public RadialGradientImageSourceEffectProcessor()
            Name = "Radial Gradient";

            m_radialGradient = new RadialGradient(new Point(0.5, 0.5), new EllipseRadius(0.5, 0.5));
            m_radialGradient.Stops = new[]
                             new GradientStop{Offset=0.0, Color=Colors.Red},
                             new GradientStop{Offset=0.5, Color=Colors.Green},
                             new GradientStop{Offset=1.0, Color=Colors.Cyan}

            m_gradientImageSource = new GradientImageSource(new Size(800,500), m_radialGradient);

            m_propertyDescriptions = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDescription>();
            m_propertyDescriptions.Add("CenterX", new PropertyDescription(0, 1.0, 0.5));
            m_propertyDescriptions.Add("CenterY", new PropertyDescription(0, 1.0, 0.5));
            m_propertyDescriptions.Add("RadiuxX", new PropertyDescription(0, 1.0, 0.5));
            m_propertyDescriptions.Add("RadiuxY", new PropertyDescription(0, 1.0, 0.5));


            m_centerX = 0.5;
            m_centerY = 0.5;          
            m_radiusX = 0.5;
            m_radiusY = 0.5;
		/// <summary>
		/// Provides a configured LinearGradient that can be used in combination with a GradientImageSource to provide a mask for the LensBlurEffect.
		/// It will expect the LensBlur will be blurred with 1 kernel when the double is different from None.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ellipse">The band that represents the focus area in the image. Pixels within this band won't be blurred. 
		/// Areas outside of the area will be progressively more blurred as the distance from the focus band increases.</param>
		/// <param name="strength">Strength of the blur.</param>
		/// <returns>A LinearGradient that can be used in combination with a GradientImageSource to be used by LensBlur.</returns>
		public static RadialGradient GenerateGradient(FocusEllipse ellipse, KernelGenerator kernelGenerator)
			if (kernelGenerator.GetKernelBands().Count == 0)
				return null;

			EllipseRadius maxBlurRadius = null;

            if ((ellipse.Radius.X < minDiffBetweenStops) && (ellipse.Radius.Y < minDiffBetweenStops))
                maxBlurRadius = new EllipseRadius(minDiffBetweenStops, minDiffBetweenStops);
                double factor = 0.9;
                bool widthGtHight = ellipse.Radius.X > ellipse.Radius.Y;
                if (widthGtHight)
                    maxBlurRadius = new EllipseRadius(factor, factor * ellipse.Radius.Y / ellipse.Radius.X);
                    maxBlurRadius = new EllipseRadius(factor * ellipse.Radius.X / ellipse.Radius.Y, factor);

			var gradient = new RadialGradient(ellipse.Center, maxBlurRadius);
			SetGradientStops(gradient, ellipse, maxBlurRadius, kernelGenerator);

			return gradient;
        public LightEffect()
            var globalCurve = new Curve(CurveInterpolation.Linear, new[]
                    new Point(0, 0),
                    new Point(41, 59),
                    new Point(112, 146),
                    new Point(189, 211),
                    new Point(255, 255)

            var redCurve = new Curve(CurveInterpolation.Linear, new[]
                new Point(18, 0),
                new Point(126, 116),
                new Point(255, 228),

            Curve.Compose(redCurve, globalCurve, redCurve);

            var greenCurve = globalCurve;

            var blueCurve = new Curve(CurveInterpolation.Linear, new[]
                new Point(0, 44),
                new Point(113, 138),
                new Point(230, 255),
            Curve.Compose(blueCurve, globalCurve, blueCurve);

            var gradient = new RadialGradient
                EllipseRadius = new EllipseRadius(1.5, 0),
                CenterPoint = new Point(0.5, 0.5),
                Stops = new[]
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 0, Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0)},
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 1, Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255)}

            var overlayFactory = new OverlayFactory(

            LayerList = new LayerList()
                new AdjustmentLayer(LayerStyle.Normal(0.2), new CurvesEffect(redCurve, greenCurve, blueCurve)),
                new Layer(LayerStyle.Softlight(0.3), context => new ColorImageSource(context.BackgroundLayer.ImageSize, Color.FromArgb(255, 200, 200, 200))),
                new Layer(LayerStyle.Softlight(0.7), context => new GradientImageSource(context.BackgroundLayer.ImageSize, gradient)),
                new Layer(LayerStyle.Screen(), context => overlayFactory.CreateAsync(context.BackgroundLayer.ImageSize))
Beispiel #4
        protected override void DrawBackground(Context context, Gdk.Rectangle region)
            LayoutRoundedRectangle(context, region);


            context.Translate(region.X + region.Width / 2.0, region.Y + region.Height);

            using (var rg = new RadialGradient(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, region.Height * 1.2)) {
                var color = CairoExtensions.ParseColor("E5F0FF");
                rg.AddColorStop(0, color);
                color.A = 0;
                rg.AddColorStop(1, color);

                context.Scale(region.Width / (double)region.Height, 1.0);


            LayoutRoundedRectangle(context, region, -3, -3, 2);
            context.SetSourceRGBA(1, 1, 1, 0.4);
            context.LineWidth = 1;


            int boxSize = 11;
            int x       = region.Left + (region.Width % boxSize) / 2;

            for (; x < region.Right; x += boxSize)
                context.MoveTo(x + 0.5, region.Top);
                context.LineTo(x + 0.5, region.Bottom);

            int y = region.Top + (region.Height % boxSize) / 2;

            y += boxSize / 2;
            for (; y < region.Bottom; y += boxSize)
                context.MoveTo(region.Left, y + 0.5);
                context.LineTo(region.Right, y + 0.5);

            context.SetSourceRGBA(1, 1, 1, 0.2);

Beispiel #5
 public OvalShadow(int shadowRadius, int circleDiameter, CircleProgressBar progressBar)
     : base()
     mProgressBar    = progressBar;
     mShadowPaint    = new Paint();
     mShadowRadius   = shadowRadius;
     mCircleDiameter = circleDiameter;
     mRadialGradient = new RadialGradient(mCircleDiameter / 2, mCircleDiameter / 2,
                                          mShadowRadius, new int[] { FILL_SHADOW_COLOR, Color.Transparent },
                                          null, Shader.TileMode.Clamp);
        private void CreateAndSetShader(Canvas canvas, PointF center, int oldWidth, int radius)
            var colorWith0Alpha = _config.Color;

            colorWith0Alpha.A = 0;
            var shader = new RadialGradient(center.X, center.Y, radius,
                                            CalculateStops(canvas, radius, oldWidth),

Beispiel #7
        public static ColorBase GetColor(Brush brush, double opacity, Rect bounds, double angle = 0)
            var solidBrush = brush as SolidColorBrush;
            if (solidBrush != null)
                return GetRgbColor(solidBrush.Color, opacity);

            var linerBrush = brush as LinearGradientBrush;
            if (linerBrush != null)
                var startPoint = new Point(bounds.X + linerBrush.StartPoint.X * bounds.Width, bounds.Y + linerBrush.StartPoint.Y * bounds.Height);
                var endPoint = new Point(bounds.X + linerBrush.EndPoint.X * bounds.Width, bounds.Y + linerBrush.EndPoint.Y * bounds.Height);
                LinearGradient gradient = new LinearGradient(startPoint, endPoint);
                foreach (var stop in linerBrush.GradientStops)
                    gradient.GradientStops.Add(new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.ColorSpaces.GradientStop(GetRgbColor(stop.Color, opacity), stop.Offset));

                gradient.Position.RotateAt(angle, bounds.Center().X, bounds.Center().Y);

                return gradient;

            var radialBrush = brush as RadialGradientBrush;
            if (radialBrush != null)
                var startPoint = new Point(bounds.X + radialBrush.GradientOrigin.X * bounds.Width, bounds.Y + radialBrush.GradientOrigin.Y * bounds.Height);
                var endPoint = new Point(bounds.X + radialBrush.Center.X * bounds.Width, bounds.Y + radialBrush.Center.Y * bounds.Height);
                var radiusX = radialBrush.RadiusX * bounds.Width;
                var radiusY = radialBrush.RadiusY * bounds.Height;
                Point scale = new Point(1, 1);
                if (radiusX > radiusY)
                    scale.X = radiusX / radiusY;
                else if (radiusY > radiusX)
                    scale.Y = radiusY / radiusX;
                RadialGradient gradient = new RadialGradient(startPoint, endPoint, 0, Math.Min(radiusX, radiusY));

                for (int i = 0; i < radialBrush.GradientStops.Count; i++)
                    var stop = radialBrush.GradientStops[i];
                    var color = GetRgbColor(stop.Color, opacity);
                    gradient.GradientStops.Add(new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.ColorSpaces.GradientStop(color, stop.Offset));

                gradient.Position.ScaleAt(scale.X, scale.Y, bounds.Center().X, bounds.Center().Y);
                gradient.Position.RotateAt(angle, bounds.Center().X, bounds.Center().Y);

                return gradient;

            return RgbColors.Black;
 public OvalShadow(CircleImageView circleImageView, int shadowRadius, int circleDiameter) : base()
     _circleImageView = circleImageView;
     mShadowPaint     = new Paint();
     _circleImageView.mShadowRadius = shadowRadius;
     mCircleDiameter = circleDiameter;
     mRadialGradient = new RadialGradient(mCircleDiameter / 2, mCircleDiameter / 2,
                                          _circleImageView.mShadowRadius, new int[] {
         FILL_SHADOW_COLOR, Color.Transparent.ToArgb()
     }, null, Shader.TileMode.Clamp);
            public OvalShadow(CircleImageView circleImageView, int shadowRadius, int circleDiameter) : base()
                _circleImageView = circleImageView;
                _shadowPaint     = new Paint();
                _circleImageView._shadowRadius = shadowRadius;
                _circleDiameter = circleDiameter;
                var radialGradient = new RadialGradient(_circleDiameter / 2, _circleDiameter / 2,
                                                        _circleImageView._shadowRadius, new int[] {
                    FillShadowColor, Color.Transparent.ToArgb()
                }, null, Shader.TileMode.Clamp);

Beispiel #10
        public void RadialGradientSmall()
            var g = new RadialGradient(5, 5, 5, 30, 30, 15);

            g.AddColorStop(0, Colors.Red);
            g.AddColorStop(0.5, Colors.Green);
            g.AddColorStop(1, Colors.Blue);
            context.Rectangle(5, 5, 40, 40);
            context.Pattern = g;
        protected virtual void DrawBackground(Cairo.Context context, Gdk.Rectangle region)
            LayoutRoundedRectangle(context, region);

            using (LinearGradient lg = new LinearGradient(region.X, region.Y, region.X, region.Y + region.Height)) {
                lg.AddColorStop(0, Styles.StatusBarFill1Color);
                lg.AddColorStop(1, Styles.StatusBarFill4Color);


            double midX = region.X + region.Width / 2.0;
            double midY = region.Y + region.Height;

            context.Translate(midX, midY);

            using (RadialGradient rg = new RadialGradient(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, region.Height * 1.2)) {
                rg.AddColorStop(0, Styles.StatusBarFill1Color);
                rg.AddColorStop(1, Styles.WithAlpha(Styles.StatusBarFill1Color, 0));

                context.Scale(region.Width / (double)region.Height, 1.0);

            using (LinearGradient lg = new LinearGradient(0, region.Y, 0, region.Y + region.Height)) {
                lg.AddColorStop(0, Styles.StatusBarShadowColor1);
                lg.AddColorStop(1, Styles.WithAlpha(Styles.StatusBarShadowColor1, Styles.StatusBarShadowColor1.A * 0.2));

                LayoutRoundedRectangle(context, region, 0, -1);
                context.LineWidth = 1;

            using (LinearGradient lg = new LinearGradient(0, region.Y, 0, region.Y + region.Height)) {
                lg.AddColorStop(0, Styles.StatusBarShadowColor2);
                lg.AddColorStop(1, Styles.WithAlpha(Styles.StatusBarShadowColor2, Styles.StatusBarShadowColor2.A * 0.2));

