Beispiel #1
        public void CreateOrderSummaryTest()
            var testUser     = GetTestUser();
            var testCompany  = GetTestCompany(testUser, true);
            var testPurchase = GetTestPurchaseOrderHeader(testCompany, testUser, 10);

            var pohtModel = PurchasingService.CopyPurchaseOrderToTemp(testCompany, testPurchase, testUser);

            var pos = PurchasingService.CreateOrderSummary(pohtModel, testCompany.DateFormat);

            // 16/1/2018    TBD: Lines commented out below are because CreateOrderSummary does not
            //              populate them yet as allocations have not been implemented
            Assert.IsTrue(pos.OrderNumber != 0, $"Error: OrderNumber '{pos.OrderNumber}' was returned when a non-zero value was expected");
            Assert.IsTrue(pos.TotalCbms != 0, $"Error: TotalCbms '{pos.TotalCbms}' was returned when a non-zero value was expected");
            //Assert.IsTrue(pos.AllocValueEx != 0, $"Error: AllocValueEx '{pos.AllocValueEx}' was returned when a non-zero value was expected");
            Assert.IsTrue(pos.OrderValueEx != 0, $"Error: OrderValueEx '{pos.OrderValueEx}' was returned when a non-zero value was expected");
            //Assert.IsTrue(pos.AllocatedPercent != 0, $"Error: AllocatedPercent '{pos.AllocatedPercent}' was returned when a non-zero value was expected");

            // Can't check GST because it is permissible to be zero
            //Assert.IsTrue(pos.Tax != 0, $"Error: GST '{pos.Tax}' was returned when a non-zero value was expected");
            Assert.IsTrue(pos.Total != 0, $"Error: Total '{pos.Total}' was returned when a non-zero value was expected");

            Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pos.POStatusText), $"Error: POStatusText '{pos.POStatusText}' was returned when a non-empty value was expected");

            // Can't test the LandingDate field as it is caluculated from multiple other tables which haven't been set up in this test
            //Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pos.LandingDate), $"Error: LandingDate '{pos.LandingDate}' was returned when a non-empty value was expected");
            Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pos.RealisticRequiredDate), $"Error: RealisticRequiredDate '{pos.RealisticRequiredDate}' was returned when a non-empty value was expected");
            Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pos.RequiredDate), $"Error: RequiredDate '{pos.RequiredDate}' was returned when a non-empty value was expected");
            Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pos.CompletedDate), $"Error: CompletedDate '{pos.CompletedDate}' was returned when a non-empty value was expected");
Beispiel #2
        public void FindShipmentContentByPONoModelTest()
            var testUser     = GetTestUser();
            var testCompany  = GetTestCompany(testUser, true);
            var testShipment = GetTestShipment(testCompany, testUser, 10);

            var newPoh  = GetTestPurchaseOrderHeader(testCompany, testUser, RandomInt(10, 20));
            var newItem = ShipmentService.AddPurchaseOrder(testCompany, testUser, testShipment, newPoh);

            var checkContent = ShipmentService.FindShipmentContentByPONoModel(testCompany, newPoh.OrderNumber.Value, false);

            Assert.IsTrue(checkContent != null, "Error: A NULL value was returned when an object was expected");

            var checkPoh = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderModel(checkContent.PurchaseOrderHeaderId.Value, testCompany, false);

            var excludes = new List <string>();

            excludes.Add("OrderNumberUrl");         // Because it isn't known at test prep
            AreEqual(newPoh, checkPoh, excludes);


            // Check that it has gone
            checkContent = ShipmentService.FindShipmentContentByPONoModel(testCompany, newPoh.OrderNumber.Value, false);
            Assert.IsTrue(checkContent == null, "Error: A non-NULL value was returned when a NULL value was expected");

            checkPoh = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderModel(newPoh.Id, testCompany, false);
            Assert.IsTrue(checkPoh == null, "Error: An object was returned when NULL was expected");
Beispiel #3
        public void DeletePurchaseOrderDetailTempTest()
            // Get a test user
            var testUser     = GetTestUser();
            var testCompany  = GetTestCompany(testUser, true);
            var testPurchase = GetTestPurchaseOrderHeader(testCompany, testUser, 1);

            var pohtModel = PurchasingService.CopyPurchaseOrderToTemp(testCompany, testPurchase, testUser);
            var model     = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderDetailTempsListModel(testCompany.Id, pohtModel.Id, 0, 1, PageSize, "");

