public override async Task <SkillResponse> Handle(WorkItemStore workItemStore, SkillRequest skillRequest)
            if (!(skillRequest.Request is IntentRequest intentRequest))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          $"Expected type {typeof(IntentRequest)} but got {skillRequest.Request.GetType()}");

            // First step: check for cancel

            string intentName = intentRequest.Intent.Name;

            if (intentRequest.Intent.Name.Equals("AMAZON.CancelIntent", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                Log.LogTrace($"Cancel Intent");
                return(await Task.Run(() =>
                    return ResponseBuilder.Tell("Goodbye then!");

            // Try to read the affected item
            //    and run AzDoBridge actions

            if (AzDoBridgeActionFactory.TryGetAction(intentName, Log, out IAzDoBridgeAction action))
                return(await Task.Run(() =>
                    return action.Run(workItemStore, skillRequest);

            Log.LogTrace($"intent not recognized");
            return(await Task.Run(() =>
                return ResponseBuilder.Ask("IntentRequest Not Recognized, you can say, set item ID to Item State", null);
Beispiel #2
        internal override SkillResponse processRequest()
            m_log.LogInformation("Session started");
            string first       = null;
            string last        = null;
            bool   isDesignate = false;

            if (LastRequest.Session.Attributes.ContainsKey("designated_last"))
                isDesignate = true;
                last  = (string)LastRequest.Session.Attributes["account_last"];
                first = (string)LastRequest.Session.Attributes["account_first"];
            var speech = new SsmlOutputSpeech();

            if (isDesignate)
                speech.Ssml = "<speak>I cannot report hours for a designated volunteer. If you cancel I will reset to the account owner.</speak>";
                SkillResponse response = ResponseBuilder.Tell(speech);
                response.Response.ShouldEndSession = false;
            speech.Ssml =
                "<speak>You have <say-as interpret-as=\"cardinal\">10</say-as> volunteer hours.</speak>";
            SsmlOutputSpeech reprompt = null;

            reprompt      = new SsmlOutputSpeech();
            reprompt.Ssml = "<speak>I am ready for more requests. You can ask me something like <prosody rate=\"slow\">add hours or report hours.</prosody></speak>";
                       new Reprompt
                OutputSpeech = reprompt
Beispiel #3
        private static async Task <(bool IsHandled, SkillResponse Response)> HandleSystemIntentsAsync(IntentRequest request, ILocaleSpeech locale)
            SkillResponse response = null;

            if (request.Intent.Name == IntentNames.Cancel)
                var message = await locale.Get(LanguageKeys.Cancel, null);

                response = ResponseBuilder.Tell(message);
            else if (request.Intent.Name == IntentNames.Help)
                var message = await locale.Get(LanguageKeys.Help, null);

                response = ResponseBuilder.Ask(message, RepromptBuilder.Create(message));
            else if (request.Intent.Name == IntentNames.Stop)
                var message = await locale.Get(LanguageKeys.Stop, null);

                response = ResponseBuilder.Tell(message);
            else if (request.Intent.Name == IntentNames.ReadList)
                var message = await GetUserListMessage();

                var reprompt = new Reprompt("Do you want to hear the winner?");
                response = ResponseBuilder.Ask(message, reprompt);
            else if (request.Intent.Name == IntentNames.PickWinner)
                var names = await TypeformAPI.GetNames();

                var winner = names.Shuffle().FirstOrDefault();
                response = ResponseBuilder.Tell($"The winner is {winner}");
            return(response != null, response);
        private SkillResponse Usage()
            var commonUsage = "You can say 'What are today's threats?' to list today's space-based threats to earth, or say Help to get more information.";

            // create the speech response - cards still need a voice response
            var speech = new Alexa.NET.Response.SsmlOutputSpeech();

            speech.Ssml = $"<speak>Welcome to {Globals.FriendlyAppTitle}. {commonUsage}</speak>";

            // create the speech reprompt
            var repromptMessage = new Alexa.NET.Response.PlainTextOutputSpeech();

            repromptMessage.Text = commonUsage;

