public override void Deserialize(byte[] SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref int currentIndex)
            int    arraylength       = -1;
            bool   hasmetacomponents = false;
            object __thing;
            int    piecesize = 0;

            byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
            IntPtr h;

            header = new Header(SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref currentIndex);
            hasmetacomponents |= true;
            arraylength        = BitConverter.ToInt32(SERIALIZEDSTUFF, currentIndex);
            currentIndex      += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(System.Int32));
            if (poses == null)
                poses = new PoseStamped[arraylength];
                Array.Resize(ref poses, arraylength);
            for (int i = 0; i < poses.Length; i++)
                poses[i] = new PoseStamped(SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref currentIndex);
        public override void Randomize()
            int    arraylength = -1;
            Random rand        = new Random();
            int    strlength;

            byte[] strbuf, myByte;

            header = new Header();
            arraylength = rand.Next(10);
            if (poses == null)
                poses = new PoseStamped[arraylength];
                Array.Resize(ref poses, arraylength);
            for (int i = 0; i < poses.Length; i++)
                poses[i] = new PoseStamped();
Beispiel #3
            public override void Deserialize(byte[] SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref int currentIndex)
                int  arraylength       = -1;
                bool hasmetacomponents = false;

                byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
                object __thing;
                int    piecesize = 0;
                IntPtr h;

                start = new PoseStamped(SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref currentIndex);
                goal = new PoseStamped(SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref currentIndex);
                piecesize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Single));
                h         = IntPtr.Zero;
                if (SERIALIZEDSTUFF.Length - currentIndex != 0)
                    h = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(piecesize);
                    Marshal.Copy(SERIALIZEDSTUFF, currentIndex, h, piecesize);
                if (h == IntPtr.Zero)
                    throw new Exception("Alloc failed");
                tolerance = (Single)Marshal.PtrToStructure(h, typeof(Single));
                currentIndex += piecesize;
        public override byte[] Serialize(bool partofsomethingelse)
            int  currentIndex = 0, length = 0;
            bool hasmetacomponents = false;

            byte[]        thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
            List <byte[]> pieces = new List <byte[]>();
            GCHandle      h;

            if (base_position == null)
                base_position = new PoseStamped();
            //combine every array in pieces into one array and return it
            int __a_b__f = pieces.Sum((__a_b__c) => __a_b__c.Length);
            int __a_b__e = 0;

            byte[] __a_b__d = new byte[__a_b__f];
            foreach (var __p__ in pieces)
                Array.Copy(__p__, 0, __a_b__d, __a_b__e, __p__.Length);
                __a_b__e += __p__.Length;
Beispiel #5
    void PoseCallback(PoseStamped poseInfo)
        Position = poseInfo.pose.position.ToUnity();
        Rotation = poseInfo.pose.orientation.ToUnity();
//		Debug.Log ( "Pose " + poseInfo.header.Seq );
//		Debug.Log ( "Pose " + poseInfo.header.Frame_id + " " + () );
//		Debug.Log ( "Pose " + () );
 public PlaceLocation(string id, JointTrajectory post_place_posture, PoseStamped place_pose, double quality, GripperTranslation pre_place_approach, GripperTranslation post_place_retreat, string[] allowed_touch_objects)
 { = id;
     this.post_place_posture    = post_place_posture;
     this.place_pose            = place_pose;
     this.quality               = quality;
     this.pre_place_approach    = pre_place_approach;
     this.post_place_retreat    = post_place_retreat;
     this.allowed_touch_objects = allowed_touch_objects;
            public override byte[] Serialize(bool partofsomethingelse)
                int  currentIndex = 0, length = 0;
                bool hasmetacomponents = false;

                byte[]        thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
                List <byte[]> pieces = new List <byte[]>();
                GCHandle      h;

                hasmetacomponents |= true;
                if (pose_stamp == null)
                    pose_stamp = new PoseStamped[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < pose_stamp.Length; i++)
                    if (pose_stamp[i] == null)
                        pose_stamp[i] = new PoseStamped();
                hasmetacomponents |= true;
                if (seed_angles == null)
                    seed_angles = new Messages.sensor_msgs.JointState[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < seed_angles.Length; i++)
                    if (seed_angles[i] == null)
                        seed_angles[i] = new Messages.sensor_msgs.JointState();
                pieces.Add(new[] { (byte)seed_mode });
                //combine every array in pieces into one array and return it
                int __a_b__f = pieces.Sum((__a_b__c) => __a_b__c.Length);
                int __a_b__e = 0;