            // Create a record
            var newItem = createPurchaseOrderDetailTemp(model);

            var error = PurchasingService.InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderDetailTemp(newItem, testUser, "");

            Assert.IsTrue(!error.IsError, error.Message);

            // Check that it was written
            var result = db.FindPurchaseOrderDetailTemp(newItem.Id);
            var test   = PurchasingService.MapToModel(result);

            AreEqual(model, test);

            // Now delete it

            // And check that is was deleted
            result = db.FindPurchaseOrderDetailTemp(newItem.Id);
            Assert.IsTrue(result == null, "Error: A non-NULL value was returned when a NULL value was expected - record delete failed");
        ViewModelBase createModel()
            var model = new SystemStatusViewModel();

            PrepareViewModel(model, EvolutionResources.bnrSystemStatus);

            // Software version info
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

            model.Attributes.Add(new ListItemModel("", EvolutionResources.lblSoftware));
            model.Attributes.Add(new ListItemModel(LookupService.GetExecutableName(assembly), EvolutionResources.lblAssembly));
            model.Attributes.Add(new ListItemModel(LookupService.GetSoftwareVersionInfo(assembly), EvolutionResources.lblSoftwareVersion));
            model.Attributes.Add(new ListItemModel(LookupService.GetExecutableDate(assembly).ToString(CurrentUser.DateFormat), EvolutionResources.lblBuildDate));
            model.Attributes.Add(new ListItemModel(LookupService.GetSoftwareCopyrightInfo(assembly), EvolutionResources.lblCopyright));

            // Create a list of statistics
            model.Attributes.Add(new ListItemModel("", "<br/>"));
            model.Attributes.Add(new ListItemModel("", EvolutionResources.lblCompanies));
            var companyList = CompanyService.FindCompaniesListModel(0, 1, 1000, "", true);

            foreach (var company in companyList.Items)
                int purchaseCount = PurchasingService.GetPurchaseCount(company);
                int customerCount = CustomerService.GetCustomerCount(company);

                model.Attributes.Add(new ListItemModel($"{customerCount} Customer(s), {purchaseCount} Purchase(s)", company.FriendlyName));

Beispiel #5
        public void LockPurchaseOrderHeaderTempTest()
            var testUser     = GetTestUser();
            var testCompany  = GetTestCompany(testUser, true);
            var testPurchase = GetTestPurchaseOrderHeader(testCompany, testUser, 10);

            var model = PurchasingService.CopyPurchaseOrderToTemp(testCompany, testPurchase, testUser);

            Assert.IsTrue(model != null, "Error: A NULL value was returned when an object was expected");

            // Get the current Lock
            string lockGuid = PurchasingService.LockPurchaseOrderHeaderTemp(model);

            Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lockGuid), "Error: Lock record was not found");

            // Simulate another user updating the record
            var otherUser = GetTestUser();
            var error     = PurchasingService.InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderHeaderTemp(model, otherUser, lockGuid);

            Assert.IsTrue(!error.IsError, error.Message);

            // Now get the first user to update the record
            error = PurchasingService.InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderHeaderTemp(model, testUser, lockGuid);
            Assert.IsTrue(error.IsError, "Error: The lock should have caused an error as it has changed");

            // Try to update with the new lock
            lockGuid = PurchasingService.LockPurchaseOrderHeaderTemp(model);
            error    = PurchasingService.InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderHeaderTemp(model, testUser, lockGuid);
            Assert.IsTrue(!error.IsError, $"Error: {error.Message}");
        public void LockPurchaseOrderDetailTest()
            var testUser    = GetTestUser();
            var testCompany = GetTestCompany(testUser, true);

