Beispiel #1
        private static void Test()
            int[,] locations =
                { 82, 76 }, { 96, 44 }, { 50,  5 }, { 49,  8 }, { 13,  7 }, { 29, 89 }, { 58, 30 }, { 84, 39 },
                { 14, 24 }, { 12, 39 }, {  3, 82 }, {  5, 10 }, { 98, 52 }, { 84, 25 }, { 61, 59 }, {  1, 65 },
                { 88, 51 }, { 91,  2 }, { 19, 32 }, { 93,  3 }, { 50, 93 }, { 98, 14 }, {  5, 42 }, { 42,  9 },
                { 61, 62 }, {  9, 97 }, { 80, 55 }, { 57, 69 }, { 23, 15 }, { 20, 70 }, { 85, 60 }, { 98,  5 }

            int[] demands = { 0,  19, 21, 6, 19, 7, 12, 16,  6, 16,  8, 14, 21, 16, 3, 22, 18,
                              19,  1, 24, 8, 12, 4,  8, 24, 24,  2, 20, 15,  2, 14, 9 };

            int num_locations = locations.Length;
            int depot         = 0; // The depot is the start and end point of each route.
            int num_vehicles  = 5;

            // Create routing model
            if (locations.Length > 0)
                RoutingModel routing           = new RoutingModel(num_locations, num_vehicles, depot);
                var          search_parameters = RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters();

                // Setting first solution heuristic: the
                // method for finding a first solution to the problem.
                search_parameters.FirstSolutionStrategy = FirstSolutionStrategy.Types.Value.PathCheapestArc;

                routing.SetArcCostEvaluatorOfAllVehicles(new DistanceLocationsCallback(locations));
Beispiel #2
        public string[] Solve(string[] nodes)
            var routing = new RoutingModel(nodes.Length, 1, 0);

            routing.SetCost(new HaversineDistanceEvaluator(nodes, _maps));
            var parameters = RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters();

            parameters.FirstSolutionStrategy = FirstSolutionStrategy.Types.Value.PathCheapestArc;
            var solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(parameters);

            int routeNumber = 0;
            var results     = new List <string>();

            for (long node = routing.Start(routeNumber); !routing.IsEnd(node); node = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(node)))

Beispiel #3
        public List <Destination> SolveTsp(List <Destination> destinations)
            var tspSize = destinations.Count;
            // One route because there is one traveller:
            var numberOfRoutes = 1;
            // The homet town is inserted at position 0 in the list, so the "depot" index is 0:
            var depotIndex = 0;

            // Compose the model:
            var model = new RoutingModel(tspSize, numberOfRoutes, depotIndex);

            // Setup search params
            var searchParameters = RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters();

            // Find a first solution with the cheapest addition algorithm:
            searchParameters.FirstSolutionStrategy = FirstSolutionStrategy.Types.Value.PathCheapestArc;
            // Use GLS for local search metaheuristic:
            searchParameters.LocalSearchMetaheuristic = LocalSearchMetaheuristic.Types.Value.GuidedLocalSearch;
            // Lower valuest make the local search more fine-grained
            searchParameters.GuidedLocalSearchLambdaCoefficient = 0.1;
            // The calculations are given one second to perform:
            searchParameters.TimeLimitMs = 1000;

            //Setup arc costs evaluation:
            var arcCostEvaluator = new DistanceCallback(destinations.Select(d => new Point {
                X = d.X, Y = d.Y


            // Solve the problem:
            var solution = model.SolveWithParameters(searchParameters);

            if (solution != null)
                return(ExtractWaybillsFromSolution(solution, model, destinations));

            return(new List <Destination>());
Beispiel #4
    /// <summary>
    ///   Solves the current routing problem.
    /// </summary>
    private void Solve(int number_of_orders, int number_of_vehicles)
        Console.WriteLine("Creating model with " + number_of_orders +
                          " orders and " + number_of_vehicles + " vehicles.");
        // Finalizing model
        int number_of_locations = locations_.Length;

        RoutingModel model =
            new RoutingModel(number_of_locations, number_of_vehicles,
                             vehicle_starts_, vehicle_ends_);

        // Setting up dimensions
        const int      big_number         = 100000;
        NodeEvaluator2 manhattan_callback = new Manhattan(locations_, 1);

            manhattan_callback, big_number, big_number, false, "time");
        NodeEvaluator2 demand_callback = new Demand(order_demands_);

        model.AddDimension(demand_callback, 0, vehicle_capacity_, true, "capacity");

        // Setting up vehicles
        NodeEvaluator2[] cost_callbacks = new NodeEvaluator2[number_of_vehicles];
        for (int vehicle = 0; vehicle < number_of_vehicles; ++vehicle)
            int            cost_coefficient        = vehicle_cost_coefficients_[vehicle];
            NodeEvaluator2 manhattan_cost_callback =
                new Manhattan(locations_, cost_coefficient);
            cost_callbacks[vehicle] = manhattan_cost_callback;
            model.SetVehicleCost(vehicle, manhattan_cost_callback);
            model.CumulVar(model.End(vehicle), "time").SetMax(

        // Setting up orders
        for (int order = 0; order < number_of_orders; ++order)
            model.CumulVar(order, "time").SetRange(order_time_windows_[order].start_,
            int[] orders = { order };
            model.AddDisjunction(orders, order_penalties_[order]);

        // Solving
        RoutingSearchParameters search_parameters =

        search_parameters.FirstSolutionStrategy =

        Assignment solution = model.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters);

