Beispiel #1
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog   = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");
            DialogPage   mainPage = new DialogPage(string.Empty,
                                                   "Place Structure",
                                                   "Change Exterior Style",
                                                   "Change Interior Style");

            DialogPage rotatePage = new DialogPage(string.Empty,
                                                   "20 degrees",
                                                   "30 degrees",
                                                   "45 degrees",
                                                   "60 degrees",
                                                   "75 degrees",
                                                   "90 degrees",
                                                   "180 degrees",
                                                   "Move up",
                                                   "Move down");

            DialogPage stylePage = new DialogPage();

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("RotatePage", rotatePage);
            dialog.AddPage("StylePage", stylePage);
Beispiel #2
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog   = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");
            DialogPage   mainPage = new DialogPage(
                "<SET LATER>",
                "View My Perks",
                "Buy Perks"

            DialogPage categoryPage = new DialogPage(
                "Please select a category. Additional options will appear as you increase your skill ranks."

            DialogPage perkListPage = new DialogPage(
                "Please select a perk. Additional options will appear as you increase your skill ranks."

            DialogPage perkDetailsPage = new DialogPage(
                "<SET LATER>",
                "Purchase Upgrade"

            DialogPage viewMyPerksPage = new DialogPage(
                "<SET LATER>"

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("CategoryPage", categoryPage);
            dialog.AddPage("PerkListPage", perkListPage);
            dialog.AddPage("PerkDetailsPage", perkDetailsPage);
            dialog.AddPage("ViewMyPerksPage", viewMyPerksPage);
Beispiel #3
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog              = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");
            DialogPage   mainPage            = new DialogPage();
            DialogPage   leasePage           = new DialogPage();
            DialogPage   purchaseDetailsPage = new DialogPage(string.Empty,
            DialogPage detailsPage = new DialogPage(string.Empty,
                                                    "Extend Lease (+1 day)",
                                                    "Extend Lease (+7 days)",
                                                    "Cancel Lease");

            DialogPage cancelLeasePage = new DialogPage(
                "Cancelling your lease will remove your right to access this apartment. All furniture you've placed will be sent to the impound. You'll need to go talk to a planetary representative to recover your impounded furniture.\n\n" +
                "Any remaining time on your lease will be forfeit. You will not receive a refund.\n\n" +
                "Are you sure you want to cancel your lease?",
                "Confirm Cancel Lease");

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("LeasePage", leasePage);
            dialog.AddPage("PurchaseDetailsPage", purchaseDetailsPage);
            dialog.AddPage("DetailsPage", detailsPage);
            dialog.AddPage("CancelLeasePage", cancelLeasePage);
Beispiel #4
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");

            DialogPage mainPage = new DialogPage(
                "Which blueprints would you like to view?",
                "Crafting Blueprints"

            DialogPage craftCategoriesPage = new DialogPage(
                "Which category would you like to view?"

            DialogPage blueprintList = new DialogPage(
                "Which blueprint would you like to view?"

            DialogPage blueprintDetails = new DialogPage(
                "<SET LATER>"

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("CraftCategoriesPage", craftCategoriesPage);
            dialog.AddPage("BlueprintListPage", blueprintList);
            dialog.AddPage("BlueprintDetailsPage", blueprintDetails);

Beispiel #5
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog   = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");
            DialogPage   mainPage = new DialogPage(
                _color.Green("Persistent Storage Menu") + "\n\nPlease select an option.",
                "Open Storage",
                "Change Container Name"

            DialogPage changeNamePage = new DialogPage(
                _color.Green("Change Container Name") + "\n\nPlease type a name for the container into your chat bar and then press enter. After that's done click the 'Next' button on this conversation window.",

            DialogPage confirmChangeName = new DialogPage(
                "<SET LATER>",
                "Confirm Name Change",

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("ChangeNamePage", changeNamePage);
            dialog.AddPage("ConfirmChangeNamePage", confirmChangeName);
Beispiel #6
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog   = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");
            DialogPage   mainPage = new DialogPage(
                "A warm greetings to you. How may I be of service?",
                "What do you have for sale?",
                "Tell me about yourself.");

            DialogPage infoPage = new DialogPage(
                "I am Z'Noda Klibi, a Zuke. I work as a provisioner for Expedition Corp.",
                "What is a Zuke?",
                "What is Expedition Corp?",
                "What do you have for sale?");

            DialogPage whatIsAZuke = new DialogPage(
                "Zukes are a species originating from the planet New Zuken. One of our defining features are the tentacles on our mouth. We can use these to alter the minds of others. However, the Pangalactic Federation has outlawed its use so you don't need to worry about that!",
                "I have other questions.",
                "What do you have for sale?");

