IEnumerator _Coro_CenterFishGenerateAndMove(int circleIdx)
        float   elapse        = 0F;
        float   rotateSpeed   = 6.283185F / OneCircleTime;//弧度/s
        float   useTime       = OneCircleTime * mRunRound + CenterFishRunoutTime[circleIdx];
        Fish    fishCenter    = Instantiate(Prefabs_FishCenter[circleIdx]) as Fish;
        Swimmer centerSwimmer = fishCenter.swimmer;

        fishCenter.transform.parent        = transform;
        fishCenter.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(Locals_Center[circleIdx].x, Locals_Center[circleIdx].y, Locals_Center[circleIdx].z - 0.1F);
        fishCenter.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

        centerSwimmer.RotateSpd = 6.283185F;
        while (elapse < useTime)
            if (centerSwimmer == null || fishCenter == null || !fishCenter.Attackable)//暂时用attackable来确定鱼死亡
            centerSwimmer.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.forward, centerSwimmer.RotateSpd);
            centerSwimmer.RotateSpd -= rotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

            elapse += Time.deltaTime;
            yield return(0);
        if (centerSwimmer != null)
            centerSwimmer.Speed = FishRunoutSpeed * 0.7F;
Beispiel #2
    void Update()
        if (axes == RotationAxes.MouseXAndY)
            // Read the mouse input axis
            rotationX += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * sensitivityX;
            rotationY += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * sensitivityY;

            rotationX = ClampAngle(rotationX, minimumX, maximumX);
            rotationY = ClampAngle(rotationY, minimumY, maximumY);

            Quaternion xQuaternion = Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.up, Mathf.Deg2Rad * rotationX);
            Quaternion yQuaternion = Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.left, Mathf.Deg2Rad * rotationY);

            transform.localRotation = originalRotation * xQuaternion * yQuaternion;
        else if (axes == RotationAxes.MouseX)
            rotationX += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * sensitivityX;
            rotationX  = ClampAngle(rotationX, minimumX, maximumX);

            Quaternion xQuaternion = Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.up, Mathf.Deg2Rad * rotationX);
            transform.localRotation = originalRotation * xQuaternion;
            rotationY += Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * sensitivityY;
            rotationY  = ClampAngle(rotationY, minimumY, maximumY);

            Quaternion yQuaternion = Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.left, Mathf.Deg2Rad * rotationY);
            transform.localRotation = originalRotation * yQuaternion;
    void CmdAttack(Vector3 spawnPos, Vector3 playerPos)
        GameObject go = Instantiate(currentWeapon, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity);

        if (go.CompareTag("MeleeWeapon"))
            go.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity =;
            Destroy(go, 0.5f);
            go.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = (spawnPos - playerPos) * Time.deltaTime * bulletSpeed * 200;
            Destroy(go, 10f);


        if (currentWeapon == S686)  //   three bullets per shoot
            go = Instantiate(currentWeapon, spawnPos, Quaternion.AxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), 0.1f));
            go.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = (spawnPos - playerPos) * Time.deltaTime * bulletSpeed * 200;
            Destroy(go, 10f);

            go = Instantiate(currentWeapon, spawnPos, Quaternion.AxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), -0.1f));
            go.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = (spawnPos - playerPos) * Time.deltaTime * bulletSpeed * 200;
            Destroy(go, 10f);
Beispiel #4
    void DrawLine()
        float distance = PlayerController.instance.distanceToPlayer2;
        //float scaleY;
        //if (distance > 2)
        //    scaleY = 50 / distance + 5;
        //else scaleY = 25;

        Vector3 P1     = PlayerController.instance.transform.position;
        Vector3 P2     = Player2Controller.instance.transform.position;
        float   deltaX = P2.x - P1.x;
        float   deltaY = P2.y - P1.y;

        float rotateZ = Mathf.Atan(deltaY / deltaX);

        line.transform.rotation   = Quaternion.AxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), rotateZ);
        line.transform.localScale = new Vector3(distance, 5, 1);
        line.transform.position   = (P2 + P1) / 2;

        if (distance > 5)
            line.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(255, 255, 0, 0);
            line.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = new Color(255, 255 / distance, 0, 255 - 51 * distance);
    void FixedUpdate()
        float h;
        float v;

        if (controllerName == "Keyboard")
            h = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
            v = Input.GetAxisRaw("Vertical");
            h = Input.GetAxisRaw(controllerName + "LStickX");
            if (Mathf.Abs(h) < 0.2)
                h = 0;

