private Rect tempRect; ///< @brief Temporary rectangle which sets the position of items (defined here to avoid creating on the fly).
    /// @brief mono-behavior start for initialization
    void Start()
        m_mode = SkeletonGUIModes.SkeletonMode;
        // initialize all the external links
        if (m_input == null)
            m_input = FindObjectOfType(typeof(NIInput)) as NIInput;
            if (m_input == null)
                throw new System.Exception("Please add an NIInput object to the scene");

        if (m_settings == null)
            m_settings = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
            if (m_settings == null)
                throw new System.Exception("Please add an OpenNISettingsManager object to the scene");
        // a rect used later, this is mainly an initialization
        tempRect        = new Rect();
        tempRect.x      = Screen.width / 2 - 60;
        tempRect.y      = Screen.height / 2 - 20;
        tempRect.width  = 120;
        tempRect.height = 40;
        m_controllers   = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(NISkeletonController)) as NISkeletonController[];
        NIGUI.SetActive(false); // we don't want to see the cursor yet so we deactivate NIGUI
	void Start () 

		// Below is only for Kinect 1
        settingsManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
		if (settingsManager == null || !settingsManager.UserGenrator.Valid || settingsManager.CurrentContext.Depth == null)
            Kinect1Update = false;

        depthGenerator = new OpenNI.DepthGenerator(settingsManager.CurrentContext.BasicContext);        

        OpenNI.MapOutputMode mapOutputMode = settingsManager.CurrentContext.Depth.MapOutputMode;
        width = mapOutputMode.XRes / factor;
        height = mapOutputMode.YRes / factor;
        texture = new Texture2D(width, height);

        depthMap = new short[(int)(mapOutputMode.XRes * mapOutputMode.YRes)];
        depthHistogramMap = new float[settingsManager.CurrentContext.Depth.DeviceMaxDepth];

        metaData = new OpenNI.DepthMetaData();

        mapPixels = new Color[width * height];
Beispiel #3
    void Start()
        settingsManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;

        if (!settingsManager.UserGenrator.Valid || settingsManager.CurrentContext.Depth == null)
            update = false;

        depthGenerator = new OpenNI.DepthGenerator(settingsManager.CurrentContext.BasicContext);

        OpenNI.MapOutputMode mapOutputMode = settingsManager.CurrentContext.Depth.MapOutputMode;
        width   = mapOutputMode.XRes / factor;
        height  = mapOutputMode.YRes / factor;
        texture = new Texture2D(width, height);

        depthMap          = new short[(int)(mapOutputMode.XRes * mapOutputMode.YRes)];
        depthHistogramMap = new float[settingsManager.CurrentContext.Depth.DeviceMaxDepth];

        metaData = new OpenNI.DepthMetaData();

        mapPixels = new Color[width * height];
Beispiel #4
    /// mono-behavior start (called on initialization)
	public void Awake () 
        m_players = new List<InternalSkeleton>();
        if (m_contextManager == null)
            m_contextManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;

 /// A method for initialization. It is called from the mono-behavior start method.
 /// @note if an extending class overwrite start, they should either call base.Start or simply call this
 /// method!
 protected virtual void InternalStart()
     if (m_context == null)
         m_context = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
     if (m_context == null || m_context.Valid == false)
         string str = "Context is invalid";
         if (m_context == null)
             str = "Context is null";
         m_valid = false;
     if (InitTexture(out m_mapTexture, out XRes, out YRes) == false || m_mapTexture == null)
         m_context.m_Logger.Log("Failed to init texture", NIEventLogger.Categories.Errors, NIEventLogger.Sources.BaseObjects);
         m_valid = false;
     m_mapPixels = new Color[XRes * YRes];
     m_valid     = true;
	public RUISKinectFloorDataCalibrationProcess(RUISCalibrationProcessSettings calibrationSettings) 
		this.calibrationPhaseObjects = calibrationSettings.calibrationPhaseObjects;
		this.calibrationResultPhaseObjects = calibrationSettings.calibrationResultPhaseObjects;
		this.deviceModelObjects = calibrationSettings.deviceModelObjects;
		this.depthViewObjects = calibrationSettings.depthViewObjects;
		this.iconObjects = calibrationSettings.iconObjects;
		this.floorPlane = GameObject.Find ("Floor");
		foreach (Transform child in this.deviceModelObjects.transform)
		foreach (Transform child in this.depthViewObjects.transform)
		foreach (Transform child in this.iconObjects.transform)
		this.xmlFilename = calibrationSettings.xmlFilename;
		coordinateSystem = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISCoordinateSystem)) as RUISCoordinateSystem;
//		kinectSelection = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(NIPlayerManagerCOMSelection)) as NIPlayerManagerCOMSelection;
		settingsManager = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
    /// editor OnInspectorGUI to control the NIEventLogger properties
    override public void OnInspectorGUI()
        EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
        NIUserPoseGestureFactory detector = target as NIUserPoseGestureFactory;

        string[] legalPoses = NIUserAndSkeleton.GetLegalPoses();

        if (legalPoses != null)
            int selectedIndex;
            if (detector.m_poseName == null)
                selectedIndex = 0;
                for (selectedIndex = 0; selectedIndex < legalPoses.Length; selectedIndex++)
                    if (detector.m_poseName.CompareTo(legalPoses[selectedIndex]) == 0)
            if (selectedIndex >= legalPoses.Length)
                selectedIndex = 0;
            selectedIndex       = EditorGUILayout.Popup("pose to detect", selectedIndex, legalPoses);
            detector.m_poseName = legalPoses[selectedIndex];
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Pose to detect", detector.m_poseName);

        detector.m_timeToHoldPose = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Time to hold pose", detector.m_timeToHoldPose);
        if (detector.m_timeToHoldPose < 0)
            detector.m_timeToHoldPose = 0;

        detector.m_Context = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Context", detector.m_Context, typeof(OpenNISettingsManager), true) as OpenNISettingsManager;

        if (EditorApplication.isPlaying == false)
            if (GUILayout.Button("Update legal poses (might take some time)"))

        if (GUI.changed)
Beispiel #8
 /// this method does initialization when the Awake method is called. It should be overriden instead
 /// of Awake...
 protected virtual void InternalAwake()
     m_valid = false;
     if (m_context == null)
         m_context = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
    private Texture2D m_texture; ///< @brief Internal texture to draw a specific color 