            DialogPage whatIsExpeditionCorp = new DialogPage(
                "Expedition Corp is a company focused in harvesting, mining, and other procurement activities around the galaxy. We recently arrived on Druzer IX after surveying the planet and discovering it had raw materials. Unfortunately for us, several other competing companies have also shown up.",
                "I have other questions.",
                "What do you have for sale?");

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("InfoPage", infoPage);
            dialog.AddPage("WhatIsAZuke", whatIsAZuke);
            dialog.AddPage("WhatIsExpeditionCorp", whatIsExpeditionCorp);
Beispiel #7
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog   = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");
            DialogPage   mainPage = new DialogPage(string.Empty,
                                                   "Place Structure",
                                                   "Change Exterior Style",
                                                   "Change Interior Style");

            DialogPage rotatePage = new DialogPage(string.Empty,
                                                   "20 degrees",
                                                   "30 degrees",
                                                   "45 degrees",
                                                   "60 degrees",
                                                   "75 degrees",
                                                   "90 degrees",
                                                   "180 degrees",
                                                   "Move up",
                                                   "Move down");

            DialogPage stylePage = new DialogPage();

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("RotatePage", rotatePage);
            dialog.AddPage("StylePage", stylePage);

            // Setup placement grid
            NWArea area = _.GetArea(player);
            Vector vPos;

            vPos.X = 5.0f;
            vPos.Y = 0.0f;
            vPos.Z = 0.1f;
            for (int i = 0; i <= area.Height; i++)
                vPos.Y = -5.0f;
                for (int j = 0; j <= area.Width; j++)
                    vPos.Y += 10.0f;
                    NWObject oTile = _.CreateObject(ObjectType.Placeable, "plc_invisobj",
                                                    _.Location(area, vPos, 0.0f), false,
                                                    "x2_tmp_tile" + player.GlobalID.ToString());
                    _.SetPlotFlag(oTile, true);
                    _.ApplyEffectToObject(DurationType.Permanent, _.EffectVisualEffect(VisualEffect.Vfx_Placement_Grid), oTile);
                    NWNX.NWNXVisibility.SetVisibilityOverride(_.OBJECT_INVALID, oTile, VisibilityType.Hidden);
                    NWNX.NWNXVisibility.SetVisibilityOverride(player, oTile, VisibilityType.Visible);
                    mainPage.CustomData.Add("PLACEMENT_GRID_" + i + "_" + j, oTile);
                vPos.X += 10.0f;

Beispiel #8
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog      = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");
            DialogPage   mainPage    = new DialogPage("Charter flights leave hourly. Please select one our available destinations below.");
            DialogPage   confirmPage = new DialogPage("<SET LATER>",
                                                      "Confirm Flight");

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("ConfirmPage", confirmPage);
Beispiel #9
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog   = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");
            DialogPage   mainPage = new DialogPage(
                "What would you like to modify?",
                "Save/Load Outfits",
                "Main Weapon",
                "Off-Hand Weapon",

            DialogPage weaponPartPage = new DialogPage(
                "Which weapon part would you like to modify?",

            DialogPage armorPartPage = new DialogPage(
                "Which armor part would you like to modify?",
                "Right Thigh",
                "Right Shin",
                "Right Foot",
                "Left Thigh",
                "Left Shin",
                "Left Foot",
                "Right Shoulder",
                "Right Bicep",
                "Right Forearm",
                "Right Glove",
                "Left Shoulder",
                "Left Bicep",
                "Left Forearm",
                "Left Glove",

            DialogPage helmetPartPage = new DialogPage(
                "Would you like to modify your helmet?",

            DialogPage partPage = new DialogPage(
                "Please select a new model.");

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("WeaponPartPage", weaponPartPage);
            dialog.AddPage("ArmorPartPage", armorPartPage);
            dialog.AddPage("HelmetPartPage", helmetPartPage);
            dialog.AddPage("PartPage", partPage);
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog      = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");
            DialogPage   mainPage    = new DialogPage(); // Dynamically built
            DialogPage   salvagePage = new DialogPage("<SET LATER>",
                                                      "Reassemble Component(s)");

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("SalvagePage", salvagePage);
        public void PlayerDialog_AddPage_SecondPageShouldNotBeSetToCurrentPage()
            PlayerDialog dialog = new PlayerDialog("TestPage");
            DialogPage   page   = new DialogPage();

            dialog.AddPage("TestPage", page);

            DialogPage page2 = new DialogPage();

            dialog.AddPage("Page2", page2);

            Assert.AreNotEqual("Page2", dialog.CurrentPageName);
Beispiel #12
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");