            v = Input.GetAxisRaw(controllerName + "LStickY");
            if (Mathf.Abs(v) < 0.2)
                v = 0;

            if ((Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxisRaw(controllerName + "RStickX")) > 0.2) || (Mathf.Abs(Input.GetAxisRaw(controllerName + "RStickY")) > 0.2))
                Quaternion stickAngle = Quaternion.AxisAngle(rotationAxe, Mathf.Atan2(Input.GetAxisRaw(controllerName + "RStickX"), Input.GetAxisRaw(controllerName + "RStickY")));
        Move(h, v);
        Animating(h, v);
Beispiel #6
    public void OrderedUpdate()
        targetPosition = target.TransformPoint(offset);
        Vector3 targetOffset = targetPosition - position;

        Vector3 smoothVelocity = targetOffset * stiffness;

        smoothVelocity -= velocity * damping;
        velocity       += smoothVelocity;
        position       += velocity;

        // if (Vector3.Distance(position, target.position) > maxDistance){
        //     Vector3 newPosition = (position - target.position).normalized * maxDistance;
        //     velocity = newPosition - position;
        // }

        transform.position = position;

        // Rotation

        // Get the angle between the current direction and the velocity direction
        float offsetAngle = Vector3.Angle(target.up, up);
        float sign        = Mathf.Sign(Vector3.Cross(up, target.up).z);

        offsetAngle *= sign * angularStiffness;
        offsetAngle -= angularVelocity * angularDamping;

        angularVelocity += offsetAngle;
        angle           += angularVelocity;
        // up = Vector3.RotateTowards(up, target.up, angularVelocity, 0.0f);

        Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.forward, angle);

        // Apply the rotation over time
        transform.rotation = rotation;
        up = transform.up;

        // targetRotation = target.rotation;
        // Quaternion rotationOffset = targetRotation * Quaternion.Inverse(rotation);
        // Quaternion smoothRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(
        //     Quaternion.identity,
        //     rotationOffset,
        //     angularStiffness
        // );
        // smoothRotation = Quaternion.Normalize(smoothRotation);

        // smoothRotation *= Quaternion.Slerp(
        //     Quaternion.identity, Quaternion.Inverse(angularVelocity),
        //     angularDamping
        // );
        // smoothRotation = Quaternion.Normalize(smoothRotation);

        // angularVelocity *= smoothRotation;
        // rotation *= angularVelocity;
        // transform.rotation = rotation;
Beispiel #7
        /// Like Quaternion.AngleAxis, but takes angle in radians.
        public static Quaternion AngleAxisRad(float angle, Vector3 axis)
            // Versions that use radians are called "AxisAngle" rather than "AngleAxis".
            // They're marked deprecated because Unity wants everyone to use degrees.
#pragma warning disable 0612, 0618
            return(Quaternion.AxisAngle(axis, angle));

#pragma warning restore 0612, 0618
Beispiel #8
        public void start(Camera camera)
            direction      = camera.direction;
            Position       = camera.Position + direction * 0.5;
            rot            = Quaternion.AxisAngle(direction, Math.PI / 30);
            RotationMatrix = camera.currentRotationMatrix;
            //RotationMatrix = Matrix4x4.Identity;

            timeSpan  = 0;
            activated = true;
Beispiel #9
        IEnumerator _Coro_CenterFishGenerateAndMove(int circleIdx)
            var main = GameMain.Singleton;

            if (main == null)
                yield break;
            var fishGenerator = main.FishGenerator;

            if (fishGenerator == null)
                yield break;
            var fishIndex  = CenterFishIndexs[circleIdx];
            var prefabFish = fishGenerator.GetFishPrefab(fishIndex);

            if (prefabFish == null)
                yield break;

            var elapse      = 0F;
            var rotateSpeed = 6.283185F / OneCircleTime;//弧度/s
            var useTime     = OneCircleTime * mRunRound + CenterFishRunoutTime[circleIdx];

            var fishCenter    = Instantiate(prefabFish);
            var centerSwimmer = fishCenter.swimmer;

