Beispiel #1
        private void FillTiles(bool refreshList)
            if (refreshList)              //Refresh the phone list. This will cause a database refresh for our list and call this function again with the new list.
                SetPhoneList(PhoneEmpDefaults.Refresh(), Phones.GetPhoneList(), ChatUsers.GetAll());
            if (PhoneList == null)
            PhoneTile tile;

            for (int i = 0; i < TileCount; i++)
                Control[] controlMatches = Controls.Find("phoneTile" + (i + 1).ToString(), false);
                if (controlMatches.Length == 0)               //no match found for some reason.
                tile                 = ((PhoneTile)controlMatches[0]);
                tile.TimeDelta       = timeDelta;
                tile.ShowImageForced = checkBoxAll.Checked;
                if (PhoneList.Count > i)
                    tile.SetPhone(PhoneList[i], PhoneEmpDefaults.GetEmpDefaultFromList(PhoneList[i].EmployeeNum, PhoneEmpDefaultList),
                                  ChatList.Where(x => x.Extension == PhoneList[i].Extension).FirstOrDefault(), PhoneEmpDefaults.IsTriageOperatorForExtension(PhoneList[i].Extension, PhoneEmpDefaultList));
Beispiel #2
        private void FillTile()
            //Get the new phone list from the database and redraw control.
            SetPhoneList(PhoneEmpDefaults.Refresh(), Phones.GetPhoneList());
            //Set the currently selected phone accordingly.
            if (phoneList == null)           //No phone list. Shouldn't get here.
                phoneTile.SetPhone(null, null, false);
            Phone           phone           = Phones.GetPhoneForExtension(phoneList, Extension);
            PhoneEmpDefault phoneEmpDefault = null;

            if (phone != null)
                phoneEmpDefault = PhoneEmpDefaults.GetEmpDefaultFromList(phone.EmployeeNum, phoneEmpDefaultList);
            phoneTile.SetPhone(phone, phoneEmpDefault, PhoneEmpDefaults.IsTriageOperatorForExtension(Extension, phoneEmpDefaultList));
        private void FillTile()
            //UpdateComboRooms();//We can't do this in the constructor and all the other methods fire too often.  FillTile is a good place for this.
            //Get the new phone list from the database and redraw control.
            SetPhoneList(PhoneEmpDefaults.Refresh(), Phones.GetPhoneList());
            //Set the currently selected phone accordingly.
            if (_listPhones == null)           //No phone list. Shouldn't get here.
                phoneTile.SetPhone(null, null, null, false);
            Phone           phone           = Phones.GetPhoneForExtension(_listPhones, Extension);
            PhoneEmpDefault phoneEmpDefault = null;
            ChatUser        chatUser        = null;

            if (phone != null)
                phoneEmpDefault = PhoneEmpDefaults.GetEmpDefaultFromList(phone.EmployeeNum, _listPhoneEmpDefaults);
                chatUser        = ChatUsers.GetFromExt(phone.Extension);
            phoneTile.SetPhone(phone, phoneEmpDefault, chatUser, PhoneEmpDefaults.IsTriageOperatorForExtension(Extension, _listPhoneEmpDefaults));
        private void FillData()
            DictEmployeesPerBucket = new Dictionary <int, List <Employee> >();
            labelDate.Text         = DateShowing.ToString("dddd, MMMM d");
            butEdit.Enabled        = DateShowing.Date >= DateTime.Today;  //do not allow editing of past dates
            listCalls = new List <PointF>();
            if (DateShowing.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Friday)
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(5f, 0));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(5.5f, 50));               //5-6am
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(6.5f, 133));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(7.5f, 210));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(8.5f, 332));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(9f, 360));               //-
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(9.5f, 370));             //was 380
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(10f, 360));              //-
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(10.5f, 352));            //was 348
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(11.5f, 352));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(12.5f, 340));            //was 313
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(13.5f, 325));            //was 363
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(14.5f, 277));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(15.5f, 185));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(16.5f, 141));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(17f, 50));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(17.0f, 0));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(5f, 0));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(5.5f, 284));               //5-6am
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(6.5f, 767));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(7.5f, 1246));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(8.5f, 1753));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(9f, 1920));               //-
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(9.5f, 2000));             //was 2029
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(10f, 1950));              //-
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(10.5f, 1875));            //1846
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(11.5f, 1890));            //1899
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(12.5f, 1820));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(13.5f, 1807));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(14.5f, 1565));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(15.5f, 1178));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(16.5f, 733));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(17.5f, 226));
                listCalls.Add(new PointF(17.5f, 0));
            buckets    = new float[56];       //Number of total bucket. 4 buckets per hour * 14 hours = 56 buckets.
