Beispiel #1
        public void FillStep4(dataSchedulerAppointmentInfo appdata)
            var items = new ScheduleNewTripPageMap();
            var page  = new ScheduleNewTripPage();
            var data  = new ScheduleNewTripPageData();

            var roundTrip      = new RoundTrip();
            var roundTripItems = new RoundTripMap();


            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now}  -  Validate the trip on AppointmentInfo page. " +
                                  $"Exception message {ex.Message}. \n Please, see the screenshot with error");
        public override string GetPropertyValue()
            Vector4 asset =;

            if (m_defaultValue != null)
                asset = HDUtilsEx.ConvertGUIDToVector4(AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(m_defaultValue)));
            string assetVec = RoundTrip.ToRoundTrip(asset.x) + ", " + RoundTrip.ToRoundTrip(asset.y) + ", " + RoundTrip.ToRoundTrip(asset.z) + ", " + RoundTrip.ToRoundTrip(asset.w);
            string lineOne  = string.Empty;
            string lineTwo  = string.Empty;

            if (m_defaultInspector)
                lineOne = PropertyAttributes + "[HideInInspector]_DiffusionProfileAsset(\"" + m_propertyInspectorName + "\", Vector) = ( " + assetVec + " )";
                lineTwo = "\n[HideInInspector]_DiffusionProfileHash(\"" + m_propertyInspectorName + "\", Float) = " + RoundTrip.ToRoundTrip(HDShadowUtilsEx.Asfloat(DefaultHash));
#if UNITY_2020_2_OR_NEWER
                lineOne = "\n[DiffusionProfile]" + m_propertyName + "(\"" + m_propertyInspectorName + "\", Float) = " + RoundTrip.ToRoundTrip(HDShadowUtilsEx.Asfloat(DefaultHash));
                lineTwo = PropertyAttributes + "[HideInInspector]" + m_propertyName + "_Asset(\"" + m_propertyInspectorName + "\", Vector) = ( " + assetVec + " )";
                lineOne = PropertyAttributes + "[ASEDiffusionProfile(" + m_propertyName + ")]" + m_propertyName + "_asset(\"" + m_propertyInspectorName + "\", Vector) = ( " + assetVec + " )";
                lineTwo = "\n[HideInInspector]" + m_propertyName + "(\"" + m_propertyInspectorName + "\", Float) = " + RoundTrip.ToRoundTrip(HDShadowUtilsEx.Asfloat(DefaultHash));

            return(lineOne + lineTwo);
Beispiel #3
    public async Task NullString()
        var target = new ClassWithString();
        var result = await RoundTrip.Run(target);

    public void ByteArray()
        var target = new ClassWithByteArray
            Property = new byte[] { 2, 3 }
        var result = RoundTrip.Run(target);

        CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new byte[] { 2, 3 }, result.Property);
Beispiel #5
    public async Task Guid()
        var target = new ClassWithGuid
            Property = new("45b14050-065c-4be7-8bb8-f3b46b8d94e6")
        var result = await RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.Equal("45b14050-065c-4be7-8bb8-f3b46b8d94e6", result.Property.ToString());
Beispiel #6
    public async Task ByteArray()
        var target = new ClassWithByteArray
            Property = new byte[] { 2, 3 }
        var result = await RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.Equal(new byte[] { 2, 3 }, result.Property);
    public void String()
        var target = new ClassWithString
            Property = "Foo"
        var result = RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.AreEqual("Foo", result.Property);
Beispiel #8
    public async Task String()
        var target = new ClassWithString
            Property = "Foo"
        var result = await RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.Equal("Foo", result.Property);
Beispiel #9
    public async Task EmptyString()
        var target = new ClassWithString
            Property = string.Empty
        var result = await RoundTrip.Run(target);

Beispiel #10
        //public override void OnNodeLayout( DrawInfo drawInfo )
        //	base.OnNodeLayout( drawInfo );