                LayoutRoundedRectangle(context, region, 0, -2);
                context.LineWidth = 1;

Beispiel #12
        public IRadialGradient Construct(RadialGradientBuilder builder)
            var radialGradient = new RadialGradient
                Center      = builder.Center,
                Shape       = builder.Shape,
                Stretch     = builder.Stretch,
                Radius      = builder.Radius,
                IsRepeating = builder.IsRepeating,
                Stops       = new GradientElements <GradientStop>(builder.Stops.Cast <GradientStop>())

Beispiel #13
        private Pattern CreateMask()
            double max   = Math.Max(blur.Bounds.Width, blur.Bounds.Height) * .25;
            double scale = blur.Bounds.Width / (double)info.Bounds.Width;

            RadialGradient circle;

            circle = new RadialGradient(center.X * scale, center.Y * scale, radius * max * .7,
                                        center.X * scale, center.Y * scale, radius * max + max * .2);

            circle.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
            circle.AddColorStop(1.0, new Cairo.Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
Beispiel #14
        private static void SetGradientStops(RadialGradient gradient, FocusEllipse ellipse, EllipseRadius maxBlurRadius, KernelGenerator kernelGenerator)
            var stops = new List <GradientStop>();

            double firstStopOffset;

            if (maxBlurRadius.X > minDiffBetweenStops)
                firstStopOffset = ellipse.Radius.X / maxBlurRadius.X;

                //Add the focus area at the center of the ellipse.
                stops.Add(new GradientStop()
                    Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), Offset = 0
                stops.Add(new GradientStop()
                    Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), Offset = firstStopOffset
                firstStopOffset = minDiffBetweenStops;

            double sumOfBandWidths   = kernelGenerator.GetKernelBands().Select(band => band.Width).Sum();
            var    currentStopOffset = firstStopOffset + minDiffBetweenStops;

            var kernelBands = kernelGenerator.GetKernelBands();

            byte kernelIndex = 0;

            foreach (var band in kernelBands)
                stops.Add(new GradientStop()
                    Color = Color.FromArgb(255, kernelIndex, kernelIndex, kernelIndex), Offset = currentStopOffset
                currentStopOffset = currentStopOffset + (band.Width / sumOfBandWidths) * (1 - firstStopOffset) * FocusToBlurTransitionWidth;
            stops.Add(new GradientStop()
                Color = Color.FromArgb(255, kernelIndex, kernelIndex, kernelIndex), Offset = currentStopOffset

            var validStops = EnsureMinDiffBetweenPoints(stops);

            gradient.Stops = validStops.ToArray();
Beispiel #15
        private string GetPosition(RadialGradient gradient)
            var center = gradient.Center;

            var posX = FlagsHelper.IsSet(gradient.Flags, RadialGradientFlags.XProportional)
                ? $"{center.X * 100}%"
                : $"{center.X}px";

            var posY = FlagsHelper.IsSet(gradient.Flags, RadialGradientFlags.YProportional)
                ? $"{center.Y * 100}%"
                : $"{center.Y}px";

            return($"at {posX} {posY}");
Beispiel #16
            private void AddBall(float x, float y)
                var rnd         = new Random();
                var shapeHolder = CreateBall(x, y);
                var red         = 100 + rnd.Next(155);
                var green       = 100 + rnd.Next(155);
                var blue        = 100 + rnd.Next(155);
                var color       = new Color(red, green, blue);
                var darkColor   = new Color(red / 4, green / 4, blue);
                var paint       = shapeHolder.Shape.Paint;
                var gradient    = new RadialGradient(37.5f, 12.5f, 50f, color, darkColor, Shader.TileMode.Clamp);

Beispiel #17
        public void ParseCss_RadialGradients_CorrectlyParsed(string css, RadialGradient expected)
            // Arrange
            var parser = new CssGradientParser();

            // Act
            var gradients = parser.ParseCss(css);

            // Assert
            using (new AssertionScope())
                gradients[0].Should().BeEquivalentTo(expected, options => options.IgnoringCyclicReferences());
        public LandscapeBackgroundDoF()
            Name = "LandscapeBackgroundDoF";

            var radialGradient = new RadialGradient(new Point(0.5, 0.3), new EllipseRadius(0.2, 0.4)) 
                { Stops = new [] { 
                            new GradientStop() {Color = foreground, Offset = 0}, 
                            new GradientStop() {Color = foreground, Offset = 0.5}, 
                            new GradientStop() {Color = background, Offset = 0.51}, 
                            new GradientStop() {Color = background, Offset = 0.9} 

            m_scribbles = new GradientImageSource(new Size(500, 500), radialGradient);

            //Editors.Add(new EnumEditorViewModel<LandscapeBackgroundDoF, DepthOfFieldQuality>("Quality", this, (effect) =>
            //    if (effect.m_effectEffect == null) return DepthOfFieldQuality.Preview;
            //    return effect.m_effectEffect.Quality;
            //}, (effect, value) =>
            //    if (effect.m_effectEffect == null)
            //        return;
            //    effect.m_effectEffect.Quality = value;

            Editors.Add(new RangeEditorViewModelEx<LandscapeBackgroundDoF>("Strength above horizon", 0, 1.0, this, (effect) =>
                if (effect.m_effectEffect == null) return 1.0;
                return effect.m_effectEffect.StrengthAboveHorizon;
            }, (effect, value) =>
                if (effect.m_effectEffect == null)
                effect.m_effectEffect.StrengthAboveHorizon = value;

            Editors.Add(new RangeEditorViewModelEx<LandscapeBackgroundDoF>("Strength below horizon", 0, 1.0, this, (effect) =>
                if (effect.m_effectEffect == null) return 1.0;
                return effect.m_effectEffect.StrengthBelowHorizon;
            }, (effect, value) =>
                if (effect.m_effectEffect == null)
                effect.m_effectEffect.StrengthBelowHorizon = value;
Beispiel #19
        public void SaveRestoreRadialGradient()
            // Pattern is saved
            var g = new RadialGradient(20, 20, 5, 30, 30, 30);

            g.AddColorStop(0, Colors.Red);
            g.AddColorStop(0.5, Colors.Green);
            g.AddColorStop(1, Colors.Blue);
            context.Pattern = g;
            context.Rectangle(5, 5, 40, 40);
Beispiel #20
        private static void Demo02()
            Action <Surface> draw = surface =>
                using (var c = new Context(surface))
                    c.Scale(500, 500);

                    Gradient radpat = new RadialGradient(0.25, 0.25, 0.1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
                    radpat.AddColorStop(0, new Color(1.0, 0.8, 0.8));
                    radpat.AddColorStop(1, new Color(0.9, 0.0, 0.0));

                    for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                        for (int j = 1; j < 10; j++)
                            c.Rectangle(i / 10d - 0.04, j / 10d - 0.04, 0.08, 0.08);
                    c.Source = radpat;

                    Gradient linpat = new LinearGradient(0.25, 0.35, 0.75, 0.65);
                    linpat.AddColorStop(0.00, new Color(1, 1, 1, 0));
                    linpat.AddColorStop(0.25, new Color(0, 1, 0, 0.5));
                    linpat.AddColorStop(0.50, new Color(1, 1, 1, 0));
                    linpat.AddColorStop(0.75, new Color(0, 0, 1, 0.5));
                    linpat.AddColorStop(1.00, new Color(1, 1, 1, 0));

                    c.Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1);
                    c.Source = linpat;

            using (Surface surface = new ImageSurface(Format.Argb32, 500, 500))

            using (Surface surface = new PdfSurface("demo02.pdf", 500, 500))

            using (Surface surface = new SvgSurface("demo02.svg", 500, 500))
Beispiel #21
        protected internal override Shader GetShader(Rect destinationRect)
            var center  = Center;
            var radiusX = RadiusX;
            var radiusY = RadiusY;

            float radius;

            if (MappingMode == BrushMappingMode.RelativeToBoundingBox)
                var size = destinationRect.Size;

                center = new Point(center.X * size.Width, Center.Y * size.Height);
                radius = (float)(radiusX * size.Width + radiusY * size.Height) / 2.0f;                 // We take the avg
                center = center.LogicalToPhysicalPixels();
                radius = ViewHelper.LogicalToPhysicalPixels((radiusX + radiusY) / 2.0d);                 // We take the avg

            // Android requires a radius and two or more stop points.
            if (radius <= 0 || GradientStops.Count < 2)

            var colors    = GradientStops.SelectToArray(s => ((Android.Graphics.Color)GetColorWithOpacity(s.Color)).ToArgb());
            var locations = GradientStops.SelectToArray(s => (float)s.Offset);

            var width  = destinationRect.Width;
            var height = destinationRect.Height;

            var transform = RelativeTransform?.ToNativeMatrix(size: new Windows.Foundation.Size(width, height));

            var shader = new RadialGradient(

 private static XElementBuilder BuildRadialGradient(RadialGradient gradient)
                //TODO: incorporate, fx, fy to affect the focal point( intriguing )
                new XAttribute("cx", "50%"),
                new XAttribute("cy", "50%"))
                new XElement("stop",
                             new XAttribute("stop-color", SvgColor(gradient.CenterColor)),
                             new XAttribute("stop-opacity", SvgOpacity(gradient.CenterColor)),
                             new XAttribute("offset", "0%")
                new XElement("stop",
                             new XAttribute("stop-color", SvgColor(gradient.EdgeColor)),
                             new XAttribute("stop-opacity", SvgOpacity(gradient.EdgeColor)),
                             new XAttribute("offset", "100%")
Beispiel #23
        private static void Gradient()
            Action <Surface> draw = surface =>
                using (var c = new Context(surface))
                    Gradient pat = new LinearGradient(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 256.0);
                    pat.AddColorStopRgba(1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
                    pat.AddColorStopRgba(0, 1, 1, 1, 1);
                    c.Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 256);

                    pat = new RadialGradient(115.2, 102.4, 25.6,
                                             102.4, 102.4, 128.0);
                    pat.AddColorStopRgba(0, 1, 1, 1, 1);
                    pat.AddColorStopRgba(1, 0, 0, 0, 1);
                    c.Arc(128.0, 128.0, 76.8, 0, 2 * Math.PI);

            using (Surface surface = new ImageSurface(Format.Argb32, 500, 500))

            using (Surface surface = new PdfSurface("gradient.pdf", 500, 500))

            using (Surface surface = new SvgSurface("gradient.svg", 500, 500))
Beispiel #24
    private void LoadMapValues()
        heightMap = Noise.GenerateNoise(mapValues.width, mapValues.height, mapValues.seed, mapValues.offsetX, mapValues.offsetY, mapValues.scale, mapValues.octaves, mapValues.persistance, mapValues.lacunarity);

        Vector2 center = new Vector2(mapValues.width * 0.5f, mapValues.height * 0.5f);

        gradientMap = RadialGradient.GenerateGradient(mapValues.width, mapValues.height, mapValues.gradientThreshold, center, mapValues.gradientIntensityPoint, mapValues.gradientIntensity);

        for (int x = 0; x < mapValues.width; ++x)
            for (int y = 0; y < mapValues.height; ++y)
                float xPos = x;
                float yPos = y;

                tilemapPositionValues.Add(new Vector2(xPos, yPos), Mathf.Clamp01(heightMap[x, y] + gradientMap[x, y]));
Beispiel #25
        Fill GetRadialCircleFill()
            //Create a radial gradient paint with
            // + Center point and Focal point is at the center of viewing region
            // + Radius X = Radius Y
            RadialGradient paint = new RadialGradient();

            paint.CenterX = w / 2;
            paint.CenterY = h / 2;
            paint.FocusX  = w / 2;
            paint.FocusY  = h / 2;
            paint.Radius  = Math.Min(w, h) / 3;
            paint.Style   = gradientStyle;
            paint.Ramp    = GetColorRamp();

            //create fill and return result
            Fill result = new Fill(paint);

Beispiel #26
        public void gradient(Context cr, int width, int height)
            Normalize(cr, width, height);

