/// <summary>
        /// Call this function when an error occurs during the simulation stage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reason">The reason of the error.</param>
        /// <param name="customData">Custom data about the error.</param>
        public void SimulationStageError(string reason, byte[] customData)
            if (!this.initialized)
                throw new DssException("DssSimulationMgr is uninitialized!");

            /// If we are currently finishing the simulation --> do nothing
            if (this.hostLeft)

            /// Stop the alarm clocks

            /// Send the DSS_SIM_ERROR message to the others
            RCPackage errPackage = RCPackage.CreateNetworkCustomPackage(DssRoot.DSS_SIM_ERROR);

            errPackage.WriteString(0, reason);
            errPackage.WriteByteArray(1, customData);

            /// Quit from the DSS immediately
            this.root.SimulatorIface.SimulationError(reason, customData);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a commit for this.nextNextRound to the lobby.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Call this function only if this.currentRound has been finished.
        /// </remarks>
        private void SendCommit()
            if (!this.initialized)
                throw new DssException("DssSimulationMgr is uninitialized!");
            if (this.currentRound.StepNextFrame())
                throw new DssException("DssSimulationMgr.SendCommit() denied!");

            if (!this.hostLeft)
                byte[] stateHash  = this.root.SimulatorIface.StateHash;
                int    highestAPT = this.HighestAPT;

                /// Generate a ticket for the commit.
                int ticket = -1;
                    ticket = RandomService.DefaultGenerator.Next();
                } while (this.commitAwMonitors.ContainsKey(ticket));

                /// Create the commit package.
                RCPackage commitPackage = RCPackage.CreateNetworkCustomPackage(DssRoot.DSS_COMMIT);
                commitPackage.WriteShort(0, (short)this.aftCalculator.Average);
                commitPackage.WriteShort(1, (short)highestAPT);           /// The highest measured APT
                commitPackage.WriteInt(2, this.nextNextRound.RoundIndex); /// Round index of the commit
                commitPackage.WriteInt(3, ticket);                        /// Commit answer ticket
                commitPackage.WriteByteArray(4, stateHash != null ? stateHash : new byte[0] {
                });                                                       /// State-hash value

                /// Send the commit package to the lobby.


                TraceManager.WriteAllTrace(string.Format("Self commit round {0}", this.nextNextRound.RoundIndex), DssTraceFilters.SIMULATION_INFO);
                if (!this.nextNextRound.Commit(this.root.IdOfThisPeer, this.aftCalculator.Average, highestAPT, stateHash))
                    SimulationStageError(string.Format("Commit of round-{0} failed!", this.nextNextRound.RoundIndex),
                                         new byte[0] {
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a DSS_LEAVE message to the lobby and leaves the DSS.
        /// </summary>
        private void SendLeaveMessage()
            if (!this.initialized)
                throw new DssException("DssSimulationMgr is uninitialized!");

            if (!this.hostLeft)
                RCPackage leaveMessage = RCPackage.CreateNetworkCustomPackage(DssRoot.DSS_LEAVE);
                leaveMessage.WriteString(0, "Leave DSS during simulation stage!");
                leaveMessage.WriteByteArray(1, new byte[0] {
Beispiel #4
        private void txtIO_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!this.textChangingFromNetwork && this.textBoxMap[(TextBox)sender] == this.lastKnownIdOfThisPeer)
                /// Get an interface for sending the message
                ILobby sendIface = null;
                if (this.joinedLobby != null && this.createdLobby == null)
                    sendIface = this.joinedLobby;
                else if (this.joinedLobby == null && this.createdLobby != null)
                    sendIface = this.createdLobby;

                if (sendIface != null)
                    /// Create the package
                    RCPackage package = RCPackage.CreateNetworkCustomPackage(MY_FORMAT);
                    package.WriteString(0, ((TextBox)sender).Text);

                    /// Get the targets of the package
                    List <int> targets = new List <int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.lastKnownLineStates.Length; i++)
                        if (i != this.lastKnownIdOfThisPeer && this.targetSelectors[i].Checked)
                    if (targets.Count != 0)
                        /// Send a dedicated message.
                        sendIface.SendPackage(package, targets.ToArray());
                        /// Send the message to the whole lobby.
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal function to timestamp and send the given commands to the lobby.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cmds">The list of the commands to send.</param>
        private void SendCommandsToLobby(RCPackage[] cmds)
            if (!this.initialized)
                throw new DssException("DssSimulationMgr is uninitialized!");
            if (cmds != null && cmds.Length != 0)
                /// Compute the length of the buffer needed for sending the commands as a byte sequence
                int bufferLength = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < cmds.Length; i++)
                    if (cmds[i] != null && cmds[i].IsCommitted && cmds[i].PackageType == RCPackageType.CUSTOM_DATA_PACKAGE &&
                        bufferLength += cmds[i].PackageLength;
                        throw new DssException("Unexpected command from the client module!");