        //protect callbacks from the GC
        for (int cost_callback_index = 0; cost_callback_index < cost_callbacks.Length; cost_callback_index++)

        if (solution != null)
            String output = "Total cost: " + solution.ObjectiveValue() + "\n";
            // Dropped orders
            String dropped = "";
            for (int order = 0; order < number_of_orders; ++order)
                if (solution.Value(model.NextVar(order)) == order)
                    dropped += " " + order;
            if (dropped.Length > 0)
                output += "Dropped orders:" + dropped + "\n";
            // Routes
            for (int vehicle = 0; vehicle < number_of_vehicles; ++vehicle)
                String route = "Vehicle " + vehicle + ": ";
                long   order = model.Start(vehicle);
                if (model.IsEnd(solution.Value(model.NextVar(order))))
                    route += "Empty";
                    for (;
                         order = solution.Value(model.NextVar(order)))
                        IntVar local_load = model.CumulVar(order, "capacity");
                        IntVar local_time = model.CumulVar(order, "time");
                        route += order + " Load(" + solution.Value(local_load) + ") " +
                                 "Time(" + solution.Min(local_time) + ", " +
                                 solution.Max(local_time) + ") -> ";
                    IntVar load = model.CumulVar(order, "capacity");
                    IntVar time = model.CumulVar(order, "time");
                    route += order + " Load(" + solution.Value(load) + ") " +
                             "Time(" + solution.Min(time) + ", " + solution.Max(time) + ")";
                output += route + "\n";
Beispiel #5
    static void Solve(int size, int forbidden, int seed)
        RoutingModel routing = new RoutingModel(size, 1);

        // Setting the cost function.
        // Put a permanent callback to the distance accessor here. The callback
        // has the following signature: ResultCallback2<int64, int64, int64>.
        // The two arguments are the from and to node inidices.
        RandomManhattan distances = new RandomManhattan(size, seed);


        // Forbid node connections (randomly).
        Random randomizer            = new Random();
        long   forbidden_connections = 0;

        while (forbidden_connections < forbidden)
            long from = randomizer.Next(size - 1);
            long to   = randomizer.Next(size - 1) + 1;
            if (routing.NextVar(from).Contains(to))
                Console.WriteLine("Forbidding connection {0} -> {1}", from, to);

        // Add dummy dimension to test API.
        routing.AddDimension(new ConstantCallback(),
                             size + 1,
                             size + 1,

        // Solve, returns a solution if any (owned by RoutingModel).
        RoutingSearchParameters search_parameters =

        // Setting first solution heuristic (cheapest addition).
        search_parameters.FirstSolutionStrategy =

        Assignment solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters);

        if (solution != null)
            // Solution cost.
            Console.WriteLine("Cost = {0}", solution.ObjectiveValue());
            // Inspect solution.
            // Only one route here; otherwise iterate from 0 to routing.vehicles() - 1
            int route_number = 0;
            for (long node = routing.Start(route_number);
                 node = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(node)))
                Console.Write("{0} -> ", node);
Beispiel #6
        // <summary>
        // Получаем предложение по оптимальному расположению адресов в указанном маршруте.
        // Рачет идет с учетом окон доставки. Но естественно без любых ограничений по весу и прочему.
        // </summary>
        // <returns>Предолженый маршрут</returns>
        // <param name="route">Первоначальный маршрутный лист, чтобы взять адреса.</param>
        public ProposedRoute RebuidOneRoute(RouteList route)
            var trip = new PossibleTrip(route);

            logger.Info("Подготавливаем заказы...");
            PerformanceHelper.StartMeasurement($"Строим маршрут");

            List <CalculatedOrder> calculatedOrders = new List <CalculatedOrder>();

            foreach (var address in route.Addresses)
                if (address.Order.DeliveryPoint.Longitude == null || address.Order.DeliveryPoint.Latitude == null)

                calculatedOrders.Add(new CalculatedOrder(address.Order, null));
            Nodes = calculatedOrders.ToArray();

            distanceCalculator = new ExtDistanceCalculator(DistanceProvider.Osrm, Nodes.Select(x => x.Order.DeliveryPoint).ToArray(), StatisticsTxtAction);

            PerformanceHelper.AddTimePoint(logger, $"Подготовка заказов");

            logger.Info("Создаем модель...");
            RoutingModel routing = new RoutingModel(Nodes.Length + 1, 1, 0);

            int horizon = 24 * 3600;

            routing.AddDimension(new CallbackTime(Nodes, trip, distanceCalculator), 3 * 3600, horizon, false, "Time");
            var time_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie("Time");

            var cumulTimeOnEnd   = routing.CumulVar(routing.End(0), "Time");
            var cumulTimeOnBegin = routing.CumulVar(routing.Start(0), "Time");

            if (route.Shift != null)
                var shift = route.Shift;

            routing.SetArcCostEvaluatorOfVehicle(new CallbackDistance(Nodes, distanceCalculator), 0);

            for (int ix = 0; ix < Nodes.Length; ix++)
                var startWindow = Nodes[ix].Order.DeliverySchedule.From.TotalSeconds;
                var endWindow   = Nodes[ix].Order.DeliverySchedule.To.TotalSeconds - trip.Driver.TimeCorrection(Nodes[ix].Order.CalculateTimeOnPoint(route.Forwarder != null));
                if (endWindow < startWindow)
                    logger.Warn("Время разгрузки на точке, не помещается в диапазон времени доставки. {0}-{1}", Nodes[ix].Order.DeliverySchedule.From, Nodes[ix].Order.DeliverySchedule.To);
                    endWindow = startWindow;
                time_dimension.CumulVar(ix + 1).SetRange((long)startWindow, (long)endWindow);
                routing.AddDisjunction(new int[] { ix + 1 }, MaxDistanceAddressPenalty);

            RoutingSearchParameters search_parameters = RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters();

            search_parameters.FirstSolutionStrategy = FirstSolutionStrategy.Types.Value.ParallelCheapestInsertion;

            search_parameters.TimeLimitMs = MaxTimeSeconds * 1000;
            //search_parameters.FingerprintArcCostEvaluators = true;
            //search_parameters.OptimizationStep = 100;

            var solver = routing.solver();

            PerformanceHelper.AddTimePoint(logger, $"Настроили оптимизацию");
            logger.Info("Закрываем модель...");
            logger.Info("Рассчет расстояний между точками...");
            var lastSolution = solver.MakeLastSolutionCollector();

            routing.AddSearchMonitor(new CallbackMonitor(solver, StatisticsTxtAction, lastSolution));