            LinearGradient lg = new LinearGradient(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

            lg.AddColorStop(1, new Color(0, 0, 0, 1));
            lg.AddColorStop(0, new Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
            cr.Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1);
            cr.Source = lg;

            RadialGradient rg = new RadialGradient(0.45, 0.4, 0.1, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5);

            rg.AddColorStop(0, new Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
            rg.AddColorStop(1, new Color(0, 0, 0, 1));
            cr.Source = rg;
            cr.Arc(0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
Beispiel #27
        void DrawLed(int index, Context cr)
            PointD led = new PointD();

            led.X = imageX + CurrentDefinition.Leds[index].X / scale;
            led.Y = imageY + CurrentDefinition.Leds[index].Y / scale;
            double         glowRadius = LedSize * 2 / scale;
            RadialGradient gradient   = new RadialGradient(led.X, led.Y, 0, led.X, led.Y, glowRadius);

            gradient.AddColorStop(0, new Cairo.Color(ColorBuffer[index].Red, ColorBuffer[index].Green, ColorBuffer[index].Blue, ColorBuffer[index].Alpha));
            gradient.AddColorStop(0.15, new Cairo.Color(ColorBuffer[index].Red, ColorBuffer[index].Green, ColorBuffer[index].Blue, ColorBuffer[index].Alpha));
            gradient.AddColorStop(1, new Cairo.Color(ColorBuffer[index].Red, ColorBuffer[index].Green, ColorBuffer[index].Blue, 0));
            cr.Rectangle(led.X - glowRadius, led.Y - glowRadius, glowRadius * 2, glowRadius * 2);
Beispiel #28
 public override void ApplyBrushToContext(GraphicsContext g)
     using (ImageSurface surface = ((ImageSurface)g.GetTarget()))
         double actualWidth   = surface.Width;
         double actualHeight  = surface.Height;
         double maximumRadius = actualWidth > actualHeight ? actualWidth : actualHeight;
         using (RadialGradient lg = new RadialGradient(CX0 * actualWidth, CY0 * actualHeight, Radius0 * maximumRadius, CX1 * actualWidth, CY1 * actualHeight, Radius1 * maximumRadius))
             if (GradientStops != null)
                 foreach (GradientStop gs in GradientStops)
                     lg.AddColorStop(gs.Offset, gs.Color);
    private Texture2D GenerateTexture()
        Texture2D mask = new Texture2D(texWidth, texHeight);

        Vector2 center = new Vector2(texWidth * 0.5f, texHeight * 0.5f);

        float[,] gradient = RadialGradient.GenerateGradient(texWidth, texHeight, mapValues.gradientThreshold, center, mapValues.gradientIntensityPoint, mapValues.gradientIntensity);

        for (int y = 0; y < texWidth; ++y)
            for (int x = 0; x < texHeight; ++x)
                Color color = new Color(gradient[x, y], gradient[x, y], gradient[x, y], 1);
                mask.SetPixel(x, y, color);

Beispiel #30
    private void GenerateMap()
        heightMap = Noise.GenerateNoise(mapValues.width, mapValues.height, mapValues.seed, heightMapValues.offsetX, heightMapValues.offsetY, mapValues.scale, heightMapValues.octaves, heightMapValues.persistance, heightMapValues.lacunarity);

        Vector2 center = new Vector2(mapValues.width * 0.5f, mapValues.height * 0.5f);

        float[,] gradientMap = RadialGradient.GenerateGradient(mapValues.width, mapValues.height, gradientMapValues.gradientThreshold, center, gradientMapValues.gradientIntensityPoint, gradientMapValues.gradientIntensity);

        for (int x = 0; x < mapValues.width; ++x)
            for (int y = 0; y < mapValues.height; ++y)
                BiomePreset biome = GetBiome(Mathf.Clamp01(heightMap[x, y] + gradientMap[x, y]));

                tilemap.SetTile(new Vector3Int(x, y, 0), biome.PickRandomTile());

                //tilemap.SetTile(new Vector3Int(x, y, 0), SpawnFoliage(biome));
        public void Parse_ValidGradientCss_ExpectedGradientReturned(string css, RadialGradient expectedGradient)
            // Arrange
            var reader     = new CssReader(css);
            var builder    = new GradientBuilder();
            var definition = new RadialGradientDefinition();

            // Act
            definition.Parse(reader, builder);

            // Assert
            var result = builder.Build();

            using (new AssertionScope())
                var gradient = result[0] as RadialGradient;
Beispiel #32
        public void DrawEllipse(Ellipse ellipse, float ringWidth, int slices = 64)
            float innerRadiusRatio = 1 - (ringWidth / ellipse.RadiusX);

            float[] offsets;

            var solidColor = Color as SolidColor;

            if (solidColor != null)
                Color = RadialGradient.New(Color.Name,
                    new GradientStop(SharpDX.Mathematics.Color.Transparent, 0),
                    new GradientStop(solidColor.Color, innerRadiusRatio), new GradientStop(solidColor.Color, 1)

            EllipseColorShader shader = ChooseEllipseOutlineShader(innerRadiusRatio, Color, out offsets);

            Color4[]  colors = shader(ellipse, Color, offsets.Length * slices, slices);
            int[]     indices;
            Vector3[] vertices = EllipseMesh.CreateRingMesh(ellipse, offsets, slices, Transform, out indices);

            var vertexArray = new VertexPositionColor[vertices.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                vertexArray[i] = new VertexPositionColor()
                    Position = vertices[i], Color = colors[i]

            shapes.Add(new ShapeMeshDescription()
                Vertices = vertexArray, Indices = indices
Beispiel #33
        Fill GetRadialFocalFill()
            //Create a radial gradient paint with
            // + Center point is at the center of viewing region
            // + Different radius X, radius Y
            // + Focal point is near the top-left of viewing region
            RadialGradient paint = new RadialGradient();

            paint.CenterX = w / 2;
            paint.CenterY = h / 2;
            paint.FocusX  = w / 4;
            paint.FocusY  = h / 2.5;
            paint.RadiusX = w / 3;
            paint.RadiusY = h / 3;
            paint.Style   = gradientStyle;
            paint.Ramp    = GetColorRamp();

            //create fill and return result
            Fill result = new Fill(paint);

Beispiel #34
        protected override void OnBoundsChange(Rect bounds)
            mRect.Set(margin, margin, bounds.Width() - margin, bounds.Height() - margin);

            if (useGradientOverlay)
                var            colors   = new int[] { 0, 0, 0x7f000000 };
                var            pos      = new float[] { 0.0f, 0.7f, 1.0f };
                RadialGradient vignette = new RadialGradient(mRect.CenterX(),
                                                             mRect.CenterY() * 1.0f / 0.7f,
                                                             mRect.CenterX() * 1.3f,
                                                             pos, Shader.TileMode.Clamp);

                Matrix oval = new Matrix();
                oval.SetScale(1.0f, 0.7f);

                paint.SetShader(new ComposeShader(bitmapShader, vignette, PorterDuff.Mode.SrcOver));
        public UGRadialGradientBrush(IUGContext context, Vector2 center, float radius, IEnumerable <UGGradientStop> gradientStops, UGEdgeBehavior edgeBehavior)
            Center       = center;
            Radius       = radius;
            EdgeBehavior = edgeBehavior;
            Stops        = gradientStops.ToArray();

            if (Stops.Length < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(gradientStops));

            var colors  = gradientStops.Select(s => s.Color.ColorAsInt).ToArray();
            var offsets = gradientStops.Select(s => s.Offset).ToArray();

            _native = new RadialGradient(
                Center.X, Center.Y,
		private static void SetGradientStops(RadialGradient gradient, FocusEllipse ellipse, EllipseRadius maxBlurRadius, KernelGenerator kernelGenerator)
			var stops = new List<GradientStop>();

            double firstStopOffset;

            if (maxBlurRadius.X > minDiffBetweenStops)
                firstStopOffset = ellipse.Radius.X / maxBlurRadius.X;
                //Add the focus area at the center of the ellipse.
                stops.Add(new GradientStop() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), Offset = 0 });
                stops.Add(new GradientStop() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), Offset = firstStopOffset });
                firstStopOffset = minDiffBetweenStops;

			double sumOfBandWidths = kernelGenerator.GetKernelBands().Select(band => band.Width).Sum();
			var currentStopOffset = firstStopOffset + minDiffBetweenStops;

			var kernelBands = kernelGenerator.GetKernelBands();

			byte kernelIndex = 0;
			foreach (var band in kernelBands)
				stops.Add(new GradientStop() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, kernelIndex, kernelIndex, kernelIndex), Offset = currentStopOffset });
				currentStopOffset = currentStopOffset + (band.Width / sumOfBandWidths) * (1 - firstStopOffset) * FocusToBlurTransitionWidth;
			stops.Add(new GradientStop() { Color = Color.FromArgb(255, kernelIndex, kernelIndex, kernelIndex), Offset = currentStopOffset });

			var validStops = EnsureMinDiffBetweenPoints(stops);

			gradient.Stops = validStops.ToArray();
        public static Task<List<IImageProcessor>> CreateEffects()
            // This seems to take 150-200 ms minimum, so better do it on the thread pool.
            return Task.Run(async () =>

                     var imageProcessors = new List<IImageProcessor>();
                     EffectProcessor effectViewModel = null;

                     var source = await PreloadedImages.Man;

                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Antique", new AntiqueEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Auto Enhance", new AutoEnhanceEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Auto Levels", new AutoLevelsEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new BlendEffectProcessor());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Blur", new BlurEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Brightness Effect", new BrightnessEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Cartoon", new CartoonEffect()));                   
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("ChromaKey", new ChromaKeyEffect()));    
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("ColorAdjust", new ColorAdjustEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("ColorBoost", new ColorBoostEffect(1.0)));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Colorization", new ColorizationEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Color Swap", new ColorSwapEffect(Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0), Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255, 0), 0.8, false, true)));                 
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Contrast", new ContrastEffect(0.5)));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new CropEffectProcessor());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new CurveProcessor());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Despeckle", new DespeckleEffect(DespeckleLevel.Low)));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Emboss", new EmbossEffect(0.5)));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Exposure", new ExposureEffect(ExposureMode.Natural, 0.5)));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Flip", new FlipEffect(FlipMode.Both)));                  
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Fog", new FogEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Foundation", new FoundationEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("GaussianNoise", new GaussianNoiseEffect(1.0)));

                     var gradient = new RadialGradient(new Point(0.5, 0.5), new EllipseRadius(0.5, 0.5));
                     gradient.Stops = new[]
                                  new GradientStop{Offset=0.0, Color=Colors.Red},
                                  new GradientStop{Offset=1.0, Color=Colors.Cyan}

                     var gradientImageSource = new GradientImageSource(new Size(800, 500), gradient);

                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Grayscale", new GrayscaleEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Grayscale Negative", new GrayscaleNegativeEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new HSLProcessor());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("HdrEffect", new HdrEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("HueSaturationEffect", new HueSaturationEffect()));
                     effectViewModel = new EffectProcessor("Levels", new LevelsEffect(), true, true);
                         RangeEditorViewModelEx<LevelsEffect> blackEditor = null;
                         RangeEditorViewModelEx<LevelsEffect> grayEditor = null;
                         RangeEditorViewModelEx<LevelsEffect> whiteEditor = null;

                               blackEditor = new RangeEditorViewModelEx<LevelsEffect>(
                                   effect => effect.Black,
                                   (effect, value) =>
                                       effect.Black = value;
                                       if (grayEditor.Value < value) grayEditor.Value = value;
                                       if (whiteEditor.Value < value) whiteEditor.Value = value;

                               grayEditor = new RangeEditorViewModelEx<LevelsEffect>(
                                   effect => effect.Gray,
                                   (effect, value) =>
                                       effect.Gray = value;
                                       if (blackEditor.Value > value) blackEditor.Value = value;
                                       if (whiteEditor.Value < value) whiteEditor.Value = value;