            // Create a record
            var poh = GetTestPurchaseOrderHeader(testCompany, testUser, 1);

            // Get the first detail record
            var detailList = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderDetailListModel(poh);
            var detail     = detailList.Items.First();

            // Get the current Lock
            string lockGuid = PurchasingService.LockPurchaseOrderDetail(detail);

            Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lockGuid), "Error: Lock record was not found");

            // Simulate another user updating the record
            var otherUser = GetTestUser();
            var error     = PurchasingService.InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderDetail(detail, otherUser, lockGuid);

            Assert.IsTrue(!error.IsError, error.Message);

            // Now get the first user to update the record
            error = PurchasingService.InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderDetail(detail, testUser, lockGuid);
            Assert.IsTrue(error.IsError, "Error: The lock should have caused an error as it has changed");

            // Try to update with the new lock
            lockGuid = PurchasingService.LockPurchaseOrderDetail(detail);
            error    = PurchasingService.InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderDetail(detail, testUser, lockGuid);
            Assert.IsTrue(!error.IsError, $"Error: {error.Message}");
        void prepareEditModel(EditPurchaseOrderHeaderTempViewModel model, int id)
            var poht = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderTempModel(id, CurrentCompany, false);

            PrepareViewModel(model, EvolutionResources.bnrAddEditPurchase + " - " + EvolutionResources.lblOrderNumber + ": " + model.PurchaseTemp.OrderNumber.ToString(), id, MakeMenuOptionFlags(0, poht.OriginalRowId, 0) + MenuOptionFlag.RequiresNewPurchase);
            model.ParentId = id;

            // Get the landing date from the Shipment record
            if (model.PurchaseTemp.OrderNumber != null)
                var shipmentContent = ShipmentService.FindShipmentContentByPONoModel(CurrentCompany, model.PurchaseTemp.OrderNumber.Value);
                if (shipmentContent != null && shipmentContent.ShipmentId != null)
                    var shipment = ShipmentService.FindShipmentModel(shipmentContent.ShipmentId.Value, CurrentCompany);

            model.LocationList         = LookupService.FindLocationListItemModel(model.CurrentCompany);
            model.SupplierList         = SupplierService.FindSupplierListItemModel(CurrentCompany);
            model.POStatusList         = LookupService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderStatusListItemModel();
            model.UserList             = MembershipManagementService.FindUserListItemModel();
            model.PaymentTermsList     = LookupService.FindPaymentTermsListItemModel(model.CurrentCompany);
            model.CommercialTermsList  = LookupService.FindLOVItemsListItemModel(model.CurrentCompany, LOVName.CommercialTerms);
            model.PortList             = LookupService.FindPortsListItemModel();
            model.ShipMethodList       = LookupService.FindLOVItemsListItemModel(model.CurrentCompany, LOVName.ShippingMethod);
            model.ContainerTypeList    = LookupService.FindContainerTypeListItemModel();
            model.FreightForwarderList = LookupService.FindFreightForwardersListItemModel(model.CurrentCompany);
            model.CurrencyList         = LookupService.FindCurrenciesListItemModel();
            model.BrandCategoryList    = ProductService.FindBrandCategoryListItemModel(model.CurrentCompany);
 public ActionResult GetPurchaseOrderDetailTemps(int index, int parentId, int pageNo, int pageSize, string search,
                                                 string sortColumn, int sortOrder)
     return(Json(PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderDetailTempsListModel(CurrentCompany.Id, parentId, index, pageNo, pageSize, search,
                                                                         sortColumn, (SortOrder)sortOrder),
Beispiel #9
        public void FindPurchaseOrderTotalTest()
            var testUser    = GetTestUser();
            var testCompany = GetTestCompany(testUser, true);

            var poh   = GetTestPurchaseOrderHeader(testCompany, testUser, 1);
            var model = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderDetailListModel(poh);

            var     pod        = model.Items.First();
            decimal totalValue = pod.OrderQty.Value * pod.UnitPriceExTax.Value;