            PerformanceHelper.AddTimePoint(logger, $"Закрыли модель");
            logger.Info("Поиск решения...");

            Assignment solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters);

            PerformanceHelper.AddTimePoint(logger, $"Получили решение.");
            logger.Info("Готово. Заполняем.");
            Console.WriteLine("Status = {0}", routing.Status());
            ProposedRoute proposedRoute = null;

            if (solution != null)
                // Solution cost.
                Console.WriteLine("Cost = {0}", solution.ObjectiveValue());
                time_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie("Time");

                int route_number = 0;

                proposedRoute = new ProposedRoute(null);
                long first_node  = routing.Start(route_number);
                long second_node = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(first_node));                 // Пропускаем первый узел, так как это наша база.
                proposedRoute.RouteCost = routing.GetCost(first_node, second_node, route_number);

                while (!routing.IsEnd(second_node))
                    var time_var = time_dimension.CumulVar(second_node);
                    var rPoint   = new ProposedRoutePoint(
                        Nodes[second_node - 1].Order
                    rPoint.DebugMaxMin = string.Format("\n({0},{1})[{3}-{4}]-{2}",
                                                       new DateTime().AddSeconds(solution.Min(time_var)).ToShortTimeString(),
                                                       new DateTime().AddSeconds(solution.Max(time_var)).ToShortTimeString(),

                    first_node               = second_node;
                    second_node              = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(first_node));
                    proposedRoute.RouteCost += routing.GetCost(first_node, second_node, route_number);


            if (distanceCalculator.ErrorWays.Count > 0)
                logger.Debug("Ошибок получения расстояний {0}", distanceCalculator.ErrorWays.Count);
                var uniqueFrom = distanceCalculator.ErrorWays.Select(x => x.FromHash).Distinct().ToList();
                var uniqueTo   = distanceCalculator.ErrorWays.Select(x => x.ToHash).Distinct().ToList();
                logger.Debug("Уникальных точек: отправки = {0}, прибытия = {1}", uniqueFrom.Count, uniqueTo.Count);
                logger.Debug("Проблемные точки отправки:\n{0}",
                             string.Join("; ", distanceCalculator.ErrorWays
                                         .GroupBy(x => x.FromHash)
                                         .Where(x => x.Count() > (uniqueTo.Count / 2))
                                         .Select(x => CachedDistance.GetText(x.Key)))
                logger.Debug("Проблемные точки прибытия:\n{0}",
                             string.Join("; ", distanceCalculator.ErrorWays
                                         .GroupBy(x => x.ToHash)
                                         .Where(x => x.Count() > (uniqueFrom.Count / 2))
                                         .Select(x => CachedDistance.GetText(x.Key)))
Beispiel #7
        // <summary>
        // Метод создаем маршруты на день основываясь на данных всесенных в поля <c>Routes</c>, <c>Orders</c>,
        // <c>Drivers</c> и <c>Forwarders</c>.
        // </summary>
        public void CreateRoutes(TimeSpan drvStartTime, TimeSpan drvEndTime)
            ProposedRoutes.Clear();             //Очищаем сразу, так как можем выйти из метода ранее.

            logger.Info("Подготавливаем заказы...");
            PerformanceHelper.StartMeasurement($"Строим оптимальные маршруты");

            // Создаем список поездок всех водителей. Тут перебираем всех водителей с машинами
            // и создаем поездки для них, в зависимости от выбранного режима работы.
            var trips = Drivers.Where(x => x.Car != null)
                        .OrderBy(x => x.PriorityAtDay)
                        .SelectMany(drv => drv.DaySchedule != null
                                                                                                ? drv.DaySchedule.Shifts.Where(s => s.StartTime >= drvStartTime && s.StartTime < drvEndTime)
                                    .Select(shift => new PossibleTrip(drv, shift))
                                                                                                                                                : new[] { new PossibleTrip(drv, null) }

            // Стыкуем уже созданные маршрутные листы с возможными поездками, на основании водителя и смены.
            // Если уже созданный маршрут не найден в поездках, то создаем поездку для него.
            foreach (var existRoute in Routes)
                var trip = trips.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Driver == existRoute.Driver && x.Shift == existRoute.Shift);
                if (trip != null)
                    trip.OldRoute = existRoute;
                    trips.Add(new PossibleTrip(existRoute));
                //Проверяем все ли заказы из МЛ присутствуют в списке заказов. Если их нет. Добавляем.
                foreach (var address in existRoute.Addresses)
                    if (Orders.All(x => x.Id != address.Order.Id))

            var possibleRoutes = trips.ToArray();

            if (!possibleRoutes.Any())
                AddWarning("Для построения маршрутов, нет водителей.");


            var                    areas            = UoW.GetAll <District>().Where(x => x.DistrictsSet.Status == DistrictsSetStatus.Active).ToList();
            List <District>        unusedDistricts  = new List <District>();
            List <CalculatedOrder> calculatedOrders = new List <CalculatedOrder>();

            // Перебираем все заказы, исключаем те которые без координат, определяем для каждого заказа район
            // на основании координат. И создавая экземпляр <c>CalculatedOrder</c>, происходит подсчет сумарной
            // информации о заказе. Всего бутылей, вес и прочее.
            foreach (var order in Orders)
                if (order.DeliveryPoint.Longitude == null || order.DeliveryPoint.Latitude == null)
                var point = new Point((double)order.DeliveryPoint.Latitude.Value, (double)order.DeliveryPoint.Longitude.Value);
                var area  = areas.Find(x => x.DistrictBorder.Contains(point));
                if (area != null)
                    var oldRoute = Routes.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Addresses.Any(a => a.Order.Id == order.Id));
                    if (oldRoute != null)
                        calculatedOrders.Add(new CalculatedOrder(order, area, false, oldRoute));
                    else if (possibleRoutes.SelectMany(x => x.Districts).Any(x => x.District.Id == area.Id))
                        var cOrder = new CalculatedOrder(order, area);
                        //if(possibleRoutes.Any(r => r.GeographicGroup.Id == cOrder.ShippingBase.Id))//убрать, если в автоформировании должны учавствовать заказы из всех частей города вне зависимости от того какие части города выбраны в диалоге
                    else if (!unusedDistricts.Contains(area))
            Nodes = calculatedOrders.ToArray();
            if (unusedDistricts.Any())
                AddWarning("Районы без водителей: {0}", string.Join(", ", unusedDistricts.Select(x => x.DistrictName)));