            // create the reprompt
            var repromptBody = new Alexa.NET.Response.Reprompt();

            repromptBody.OutputSpeech = repromptMessage;

            var finalResponse = ResponseBuilder.Ask(speech, repromptBody);

        public SkillResponse Handle(SkillRequest input)
            IntentRequest request   = input.Request as IntentRequest;
            string        stateName = request.Intent.Slots["statecapitals"].Value;

            if (request.Intent.Slots["statecapitals"].Resolution.Authorities.Any())
                stateName = request.Intent.Slots["statecapitals"].Resolution.Authorities[0].Values[0].Value.Name;

            var capital = _stateCapitalRepo.GetCapital(stateName);

            if (capital == null)
                return(ResponseBuilder.Ask(" I do not know the capital you are asking about, how may I help you? "
                                           , new Reprompt("I do not have all day, how may I help you?")));

            var output = ResponseBuilder.Ask($" The capital city of {stateName} is {}. Got any more brain busters I can answer? "
                                             , new Reprompt("I do not have all day, how may I help you?"));

        public static SkillResponse RequestHandler(SkillRequest skillRequest)
            SkillResponse response = new SkillResponse();

            switch (skillRequest.Request.Type)
            case "LaunchRequest":
                response = ResponseBuilder.Ask("YOUR RESPONSE TEXT HERE", new Reprompt("YOUR REPROMPT TEXT HERE"));

            case "SessionEndedRequest":
                response.Response = new ResponseBody()
                    ShouldEndSession = true

            case "IntentRequest":
                response = IntentRequestHandler(skillRequest);
Beispiel #7
        static SkillResponse HandleAskForAnotherDeployIntent(IntentRequest request, Session session, ILogger log)
            SkillResponse response;


            if (request.Intent.Name == Intents.YesIntent)
                var reprompt = new Reprompt {
                    OutputSpeech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech {
                        Text = "Hai deciso che risorsa vuoi creare?"

                response = ResponseBuilder.Ask("Perfetto! Che tipo di risorsa vuoi creare ora?", reprompt, session);
                response = ResponseBuilder.Tell("OK, ci vediamo al prossimo deploy!");

Beispiel #8
        private SkillResponse CheckFoodFunction(SkillRequest input, ILambdaContext context, IntentRequest intentRequest, SsmlOutputSpeech speech)
            SkillResponse finalResponse;
            // get the slots
            var foodName = intentRequest.Intent.Slots["foodname"].Value;

            context.Logger.Log($"What is it {foodName}");

            if (IsPaleoFood(foodName))
                // create the speech response - cards still need a voice response
                speech.Ssml = "<speak>Yes. No limit but only once in a day! Would you like to know more about paleo activities?</speak>";
                // create the speech response - cards still need a voice response
                speech.Ssml = "<speak>No! It is not paleo food. Would you like to know more about paleo activities?</speak>";

            // create the speech reprompt
            var repromptMessage = new PlainTextOutputSpeech();

            repromptMessage.Text = "Would you like to know more paleo activities?";

            input.Session.Attributes["paleoActivities"] = "true";

            // create the reprompt
            var repromptBody = new Reprompt();

            repromptBody.OutputSpeech = repromptMessage;

            // create the response
            finalResponse = ResponseBuilder.Ask(speech, repromptBody, input.Session);

Beispiel #9
        private SkillResponse ExplainPalexo(SkillRequest input, ILambdaContext context, IntentRequest intentRequest, SsmlOutputSpeech speech)
            SkillResponse finalResponse;

            // get the slots
            // create the speech response - cards still need a voice response
            speech.Ssml = $"<speak>A proven diet plan, helps you to reduce your weight in 90 days! To know more about paleo please visit offical Facebook Paleo C U G group. Would you like to know how to start the paleo diet?</speak>";

            // create the speech reprompt
            var repromptMessage = new PlainTextOutputSpeech();

            repromptMessage.Text = "Would you like to know how to start the paleo diet?";


            foreach (var item in input.Session.Attributes.Values)

            input.Session.Attributes["startpaleodiet"] = "true";
            //var yesIntentValuePaleofoodlist = Convert.ToBoolean(input.Session.Attributes["paleofoodlist"]);
            //var yesIntentValueStartPaleoDiet = Convert.ToBoolean(input.Session.Attributes["startpaleodiet"]);

            //context.Logger.Log("ExplainPaleo "+yesIntentValuePaleofoodlist.ToString());
            //context.Logger.Log("ExplainPaleo " + yesIntentValueStartPaleoDiet.ToString());

            // create the reprompt
            var repromptBody = new Reprompt();

            repromptBody.OutputSpeech = repromptMessage;