    /// mono-behavior initialization
    void Start()
        m_style = new GUIStyle();
        m_texture = new Texture2D(1, 1);
		if (m_context == null)
            m_context = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;

    protected float m_timePlayerSelected; ///< @brief The time (Time.Time) when the player was SELECTED

    #endregion Fields

    #region Constructors

    // end implement interface
    /// @brief Constructor
    /// @param settingsManager The settings manager to use
    /// @param userID The user id of the user this relates to.
    public NIPlayerCandidateObject(OpenNISettingsManager settingsManager, int userID)
        m_settingsManager = settingsManager;
        settingsManager.UserGenrator.Skeleton.CalibrationComplete += new EventHandler<CalibrationProgressEventArgs>(CalibrationEndCallback);

        m_openNIUserID = userID;
        m_referenceSkeletonJointTransform=new Dictionary<SkeletonJoint,SkeletonJointTransformation>();
 /// base constructor
 /// @param timeToHoldPose The time the user is required to hold the pose.
 /// @param poseName The name of the pose to detect
 /// @param context The OpenNISettingsManager to use to get the basic OpenNI nodes
 public NIUserPoseDetector(float timeToHoldPose, string poseName, OpenNISettingsManager context)
     m_timeToHoldPose = timeToHoldPose;
     if (m_timeToHoldPose < 0)
         m_timeToHoldPose = 0;
     m_context = context;
     m_poseName = poseName;
 /// this creates the correct object implementation of the tracker
 /// @return the tracker object. 
 protected override NIGestureTracker GetNewTrackerObject()
     if (m_Context == null)
         m_Context = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
     NIUserPoseDetector gestureTracker = new NIUserPoseDetector(m_timeToHoldPose,m_poseName,m_Context);
     return gestureTracker;
    // end implement interface

    /// @brief Constructor
    /// @param settingsManager The settings manager to use
    /// @param userID The user id of the user this relates to.
    public NIPlayerCandidateObject(OpenNISettingsManager settingsManager, int userID)
        m_settingsManager = settingsManager;
        settingsManager.UserGenrator.Skeleton.CalibrationComplete += new EventHandler <CalibrationProgressEventArgs>(CalibrationEndCallback);

        m_openNIUserID = userID;
        m_referenceSkeletonJointTransform = new Dictionary <SkeletonJoint, SkeletonJointTransformation>();
 /// mono-behavior initialization
 void Start()
     m_style   = new GUIStyle();
     m_texture = new Texture2D(1, 1);
     if (m_context == null)
         m_context = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
 /// mono-behavior Start for initialization
 public void Start()
     if (m_context == null)
         m_context = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
     if (m_manager == null)
         m_manager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
     if (m_manager == null)
         throw new System.Exception("Cannot do anything without an OpenNISettingsManager object");
 /// mono-behavior awake (initialization)
 public void Awake()
     if (m_context == null)
         m_context = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
     if (m_trackers.Length <= 0)
         return; // nothing to do, there are no trackers
     m_references=new int[m_trackers.Length];
     for(int i=0; i<m_trackers.Length; i++)
Beispiel #17
    /// this creates the correct object implementation of the tracker
    /// @return the tracker object.
    protected override UNIGestureTracker GetNewTrackerObject()
        if (m_Context == null)
            m_Context = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
        UNIUserPoseDetector gestureTracker = new UNIUserPoseDetector(m_timeToHoldPose, m_poseName, m_Context);

Beispiel #18
    // protected methods

    /// an internal method to initialize the context.
    /// @param newContext the context to initialize
    /// @return true on success (which also initializes the context) and false on failure
    /// (releasing is the responsibility of the caller)
    protected virtual bool InitContext(OpenNISettingsManager newContext)
        // checks we have a context and hands.
        if (newContext.Valid == false)
            newContext.Log("received invalid context!", NIEventLogger.Categories.Initialization, NIEventLogger.Sources.Hands, NIEventLogger.VerboseLevel.Errors);
        m_context = newContext;
 /// base constructor
 /// @param timeToHoldPose The time the user is required to hold the pose.
 /// @param poseName The name of the pose to detect
 /// @param context The OpenNISettingsManager to use to get the basic OpenNI nodes
 public NIUserPoseDetector(float timeToHoldPose, string poseName, OpenNISettingsManager context)
     m_timeToHoldPose = timeToHoldPose;
     if (m_timeToHoldPose < 0)
         m_timeToHoldPose = 0;
     m_firedEvent = false;
     m_context    = context;
     m_poseName   = poseName;
Beispiel #20
 /// @brief Internal method to initialize the player manager
 /// @note InternalInit is called from the mono behavior @ref Start method. It assumes the players
 /// (see @ref InitPlayers) were initialized before (during @ref Awake);
 protected virtual void InternalInit()
     if (m_contextManager == null)
         m_contextManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
     if (m_contextManager == null)
         throw new NullReferenceException("No context manager in NIPlayerManager");
     m_contextManager.UserGenrator.UserNode.NewUser  += new EventHandler <NewUserEventArgs>(NewUserCallback);
     m_contextManager.UserGenrator.UserNode.LostUser += new EventHandler <UserLostEventArgs>(LostUserCallback);
     m_users = new List <NIPlayerCandidateObject>();
 /// mono-behavior awake (initialization)
 public void Awake()
     if (m_context == null)
         m_context = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
     if (m_trackers.Length <= 0)
         return; // nothing to do, there are no trackers
     m_references = new int[m_trackers.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < m_trackers.Length; i++)
         m_references[i] = 0;
Beispiel #22
    void Start()
        coordinateSystem = FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISCoordinateSystem)) as RUISCoordinateSystem;
        Quaternion dictionaryFloorNormal       = coordinateSystem.RUISCalibrationResultsFloorPitchRotation[coordinateSystem.rootDevice];
        float      dictionaryDistanceFromFloor = coordinateSystem.RUISCalibrationResultsDistanceFromFloor[coordinateSystem.rootDevice];
        Vector3    normalVector = dictionaryFloorNormal * Vector3.up;

        coordinateSystem.SetFloorNormal(normalVector, coordinateSystem.rootDevice);
        coordinateSystem.SetDistanceFromFloor(dictionaryDistanceFromFloor, coordinateSystem.rootDevice);