            // Создаем калькулятор расчета расстояний. Он сразу запрашивает уже имеющиеся расстояния из кеша
            // и в фоновом режиме начинает считать недостающую матрицу.
            distanceCalculator = new ExtDistanceCalculator(DistanceProvider.Osrm, Nodes.Select(x => x.Order.DeliveryPoint).ToArray(), StatisticsTxtAction);

            logger.Info("Развозка по {0} районам.", calculatedOrders.Select(x => x.District).Distinct().Count());
            PerformanceHelper.AddTimePoint(logger, $"Подготовка заказов");

            // Пред запуском оптимизации мы должны создать модель и внести в нее все необходимые данные.
            logger.Info("Создаем модель...");
            RoutingModel routing = new RoutingModel(Nodes.Length + 1, possibleRoutes.Length, 0);

            // Создаем измерение со временем на маршруте.
            // <c>horizon</c> - ограничивает максимально допустимое значение диапазона, чтобы не уйти за границы суток;
            // <c>maxWaitTime</c> - Максимальное время ожидания водителя. То есть водитель закончил разгрузку следующий
            // адрес в маршруте у него не должен быть позже чем на 4 часа ожидания.
            int horizon        = 24 * 3600;
            int maxWaitTime    = 4 * 3600;
            var timeEvaluators = possibleRoutes.Select(x => new CallbackTime(Nodes, x, distanceCalculator)).ToArray();

            routing.AddDimensionWithVehicleTransits(timeEvaluators, maxWaitTime, horizon, false, "Time");
            var time_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie("Time");

            // Ниже заполняем все измерения для учета бутылей, веса, адресов, объема.
            var bottlesCapacity = possibleRoutes.Select(x => (long)x.Car.MaxBottles).ToArray();

            routing.AddDimensionWithVehicleCapacity(new CallbackBottles(Nodes), 0, bottlesCapacity, true, "Bottles");

            var weightCapacity = possibleRoutes.Select(x => (long)x.Car.MaxWeight).ToArray();

            routing.AddDimensionWithVehicleCapacity(new CallbackWeight(Nodes), 0, weightCapacity, true, "Weight");

            var volumeCapacity = possibleRoutes.Select(x => (long)(x.Car.MaxVolume * 1000)).ToArray();

            routing.AddDimensionWithVehicleCapacity(new CallbackVolume(Nodes), 0, volumeCapacity, true, "Volume");

            var addressCapacity = possibleRoutes.Select(x => (long)(x.Driver.MaxRouteAddresses)).ToArray();

            routing.AddDimensionWithVehicleCapacity(new CallbackAddressCount(Nodes.Length), 0, addressCapacity, true, "AddressCount");

            var bottlesDimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie("Bottles");
            var addressDimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie("AddressCount");

            for (int ix = 0; ix < possibleRoutes.Length; ix++)
                // Устанавливаем функцию получения стоимости маршрута.
                routing.SetArcCostEvaluatorOfVehicle(new CallbackDistanceDistrict(Nodes, possibleRoutes[ix], distanceCalculator), ix);

                // Добавляем фиксированный штраф за принадлежность водителя.
                if (possibleRoutes[ix].Driver.DriverType.HasValue)
                    routing.SetFixedCostOfVehicle(((int)possibleRoutes[ix].Driver.DriverType) * DriverPriorityPenalty, ix);
                    routing.SetFixedCostOfVehicle(DriverPriorityPenalty * 3, ix);

                var cumulTimeOnEnd   = routing.CumulVar(routing.End(ix), "Time");
                var cumulTimeOnBegin = routing.CumulVar(routing.Start(ix), "Time");

                // Устанавливаем минимальные(мягкие) границы для измерений. При значениях меньше минимальных, маршрут все таки принимается,
                // но вносятся некоторые штрафные очки на последнюю точку маршрута.
                //bottlesDimension.SetEndCumulVarSoftLowerBound(ix, possibleRoutes[ix].Car.MinBottles, MinBottlesInRoutePenalty);
                //addressDimension.SetEndCumulVarSoftLowerBound(ix, possibleRoutes[ix].Driver.MinRouteAddresses, MinAddressesInRoutePenalty);

                // Устанавливаем диапазон времени для движения по маршруту в зависимости от выбраной смены,
                // день, вечер и с учетом досрочного завершения водителем работы.
                if (possibleRoutes[ix].Shift != null)
                    var shift   = possibleRoutes[ix].Shift;
                    var endTime = possibleRoutes[ix].EarlyEnd.HasValue
                                                                                                        ? Math.Min(shift.EndTime.TotalSeconds, possibleRoutes[ix].EarlyEnd.Value.TotalSeconds)
                                                                                                        : shift.EndTime.TotalSeconds;
                else if (possibleRoutes[ix].EarlyEnd.HasValue)                //Устанавливаем время окончания рабочего дня у водителя.