            // create the response
            finalResponse = ResponseBuilder.Ask(speech, repromptBody, input.Session);
        public SkillResponse FunctionHandler(SkillRequest input, ILambdaContext context)
            var log = context.Logger;

            log.LogLine($"Skill request: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(input)}");

            switch (input.Request)
            case LaunchRequest _:
                return(ResponseBuilder.Ask("Welcome at Making Software.", new Reprompt
                    OutputSpeech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech
                        Text = "You can ask me something about Making Software"

            case IntentRequest intentRequest:

Beispiel #11
        private SkillResponse StartGame(Session session)
            var cardValue = new Random().Next(0, Cards.Length);

            session.Attributes = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "count", 0 },
                { "value", cardValue }

            var speech   = $"Let's begin. So we start your game with a {Cards[cardValue]}. Is the next card higher or lower?";
            var reminder = $"The question is, is the next card higher or lower than a {Cards[cardValue]}";

                       new PlainTextOutputSpeech {
                Text = speech
                       new Reprompt {
                OutputSpeech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech {
                    Text = reminder
        public void AalmadaTest()
            var response = ResponseBuilder
                           .Ask("Welcome to my skill. How can I help", new Reprompt());

            var json = JObject.FromObject(new APLDocument(APLDocumentVersion.V1_2));
            var launchTemplateApl = JObject.FromObject(json);

            var launchTemplateData = new ObjectDataSource
                ObjectId     = "launchScreen",
                Properties   = new Dictionary <string, object>(),
                TopLevelData = new Dictionary <string, object>(),

            launchTemplateData.Properties.Add("textContent", "My Skill");
            launchTemplateData.Properties.Add("hintText", "Try, \"What can you do?\"");

            var directive = CreateAplDirective(launchTemplateApl, ("launchTemplateData", launchTemplateData));

            var output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response);
 public override SkillResponse HandleSyncRequest(RequestInformation information)
     return(ResponseBuilder.Ask(response, new Reprompt(reprompt)));
        public void AskWithPlainTextMismatchPhrase()
            var response = ResponseBuilder.Ask("test phrase", null);

            Assert.Throws <PredicateFailedException>(() => response.Asks <PlainTextOutputSpeech>(s => s.Text == "not the test phrase"));
        public void AskWithPlainTextMatchingPhrase()
            var response = ResponseBuilder.Ask("test phrase", null);

            response.Asks <PlainTextOutputSpeech>(s => s.Text == "test phrase");
        public void AskNegativeShouldEndSession()
            var response = ResponseBuilder.Ask("test", null);

        public void AskRepromptPlainTextNegativeCheck()
            var response = ResponseBuilder.Ask("test", new Reprompt("invalid phrase"));

            Assert.Throws <PredicateFailedException>(() => response.HasReprompt <PlainTextOutputSpeech>(pt => pt.Text == "test reprompt"));
Beispiel #18
        public static async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
            ILogger log)
            //log the invocation
            log.LogInformation("DaveMusic HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

            //Create a new HTTP Client
            HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient();

            //read the http request
            string json = await req.ReadAsStringAsync();

            //deserialize it into skillRequest
            var skillRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SkillRequest>(json);

            bool isValid = await ValidateRequest(req, log, skillRequest);

            if (!isValid)
                return(new BadRequestResult());

            //Get the token from the account linking
            string mytoken = skillRequest.Context.System.User.AccessToken;

            //check the type of request
            var requestType = skillRequest.GetRequestType();

            //lookup the IPAddress for the user - using the AccessToken to connect to the IPAddress
            DatabaseLookup dblookup = new DatabaseLookup();

            IPAddress = dblookup.GetIPAddress(mytoken);

            //create a skill response to send back to Alexa
            SkillResponse response = null;

            //if it's the launch then do initial processing
            if (requestType == typeof(LaunchRequest))
                //first check for ipaddress
                if (IPAddress != "")
                    //Tell sends a message - use Ask to ask a question
                    response = ResponseBuilder.Tell("Welcome to My Music. What do you want to play?");

                    //by default the conversation ends, use ShouldEndSession = False to keep the dialog open
                    response.Response.ShouldEndSession = false;
            //Get the intent request
            else if (requestType == typeof(IntentRequest))
                //initialize artist and room variables
                var artist = "";
                var room   = "";

                //check to see which type of intent it is (PlayMusic or SkipMusic)
                var intentRequest = skillRequest.Request as IntentRequest;

                //get the slots (Artist and Room)
                if (intentRequest.Intent.Slots != null)
                    if (intentRequest.Intent.Slots["Artist"].Value != null || intentRequest.Intent.Slots["Artist"].SlotValue != null)
                        //Get the artist name
                        artist = intentRequest.Intent.Slots["Artist"].Value;