            ListScheds = Schedules.GetDayList(DateShowing);
            //PhoneGraph exceptions will take precedence over employee default
            List <PhoneGraph> listPhoneGraphs = PhoneGraphs.GetAllForDate(DateShowing);
            TimeSpan          time1;
            TimeSpan          time2;
            TimeSpan          delta;

            for (int i = 0; i < ListScheds.Count; i++)
                if (ListScheds[i].SchedType != ScheduleType.Employee)
                //get this employee
                Employee employee = Employees.GetEmp(ListScheds[i].EmployeeNum);
                if (employee == null)               //employees will NEVER be deleted. even after they cease to work here. but just in case.
                bool hasPhoneGraphEntry = false;
                bool isGraphed          = false;
                //PhoneGraph entries will take priority over the default employee graph state
                for (int iPG = 0; iPG < listPhoneGraphs.Count; iPG++)
                    if (listPhoneGraphs[iPG].EmployeeNum == employee.EmployeeNum)
                        isGraphed          = listPhoneGraphs[iPG].IsGraphed;
                        hasPhoneGraphEntry = true;
                if (!hasPhoneGraphEntry)                 //no phone graph entry found (likely for a future date which does not have entries created yet OR past date where current employee didn't work here yet)
                    if (DateShowing <= DateTime.Today)   //no phone graph entry and we are on a past OR current date. if it's not already created then don't graph this employee for this date
                    //we are on a future date AND we don't have a PhoneGraph entry explicitly set so use the default for this employee
                    PhoneEmpDefault ped = PhoneEmpDefaults.GetEmpDefaultFromList(ListScheds[i].EmployeeNum, ListPED);
                    if (ped == null)                   //we will default to PhoneEmpDefault.IsGraphed so make sure the deafult exists
                    //no entry in PhoneGraph for the employee on this date so use the default
                    isGraphed = ped.IsGraphed;
                if (!isGraphed)                 //only care about employees that are being graphed
                for (int b = 0; b < buckets.Length; b++)
                    //minutes field multiplier is a function of buckets per hour. answers the question, "how many minutes long is each bucket?"
                    time1 = new TimeSpan(5, 0, 0) + new TimeSpan(0, b * 15, 0);
                    time2 = new TimeSpan(5, 15, 0) + new TimeSpan(0, b * 15, 0);
                    //situation 1: this bucket is completely within the start and stop times.
                    if (ListScheds[i].StartTime <= time1 && ListScheds[i].StopTime >= time2)
                        AddEmployeeToBucket(b, employee);
                    //situation 2: the start time is after this bucket
                    else if (ListScheds[i].StartTime >= time2)
                    //situation 3: the stop time is before this bucket
                    else if (ListScheds[i].StopTime <= time1)
                    //situation 4: start time falls within this bucket
                    if (ListScheds[i].StartTime > time1)
                        delta = ListScheds[i].StartTime - time1;
                        //7.5 minutes is half of one bucket.
                        if (delta.TotalMinutes > 7.5)                          //has to work more than 15 minutes to be considered *in* this bucket
                            AddEmployeeToBucket(b, employee);
                    //situation 5: stop time falls within this bucket
                    if (ListScheds[i].StopTime < time2)
                        delta = time2 - ListScheds[i].StopTime;
                        if (delta.TotalMinutes > 7.5)                          //has to work more than 15 minutes to be considered *in* this bucket
                            AddEmployeeToBucket(b, employee);
                //break;//just show one sched for debugging.