            for (int ix = 0; ix < Nodes.Length; ix++)
                // Проставляем на каждый адрес окно времени приезда.
                var startWindow = Nodes[ix].Order.DeliverySchedule.From.TotalSeconds;
                var endWindow   = Nodes[ix].Order.DeliverySchedule.To.TotalSeconds - Nodes[ix].Order.CalculateTimeOnPoint(false);               //FIXME Внимание здесь задаем время без экспедитора и без учета скорости водителя. Это не правильно, но другого варианта я придумать не смог.
                if (endWindow < startWindow)
                    AddWarning("Время разгрузки на {2}, не помещается в диапазон времени доставки. {0}-{1}", Nodes[ix].Order.DeliverySchedule.From, Nodes[ix].Order.DeliverySchedule.To, Nodes[ix].Order.DeliveryPoint.ShortAddress);
                    endWindow = startWindow;
                time_dimension.CumulVar(ix + 1).SetRange((long)startWindow, (long)endWindow);
                // Добавляем абсолютно все заказы в дизюкцию. Если бы заказы небыли вдобавлены в отдельные дизьюкции
                // то при не возможность доставить хоть один заказ. Все решение бы считаль не верным. Добавление каждого заказа
                // в отдельную дизьюкцию, позволяет механизму не вести какой то и заказов, и все таки формировать решение с недовезенными
                // заказами. Дизьюкция работает так. Он говорит, если хотя бы один заказ в этой группе(дизьюкции) доставлен,
                // то все хорошо, иначе штраф. Так как у нас в кадой дизьюкции по одному заказу. Мы получаем опциональную доставку каждого заказа.
                routing.AddDisjunction(new int[] { ix + 1 }, MaxDistanceAddressPenalty);

            logger.Debug("Nodes.Length = {0}", Nodes.Length);
            logger.Debug("routing.Nodes() = {0}", routing.Nodes());
            logger.Debug("GetNumberOfDisjunctions = {0}", routing.GetNumberOfDisjunctions());

            RoutingSearchParameters search_parameters = RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters();

            // Setting first solution heuristic (cheapest addition).
            // Указывается стратегия первоначального заполнения. Опытным путем было вычислено, что именно при
            // стратегиях вставки маршруты получаются с набором точек более близких к друг другу. То есть в большей
            // степени облачком. Что воспринималось человеком как более отпимальное. В отличии от большенства других
            // стратегий в которых маршруты, формируюся скорее по лентами ведущими через все обезжаемые раоны. То есть водители
            // чаще имели пересечения маршутов.
            search_parameters.FirstSolutionStrategy = FirstSolutionStrategy.Types.Value.ParallelCheapestInsertion;

            search_parameters.TimeLimitMs = MaxTimeSeconds * 1000;
            // Отключаем внутреннего кеширования расчитанных значений. Опытным путем было проверено, что включение этого значения.
            // Значительно(на несколько секунд) увеличивает время закрытия модели и сокращает иногда не значительно время расчета оптимизаций.
            // И в принцепе становится целесообразно только на количествах заказов 300-400. При количестве заказов менее 200
            // влючение отпечатков значений. Не уменьшало, а увеличивало общее время расчета. А при большом количестве заказов
            // время расчета уменьшалось не значительно.
            //search_parameters.FingerprintArcCostEvaluators = false;

            search_parameters.FingerprintArcCostEvaluators = true;

            //search_parameters.OptimizationStep = 100;

            var solver = routing.solver();

            PerformanceHelper.AddTimePoint(logger, $"Настроили оптимизацию");
            logger.Info("Закрываем модель...");

            if (
                WarningMessages.Any() && !interactiveService.Question(
                    string.Join("\n", WarningMessages.Select(x => "⚠ " + x)),
                    "При построении транспортной модели обнаружены следующие проблемы:\n{0}\nПродолжить?"
                distanceCalculator.Canceled = true;

            logger.Info("Рассчет расстояний между точками...");
            //Записывем возможно не схраненый кеш в базу.
            //Попытка хоть как то ослеживать что происходит в момент построения. Возможно не очень правильная.
            //Пришлось создавать 2 монитора.
            var lastSolution = solver.MakeLastSolutionCollector();
            routing.AddSearchMonitor(new CallbackMonitor(solver, StatisticsTxtAction, lastSolution));

            PerformanceHelper.AddTimePoint(logger, $"Закрыли модель");
            logger.Info("Поиск решения...");

            Assignment solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters);
            PerformanceHelper.AddTimePoint(logger, $"Получили решение.");
            logger.Info("Готово. Заполняем.");
            Console.WriteLine("Status = {0}", routing.Status());
            if (solution != null)
                // Solution cost.
                Console.WriteLine("Cost = {0}", solution.ObjectiveValue());
                time_dimension = routing.GetDimensionOrDie("Time");

                //Читаем полученные маршруты.
                for (int route_number = 0; route_number < routing.Vehicles(); route_number++)
                    var  route       = new ProposedRoute(possibleRoutes[route_number]);
                    long first_node  = routing.Start(route_number);
                    long second_node = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(first_node));                     // Пропускаем первый узел, так как это наша база.
                    route.RouteCost = routing.GetCost(first_node, second_node, route_number);

                    while (!routing.IsEnd(second_node))
                        var time_var = time_dimension.CumulVar(second_node);
                        var rPoint   = new ProposedRoutePoint(
                            Nodes[second_node - 1].Order
                        rPoint.DebugMaxMin = string.Format("\n({0},{1})[{3}-{4}]-{2} Cost:{5}",
                                                           new DateTime().AddSeconds(solution.Min(time_var)).ToShortTimeString(),
                                                           new DateTime().AddSeconds(solution.Max(time_var)).ToShortTimeString(),
                                                           routing.GetCost(first_node, second_node, route_number)

                        first_node       = second_node;
                        second_node      = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(first_node));
                        route.RouteCost += routing.GetCost(first_node, second_node, route_number);

                    if (route.Orders.Count > 0)
                        logger.Debug("Маршрут {0}: {1}",
                                     string.Join(" -> ", route.Orders.Select(x => x.DebugMaxMin))
                        logger.Debug("Маршрут {0}: пустой", route.Trip.Driver.ShortName);

            logger.Debug("SGoToBase:{0}", string.Join(", ", CallbackDistanceDistrict.SGoToBase.Select(x => $"{x.Key.Driver.ShortName}={x.Value}")));
            logger.Debug("SFromExistPenality:{0}", string.Join(", ", CallbackDistanceDistrict.SFromExistPenality.Select(x => $"{x.Key.Driver.ShortName}={x.Value}")));
            logger.Debug("SUnlikeDistrictPenality:{0}", string.Join(", ", CallbackDistanceDistrict.SUnlikeDistrictPenality.Select(x => $"{x.Key.Driver.ShortName}={x.Value}")));
            logger.Debug("SLargusPenality:{0}", string.Join(", ", CallbackDistanceDistrict.SLargusPenality.Select(x => $"{x.Key.Driver.ShortName}={x.Value}")));