                byte[] __a_b__d = new byte[__a_b__f];
                foreach (var __p__ in pieces)
                    Array.Copy(__p__, 0, __a_b__d, __a_b__e, __p__.Length);
                    __a_b__e += __p__.Length;
Beispiel #8
 protected override void Handle(PoseStamped message)
     if (Container?.Count == 0)
         Container.Add(message.GetPose() !.ToTracked());
         Container?.Update(message.GetPose() !.ToTracked());
 public VisibilityConstraint(double target_radius, PoseStamped target_pose, int cone_sides, PoseStamped sensor_pose, double max_view_angle, double max_range_angle, byte sensor_view_direction, double weight)
     this.target_radius         = target_radius;
     this.target_pose           = target_pose;
     this.cone_sides            = cone_sides;
     this.sensor_pose           = sensor_pose;
     this.max_view_angle        = max_view_angle;
     this.max_range_angle       = max_range_angle;
     this.sensor_view_direction = sensor_view_direction;
     this.weight = weight;
        public override void Randomize()
            int    arraylength = -1;
            Random rand        = new Random();
            int    strlength;

            byte[] strbuf, myByte;

            base_position = new PoseStamped();
Beispiel #11
        public override void Randomize()
            int    arraylength = -1;
            Random rand        = new Random();
            int    strlength;

            byte[] strbuf, myByte;

            target_pose = new PoseStamped();
        public override void Deserialize(byte[] SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref int currentIndex)
            int    arraylength       = -1;
            bool   hasmetacomponents = false;
            object __thing;
            int    piecesize = 0;

            byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
            IntPtr h;

            base_position = new PoseStamped(SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref currentIndex);
            public override void Deserialize(byte[] SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref int currentIndex)
                int  arraylength       = -1;
                bool hasmetacomponents = false;

                byte[] thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
                object __thing;
                int    piecesize = 0;
                IntPtr h;

                hasmetacomponents |= true;
                arraylength        = BitConverter.ToInt32(SERIALIZEDSTUFF, currentIndex);
                currentIndex      += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(System.Int32));
                if (pose_stamp == null)
                    pose_stamp = new PoseStamped[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref pose_stamp, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < pose_stamp.Length; i++)
                    pose_stamp[i] = new PoseStamped(SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref currentIndex);
                hasmetacomponents |= true;
                arraylength        = BitConverter.ToInt32(SERIALIZEDSTUFF, currentIndex);
                currentIndex      += Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(System.Int32));
                if (seed_angles == null)
                    seed_angles = new Messages.sensor_msgs.JointState[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref seed_angles, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < seed_angles.Length; i++)
                    seed_angles[i] = new Messages.sensor_msgs.JointState(SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref currentIndex);
                seed_mode = SERIALIZEDSTUFF[currentIndex++];
Beispiel #14
            public override void Randomize()
                int    arraylength = -1;
                Random rand        = new Random();
                int    strlength;

                byte[] strbuf, myByte;

                start = new PoseStamped();
                goal = new PoseStamped();
                tolerance = (float)(rand.Next() + rand.NextDouble());
            public override void Randomize()
                int    arraylength = -1;
                Random rand        = new Random();
                int    strlength;

                byte[] strbuf, myByte;