        //	m_propertyDrawPos = m_remainingBox;
        //	m_propertyDrawPos.width = drawInfo.InvertedZoom * Constants.FLOAT_DRAW_WIDTH_FIELD_SIZE * 2;
        //	m_propertyDrawPos.height = drawInfo.InvertedZoom * Constants.FLOAT_DRAW_HEIGHT_FIELD_SIZE;

        //public override void DrawGUIControls( DrawInfo drawInfo )
        //	base.DrawGUIControls( drawInfo );

        //	if( drawInfo.CurrentEventType != EventType.MouseDown )
        //		return;

        //	Rect hitBox = m_remainingBox;
        //	bool insideBox = hitBox.Contains( drawInfo.MousePosition );

        //	if( insideBox )
        //	{
        //		GUI.FocusControl( null );
        //		m_isEditingFields = true;
        //	}
        //	else if( m_isEditingFields && !insideBox )
        //	{
        //		GUI.FocusControl( null );
        //		m_isEditingFields = false;
        //	}

        //GUIStyle GetStyle( string styleName )
        //	GUIStyle s = styleName ) ?? EditorGUIUtility.GetBuiltinSkin( EditorSkin.Inspector ).FindStyle( styleName );
        //	if( s == null )
        //	{
        //		Debug.LogError( "Missing built-in guistyle " + styleName );
        //		s = GUIStyle.none;
        //	}
        //	return s;

        //public override void Draw( DrawInfo drawInfo )
        //	base.Draw( drawInfo );

        //	if( !m_isVisible )
        //		return;

        //	var cache = EditorStyles.objectField.fontSize;
        //	EditorStyles.objectField.fontSize = (int)(9 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom);
        //	var style = GetStyle( "ObjectFieldButton" );
        //	var sw = style.stretchWidth;
        //	style.stretchWidth = false;
        //	//style.isHeightDependantOnWidth
        //	style.fixedWidth = (int)( 16 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
        //	style.fixedHeight = (int)( 16 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
        //	//if( m_isEditingFields && m_currentParameterType != PropertyType.Global )
        //	//{
        //	float labelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
        //		EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 0;

        //		if( m_materialMode && m_currentParameterType != PropertyType.Constant )
        //		{
        //			EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
        //			m_materialValue = EditorGUIObjectField( m_propertyDrawPos, m_materialValue, typeof( DiffusionProfileSettings ), true ) as DiffusionProfileSettings;
        //			if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
        //			{
        //				PreviewIsDirty = true;
        //				m_requireMaterialUpdate = true;
        //				if( m_currentParameterType != PropertyType.Constant )
        //					BeginDelayedDirtyProperty();
        //			}
        //		}
        //		else
        //		{
        //			EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
        //			m_defaultValue = EditorGUIObjectField( m_propertyDrawPos, m_defaultValue, typeof( DiffusionProfileSettings ), true ) as DiffusionProfileSettings;
        //			if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
        //			{
        //				PreviewIsDirty = true;
        //				BeginDelayedDirtyProperty();
        //			}
        //		}
        //		EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = labelWidth;

        //	style.fixedWidth = 0;
        //	style.fixedHeight = 0;
        //	style.stretchWidth = sw;
        //	EditorStyles.objectField.fontSize = cache;
        //	//}
        //	//else if( drawInfo.CurrentEventType == EventType.Repaint )
        //	//{
        //	//	bool guiEnabled = GUI.enabled;
        //	//	GUI.enabled = m_currentParameterType != PropertyType.Global;
        //	//	Rect fakeField = m_propertyDrawPos;
        //	//	if( GUI.enabled )
        //	//	{
        //	//		Rect fakeLabel = m_propertyDrawPos;
        //	//		fakeLabel.xMax = fakeField.xMin;
        //	//		EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect( fakeLabel, MouseCursor.SlideArrow );
        //	//		EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect( fakeField, MouseCursor.Text );
        //	//	}
        //	//	bool currMode = m_materialMode && m_currentParameterType != PropertyType.Constant;
        //	//	var value = currMode ? m_materialValue : m_defaultValue;