            if (ProposedRoutes.Count > 0)
                logger.Info($"Предложено {ProposedRoutes.Count} маршрутов.");

            if (distanceCalculator.ErrorWays.Any())
                logger.Debug("Ошибок получения расстояний {0}", distanceCalculator.ErrorWays.Count);
                var uniqueFrom = distanceCalculator.ErrorWays.Select(x => x.FromHash).Distinct().ToList();
                var uniqueTo   = distanceCalculator.ErrorWays.Select(x => x.ToHash).Distinct().ToList();
                logger.Debug("Уникальных точек: отправки = {0}, прибытия = {1}", uniqueFrom.Count, uniqueTo.Count);
                logger.Debug("Проблемные точки отправки:\n{0}",
                             string.Join("; ", distanceCalculator.ErrorWays
                                         .GroupBy(x => x.FromHash)
                                         .Where(x => x.Count() > (uniqueTo.Count / 2))
                                         .Select(x => CachedDistance.GetText(x.Key)))
                logger.Debug("Проблемные точки прибытия:\n{0}",
                             string.Join("; ", distanceCalculator.ErrorWays
                                         .GroupBy(x => x.ToHash)
                                         .Where(x => x.Count() > (uniqueFrom.Count / 2))
                                         .Select(x => CachedDistance.GetText(x.Key)))
Beispiel #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <string> Addresses = new List <string>()
                "New York", "Los Angeles", "Chicago", "Minneapolis",
                "Denver", "Dallas", "Seattle", "Boston", "San Francisco", "St.Louis",
                "Houston", "Phoenix", "Salt Lake City"


            List <LatLng> listLatLng = new List <LatLng>();

            foreach (string item in Addresses)

            DirectionRequest directionRequest = new DirectionRequest();
            DirectionService directionService = new DirectionService();

            long[,] CityDistanceMatrix = new long[Addresses.Count, Addresses.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < Addresses.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < Addresses.Count; j++)
                    directionRequest.Origin = Addresses[i];
                    directionRequest.Sensor = false;
                        directionRequest.Destination = Addresses[j];
                        var ttt = directionService.GetResponse(directionRequest);
                        CityDistanceMatrix[i, j] = directionService.GetResponse(directionRequest).Routes[0].Legs[0].Distance.Value / 1000;

            int NumRoutes = 1;    // The number of routes, which is 1 in the TSP.
                                  // Nodes are indexed from 0 to tsp_size - 1. The depot is the starting node of the route.
            int Depot   = 0;
            int TspSize = Addresses.Count;

            if (TspSize > 0)
                RoutingModel routing = new RoutingModel(TspSize, NumRoutes, Depot);

                RoutingSearchParameters search_parameters = RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters();

                CityDistance dist_between_nodes = new CityDistance(CityDistanceMatrix, Addresses);

                Demand demands_at_locations = new Demand(new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 });

                search_parameters.FirstSolutionStrategy = FirstSolutionStrategy.Types.Value.PathCheapestArc;
                Assignment solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters);

                Console.WriteLine("Status = {0}", routing.Status());
                if (solution != null)
                    // Solution cost.
                    Console.WriteLine("Suma [km]= {0}", solution.ObjectiveValue() / 1000);
                    // Inspect solution.
                    // Only one route here; otherwise iterate from 0 to routing.vehicles() - 1
                    int route_number = 0;
                    for (long node = routing.Start(route_number);
                         node = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(node)))
                        Console.Write("{0} \n", Addresses[(int)node]);
        /// <summary>
        /// requires data.SantaIds
        /// requires data.Visits
        /// requires data.HomeIndex
        /// requires data.Unavailable
        /// requires data.Start
        /// requires data.End
        /// </summary>
        public static OptimizationResult Solve(RoutingData data, long timeLimitMilliseconds, ITimeWindowStrategy strategy)
            if (false ||
                data.SantaIds == null ||
                data.Visits == null ||
                data.Unavailable == null ||
                data.SantaStartIndex == null ||
                data.SantaEndIndex == null
                throw new ArgumentNullException();

            var model = new RoutingModel(data.Visits.Length, data.SantaIds.Length, data.SantaStartIndex, data.SantaEndIndex);

            // setting up dimensions
            var maxTime      = GetMaxTime(data);
            var timeCallback = new TimeEvaluator(data);

            model.AddDimension(timeCallback, 0, maxTime, false, DimensionTime);
            var lengthCallback = new TimeEvaluator(data);

            model.AddDimension(lengthCallback, 0, maxTime, true, DimensionLength);

            // set additional cost of longest day
                var dim = model.GetDimensionOrDie(DimensionLength);

            // dimensions for breaks
            var breakCallbacks  = new List <BreakEvaluator>();
            var breakDimensions = new List <string>();

            for (int santa = 0; santa < data.NumberOfSantas; santa++)
                var maxBreaks = GetNumberOfBreaks(data, santa);
                if (maxBreaks == 0)
                    // no breaks

                var evaluator = new BreakEvaluator(data, santa);
                var dimension = GetSantaBreakDimension(santa);
                model.AddDimension(evaluator, 0, maxBreaks, true, dimension);

            // setting up santas (=vehicles)
            var costCallbacks = new NodeEvaluator2[data.NumberOfSantas];

            for (int santa = 0; santa < data.NumberOfSantas; santa++)
                // must be a new instance per santa
                NodeEvaluator2 costCallback = data.Input.IsAdditionalSanta(data.SantaIds[santa])
                    ? new CostEvaluator(data, data.Cost.CostWorkPerHour + data.Cost.CostAdditionalSantaPerHour, data.Cost.CostAdditionalSanta)
                    : new CostEvaluator(data, data.Cost.CostWorkPerHour, 0);
                costCallbacks[santa] = costCallback;
                model.SetVehicleCost(santa, costCallback);