                               whiteEditor = new RangeEditorViewModelEx<LevelsEffect>(
                                   effect => effect.White,
                                   (effect, value) =>
                                       effect.White = value;
                                       if (blackEditor.Value > value) blackEditor.Value = value;
                                       if (grayEditor.Value > value) grayEditor.Value = value;

                     imageProcessors.Add(new LinearGradientImageSourceEffectProcessor());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Local Boost Automatic", new LocalBoostAutomaticEffect(8)));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("LocalBoost", new LocalBoostEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Lomo", new LomoEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Magic Pen", new MagicPenEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Milky", new MilkyEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Mirror", new MirrorEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Mono Color", new MonoColorEffect(Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0), 0.8)));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Moonlight", new MoonlightEffect(21)));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Negative", new NegativeEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Noise", new NoiseEffect(NoiseLevel.Maximum)));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Oily", new OilyEffect(OilBrushSize.Medium)));                 
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Paint", new PaintEffect(4)));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Posterize", new PosterizeEffect(10)));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new RadialGradientImageSourceEffectProcessor());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new ReframingEffectProcessor());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Rotation", new RotationEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new RgbLevelsEffectProcessor());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new RgbMixerEffectProcessor());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new SaturationLightnessProcessor());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Sharpness", new SharpnessEffect(0.2)));                     
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Sepia", new SepiaEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Sketch", new Lumia.Imaging.Artistic.SketchEffect(SketchMode.Color)));               
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Solarize", new SolarizeEffect(0.8)));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new SplitToneEffectProcessor());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new SpotlightEffectProcessor());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Stamp", new StampEffect(5, 200.0 / 255.0)));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Temperature and Tint", new TemperatureAndTintEffect(50.0 / 255.0, 50.0 / 255.0)));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Vibrance", new VibranceEffect()));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Vignetting", new VignettingEffect(0.8, Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0))));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Watercolor", new WatercolorEffect(0.8, 0.8)));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Warping", new WarpingEffect(WarpMode.Twister, 0.8)));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("White Balance", new WhiteBalanceEffect(WhitePointCalculationMode.Maximum, Color.FromArgb(1,219,213,199))));
                     imageProcessors.Add(new EffectProcessor("Whiteboard Enhancement", new WhiteboardEnhancementEffect(WhiteboardEnhancementMode.Hard), canRenderAtPreviewSize: false));
                     //GlamMe effects
                     imageProcessors.Add(new BWEffect());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new ElegantEffect());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new RetroEffect());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new VintageEffect());                   
                     imageProcessors.Add(new MintEffect());                 
                     imageProcessors.Add(new OldPosterEffect());                 
                     imageProcessors.Add(new LensBlureSampleEffect());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new GlamMeLomoEffect());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new FreshEffect());                    
                     imageProcessors.Add(new LightEffect());

                     // Creative Studio Effects
                     imageProcessors.Add(new BWloEffect());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new IndoorEffect());                    
                     imageProcessors.Add(new SunsetEffect());                    
                     imageProcessors.Add(new BWHiEffect());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new BWCopperEffect());
                     imageProcessors.Add(new LoSatWarmEffect());

              //       imageProcessors.Add(new BlockTiltDoF());
              //       imageProcessors.Add(new EllipseTiltDoF());
              //       imageProcessors.Add(new LandscapeBackgroundDoF());                
              //         imageProcessors.Add(new LensBlurProcessor()); // Special command editor             

                     return imageProcessors;

Beispiel #38
        private void Initialize()
            _cameraPreviewImageSource = new CameraPreviewImageSource(_photoCaptureDevice);

            if (_blendImageUri != null)
                _blendImageProvider = new StreamImageSource((System.Windows.Application.GetResourceStream(_blendImageUri).Stream));
                var colorStops = new GradientStop[]
                    new GradientStop { Color = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00), Offset = 0.0 },
                    new GradientStop { Color = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00), Offset = 0.7 },
                    new GradientStop { Color = Color.FromArgb(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF), Offset = 1.0 }

                var gradient = new RadialGradient(new Point(0, 0), new EllipseRadius(1, 0), colorStops);

                var size = new Size(640, 480);

                _blendImageProvider = new GradientImageSource(size, gradient);

            var nameFormat = "{0}/" + EffectCount + " - {1}";

            switch (_effectIndex)
                case 0:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_None);

                case 1:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Normal);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Normal, GlobalAlpha);

                case 2:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Multiply);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource, _blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Multiply, GlobalAlpha);

                case 3:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Add);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource, _blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Add, GlobalAlpha);

                case 4:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Color);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Color, GlobalAlpha);

                case 5:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Colorburn);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Colorburn, GlobalAlpha);

                case 6:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Colordodge);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Colordodge, GlobalAlpha);

                case 7:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Overlay);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Overlay, GlobalAlpha);

                case 8:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Softlight);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Softlight, GlobalAlpha);

                case 9:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Screen);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Screen, GlobalAlpha);

                case 10:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Hardlight);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Hardlight, GlobalAlpha);

                case 11:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Darken);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Darken, GlobalAlpha);

                case 12:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Lighten);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource, _blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Lighten, GlobalAlpha);

                case 13:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Hue);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource, _blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Hue, GlobalAlpha);

                case 14:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Exclusion);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource, _blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Exclusion, GlobalAlpha);

                case 15:
                        EffectName = String.Format(nameFormat, _effectIndex + 1, AppResources.Filter_Blend_Difference);
                        _blendEffect = new BlendEffect(_cameraPreviewImageSource,_blendImageProvider, BlendFunction.Difference, GlobalAlpha);

            if (_blendEffect != null)
                _blendEffect.TargetArea = _targetArea;
                _blendEffect.TargetAreaRotation = _targetAreaRotation;                
        public VioletEffect()
            var globalCurve = new Curve
                Points = new[]
                  new Point(0,0),
                    new Point(41, 59),
                    new Point(112, 146),
                    new Point(189, 211),
                    new Point(255, 255),         

            var redCurve = new Curve
                Points = new[]
                    new Point(0, 0),             
                    new Point(255, 255)

            var greenCurve = new Curve
                Points = new[]
                    new Point(0, 0),             
                    new Point(255, 255)

            var blueCurve = new Curve
                Points = new[]
                    new Point(0, 0),             
                    new Point(57, 53),     
                    new Point(166, 160),     
                    new Point(255, 255)

            Curve.Compose(redCurve, globalCurve, redCurve);
            Curve.Compose(greenCurve, globalCurve, greenCurve);
            Curve.Compose(blueCurve, globalCurve, blueCurve);

            var gradient = new RadialGradient
                CenterPoint = new Point(0.5, 0.5),
                EllipseRadius = new EllipseRadius(1.0, 0),
                Stops = new[]
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 0, Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 156, 62, 68)},
                     new GradientStop {Offset = 1.0, Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 95, 1, 75)},                  

            LayerList = new LayerList()
                new AdjustmentLayer(LayerStyle.Normal(), new CurvesEffect(redCurve, greenCurve, blueCurve)),
                new AdjustmentLayer(LayerStyle.Normal(), new ContrastEffect(0.5)),
                // .AdjustmentLayer(LayerStyle.Normal(), new ExposureEffect(ExposureMode.Natural, -0.2)),
                new AdjustmentLayer(LayerStyle.Normal(), new VibranceEffect() { Level = 0.3 }),
                new Layer(LayerStyle.Screen(), context => new GradientImageSource(context.BackgroundLayer.ImageSize, gradient))
        public RetroEffect()
            var globalCurve = new Curve
                Points = new[]
                    new Point(0, 0),
                    new Point(41, 59),
                    new Point(112, 146),
                    new Point(189, 211),
                    new Point(255, 255)                 

            var redCurve = new Curve(CurveInterpolation.NaturalCubicSpline, new[]
                new Point(0, 0),
                new Point(75, 61),
                new Point(255, 255)

            Curve.Compose(redCurve, globalCurve, redCurve);

            var greenCurve = new Curve(CurveInterpolation.NaturalCubicSpline, new[]
                new Point(0, 0),
                new Point(59, 34),
                new Point(182, 199),
                new Point(255, 255)


            Curve.Compose(greenCurve, globalCurve, greenCurve);

            var blueCurve = new Curve(CurveInterpolation.NaturalCubicSpline, new[]
                new Point(0, 91),
                new Point(128, 128),
                new Point(255, 185)


            Curve.Compose(blueCurve, globalCurve, blueCurve);

            var yellowPurpleGradient = new LinearGradient
                StartPoint = new Point(0.0, 0.5),
                EndPoint = new Point(1.0, 0.5),

                Stops = new[]
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 0, Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 0)},
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 0.5, Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 148, 106, 77)},
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 1.0, Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 72, 3, 131)}

            var redTransparentGradient = new LinearGradient
                StartPoint = new Point(0.0, 0.5),
                EndPoint = new Point(1.0, 0.5),

                Stops = new[]
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 0, Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0)},
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 1.0, Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0, 0)}

            var spotGradient = new RadialGradient
                CenterPoint = new Point(0.5, 0.3),
                EllipseRadius = new EllipseRadius(0, 0.2),
                Stops = new[]
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 0.0, Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255)},
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 1.0, Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 255, 255)}

            var vignetteGradient = new RadialGradient
                CenterPoint = new Point(0.5, 0.5),
                EllipseRadius = new EllipseRadius(1.0, 0),
                Stops = new[]
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 0, Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255)},
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 0.9, Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0)}

            LayerList = new LayerList()
                new AdjustmentLayer(LayerStyle.Normal(), new CurvesEffect(redCurve, greenCurve, blueCurve)),
                new Layer(LayerStyle.Softlight(0.3), context => new GradientImageSource(context.BackgroundLayer.ImageSize, yellowPurpleGradient)),
                new Layer(LayerStyle.Screen(0.75, targetArea: new Rect(0, 0, 0.4, 1.0)), context => new GradientImageSource(new Size(context.BackgroundLayer.ImageSize.Width * 0.4, context.BackgroundLayer.ImageSize.Height), redTransparentGradient)),
                new Layer(LayerStyle.Softlight(), context => new GradientImageSource(context.BackgroundLayer.ImageSize, spotGradient)),
                new Layer(LayerStyle.Softlight(0.6), context => new GradientImageSource(context.BackgroundLayer.ImageSize, vignetteGradient))
        /// <summary>
        /// Filling using radial gradient for circle gradient only
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="radial">radial</param>
        /// <param name="rows">rows</param>
        /// <param name="startRowIndex">start y index</param>
        /// <param name="endRowIndex">end y index</param>
        void FillingEllipseFocalEvenOdd(RadialGradient radial, uint opacity, RowData[] rows, int startRowIndex, int endRowIndex)
            // now not need to check null or not
            uint[] builtColors = radial.GetLinearColors(opacity);
            #region private variable for filling
            int currentCoverage, scLastCoverage, scLastX = 0;
            int tempCover = 0;
            int currentArea = 0;
            int lastXPosition = 0;
            int startXPosition = 0;
            byte calculatedCoverage = 0;

            double centerX = radial.CenterX;
            double centerY = radial.CenterY;
            // in this case radius x = radius y
            double radius = radial.RadiusX;
            double radiusYForX = radial.RadiusY / radial.RadiusX;

            // this is precompute value so that (* ColorIndexScale / radius) now just ( * preComputeRadiusLookup )
            double preComputeRadiusLookup = ColorIndexScale / radius;

            CellData currentCellData = null;
            uint colorData = 0;

            double dx = 0, dy = 0;

            double dySquared = 0; // saving dy * dy
            // focus is changed to relative from the center
            double absoluteFocusX = radial.FocusX;
            double absoluteFocusY = radial.FocusY;

            double focusX = radial.FocusX - centerX;
            double focusY = radial.FocusY - centerY;
            focusY = focusY / radiusYForX;

            // note that dx,dy need to move center
             *  dx = (currentXPosition - absoluteFocusX);
             *  dy = (startRowIndex - absoluteFocusY);
             *  currentColorIndexValue =
                            (dx * focusX) + (dy * focusY)
                            + Math.Sqrt
                                    radius * radius * (dx * dx + dy * dy) - (dx * focusY - dy * focusX) * (dx * focusY - dy * focusX)      
                        ) * (radius /
                        ((radius * radius) - ((focusX * focusX )+ (focusY * focusY))))
                    ) * 256 /radius

