Beispiel #1
 private void OnInput(OnInputEventArgs args)
     foreach (EventHandler <OnInputEventArgs> eventHandler in _eventHandlers)
         eventHandler.Invoke(this, args);
        public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            // SET _newInput to the current keyboard state using
            // Keyboard.GetState method
            _newInput = Keyboard.GetState();

            //if (_newInput.IsKeyDown(Keys.P))
            //    _pauseUnpause();

            // IF the _oldInput is not equal to the _newInput
            if (_oldInput != _newInput)
                // SET _oldInput to the newInput
                _oldInput = _newInput;
                // DECLARE a new OnInputEventArgs called args
                // SET as new OnInputEventArgs passing in the input as a parameter
                OnInputEventArgs args = new OnInputEventArgs(_oldInput);
                // CALL to notifyListners method, passing in the args