Beispiel #1
        public MainWindow()

            //ContentBackground.Background.Opacity = 1.0;
            new WindowResizer(this,
                              new WindowBorder(BorderPosition.TopLeft, topLeft),
                              new WindowBorder(BorderPosition.Top, top),
                              new WindowBorder(BorderPosition.TopRight, topRight),
                              new WindowBorder(BorderPosition.Right, right),
                              new WindowBorder(BorderPosition.BottomRight, bottomRight),
                              new WindowBorder(BorderPosition.Bottom, bottom),
                              new WindowBorder(BorderPosition.BottomLeft, bottomLeft),
                              new WindowBorder(BorderPosition.Left, left));

            TitleBar.MouseLeftButtonDown       += ((o, e) => DragMove());
            MinimizeButton.MouseLeftButtonDown += ((o, e) => WindowState = WindowState.Minimized);
            CloseButton.MouseLeftButtonDown    += ((o, e) => Close());

            _errorPage             = new ErrorPage();
            _errorPage.ErrorClose += _errorPage_ErrorClose;

            _loadingPage = new LoadingPage();

            _update = new UpdateCheck();


            _config = new Config(_configLocation ?? "");

            if (!_config.LoadConfig())
                _configError = true;
                if (_config.Fields.Proxy_Address != string.Empty)
                    PRequest.SetProxy(_config.Fields.Proxy_Address, _config.Fields.Proxy_Port,
                                      _config.Fields.Proxy_User, _config.Fields.Proxy_Password);

                var loc  = _config.Fields.Elpis_StartupLocation;
                var size = _config.Fields.Elpis_StartupSize;

                if (loc.X != -1 && loc.Y != -1)
                    this.Left = loc.X;
                    this.Top  = loc.Y;

                if (size.Width != 0 && size.Height != 0)
                    this.Width  = size.Width;
                    this.Height = size.Height;
Beispiel #2
    internal IEnumerator SendRequest <T>(string section, string action, Action <Dictionary <string, T>, PResponse> callback) where T : GameVar, new()
        var www = PRequest.Prepare(section, action, null);

        yield return(www);

        var response = PRequest.Process(www);

        var data = response.success ? response.json : null;

        Dictionary <string, T> gameVars = new Dictionary <string, T>();

        if (data != null)
            if (data is IDictionary)
                foreach (string key in data.Keys)
                    if (data[key] is IDictionary)
                        gameVars.Add(key, (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), new object[] { data[key] }));

        callback(gameVars, response);
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the API.  You must do this before anything else.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="publickey">
    /// A <see cref="System.String"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="privatekey">
    /// A <see cref="System.String"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="apiurl">
    /// A <see cref="System.String"/>
    /// </param>
    public static void Initialize(string publickey, string privatekey, string apiurl)
        if (_instance != null)

        // Add Unity Extentions to LitJson

        GameObject go = new GameObject("playtomic");


        _instance = go.AddComponent("Playtomic") as Playtomic;
        _instance._leaderboards     = new PLeaderboards();
        _instance._playerlevels     = new PPlayerLevels();
        _instance._geoip            = new PGeoIP();
        _instance._gamevars         = new PGameVars();
        _instance._achievements     = new PAchievements();
        _instance._newsletter       = new PNewsletter();
        _instance._playerchallenges = new PPlayerChallenges();
        _instance._playerprofiles   = new PPlayerProfiles();

        PRequest.Initialise(publickey, privatekey, apiurl);
Beispiel #4
    internal IEnumerator SendRequest <T>(string name, string section, string action, Action <T, PResponse> callback, Dictionary <string, object> postdata = null) where T : GameVar, new()
        var www = PRequest.Prepare(section, action, postdata);

        yield return(www);

        var response = PRequest.Process(www);

        var data = response.success ? response.json : null;