                arraylength = rand.Next(10);
                if (pose_stamp == null)
                    pose_stamp = new PoseStamped[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref pose_stamp, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < pose_stamp.Length; i++)
                    pose_stamp[i] = new PoseStamped();
                arraylength = rand.Next(10);
                if (seed_angles == null)
                    seed_angles = new Messages.sensor_msgs.JointState[arraylength];
                    Array.Resize(ref seed_angles, arraylength);
                for (int i = 0; i < seed_angles.Length; i++)
                    seed_angles[i] = new Messages.sensor_msgs.JointState();
                myByte = new byte[1];
                seed_mode = myByte[0];
 PoseFeedback(PoseFeedback pf)
     current_pose                    = new PoseStamped();
     current_pose.pose               = new Pose();
     current_pose.pose.orientation   = new Quaternion();
     current_pose.pose.orientation.x = pf.current_pose.pose.orientation.x;
     current_pose.pose.orientation.y = pf.current_pose.pose.orientation.y;
     current_pose.pose.orientation.z = pf.current_pose.pose.orientation.z;
     current_pose.pose.orientation.w = pf.current_pose.pose.orientation.w;
     current_pose.pose.position      = new Point();
     current_pose.pose.position.x    = pf.current_pose.pose.position.x;
     current_pose.pose.position.y    = pf.current_pose.pose.position.y;
     current_pose.pose.position.z    = pf.current_pose.pose.position.z;
     current_pose.header             = new Header();
     current_pose.header.Frame_id    = pf.current_pose.header.Frame_id;
     current_pose.header.Seq         = pf.current_pose.header.Seq;
     current_pose.header.Stamp       = new Time(;
 TakeoffFeedback(TakeoffFeedback tf)
     current_pose                    = new PoseStamped();
     current_pose.pose               = new Pose();
     current_pose.pose.orientation   = new Quaternion();
     current_pose.pose.orientation.x = tf.current_pose.pose.orientation.x;
     current_pose.pose.orientation.y = tf.current_pose.pose.orientation.y;
     current_pose.pose.orientation.z = tf.current_pose.pose.orientation.z;
     current_pose.pose.orientation.w = tf.current_pose.pose.orientation.w;
     current_pose.pose.position      = new Point();
     current_pose.pose.position.x    = tf.current_pose.pose.position.x;
     current_pose.pose.position.y    = tf.current_pose.pose.position.y;
     current_pose.pose.position.z    = tf.current_pose.pose.position.z;
     current_pose.header             = new Header();
     current_pose.header.Frame_id    = tf.current_pose.header.Frame_id;
     current_pose.header.Seq         = tf.current_pose.header.Seq;
     current_pose.header.Stamp       = new Time(;
 PoseGoal(PoseGoal pg)
     target_pose                    = new PoseStamped();
     target_pose.pose               = new Pose();
     target_pose.pose.orientation   = new Quaternion();
     target_pose.pose.orientation.x = pg.target_pose.pose.orientation.x;
     target_pose.pose.orientation.y = pg.target_pose.pose.orientation.y;
     target_pose.pose.orientation.z = pg.target_pose.pose.orientation.z;
     target_pose.pose.orientation.w = pg.target_pose.pose.orientation.w;
     target_pose.pose.position      = new Point();
     target_pose.pose.position.x    = pg.target_pose.pose.position.x;
     target_pose.pose.position.y    = pg.target_pose.pose.position.y;
     target_pose.pose.position.z    = pg.target_pose.pose.position.z;
     target_pose.header             = new Header();
     target_pose.header.Frame_id    = pg.target_pose.header.Frame_id;
     target_pose.header.Seq         = pg.target_pose.header.Seq;
     target_pose.header.Stamp       = new Time(;
Beispiel #19
 LandingFeedback(LandingFeedback lf)
     current_pose                    = new PoseStamped();
     current_pose.pose               = new Pose();
     current_pose.pose.orientation   = new Quaternion();
     current_pose.pose.orientation.x = lf.current_pose.pose.orientation.x;
     current_pose.pose.orientation.y = lf.current_pose.pose.orientation.y;
     current_pose.pose.orientation.z = lf.current_pose.pose.orientation.z;
     current_pose.pose.orientation.w = lf.current_pose.pose.orientation.w;
     current_pose.pose.position      = new Point();
     current_pose.pose.position.x    = lf.current_pose.pose.position.x;
     current_pose.pose.position.y    = lf.current_pose.pose.position.y;
     current_pose.pose.position.z    = lf.current_pose.pose.position.z;
     current_pose.header             = new Header();
     current_pose.header.Frame_id    = lf.current_pose.header.Frame_id;
     current_pose.header.Seq         = lf.current_pose.header.Seq;
     current_pose.header.Stamp       = new Time(;
        public override byte[] Serialize(bool partofsomethingelse)
            int  currentIndex = 0, length = 0;
            bool hasmetacomponents = false;

            byte[]        thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
            List <byte[]> pieces = new List <byte[]>();
            GCHandle      h;

            if (header == null)
                header = new Header();
            hasmetacomponents |= true;
            if (poses == null)
                poses = new PoseStamped[0];
            for (int i = 0; i < poses.Length; i++)
                if (poses[i] == null)
                    poses[i] = new PoseStamped();
            //combine every array in pieces into one array and return it
            int __a_b__f = pieces.Sum((__a_b__c) => __a_b__c.Length);
            int __a_b__e = 0;

            byte[] __a_b__d = new byte[__a_b__f];
            foreach (var __p__ in pieces)
                Array.Copy(__p__, 0, __a_b__d, __a_b__e, __p__.Length);
                __a_b__e += __p__.Length;
Beispiel #21
            public override byte[] Serialize(bool partofsomethingelse)
                int  currentIndex = 0, length = 0;
                bool hasmetacomponents = false;