        //check whether the kinect camera is actually connected
        if (enableKinect)
            OpenNISettingsManager settingsManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
            if (settingsManager.UserGenrator == null || !settingsManager.UserGenrator.Valid)
                Debug.LogError("Could not start OpenNI! Check your Kinect connection.");
                GetComponentInChildren <RUISKinectDisabler>().KinectNotAvailable();

        if (!enableKinect2)
            Debug.Log("Kinect 2 is disabled from RUISInputManager.");
            BodySourceManager kinect2Manager = GetComponentInChildren <BodySourceManager>();
            if (kinect2Manager)

        if ((enableKinect && kinectFloorDetection) || (enableKinect2 && kinect2FloorDetection))

        if (enablePSMove)
            RUISPSMoveWand[] controllers = GetComponentsInChildren <RUISPSMoveWand>();
            moveControllers = new RUISPSMoveWand[controllers.Length];
            foreach (RUISPSMoveWand controller in controllers)
                moveControllers[controller.controllerId] = controller;
Beispiel #23
    /// @brief performs the initialization
    /// This method performs the initialization of the hand to a specific context.
    /// @note in most cases child classes should NOT override this method but rather instead
    /// override InitInternalStructures
    /// @param newContext the context to use.
    /// @return true on success, false on failure.
    public virtual bool InitTracking(OpenNISettingsManager newContext)
        StopTracking(); // to make sure it is released.
        if (InitContext(newContext) == false)

        if (InitInternalStructures() == false)
        m_valid = true;
    // Doesn't seem to matter whether floor normal and point is constantly improved or just once in the beginning
//	void Update()
//	{
//		if(enableKinect && kinectFloorDetection && !enablePSMove)
//		{
//			updateKinectFloorData();
//		}
//	}

    public void StartFloorDetection()
        bool startDetection = false;

        if (enableKinect)
            kinectFloorDetection = true;

            if (sceneAnalyzer == null)
                    OpenNISettingsManager niSettings = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
                    if (niSettings != null && niSettings.CurrentContext != null && niSettings.CurrentContext.BasicContext != null)
                        sceneAnalyzer = new OpenNI.SceneAnalyzer(niSettings.CurrentContext.BasicContext);
                    if (sceneAnalyzer != null)
                catch (System.Exception e)
                Debug.Log("OpenNI: Starting sceneAnalyzer for floor detection purposes.");
            startDetection = true;

        if (enableKinect2)
            startDetection = true;

        if (startDetection)
            Debug.LogError("Kinect is not enabled! You can enable it from RUIS InputManager.");
Beispiel #25
 /// this method makes sure we are initialized when we reach
 protected virtual void InternalInit()
     if (m_context == null)
         m_context = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
         if (m_context == null)
             throw new System.Exception("Hands manager needs a valid NIConfigurableContextManager to work");
     if (m_context.Valid == false)
         throw new System.Exception("Hands manager needs a valid NIConfigurableContextManager to work");
     m_handsControl = NIHandControl.Instance;
     m_handsControl.Init(m_context.m_Logger, m_context.CurrentContext, m_focusGesture, m_refocusGesture);
     m_initializedHands = true;
    /// @brief Method to reload all nodes
    /// This method is used by inspectors to load and unload the relevant nodes when those are currently
    /// not loaded.
    public static void InspectorReloadAnInstance()
        NIEventLogger         loggerInstance  = FindObjectOfType(typeof(NIEventLogger)) as NIEventLogger;
        bool                  awakenLogger    = false;
        NIQuery               queryInstance   = FindObjectOfType(typeof(NIQuery)) as NIQuery;
        bool                  awakenQuery     = false;
        OpenNISettingsManager managerInstance = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;

        if (managerInstance == null)
            Debug.LogError("Please Add an OpenNISettingsManager object to the scene");
        if (managerInstance.Valid)
            return; // it is already up, nothing to do...
        if (loggerInstance != null && loggerInstance.Initialized == false)
            awakenLogger = true;
        if (queryInstance != null && queryInstance.Initialized == false)
            awakenQuery = true;
        if (managerInstance.UserSkeletonValid == false)
            Debug.LogError("No user generator available. Please make sure the user generator is active");
        if (awakenQuery)
        if (awakenLogger)
Beispiel #27
    protected void InitInspector()
        OpenNISettingsManager openNISettings = target as OpenNISettingsManager;

        openNISettings.m_initMirroring = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Mirror behavior", openNISettings.m_initMirroring);

        openNISettings.m_useImageGenerator = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use image generator?", openNISettings.m_useImageGenerator);
        openNISettings.m_useSkeleton       = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use skeleton generator?", openNISettings.m_useSkeleton);

        if (openNISettings.m_useSkeleton && openNISettings.m_useSkeleton)
            EditorGUI.indentLevel           += 2;
            openNISettings.m_smoothingFactor = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Smoothing factor:", openNISettings.m_smoothingFactor);
            EditorGUI.indentLevel           -= 2;
        //initialize the logger and query objects
        openNISettings.m_logger = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Logger object", openNISettings.m_logger, typeof(UNIEventLogger), true) as UNIEventLogger;
        openNISettings.m_query  = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Query object", openNISettings.m_query, typeof(UNIQuery), true) as UNIQuery;

        m_myContent.text             = "XML file";
        m_myContent.tooltip          = "Initialize from XML file.";
        openNISettings.m_XMLFileName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(m_myContent, openNISettings.m_XMLFileName);

        m_myContent.text    = "Playback filename";
        m_myContent.tooltip = "If this is not empty,it will hold the filename of a recording. NOTE: if XML is defing,this is ignored.";
        //m_myContent.image = openNISettings.m_texture;
        openNISettings.m_recordingFileName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(m_myContent, openNISettings.m_recordingFileName);

        m_myContent.text    = "Reset floor normal";
        m_myContent.tooltip = "If floor normal is updated in the game, it remains between game.If a new normal should be calculated,reset it between games.Note: this is only relevant while playing again and again in the editor as the normal will automationally be reset whenever the program is started again.";
        if (GUILayout.Button(m_myContent))

        if (GUI.changed)
    /// This method creates the inspector when the program is NOT running. In this mode we
    /// allow initialization but do not show any running information
    protected void InitInspector()
        // for easy access to the object
        OpenNISettingsManager OpenNISettings = target as OpenNISettingsManager;

        // set the default mirroring.
        OpenNISettings.m_initMirroring = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Mirror behavior ", OpenNISettings.m_initMirroring);
        // chooses the xml file. In most implementations this should be empty!