            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                pod          = model.Items.First();
                pod.Id       = 0;
                pod.OrderQty = RandomInt();
                totalValue  += pod.OrderQty.Value * pod.UnitPriceExTax.Value;

                var error = PurchasingService.InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderDetail(pod, testUser, "");
                Assert.IsTrue(!error.IsError, error.Message);

            var result = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderTotal(poh);

            Assert.IsTrue(result == totalValue, $"Error: {result} was returned when {totalValue} was expected");
        PurchaseOrderSplitViewModel createModel(int id, bool bLock = false)
            var model = new PurchaseOrderSplitViewModel();

            PrepareViewModel(model, EvolutionResources.bnrSplitPurchase, id);
            model.ParentId = id;

            model.OrderDetails.PurchaseOrderHeaderId = id;
            var poh = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderModel(id, CurrentCompany);

            if (poh != null)
                model.OrderDetails.SupplierName = poh.SupplierName;
                model.OrderDetails.OrderNumber  = poh.OrderNumber.Value;
                if (poh.RequiredDate != null)
                    model.OrderDetails.AdvertisedETA = poh.RequiredDate.Value.ToString(model.DisplayDateFormat);

                if (bLock)
                    model.LGS = PurchasingService.LockPurchaseOrderHeader(poh);

            model.OrderDetails.NewOrderAdvertisedETA = DateTimeOffset.Now;
            model.LocationList      = LookupService.FindLocationListItemModel(CurrentCompany, true);
            model.PurchaseOrderList = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeadersString(CurrentCompany, true);

Beispiel #11
        public void FindPurchaseOrderHeadersStringTest()
            var testUser    = GetTestUser();
            var testCompany = GetTestCompany(testUser, true);

            // Create a random number of purchases
            List <PurchaseOrderHeaderModel> pohList = new List <PurchaseOrderHeaderModel>();
            int numPohs = RandomInt(5, 15);

            for (int i = 0; i < numPohs; i++)
                pohList.Add(GetTestPurchaseOrderHeader(testCompany, testUser, 10));

            // Check that they are found
            var result   = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeadersString(testCompany);
            int actual   = result.CountOf("|") + 1;
            int expected = numPohs;

            Assert.IsTrue(actual == expected, $"Error: {actual} items were returned when {expected} were expected");

            // Now delete them
            foreach (var poh in pohList)

            // Now check that they have disappeared
            result = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeadersString(testCompany);
            Assert.IsTrue(result == "", $"Error: '{result}' was returned when and empty string was expected");
Beispiel #12
        public void DeletePurchaseOrderHeaderTest()
            // Get a test user
            var testUser    = GetTestUser();
            var testCompany = GetTestCompany(testUser, true);

            // Create a purchase
            var model = GetTestPurchaseOrderHeader(testCompany, testUser, 10);

            // Check that it was written
            var result = db.FindPurchaseOrderHeader(model.Id);
            var test   = PurchasingService.MapToModel(result);

            var excludes = new List <string>();

            excludes.Add("OrderNumberUrl");         // Because it isn't known yet
            AreEqual(model, test, excludes);

            // Now delete it

            // And check that is was deleted
            result = db.FindPurchaseOrderHeader(model.Id);
            Assert.IsTrue(result == null, "Error: A non-NULL value was returned when a NULL value was expected - record delete failed");
Beispiel #13
        public void FindPurchaseOrderHeaderSummaryListModelTest()
            var testUser    = GetTestUser();
            var testCompany = GetTestCompany(testUser, true);

            // Create a random number of purchases
            List <PurchaseOrderHeaderModel> pohList = new List <PurchaseOrderHeaderModel>();
            int numPohs = RandomInt(5, 25);

            for (int i = 0; i < numPohs; i++)
                pohList.Add(GetTestPurchaseOrderHeader(testCompany, testUser, 10));