                        //convert first character to upper case - Required for Telnet
                        artist = char.ToUpper(artist[0]) + artist.Substring(1);
                    if (intentRequest.Intent.Slots["Room"].Value != null || intentRequest.Intent.Slots["Room"].SlotValue != null)
                        //get the room name
                        room = intentRequest.Intent.Slots["Room"].Value;

                        //remove the word "the" if it's there. Required for Telnet
                        if (room.Substring(0, 4) == "the ")
                            room = room.Substring(4);

                        //convert first character to upper case - Required for Telnet
                        room = char.ToUpper(room[0]) + room.Substring(1);

                    //if there's a room then direct the music there.
                    if (room.Length > 0)
                        if (intentRequest.Intent.Name == "PlayMusic")
                            //Have alexa repeat the request using Tell
                            response = ResponseBuilder.Tell($"Playing {artist} in {room}");
                        else if (intentRequest.Intent.Name == "PlayRadio")
                            //Have alexa repeat the request using Tell
                            response = ResponseBuilder.Tell($"Playing {artist} radio in {room}");

                        //Leave the dialog open
                        response.Response.ShouldEndSession = true;
                    //no room so just change the music
                        //have alexa repeat the command
                        if (response.Response == null)
                            response = ResponseBuilder.Tell($"Playing {artist}");

                            //leave the dialog open
                            response.Response.ShouldEndSession = true;
                //Spotify request
                if (intentRequest.Intent.Name == "PlayMusic")
                    var client = new RestClient();
                    client.BaseUrl = new Uri(URL + "?ipaddress=" + IPAddress + "&Service=Spotify&Room=" + room + "&Artist=" + artist);
                    var request = new RestRequest();

                    //Fire and forget the API call
                    functionCallAndForget foo = new functionCallAndForget();
                    Task.Run(() => foo.callAPI(client, request));

                //If it's a radio request ("PlayRadio") then send it to Pandora
                else if (intentRequest.Intent.Name == "PlayRadio") //Pandora
                        //Create new Rest Sharp Client
                        var client = new RestClient();

                        //Set the URL and the room
                        client.BaseUrl = new Uri(URL + "?ipaddress=" + IPAddress + "&Service=Pandora&Room=" + room + "&Artist=" + artist);

                        //Create new Rest Sharp Request
                        var request = new RestRequest();

                        //execute the request
                        //  IRestResponse myresponse = client.Execute(request);

                        //Fire and forget the API call
                        functionCallAndForget foo = new functionCallAndForget();
                        Task.Run(() => foo.callAPI(client, request));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw ex;
                // if the intent was to skip the song
                else if (intentRequest.Intent.Name == "SkipMusic")
                    //Have alexa repeat the request
                    response = ResponseBuilder.Tell("Skipping Song");

                    //TODO: Replace hardcoded IP address
                    //create telnet client to send request
                    using (Client client = new Client(IPAddress, 5004, new System.Threading.CancellationToken()))
                        //ping the media server
                        await client.WriteLine("Ping");

                        string s = await client.TerminatedReadAsync("Server=", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000));


                        //Skip the song
                        await client.WriteLine("SKIPNEXT");

                        string u = await client.TerminatedReadAsync(">", TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000));

                else if (intentRequest.Intent.Name == "AMAZON.CancelIntent" || intentRequest.Intent.Name == "AMAZON.StopIntent")  //Stop or Cancel
                        //Stop the music if asked to stop or cancel
                        response = ResponseBuilder.Tell("Stopping Music");

                        //Create new Rest Sharp Client
                        var client = new RestClient();

                        //Set the URL and the room
                        client.BaseUrl = new Uri("" + IPAddress);

                        //Create new Rest Sharp Request
                        var request = new RestRequest();

                        //execute the request
                        //  IRestResponse myresponse = client.Execute(request);

                        //Fire and forget the API call
                        functionCallAndForget foo = new functionCallAndForget();
                        Task.Run(() => foo.callAPI(client, request));
                        return(new OkObjectResult(response));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw ex;
                else if (intentRequest.Intent.Name == "AMAZON.HelpIntent")  //Stop or Cancel
                        //Stop the music if asked to stop or cancel
                        response = ResponseBuilder.Ask("Try saying something like Play Prince in the Kitchen.", null);
                        response.Response.ShouldEndSession = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw ex;
            //if the session is ending
            else if (requestType == typeof(SessionEndedRequest))
                //have alexa say goodbye
                response = ResponseBuilder.Tell("See you next time!");