                byte[]        thischunk, scratch1, scratch2;
                List <byte[]> pieces = new List <byte[]>();
                GCHandle      h;

                if (start == null)
                    start = new PoseStamped();
                if (goal == null)
                    goal = new PoseStamped();
                scratch1 = new byte[Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Single))];
                h        = GCHandle.Alloc(scratch1, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(tolerance, h.AddrOfPinnedObject(), false);
                //combine every array in pieces into one array and return it
                int __a_b__f = pieces.Sum((__a_b__c) => __a_b__c.Length);
                int __a_b__e = 0;

                byte[] __a_b__d = new byte[__a_b__f];
                foreach (var __p__ in pieces)
                    Array.Copy(__p__, 0, __a_b__d, __a_b__e, __p__.Length);
                    __a_b__e += __p__.Length;
Beispiel #22
    private void SendRobotTargetPose(TimeSpan currentTime, Quaternion currentRotation, Vector3 currentPosition)
        int[]       structuredTime = Timer.GetSecondsNanosecondsStructure(currentTime);
        PoseStamped message        = new PoseStamped();

        message.header.frame_id    = Config.HololensWorldFrame;
        message.header.seq         = robotTargetPoseFrameIdx++;
        message.header.stamp.secs  = structuredTime[0];
        message.header.stamp.nsecs = structuredTime[1];

        CoordinateTransformations.ConvertPoseUnity2ROS(ref currentPosition, ref currentRotation);
        message.pose.orientation.x = Quaternion.identity.x;
        message.pose.orientation.y = Quaternion.identity.y;
        message.pose.orientation.z = Quaternion.identity.z;
        message.pose.orientation.w = Quaternion.identity.w;

        message.pose.position.x = currentPosition.x;
        message.pose.position.y = currentPosition.y;
        message.pose.position.z = currentPosition.z;

        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ROBOT TARGET POSE at time: " + ((double)structuredTime[0] + ((double)structuredTime[1]) / 1e9).ToString() +
                                           " --- (" + currentPosition.x + ", " + currentPosition.y + ", " + currentPosition.z + ")");
 public MoveBaseGoal()
     this.target_pose = new PoseStamped();
Beispiel #24
 public Grasp(string id, JointTrajectory pre_grasp_posture, JointTrajectory grasp_posture, PoseStamped grasp_pose, double grasp_quality, GripperTranslation pre_grasp_approach, GripperTranslation post_grasp_retreat, GripperTranslation post_place_retreat, float max_contact_force, string[] allowed_touch_objects)
 { = id;
     this.pre_grasp_posture     = pre_grasp_posture;
     this.grasp_posture         = grasp_posture;
     this.grasp_pose            = grasp_pose;
     this.grasp_quality         = grasp_quality;
     this.pre_grasp_approach    = pre_grasp_approach;
     this.post_grasp_retreat    = post_grasp_retreat;
     this.post_place_retreat    = post_place_retreat;
     this.max_contact_force     = max_contact_force;
     this.allowed_touch_objects = allowed_touch_objects;
Beispiel #25
 public override void Deserialize(byte[] SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref int currentIndex)
     current_pose = new PoseStamped(SERIALIZEDSTUFF, ref currentIndex);
Beispiel #26
 public PositionIKRequest(string group_name, RobotState robot_state, Constraints constraints, bool avoid_collisions, string ik_link_name, PoseStamped pose_stamped, string[] ik_link_names, PoseStamped[] pose_stamped_vector, Duration timeout)
     this.group_name          = group_name;
     this.robot_state         = robot_state;
     this.constraints         = constraints;
     this.avoid_collisions    = avoid_collisions;
     this.ik_link_name        = ik_link_name;
     this.pose_stamped        = pose_stamped;
     this.ik_link_names       = ik_link_names;
     this.pose_stamped_vector = pose_stamped_vector;
     this.timeout             = timeout;
		void poseCallback (PoseStamped pose)
			pose_ = pose;
 public MoveBaseGoal(PoseStamped target_pose)
     this.target_pose = target_pose;
 public GetPlanRequest()
     this.start     = new PoseStamped();
     this.goal      = new PoseStamped();
     this.tolerance = 0.0f;
 public GetPlanRequest(PoseStamped start, PoseStamped goal, float tolerance)
     this.start     = start;
     this.goal      = goal;
     this.tolerance = tolerance;