            //note that  ( radius / (( radius * radius) - ((focusX * focusX) + (focusY * focusY))) is const
            // so that need to pre compute
            double preComputeMultiply = radius / ((radius * radius) - ((focusX * focusX) + (focusY * focusY)));

            #region modify when pre compute for multiply is zero
            if (preComputeMultiply == 0)
                if (focusX != 0)
                    if (focusX < 0)
                        focusX += GradientAdjustment;
                        focusX -= GradientAdjustment;
                if (focusY != 0)
                    if (focusY < 0)
                        focusY += GradientAdjustment;
                        focusY -= GradientAdjustment;
                preComputeMultiply = radius / ((radius * radius) - ((focusX * focusX) + (focusY * focusY)));

            double preComputeMultiplyIncludeLookup = preComputeRadiusLookup * preComputeMultiply;

            // saving dy * focusY
            double dyFocusY = 0;
            double dyFocusX = 0;
            double dxFocusYIncrement = 0; // saving dx * focusY - dyFocusX
            double radiusSquared = radius * radius;

            int currentColorIndexValue = 0;
            //int currentXPosition = 0;
            uint dst, dstRB, dstG;

            #region FILLING
            if (radial.Ramp.NoBlendingColor)
                // when no need to blending, when draw a horizontal line
                // do not need check the back color, alway setup
                if (radial.Style != GradientStyle.Pad)
                    #region filling without blend for horizontal lines
                    while (++startRowIndex <= endRowIndex)
                        currentCoverage = scLastCoverage = scLastX = 0;

                        #region cumpute value for row
                        //dyFocusY = (startRowIndex - centerY) * (startRowIndex - centerY);
                        dy = ((startRowIndex - centerY) / radiusYForX) - focusY;
                        dySquared = dy * dy;
                        dyFocusX = dy * focusX;
                        dyFocusY = dy * focusY;
                        if (rows[startRowIndex] != null)
                            // get first cell in current row
                            currentCellData = rows[startRowIndex].First;
                            if (currentCellData != null)
                                #region fill current row
                                    currentArea = currentCellData.Area;
                                    #region blend horizontal line
                                    if ((currentCellData.X > scLastX + 1) && (scLastCoverage != 0))
                                        // fast bit absolute
                                        scLastCoverage = (scLastCoverage ^ (scLastCoverage >> 31)) - (scLastCoverage >> 31);
                                        #region even odd change
                                        scLastCoverage &= 511;
                                        if (scLastCoverage >= 256)
                                            scLastCoverage = 512 - scLastCoverage - 1;
                                        if (scLastCoverage != 0)
                                            #region BLEND HORIZONTAL LINE
                                            // calculate start and end position
                                            startXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + scLastX + 1;
                                            lastXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + currentCellData.X;

                                            #region prepare for row color index calculation
                                            // get current color index value
                                            //currentColorIndexValue = scLastX + 1 - CurrentStartXIndex;
                                            //currentXPosition = scLastX + 1;
                                            dx = (scLastX + 1 - absoluteFocusX);
                                            dxFocusYIncrement = (dx * focusY - dyFocusX);
                                            if (scLastCoverage >= 255)
                                                while (startXPosition < lastXPosition)
                                                    #region calculate color index
                                                    currentColorIndexValue =
                                                        ((((dx * focusX) + dyFocusY +
                                                                radiusSquared *
                                                                (dx * dx + dySquared) -
                                                                dxFocusYIncrement * dxFocusYIncrement))
                                                                ) * preComputeMultiplyIncludeLookup)

                                                    //currentColorIndexValue =
                                                    //    (int)
                                                    //    (
                                                    //        (
                                                    //            (
                                                    //            (dx * focusX) + (dy * focusY)
                                                    //            + Math.Sqrt
                                                    //            (
                                                    //                Math.Abs
                                                    //                (
                                                    //                    radius * radius 
                                                    //                    * (dx * dx + dy * dy) 
                                                    //                    - (dx * focusY - dy * focusX) 
                                                    //                    * (dx * focusY - dy * focusX)
                                                    //                )
                                                    //            )
                                                    //        ) * (radius /
                                                    //        ((radius * radius) - ((focusX * focusX) + (focusY * focusY))))
                                                    //        ) * 256 / radius
                                                    //    );

                                                    // change for color index calculation
                                                    dxFocusYIncrement += focusY;
                                                    BufferData[startXPosition] = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue & ColorIndexDoubleMask];
                                                calculatedCoverage = (byte)scLastCoverage;
                                                while (startXPosition < lastXPosition)

                                                    #region calculate color index
                                                    currentColorIndexValue =
                                                        ((((dx * focusX) + dyFocusY +
                                                                radiusSquared *
                                                                (dx * dx + dySquared) -
                                                                dxFocusYIncrement * dxFocusYIncrement))
                                                                ) * preComputeMultiplyIncludeLookup)

                                                    // change for color index calculation
                                                    dxFocusYIncrement += focusY;

                                                    colorData = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue & ColorIndexDoubleMask];
                                                    //calculatedCoverage = (byte)((colorData >> 24));
                                                    //calculatedCoverage = (byte)((scLastCoverage * calculatedCoverage) >> 8);
                                                    if (calculatedCoverage >= 254)
                                                        BufferData[startXPosition] = colorData;
                                                        // blend here
                                                        dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                                        dstRB = dst & 0x00FF00FF;
                                                        dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;

                                                        BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                                            (uint)(AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                                            | (uint)((((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) << 8) & 0x0000FF00)
                                                            | (uint)(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - dstRB) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstRB) & 0x00FF00FF);


                                    currentCoverage += currentCellData.Coverage;

                                    #region blend the current cell
                                    // fast absolute
                                    tempCover = ((currentCoverage << 9) - currentArea) >> 9;
                                    if (tempCover != 0)
                                        // fast bit absolute
                                        tempCover = (tempCover ^ (tempCover >> 31)) - (tempCover >> 31);

                                        #region even odd change
                                        tempCover &= 511;
                                        if (tempCover >= 256)
                                            tempCover = 512 - tempCover - 1;
                                        // get current color data
                                        #region calculate color index
                                        //currentXPosition = currentCellData.X;
                                        //currentColorIndexValue =
                                        //    (int)(Math.Sqrt(dyFocusY +
                                        //        (currentXPosition - centerX) * (currentXPosition - centerX)) * preComputeRadiusLookup);
                                        #region prepare for row color index calculation
                                        // get current color index value
                                        dx = (currentCellData.X - absoluteFocusX);
                                        dxFocusYIncrement = (dx * focusY - dyFocusX);

                                        #region calculate color index
                                        currentColorIndexValue =
                                            ((((dx * focusX) + dyFocusY +
                                                    radiusSquared *
                                                    (dx * dx + dySquared) -
                                                    dxFocusYIncrement * dxFocusYIncrement))
                                                    ) * preComputeMultiplyIncludeLookup)

                                        colorData = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue & ColorIndexDoubleMask];//fixedColor[currentCellData.X - CurrentStartXIndex];
                                        //calculatedCoverage = (byte)(colorData >> 24);

                                        #region blend pixel
                                        //tempCover = (int)((tempCover * calculatedCoverage) >> 8);
                                        if (tempCover > 255) tempCover = 255;
                                        calculatedCoverage = (byte)tempCover;

                                        startXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + currentCellData.X;
                                        #region blend here
                                        dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                        dstRB = dst & 0x00FF00FF;
                                        dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;
                                        BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                            (uint)(AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                            | (uint)((((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) << 8) & 0x0000FF00)
                                            | (uint)(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - dstRB) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstRB) & 0x00FF00FF);

                                    scLastCoverage = currentCoverage;
                                    scLastX = currentCellData.X;

                                    // move to next cell
                                    currentCellData = currentCellData.Next;
                                } while (currentCellData != null);
                    #region filling without blend for horizontal lines
                    while (++startRowIndex <= endRowIndex)
                        currentCoverage = scLastCoverage = scLastX = 0;
                        #region cumpute value for row
                        //dyFocusY = (startRowIndex - centerY) * (startRowIndex - centerY);
                        dy = ((startRowIndex - centerY) / radiusYForX) - focusY;
                        dySquared = dy * dy;
                        dyFocusX = dy * focusX;
                        dyFocusY = dy * focusY;
                        if (rows[startRowIndex] != null)
                            // get first cell in current row
                            currentCellData = rows[startRowIndex].First;
                            if (currentCellData != null)
                                #region fill current row
                                    currentArea = currentCellData.Area;
                                    #region blend horizontal line
                                    if ((currentCellData.X > scLastX + 1) && (scLastCoverage != 0))
                                        // fast bit absolute
                                        scLastCoverage = (scLastCoverage ^ (scLastCoverage >> 31)) - (scLastCoverage >> 31);
                                        #region even odd change
                                        scLastCoverage &= 511;
                                        if (scLastCoverage >= 256)
                                            scLastCoverage = 512 - scLastCoverage - 1;
                                        if (scLastCoverage != 0)
                                            #region BLEND HORIZONTAL LINE
                                            // calculate start and end position
                                            startXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + scLastX + 1;
                                            lastXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + currentCellData.X;
                                            #region prepare for row color index calculation
                                            // get current color index value
                                            dx = (scLastX + 1 - absoluteFocusX);
                                            dxFocusYIncrement = (dx * focusY - dyFocusX);

                                            if (scLastCoverage >= 255)
                                                while (startXPosition < lastXPosition)
                                                    #region calculate color index
                                                    currentColorIndexValue =
                                                        ((((dx * focusX) + dyFocusY +
                                                                radiusSquared *
                                                                (dx * dx + dySquared) -
                                                                dxFocusYIncrement * dxFocusYIncrement))
                                                                ) * preComputeMultiplyIncludeLookup)

                                                    // change for color index calculation
                                                    dxFocusYIncrement += focusY;

                                                    BufferData[startXPosition] = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue < 0 ? 0 : currentColorIndexValue > 254 ? 255 : currentColorIndexValue];
                                                calculatedCoverage = (byte)(scLastCoverage);
                                                while (startXPosition < lastXPosition)
                                                    #region calculate color index
                                                    currentColorIndexValue =
                                                        ((((dx * focusX) + dyFocusY +
                                                                radiusSquared *
                                                                (dx * dx + dySquared) -
                                                                dxFocusYIncrement * dxFocusYIncrement))
                                                                ) * preComputeMultiplyIncludeLookup)

                                                    // change for color index calculation
                                                    dxFocusYIncrement += focusY;
                                                    colorData = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue < 0 ? 0 : currentColorIndexValue > 254 ? 255 : currentColorIndexValue];
                                                    //calculatedCoverage = (byte)((colorData >> 24));
                                                    //calculatedCoverage = (byte)((scLastCoverage * calculatedCoverage) >> 8);
                                                    if (calculatedCoverage >= 254)
                                                        BufferData[startXPosition] = colorData;
                                                        // blend here
                                                        dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                                        dstRB = dst & 0x00FF00FF;
                                                        dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;

                                                        BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                                            (uint)(AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                                            | (uint)((((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) << 8) & 0x0000FF00)
                                                            | (uint)(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - dstRB) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstRB) & 0x00FF00FF);

                                    currentCoverage += currentCellData.Coverage;

                                    #region blend the current cell
                                    // fast absolute
                                    tempCover = ((currentCoverage << 9) - currentArea) >> 9;
                                    if (tempCover != 0)
                                        // fast bit absolute
                                        tempCover = (tempCover ^ (tempCover >> 31)) - (tempCover >> 31);

                                        #region even odd change
                                        tempCover &= 511;
                                        if (tempCover >= 256)
                                            tempCover = 512 - tempCover - 1;
                                        // get current color data
                                        #region calculate color index
                                        #region prepare for row color index calculation
                                        // get current color index value
                                        dx = (currentCellData.X - absoluteFocusX);
                                        dxFocusYIncrement = (dx * focusY - dyFocusX);