        //	//	//if( m_previousValue != value )
        //	//	//{
        //	//	//	m_previousValue = value;
        //	//	// string stuff
        //	//	//}

        //	//	//GUI.Label( fakeField, m_fieldText, UIUtils.MainSkin.textField );
        //	//	GUI.enabled = guiEnabled;
        //	//}

        public override string GenerateShaderForOutput(int outputId, ref MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector, bool ignoreLocalvar)
            base.GenerateShaderForOutput(outputId, ref dataCollector, ignoreLocalvar);

            if (m_currentParameterType != PropertyType.Constant)

Beispiel #11
    public void NodeWithConverter()
        var target = new WithConverterTargetClass
            Property = "AbCd"
        var result = RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.Equal("AbCd", result.Property);
    public async Task WithConstructorEnumerableParameter()
        var target = new ClassWithConstructorEnumerableParameter(
            new List <Guid>
            new Guid("45b14050-065c-4be7-8bb8-f3b46b8d94e6"),
            new Guid("74b69ad1-f9e8-4549-8524-cce4a8b4c38b")

        var result = await RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.Equal("74b69ad1-f9e8-4549-8524-cce4a8b4c38b", result.Property.Last().ToString());
Beispiel #13
        public async Task RoundTripSucceeds(ChannelType type)
            var o  = new RoundTrip();
            var co = await Init <IRoundTrip>(o, type);

            var testObj  = co.GetObject();
            var testObj2 = co.GetObject();
            var verified = co.VerifyObject(testObj);

            Assert.AreSame(testObj, verified);
            Assert.AreSame(testObj, testObj2);
Beispiel #14
        public void FullCargoRoundTrip()
            parameters = new Parameters(10000000.0f, 10000000.0f, null, TripType.RoundTrip);
            finder     = new TradeFinder(map, market, parameters);
            Assert.Greater(finder.RoundTrips.Count, 2);

            // There could be two trips reported in either order - from 41 to 31 and back,
            // or from 31 to 41 and back. We don't care about the order, so just pick one
            RoundTrip one = finder.RoundTrips[1];
            RoundTrip two = finder.RoundTrips[2];
            RoundTrip trip;

            trip = one;

             * if (one.There.ItemType == database.GetItemType("Navitas"))
             *  trip = one;
             * else
             *  trip = two;
            //Assert.AreSame(database.GetItemType("Navitas"), trip.There.ItemType);
            Assert.AreSame(map.GetStation(41), trip.There.Source);
            Assert.AreSame(map.GetStation(31), trip.There.Destination);

            //Assert.AreSame(database.GetItemType("Kernite"), trip.BackAgain.ItemType);
            Assert.AreSame(map.GetStation(31), trip.BackAgain.Source);
            Assert.AreSame(map.GetStation(41), trip.BackAgain.Destination);

            Assert.AreEqual(2, trip.There.Jumps(true));
            Assert.AreEqual(5, trip.There.Warps(true));
            Assert.AreEqual(2, trip.BackAgain.Jumps(true));
            Assert.AreEqual(5, trip.BackAgain.Warps(true));
            Assert.AreEqual(0.7f, trip.There.Security);
            Assert.AreEqual(0.7f, trip.BackAgain.Security);

            float quantityThere     = 10;
            float quantityBackAgain = 7487.0f;
            float buyForThere       = 112500.0f * quantityThere;
            float sellForThere      = 118450.0f * quantityThere;
            float buyForBackAgain   = 344.45f * quantityBackAgain;
            float sellForBackAgain  = 352.9f * quantityBackAgain;

            Assert.AreEqual(buyForThere, trip.There.Cost);
            Assert.AreEqual(buyForBackAgain, trip.BackAgain.Cost);

            float profit = sellForThere + sellForBackAgain - buyForThere - buyForBackAgain;