                /// Create the buffer and write the commands into this buffer
                byte[] cmdBuffer = new byte[bufferLength];
                int    offset    = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < cmds.Length; i++)
                    offset += cmds[i].WritePackageToBuffer(cmdBuffer, offset);

                /// Create the DSS_COMMAND package and send it to the lobby
                RCPackage cmdPackage = RCPackage.CreateNetworkCustomPackage(DssRoot.DSS_COMMAND);
                cmdPackage.WriteInt(0, this.nextNextRound.RoundIndex);       /// Round index of the command
                cmdPackage.WriteInt(1, this.currentRound.CurrentFrameIndex); /// Frame index of the command
                cmdPackage.WriteByteArray(2, cmdBuffer);                     /// The command list

                this.root.LobbyIface.SendPackage(cmdPackage);                /// Send the command package to the lobby
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the given commit arrived from the given operator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commit">The arrived commit package.</param>
        /// <param name="senderID">The sender operator.</param>
        /// <returns>True in case of success, false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool RegisterCommit(RCPackage commit, int senderID)
            if (!this.initialized)
                throw new DssException("DssSimulationMgr is uninitialized!");

            /// If we are currently finishing the simulation --> do nothing
            if (this.hostLeft)

            if (commit == null || !commit.IsCommitted)
                throw new ArgumentException("commit");
            if (senderID == this.root.IdOfThisPeer)
                throw new DssException("Unexpected commit sender!");
            if (senderID < 0 || senderID >= this.root.OpCount)
                throw new ArgumentException("senderID");

            if (commit.PackageFormat.ID != DssRoot.DSS_COMMIT)
                /// Package format error.

            short senderAFT = commit.ReadShort(0);
            short senderAPT = commit.ReadShort(1);
            int   roundIdx  = commit.ReadInt(2);
            int   ticket    = commit.ReadInt(3);

            byte[] stateHash = commit.ReadByteArray(4);

            if (senderAFT < 0)
            if (senderAPT < 0)
            if (stateHash == null)

            bool success = false;

            if (roundIdx == this.nextRound.RoundIndex)
                success = this.nextRound.Commit(senderID, senderAFT, senderAPT, stateHash);
                if (this.waitingForCommit && this.nextRound.IsCommitted)
                    TraceManager.WriteAllTrace("WAITING FOR COMMIT END", DssTraceFilters.SIMULATION_INFO);
                    /// The missing commit has arrived, so we can continue the simulation
                    this.waitingForCommit = false;
                    /// Compute the scheduled time for the next frame
                    int nextFrameStartTime = this.currentRound.BaseTime
                                             + (this.currentRound.CurrentFrameIndex + 1) * this.currentRound.TargetFrameTime;
                    /// Schedule the next frame.
                    SetNextFrameExecutionTime(Math.Max(nextFrameStartTime, DssRoot.Time));
            else if (roundIdx == this.nextNextRound.RoundIndex)
                success = this.nextNextRound.Commit(senderID, senderAFT, senderAPT, stateHash);
                TraceManager.WriteAllTrace(string.Format("RoundIdx mismatch! RoundIdx: {0}", roundIdx), DssTraceFilters.SIMULATION_ERROR);

            if (success)
                /// Create the answer for the commit and send it back to the sender.
                RCPackage commitAw = RCPackage.CreateNetworkCustomPackage(DssRoot.DSS_COMMIT_ANSWER);
                commitAw.WriteInt(0, ticket);
                this.root.LobbyIface.SendPackage(commitAw, new int[1] {
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets the state of the DssSimulationMgr. Call this function every time you start a simulation stage.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="opFlags">
        /// The current operator flag array. See the comment at this.operatorFlags for more information.
        /// </param>
        public void Reset(bool[] opFlags)
            if (opFlags == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("opFlags");
            if (opFlags.Length != this.root.OpCount)
                throw new ArgumentException("Array length mismatch.", "opFlags");

            this.aftCalculator = new AverageCalculator(DssConstants.AVG_CALC_VECTOR_LENGTH,
            this.aptCalculators = new AverageCalculator[this.root.OpCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < this.aptCalculators.Length; i++)
                this.aptCalculators[i] = new AverageCalculator(DssConstants.AVG_CALC_VECTOR_LENGTH,

            if (this.commitAwTimeouts != null)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <AlarmClock, CommitMonitor> item in this.commitAwTimeouts)
            this.commitAwMonitors = new Dictionary <int, CommitMonitor>();
            this.commitAwTimeouts = new Dictionary <AlarmClock, CommitMonitor>();


            this.operatorFlags = opFlags;

            this.currentRound = new SimulationRound(this.operatorFlags);
            this.currentRound.Reset(true, 0);
            this.nextRound = new SimulationRound(this.operatorFlags);
            this.nextRound.Reset(false, 1);
            this.nextNextRound = new SimulationRound(this.operatorFlags);
            this.nextNextRound.Reset(false, 2);
            this.nextNextNextRound = new SimulationRound(this.operatorFlags);
            this.nextNextNextRound.Reset(false, 3);
            this.waitingForCommit = false;

            this.initialized = true;
            this.hostLeft    = false;

            int ticket = RandomService.DefaultGenerator.Next();

            byte[] stateHash  = this.root.SimulatorIface.StateHash;
            int    highestAPT = this.HighestAPT;

            this.commitTimeoutClock = this.root.AlarmClkMgr.SetAlarmClock(DssRoot.Time + DssConstants.COMMIT_TIMEOUT,

