public void ActuallyFire(int Charges)
            FocusPsi PsiMutation = ParentObject.GetPart <FocusPsi>();

            // Shows the line picker interface for the player.

            TextConsole  _TextConsole = UI.Look._TextConsole;
            ScreenBuffer Buffer       = TextConsole.ScrapBuffer;


            List <GameObject> hit       = new List <GameObject>(1);
            List <Cell>       usedCells = new List <Cell>(1);
            var line = PickLine(20, AllowVis.Any, null, false, ForMissileFrom: ParentObject);

            Body            body        = ParentObject.GetPart <Body>();
            List <BodyPart> ParentsHead = body.GetPart("Head");

            Cell targetCell = line[line.Count - 1];

            if (!PsiMutation.usePsiCharges(Charges))
                AddPlayerMessage("You do not have enough psi-charges!");
            foreach (var Head in ParentsHead)
                if (Head.Equipped != null)
                    Physics.ApplyExplosion(currentCell, GetForce(Level, Charges), usedCells, hit, true, true, ParentObject, GetDamage(Level, Charges), 1, false, false, 2);
                    AddPlayerMessage("Your helmet obstructs the energy of the beam--it explodes in your face!");
            if (ParentObject.HasEffect("Dazed") || ParentObject.HasEffect("Confused"))
                Physics.ApplyExplosion(currentCell, GetForce(Level, Charges), usedCells, hit, true, true, ParentObject, GetDamage(Level, Charges), 1, false, false, 2);
                AddPlayerMessage("You lack the concentration to hold your focus! The collected energy explodes in your face!");

            ActivatedAbilities activatedAbilities = ParentObject.GetPart("ActivatedAbilities") as ActivatedAbilities;

            activatedAbilities.GetAbility(CombustionBlastActivatedAbilityID).Cooldown = (Charges - 1) * 100;

            // Loop through each cell of the line in order.

            List <string> SparkySparkyChars = new List <string>()
                "\xf8", "*", "."
            List <Point> Beamline = Zone.Line(line[0].X, line[0].Y, targetCell.X, targetCell.Y);

            base.PlayWorldSound("sparkblast", 0.3f, 0.1f, true, null);

            for (int index = 1; index < line.Count; index++)
                Cell cell        = line[index];
                char DisplayBeam = Beamline[index].DisplayChar;
                Buffer.Goto(cell.X, cell.Y);
                Buffer.Write("&Y^r" + DisplayBeam);

                Cell SparkyBeam = cell.GetRandomLocalAdjacentCell();
                Buffer.Goto(SparkyBeam.X, SparkyBeam.Y);
                Buffer.Write("&W" + SparkySparkyChars.GetRandomElement());
                // Find a solid object and combat id on obj in line, to hit in this cell.
                GameObject obj = cell.FindObject(o => o.ConsiderSolidFor(ParentObject, ParentObject) || (o.HasPart("Combat") && !o.pPhysics.Solid));

                if (obj != null)
                    targetCell = cell;
            if (Stat.Random(1, 100) <= 50)
                base.PlayWorldSound("bang1", 0.3f, 0, true, null);
                base.PlayWorldSound("bang2", 0.3f, 0, true, null);
            ComExplode(GetForce(Level, Charges), targetCell, ParentObject, GetDamage(Level, Charges));