            Assert.AreEqual(profit, trip.Profit);
            Assert.AreEqual(profit / 10.0f, trip.ProfitPerWarp(true));
    public async Task ByteArrayList()
        var target = new ClassWithByteArrayList
            Property = new()
                new byte[] { 2, 3 },
                new byte[] { 5, 6 }
        var result = await RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.Equal(new byte[] { 5, 6 }, result.Property?[1]);
    public async Task Node()
        var target = new TargetClass
            SubProperty = new()
                Property1 = "PropertyValue1",
                Property2 = "PropertyValue2"
        var result = await RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.Equal("PropertyValue1", result.SubProperty?.Property1);
    public async Task StringList()
        var target = new ClassWithStringList
            Property = new List <string>
        var result = await RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.Equal("Value2", result.Property?[1]);
        public override string GetPropertyValue()
            Vector4 asset =;

            if (m_defaultValue != null)
                asset = HDUtils.ConvertGUIDToVector4(AssetDatabase.AssetPathToGUID(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(m_defaultValue)));
            string assetVec = RoundTrip.ToRoundTrip(asset.x) + ", " + RoundTrip.ToRoundTrip(asset.y) + ", " + RoundTrip.ToRoundTrip(asset.z) + ", " + RoundTrip.ToRoundTrip(asset.w);
            string lineOne  = PropertyAttributes + "[ASEDiffusionProfile(" + m_propertyName + ")]" + m_propertyName + "_asset(\"" + m_propertyInspectorName + "\", Vector) = ( " + assetVec + " )";
            string lineTwo  = "\n[HideInInspector]" + m_propertyName + "(\"" + m_propertyInspectorName + "\", Float) = " + RoundTrip.ToRoundTrip(HDShadowUtilsEx.Asfloat(DefaultHash));

            return(lineOne + lineTwo);
    public void StringEnumerable()
        var target = new ClassWithStringEnumerable
            Property = new List <string>
        var result = RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.Equal("Value2", result.Property.Last());
Beispiel #20
        public void TestFixtureSetUp()
            Parameters param = new Parameters(10.0f, 10.0f, "none", TripType.SingleTrip, 0);
            ItemDatabase database = TestObjectFactory.CreateItemDatabase();
            Map map = TestObjectFactory.CreateMap();
            SingleTrip there = new SingleTrip(map, map.GetStation(31), map.GetStation(11));
            there.AddPurchase(new Transaction(new Trade(database.GetItemType("Navitas"), 1000.0f, 1), new Trade(database.GetItemType("Navitas"), 1100.0f, 1)));
            SingleTrip backAgain = new SingleTrip(map, map.GetStation(11), map.GetStation(31));
            backAgain.AddPurchase(new Transaction(new Trade(database.GetItemType("Kernite"), 300.0f, 50), new Trade(database.GetItemType("Kernite"), 310.0f, 50)));
            trip = new RoundTrip(there, backAgain);

            SingleTrip backWithNothing = new SingleTrip(map, map.GetStation(31), map.GetStation(41));
            badTrip = new RoundTrip(there, backWithNothing);
    public void GuidEnumerable()
        var target = new ClassWithGuidEnumerable
            Property = new List <Guid>
                new Guid("45b14050-065c-4be7-8bb8-f3b46b8d94e6"),
                new Guid("74b69ad1-f9e8-4549-8524-cce4a8b4c38b")
        var result = RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.Equal("74b69ad1-f9e8-4549-8524-cce4a8b4c38b", result.Property.Last().ToString());
    public void ByteArrayList()
        var target = new ClassWithByteArrayList
            Property = new List <byte[]>
                new byte[] { 2, 3 },
                new byte[] { 5, 6 }
        var result = RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.Equal(new byte[] { 5, 6 }, result.Property[1]);
Beispiel #23
    public void Node()
        var target = new TargetClass
            SubProperty = new SubClass
                Property1 = "PropertyValue1",
                Property2 = "PropertyValue2"
        var result = RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.Equal("PropertyValue1", result.SubProperty.Property1);
    public void StringCollection()
        var target = new ClassWithStringCollection
            Property = new List <string>
        var result = RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.AreEqual("Value2", result.Property.Last());
        //public override void OnNodeLayout( DrawInfo drawInfo )
        //	base.OnNodeLayout( drawInfo );