        T gameVar = new T();

        if (data != null)
            if (data is IDictionary)
                if (data.ContainsKey(name))
                    gameVar = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), new object[] { data[name] });

        callback(gameVar, response);
Beispiel #5
 public void DownloadUpdateAsync(string outputPath)
     UpdatePath = outputPath;
     Log.O("Download Elpis Update...");
     Task.Factory.StartNew(() => PRequest.FileRequestAsync(DownloadUrl, outputPath,
                                                           DownloadProgressChanged, DownloadFileCompleted));
    private IEnumerator SendListRequest <T>(Dictionary <string, object> postdata, Action <List <T>, int, PResponse> callback) where T : PlayerLevel, new()
        var www = PRequest.Prepare(SECTION, LIST, postdata);

        yield return(www);

        var      response  = PRequest.Process(www);
        List <T> levels    = null;
        int      numlevels = 0;

        if (response.success)
            var data = response.json;
            levels    = new List <T>();
            numlevels = (int)(double)data["numlevels"];

            var levelarr = (List <object>)data["levels"];

            for (var i = 0; i < levelarr.Count; i++)
                levels.Add((T) new PlayerLevel((Dictionary <string, object>)levelarr[i]));

        callback(levels, numlevels, response);
    private IEnumerator SendListRequest <T>(string section, string action, Dictionary <string, object> postdata, Action <List <T>, int, PResponse> callback) where T : PlayerScore
        WWW www = PRequest.Prepare(section, action, postdata);

        yield return(www);

        var response = PRequest.Process(www);
        var data     = response.json;

        List <T> scores = new List <T>();

        int numscores = 0;

        if (response.success)
            if (data.ContainsKey("numscores"))
                int.TryParse(data["numscores"].ToString(), out numscores);

            if (data.ContainsKey("scores"))
                if (data["scores"] is IList)
                    foreach (IDictionary score in (IList)data["scores"])
                        scores.Add((T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), new object[] { score }));

        callback(scores, numscores, response);
Beispiel #8
 public void SetProxy(string address, int port, string user = "", string password = "")
     PRequest.SetProxy(address, port, user, password);
     if (_bass != null)
         _bass.SetProxy(address, port, user, password);
Beispiel #9
    internal IEnumerator SendSaveRequest(string section, string action, Action <PResponse> callback, Dictionary <string, object> postdata = null)
        var www = PRequest.Prepare(section, action, postdata);

        yield return(www);

        var response = PRequest.Process(www);

    private IEnumerator SendSaveRequest(string section, string action, Dictionary <string, object> postdata, Action <PResponse> callback)
        WWW www = PRequest.Prepare(section, action, postdata);

        yield return(www);

        PResponse response = PRequest.Process(www);

Beispiel #11
    private IEnumerator SendRequest(string section, string action, Action <PResponse> callback, PNewsletterOptions options)
        var www = PRequest.Prepare(section, action, options);

        yield return(www);

        var response = PRequest.Process(www);

    private IEnumerator SendRateRequest(Dictionary <string, object> postdata, Action <PResponse> callback)
        var www = PRequest.Prepare(SECTION, RATE, postdata);

        yield return(www);

        var response = PRequest.Process(www);

Beispiel #13
    private IEnumerator SendListRequest <T>(Dictionary <string, object> postdata,
                                            Action <List <T>, int, PResponse> callback) where T : PlayerChallenge, new()
        var www = PRequest.Prepare(SECTION, LIST, postdata);

        yield return(www);

        List <T> challenges    = null;
        int      numchallenges = 0;
        var      response      = default(QuickResponse <ListChallengeResponse <T> >);

        if (PRequest.WWWSuccess(www))
            string data = www.text;

            Thread t = new Thread(() =>
                response = PRequest.FastProcessUnityThread <ListChallengeResponse <T> >(data);