                //end the dialog
                response.Response.ShouldEndSession = true;
            return(new OkObjectResult(response));
        public void AskWithSsmlMatchingPhrase()
            var response = ResponseBuilder.Ask(new Speech(new PlainText("test phrase")), null);

            response.Asks <SsmlOutputSpeech>(s => s.Ssml == "<speak>test phrase</speak>");
        public static async Task <IActionResult> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log)
            var json = await req.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var skillRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SkillRequest>(json);

            // Verifies that the request is indeed coming from Alexa.
            var isValid = await skillRequest.ValidateRequestAsync(req, log);

            if (!isValid)
                return(new BadRequestResult());

            // Setup language resources.
            var store  = SetupLanguageResources();
            var locale = skillRequest.CreateLocale(store);

            var           request  = skillRequest.Request;
            SkillResponse response = null;

            var accessToken = skillRequest.Session.User.AccessToken;
            var graphClient = GetAuthenticatedClientForUser(accessToken, log);

                if (request is LaunchRequest launchRequest)
                    log.LogInformation("Session started");

                    var me = await graphClient.Me.Request().GetAsync();

                    var welcomeMessage = await locale.Get(LanguageKeys.Welcome, new string[] { me.DisplayName });

                    var welcomeRepromptMessage = await locale.Get(LanguageKeys.WelcomeReprompt, null);

                    response = ResponseBuilder.Ask(welcomeMessage, RepromptBuilder.Create(welcomeRepromptMessage));
                else if (request is IntentRequest intentRequest)
                    // Checks whether to handle system messages defined by Amazon.
                    var systemIntentResponse = await HandleSystemIntentsAsync(intentRequest, locale);

                    if (systemIntentResponse.IsHandled)
                        response = systemIntentResponse.Response;
                        if (intentRequest.Intent.Name == "Quota")
                            var drive = await graphClient.Me.Drive.Request().GetAsync();

                            int free = (int)(drive.Quota.Remaining.Value / 1024 / 1024 / 1024);

                            var quotaMessage = await locale.Get(LanguageKeys.Quota, new string[] { free.ToString() });

                            response = ResponseBuilder.Tell(quotaMessage);
                else if (request is SessionEndedRequest sessionEndedRequest)
                    log.LogInformation("Session ended");
                    response = ResponseBuilder.Empty();
                var message = await locale.Get(LanguageKeys.Error, null);

                response = ResponseBuilder.Tell(message);
                response.Response.ShouldEndSession = false;

            return(new OkObjectResult(response));
        //--- Methods ---
        public SkillResponse FunctionHandler(SkillRequest skill, ILambdaContext context)
            // load adventure from S3
            var game = GameLoader.Parse(ReadTextFromS3(_s3Client, _adventureFileBucket, _adventureFilePath));

            // restore player object from session
            GamePlayer player;

            if (skill.Session.New)
                // TODO: can we restore the player from DynamoDB?
                player = new GamePlayer(Game.StartPlaceId);
                player = SessionLoader.Deserialize(game, skill.Session);

            // decode skill request
            IEnumerable <AGameResponse> responses;
            IEnumerable <AGameResponse> reprompt = null;

            switch (skill.Request)
            // skill was activated without an intent
            case LaunchRequest launch:
                LambdaLogger.Log($"*** INFO: launch\n");
                responses = game.TryDo(player, GameCommandType.Restart);
                reprompt  = game.TryDo(player, GameCommandType.Help);
                           new Reprompt {
                    OutputSpeech = ConvertToSpeech(reprompt)
                           SessionLoader.Serialize(game, player)

            // skill was activated with an intent
            case IntentRequest intent:

                // check if the intent is an adventure intent
                if (Enum.TryParse(intent.Intent.Name, true, out GameCommandType command))
                    LambdaLogger.Log($"*** INFO: adventure intent ({intent.Intent.Name})\n");
                    responses = game.TryDo(player, command);
                    reprompt  = game.TryDo(player, GameCommandType.Help);
                    switch (intent.Intent.Name)
                    // built-in intents
                    case BuiltInIntent.Help:
                        LambdaLogger.Log($"*** INFO: built-in help intent ({intent.Intent.Name})\n");
                        responses = game.TryDo(player, GameCommandType.Help);
                        reprompt  = game.TryDo(player, GameCommandType.Help);

                    case BuiltInIntent.Stop:
                    case BuiltInIntent.Cancel:
                        LambdaLogger.Log($"*** INFO: built-in stop/cancel intent ({intent.Intent.Name})\n");
                        responses = game.TryDo(player, GameCommandType.Quit);