            //missed calls
            //missedCalls=new int[28];
            //List<DateTime> callTimes=PhoneAsterisks.GetMissedCalls(dateShowing);
            //for(int i=0;i<callTimes.Count;i++) {
            //  for(int b=0;b<missedCalls.Length;b++) {
            //    time1=new TimeSpan(5,0,0) + new TimeSpan(0,b*30,0);
            //    time2=new TimeSpan(5,30,0) + new TimeSpan(0,b*30,0);
            //    if(callTimes[i].TimeOfDay >= time1 && callTimes[i].TimeOfDay < time2) {
            //      missedCalls[b]++;
            //    }
            //  }
            //Minutes Behind
            minutesBehind = PhoneMetrics.AverageMinutesBehind(DateShowing);
Beispiel #5
 ///<summary>Refresh the phone panel every X seconds after it has already been setup.  Make sure to call FillMapAreaPanel before calling this the first time.</summary>
 public void SetPhoneList(List <PhoneEmpDefault> peds, List <Phone> phones, List <PhoneEmpSubGroup> listSubGroups, List <ChatUser> listChatUsers)
     try {
         string title = "Call Center Map - Triage Coord. - ";
         try {                 //get the triage coord label but don't fail just because we can't find it
             SiteLink siteLink = SiteLinks.GetFirstOrDefault(x => x.SiteNum == _mapCur.SiteNum);
             title += Employees.GetNameFL(Employees.GetEmp(siteLink.EmployeeNum));
         catch {
             title += "Not Set";
         labelTriageCoordinator.Text = title;
         labelCurrentTime.Text       = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();
         #region Triage Counts
         //The triage count used to only count up the triage operators within the currently selected room.
         //Now we want to count all operators at the selected site (local) and then all operators across all sites (total).
         int triageStaffCountLocal = 0;
         int triageStaffCountTotal = 0;
         foreach (PhoneEmpDefault phoneEmpDefault in peds.FindAll(x => x.IsTriageOperator && x.HasColor))
             Phone phone = phones.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Extension == phoneEmpDefault.PhoneExt);
             if (phone == null)
             if (phone.ClockStatus.In(ClockStatusEnum.None, ClockStatusEnum.Home, ClockStatusEnum.Lunch, ClockStatusEnum.Break, ClockStatusEnum.Off
                                      , ClockStatusEnum.Unavailable, ClockStatusEnum.NeedsHelp, ClockStatusEnum.HelpOnTheWay))
             //This is a triage operator who is currently here and on the clock.
             if (phoneEmpDefault.SiteNum == _mapCur.SiteNum)
         labelTriageOpsCountLocal.Text = triageStaffCountLocal.ToString();
         labelTriageOpsCountTotal.Text = triageStaffCountTotal.ToString();
         for (int i = 0; i < this.mapAreaPanelHQ.Controls.Count; i++)            //loop through all of our cubicles and labels and find the matches
             try {
                 if (!(this.mapAreaPanelHQ.Controls[i] is MapAreaRoomControl))
                 MapAreaRoomControl room = (MapAreaRoomControl)this.mapAreaPanelHQ.Controls[i];
                 if (room.MapAreaItem.Extension == 0)                        //This cubicle has not been given an extension yet.
                     room.Empty = true;
                 Phone phone = Phones.GetPhoneForExtension(phones, room.MapAreaItem.Extension);
                 if (phone == null)                       //We have a cubicle with no corresponding phone entry.
                     room.Empty = true;
                 ChatUser        chatuser        = listChatUsers.Where(x => x.Extension == phone.Extension).FirstOrDefault();
                 PhoneEmpDefault phoneEmpDefault = PhoneEmpDefaults.GetEmpDefaultFromList(phone.EmployeeNum, peds);
                 if (phoneEmpDefault == null)                       //We have a cubicle with no corresponding phone emp default entry.
                     room.Empty = true;
                 //we got this far so we found a corresponding cubicle for this phone entry
                 room.EmployeeNum  = phone.EmployeeNum;
                 room.EmployeeName = phone.EmployeeName;
                 if (phone.DateTimeNeedsHelpStart.Date == DateTime.Today)                        //if they need help, use that time.
                     TimeSpan span      = DateTime.Now - phone.DateTimeNeedsHelpStart + _timeDelta;
                     DateTime timeOfDay = DateTime.Today + span;
                     room.Elapsed = timeOfDay.ToString("H:mm:ss");
                 else if (phone.DateTimeStart.Date == DateTime.Today && phone.Description != "")                        //else if in a call, use call time.
