Beispiel #1
            public static void Main(string[] args)
                Console.WriteLine(" =======================================================================================\n" +
                                  "        ===         ===         ===         ===  ===   ===   ===         ===\n" +
                                  "        ===   =========   ===   ===   ==============    ==   ===   ===   ===\n" +
                                  "        ===   =========         ===         ===  ===   = =   ===   ===   ===\n" +
                                  "        ===   =========   ===   =========   ===  ===   ==    ===   ===   ===\n" +
                                  "        ===         ===   ===   ===         ===  ===   ===   ===         ===\n" +
                                  " =======================================================================================");
                //All first numbers.
                List <string> Deck = new List <string>()
                    "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Q", "K", "J", "A"
                Random f             = new Random();
                int    Money         = 1000;
                int    Bet           = 0;
                int    PlayerValue   = 0;
                int    CroupierValue = 0;
                int    o             = 0;
                int    h             = 0;
                string StartChoice   = "h";

                //All first numbers end.
                while (o == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nHello and welcome to BlackJack Casino, place, where you can spend your money, to win money(or not).\n" +
                                      "Do you want to play Blackjack?(write 'h' for rules) y/n");
                    StartChoice = Console.ReadLine();
                    switch (StartChoice)
                    case "h":
                        Console.WriteLine("\nRULES.\n" +
                                          "You are playing against a croupier (this guy --> >:-D ).\n" +
                                          "On the start of the game each of you gets two cards, one of croupier's card is open," +
                                          "every card has got its value (Joker = 11 or 1, Cards with image = 10, all\n" +
                                          "other = their value). To win the game, you need to get a combination of cards,\n" +
                                          "whose value in sum equals more than croupier's(if croupier has got more, you will lose),\n" +
                                          "this sum mustn't be more than 21(croupier's too). If it happens, you or croupier lose.\n" +
                                          "When first cards are dealt, you will have different choices: First, ask for the card.\n" +
                                          "Second, ask for the card and double your bet. And you can do it many times as you want.\n" +
                                          "P.s. If you have 21 at the start of a game(blackjack), it doesn't mean that you are winner.\n" +
                                          "P.s. Croupier must will open all his cards after you(when you stop taking them), and also\n" +
                                          "he will take the cards until he have got 17 or more.\n" +
                                          "P.s. If you win with blackjack, you will be payed by 4 to 2 of your bet (if your bet 100\n" +
                                          "you will get 300(with your bet))\n" +
                                          "P.s. Game is using 52 cards in each deck\n" +
                                          "P.s. Ace will take it value once(no changes for situation)\n" +
                                          "\nRULES END.\n");

                    case "n":

                    case "y":
                        Console.WriteLine("\nThis guy is a croupier --> >:-D");
                Console.WriteLine("\nLet's start!");
                while (h == 0)
                    int q = 0;
                    while (q == 0)
                        if (Money < 10)
                            Console.WriteLine("\n(-_-) It's time to stop! Your balance is lower than minimum bet! Get out of here!\n" +
                                              "Press any key to exit casino...");
                        Console.WriteLine("\n>:-> Make your bet! Bet lower than 10$ not allowed! You have " + Money + "$");
                            Bet = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
                        catch (Exception)
                        if (Bet < 10)
                            Console.WriteLine("\n(-_-) Bets lower than 10$ are not allowed!");
                        else if (Bet > Money)
                            Console.WriteLine("\n(-_-) You don't have that much money!");
                            Money -= Bet;
                            Console.WriteLine("\n($_$) Bet accepted! Now you have " + Money + "$ in your pocket!");

                    PlayerValue   = 0;
                    CroupierValue = 0;
                    List <string> PlayerHand   = new List <string>();
                    List <string> CroupierHand = new List <string>();
                    string        Action       = "";

                    Console.WriteLine("\n>:-D Press any key when you will be ready to win(lose) your money!");

                    //First cards
                    for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++)
                        int Card1 = f.Next(0, 13);
                        PlayerValue += Card.Value(Deck[Card1], PlayerValue);

                    int Card2 = f.Next(0, 13);
                    CroupierValue += Card.Value(Deck[Card2], CroupierValue);
                    //First cards end