            // wait for thread to finish
            while (t.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running)
                yield return(null);
            response = new QuickResponse <ListChallengeResponse <T> > {
                success = false, errorcode = 1

        if (response.success)
            var challengeArray = response.ResponseObject.challenges;

            challenges = new List <T>();

            for (int i = 0; i < challengeArray.Length; i++)

            numchallenges = challenges.Count;

        var resp = new PResponse {
            errorcode = response.errorcode, success = response.success

        callback(challenges, numchallenges, resp);
Beispiel #14
    private IEnumerator SendRequest(string section, string action, Action <PlayerCountry, PResponse> callback)
        var www = PRequest.Prepare(section, action);

        yield return(www);

        var response = PRequest.Process(www);
        var data     = response.success ? response.json : null;

        callback(new PlayerCountry(data), response);
Beispiel #15
    private IEnumerator sendReplay(Dictionary <string, object> postdata, Action <bool> callback)
        var www = PRequest.Prepare(SECTION, POSTRESULT, postdata);

        yield return(www);

        // no point threading this one due to tiny ammount of data
        var response = PRequest.FastProcess <ReplaySentResponse>(www);

Beispiel #16
 protected internal string RPCRequest(string url, string data)
         return(PRequest.StringRequest(url, data));
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new PandoraException(ErrorCodes.ERROR_RPC, e);
    private IEnumerator SendSaveLoadRequest <T>(string section, string action, Dictionary <string, object> postdata, Action <T, PResponse> callback) where T : PlayerLevel
        var www = PRequest.Prepare(section, action, postdata);

        yield return(www);

        var response = PRequest.Process(www);
        T   level    = default(T);

        if (response.success)
            level = (T) new PlayerLevel((Dictionary <string, object>)response.json["level"]);

        callback(level, response);
Beispiel #18
    private IEnumerator SendSaveLoadRequest(string section, string action, Dictionary <string, object> postdata, Action <PlayerLevel, PResponse> callback)
        var www = PRequest.Prepare(section, action, postdata);

        yield return(www);

        var         response = PRequest.Process(www);
        PlayerLevel level    = null;

        if (response.success)
            level = new PlayerLevel((Dictionary <string, object>)response.json["level"]);

        callback(level, response);
Beispiel #19
    private IEnumerator SendSaveLoadRequest <T>(string action,
                                                Dictionary <string, object> postdata,
                                                Action <T, PResponse> callback) where T : PlayerChallenge
        var www = PRequest.Prepare(SECTION, action, postdata);

        yield return(www);

        var response  = default(QuickResponse <UpdateChallengeResponse <T> >);
        var challenge = default(T);

        if (PRequest.WWWSuccess(www))
            string data = www.text;

            Thread t = new Thread(() =>
                response = PRequest.FastProcessUnityThread <UpdateChallengeResponse <T> >(data);


            // wait for thread to finish
            while (t.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running)
                yield return(null);
            response = new QuickResponse <UpdateChallengeResponse <T> > {
                success = false, errorcode = 1

        if (response.success)
            challenge = response.ResponseObject.challenge;

        var resp = new PResponse {
            success = response.success, errorcode = response.errorcode

        callback(challenge, resp);
Beispiel #20
    private IEnumerator getReplay <T>(string section, string action, Dictionary <string, object> postdata, Action <T, PResponse> callback)
        var www = PRequest.Prepare(section, action, postdata);

        yield return(www);

        var replay   = default(T);
        var response = new QuickResponse <GetReplayResponse <T> >();

        if (PRequest.WWWSuccess(www))
            string data = www.text;

            // spool deserialization off to another thread, allows UI to continue updating in the meantime
            Thread t = new Thread(() =>
                response = PRequest.FastProcessUnityThread <GetReplayResponse <T> >(data);