            fishCenter.transform.parent        = transform;
            fishCenter.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(Locals_Center[circleIdx].x, Locals_Center[circleIdx].y, Locals_Center[circleIdx].z - 0.1F);
            fishCenter.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            centerSwimmer.RotateSpd = 6.283185F;
            while (elapse < useTime)
                if (centerSwimmer == null || !fishCenter.Attackable)
                    break;                                                 //暂时用attackable来确定鱼死亡
                centerSwimmer.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.forward, centerSwimmer.RotateSpd);
                centerSwimmer.RotateSpd -= rotateSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

                elapse += Time.deltaTime;
                yield return(0);
            if (centerSwimmer != null)
                centerSwimmer.Speed = FishRunoutSpeed * 0.7F;
Beispiel #10
        public override void Update()
            if (frameCount % 100 == 0)
                Vector3 axis = Vector3.Normalize(new Vector3(rd.NextDouble() - 0.5, rd.NextDouble() - 0.5, rd.NextDouble() - 0.5));
                rot = Quaternion.AxisAngle(axis, Math.PI / 30);

            currentRotationMatrix *= Matrix4x4.CreateRotationMatrix(rot);

Beispiel #11
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update( )
        if (_time == 0)
            Vector3    ahead = transform.TransformPoint(_foword.position) - transform.TransformPoint(_back.position);
            Vector3    dir   = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, ahead).normalized;
            float      angle = Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(Vector3.up, ahead));
            Quaternion q     = Quaternion.AxisAngle(dir, angle);

            GameObject arrow = Instantiate(_arrow, transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0.5f, 0), new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0));
            arrow.AddComponent <Rigidbody>( );
            arrow.GetComponent <Rigidbody> ().velocity = ahead.normalized * _arrow_speed;
            Destroy(arrow, 10.0f);
        _time = (_time + 1) % _interval;
Beispiel #12
        //called by some event
        //Set the AR camera on real robot and do ResetFrame(), "Unity"TF will fixed  with the offset of transform as PoseStamped message (in ROS side script)
        public void ResetFrameBoth(Transform RefTransform = null)
            GameObject go = new GameObject();

            if (RefTransform is null)
                go.transform.parent = ReferenceTransform;
                go.transform.parent = RefTransform;

            if (BasePlane.IsValid())
                Vector3 normal = BasePlane.rotation * Vector3.down;
                float   b      = Vector3.Dot(normal, BasePlane.position);
                float   a      = Vector3.Dot(normal, ReferenceTransform.position);
                go.transform.position = ReferenceTransform.position - (a - b) * normal;

                //normal direction must be same as base plane.
                normal = BasePlane.rotation * Vector3.up;
                Vector3 rotVec = new Vector3(
                float r = Vector3.Dot(normal, rotVec);
                go.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AxisAngle(normal, r);
                go.transform.localPosition = -1 * ResetOffset;
                go.transform.rotation      = ReferenceTransform.rotation;

            Matrix4x4 v = TargetTransform.localToWorldMatrix * go.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
            Vector3   p = v.GetColumn(3);

            message.pose.position    = GetGeometryPoint(p.Unity2Ros());
            message.pose.orientation = GetGeometryQuaternion(v.rotation.Unity2Ros());
            ToastUtil.Toast(this, "Reset Frame.");
            Debug.Log("Reset FrameBoth");
Beispiel #13
    public IEnumerator updateFacing()
        Vector2 previousPosition = transform.position;

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0));

        while (true)
            Vector2 velocityNow = ((Vector2)transform.position - previousPosition) / Time.deltaTime;
            if (velocityNow !=
                facing = Mathf.Atan2(velocityNow.x, velocityNow.y);
                transform.GetChild(0).rotation = Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.forward, facing * -1 - Mathf.PI);
            previousPosition = transform.position;
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        float height = Mathf.Sin(Time.time * Mathf.PI * boinzSpeed) * boinzHeight;

        if (Mathf.Sign(height) != Mathf.Sign(lastBoinzHeight))
            if (hapticLeft)
                VRTK_DeviceFinder.GetControllerLeftHand().GetComponent <VRTK_ControllerActions>().TriggerHapticPulse((ushort)(hapticStrength * 3999));
            if (hapticRight)
                VRTK_DeviceFinder.GetControllerRightHand().GetComponent <VRTK_ControllerActions>().TriggerHapticPulse((ushort)(hapticStrength * 3999));
        lastBoinzHeight = height;

        transform.localPosition = startOffset + new Vector3(0, Mathf.Abs(height), 0);
        transform.localRotation = Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.up, Time.time);
Beispiel #15
        void Update()
            if (_enabled)
                // Update Position
                var right   = transform.Right;
                var up      = Vector3.Up;
                var forward = transform.Forward;

                var movement = _movementInput.x * right + _movementInput.y * up + _movementInput.z * forward;
                movement            = Time.deltaTime * movementSpeed * movement;
                transform.Position += movement;