        OpenNISettings.m_XMLFileName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("XML file", OpenNISettings.m_XMLFileName);
        // set image generator use.
        OpenNISettings.m_useImageGenerator = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use image generator?", OpenNISettings.m_useImageGenerator);

        // set skeleton generator use.
        // show user and skeleton control status
        OpenNISettings.m_useSkeleton = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use user and skeleton?", OpenNISettings.m_useSkeleton);
        if (OpenNISettings.m_useSkeleton && OpenNISettings.m_useSkeleton)
            EditorGUI.indentLevel           += 2;
            OpenNISettings.m_smoothingFactor = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Smoothing factor:", OpenNISettings.m_smoothingFactor);
            EditorGUI.indentLevel           -= 2;

        // initialize the logger and query objects
        OpenNISettings.m_Logger         = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Logger object", OpenNISettings.m_Logger, typeof(NIEventLogger), true) as NIEventLogger;
        OpenNISettings.m_query          = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Query object", OpenNISettings.m_query, typeof(NIQuery), true) as NIQuery;
        m_myContent.text                = "Use Playback mode";
        m_myContent.tooltip             = "If this is checked then the game will use playback mode playing back sensor data from a recording. Please remember to set the XML file accordingly. See the documentation for more info";
        OpenNISettings.m_playerbackMode = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(m_myContent, OpenNISettings.m_playerbackMode);
        m_myContent.text                = "Reset floor normal";
        m_myContent.tooltip             = "If floor normal is updated in the game, it remains between games. If a new normal should be calculated, reset it between games. Note: this is only relevant while playing again and again in the editor as the normal will automatically be reset whenever the program is started again";
        if (GUILayout.Button(m_myContent))
        if (GUI.changed)
Beispiel #29
    public RUISKinectFloorDataCalibrationProcess(RUISCalibrationProcessSettings calibrationSettings)
        this.calibrationPhaseObjects       = calibrationSettings.calibrationPhaseObjects;
        this.calibrationResultPhaseObjects = calibrationSettings.calibrationResultPhaseObjects;

        this.deviceModelObjects = calibrationSettings.deviceModelObjects;
        this.depthViewObjects   = calibrationSettings.depthViewObjects;
        this.iconObjects        = calibrationSettings.iconObjects;

        this.floorPlane = GameObject.Find("Floor");

        foreach (Transform child in this.deviceModelObjects.transform)

        foreach (Transform child in this.depthViewObjects.transform)

        foreach (Transform child in this.iconObjects.transform)

        if (this.calibrationPhaseObjects)
        if (this.calibrationResultPhaseObjects)
        this.xmlFilename = calibrationSettings.xmlFilename;
        coordinateSystem = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISCoordinateSystem)) as RUISCoordinateSystem;
//		kinectSelection = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(NIPlayerManagerCOMSelection)) as NIPlayerManagerCOMSelection;
        settingsManager = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
Beispiel #30
    public RUISKinectToOculusDK2CalibrationProcess(RUISCalibrationProcessSettings calibrationSettings)
        this.inputDevice1 = RUISDevice.Oculus_DK2;
        this.inputDevice2 = RUISDevice.Kinect_1;

        this.numberOfSamplesToTake    = calibrationSettings.numberOfSamplesToTake;
        this.numberOfSamplesPerSecond = calibrationSettings.numberOfSamplesPerSecond;

        trackingIDs = new trackedBody[6];
        for (int y = 0; y < trackingIDs.Length; y++)
            trackingIDs[y] = new trackedBody(-1, false, 1);

        inputManager     = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISInputManager)) as RUISInputManager;
        coordinateSystem = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISCoordinateSystem)) as RUISCoordinateSystem;
        kinectSelection  = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(NIPlayerManagerCOMSelection)) as NIPlayerManagerCOMSelection;
        settingsManager  = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;

        this.timeSinceScriptStart = 0;
        this.timeBetweenSamples   = 1 / (float)numberOfSamplesPerSecond;

        // Limit sample rate
        if (this.timeBetweenSamples < 0.1f)
            this.timeBetweenSamples = 0.1f;

        calibrationSpheres = new List <GameObject>();

        samples_Kinect1   = new List <Vector3>();
        samples_OculusDK2 = new List <Vector3>();

        this.calibrationCube               = calibrationSettings.calibrationCubePrefab;
        this.calibrationSphere             = calibrationSettings.calibrationSpherePrefab;
        this.calibrationPhaseObjects       = calibrationSettings.calibrationPhaseObjects;
        this.calibrationResultPhaseObjects = calibrationSettings.calibrationResultPhaseObjects;

        this.deviceModelObjects = calibrationSettings.deviceModelObjects;
        this.depthViewObjects   = calibrationSettings.depthViewObjects;
        this.iconObjects        = calibrationSettings.iconObjects;

        if (GameObject.Find("PSMoveWand") != null)

        // Models
        this.oculusDK2CameraObject = GameObject.Find("OculusDK2Camera");
        this.kinect1ModelObject    = GameObject.Find("KinectCamera");
        this.oculusRiftModel       = GameObject.Find("OculusRift");

        FixedFollowTransform followTransform = Component.FindObjectOfType <FixedFollowTransform>();

        if (followTransform && this.oculusRiftModel)
            followTransform.transformToFollow = this.oculusRiftModel.transform;

        // Depth view
        this.depthView = GameObject.Find("KinectDepthView");

