public static void Run()
 *          /// <summary>
 *          /// Generate UV data from the given input mesh and specified normal data.
 *          /// </summary>
 *          /// <param name="mesh">The input mesh</param>
 *          /// <param name="normals">The normal data</param>
 *          /// <returns>Generated UV data</returns>
 *          public static VertexElementUV GenerateUV(Mesh mesh, VertexElementNormal normals);
 *          /// <summary>
 *          /// Generate UV data from the given input mesh
 *          /// </summary>
 *          /// <param name="mesh">The input mesh</param>
 *          /// <returns>Generated UV data</returns>
 *          public static VertexElementUV GenerateUV(Mesh mesh);
            // ExStart:GenerateUV
            Scene scene = new Scene();
            //since all primitive entities in Aspose.3D will have builtin UV generation
            //here we manually remove it to assume we have a mesh without UV data
            var mesh = (new Box()).ToMesh();

            //then we can manually generate UV for it
            var uv = PolygonModifier.GenerateUV(mesh);

            //generated UV data is not associated with the mesh, we should manually do this
            //put it to the scene
            var node = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode(mesh);

            //then save it
            scene.Save(RunExamples.GetOutputFilePath("Aspose.obj"), FileFormat.WavefrontOBJ);
            // ExEnd:GenerateUV