        //	m_propertyDrawPos = m_remainingBox;
        //	m_propertyDrawPos.width = drawInfo.InvertedZoom * Constants.FLOAT_DRAW_WIDTH_FIELD_SIZE * 2;
        //	m_propertyDrawPos.height = drawInfo.InvertedZoom * Constants.FLOAT_DRAW_HEIGHT_FIELD_SIZE;

        //public override void DrawGUIControls( DrawInfo drawInfo )
        //	base.DrawGUIControls( drawInfo );

        //	if( drawInfo.CurrentEventType != EventType.MouseDown )
        //		return;

        //	Rect hitBox = m_remainingBox;
        //	bool insideBox = hitBox.Contains( drawInfo.MousePosition );

        //	if( insideBox )
        //	{
        //		GUI.FocusControl( null );
        //		m_isEditingFields = true;
        //	}
        //	else if( m_isEditingFields && !insideBox )
        //	{
        //		GUI.FocusControl( null );
        //		m_isEditingFields = false;
        //	}

        //GUIStyle GetStyle( string styleName )
        //	GUIStyle s = styleName ) ?? EditorGUIUtility.GetBuiltinSkin( EditorSkin.Inspector ).FindStyle( styleName );
        //	if( s == null )
        //	{
        //		Debug.LogError( "Missing built-in guistyle " + styleName );
        //		s = GUIStyle.none;
        //	}
        //	return s;

        //public override void Draw( DrawInfo drawInfo )
        //	base.Draw( drawInfo );

        //	if( !m_isVisible )
        //		return;

        //	var cache = EditorStyles.objectField.fontSize;
        //	EditorStyles.objectField.fontSize = (int)(9 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom);
        //	var style = GetStyle( "ObjectFieldButton" );
        //	var sw = style.stretchWidth;
        //	style.stretchWidth = false;
        //	//style.isHeightDependantOnWidth
        //	style.fixedWidth = (int)( 16 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
        //	style.fixedHeight = (int)( 16 * drawInfo.InvertedZoom );
        //	//if( m_isEditingFields && m_currentParameterType != PropertyType.Global )
        //	//{
        //	float labelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth;
        //		EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 0;

        //		if( m_materialMode && m_currentParameterType != PropertyType.Constant )
        //		{
        //			EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
        //			m_materialValue = EditorGUIObjectField( m_propertyDrawPos, m_materialValue, typeof( DiffusionProfileSettings ), true ) as DiffusionProfileSettings;
        //			if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
        //			{
        //				PreviewIsDirty = true;
        //				m_requireMaterialUpdate = true;
        //				if( m_currentParameterType != PropertyType.Constant )
        //					BeginDelayedDirtyProperty();
        //			}
        //		}
        //		else
        //		{
        //			EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck();
        //			m_defaultValue = EditorGUIObjectField( m_propertyDrawPos, m_defaultValue, typeof( DiffusionProfileSettings ), true ) as DiffusionProfileSettings;
        //			if( EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() )
        //			{
        //				PreviewIsDirty = true;
        //				BeginDelayedDirtyProperty();
        //			}
        //		}
        //		EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = labelWidth;