                    Console.WriteLine("\nYou have got these cards:\n" +
                    foreach (string el in PlayerHand)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nValue of your cards = " + PlayerValue);
                    Console.WriteLine("\n>:-D I have got this card: ");
                    foreach (string el in CroupierHand)
                    Console.WriteLine("\n>:-D It's value is " + CroupierValue);
                    if (CroupierValue == 10 && CroupierValue == 1)
                        Console.WriteLine("\n>:-D It would be a pity if i have got a blackjack!");
                    //Info end
                    int j = 0;
                    int PlayerValueOverload   = 0;
                    int CroupierValueOverload = 0;
                    while (j == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("\nTake card(c)/Double(d)/All nice(n)");
                        Action = Console.ReadLine();
                        switch (Action)
                        case "c":
                            if (PlayerValueOverload == 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("\n>:-D Here you are.");
                                int Card1 = f.Next(0, 13);
                                PlayerValue += Card.Value(Deck[Card1], PlayerValue);
                                Console.WriteLine("\n>:-I You got " + Deck[Card1]);
                                Console.WriteLine("\nYou have got these cards now:\n" +
                                foreach (string el in PlayerHand)
                                Console.WriteLine("\nYour bet is " + Bet + "\nYour balance is " + Money + "$");
                            if (PlayerValue > 21)
                                PlayerValueOverload = 1;
                            Console.WriteLine("\nValue of your cards = " + PlayerValue);
                            if (PlayerValueOverload == 1)
                                Console.WriteLine("\n>:-P You have got more than 21! You lost " + Bet + "$!\n" +
                                                  "\n Your balance is " + Money + "$");


                        case "d":
                            if (PlayerValueOverload == 0)
                                if (Money > Bet)
                                    Console.WriteLine("\n>:-D Here you are and thanks for the money!");
                                    Money -= Bet;
                                    Bet   *= 2;
                                    int Card1 = f.Next(0, 13);
                                    PlayerValue += Card.Value(Deck[Card1], PlayerValue);
                                    Console.WriteLine("\nYou have got these cards now:\n" +
                                    foreach (string el in PlayerHand)
                                    Console.WriteLine("\nNow your bet is " + Bet + "\nYour balance is " + Money + "$");
                                    Console.WriteLine(">:-l Not enough money!");
                            //PLAYER LOST OVERLOAD
                            if (PlayerValue > 21)
                                PlayerValueOverload = 1;
                            Console.WriteLine("\nValue of your cards = " + PlayerValue);
                            if (PlayerValueOverload == 1)
                                Console.WriteLine("\n>:-P You have got more than 21! You lost " + Bet + "$!\n" +
                                                  "\n Your balance is " + Money + "$");

                        case "n":
                    if (PlayerValueOverload == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("\n>:-> Now it's my turn to take cards!");
                        for (; CroupierValue < 17;)
                            int Card3 = f.Next(0, 13);
                            CroupierValue += Card.Value(Deck[Card3], CroupierValue);
                            Console.WriteLine("\n>:-> I got " + Deck[Card3] + "\nNow value of my cards equals to " + CroupierValue + "\n");

                        // CROUPIER LOST OVERLOAD
                        if (CroupierValue > 21)
                            Console.WriteLine("<:-< How it happened? I got more than 21! I lost!");
                            CroupierValueOverload = 1;
                            if (PlayerValue == 21)
                                Money += Bet * 3;
                                Console.WriteLine("\n>:-< You won with a blackjack! Your profit is " + Bet * 2 + "$" +
                                                  "\n Your balance is " + Money + "$");
                                Money += Bet * 2;
                                Console.WriteLine("\n>:-< You won! Your profit is " + Bet + "$" +
                                                  "\n Your balance is " + Money + "$");

                        if (CroupierValueOverload == 0 && PlayerValueOverload == 0)
                            //CROUPIER LOST
                            if (PlayerValue > CroupierValue)
                                if (PlayerValue == 21 && PlayerHand.Count == 2)
                                    Money += Bet * 3;
                                    Console.WriteLine("\n>:-< You won with a blackjack! Your profit is " + Bet * 2 + "$" +
                                                      "\n Your balance is " + Money + "$");
                                    Money += Bet * 2;
                                    Console.WriteLine("\n>:-< You won! Your profit is " + Bet + "$" +
                                                      "\n Your balance is " + Money + "$");
                            //CROUPIER WON
                            if (PlayerValue < CroupierValue)
                                if (CroupierValue == 21 && CroupierHand.Count == 2)
                                    Console.WriteLine("\n>:-P My value is " + CroupierValue + " and your value is " + PlayerValue +
                                                      "\nI won with a blackjack! You lost " + Bet + "$" +
                                                      "\n Your balance is " + Money + "$");
                                    Console.WriteLine("\n>:-P My value is " + CroupierValue + " and your value is " + PlayerValue +
                                                      "\nYou lost! You lost " + Bet + "$" +
                                                      "\n Your balance is " + Money + "$");
                            //NOBODY WINS
                            if (PlayerValue == CroupierValue)
                                Console.WriteLine("\n(>_<) My value equals to yours!(My value = " + CroupierValue + " Your value =" + PlayerValue + ")");
                                Money += Bet;
                                Console.WriteLine("You get your bet ( " + Bet + "$ ) back.\n" +
                                                  "Your balance is " + Money + "$");