            // wait for thread to finish
            while (t.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running)
                yield return(null);

            if (response.success)
                replay = response.ResponseObject.challenge["replay"];
            response = new QuickResponse <GetReplayResponse <T> > {
                success = false, errorcode = 1

        var resp = new PResponse {
            errorcode = response.errorcode, success = response.success

        callback(replay, resp);
Beispiel #21
    public static QuickResponse <T> FastProcess <T>(WWW www) where T : ResponseBase
        var response = new QuickResponse <T>();

        if (!PRequest.WWWSuccess(www))
            response.errorcode = 1;
            response.success   = false;

        var results = LitJson.JsonMapper.ToObject <T>(www.text);

        response.success   = results.success;
        response.errorcode = results.errorcode;

        response.ResponseObject = results;
Beispiel #22
    private IEnumerator SendPing(Dictionary <string, object> postdata, int attempts)
        while (attempts > 0)
            var www = PRequest.Prepare(SECTION, PING, postdata);
            yield return(www);

            // no point threading this one due to tiny size of response
            var response = PRequest.FastProcess <ResponseBase>(www);

            // if successful exit
            if (response.success)

Beispiel #23
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the API.  You must do this before anything else.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="publickey">
    /// A <see cref="System.String"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="privatekey">
    /// A <see cref="System.String"/>
    /// </param>
    /// <param name="apiurl">
    /// A <see cref="System.String"/>
    /// </param>
    public static void Initialize(string publickey, string privatekey, string apiurl)
        if (_instance != null)

        var go = new GameObject("playtomic");


        _instance = go.AddComponent("Playtomic") as Playtomic;
        _instance._leaderboards = new PLeaderboards();
        _instance._playerlevels = new PPlayerLevels();
        _instance._geoip        = new PGeoIP();
        _instance._gamevars     = new PGameVars();
        _instance._achievements = new PAchievements();
        _instance._newsletter   = new PNewsletter();

        PRequest.Initialise(publickey, privatekey, apiurl);
Beispiel #24
    internal IEnumerator SendListRequest <T>(string section, string action, Action <List <T>, PResponse> callback, Dictionary <string, object> postdata = null) where T : PlayerAchievement
        var www = PRequest.Prepare(section, action, postdata);

        yield return(www);

        var response = PRequest.Process(www);
        var data     = response.success ? response.json : null;

        List <T> achievements = new List <T>();

        if (response.success)
            foreach (IDictionary achievment in (IList)data["achievements"])
                achievements.Add((T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), new object[] { achievment }));

        callback(achievements, response);
Beispiel #25
    private IEnumerator SendUpdate <T>(string section,
                                       string action,
                                       Dictionary <string, object> postdata,
                                       Action <bool, PResponse> callback) where T : PlayerChallenge, new()
        var www = PRequest.Prepare(section, action, postdata);

        yield return(www);

        var response = default(QuickResponse <ReplaySentResponse>);

        if (PRequest.WWWSuccess(www))
            string data = www.text;
            Thread t    = new Thread(() =>
                response = PRequest.FastProcessUnityThread <ReplaySentResponse>(data);


            // wait for thread to finish
            while (t.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running)
                yield return(null);
            response = new QuickResponse <ReplaySentResponse> {
                success = false, errorcode = 1

        var resp = new PResponse {
            errorcode = response.errorcode, success = response.success

        callback(response.success, resp);
Beispiel #26
    internal IEnumerator SendStreamRequest(string section, string action, Action <List <PlayerAward>, int, PResponse> callback, Dictionary <string, object> postdata = null)
        var www = PRequest.Prepare(section, action, postdata);

        yield return(www);

        var response = PRequest.Process(www);
        var data     = response.success ? response.json : null;

        int numachievements = 0;

        int.TryParse(data["numachievements"].ToString(), out numachievements);

        var achievements = new List <PlayerAward>();

        if (response.success)
            var acharray = (List <object>)data["achievements"];
            achievements.AddRange(from object t in acharray select new PlayerAward((Dictionary <string, object>)t));

        callback(achievements, numachievements, response);
Beispiel #27
        public Station(Pandora p, JToken d)
            SkipLimitReached = false;
            SkipLimitTime    = DateTime.MinValue;

            _pandora = p;