        // Icons
        this.oculusDK2Icon = GameObject.Find("OculusDK2 Icon");
        this.kinectIcon    = GameObject.Find("Kinect Icon");

        this.floorPlane = GameObject.Find("Floor");

        if (this.oculusDK2Icon && this.oculusDK2Icon.GetComponent <GUITexture>())
            this.oculusDK2Icon.GetComponent <GUITexture>().pixelInset = new Rect(5.1f, 10.0f, 70.0f, 70.0f);

        foreach (Transform child in this.deviceModelObjects.transform)

        foreach (Transform child in this.depthViewObjects.transform)

        foreach (Transform child in this.iconObjects.transform)

        if (this.oculusDK2CameraObject)
        if (this.kinect1ModelObject)
        if (this.oculusRiftModel)
        if (this.oculusDK2Icon)
        if (this.kinectIcon)
        if (this.calibrationPhaseObjects)
        if (this.calibrationResultPhaseObjects)
        if (this.depthView)
        this.xmlFilename = calibrationSettings.xmlFilename;
 /// A method for initialization. It is called from the mono-behavior start method.
 /// @note if an extending class overwrite start, they should either call base.Start or simply call this 
 /// method!
 protected virtual void InternalStart()
     if (m_context == null)
         m_context = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
     if (m_context==null || m_context.Valid == false)
         string str = "Context is invalid";
         if (m_context == null)
             str = "Context is null";
         m_valid = false;
     if(InitTexture(out m_mapTexture, out XRes, out YRes)==false || m_mapTexture==null)
         m_context.m_Logger.Log("Failed to init texture", NIEventLogger.Categories.Initialization, NIEventLogger.Sources.BaseObjects, NIEventLogger.VerboseLevel.Errors);
     m_mapPixels = new Color[XRes * YRes];
     m_valid = true;
Beispiel #32
    void Start()
        Quaternion dictionaryFloorNormal       = coordinateSystem.RUISCalibrationResultsFloorPitchRotation[coordinateSystem.rootDevice];
        float      dictionaryDistanceFromFloor = coordinateSystem.RUISCalibrationResultsDistanceFromFloor[coordinateSystem.rootDevice];
        Vector3    normalVector = dictionaryFloorNormal * Vector3.up;

        coordinateSystem.SetFloorNormal(normalVector, coordinateSystem.rootDevice);
        coordinateSystem.SetDistanceFromFloor(dictionaryDistanceFromFloor, coordinateSystem.rootDevice);

        //check whether the kinect camera is actually connected
        if (enableKinect)
            OpenNISettingsManager settingsManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
            if (settingsManager.UserGenrator == null || !settingsManager.UserGenrator.Valid)
                Debug.LogError("Could not start OpenNI! Check your Kinect connection.");
                GetComponentInChildren <RUISKinectDisabler>().KinectNotAvailable();

        if (!enableKinect2)
            Debug.Log("Kinect 2 is disabled from RUISInputManager.");
            BodySourceManager kinect2Manager = GetComponentInChildren <BodySourceManager>();
            if (kinect2Manager)
            bool kinect2FoundBySystem = false;
                Kinect2SourceManager kinect2SourceManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(Kinect2SourceManager)) as Kinect2SourceManager;

                if (kinect2SourceManager != null && kinect2SourceManager.GetSensor() != null && kinect2SourceManager.GetSensor().IsOpen)
                    // IsOpen seems to return false mostly if Kinect 2 drivers are not installed?
//					Debug.Log("Kinect 2 was detected by the system.");
                    kinect2FoundBySystem = true;
                    Debug.LogError("Kinect 2 was NOT detected by the system. Disabling Kinect 2 in RUISInputManager.");
            catch (System.Exception e)
                Debug.LogError("Kinect 2 was NOT detected by the system. Disabling Kinect 2 in RUISInputManager.\n" + e.Message);

            if (!kinect2FoundBySystem)
                enableKinect2 = false;

        if ((enableKinect && kinectFloorDetection) || (enableKinect2 && kinect2FloorDetection))

        //if (enablePSMove)
        //      {
        //          RUISPSMoveWand[] controllers = GetComponentsInChildren<RUISPSMoveWand>();
        //          moveControllers = new RUISPSMoveWand[controllers.Length];
        //          foreach (RUISPSMoveWand controller in controllers)
        //          {
        //              moveControllers[controller.controllerId] = controller;
        //          }
        //      }
Beispiel #33
 /// @brief Constructor
 /// @param settingsManager The settings manager to use
 /// @param userID The user id of the user this relates to.
 public NIPlayerCOMCandidateObject(OpenNISettingsManager settingsManager, int userID) :
     base(settingsManager, userID)
    /// @brief mono-behavior start for initialization
    void Start()
        m_mode = SkeletonGUIModes.SkeletonMode;
        // initialize all the external links
            m_input = FindObjectOfType(typeof(NIInput)) as NIInput;
            if (m_input == null)
                throw new System.Exception("Please add an NIInput object to the scene");