                                        #region calculate color index
                                        currentColorIndexValue =
                                            ((((dx * focusX) + dyFocusY +
                                                    radiusSquared *
                                                    (dx * dx + dySquared) -
                                                    dxFocusYIncrement * dxFocusYIncrement))
                                                    ) * preComputeMultiplyIncludeLookup)

                                        colorData = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue < 0 ? 0 : currentColorIndexValue > 254 ? 255 : currentColorIndexValue];
                                        //calculatedCoverage = (byte)(colorData >> 24);

                                        #region blend pixel
                                        //tempCover = (int)((tempCover * calculatedCoverage) >> 8);
                                        if (tempCover > 255) tempCover = 255;
                                        calculatedCoverage = (byte)tempCover;

                                        startXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + currentCellData.X;
                                        #region blend here
                                        dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                        dstRB = dst & 0x00FF00FF;
                                        dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;
                                        BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                            (uint)(AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                            | (uint)((((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) << 8) & 0x0000FF00)
                                            | (uint)(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - dstRB) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstRB) & 0x00FF00FF);

                                    scLastCoverage = currentCoverage;
                                    scLastX = currentCellData.X;

                                    // move to next cell
                                    currentCellData = currentCellData.Next;
                                } while (currentCellData != null);
                // when no need to blending, when draw a horizontal line
                // do not need check the back color, alway setup
                if (radial.Style != GradientStyle.Pad)
                    #region filling without blend for horizontal lines
                    while (++startRowIndex <= endRowIndex)
                        currentCoverage = scLastCoverage = scLastX = 0;
                        #region cumpute value for row
                        //dyFocusY = (startRowIndex - centerY) * (startRowIndex - centerY);
                        dy = ((startRowIndex - centerY) / radiusYForX) - focusY;
                        dySquared = dy * dy;
                        dyFocusX = dy * focusX;
                        dyFocusY = dy * focusY;
                        if (rows[startRowIndex] != null)
                            // get first cell in current row
                            currentCellData = rows[startRowIndex].First;
                            if (currentCellData != null)
                                #region fill current row
                                    currentArea = currentCellData.Area;
                                    #region blend horizontal line
                                    if ((currentCellData.X > scLastX + 1) && (scLastCoverage != 0))
                                        // fast bit absolute
                                        scLastCoverage = (scLastCoverage ^ (scLastCoverage >> 31)) - (scLastCoverage >> 31);
                                        #region even odd change
                                        scLastCoverage &= 511;
                                        if (scLastCoverage >= 256)
                                            scLastCoverage = 512 - scLastCoverage - 1;
                                        if (scLastCoverage != 0)
                                            #region BLEND HORIZONTAL LINE
                                            // calculate start and end position
                                            startXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + scLastX + 1;
                                            lastXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + currentCellData.X;
                                            #region prepare for row color index calculation
                                            // get current color index value
                                            dx = (scLastX + 1 - absoluteFocusX);
                                            dxFocusYIncrement = (dx * focusY - dyFocusX);

                                            while (startXPosition < lastXPosition)
                                                #region calculate color index
                                                currentColorIndexValue =
                                                    ((((dx * focusX) + dyFocusY +
                                                            radiusSquared *
                                                            (dx * dx + dySquared) -
                                                            dxFocusYIncrement * dxFocusYIncrement))
                                                            ) * preComputeMultiplyIncludeLookup)

                                                // change for color index calculation
                                                dxFocusYIncrement += focusY;
                                                colorData = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue & ColorIndexDoubleMask];
                                                calculatedCoverage = (byte)((colorData >> 24));
                                                calculatedCoverage = (byte)((scLastCoverage * calculatedCoverage) >> 8);
                                                if (calculatedCoverage >= 254)
                                                    BufferData[startXPosition] = colorData;
                                                    // blend here
                                                    dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                                    dstRB = dst & 0x00FF00FF;
                                                    dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;

                                                    BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                                        (uint)(AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                                        | (uint)((((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) << 8) & 0x0000FF00)
                                                        | (uint)(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - dstRB) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstRB) & 0x00FF00FF);

                                    currentCoverage += currentCellData.Coverage;

                                    #region blend the current cell
                                    // fast absolute
                                    tempCover = ((currentCoverage << 9) - currentArea) >> 9;
                                    if (tempCover != 0)
                                        // fast bit absolute
                                        tempCover = (tempCover ^ (tempCover >> 31)) - (tempCover >> 31);

                                        #region even odd change
                                        tempCover &= 511;
                                        if (tempCover >= 256)
                                            tempCover = 512 - tempCover - 1;
                                        // get current color data
                                        #region prepare for row color index calculation
                                        // get current color index value
                                        dx = (currentCellData.X - absoluteFocusX);
                                        dxFocusYIncrement = (dx * focusY - dyFocusX);

                                        #region calculate color index
                                        currentColorIndexValue =
                                            ((((dx * focusX) + dyFocusY +
                                                    radiusSquared *
                                                    (dx * dx + dySquared) -
                                                    dxFocusYIncrement * dxFocusYIncrement))
                                                    ) * preComputeMultiplyIncludeLookup)

                                        colorData = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue & ColorIndexDoubleMask];//fixedColor[currentCellData.X - CurrentStartXIndex];
                                        calculatedCoverage = (byte)(colorData >> 24);

                                        #region blend pixel
                                        tempCover = (int)((tempCover * calculatedCoverage) >> 8);
                                        //if (tempCover > 255) tempCover = 255;
                                        calculatedCoverage = (byte)tempCover;

                                        startXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + currentCellData.X;
                                        #region blend here
                                        dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                        dstRB = dst & 0x00FF00FF;
                                        dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;
                                        BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                            (uint)(AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                            | (uint)((((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) << 8) & 0x0000FF00)
                                            | (uint)(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - dstRB) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstRB) & 0x00FF00FF);

                                    scLastCoverage = currentCoverage;
                                    scLastX = currentCellData.X;

                                    // move to next cell
                                    currentCellData = currentCellData.Next;
                                } while (currentCellData != null);
                    #region filling without blend for horizontal lines
                    while (++startRowIndex <= endRowIndex)
                        currentCoverage = scLastCoverage = scLastX = 0;
                        #region cumpute value for row
                        //dyFocusY = (startRowIndex - centerY) * (startRowIndex - centerY);
                        dy = ((startRowIndex - centerY) / radiusYForX) - focusY;
                        dySquared = dy * dy;
                        dyFocusX = dy * focusX;
                        dyFocusY = dy * focusY;
                        if (rows[startRowIndex] != null)
                            // get first cell in current row
                            currentCellData = rows[startRowIndex].First;
                            if (currentCellData != null)
                                #region fill current row
                                    currentArea = currentCellData.Area;
                                    #region blend horizontal line
                                    if ((currentCellData.X > scLastX + 1) && (scLastCoverage != 0))
                                        // fast bit absolute
                                        scLastCoverage = (scLastCoverage ^ (scLastCoverage >> 31)) - (scLastCoverage >> 31);
                                        #region even odd change
                                        scLastCoverage &= 511;
                                        if (scLastCoverage >= 256)
                                            scLastCoverage = 512 - scLastCoverage - 1;
                                        if (scLastCoverage != 0)
                                            #region BLEND HORIZONTAL LINE
                                            // calculate start and end position
                                            startXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + scLastX + 1;
                                            lastXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + currentCellData.X;
                                            #region prepare for row color index calculation
                                            // get current color index value
                                            dx = (scLastX + 1 - absoluteFocusX);
                                            dxFocusYIncrement = (dx * focusY - dyFocusX);

                                            while (startXPosition < lastXPosition)
                                                #region calculate color index
                                                currentColorIndexValue =
                                                    ((((dx * focusX) + dyFocusY +
                                                            radiusSquared *
                                                            (dx * dx + dySquared) -
                                                            dxFocusYIncrement * dxFocusYIncrement))
                                                            ) * preComputeMultiplyIncludeLookup)

                                                // change for color index calculation
                                                dxFocusYIncrement += focusY;

                                                colorData = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue < 0 ? 0 : currentColorIndexValue > 254 ? 255 : currentColorIndexValue];
                                                calculatedCoverage = (byte)((colorData >> 24));
                                                calculatedCoverage = (byte)((scLastCoverage * calculatedCoverage) >> 8);
                                                if (calculatedCoverage >= 254)
                                                    BufferData[startXPosition] = colorData;
                                                    // blend here
                                                    dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                                    dstRB = dst & 0x00FF00FF;
                                                    dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;

                                                    BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                                        (uint)(AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                                        | (uint)((((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) << 8) & 0x0000FF00)
                                                        | (uint)(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - dstRB) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstRB) & 0x00FF00FF);

                                    currentCoverage += currentCellData.Coverage;

                                    #region blend the current cell
                                    // fast absolute
                                    tempCover = ((currentCoverage << 9) - currentArea) >> 9;
                                    if (tempCover != 0)
                                        // fast bit absolute
                                        tempCover = (tempCover ^ (tempCover >> 31)) - (tempCover >> 31);

                                        #region even odd change
                                        tempCover &= 511;
                                        if (tempCover >= 256)
                                            tempCover = 512 - tempCover - 1;
                                        // get current color data
                                        #region prepare for row color index calculation
                                        // get current color index value
                                        dx = (currentCellData.X - absoluteFocusX);
                                        dxFocusYIncrement = (dx * focusY - dyFocusX);

                                        #region calculate color index
                                        currentColorIndexValue =
                                            ((((dx * focusX) + dyFocusY +
                                                    radiusSquared *
                                                    (dx * dx + dySquared) -
                                                    dxFocusYIncrement * dxFocusYIncrement))
                                                    ) * preComputeMultiplyIncludeLookup)
                                        colorData = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue < 0 ? 0 : currentColorIndexValue > 254 ? 255 : currentColorIndexValue];
                                        calculatedCoverage = (byte)(colorData >> 24);

                                        #region blend pixel
                                        tempCover = (int)((tempCover * calculatedCoverage) >> 8);
                                        //if (tempCover > 255) tempCover = 255;
                                        calculatedCoverage = (byte)tempCover;

                                        startXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + currentCellData.X;
                                        #region blend here
                                        dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                        dstRB = dst & 0x00FF00FF;
                                        dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;
                                        BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                            (uint)(AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                            | (uint)((((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) << 8) & 0x0000FF00)
                                            | (uint)(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - dstRB) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstRB) & 0x00FF00FF);

                                    scLastCoverage = currentCoverage;
                                    scLastX = currentCellData.X;

                                    // move to next cell
                                    currentCellData = currentCellData.Next;
                                } while (currentCellData != null);

        /// <summary>
        /// Filling using radial gradient for circle gradient only
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="radial">radial</param>
        /// <param name="rows">rows</param>
        /// <param name="startRowIndex">start y index</param>
        /// <param name="endRowIndex">end y index</param>
        /// <param name="gammaLutRed">gamma look up table for red</param>
        /// <param name="gammaLutGreen">gamma look up table for green</param>
        /// <param name="gammaLutBlue">gamma look up table for blue</param>
        void FillingRadialEvenOdd(RadialGradient radial, uint opacity, RowData[] rows, int startRowIndex, int endRowIndex, byte[] gammaLutRed, byte[] gammaLutGreen, byte[] gammaLutBlue)
            // now not need to check null or not
            uint[] builtColors = radial.GetLinearColors(opacity);
            #region private variable for filling
            int currentCoverage, scLastCoverage, scLastX = 0;
            int tempCover = 0;
            int currentArea = 0;
            int lastXPosition = 0;
            int startXPosition = 0;
            byte calculatedCoverage = 0;

            double centerX = radial.CenterX;
            double centerY = radial.CenterY;
            // in this case radius x = radius y
            double radius = radial.RadiusX;