            DialogPage mainPage = new DialogPage();

            DialogPage confirmPage = new DialogPage(
                "Confirm Refund");

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("ConfirmPage", confirmPage);
Beispiel #13
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");

            DialogPage mainPage           = new DialogPage();
            DialogPage selectCardPage     = new DialogPage("Pick a card, any card...");
            DialogPage selectDeckSlotPage = new DialogPage("Please select a slot in your deck to replace.");

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("SelectCardPage", selectCardPage);
            dialog.AddPage("SelectDeckSlotPage", selectDeckSlotPage);

Beispiel #14
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog   = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");
            DialogPage   mainPage = new DialogPage(
                "Please select a blueprint. Only blueprints you've learned will be displayed here. Learn more blueprints by purchasing crafting perks!"
            DialogPage blueprintListPage = new DialogPage(
                "Please select a blueprint. Only blueprints you've learned will be displayed here. Learn more blueprints by purchasing crafting perks!"

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("BlueprintListPage", blueprintListPage);
        public void PlayerDialog_GetPageByName_ShouldReturnPage2()
            PlayerDialog dialog = new PlayerDialog("TestPage");
            DialogPage   page   = new DialogPage();

            dialog.AddPage("TestPage", page);

            DialogPage page2 = new DialogPage();

            dialog.AddPage("Page2", page2);

            DialogPage result = dialog.GetPageByName("Page2");

            Assert.AreSame(result, page2);
Beispiel #16
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");

            DialogPage mainPage = new DialogPage(
                "Please select an option.",
                "Save Options",
                "Load Options"

            DialogPage savePage = new DialogPage(
                "Which type of item would you like to save?"

            DialogPage loadPage = new DialogPage(
                "Which type of item would you like to load?"

            DialogPage saveOutfitPage = new DialogPage(
                "Please select a slot to save the outfit in.\n\nRed slots are unused. Green slots contain stored appearances. Selecting a green slot will overwrite whatever is in that slot."

            DialogPage saveHelmetPage = new DialogPage(
                "Please select a slot to save the helmet in.\n\nRed slots are unused. Green slots contain stored appearances. Selecting a green slot will overwrite whatever is in that slot."

            DialogPage saveWeaponPage = new DialogPage(
                "Please select a slot to save the weapon in. (Right hand only)\n\nRed slots are unused. Green slots contain stored appearances. Selecting a green slot will overwrite whatever is in that slot."

            DialogPage loadOutfitPage = new DialogPage(
                "Please select an outfit to load."

            DialogPage loadHelmetPage = new DialogPage(
                "Please select a helmet to load."

            DialogPage loadWeaponPage = new DialogPage(
                "Please select a weapon to load. (Right hand only)"

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("SavePage", savePage);
            dialog.AddPage("SaveOutfitPage", saveOutfitPage);
            dialog.AddPage("SaveHelmetPage", saveHelmetPage);
            dialog.AddPage("SaveWeaponPage", saveWeaponPage);
            dialog.AddPage("LoadPage", loadPage);
            dialog.AddPage("LoadOutfitPage", loadOutfitPage);
            dialog.AddPage("LoadHelmetPage", loadHelmetPage);
            dialog.AddPage("LoadWeaponPage", loadWeaponPage);
        public void PlayerDialog_ResetPage_ShouldSetToPage1()
            PlayerDialog dialog = new PlayerDialog("TestPage");
            DialogPage   page   = new DialogPage();

            dialog.AddPage("TestPage", page);

            DialogPage page2 = new DialogPage();

            dialog.AddPage("Page2", page2);

            dialog.CurrentPageName = "Page2";

            Assert.AreSame(page, dialog.CurrentPage);
Beispiel #18
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            string     header;
            DialogPage mainOptions;

            if (!SpaceService.IsLocationSpace(SpaceService.GetShipLocation(player.Area)))
                header      = "You can only crew the guns while the ship is in space.";
                mainOptions = new DialogPage(header);

                header = "Crewing the ship's guns allows the ship to fire in any direction using the gunner's Piloting skill. " +
                         "If the target is in front of the ship, both the pilot's and the gunner's skills are added to the shot. " +
                         "Unlike the pilot, the gunner can select targets using the quickbar option.  To stop crewing the guns, " +
                         "type /exit or use the quickbar button.";
                mainOptions = new DialogPage(header, "Crew the guns!");

            PlayerDialog dialog = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainOptions);

        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog   = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");
            DialogPage   mainPage = new DialogPage("Welcome to the planetary impound. Any items which were seized by our government may be retrieved here... for a price, of course!\n\nEach item may be retrieved for 50 credits.\n\nHow may I help you?");

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
        public override void SetUp(NWGameObject player, PlayerDialog dialog)
            DialogPage mainPage = new DialogPage(
                "Please select a reward."