                     TimeSpan span      = DateTime.Now - phone.DateTimeStart + _timeDelta;
                     DateTime timeOfDay = DateTime.Today + span;
                     room.Elapsed = timeOfDay.ToString("H:mm:ss");
                 else if (phone.Description == "" && chatuser != null && chatuser.CurrentSessions > 0)                    //else if in a chat, use chat time.
                     TimeSpan span = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(chatuser.SessionTime) + _timeDelta;
                     room.Elapsed = span.ToStringHmmss();
                 else if (phone.DateTimeStart.Date == DateTime.Today)                        //else available, use that time.
                     TimeSpan span      = DateTime.Now - phone.DateTimeStart + _timeDelta;
                     DateTime timeOfDay = DateTime.Today + span;
                     room.Elapsed = timeOfDay.ToString("H:mm:ss");
                 else                           //else, whatever.
                     room.Elapsed = "";
                 if (phone.IsProxVisible)
                     room.ProxImage = Properties.Resources.Figure;
                 else if (phone.DateTProximal.AddHours(8) > DateTime.Now)
                     room.ProxImage = Properties.Resources.NoFigure;                          //TODO: replace image with one from Nathan
                     room.ProxImage = null;
                 room.IsAtDesk = phone.IsProxVisible;
                 string status = Phones.ConvertClockStatusToString(phone.ClockStatus);
                 //Check if the user is logged in.
                 if (phone.ClockStatus == ClockStatusEnum.None ||
                     phone.ClockStatus == ClockStatusEnum.Home)
                     status = "Home";
                 room.Status = status;
                 if (phone.Description == "")
                     room.PhoneImage = null;
                     if (chatuser != null && chatuser.CurrentSessions != 0)
                         room.ChatImage = Properties.Resources.gtaicon3;
                         room.ChatImage = null;
                     room.PhoneImage = Properties.Resources.phoneInUse;
                 Color outerColor;
                 Color innerColor;
                 Color fontColor;
                 bool  isTriageOperatorOnTheClock;
                 //get the cubicle color and triage status
                 Phones.GetPhoneColor(phone, phoneEmpDefault, true, out outerColor, out innerColor, out fontColor, out isTriageOperatorOnTheClock);
                 if (!room.IsFlashing)                          //if the control is already flashing then don't overwrite the colors. this would cause a "spastic" flash effect.
                     room.OuterColor = outerColor;
                     room.InnerColor = innerColor;
                 room.ForeColor = fontColor;
                 if (phone.ClockStatus == ClockStatusEnum.NeedsHelp)                        //turn on flashing
                 else                           //turn off flashing
             catch (Exception e) {
         refreshCurrentTabHelper(peds, phones, listSubGroups);
     catch {
         //something failed unexpectedly
Beispiel #6
        private void UserControlPhoneSmall_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            Graphics g = e.Graphics;

            g.FillRectangle(SystemBrushes.Control, this.Bounds);
            if (phoneList == null)
            int   rows      = 7;
            int   columns   = 7;
            float boxWidth  = 21.4f;
            float boxHeight = 17f;
            float hTot      = boxHeight * rows;
            float x         = 0f;
            float y         = 0f;

            //Create a white "background" rectangle so that any empty squares (no employees) will show as white boxes instead of no color.
            g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), x, y, boxWidth * columns, boxHeight * rows);
            for (int i = 0; i < phoneList.Count; i++)
                //Draw the extension number if a person is available at that extension.
                if (phoneList[i].ClockStatus != ClockStatusEnum.Home &&
                    phoneList[i].ClockStatus != ClockStatusEnum.None)
                    //Colors the box a color based on the corresponding phone's status.