        if (m_settings == null)
            m_settings = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
            if (m_settings == null)
                throw new System.Exception("Please add an OpenNISettingsManager object to the scene");
        // a rect used later, this is mainly an initialization
        tempRect = new Rect();
        tempRect.x = Screen.width / 2 - 60;
        tempRect.y = Screen.height / 2 - 20;
        tempRect.width = 120;
        tempRect.height = 40;
        m_controllers = FindObjectsOfType(typeof(NISkeletonController)) as NISkeletonController[];
        NIGUI.SetActive(false); // we don't want to see the cursor yet so we deactivate NIGUI
 /// @brief Constructor
 /// @param settingsManager The settings manager to use
 /// @param userID The user id of the user this relates to.
 public NIPlayerPoseCandidateObject(OpenNISettingsManager settingsManager, int userID) :
     base(settingsManager, userID)
     m_selectionOutOfPoseTime   = float.MaxValue; // we put max value to make sure that this time will never arrive
     m_unselectionOutOfPoseTime = float.MinValue; // we put min value to make sure that even subtracting a couple of seconds we will always be in the past
    /// @brief Constructor
 /// @param settingsManager The settings manager to use
 /// @param userID The user id of the user this relates to.
 public NIPlayerCOMCandidateObject(OpenNISettingsManager settingsManager, int userID) :
                    base(settingsManager, userID)
	public RUISKinect2ToKinectCalibrationProcess(RUISCalibrationProcessSettings calibrationSettings) {
		this.inputDevice1 = RUISDevice.Kinect_2;
		this.inputDevice2 = RUISDevice.Kinect_1;
		this.numberOfSamplesToTake = calibrationSettings.numberOfSamplesToTake;
		this.numberOfSamplesPerSecond = calibrationSettings.numberOfSamplesPerSecond;
		trackingIDs = new trackedBody[6]; 
		for(int y = 0; y < trackingIDs.Length; y++) {
			trackingIDs[y] = new trackedBody(-1, false, 1);
		kinectSelection = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(NIPlayerManagerCOMSelection)) as NIPlayerManagerCOMSelection;
		settingsManager = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
		inputManager = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISInputManager)) as RUISInputManager;
		coordinateSystem = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISCoordinateSystem)) as RUISCoordinateSystem;
		kinect2SourceManager = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(Kinect2SourceManager)) as Kinect2SourceManager;
		this.timeSinceScriptStart = 0;
		this.timeBetweenSamples = 1 / (float)numberOfSamplesPerSecond;
		// Limit sample rate
		if(this.timeBetweenSamples < 0.1f) {
			this.timeBetweenSamples = 0.1f;
		calibrationSpheres = new List<GameObject>();
		samples_Kinect1 = new List<Vector3>();
		samples_Kinect2 = new List<Vector3>();
		this.calibrationCube = calibrationSettings.calibrationCubePrefab;
		this.calibrationSphere = calibrationSettings.calibrationSpherePrefab;
		this.calibrationPhaseObjects = calibrationSettings.calibrationPhaseObjects;
		this.calibrationResultPhaseObjects = calibrationSettings.calibrationResultPhaseObjects;
		this.deviceModelObjects = calibrationSettings.deviceModelObjects;
		this.depthViewObjects = calibrationSettings.depthViewObjects;
		this.iconObjects = calibrationSettings.iconObjects;
		if(GameObject.Find ("PSMoveWand") != null)
			GameObject.Find ("PSMoveWand").SetActive(false);
		// Models
		this.kinect1ModelObject = GameObject.Find ("KinectCamera");
		this.kinect2ModelObject = GameObject.Find ("Kinect2Camera");
		RUISSkeletonController skeletonController = Component.FindObjectOfType<RUISSkeletonController>();
		Transform rightHand = null;
			rightHand = skeletonController.rightHand;
		FixedFollowTransform followTransform = Component.FindObjectOfType<FixedFollowTransform>();
		if(followTransform && rightHand)
			followTransform.transformToFollow = rightHand;
		// Depth view
		this.depthView = GameObject.Find ("KinectDepthView");
		this.depthView2 = GameObject.Find ("Kinect2DepthView");
		// Icons
		this.Kinect1Icon = GameObject.Find ("Kinect Icon");
		this.Kinect2Icon = GameObject.Find ("Kinect2 Icon");

		this.floorPlane = GameObject.Find ("Floor");

		if(this.Kinect1Icon && this.Kinect1Icon.GetComponent<GUITexture>())
			this.Kinect1Icon.GetComponent<GUITexture>().pixelInset = new Rect(5.1f, 10.0f, 70.0f, 70.0f);
		foreach (Transform child in this.deviceModelObjects.transform)
		foreach (Transform child in this.depthViewObjects.transform)
		foreach (Transform child in this.iconObjects.transform)
		this.xmlFilename = calibrationSettings.xmlFilename;
 /// Release the gesture
 public override void ReleaseGesture()
     if (m_context != null && m_context.UserSkeletonValid)
         NISkeletonTracker tracker = m_pointTracker as NISkeletonTracker;
             NISelectedPlayer player = tracker.GetTrackedPlayer();
             if (player != null && player.Valid && validRequestedPoseDetection)
                 m_context.UserGenrator.ReleasePoseDetection(m_poseName, player.OpenNIUserID);
     m_context = null;
     m_poseName = "";
     m_pointTracker = null;
    /// @brief Constructor
 /// @param settingsManager The settings manager to use
 /// @param userID The user id of the user this relates to.
 public NIPlayerPoseCandidateObject(OpenNISettingsManager settingsManager, int userID) :
                    base(settingsManager, userID)
     m_selectionOutOfPoseTime = float.MaxValue; // we put max value to make sure that this time will never arrive
     m_unselectionOutOfPoseTime = float.MinValue; // we put min value to make sure that even subtracting a couple of seconds we will always be in the past
 /// @brief Internal method to initialize the player manager
 /// @note InternalInit is called from the mono behavior @ref Start method. It assumes the players 
 /// (see @ref InitPlayers) were initialized before (during @ref Awake);
 protected virtual void InternalInit()
     if (m_contextManager == null)
         m_contextManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
     if (m_contextManager == null)
         throw new NullReferenceException("No context manager in NIPlayerManager");
     m_contextManager.UserGenrator.UserNode.NewUser += new EventHandler<NewUserEventArgs>(NewUserCallback);
     m_contextManager.UserGenrator.UserNode.LostUser += new EventHandler<UserLostEventArgs>(LostUserCallback);
     m_users = new List<NIPlayerCandidateObject>();
    /// This method creates the inspector when the program is running. In this mode we
    /// only show information on what is initialized, valid etc. but allow no changes.
    protected void RunInspector()
        // for easy access to the object
        OpenNISettingsManager OpenNISettings = target as OpenNISettingsManager;

        // basic test. If the object is invalid, nothing else matters.
        if (OpenNISettings.Valid == false)
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("NI was not initialized and therefore everything is invalid!", "");
        // show the mirror capability (global one from the context). Note, we can change the mirroring (To
        // allow showing mirrored/unmirrored viewers in realtime) but this should NOT be used except for that
        // purpose
        OpenNISettings.Mirror = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Mirror behavior ", OpenNISettings.Mirror);

        // show image generator status
        string str = "Not used";

        if (OpenNISettings.m_useImageGenerator)
            str = OpenNISettings.ImageValid ? "Valid" : "Invalid";
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Image Generator:", str);