                // Update Rotation
                var delta = Time.deltaTime * rotateSpeed;
                var drag  = Input.mousePos - _lastMousePos;

                transform.Rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, drag.x * delta, 0) * Quaternion.AxisAngle(right, drag.y * delta) * transform.Rotation;
            _lastMousePos = Input.mousePos;
Beispiel #16
        public void ResetFrameRot(Transform RefTransform = null)
            GameObject go = new GameObject();

            if (RefTransform is null)
                go.transform.parent = ReferenceTransform;
                go.transform.parent = RefTransform;
            go.transform.position = TargetTransform.position;
            if (BasePlane.IsValid())
                //normal direction must be same as base plane.
                Vector3 normal = BasePlane.rotation * Vector3.up;
                Vector3 rotVec = new Vector3(
                float r = Vector3.Dot(normal, rotVec);
                go.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AxisAngle(normal, r);
                go.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            Matrix4x4 v = TargetTransform.localToWorldMatrix * go.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;

            Vector3 p = v.GetColumn(3);

            message.pose.position    = GetGeometryPoint(p.Unity2Ros());
            message.pose.orientation = GetGeometryQuaternion(v.rotation.Unity2Ros());
Beispiel #17
 // Called each frame
 void Update()
     // Rotate around Y Axis
     transform.Rotation *= Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.Up, Time.deltaTime * angularSpeed);
Beispiel #18
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        float a = Mathf.Cos(freq * Time.time) * mag;

        transform.localRotation = Quaternion.AxisAngle(axis, a);
    Bool IEnvironment.match(Vector3[] Rays, out MarkerIndex[] Markers, out Pose PositionofUp)
        const float projectionsMatchTolerance = 0.06f;

        Markers      = Enumerable.Repeat(MarkerIndex.Unknown, Rays.Length).ToArray();
        PositionofUp = new Pose();

        if (Rays.Length != 3)

        var projecties = projectRaysOnFloor(Rays);

        var M = new float[6, 4];
        var b = new float[6];

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            M[2 * i, 0]     = projecties[i].x;
            M[2 * i, 1]     = -projecties[i].y;
            M[2 * i, 2]     = 1;
            M[2 * i + 1, 0] = projecties[i].y;
            M[2 * i + 1, 1] = projecties[i].x;
            M[2 * i + 1, 3] = 1;
            b[2 * i]        = _markers[i].x;
            b[2 * i + 1]    = _markers[i].y;

        var invM = M.transpose().multiply(M).inverse().multiply(M.transpose());

        int   BestMatch       = -1;
        float bestError       = float.MaxValue;
        var   bestTransform2d = new ConvertTo2D();

        for (int idPermutation = 0; idPermutation < 6; ++idPermutation)
            var curB = new float[6];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                int j = permutations[idPermutation][i];
                curB[2 * i]     = b[2 * j];
                curB[2 * i + 1] = b[2 * j + 1];

            var   transformParams = invM.multiply(curB);
            var   transform2d     = new ConvertTo2D(transformParams[0], transformParams[1], transformParams[2], transformParams[3]);
            float error           = 0;
            for (int idMarker = 0; idMarker < 3; ++idMarker)
                error += (transform2d.apply(projecties[idMarker]) - _markers[permutations[idPermutation][idMarker]]).sqrMagnitude;

            if (error < bestError)
                bestError       = error;
                BestMatch       = idPermutation;
                bestTransform2d = transform2d;

        if (bestError > projectionsMatchTolerance)

        for (int i = 0; i < Rays.Length; ++i)
            Markers[i].value = (uint)permutations[BestMatch][i];

        var position = new Vector3(bestTransform2d.Translate.x, bestTransform2d.Scale, bestTransform2d.Translate.y);
        var rotation = Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.up, -bestTransform2d.Angle);

        PositionofUp = new Pose(position, rotation);

        lock (_visobject)
            _matchViz = new MatchVisualization(
                projecties.Select(p => bestTransform2d.apply(p)).ToList(),