            // Check that they are found
            var result   = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderSummaryListModel(testCompany, testUser, 0, 1, PageSize, "");
            int actual   = result.Items.Count;
            int expected = numPohs;

            Assert.IsTrue(actual == expected, $"Error: {actual} items were returned when {expected} were expected");

            // Now delete them
            foreach (var poh in pohList)

            // Now check that they have disappeared
            result   = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeadersListModel(testCompany.Id, 0, 1, PageSize, "", 0, 0, 0);
            actual   = result.Items.Count;
            expected = 0;
            Assert.IsTrue(actual == expected, $"Error: {actual} items were returned when {expected} were expected");
        public void FindPurchaseOrderHeaderByPONumberModelTest()
            var testUser    = GetTestUser();
            var testCompany = GetTestCompany(testUser, true);

            // Create a record
            var poh1 = GetTestPurchaseOrderHeader(testCompany, testUser, 1);

            // Try to find it using the PONumber
            var poh2 = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderByPONumberModel(poh1.OrderNumber.Value, testCompany);

            Assert.IsTrue(poh2 != null, "Error: A non-NULL value was expected");

            // Check thiat it is the same record
            decimal expected = poh1.OrderNumber.Value,
                    actual   = poh2.OrderNumber.Value;

            Assert.IsTrue(expected == actual, $"Error: {actual} was returned when {expected} was expected");

            expected = poh1.Id;
            actual   = poh2.Id;
            Assert.IsTrue(expected == actual, $"Error: {actual} was returned when {expected} was expected");


            // Now try to find it again
            poh2 = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderByPONumberModel(poh1.OrderNumber.Value, testCompany);
            Assert.IsTrue(poh2 == null, "Error: A NULL value was expected but an object was returned");
Beispiel #15
        public void FindSplitPurchaseDetailsListModelTest()
            var testUser    = GetTestUser();
            var testCompany = GetTestCompany(testUser, true);

            int itemCount   = 6;
            var testOrder   = GetTestPurchaseOrderHeader(testCompany, testUser, itemCount);
            var testDetails = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderDetailListModel(testOrder)
                              .OrderBy(td => td.Id)

            var splitModel = PurchasingService.FindSplitPurchaseDetailsListModel(testCompany, testOrder.Id, 0, 1, 1000)
                             .OrderBy(sd => sd.PurchaseOrderDetailId)
            int expected = itemCount,
                actual   = splitModel.Count();

            Assert.IsTrue(actual == expected, $"Error: {actual} items were returned when {expected} were expected");

            // Check that all the items match
            for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
                expected = testDetails[i].Id;
                actual   = splitModel[i].PurchaseOrderDetailId;
                Assert.IsTrue(actual == expected, $"Error: Object Id {actual} was found when Id {expected} was expected");

                expected = testDetails[i].OrderQty.Value;
                actual   = splitModel[i].OrigOrderQty;
                Assert.IsTrue(actual == expected, $"Error: Order Qty {actual} was found when {expected} was expected");
        public ActionResult GetOrderSummary(int id)
            var poht  = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderTempModel(id, CurrentCompany);
            var model = PurchasingService.CreateOrderSummary(poht, CurrentUser.DateFormat);

            model.CurrencySymbol = LookupService.FindCurrencySymbol(CurrentCompany.DefaultCurrencyID);
            return(View("OrderSummary", model));
Beispiel #17
 private void Awake()
     shopUiSpawner = FindObjectOfType <ShopUiSpawner>()
                     ?? throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(ShopUiSpawner));
     purchasingService = FindObjectOfType <PurchasingService>()
                         ?? throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(PurchasingService));
     lobbyEcsController = FindObjectOfType <LobbyEcsController>()
                          ?? throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(PurchasingService));
        public async Task CreatePurchaseOrder_GivenNewPurchaseOrder_ReturnsInt()
            var context = this.BuildContext();
            var service = new PurchasingService(context);