            // saving precompute value for rows
            /* Normal calculation to get the color index
             * currentColorIndexValue =
                    (startRowIndex - centerY) * (startRowIndex - centerY) +
                    (currentXPosition - centerX) * (currentXPosition - centerX)) * ColorIndexScale / radius );
             * but
             *  preComputeForRow= (startRowIndex - centerY) * (startRowIndex - centerY)
             *  so that
             *    currentColorIndexValue = 
             *    (int)(Math.Sqrt(
                    (preComputeForRow) +
                    (currentXPosition - centerX) * (currentXPosition - centerX)) * ColorIndexScale / radius );
            double preComputeForRow = 0;

            // this is precompute value so that (* ColorIndexScale / radius) now just ( * preComputeRadiusLookup )
            double preComputeRadiusLookup = ColorIndexScale / radius;

            CellData currentCellData = null;
            uint colorData = 0;
            //uint colorG = 0;
            //uint colorRB = 0;

            int currentColorIndexValue = 0;
            int currentXPosition = 0;

            uint dst, dstRB, dstG;

            #region FILLING
            if (radial.Ramp.NoBlendingColor)
                // when no need to blending, when draw a horizontal line
                // do not need check the back color, alway setup
                if (radial.Style != GradientStyle.Pad)
                    #region filling without blend for horizontal lines
                    while (++startRowIndex <= endRowIndex)
                        currentCoverage = scLastCoverage = scLastX = 0;
                        preComputeForRow = (startRowIndex - centerY) * (startRowIndex - centerY);
                        if (rows[startRowIndex] != null)
                            // get first cell in current row
                            currentCellData = rows[startRowIndex].First;
                            if (currentCellData != null)
                                #region fill current row
                                    currentArea = currentCellData.Area;
                                    #region blend horizontal line
                                    if ((currentCellData.X > scLastX + 1) && (scLastCoverage != 0))
                                        // fast bit absolute
                                        scLastCoverage = (scLastCoverage ^ (scLastCoverage >> 31)) - (scLastCoverage >> 31);
                                        #region even odd change
                                        scLastCoverage &= 511;
                                        if (scLastCoverage >= 256)
                                            scLastCoverage = 512 - scLastCoverage - 1;
                                        if (scLastCoverage != 0)
                                            #region BLEND HORIZONTAL LINE
                                            // calculate start and end position
                                            startXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + scLastX + 1;
                                            lastXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + currentCellData.X;
                                            // get current color index value
                                            //currentColorIndexValue = scLastX + 1 - CurrentStartXIndex;
                                            currentXPosition = scLastX + 1;
                                            if (scLastCoverage >= 255)
                                                while (startXPosition < lastXPosition)
                                                    #region calculate color index
                                                    currentColorIndexValue =
                                                            preComputeForRow +
                                                            (currentXPosition - centerX) * (currentXPosition - centerX)) * preComputeRadiusLookup);
                                                    BufferData[startXPosition] = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue & ColorIndexDoubleMask];
                                                calculatedCoverage = (byte)scLastCoverage;
                                                while (startXPosition < lastXPosition)
                                                    #region calculate color index
                                                    currentColorIndexValue =
                                                            preComputeForRow +
                                                            (currentXPosition - centerX) * (currentXPosition - centerX)) * preComputeRadiusLookup);

                                                    colorData = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue & ColorIndexDoubleMask];
                                                    //calculatedCoverage = (byte)((colorData >> 24));
                                                    //calculatedCoverage = (byte)((scLastCoverage * calculatedCoverage) >> 8);
                                                    if (calculatedCoverage >= 254)
                                                        BufferData[startXPosition] = colorData;
                                                        #region gamma apply
                                                        dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                                        dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;
                                                        dstRB = ((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - (dst & 0x00FF00FF)) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + (dst & 0x00FF00FF));

                                                        BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                                            (uint)((AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                                            | (((uint)gammaLutGreen[(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) & 0xFF)] << 8))
                                                            | ((uint)gammaLutRed[(dstRB & 0x00FF0000) >> 16] << 16)
                                                            | (gammaLutBlue[(dstRB & 0x00FF)]))

                                    currentCoverage += currentCellData.Coverage;

                                    #region blend the current cell
                                    // fast absolute
                                    tempCover = ((currentCoverage << 9) - currentArea) >> 9;
                                    if (tempCover != 0)
                                        // fast bit absolute
                                        tempCover = (tempCover ^ (tempCover >> 31)) - (tempCover >> 31);

                                        #region even odd change
                                        tempCover &= 511;
                                        if (tempCover >= 256)
                                            tempCover = 512 - tempCover - 1;
                                        // get current color data
                                        #region calculate color index
                                        currentXPosition = currentCellData.X;
                                        currentColorIndexValue =
                                            (int)(Math.Sqrt(preComputeForRow +
                                                (currentXPosition - centerX) * (currentXPosition - centerX)) * preComputeRadiusLookup);

                                        colorData = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue & ColorIndexDoubleMask];//fixedColor[currentCellData.X - CurrentStartXIndex];
                                        //calculatedCoverage = (byte)(colorData >> 24);

                                        #region blend pixel
                                        //tempCover = (int)((tempCover * calculatedCoverage) >> 8);
                                        if (tempCover > 255) tempCover = 255;
                                        calculatedCoverage = (byte)tempCover;

                                        startXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + currentCellData.X;
                                        #region blend here
                                        //dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                        //dstRB = dst & 0x00FF00FF;
                                        //dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;
                                        //BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                        //    (uint)(AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                        //    | (uint)((((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) << 8) & 0x0000FF00)
                                        //    | (uint)(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - dstRB) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstRB) & 0x00FF00FF);
                                        if (calculatedCoverage >= 254)
                                            BufferData[startXPosition] = colorData;
                                            #region gamma apply
                                            dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                            dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;
                                            dstRB = ((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - (dst & 0x00FF00FF)) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + (dst & 0x00FF00FF));

                                            BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                                (uint)((AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                                | (((uint)gammaLutGreen[(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) & 0xFF)] << 8))
                                                | ((uint)gammaLutRed[(dstRB & 0x00FF0000) >> 16] << 16)
                                                | (gammaLutBlue[(dstRB & 0x00FF)]))

                                    scLastCoverage = currentCoverage;
                                    scLastX = currentCellData.X;

                                    // move to next cell
                                    currentCellData = currentCellData.Next;
                                } while (currentCellData != null);
                    #region filling without blend for horizontal lines
                    while (++startRowIndex <= endRowIndex)
                        currentCoverage = scLastCoverage = scLastX = 0;
                        preComputeForRow = (startRowIndex - centerY) * (startRowIndex - centerY);
                        if (rows[startRowIndex] != null)
                            // get first cell in current row
                            currentCellData = rows[startRowIndex].First;
                            if (currentCellData != null)
                                #region fill current row
                                    currentArea = currentCellData.Area;
                                    #region blend horizontal line
                                    if ((currentCellData.X > scLastX + 1) && (scLastCoverage != 0))
                                        // fast bit absolute
                                        scLastCoverage = (scLastCoverage ^ (scLastCoverage >> 31)) - (scLastCoverage >> 31);
                                        #region even odd change
                                        scLastCoverage &= 511;
                                        if (scLastCoverage >= 256)
                                            scLastCoverage = 512 - scLastCoverage - 1;
                                        if (scLastCoverage != 0)
                                            #region BLEND HORIZONTAL LINE
                                            // calculate start and end position
                                            startXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + scLastX + 1;
                                            lastXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + currentCellData.X;
                                            // get current color index value
                                            //currentColorIndexValue = scLastX + 1 - CurrentStartXIndex;
                                            currentXPosition = scLastX + 1;
                                            if (scLastCoverage >= 255)
                                                while (startXPosition < lastXPosition)
                                                    #region calculate color index
                                                    currentColorIndexValue =
                                                            preComputeForRow +
                                                            (currentXPosition - centerX) * (currentXPosition - centerX)) * preComputeRadiusLookup);
                                                    BufferData[startXPosition] = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue > 254 ? 255 : currentColorIndexValue];
                                                calculatedCoverage = (byte)(scLastCoverage);
                                                while (startXPosition < lastXPosition)
                                                    #region calculate color index
                                                    currentColorIndexValue =
                                                            preComputeForRow +
                                                            (currentXPosition - centerX) * (currentXPosition - centerX)) * preComputeRadiusLookup);

                                                    colorData = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue > 254 ? 255 : currentColorIndexValue];
                                                    //calculatedCoverage = (byte)((colorData >> 24));
                                                    //calculatedCoverage = (byte)((scLastCoverage * calculatedCoverage) >> 8);
                                                    if (calculatedCoverage >= 254)
                                                        BufferData[startXPosition] = colorData;
                                                        //// blend here
                                                        //dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                                        //dstRB = dst & 0x00FF00FF;
                                                        //dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;

                                                        //BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                                        //    (uint)(AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                                        //    | (uint)((((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) << 8) & 0x0000FF00)
                                                        //    | (uint)(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - dstRB) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstRB) & 0x00FF00FF);
                                                        #region gamma apply
                                                        dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                                        dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;
                                                        dstRB = ((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - (dst & 0x00FF00FF)) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + (dst & 0x00FF00FF));

                                                        BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                                            (uint)((AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                                            | (((uint)gammaLutGreen[(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) & 0xFF)] << 8))
                                                            | ((uint)gammaLutRed[(dstRB & 0x00FF0000) >> 16] << 16)
                                                            | (gammaLutBlue[(dstRB & 0x00FF)]))

                                    currentCoverage += currentCellData.Coverage;

                                    #region blend the current cell
                                    // fast absolute
                                    tempCover = ((currentCoverage << 9) - currentArea) >> 9;
                                    if (tempCover != 0)
                                        // fast bit absolute
                                        tempCover = (tempCover ^ (tempCover >> 31)) - (tempCover >> 31);

                                        #region even odd change
                                        tempCover &= 511;
                                        if (tempCover >= 256)
                                            tempCover = 512 - tempCover - 1;
                                        // get current color data
                                        #region calculate color index
                                        currentXPosition = currentCellData.X;
                                        currentColorIndexValue =
                                            (int)(Math.Sqrt(preComputeForRow +
                                                (currentXPosition - centerX) * (currentXPosition - centerX)) * preComputeRadiusLookup);

                                        colorData = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue > 254 ? 255 : currentColorIndexValue];//fixedColor[currentCellData.X - CurrentStartXIndex];
                                        //calculatedCoverage = (byte)(colorData >> 24);

                                        #region blend pixel
                                        //tempCover = (int)((tempCover * calculatedCoverage) >> 8);
                                        if (tempCover > 255) tempCover = 255;
                                        calculatedCoverage = (byte)tempCover;

                                        startXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + currentCellData.X;
                                        #region blend here
                                        //dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                        //dstRB = dst & 0x00FF00FF;
                                        //dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;
                                        //BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                        //    (uint)(AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                        //    | (uint)((((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) << 8) & 0x0000FF00)
                                        //    | (uint)(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - dstRB) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstRB) & 0x00FF00FF);
                                        if (calculatedCoverage >= 254)
                                            BufferData[startXPosition] = colorData;
                                            #region gamma apply
                                            dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                            dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;
                                            dstRB = ((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - (dst & 0x00FF00FF)) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + (dst & 0x00FF00FF));

                                            BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                                (uint)((AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                                | (((uint)gammaLutGreen[(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) & 0xFF)] << 8))
                                                | ((uint)gammaLutRed[(dstRB & 0x00FF0000) >> 16] << 16)
                                                | (gammaLutBlue[(dstRB & 0x00FF)]))

                                    scLastCoverage = currentCoverage;
                                    scLastX = currentCellData.X;