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
Beispiel #21
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");

            DialogPage mainPage = new DialogPage(
                "Adjust Area Lighting.",
                "Main Light 1",
                "Main Light 2",
                "Source Light 1",
                "Source Light 2");

            DialogPage colorPage = new DialogPage("Please select a color.");

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("ColorPage", colorPage);
Beispiel #22
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog   = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");
            DialogPage   mainPage = new DialogPage(
                "<SET LATER>",
                "Dig a hole",
                "Retrieve Seed"

            DialogPage harvestPage = new DialogPage(
                "Are you sure you want to harvest this plant? Harvesting will destroy the plant and recover a seed.",
                "Yes, harvest it.");

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("HarvestPage", harvestPage);
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");

            DialogPage mainPage = new DialogPage(
                "Settings adjusted here will affect your entire base. If you want to adjust individual structures, such as buildings, use their individual menus to do so.",
                "Change Permissions");

            DialogPage playerListPage = new DialogPage("Please select a player.");

            DialogPage playerDetailsPage = new DialogPage();

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("PlayerListPage", playerListPage);
            dialog.AddPage("PlayerDetailsPage", playerDetailsPage);
Beispiel #24
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog   = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");
            DialogPage   mainPage = new DialogPage();

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
Beispiel #25
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");

            DialogPage mainPage        = new DialogPage("Messages may be viewed or posted here. Please select a message from the list below or create a new one.");
            DialogPage postDetailsPage = new DialogPage("<SET LATER>",
                                                        "Remove Post");
            DialogPage createPostPage = new DialogPage("<SET LATER>",
                                                       "Set Title",
                                                       "Set Message",
                                                       "Post Message");

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("PostDetailsPage", postDetailsPage);
            dialog.AddPage("CreatePostPage", createPostPage);
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");

            DialogPage mainPage = new DialogPage(
                "Settings adjusted here will only affect this particular structure. If this is a building, the permissions will affect everything inside the building.",
                "Change Permissions");

            DialogPage playerListPage = new DialogPage("Please select a player.");

            DialogPage playerDetailsPage = new DialogPage();

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("PlayerListPage", playerListPage);
            dialog.AddPage("PlayerDetailsPage", playerDetailsPage);
Beispiel #27
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog   = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");
            DialogPage   mainPage = new DialogPage(
                "Please select an option.\n\nStructures in this list are ordered by distance from the location targeted. "

            DialogPage manipulateStructurePage = new DialogPage(
                "What would you like to do with this structure?",

            DialogPage rotateStructurePage = new DialogPage(
                "Please select a rotation.",
                "Set Facing: East",
                "Set Facing: North",
                "Set Facing: West",
                "Set Facing: South",
                "Rotate 20\u00b0",
                "Rotate 30\u00b0",
                "Rotate 45\u00b0",
                "Rotate 60\u00b0",
                "Rotate 75\u00b0",
                "Rotate 90\u00b0",
                "Rotate 180\u00b0",

            DialogPage razeStructurePage = new DialogPage(
                _color.Red("WARNING: ") +
                "You are about to destroy a structure. All items inside of this structure will be permanently destroyed.\n\n" +
                "Are you sure you want to raze this structure?\n",
                _color.Red("Confirm Raze"),

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("ManipulateStructurePage", manipulateStructurePage);
            dialog.AddPage("RotateStructurePage", rotateStructurePage);
            dialog.AddPage("RazeStructurePage", razeStructurePage);
Beispiel #28
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");

            DialogPage mainPage = new DialogPage(
                "<SET LATER>",

            DialogPage confirmSetPage = new DialogPage(
                "<SET LATER>",
                "Confirm Description Change"

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("ConfirmSetPage", confirmSetPage);
Beispiel #29
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");

            DialogPage mainPage = new DialogPage("Please select which ship you would like to enter from the list below. Ships must be built on a base, but once built they can be berthed here for a fee.");

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
Beispiel #30
        public override PlayerDialog SetUp(NWPlayer player)
            PlayerDialog dialog   = new PlayerDialog("MainPage");
            DialogPage   mainPage = new DialogPage(
                "There is a small hole here. What would you like to do?",
                "Plant a seed",
                "Cover up the hole"

            DialogPage coverUpConfirm = new DialogPage(
                "Are you sure you want to cover up this hole? You'll need a shovel to dig it up again!",
                "Yes, cover up the hole"

            dialog.AddPage("MainPage", mainPage);
            dialog.AddPage("CoverUpConfirm", coverUpConfirm);