 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     transform.localPosition = startOffset + new Vector3(0, Mathf.Abs(Mathf.Sin(Time.time * Mathf.PI * boinzSpeed)) * boinzHeight, 0);
     transform.localRotation = Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.up, Time.time);
Beispiel #21
    void Update()
        overheatBulletLimit = ButtonController.weaponType2 == 1 ? 10 : 5;

        if ((Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad4) || (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftBracket))) && !isKnockedDown && bulletNum < overheatBulletLimit)
            //Debug.Log("1: " + ButtonController.weaponType1 + ", 2: " + ButtonController.weaponType2);
            if (ButtonController.weaponType2 != 2)
                Instantiate(bullet, rb.transform.position + moveDirection.normalized / 1.5f, Quaternion.identity);
                Instantiate(bullet, rb.transform.position + moveDirection.normalized / 1.5f, Quaternion.identity);
                Instantiate(bullet, rb.transform.position + moveDirection.normalized / 1.5f, Quaternion.AxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), 0.1f));
                Instantiate(bullet, rb.transform.position + moveDirection.normalized / 1.5f, Quaternion.AxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 0, 1), -0.1f));
        if ((Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad4) || (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftBracket))) && !isKnockedDown && bulletNum == overheatBulletLimit)
            Invoke("ShotReady", 3);

        distanceToPlayer1 = (rb.transform.position - PlayerController.instance.transform.position).magnitude;

        damage = distanceToPlayer1 <= 5 ? powerupDamage : damage;  // Power up when two player are close to each other
        bullet.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color = distanceToPlayer1 <= 5 ? new Color(255, 0, 0) : new Color(255, 255, 255);

        if (distanceToPlayer1 <= 1.5f && (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Keypad5) || (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightBracket))) &&
            timer += Time.deltaTime;
            rescueTime.text = (3 - (int)timer) + "sec";
            //Debug.Log("Timer: " + timer + ", distance: " + distanceToPlayer1);
            if (timer >= 3)
                timer = 0;

        //if (Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.Keypad5) || distanceToPlayer1 > 1.5f)    // need to hold the key until another player is recovered??
        //    timer = 0;
Beispiel #22
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Points    = new GameObject[numPoints + 2];
        Points[0] = Base;

        Vector3 dif    = Tip.transform.position - Base.transform.position;
        float   length = dif.magnitude;

        length -= baseSize;
        length -= tipSize;


        Rigidbody        rb;
        SpringJoint      sj;
        PlayRandomTouch  pt;
        List <AudioClip> Clips = new List <AudioClip>();

        Clips.Add(Resources.Load("Audio/hydra/ArmStroke1") as AudioClip);
        Clips.Add(Resources.Load("Audio/hydra/ArmStroke2") as AudioClip);
        Clips.Add(Resources.Load("Audio/hydra/ArmStroke3") as AudioClip);
        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
            GameObject capsule = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Capsule);
            capsule.transform.localScale = new Vector3(pointSize, length / numPoints, pointSize);
            capsule.transform.position   = Base.transform.position + baseSize * dif + length * dif * (((float)i + 0.5f) / (float)numPoints);

            Vector3 a = Vector3.forward;
            a = Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.forward, 90) * dif;

            capsule.transform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, dif);
            capsule.GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;

            pt        = capsule.AddComponent <PlayRandomTouch>();
            pt.pitch  = 1.0f * Mathf.Floor(3.0f * (float)i / (float)numPoints);
            pt.time   = Random.Range(0, 10);
            pt.Clips  = Clips;
            pt.volume = 0.6f;

            rb             = capsule.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
            rb.drag        = 1;
            rb.angularDrag = .5f;

            sj        = capsule.AddComponent <SpringJoint>();
            sj.spring = 100;
            sj.damper = 1;
            sj.anchor = new Vector3(0, -.5f, 0);

            if (i == 0)
                sj.connectedBody = Base.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                sj.connectedBody = Points[i].GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

            Points[i + 1] = capsule;

        sj = Tip.AddComponent <SpringJoint>();

        sj.connectedBody = Points[numPoints].GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        sj.spring        = 100;
        sj.damper        = 3;
        sj.anchor        = new Vector3(0, -.5f, 0);

        Points[numPoints + 1] = Tip;