                    Color outerColor;
                    Color innerColor;
                    Color fontColor;
                    bool  isTriageOperatorOnTheClock = false;
                    //get the cubicle color and triage status
                    PhoneEmpDefault ped = PhoneEmpDefaults.GetEmpDefaultFromList(phoneList[i].EmployeeNum, phoneEmpDefaultList);
                    Phones.GetPhoneColor(phoneList[i], ped, false, out outerColor, out innerColor, out fontColor, out isTriageOperatorOnTheClock);
                    using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(outerColor)) {
                        g.FillRectangle(brush, x * boxWidth, y * boxHeight, boxWidth, boxHeight);
                    Font  baseFont = new Font("Arial", 7);
                    SizeF extSize  = g.MeasureString(phoneList[i].Extension.ToString(), baseFont);
                    float padX     = (boxWidth - extSize.Width) / 2;
                    float padY     = (boxHeight - extSize.Height) / 2;
                    using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black)) {
                        g.DrawString(phoneList[i].Extension.ToString(), baseFont, brush, (x * boxWidth) + (padX), (y * boxHeight) + (padY));
                if (x >= columns)
                    x = 0f;
            //horiz lines
            for (int i = 0; i < rows + 1; i++)
                g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, i * boxHeight, Width, i * boxHeight);
            //Very bottom
            g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 0, Height - 1, Width, Height - 1);
            for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
                g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, i * boxWidth, 0, i * boxWidth, hTot);
            g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, Width - 1, 0, Width - 1, hTot);
Beispiel #7
 ///<summary>Refresh the phone panel every X seconds after it has already been setup.  Make sure to call FillMapAreaPanel before calling this the first time.</summary>
 public void SetPhoneList(List <PhoneEmpDefault> peds, List <Phone> phones)
     try {
         string title = "Call Center Status Map - Triage Coordinator - ";
         try {                 //get the triage coord label but don't fail just because we can't find it
             title += Employees.GetNameFL(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.HQTriageCoordinator));
         catch {
             title += "Not Set";
         labelTriageCoordinator.Text = title;
         labelCurrentTime.Text       = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();
         int triageStaffCount = 0;
         for (int i = 0; i < this.mapAreaPanelHQ.Controls.Count; i++)            //loop through all of our cubicles and labels and find the matches
             if (!(this.mapAreaPanelHQ.Controls[i] is MapAreaRoomControl))
             MapAreaRoomControl room = (MapAreaRoomControl)this.mapAreaPanelHQ.Controls[i];
             if (room.MapAreaItem.Extension == 0)                    //This cubicle has not been given an extension yet.
                 room.Empty = true;
             Phone phone = Phones.GetPhoneForExtension(phones, room.MapAreaItem.Extension);
             if (phone == null)                   //We have a cubicle with no corresponding phone entry.
                 room.Empty = true;
             PhoneEmpDefault phoneEmpDefault = PhoneEmpDefaults.GetEmpDefaultFromList(phone.EmployeeNum, peds);
             if (phoneEmpDefault == null)                   //We have a cubicle with no corresponding phone emp default entry.
                 room.Empty = true;
             //we got this far so we found a corresponding cubicle for this phone entry
             room.EmployeeNum  = phone.EmployeeNum;
             room.EmployeeName = phone.EmployeeName;
             if (phone.DateTimeStart.Date == DateTime.Today)
                 TimeSpan span      = DateTime.Now - phone.DateTimeStart + _timeDelta;
                 DateTime timeOfDay = DateTime.Today + span;
                 room.Elapsed = timeOfDay.ToString("H:mm:ss");
                 room.Elapsed = "";
             string status = phone.ClockStatus.ToString();
             //Check if the user is logged in.
             if (phone.ClockStatus == ClockStatusEnum.None ||
                 phone.ClockStatus == ClockStatusEnum.Home)
                 status = "Home";
             room.Status = status;
             if (phone.Description == "")
                 room.PhoneImage = null;
                 room.PhoneImage = Properties.Resources.phoneInUse;
             Color outerColor;
             Color innerColor;
             Color fontColor;
             bool  isTriageOperatorOnTheClock = false;
             //get the cubicle color and triage status
             Phones.GetPhoneColor(phone, phoneEmpDefault, true, out outerColor, out innerColor, out fontColor, out isTriageOperatorOnTheClock);
             if (!room.IsFlashing)                      //if the control is already flashing then don't overwrite the colors. this would cause a "spastic" flash effect.
                 room.OuterColor = outerColor;
                 room.InnerColor = innerColor;
             room.ForeColor = fontColor;
             if (isTriageOperatorOnTheClock)
             if (phone.ClockStatus == ClockStatusEnum.NeedsHelp)                    //turn on flashing
             else                       //turn off flashing
         this.labelTriageOpsStaff.Text = triageStaffCount.ToString();
     catch {
         //something failed unexpectedly