                    // unknown & unsupported intents
                        LambdaLogger.Log("*** WARNING: intent not recognized\n");
                        responses = new[] { new GameResponseNotUnderstood() };
                        reprompt  = game.TryDo(player, GameCommandType.Help);

                // respond with serialized player state
                if (reprompt != null)
                               new Reprompt {
                        OutputSpeech = ConvertToSpeech(reprompt)
                               SessionLoader.Serialize(game, player)

            // skill session ended (no response expected)
            case SessionEndedRequest ended:
                LambdaLogger.Log("*** INFO: session ended\n");

            // exception reported on previous response (no response expected)
            case SystemExceptionRequest error:
                LambdaLogger.Log("*** INFO: system exception\n");
                LambdaLogger.Log($"*** EXCEPTION: skill request: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(skill)}\n");

            // unknown skill received (no response expected)
                LambdaLogger.Log($"*** WARNING: unrecognized skill request: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(skill)}\n");
Beispiel #22
        public SkillResponse HandleGetVersicherungsprodukteIntent(string gesellschaft, SkillResponse response)
            hilfsAttributes.Clear();// = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            if (gesellschaft != "")
                switch (gesellschaft)
                case "hallesche":
                case "hallesche krankenversicherung":
                    log.LogLine($"GetVersicherungsprodukte: Gesellschaft {gesellschaft}");
                    response = ResponseBuilder.Ask(new PlainTextOutputSpeech()
                        Text = messageRessource.VersicherungsprodukteHallesche
                               //"Informationen über Versicherungsprodukte der Halleschen Krankenversicherung. Versicherungsprodukt?"
                    }, new Reprompt()
                        OutputSpeech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech {
                            Text = "Reprompt"
                    response.Response.ShouldEndSession = false;
                    hilfsAttributes.Add(sessionId.ToString(), HILFSTATES.HandleGetVersicherungsprodukteIntent);

                case "alte leipziger":
                case "alte leipziger lebensversicherung":
                    log.LogLine($"GetVersicherungsprodukte: Gesellschaft {gesellschaft}");
                    response = ResponseBuilder.Ask(new PlainTextOutputSpeech()
                        Text = messageRessource.VersicherungsprodukteAlteLeipziger
                               //"Informationen über Versicherungsprodukte der Alten Leipziger Lebensversicherung. Versicherungsprodukt?"
                    }, new Reprompt()
                        OutputSpeech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech {
                            Text = "Reprompt"
                    response.Response.ShouldEndSession = false;
                    hilfsAttributes.Add(sessionId.ToString(), HILFSTATES.HandleGetVersicherungsprodukteIntent);

                case "konzern":
                case "gesamten konzern":
                    log.LogLine($"GetVersicherungsprodukte: Gesellschaft {gesellschaft}");
                    response = ResponseBuilder.Ask(new PlainTextOutputSpeech()
                        Text = messageRessource.VersicherungsprodukteKonzern
                               //"Informationen über Versicherungsprodukte des gesamten Konzerns. Versicherungsprodukt?"
                    }, new Reprompt()
                        OutputSpeech = new PlainTextOutputSpeech {
                            Text = "Reprompt"
                    response.Response.ShouldEndSession = false;
                    hilfsAttributes.Add(sessionId.ToString(), HILFSTATES.HandleGetVersicherungsprodukteIntent);
            // gesellschaft unbekannt
                response = this.GetGesellschaft();
                response.Response.ShouldEndSession = false;
Beispiel #23
        public SkillResponse Handle(SkillRequest input)
            var output = ResponseBuilder.Ask("Hello world likes to say hello, say Hi or hello. How can I help you today?", new Reprompt("Hello world likes to say hello, say Hi or hello., how may I help you?"));