                // limit time per santa
                var day   = data.GetDayFromSanta(santa);
                var start = GetDayStart(data, day);
                var end   = GetDayEnd(data, day);
                model.CumulVar(model.End(santa), DimensionTime).SetRange(start, end);
                model.CumulVar(model.Start(santa), DimensionTime).SetRange(start, end);

                // avoid visiting breaks of other santas
                var breakDimension = GetSantaBreakDimension(santa);
                foreach (var dimension in breakDimensions.Except(new[] { breakDimension }))
                    model.CumulVar(model.End(santa), dimension).SetMax(0);

            // setting up visits (=orders)
            for (int visit = 0; visit < data.NumberOfVisits; ++visit)
                var cumulTimeVar = model.CumulVar(visit, DimensionTime);
                cumulTimeVar.SetRange(data.OverallStart, data.OverallEnd);
                model.AddDisjunction(new[] { visit }, data.Cost.CostNotVisitedVisit);

                // add desired / unavailable according to strategy
                var timeDimension = model.GetDimensionOrDie(DimensionTime);
                strategy.AddConstraints(data, model, cumulTimeVar, timeDimension, visit);

            // Solving
            var searchParameters = RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters();

            searchParameters.FirstSolutionStrategy    = FirstSolutionStrategy.Types.Value.Automatic; // maybe try AllUnperformed or PathCheapestArc
            searchParameters.LocalSearchMetaheuristic = LocalSearchMetaheuristic.Types.Value.GuidedLocalSearch;
            searchParameters.TimeLimitMs = timeLimitMilliseconds;

            var solution = model.SolveWithParameters(searchParameters);

            // protect callbacks from the GC
            foreach (var costCallback in costCallbacks)
            foreach (var breakCallback in breakCallbacks)


            return(CreateResult(data, model, solution));
Beispiel #10
        private static void VRP(int[,] locations, int[] demands, int num_vehicles)
            int num_locations = locations.GetLength(0);
            int depot         = 0; // The depot is the start and end point of each route.

            // Create routing model
            if (locations.Length > 0)
                RoutingModel routing           = new RoutingModel(num_locations, num_vehicles, depot);
                var          search_parameters = RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters();

                // Setting first solution heuristic: the
                // method for finding a first solution to the problem.
                search_parameters.FirstSolutionStrategy = FirstSolutionStrategy.Types.Value.PathCheapestArc;

                var distanceCallback = new DistanceLocationsCallback(locations);

                //  Display(distanceCallback.matrix);


                //  Add a dimension for demand.

                long   slack_max               = 0;
                long   vehicle_capacity        = 100;
                bool   fix_start_cumul_to_zero = true;
                string demand = "Demand";

                routing.AddDimension(new DemandCallback(demands), slack_max, vehicle_capacity, fix_start_cumul_to_zero, demand);

                // Solve, displays a solution if any.
                var assignment = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters);

                Console.WriteLine("Status = {0}", routing.Status());

                if (assignment != null)
                    // Solution cost.
                    Console.WriteLine("Total distance of all routes: {0}", assignment.ObjectiveValue());
                    // Inspect solution.

                    // Only one route here; otherwise iterate from 0 to routing.vehicles() - 1

                    for (int vehicle_nbr = 0; vehicle_nbr < num_vehicles; vehicle_nbr++)
                        long   index        = routing.Start(vehicle_nbr);
                        long   index_next   = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(index));
                        string route        = string.Empty;
                        long   route_dist   = 0;
                        long   route_demand = 0;

                        int node_index;
                        int node_index_next;

                        while (!routing.IsEnd(index_next))
                            // Convert variable indices to node indices in the displayed route.

                            node_index      = routing.IndexToNode(index);
                            node_index_next = routing.IndexToNode(index_next);

                            route += node_index + " -> ";

                            // Add the distance to the next node.

                            route_dist += distanceCallback.Run(node_index, node_index_next);
                            // # Add demand.
                            route_demand += demands[node_index_next];
                            index         = index_next;
                            index_next    = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(index));

                        node_index      = routing.IndexToNode(index);
                        node_index_next = routing.IndexToNode(index_next);
                        route          += node_index + " -> " + node_index_next;
                        route_dist     += distanceCallback.Run(node_index, node_index_next);

                        Console.WriteLine("Route for vehicle " + vehicle_nbr + ":\n\n" + route + "\n");
                        Console.WriteLine("Distance of route " + vehicle_nbr + ": " + route_dist);
                        Console.WriteLine("Demand met by vehicle " + vehicle_nbr + ": " + route_demand + "\n");

                        // Console.WriteLine($"Route: {route}");
                    Console.WriteLine("No solution found.");
Beispiel #11
        private static void Test()
            string[] city_names = { "New York", "Los Angeles",   "Chicago",   "Minneapolis", "Denver",  "Dallas", "Seattle",
                                    "Boston",   "San Francisco", "St. Louis", "Houston",     "Phoenix", "Salt Lake City" };

            int tsp_size = city_names.Length;

            // The number of routes, which is 1 in the TSP.
            int num_routes = 1;

            // The depot is the starting node of the route.
            int depot = 0;

            // Create routing model
            if (tsp_size > 0)
                RoutingModel routing           = new RoutingModel(tsp_size, num_routes, depot);
                var          search_parameters = RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters();

                // Setting first solution heuristic: the
                // method for finding a first solution to the problem.
                search_parameters.FirstSolutionStrategy = FirstSolutionStrategy.Types.Value.PathCheapestArc;

                // Setting the cost function

                // Create the distance callback, which takes two arguments (the from and to node indices)
                // and returns the distance between these nodes.

                //  routing.SetCost(new ConstantCallback());

                routing.SetArcCostEvaluatorOfAllVehicles(new DistanceCallback());

                var assignment = routing.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters);

                Console.WriteLine("Status = {0}", routing.Status());

                if (assignment != null)
                    // Solution cost.
                    Console.WriteLine("Total distance: = {0}", assignment.ObjectiveValue());
                    // Inspect solution.