            ID         = d["stationId"].ToString();
            IdToken    = d["stationToken"].ToString();
            IsCreator  = !d["isShared"].ToObject <bool>();
            IsQuickMix = d["isQuickMix"].ToObject <bool>();
            Name       = d["stationName"].ToString();
            InfoUrl    = (string)d["stationDetailUrl"];


            if (IsQuickMix)
                Name = "Quick Mix";
                var qmIDs = d["quickMixStationIds"].ToObject <string[]>();
                foreach (var qmid in qmIDs)

            bool downloadArt = true;

            if (!_pandora.ImageCachePath.Equals("") && File.Exists(ArtCacheFile))
                    ArtImage = File.ReadAllBytes(ArtCacheFile);
                catch (Exception)
                    Log.O("Error retrieving image cache file: " + ArtCacheFile);
                    downloadArt = true;

                downloadArt = false;

            if (downloadArt)
                var value = d.SelectToken("artUrl");
                if (value != null)
                    ArtUrl = value.ToString();

                    if (ArtUrl != String.Empty)
                            ArtImage = PRequest.ByteRequest(ArtUrl);
                            if (ArtImage.Length > 0)
                                File.WriteAllBytes(ArtCacheFile, ArtImage);
                        catch (Exception)
                            Log.O("Error saving image cache file: " + ArtCacheFile);
Beispiel #28
 public static void SetCredentials(string publickey, string privatekey, string apiurl)
     PRequest.Initialise(publickey, privatekey, apiurl);
Beispiel #29
        public Song(Pandora p, JToken song)
            metaDict = new Dictionary <object, object>();

            _pandora = p;

            TrackToken = (string)song["trackToken"];
            Artist     = (string)song["artistName"];
            Album      = (string)song["albumName"];

            AmazonAlbumID = (string)song["amazonAlbumDigitalAsin"];
            AmazonTrackID = (string)song["amazonSongDigitalAsin"];

            var aacUrl = string.Empty;

                aacUrl = (string)song["audioUrlMap"]["highQuality"]["audioUrl"];
            catch { }

            if (_pandora.AudioFormat == PAudioFormat.AACPlus)
                if (aacUrl == string.Empty)
                    throw new PandoraException(ErrorCodes.NO_AUDIO_URLS);

                AudioUrl = aacUrl;
                string[] songUrls = null;
                    if (song["additionalAudioUrl"].HasValues)
                        songUrls = song["additionalAudioUrl"].ToObject <string[]>();
                        songUrls = new string[] { (string)song["additionalAudioUrl"] }
                catch { }

                if (songUrls == null || songUrls.Length == 0)
                    if (aacUrl != string.Empty)
                        AudioUrl = aacUrl;
                        throw new PandoraException(ErrorCodes.NO_AUDIO_URLS);
                else if (songUrls.Length == 1)
                    AudioUrl = songUrls[0];
                else if (songUrls.Length > 1)
                    if (_pandora.AudioFormat == PAudioFormat.MP3_HIFI)
                        if (songUrls.Length >= 2)
                            AudioUrl = songUrls[1];
                            AudioUrl = songUrls[0];
                    else //default to PAudioFormat.MP3
                        AudioUrl = songUrls[0];

            double gain = 0.0;

            double.TryParse(((string)song["trackGain"]), out gain);
            FileGain = gain;

            Rating          = (((int)song["songRating"]) > 0 ? : SongRating.none);
            StationID       = (string)song["stationId"];
            SongTitle       = (string)song["songName"];
            SongDetailUrl   = (string)song["songDetailUrl"];
            ArtistDetailUrl = (string)song["artistDetailUrl"];
            AlbumDetailUrl  = (string)song["albumDetailUrl"];
            AlbumArtUrl     = (string)song["albumArtUrl"];

            Tired        = false;
            StartTime    = DateTime.MinValue;
            Finished     = false;
            PlaylistTime = Time.Unix();

            if (!AlbumArtUrl.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    AlbumImage = PRequest.ByteRequest(AlbumArtUrl);
                catch { }