            IEnumerable <PurchaseOrderHeaderModel> result = await service.CreatePurchaseOrderHeaders(new PurchaseOrderHeaderModel());

Beispiel #19
 private void Awake()
     purchasingService = FindObjectOfType <PurchasingService>()
                         ?? throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(PurchasingService));
     lobbyEcsController = FindObjectOfType <LobbyEcsController>()
                          ?? throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(lobbyEcsController));
     textTooltip = FindObjectOfType <TextTooltip>()
                   ?? throw new NullReferenceException(nameof(TextTooltip));
        public ActionResult Upload(FileUploadViewModel model, string command)
            Server.ScriptTimeout = 600;     // Allow 10 minutes for an upload/import

            if (command.ToLower() == "upload")
                if (model.Files != null && model.Files.Count() > 0)
                    var targetFile = Path.GetTempPath();

                    var    attachment = model.Files.FirstOrDefault();
                    string fileName   = attachment.FileName;

                    if (!MediaServices.IsValidOrderImportType(fileName))
                        model.SetError(ErrorIcon.Error, EvolutionResources.errInvalidImportFile.Replace("%1", MediaServices.GetValidOrderImportTypes()));
                    else if (attachment != null && attachment.ContentLength > 0)
                        try {
                            targetFile += fileName.FileName();

                            var error = FileImportService.UploadFile(CurrentCompany, CurrentUser, targetFile,
                            if (error.IsError)
                                model.SetError(ErrorIcon.Error, error.Message);
                                // Display the table
                                var mappingsModel = new EditPurchaseImportDataMappingsViewModel();

                                mappingsModel.LocationId = CurrentCompany.DefaultLocationID.Value;
                                mappingsModel.Data       = FileImportService.GetData(CurrentCompany, CurrentUser);

                                PurchasingService.ValidateOrders(CurrentCompany, CurrentUser, mappingsModel.Data.Headings);
                                mappingsModel.Data = FileImportService.GetData(CurrentCompany, CurrentUser);

                                return(View("ImportMappings", mappingsModel));
                        } catch (Exception e1) {
                            model.SetError(ErrorIcon.Error, EvolutionResources.errFailedToUploadFile.Replace("%1", fileName).Replace("%2", e1.Message));
                            LogService.WriteLog(e1, Request.RawUrl);

                    PrepareViewModel(model, EvolutionResources.bnrPurchaseImport, 0, 0);
                    return(View("PurchaseImport", model));

        public ActionResult GetPurchaserList()
            var model = createModel();
            var list  = PurchasingService.FindPurchasersListItemModel(model.CurrentCompany);

            list.Insert(0, new ListItemModel {
                Id = "0", Text = EvolutionResources.lblNone
            return(Json(list, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        private PurchaseOrderDetailModel createPurchaseOrderDetail(PurchaseOrderDetailListModel model)
            // Create a new item by duplicating a randomly selected item already in the list
            // This is an easy way, otherwise we have to go looking for suppliers, products, tax codes etc
            var pod = PurchasingService.MapToModel(model.Items[RandomInt(0, model.Items.Count() - 1)]);

            pod.Id         = 0;
            pod.LineNumber = 0;
            pod.OrderQty   = RandomInt();

Beispiel #23
        public ActionResult Allocations(int id = 0)
            var model = new ViewModelBase();

            // On entry, the Id is the Id of the PurchaseOrderHeaderTemp
            var poht = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderTempModel(id, CurrentCompany, false);

            model.ParentId = id;
            PrepareViewModel(model, EvolutionResources.bnrAllocations + (poht == null ? "" : " - Order Number: " + poht.OrderNumber.ToString()), id, MakeMenuOptionFlags(0, poht.OriginalRowId));

            return(View("Allocations", model));
        public ActionResult Delete(int index, int id, int parentId)
            var model = new PurchaseOrderDetailTempListModel();

            model.GridIndex = index;
            try {
            } catch (Exception e1) {
            return(Json(model, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult AddEditItem(int parentId, int id)
            var model = new EditPurchaseOrderDetailTempViewModel();