                                    // move to next cell
                                    currentCellData = currentCellData.Next;
                                } while (currentCellData != null);
                // when no need to blending, when draw a horizontal line
                // do not need check the back color, alway setup
                if (radial.Style != GradientStyle.Pad)
                    #region filling without blend for horizontal lines
                    while (++startRowIndex <= endRowIndex)
                        currentCoverage = scLastCoverage = scLastX = 0;
                        preComputeForRow = (startRowIndex - centerY) * (startRowIndex - centerY);
                        if (rows[startRowIndex] != null)
                            // get first cell in current row
                            currentCellData = rows[startRowIndex].First;
                            if (currentCellData != null)
                                #region fill current row
                                    currentArea = currentCellData.Area;
                                    #region blend horizontal line
                                    if ((currentCellData.X > scLastX + 1) && (scLastCoverage != 0))
                                        // fast bit absolute
                                        scLastCoverage = (scLastCoverage ^ (scLastCoverage >> 31)) - (scLastCoverage >> 31);
                                        #region even odd change
                                        scLastCoverage &= 511;
                                        if (scLastCoverage >= 256)
                                            scLastCoverage = 512 - scLastCoverage - 1;
                                        if (scLastCoverage != 0)
                                            #region BLEND HORIZONTAL LINE
                                            // calculate start and end position
                                            startXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + scLastX + 1;
                                            lastXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + currentCellData.X;
                                            // get current color index value
                                            //currentColorIndexValue = scLastX + 1 - CurrentStartXIndex;
                                            currentXPosition = scLastX + 1;

                                            while (startXPosition < lastXPosition)
                                                #region calculate color index
                                                currentColorIndexValue =
                                                        preComputeForRow +
                                                        (currentXPosition - centerX) * (currentXPosition - centerX)) * preComputeRadiusLookup);

                                                colorData = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue & ColorIndexDoubleMask];
                                                calculatedCoverage = (byte)((colorData >> 24));
                                                calculatedCoverage = (byte)((scLastCoverage * calculatedCoverage) >> 8);
                                                if (calculatedCoverage >= 254)
                                                    BufferData[startXPosition] = colorData;
                                                    #region gamma apply
                                                    dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                                    dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;
                                                    dstRB = ((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - (dst & 0x00FF00FF)) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + (dst & 0x00FF00FF));

                                                    BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                                        (uint)((AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                                        | (((uint)gammaLutGreen[(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) & 0xFF)] << 8))
                                                        | ((uint)gammaLutRed[(dstRB & 0x00FF0000) >> 16] << 16)
                                                        | (gammaLutBlue[(dstRB & 0x00FF)]))

                                    currentCoverage += currentCellData.Coverage;

                                    #region blend the current cell
                                    // fast absolute
                                    tempCover = ((currentCoverage << 9) - currentArea) >> 9;
                                    if (tempCover != 0)
                                        // fast bit absolute
                                        tempCover = (tempCover ^ (tempCover >> 31)) - (tempCover >> 31);

                                        #region even odd change
                                        tempCover &= 511;
                                        if (tempCover >= 256)
                                            tempCover = 512 - tempCover - 1;
                                        // get current color data
                                        #region calculate color index
                                        currentXPosition = currentCellData.X;
                                        currentColorIndexValue =
                                            (int)(Math.Sqrt(preComputeForRow +
                                                (currentXPosition - centerX) * (currentXPosition - centerX)) * preComputeRadiusLookup);

                                        colorData = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue & ColorIndexDoubleMask];//fixedColor[currentCellData.X - CurrentStartXIndex];
                                        calculatedCoverage = (byte)(colorData >> 24);

                                        #region blend pixel
                                        tempCover = (int)((tempCover * calculatedCoverage) >> 8);
                                        //if (tempCover > 255) tempCover = 255;
                                        calculatedCoverage = (byte)tempCover;

                                        startXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + currentCellData.X;
                                        #region blend here
                                        //dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                        //dstRB = dst & 0x00FF00FF;
                                        //dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;
                                        //BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                        //    (uint)(AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                        //    | (uint)((((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) << 8) & 0x0000FF00)
                                        //    | (uint)(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - dstRB) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstRB) & 0x00FF00FF);
                                        #region gamma apply
                                        dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                        dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;
                                        dstRB = ((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - (dst & 0x00FF00FF)) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + (dst & 0x00FF00FF));

                                        BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                            (uint)((AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                            | (((uint)gammaLutGreen[(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) & 0xFF)] << 8))
                                            | ((uint)gammaLutRed[(dstRB & 0x00FF0000) >> 16] << 16)
                                            | (gammaLutBlue[(dstRB & 0x00FF)]))

                                    scLastCoverage = currentCoverage;
                                    scLastX = currentCellData.X;

                                    // move to next cell
                                    currentCellData = currentCellData.Next;
                                } while (currentCellData != null);
                    #region filling without blend for horizontal lines
                    while (++startRowIndex <= endRowIndex)
                        currentCoverage = scLastCoverage = scLastX = 0;
                        preComputeForRow = (startRowIndex - centerY) * (startRowIndex - centerY);
                        if (rows[startRowIndex] != null)
                            // get first cell in current row
                            currentCellData = rows[startRowIndex].First;
                            if (currentCellData != null)
                                #region fill current row
                                    currentArea = currentCellData.Area;
                                    #region blend horizontal line
                                    if ((currentCellData.X > scLastX + 1) && (scLastCoverage != 0))
                                        // fast bit absolute
                                        scLastCoverage = (scLastCoverage ^ (scLastCoverage >> 31)) - (scLastCoverage >> 31);
                                        #region even odd change
                                        scLastCoverage &= 511;
                                        if (scLastCoverage >= 256)
                                            scLastCoverage = 512 - scLastCoverage - 1;
                                        if (scLastCoverage != 0)
                                            #region BLEND HORIZONTAL LINE
                                            // calculate start and end position
                                            startXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + scLastX + 1;
                                            lastXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + currentCellData.X;
                                            // get current color index value
                                            //currentColorIndexValue = scLastX + 1 - CurrentStartXIndex;
                                            currentXPosition = scLastX + 1;

                                            while (startXPosition < lastXPosition)
                                                #region calculate color index
                                                currentColorIndexValue =
                                                        preComputeForRow +
                                                        (currentXPosition - centerX) * (currentXPosition - centerX)) * preComputeRadiusLookup);

                                                colorData = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue > 254 ? 255 : currentColorIndexValue];
                                                calculatedCoverage = (byte)((colorData >> 24));
                                                calculatedCoverage = (byte)((scLastCoverage * calculatedCoverage) >> 8);
                                                if (calculatedCoverage >= 254)
                                                    BufferData[startXPosition] = colorData;
                                                    //// blend here
                                                    //dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                                    //dstRB = dst & 0x00FF00FF;
                                                    //dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;

                                                    //BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                                    //    (uint)(AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                                    //    | (uint)((((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) << 8) & 0x0000FF00)
                                                    //    | (uint)(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - dstRB) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstRB) & 0x00FF00FF);

                                                    #region gamma apply
                                                    dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                                    dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;
                                                    dstRB = ((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - (dst & 0x00FF00FF)) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + (dst & 0x00FF00FF));

                                                    BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                                        (uint)((AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                                        | (((uint)gammaLutGreen[(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) & 0xFF)] << 8))
                                                        | ((uint)gammaLutRed[(dstRB & 0x00FF0000) >> 16] << 16)
                                                        | (gammaLutBlue[(dstRB & 0x00FF)]))

                                    currentCoverage += currentCellData.Coverage;

                                    #region blend the current cell
                                    // fast absolute
                                    tempCover = ((currentCoverage << 9) - currentArea) >> 9;
                                    if (tempCover != 0)
                                        // fast bit absolute
                                        tempCover = (tempCover ^ (tempCover >> 31)) - (tempCover >> 31);

                                        #region even odd change
                                        tempCover &= 511;
                                        if (tempCover >= 256)
                                            tempCover = 512 - tempCover - 1;
                                        // get current color data
                                        #region calculate color index
                                        currentXPosition = currentCellData.X;
                                        currentColorIndexValue =
                                            (int)(Math.Sqrt(preComputeForRow +
                                                (currentXPosition - centerX) * (currentXPosition - centerX)) * preComputeRadiusLookup);

                                        colorData = builtColors[currentColorIndexValue > 254 ? 255 : currentColorIndexValue];//fixedColor[currentCellData.X - CurrentStartXIndex];
                                        calculatedCoverage = (byte)(colorData >> 24);

                                        #region blend pixel
                                        tempCover = (int)((tempCover * calculatedCoverage) >> 8);
                                        //if (tempCover > 255) tempCover = 255;
                                        calculatedCoverage = (byte)tempCover;
                                        startXPosition = BufferStartOffset + startRowIndex * BufferStride + currentCellData.X;
                                        #region blend here
                                        //dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                        //dstRB = dst & 0x00FF00FF;
                                        //dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;
                                        //BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                        //    (uint)(AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                        //    | (uint)((((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) << 8) & 0x0000FF00)
                                        //    | (uint)(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - dstRB) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstRB) & 0x00FF00FF);
                                        #region gamma apply
                                        dst = BufferData[startXPosition];
                                        dstG = (dst >> 8) & 0xFF;
                                        dstRB = ((((((colorData & 0x00FF00FF)) - (dst & 0x00FF00FF)) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + (dst & 0x00FF00FF));

                                        BufferData[startXPosition] =
                                            (uint)((AlphaCache[(((dst >> 24) & 0xFF) << 8) + calculatedCoverage])
                                            | (((uint)gammaLutGreen[(((((((colorData & 0x00FF00) >> 8) - dstG) * calculatedCoverage) >> 8) + dstG) & 0xFF)] << 8))
                                            | ((uint)gammaLutRed[(dstRB & 0x00FF0000) >> 16] << 16)
                                            | (gammaLutBlue[(dstRB & 0x00FF)]))

                                    scLastCoverage = currentCoverage;
                                    scLastX = currentCellData.X;

                                    // move to next cell
                                    currentCellData = currentCellData.Next;
                                } while (currentCellData != null);

		public GlamMeLomoEffect()
            var globalCurve = new Curve(CurveInterpolation.NaturalCubicSpline, new[]
                    new Point(0, 0),
                    new Point(41, 59),
                    new Point(112, 146),
                    new Point(189, 211),
                    new Point(255, 255)

            var redCurve = new Curve(CurveInterpolation.NaturalCubicSpline, new[]
                new Point(0, 0),
                new Point(101, 45),
                new Point(191, 193),
                new Point(255, 255)
            Curve.Compose(redCurve, globalCurve, redCurve);

            var greenCurve = new Curve(CurveInterpolation.NaturalCubicSpline, new[]
                new Point(0, 0),
                new Point(78, 61),
                new Point(187, 199),
                new Point(255, 255)

            Curve.Compose(greenCurve, globalCurve, greenCurve);

            var blueCurve = new Curve(CurveInterpolation.NaturalCubicSpline, new[]
                new Point(0, 0),
                new Point(56, 71),
                new Point(204, 181),
                new Point(255, 255)
            Curve.Compose(blueCurve, globalCurve, blueCurve);

            var linearGradient = new LinearGradient
                StartPoint = new Point(0.0, 0.5),
                EndPoint = new Point(1.0, 0.5),

                Stops = new[]
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 0, Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 135, 135, 135) },
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 1.0, Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 193, 193, 193) }

            var vignetteGradient = new RadialGradient
                CenterPoint = new Point(0.5, 0.5),
                EllipseRadius = new EllipseRadius(2.0, 0),
                Stops = new[]
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 0, Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 255, 255)},
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 0.9, Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0)}

            var vignette2Gradient = new RadialGradient
                CenterPoint = new Point(0.5, 0.5),
                EllipseRadius = new EllipseRadius(1.0, 0),
                Stops = new[]
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 0, Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0)},                  
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 0.5, Color = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0)},                  
                    new GradientStop {Offset = 1.0, Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0)}

            LayerList = new LayerList()
                new AdjustmentLayer(LayerStyle.Normal(), new CurvesEffect(redCurve, greenCurve, blueCurve)),
                new Layer(LayerStyle.Overlay(), context => new GradientImageSource(context.BackgroundLayer.ImageSize, linearGradient)),
                new Layer(LayerStyle.Softlight(0.4), context => new GradientImageSource(context.BackgroundLayer.ImageSize, vignetteGradient)),
                new Layer(LayerStyle.Darken(0.5), context => new GradientImageSource(context.BackgroundLayer.ImageSize, vignette2Gradient))