Beispiel #24
 public override Task <SkillResponse> HandleAsync(SkillRequest request)
     return(Task.FromResult(ResponseBuilder.Ask("Welcome to abstracted .NET Alexa Skills. How can I help?", null)));
Beispiel #25
        public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, GrossIncomeIntentWorker grossIncomeIntentWorker, NetIncomeIntentWorker netIncomeIntentWorker, OutgoingInvoicePaymentCheckWorker outgoingInvoicePaymentCheckWorker, HelpWorker helpWorker, GreetingWorker greetingWorker)
            var streamReader = new StreamReader(context.Request.Body);
            var rawBody      = await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync();

            var           skillRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SkillRequest>(rawBody.ToString());
            SkillResponse response     = null;

            if (skillRequest.Request is IntentRequest)
                var request    = (IntentRequest)skillRequest.Request;
                var intentName = request.Intent.Name;
                if (intentName == "Gross_Income")
                    var isUserSignedIn = IsUserSignedIn(skillRequest);
                    if (isUserSignedIn == true)
                        var queryParams = QueryParametersFactory
                        var msg = grossIncomeIntentWorker.Do(queryParams);
                        response = ResponseBuilder.Tell(msg);
                        response = StartLoginDialogResponse();
                else if (intentName == "Net_Income")
                    var isUserSignedIn = IsUserSignedIn(skillRequest);
                    if (isUserSignedIn == true)
                        var queryParams = QueryParametersFactory
                        var msg = netIncomeIntentWorker.Do(queryParams);
                        response = ResponseBuilder.Tell(msg);
                        response = StartLoginDialogResponse();
                else if (intentName == "Outgoing_Invoice_Payment_Check")
                    var isUserSignedIn = IsUserSignedIn(skillRequest);
                    if (isUserSignedIn == true)
                        var queryParams = QueryParametersFactory
                        var msg = outgoingInvoicePaymentCheckWorker.Do(queryParams);
                        response = ResponseBuilder.Tell(msg);
                        response = StartLoginDialogResponse();
                else if (intentName == "AMAZON.HelpIntent")
                    var msg      = helpWorker.Do();
                    var reprompt = $"Ground control to major Tom: {msg}";
                    response = ResponseBuilder.Ask(msg, new Reprompt(reprompt));
                else if (intentName == "Greeting")
                    var msg      = greetingWorker.Do();
                    var reprompt = greetingWorker.Do();
                    response = ResponseBuilder.Ask(msg, new Reprompt(reprompt));
                    var msg = "Alas, I couldn't understand what you asked for.";
                    response = ResponseBuilder.Tell(msg);
            else if (skillRequest.Request is LaunchRequest)
                var request  = (LaunchRequest)skillRequest.Request;
                var msg      = "Hi, I am Martin: how can I help you?";
                var reprompt = "Ground control to major Tom: Martin's still waiting for you here.";
                response = ResponseBuilder.Ask(msg, new Reprompt(reprompt));

            var responseJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response);
            await context.Response.WriteAsync(responseJson);

            await _next(context);
        public void AskWithSpeechMatchingPhrase()
            var response = ResponseBuilder.Ask(new Speech(new PlainText("test phrase")), null);

            response.Asks <SsmlOutputSpeech>(s => s.Ssml == new Speech(new PlainText("test phrase")).ToXml());
Beispiel #27
 public override SkillResponse HandleSyncRequest(RequestInformation information)
                "Hi there, thanks for wanting to learn more about Alexa dot net. What feature would you like to find out about?",
                new Reprompt("What feature would you like to find out about?")));
        public void AskWithSsmlMismatchPhrase()
            var response = ResponseBuilder.Ask(new Speech(new PlainText("test phrase")), null);

            Assert.Throws <PredicateFailedException>(() => response.Asks <SsmlOutputSpeech>(s => s.Ssml == "not the test phrase"));
        public static async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
            ILogger log)
            string json = await req.ReadAsStringAsync();

            var skillRequest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SkillRequest>(json);

            //this is the language used to invoke the skill
            string language = skillRequest.Request.Locale;

            bool isValid = await ValidateRequest(req, log, skillRequest);

            if (!isValid)
                return(new BadRequestResult());

            var requestType = skillRequest.GetRequestType();

            SkillResponse response = null;

            if (requestType == typeof(LaunchRequest))
                response = ResponseBuilder.Ask("Welcome to dNext!!! Thanks for the invite Carlos! Glad to see my everis brothers and sisters today!", new Reprompt());
            else if (requestType == typeof(IntentRequest))
                var intentRequest = skillRequest.Request as IntentRequest;

                if (intentRequest.Intent.Name == "namespaces")
                    var endpoint    = "https://localhost:5001/api/pods/namespaces";
                    var k8sresponse = await restClient.GetAsync(endpoint);

                    if (k8sresponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        var namespaces = await k8sresponse.Content.ReadAsAsync <string[]>();