Beispiel #23
 public void UpdateRotation(float angle)
     transform.localRotation = Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.up, angle);
Beispiel #24
 Vector3 rotatedAbout(Vector3 v, Vector3 axis, float angle)
     return(Quaternion.AxisAngle(axis, angle) * v);
Beispiel #25
    public override void Show()
        Vector2    from      = transform.position;
        Vector2    to        =;
        Vector2    direction = from - to;
        float      radAngle  = Mathf.Atan2(direction.y, direction.x);
        GameObject beam      = Instantiate((GameObject)Resources.Load("beam"), (transform.position + / 2, Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.forward, radAngle));

        beam.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().size = new Vector2(direction.magnitude, 0.3f);
    protected virtual void OnSceneGUI()
        Thruster t = target as Thruster;

        Handles.ScaleValueHandle(1.0f, t.transform.position, Quaternion.AxisAngle(t.thrustDir, 0), size, Handles.ArrowHandleCap, snap);
    Bool IEnvironment.match(Vector3[] raysUpSpace, out MarkerIndex[] markersIndices, out Pose poseOfUpSpace)
        const float projectionsMatchTolerance = 0.05f;

        markersIndices = Enumerable.Repeat(MarkerIndex.Unknown, raysUpSpace.Length).ToArray();
        poseOfUpSpace  = new Pose();

        // For the sake of simplicity, we won't deal with cases when more than three rays is visible.
        if (raysUpSpace.Length != 3)

        // rays projection on X-Y plane of "up space" at height of 1 meter
        var projections = projectRaysOnFloor(raysUpSpace);

        // We have to find transform that match rays projections to markers in world space in form f(x) = SR*x + t, where
        // SR - scale and rotation matrix: s*{{cos(r), -sin(r)}, {sin(r), cos(r)}}; s - scale coefficient, r - rotation angle,
        // t - translation vector.
        // Lets solve system of linear equations {SR*ai + t = bi} for SR and t
        // System can be rewritten as M*x = b
        //   / a0.x   -a0.y   1   0 \     / s*cos(r) \   / b0.x \
        //   | a0.y    a0.x   0   1 |  *  | s*sin(r) | = | b0.y |
        //   | ...                  |     | t.x      |   | ...  |
        //   \ ...                  /     \ t.y      /   \ ...  /
        var M = new float[6, 4];
        var b = new float[6];

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            M[2 * i, 0]     = projections[i].x;
            M[2 * i, 1]     = -projections[i].y;
            M[2 * i, 2]     = 1;
            M[2 * i + 1, 0] = projections[i].y;
            M[2 * i + 1, 1] = projections[i].x;
            M[2 * i + 1, 3] = 1;
            b[2 * i]        = _markers[i].x;
            b[2 * i + 1]    = _markers[i].y;

        // left inverse
        var invM = M.transpose().multiply(M).inverse().multiply(M.transpose());

        // Iterate over all possible permutations and pick the best one if its good enough.
        int   bestPermutationId = -1;
        float bestError         = float.MaxValue;
        var   bestTransform2d   = new Transform2d();

        for (int idPermutation = 0; idPermutation < 6; ++idPermutation)
            // make vector of constant terms for current markers order
            var curB = new float[6];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                int j = permutations[idPermutation][i];
                curB[2 * i]     = b[2 * j];
                curB[2 * i + 1] = b[2 * j + 1];

            var   transformParams = invM.multiply(curB); // {scale*cos(r), scale*sin(r), t.x, t.y}
            var   transform2d     = new Transform2d(transformParams[0], transformParams[1], transformParams[2], transformParams[3]);
            float error           = 0;                   // sum of square distances between corresponding markers and transformed rays projections
            for (int idMarker = 0; idMarker < 3; ++idMarker)
                error += (transform2d.apply(projections[idMarker]) - _markers[permutations[idPermutation][idMarker]]).sqrMagnitude;

            if (error < bestError)
                bestError         = error;
                bestPermutationId = idPermutation;
                bestTransform2d   = transform2d;

        if (bestError > projectionsMatchTolerance)

        for (int i = 0; i < raysUpSpace.Length; ++i)
            markersIndices[i].value = (uint)permutations[bestPermutationId][i];

        var position = new Vector3(bestTransform2d.Translate.x, bestTransform2d.Scale, bestTransform2d.Translate.y);
        var rotation = Quaternion.AxisAngle(Vector3.up, -bestTransform2d.Angle);

        poseOfUpSpace = new Pose(position, rotation);

        lock (_visualizationLocker) {
            _matchVisualization = new MatchVisualization(
                projections.Select(p => bestTransform2d.apply(p)).ToList(),