                    // Only one route here; otherwise iterate from 0 to routing.vehicles() - 1
                    int route_number = 0;

                    long index = routing.Start(route_number); // Index of the variable for the starting node.

                    string route = string.Empty;

                    while (!routing.IsEnd(index))
                        // Convert variable indices to node indices in the displayed route.

                        route += city_names[routing.IndexToNode(index)] + " -> ";

                        index = assignment.Value(routing.NextVar(index));

                        route += city_names[routing.IndexToNode(index)];

                    Console.WriteLine($"Route: {route}");
                    Console.WriteLine("No solution found.");
Beispiel #12
        public FeatureCollection Solve(FeatureCollection input)
            if (!input.Features.TrueForAll(x => x.Geometry is Point))
                throw new ArgumentException("All Feature Geometries must be of type Point");

            int         numberOfNodes   = input.Features.Count;
            var         starts          = new List <int>();
            var         ends            = new List <int>();
            int         numberOfDrivers = 0;
            List <long> capacities      = new List <long>();

            foreach (var driverNode in input.Features.Where(x => x.Properties.ContainsKey("driverId")))
                numberOfDrivers += 1;

            var routing = new RoutingModel(numberOfNodes, numberOfDrivers, starts.ToArray(), ends.ToArray());

            AddPickupAndDropoff(input, routing);
            var evaluator = SetCost(input, routing);

            //SetCapacity(input, routing, capacities.ToArray());
            AddTimeDimension(input, routing, evaluator);

            var parameters = RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters();

            parameters.FirstSolutionStrategy = FirstSolutionStrategy.Types.Value.PathCheapestArc;

            // The problem is solved here
            var solution = routing.SolveWithParameters(parameters);

            var output = new FeatureCollection(input.Features);

            for (int routeNumber = 0; routeNumber < numberOfDrivers; routeNumber++)
                var    positions   = new List <IPosition>();
                string strokeColor = "";
                for (long node = routing.Start(routeNumber); !routing.IsEnd(node); node = solution.Value(routing.NextVar(node)))
                    var feature = input.Features[(int)node];
                    var point   = (Point)feature.Geometry;
                    if (feature.Properties.ContainsKey("marker-color"))
                        strokeColor = (string)feature.Properties["marker-color"];
                if (positions.Count >= 2)
                    var properties = new Dictionary <string, object>
                        ["stroke"] = strokeColor
                    output.Features.Add(new Feature(new LineString(positions), properties));

Beispiel #13
        public IList <string> GetShortestOptimizedRoute([FromBody] GeographicViewModel geographicVM)
            // double[] latitude = { 13.121329, 13.065150, 13.024346, 13.027691, 12.913887, 12.915754, 12.962431, 12.890461, 12.907220, 12.954234, 13.026996, 13.041044, 13.001573 };
            //double[] longitude = { 80.029049, 80.128613, 79.909573, 80.259762, 80.253067, 80.192041, 80.253839, 80.097198, 80.142088, 80.188437, 80.107756, 80.234957, 80.257616 };
            string[] city_names = { "Thirunindravur", "Thiruverkadu", "Senkadu", "Milapore", "VGP Golden", "Medavakkam", "Palavakkam", "Vandalur", "Selaiyur", "Kelkattalai", "Mangadu", "TNagar", "Adyar" };

            double[] latitudeandLongitude;
            var      sCoordlatitudeandLongitude = new List <string>();
            var      finallatitudeandLongitude  = new List <string>();

            distanceArray = new double[geographicVM.Latitude.Length, geographicVM.Longitude.Length];
            var k = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < geographicVM.Latitude.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < geographicVM.Longitude.Length; j++)
                    var sCoord = new GeoCoordinate(geographicVM.Latitude[i], geographicVM.Longitude[i]);
                    var eCoord = new GeoCoordinate(geographicVM.Latitude[j], geographicVM.Longitude[j]);
                    if (i == j)
                        if (i % 2 == 0)
                            sCoordlatitudeandLongitude.Add(sCoord.ToString() + ",D" + "," + k++);
                            sCoordlatitudeandLongitude.Add(sCoord.ToString() + ",P" + "," + k);

                    var text = sCoord.GetDistanceTo(eCoord) / 1609.344;
                    distanceArray[i, j] = Math.Round(text);
            double[,] costs = distanceArray;

            int          num_locations = city_names.Length;
            RoutingModel routingModel  = new RoutingModel(geographicVM.Latitude.Length, 1, 0);

            Solver solver = routingModel.solver();

            string rank_name = "rank";

            routingModel.AddConstantDimension(1, geographicVM.Latitude.Length, true, rank_name);
            var rank_dimension = routingModel.GetDimensionOrDie(rank_name);

            //Constraint MinneapolisBeforeNewYork = solver.MakeLess(routingModel.CumulVar(highPriorityVarIndex, rank_name), routingModel.CumulVar(lowPriorityVarIndex, rank_name));

            /* Later needs to be worked on the Constraint for the  Multiple Pickups before Delivery */
            //Constraint test = routingModel.CumulVar(3, rank_name) < routingModel.CumulVar(13, rank_name);

            RoutingSearchParameters search_parameters = RoutingModel.DefaultSearchParameters();

            search_parameters.FirstSolutionStrategy =
            NodeEvaluator2 cost_between_nodes = new Cost(costs);

            routingModel.SetArcCostEvaluatorOfAllVehicles(cost_between_nodes); //oder SetVehicleCost wenn Fahrzeuge unterschiedliche Kostenmatrix haben

            StringBuilder route = new StringBuilder();

            Assignment assignment = routingModel.SolveWithParameters(search_parameters);

            if (assignment != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Total distance: " + assignment.ObjectiveValue().ToString() + "miles");

                long index = routingModel.Start(0); //vehicle 0

                route.Append("Route: ");

                    //route.Append(city_names[routingModel.IndexToNode(index)] + " -> ");
                    index = assignment.Value(routingModel.NextVar(index));
                }while (!routingModel.IsEnd(index));
                // route.Append(city_names[routingModel.IndexToNode(index)]);