                        var message = string.Join(",", namespaces);
                        response = ResponseBuilder.Tell($"Found the following namespaces: {message}");

                if (intentRequest.Intent.Name == "pods")
                    var endpoint    = "https://localhost:5001/api/pods";
                    var k8sresponse = await restClient.GetAsync(endpoint);

                    if (k8sresponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        var pods = await k8sresponse.Content.ReadAsAsync <string[]>();

                        var message = string.Join(",", pods);
                        response = ResponseBuilder.Tell($"Found the following pods in the default namespace: {pods}");

                if (intentRequest.Intent.Name == "scale")
                    var endpoint = "https://localhost:5001/api/pods/scale";

                    var replicas = intentRequest.Intent.Slots["replicas"].Value;

                    HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Patch, endpoint)
                        Content = new StringContent(replicas, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")

                    var k8sresponse = await restClient.SendAsync(request);

                    if (k8sresponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        response = ResponseBuilder.Tell($"Deployment scaled to {replicas} invaders");
                else if (intentRequest.Intent.Name == "AMAZON.CancelIntent")
                    response = ResponseBuilder.Tell("I'm cancelling the request...");
                else if (intentRequest.Intent.Name == "AMAZON.HelpIntent")
                    response = ResponseBuilder.Tell("Sorry due you are on your own.");
                    response.Response.ShouldEndSession = false;
                else if (intentRequest.Intent.Name == "AMAZON.StopIntent")
                    response = ResponseBuilder.Tell("bye");
            else if (requestType == typeof(SessionEndedRequest))
                log.LogInformation("Session ended");
                response = ResponseBuilder.Empty();
                response.Response.ShouldEndSession = true;

            return(new OkObjectResult(response));
        public async Task <ActionResult> HandleRequest([FromBody] SkillRequest skillRequest)
            // validate the alexa request:
            //var isValid = await ValidateRequest(Request, skillRequest);
            //if (!isValid)
            //    return BadRequest("Validation errors");

            // if it's Launch request, then say hello and tell the user the commands
            if (skillRequest?.GetRequestType() == typeof(LaunchRequest))
                return(Ok(ResponseBuilder.Ask("Welcome to the dark souls controller, issue a command like 'roll' or 'Fireball!'. Prepare to die!", null)));
            // if it's an intent request, then choose what command based on the name of the intent
            else if (skillRequest?.GetRequestType() == typeof(IntentRequest))
                var intentRequest = skillRequest.Request as IntentRequest;
                await _hub.Clients.All.SendAsync(intentRequest.Intent.Name, intentRequest);

                switch (intentRequest.Intent.Name)
                case "RightLightIntent":
                    return(Ok(ResponseBuilder.Tell("Light attack")));

                case "RightHeavyIntent":
                    return(Ok(ResponseBuilder.Tell("Heavy attack")));

                case "LeftLightIntent":
                    return(Ok(ResponseBuilder.Tell("Left Light attack")));

                case "LeftHeavyIntent":
                    return(Ok(ResponseBuilder.Tell("Left Heavy attack")));

                case "RollIntent":
                    return(Ok(ResponseBuilder.Ask("Rolling!", null)));

                case "ItemIntent":
                    return(Ok(ResponseBuilder.Tell("Using item. Hopefully it isn't estus")));

                case "SwapLeftWeaponIntent":
                    return(Ok(ResponseBuilder.Tell("Swapping left")));

                case "SwapRightWeaponIntent":
                    return(Ok(ResponseBuilder.Tell("Swapping right")));

                case "MoveForwardIntent":
                case "MoveBackwardsIntent":
                case "MoveLeftIntent":
                case "MoveRightIntent":

                case "QuickQuitIntent": return(Ok(ResponseBuilder.Tell("Abort!")));

                case "AMAZON.HelpIntent": return(Ok(ResponseBuilder.Ask("Happy to help! You can issue commands such as 'jump', 'reload', 'put on shields' and more! Try saying one of those.", null)));

                case "AMAZON.StopIntent":
                case "AMAZON.CancelIntent": return(Ok(ResponseBuilder.Tell("Thanks for using the DarkSouls Controller. Come back later.")));

                default: return(Ok(ResponseBuilder.Tell("Executing command")));

            return(Ok(ResponseBuilder.Ask("You said something I don't know what to do with. Try saying something like 'jump' or 'reload'.", null)));