        // show user and skeleton control status
        if (OpenNISettings.m_useSkeleton)
            str = OpenNISettings.UserSkeletonValid ? "user and skeleton control is Valid" : "user and skeleton control is Invalid";
            m_userAndSkeletonControlFoldout = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(m_userAndSkeletonControlFoldout, str);
            if (m_userAndSkeletonControlFoldout && OpenNISettings.UserSkeletonValid)
                EditorGUI.indentLevel += 2;
                IList <int> users = OpenNISettings.UserGenrator.Users;
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Identified " + users.Count + " users", "");
                for (int i = 0; i < users.Count; i++)
                    int userID = OpenNISettings.UserGenrator.GetNIUserId(users[i]);
                    NIUserAndSkeleton.CalibrationState state = OpenNISettings.UserGenrator.GetUserCalibrationState(userID);
                    Vector3 center = OpenNISettings.UserGenrator.GetUserCenterOfMass(userID);
                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("User:"******"" + i);
                    EditorGUI.indentLevel += 2;
                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("user id:", "" + userID);
                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("unique id:", "" + users[i]);
                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("calibration state:", "" + state);
                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("center of mass:", "" + center);
                    EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 2;
                OpenNISettings.SmoothFactor = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Smoothing factor:", OpenNISettings.SmoothFactor);
                EditorGUI.indentLevel      -= 2;
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("user and skeleton control:", "Not used");
Beispiel #42
    /// editor OnInspectorGUI to control the NIEventLogger properties
    override public void OnInspectorGUI()
        EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
        NIQuery query = target as NIQuery;

        if (query.Valid == false)
        if (query.m_queryDescriptions != null)
            if (m_queryFoldout == null || m_queryFoldout.Length != query.m_queryDescriptions.Length)
                m_queryFoldout = new bool[query.m_queryDescriptions.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < m_queryFoldout.Length; i++)
                    m_queryFoldout[i] = false;

            GUILayout.Label("Queries supported for " + query.m_queryDescriptions.Length + " nodes ");
            for (int i = 0; i < query.m_queryDescriptions.Length; i++)
                m_queryFoldout[i] = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(m_queryFoldout[i], "" + query.m_queryDescriptions[i].m_nodeType + " nodes query");
                if (m_queryFoldout[i])
                    EditorGUI.indentLevel += 2;
                    QueryDescription desc = query.m_queryDescriptions[i];
                    if (EditorApplication.isPlaying == false)
                        desc.m_nodeName   = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Node name", desc.m_nodeName);
                        desc.m_vendorName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Vendor name", desc.m_vendorName);
                        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Min version: ", desc.RequiresMinVersion() ? "Limited" : "no limitation");
                        desc.GetMinVersionArr(ref m_Version);
                        for (int j = 0; j < m_Version.Length; j++)
                            if (j != 0)
                                GUILayout.Label(".", GUILayout.MaxWidth(5));
                            m_Version[j] = EditorGUILayout.IntField(m_Version[j], GUILayout.MaxWidth(25));

                        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Max version: ", desc.RequiresMaxVersion() ? "Limited" : "no limitation");
                        desc.GetMaxVersionArr(ref m_Version);
                        for (int j = 0; j < m_Version.Length; j++)
                            if (j != 0)
                                GUILayout.Label(".", GUILayout.MaxWidth(5));
                            m_Version[j] = EditorGUILayout.IntField(m_Version[j], GUILayout.MaxWidth(25));
                    ProductionNodeDescription curNodeDesc;
                    if (OpenNISettingsManager.GetProductionNodeInformation(desc.m_nodeType, out curNodeDesc))
                        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Last node loaded was:", "");
                        EditorGUI.indentLevel += 2;
                        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Node name", curNodeDesc.Name);
                        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Vendor name", curNodeDesc.Vendor);
                        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Version:", "" + curNodeDesc.Version.Major + "." + curNodeDesc.Version.Minor + "." + curNodeDesc.Version.Maintenance + "." + curNodeDesc.Version.Build);
                        EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 2;
                        GUILayout.Label("    Load node to see its info");

                    EditorGUI.indentLevel       -= 2;
                    query.m_queryDescriptions[i] = desc;

        if (GUI.changed)
 /// @brief Releases all internal objects.
 /// Release all internal objects in a reverse order to initialization.
 /// @note after releasing this object becomes uninitialized!!!
 /// @note any who plan to override this must call the base at the END of the method (as
 /// InitTracking changes the context to null!).
 public virtual void StopTracking()
     m_valid = false;
     m_context = null;
Beispiel #44
 /// @brief Releases all internal objects.
 /// Release all internal objects in a reverse order to initialization.
 /// @note after releasing this object becomes uninitialized!!!
 /// @note any who plan to override this must call the base at the END of the method (as
 /// InitTracking changes the context to null!).
 public virtual void StopTracking()
     m_valid   = false;
     m_context = null;
    /// @brief performs the initialization
    /// This method performs the initialization of the hand to a specific context.
    /// @note in most cases child classes should NOT override this method but rather instead
    /// override InitInternalStructures
    /// @param newContext the context to use.
    /// @return true on success, false on failure.
    public virtual bool InitTracking(OpenNISettingsManager newContext)
        StopTracking(); // to make sure it is released.
        if (InitContext(newContext) == false)
            return false;

        if (InitInternalStructures() == false)
            return false;
        return true;
 /// this method does initialization when the Awake method is called. It should be overriden instead
 /// of Awake...
 protected virtual void InternalAwake()
     m_valid = false;
     if (m_context == null)
         m_context = FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
    protected override void DrawPlayerManager()
        AS_UNIPlayerManagerPoseSelection manager = target as AS_UNIPlayerManagerPoseSelection;

        string[] legalPose = UNIUserAndSkeleton.GetLegalPoses();
        if (legalPose != null)
            int selectedIndex;
            if (manager.m_PoseToSelect == null)
                selectedIndex = 0;
                for (selectedIndex = 0; selectedIndex < legalPose.Length; selectedIndex++)
                    if (manager.m_PoseToSelect.CompareTo(legalPose[selectedIndex]) == 0)
            if (selectedIndex >= legalPose.Length)
                selectedIndex = 0;
            selectedIndex          = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Pose to select", selectedIndex, legalPose);
            manager.m_PoseToSelect = legalPose[selectedIndex];

            bool useUnselectionPose = manager.m_PoseToUnselect != null && manager.m_PoseToUnselect.CompareTo("") != 0;
            useUnselectionPose = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use unselection pose", useUnselectionPose);
            if (useUnselectionPose == false)
                manager.m_PoseToUnselect = "";
                if (manager.m_PoseToUnselect == null)
                    selectedIndex = 0;
                    for (selectedIndex = 0; selectedIndex < legalPose.Length; selectedIndex++)
                        if (legalPose[selectedIndex] == manager.m_PoseToUnselect)
                if (selectedIndex >= legalPose.Length)
                    selectedIndex = 0;
                selectedIndex            = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Pose to unselect", selectedIndex, legalPose);
                manager.m_PoseToUnselect = legalPose[selectedIndex];
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Pose to select", manager.m_PoseToSelect);
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("pose to unselect", manager.m_PoseToUnselect);

        manager.m_timeToSwitch = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Time between switching", manager.m_timeToSwitch);
        if (manager.m_timeToSwitch < 0)
            manager.m_timeToSwitch = 0;

        if (EditorApplication.isPlaying == false)
            if (GUILayout.Button("Update legal pose"))
    // protected methods

