public Task <IEnumerable <Task <Indexed <PlaceFileResult> > > > PlaceFileAsync(
            Context context,
            IReadOnlyList <ContentHashWithPath> hashesWithPaths,
            FileAccessMode accessMode,
            FileReplacementMode replacementMode,
            FileRealizationMode realizationMode,
            CancellationToken cts,
            UrgencyHint urgencyHint = UrgencyHint.Nominal)
                       GetSessionsInOrder <IReadOnlyContentSession>().ToArray(),
                       (session, hashes) =>
                // NOTE: this goes around the FileSystemContentStore's bulk place, rendering it useless. The reason
                // we do it this way is so that the hardlink logic stays consistent. This means that multiple place
                // operations from the same request may run at a higher rate than estipulated by the store.
                IEnumerable <Task <Indexed <PlaceFileResult> > > materializations = hashes.Select(async(hashWithPath, index) =>
                    var result = await PlaceFileAsync(context, hashWithPath.Hash, hashWithPath.Path, accessMode, replacementMode, realizationMode, cts, urgencyHint);
                    return new Indexed <PlaceFileResult>(result, index);

                return Task.FromResult(materializations.ToList().AsEnumerable());
                       p => p.Succeeded));
 public Task <IEnumerable <Task <Indexed <PinResult> > > > PinAsync(
     Context context,
     IReadOnlyList <ContentHash> contentHashes,
     PinOperationConfiguration config)
                GetSessionsInOrder <IReadOnlyContentSession>().ToArray(),
                (session, hashes) => session.PinAsync(context, hashes, config),
                p => p.Succeeded));
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public Task <IEnumerable <Task <Indexed <PinResult> > > > PinAsync(
     Context context,
     IReadOnlyList <ContentHash> contentHashes,
     CancellationToken cts,
     UrgencyHint urgencyHint = UrgencyHint.Nominal)
                GetSessionsInOrder <IReadOnlyContentSession>().ToArray(),
                (session, hashes) => session.PinAsync(context, hashes, cts, urgencyHint),
                p => p.Succeeded));
 public Task <IEnumerable <Task <Indexed <PlaceFileResult> > > > PlaceFileAsync(
     Context context,
     IReadOnlyList <ContentHashWithPath> hashesWithPaths,
     FileAccessMode accessMode,
     FileReplacementMode replacementMode,
     FileRealizationMode realizationMode,
     CancellationToken cts,
     UrgencyHint urgencyHint = UrgencyHint.Nominal)
                GetSessionsInOrder <IReadOnlyContentSession>().ToArray(),
                (session, hashes) => session.PlaceFileAsync(context, hashes, accessMode, replacementMode, realizationMode, cts, urgencyHint),
                p => p.Succeeded));