            /// Create the first commit package.
            RCPackage commitPackage = RCPackage.CreateNetworkCustomPackage(DssRoot.DSS_COMMIT);

            commitPackage.WriteShort(0, (short)this.aftCalculator.Average);
            commitPackage.WriteShort(1, (short)highestAPT); /// The highest measured APT
            commitPackage.WriteInt(2, 1);                   /// Round index of the commit is 1 (next round is committed)
            commitPackage.WriteInt(3, ticket);              /// Commit answer ticket
            commitPackage.WriteByteArray(4, stateHash != null ? stateHash : new byte[0] {
            });                                             /// State-hash value

            /// Send the commit package to the lobby.


            TraceManager.WriteAllTrace(string.Format("Self commit round {0}", this.nextRound.RoundIndex), DssTraceFilters.SIMULATION_INFO);
            if (!this.nextRound.Commit(this.root.IdOfThisPeer, this.aftCalculator.Average, highestAPT, stateHash))
                SimulationStageError(string.Format("Commit of round-{0} failed!", this.nextRound.RoundIndex),
                                     new byte[0] {
Beispiel #8
        public static RCPackage GenerateRandomPackage()
            int       rndType   = rnd.Next(0, 3);
            int       rndFormat = rnd.Next(0, 3);
            RCPackage retPack   = null;

            if (rndType == 0)
                retPack = RCPackage.CreateNetworkPingPackage(); return(retPack);
            else if (rndType == 1)
                retPack = RCPackage.CreateCustomDataPackage(rndFormat);
            else if (rndType == 2)
                retPack = RCPackage.CreateNetworkCustomPackage(rndFormat);

            RCPackageFormat format = RCPackageFormat.GetPackageFormat(rndFormat);

            for (int i = 0; i < format.NumOfFields; i++)
                RCPackageFieldType datatype = format.GetFieldType(i);
                if (datatype == RCPackageFieldType.BYTE)
                    retPack.WriteByte(i, (byte)rnd.Next(byte.MinValue, byte.MaxValue));
                else if (datatype == RCPackageFieldType.SHORT)
                    retPack.WriteShort(i, (short)rnd.Next(short.MinValue, short.MaxValue));
                else if (datatype == RCPackageFieldType.INT)
                    retPack.WriteInt(i, (int)rnd.Next(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue));
                else if (datatype == RCPackageFieldType.LONG)
                    retPack.WriteLong(i, (long)rnd.Next(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue));
                else if (datatype == RCPackageFieldType.STRING)
                    int strIdx = rnd.Next(0, 10);
                    retPack.WriteString(i, strCollection[strIdx]);
                else if (datatype == RCPackageFieldType.BYTE_ARRAY)
                    int    arrLen = rnd.Next(0, 10);
                    byte[] arr    = new byte[arrLen];
                    retPack.WriteByteArray(i, arr);
                else if (datatype == RCPackageFieldType.SHORT_ARRAY)
                    int     arrLen = rnd.Next(0, 10);
                    short[] arr    = new short[arrLen];
                    for (int j = 0; j < arrLen; ++j)
                        arr[j] = (short)rnd.Next(short.MinValue, short.MaxValue);
                    retPack.WriteShortArray(i, arr);
                else if (datatype == RCPackageFieldType.INT_ARRAY)
                    int   arrLen = rnd.Next(0, 10);
                    int[] arr    = new int[arrLen];
                    for (int j = 0; j < arrLen; ++j)
                        arr[j] = (int)rnd.Next(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue);
                    retPack.WriteIntArray(i, arr);
                else if (datatype == RCPackageFieldType.LONG_ARRAY)
                    int    arrLen = rnd.Next(0, 10);
                    long[] arr    = new long[arrLen];
                    for (int j = 0; j < arrLen; ++j)
                        arr[j] = (long)rnd.Next(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue);
                    retPack.WriteLongArray(i, arr);
                else if (datatype == RCPackageFieldType.STRING_ARRAY)
                    int      arrLen = rnd.Next(0, 10);
                    string[] arr    = new string[arrLen];
                    for (int j = 0; j < arrLen; ++j)
                        int strIdx = rnd.Next(0, 10);
                        arr[j] = strCollection[strIdx];
                    retPack.WriteStringArray(i, arr);
                    throw new NetworkingSystemException("Unknown datatype");