            model.PurchaseOrderDetailTemp = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderDetailTempModel(id, CurrentCompany, true);
            model.PurchaseOrderDetailTemp.PurchaseOrderHeaderTempId = parentId;
            prepareEditModel(model, parentId);

            model.LGS = PurchasingService.LockPurchaseOrderDetailTemp(model.PurchaseOrderDetailTemp);

            return(View("AddEditItem", model));
        ViewModelBase createModel(int purchaseId)       // Id of temp table POH
            var model = new NoteListViewModel();
            var poht  = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderTempModel(purchaseId, CurrentCompany);

                             EvolutionResources.bnrPurchaseNotes + (poht == null ? "" : " - Order Number: " + poht.OrderNumber),
                             MakeMenuOptionFlags(0, poht.OriginalRowId));
            model.ParentId = purchaseId;

        public ActionResult GetPurchaseNotes(int index, int purchaseId, int pageNo, int pageSize, string search)
            var tempPoh = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderTempModel(purchaseId, CurrentCompany, false);

                                                       (tempPoh == null ? 0 : tempPoh.OriginalRowId),
                                                       640, 480),
Beispiel #28
        public void FindPurchaseOrderHeaderModelTest()
            var testUser    = GetTestUser();
            var testCompany = GetTestCompany(testUser, true);

            var model = GetTestPurchaseOrderHeader(testCompany, testUser);

            var test = PurchasingService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderModel(model.Id, testCompany, false);

            var excludes = new List <string>();

            excludes.Add("OrderNumberUrl");         // Because it isn't known in data prep
            AreEqual(model, test, excludes);
Beispiel #29
        public void CopyPurchaseOrderToTempTest()
            var testUser     = GetTestUser();
            var testCompany  = GetTestCompany(testUser, true);
            var testPurchase = GetTestPurchaseOrderHeader(testCompany, testUser, 10);

            var pohtModel = PurchasingService.CopyPurchaseOrderToTemp(testCompany, testPurchase, testUser);

            var excludes = new List <string>();


            AreEqual(testPurchase, pohtModel, excludes);
        public void GetNextSequenceNumberTest()
            var user        = GetTestUser();
            var testCompany = GetTestCompany(user);

            decimal actual = 0;

            // At this stage, no sequences or orders exist
            for (int expected = 1; expected <= 10; expected++)
                actual = LookupService.GetNextSequenceNumber(testCompany, SequenceNumberType.PurchaseOrderNumber);

                Assert.IsTrue(actual == expected, $"Error: {actual} was returned when {expected} was expected");

            // Find the "Warehouse" location
            var location = db.FindLocations()
                           .Where(l => l.LocationName == "Warehouse")

            // Find a supplier with lots of products
            var supplier = db.FindSuppliers(testCompany.Id)
                           .Where(s => s.Products.Count() > 100)

            // Now create a purchase order with a large purchase order number
            var poh = new PurchaseOrderHeaderModel {
                CompanyId    = testCompany.Id,
                LocationId   = location.Id,
                POStatus     = Convert.ToInt32(LookupService.FindPurchaseOrderHeaderStatusListItemModel().First().Id),
                SupplierId   = supplier.Id,
                SupplierInv  = "INV" + RandomInt(1000, 9999).ToString(),
                RequiredDate = RandomDateTime(),
                OrderNumber  = 1000

            var error = PurchasingService.InsertOrUpdatePurchaseOrderHeader(poh, user, "");

            Assert.IsTrue(!error.IsError, error.Message);

            // Check that the correct number is returned
            // On the first iteration, the next number should be one more than the largest purchase order number ie 1001
            for (int expected = 1001; expected <= 1010; expected++)
                actual = LookupService.GetNextSequenceNumber(testCompany, SequenceNumberType.PurchaseOrderNumber);
                Assert.IsTrue(actual == expected, $"Error: {actual} was returned when {expected} was expected");