    /// an internal method to initialize the context. 
    /// @param newContext the context to initialize
    /// @return true on success (which also initializes the context) and false on failure 
    /// (releasing is the responsibility of the caller)
    protected virtual bool InitContext(OpenNISettingsManager newContext)
        // checks we have a context and hands.
        if (newContext.Valid == false)
            newContext.Log("received invalid context!", NIEventLogger.Categories.Initialization, NIEventLogger.Sources.Hands, NIEventLogger.VerboseLevel.Errors);
            return false;
        m_context = newContext;
        return true;
    public RUISKinectToPSMoveCalibrationProcess(RUISCalibrationProcessSettings calibrationSettings)
        this.inputDevice1 = RUISDevice.Kinect_1;
        this.inputDevice2 = RUISDevice.PS_Move;

        this.numberOfSamplesToTake    = calibrationSettings.numberOfSamplesToTake;
        this.numberOfSamplesPerSecond = calibrationSettings.numberOfSamplesPerSecond;

        kinectSelection  = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(NIPlayerManagerCOMSelection)) as NIPlayerManagerCOMSelection;
        settingsManager  = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
        psMoveWrapper    = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(PSMoveWrapper)) as PSMoveWrapper;
        inputManager     = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISInputManager)) as RUISInputManager;
        coordinateSystem = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISCoordinateSystem)) as RUISCoordinateSystem;

        this.timeSinceScriptStart = 0;
        this.timeBetweenSamples   = 1 / (float)numberOfSamplesPerSecond;

        // Limit sample rate
        if (this.timeBetweenSamples < 0.1f)
            this.timeBetweenSamples = 0.1f;

        calibrationSpheres = new List <GameObject>();

        samples_PSMove = new List <Vector3>();
        samples_Kinect = new List <Vector3>();

        this.calibrationCube               = calibrationSettings.calibrationCubePrefab;
        this.calibrationSphere             = calibrationSettings.calibrationSpherePrefab;
        this.calibrationPhaseObjects       = calibrationSettings.calibrationPhaseObjects;
        this.calibrationResultPhaseObjects = calibrationSettings.calibrationResultPhaseObjects;

        this.deviceModelObjects = calibrationSettings.deviceModelObjects;
        this.depthViewObjects   = calibrationSettings.depthViewObjects;
        this.iconObjects        = calibrationSettings.iconObjects;

        this.PSMoveWandObject = GameObject.Find("PSMoveWand");

        // Models
        this.psEyeModelObject   = GameObject.Find("PS Eye");
        this.kinect1ModelObject = GameObject.Find("KinectCamera");

        // Depth view
        this.depthView = GameObject.Find("KinectDepthView");

        // Icons
        this.psMoveIcon = GameObject.Find("PS Move Icon");
        this.KinectIcon = GameObject.Find("Kinect Icon");

        this.floorPlane = GameObject.Find("Floor");

        foreach (Transform child in this.deviceModelObjects.transform)

        foreach (Transform child in this.depthViewObjects.transform)

        foreach (Transform child in this.iconObjects.transform)

        if (this.psEyeModelObject)
        if (this.PSMoveWandObject)
        if (this.kinect1ModelObject)
        if (this.psMoveIcon)
        if (this.KinectIcon)
        if (this.calibrationPhaseObjects)
        if (this.calibrationResultPhaseObjects)
        if (this.depthView)
        this.xmlFilename = calibrationSettings.xmlFilename;
	public RUISKinectToPSMoveCalibrationProcess(RUISCalibrationProcessSettings calibrationSettings) {
		this.inputDevice1 = RUISDevice.Kinect_1;
		this.inputDevice2 = RUISDevice.PS_Move;
		this.numberOfSamplesToTake = calibrationSettings.numberOfSamplesToTake;
		this.numberOfSamplesPerSecond = calibrationSettings.numberOfSamplesPerSecond;
		kinectSelection = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(NIPlayerManagerCOMSelection)) as NIPlayerManagerCOMSelection;
		settingsManager = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(OpenNISettingsManager)) as OpenNISettingsManager;
		psMoveWrapper = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(PSMoveWrapper)) as PSMoveWrapper;
		inputManager = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISInputManager)) as RUISInputManager;
		coordinateSystem = MonoBehaviour.FindObjectOfType(typeof(RUISCoordinateSystem)) as RUISCoordinateSystem;
		this.timeSinceScriptStart = 0;
		this.timeBetweenSamples = 1 / (float)numberOfSamplesPerSecond;
		// Limit sample rate
		if(this.timeBetweenSamples < 0.1f) {
			this.timeBetweenSamples = 0.1f;
		calibrationSpheres = new List<GameObject>();
		samples_PSMove = new List<Vector3>();
		samples_Kinect = new List<Vector3>();
		this.calibrationCube = calibrationSettings.calibrationCubePrefab;
		this.calibrationSphere = calibrationSettings.calibrationSpherePrefab;
		this.calibrationPhaseObjects = calibrationSettings.calibrationPhaseObjects;
		this.calibrationResultPhaseObjects = calibrationSettings.calibrationResultPhaseObjects;
		this.deviceModelObjects = calibrationSettings.deviceModelObjects;
		this.depthViewObjects = calibrationSettings.depthViewObjects;
		this.iconObjects = calibrationSettings.iconObjects;
		this.PSMoveWandObject = GameObject.Find ("PSMoveWand");
		// Models
		this.psEyeModelObject = GameObject.Find ("PS Eye");
		this.kinect1ModelObject = GameObject.Find ("KinectCamera");
		// Depth view
		this.depthView = GameObject.Find ("KinectDepthView");
		// Icons
		this.psMoveIcon = GameObject.Find ("PS Move Icon");
		this.KinectIcon = GameObject.Find ("Kinect Icon");
		this.floorPlane = GameObject.Find ("Floor");
		foreach (Transform child in this.deviceModelObjects.transform)
		foreach (Transform child in this.depthViewObjects.transform)
		foreach (Transform child in this.iconObjects.transform)
		this.xmlFilename = calibrationSettings.xmlFilename;