine("Total distance: = {0}", assignment.ObjectiveValue());
                    // Inspect solution.

                    // Only one route here; otherwise iterate from 0 to routing.vehicles() - 1
                    int route_number = 0;

                    long index = routing.Start(route_number); // Index of the variable for the starting node.

                    string route = string.Empty;

                    while (!routing.IsEnd(index))
                        // Convert variable indices to node indices in the displayed route.

                        route += city_names[routing.IndexToNode(index)] + " -> ";

                        index = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(index));

                        route += city_names[routing.IndexToNode(index)];

                    Console.WriteLine($"Route: {route}");
                    Console.WriteLine("No solution found.");
Beispiel #5
        public IList <string> GetShortestOptimizedRoute([FromBody] GeographicViewModel geographicVM)
            // double[] latitude = { 13.121329, 13.065150, 13.024346, 13.027691, 12.913887, 12.915754, 12.962431, 12.890461, 12.907220, 12.954234, 13.026996, 13.041044, 13.001573 };
            //double[] longitude = { 80.029049, 80.128613, 79.909573, 80.259762, 80.253067, 80.192041, 80.253839, 80.097198, 80.142088, 80.188437, 80.107756, 80.234957, 80.257616 };
            string[] city_names = { "Thirunindravur", "Thiruverkadu", "Senkadu", "Milapore", "VGP Golden", "Medavakkam", "Palavakkam", "Vandalur", "Selaiyur", "Kelkattalai", "Mangadu", "TNagar", "Adyar" };

            double[] latitudeandLongitude;
            var      sCoordlatitudeandLongitude = new List <string>();
            var      finallatitudeandLongitude  = new List <string>();

            distanceArray = new double[geographicVM.Latitude.Length, geographicVM.Longitude.Length];
            var k = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < geographicVM.Latitude.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < geographicVM.Longitude.Length; j++)
                    var sCoord = new GeoCoordinate(geographicVM.Latitude[i], geographicVM.Longitude[i]);
                    var eCoord = new GeoCoordinate(geographicVM.Latitude[j], geographicVM.Longitude[j]);
                    if (i == j)
                        if (i % 2 == 0)
                            sCoordlatitudeandLongitude.Add(sCoord.ToString() + ",D" + "," + k++);
                            sCoordlatitudeandLongitude.Add(sCoord.ToString() + ",P" + "," + k);

                    var text = sCoord.GetDistanceTo(eCoord) / 1609.344;
                    distanceArray[i, j] = Math.Round(text);
            double[,] costs = distanceArray;

            int          num_locations = city_names.Length;
            RoutingModel routingModel  = new RoutingModel(geographicVM.Latitude.Length, 1, 0);

            Solver solver = routingModel.solver();

            string rank_name = "rank";

            routingModel.AddConstantDimension(1, geographicVM.Latitude.Length, true, rank_name);
            var rank_dimension = routingModel.GetDimensionOrDie(rank_name);

            //Constraint MinneapolisBeforeNewYork = solver.MakeLess(routingModel.CumulVar(highPriorityVarIndex, rank_name), routingModel.CumulVar(lowPriorityVarIndex, rank_name));

            /* Later needs to be worked on the Constraint for the  Multiple Pickups before Delivery */
            //Constraint test = routingModel.CumulVar(3, rank_name) < routingModel.CumulVar(13, rank_name);

            RoutingSearchParameters search_parameters = RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters();

            search_parameters.FirstSolutionStrategy =
            NodeEvaluator2 cost_between_nodes = new Cost(costs);

            routingModel.SetArcCostEvaluatorOfAllVehicles(cost_between_nodes); //oder SetVehicleCost wenn Fahrzeuge unterschiedliche Kostenmatrix haben

            StringBuilder route = new StringBuilder();

            Assignment assignment = routingModel.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters);

            if (assignment != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Total distance: " + assignment.ObjectiveValue().ToString() + "miles");

                long index = routingModel.Start(0); //vehicle 0

                route.Append("Route: ");

                    //route.Append(city_names[routingModel.IndexToNode(index)] + " -> ");
                    index = assignment.Value(routingModel.NextVar(index));
                }while (!routingModel.IsEnd(index));
                // route.Append(city_names[routingModel.IndexToNode(index)]);

Beispiel #6
        public static void Solve(int vehicles, int capacity, Distance distances, Demands demands)
             * Generate constraint model

            // Third argument defines depot, i.e. start-end node for round trip.
            var model = new RoutingModel(distances.MapSize(), vehicles, 0);

            // Node costs vs. Arc Costs

             * Capacity Constraints

            if (distances.MapSize() != demands.MapSize())
                throw new ArgumentException("Define demand for each city.");

            model.AddDimension(demands, 0, capacity, true, "capacity");

             * Solve problem and display solution

            Assignment assignment = model.Solve();

            if (assignment != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Depot: " + model.GetDepot());
                Console.WriteLine("Total Distance: " + assignment.ObjectiveValue() + "\n");

                for (int i = 0; i < vehicles; i++)
                     * Display Trips:

                    Console.WriteLine("Round Trip for Vehicle " + i + ":");

                    long total  = 0;
                    var  source = model.Start(i);

                    while (!model.IsEnd(source))
                        var s = model.IndexToNode(source);
                        var t = model.IndexToNode(model.Next(assignment, source));

                        total += distances.Run(s, t);

                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format(" - From {0,-2} (demand: {1,-1}) travel to {2,-2} (demand: {3,-1}) with distance: {4,-2}",
                                                        distances.Run(s, t)));
                        source = model.Next(assignment, source);

                    Console.WriteLine("Total Distance for Vehicle " + i + ": " + total + "\n");
