Beispiel #1
    private void SendPendingAction()
        if (_isDedicateServer)
        Action action = null;

        if (_actionsToSend.Count > 0)
            action = _actionsToSend.Dequeue();
        //if no action for this turn, send the NoAction action
        if (action == null)
            action = new NoAction();
        //action.networkLagTime = Network.GetLastPing (Network.connections[0/*host player*/]);
        if (_lockStepTurnID > firstLockStepTurnID + 1)
            action.networkLagTime = _confirmedActions.GetPriorTime();
            action.networkLagTime = _initialLockStepTurnLength;
        action.gameLagTime = Convert.ToInt32(_currentGameFrameRuntime);
        //clear the current runtime average
        _currentGameFrameRuntime = 0;
        //add action to our own list of actions to process
        // _pendingActions.AddAction(action, Convert.ToInt32(_localPlayerIndex), _lockStepTurnID, _lockStepTurnID);
        //start the confirmed action timer for network average
        //confirm our own action
        _confirmedActions.ConfirmAction(_localPlayerIndex, _lockStepTurnID, _lockStepTurnID);
        // _confirmedActions.AddCurrentConfirmed(Network.player);
        //send action to all other players
        _networkInterface.CallSendAction(_lockStepTurnID, _localPlayerIndex, BinarySerialization.SerializeObjectToByteArray(action));
        // Debug.Log("Sent " + (action.GetType().Name) + " action for turn " + _lockStepTurnID);