        //	style.fixedWidth = 0;
        //	style.fixedHeight = 0;
        //	style.stretchWidth = sw;
        //	EditorStyles.objectField.fontSize = cache;
        //	//}
        //	//else if( drawInfo.CurrentEventType == EventType.Repaint )
        //	//{
        //	//	bool guiEnabled = GUI.enabled;
        //	//	GUI.enabled = m_currentParameterType != PropertyType.Global;
        //	//	Rect fakeField = m_propertyDrawPos;
        //	//	if( GUI.enabled )
        //	//	{
        //	//		Rect fakeLabel = m_propertyDrawPos;
        //	//		fakeLabel.xMax = fakeField.xMin;
        //	//		EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect( fakeLabel, MouseCursor.SlideArrow );
        //	//		EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect( fakeField, MouseCursor.Text );
        //	//	}
        //	//	bool currMode = m_materialMode && m_currentParameterType != PropertyType.Constant;
        //	//	var value = currMode ? m_materialValue : m_defaultValue;

        //	//	//if( m_previousValue != value )
        //	//	//{
        //	//	//	m_previousValue = value;
        //	//	// string stuff
        //	//	//}

        //	//	//GUI.Label( fakeField, m_fieldText, UIUtils.MainSkin.textField );
        //	//	GUI.enabled = guiEnabled;
        //	//}

        public override string GenerateShaderForOutput(int outputId, ref MasterNodeDataCollector dataCollector, bool ignoreLocalvar)
            base.GenerateShaderForOutput(outputId, ref dataCollector, ignoreLocalvar);

            if (m_currentParameterType != PropertyType.Constant)

#if UNITY_2019_3_OR_NEWER
            return("asfloat(" + DefaultHash.ToString() + ")");
Beispiel #26
        public void TestFixtureSetUp()
            Parameters   param    = new Parameters(10.0f, 10.0f, "none", TripType.SingleTrip, 0);
            ItemDatabase database = TestObjectFactory.CreateItemDatabase();
            Map          map      = TestObjectFactory.CreateMap();
            SingleTrip   there    = new SingleTrip(map, map.GetStation(31), map.GetStation(11));

            there.AddPurchase(new Transaction(new Trade(database.GetItemType("Navitas"), 1000.0f, 1), new Trade(database.GetItemType("Navitas"), 1100.0f, 1)));
            SingleTrip backAgain = new SingleTrip(map, map.GetStation(11), map.GetStation(31));

            backAgain.AddPurchase(new Transaction(new Trade(database.GetItemType("Kernite"), 300.0f, 50), new Trade(database.GetItemType("Kernite"), 310.0f, 50)));
            trip = new RoundTrip(there, backAgain);

            SingleTrip backWithNothing = new SingleTrip(map, map.GetStation(31), map.GetStation(41));

            badTrip = new RoundTrip(there, backWithNothing);
    public void ByteArrayDictionary()
        var target = new ClassWithByteArrayDictionary
            Property = new Dictionary <string, byte[]>
                    "Key1", new byte[] { 2, 3 }
                    "Key2", new byte[] { 5, 6 }
        var result = RoundTrip.Run(target);

        CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new byte[] { 5, 6 }, result.Property["Key2"]);
    public void IntStringDictionary()
        var target = new ClassWithIntStringDictionary
            Property = new Dictionary <int, string>
                    1, "Value1"
                    2, "Value2"
        var result = RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.AreEqual("Value2", result.Property[2]);
    public void StringDictionary()
        var target = new ClassWithStringDictionary
            Property = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    "Key1", "Value1"
                    "Key2", "Value2"
        var result = RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.AreEqual("Value2", result.Property["Key2"]);
    public async Task IntStringDictionary()
        var target = new ClassWithIntStringDictionary
            Property = new Dictionary <int, string>
                    1, "Value1"
                    2, "Value2"
        var result = await RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.Equal("Value2", result.Property?[2]);
    public async Task IntGuidDictionary()
        var target = new ClassWithIntGuidDictionary
            Property = new Dictionary <int, Guid>
                    1, new Guid("45b14050-065c-4be7-8bb8-f3b46b8d94e6")
                    2, new Guid("74b69ad1-f9e8-4549-8524-cce4a8b4c38b")
        var result = await RoundTrip.Run(target);

        Assert.Equal("74b69ad1-f9e8-4549-8524-cce4a8b4c38b", result.Property?[2].ToString());