public Task AddMsgInfo(long id, MsgTypes msgType, UserMsgInfo info) { return(Task.WhenAll(_redis.AddZsetValueAsync(KeyGenHelper.GenUserKey(id, "MsgIds", msgType.ToString()), info.MsgId, DateTime.Now.ToTimeStamp(), TimeSpan.FromDays(30)), _redis.AddHashValueAsync(KeyGenHelper.GenUserKey(id, "Msgs", msgType.ToString()), info.MsgId, info, TimeSpan.FromDays(30)), DeleteExpiredMsgs(id, msgType))); }
public SubscriptionCallbackHelper(MsgTypes t, CallbackDelegate <M> cb) { //EDB.WriteLine("SubscriptionCallbackHelper: type and callbackdelegate constructor"); type = t; base.callback(new Callback <M>(cb)); //if you think about this one too hard, you might die. }
public void MsgWriteLine(MsgTypes type, string format, params object[] args) { string line = String.Format(format, args); var r = new Run() { Text = line, FontSize = 12 }; switch (type) { case MsgTypes.Normal: break; case MsgTypes.Error: r.Background = Brushes.Red; r.Foreground = Brushes.White; break; case MsgTypes.Warning: r.Background = Brushes.Yellow; r.Foreground = Brushes.Black; break; } //text.Inlines.Add(r); //text.Inlines.Add(new LineBreak()); //Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); //p.Inlines.Add(r); Paragraph p = text.Document.Blocks.FirstBlock as Paragraph; p.Inlines.Add(r); p.Inlines.Add(new LineBreak()); }
/// <summary> /// Handles registration response. /// </summary> private void MessageHandler(int typeValue, object message) { MsgTypes msgType = (MsgTypes)typeValue; if (!regFail) { if (!Registered) { if ((msgType == MsgTypes.RegistrationSuccessful) && message is ServerData) { var data = (ServerData)message; UnregisterAction = data.Item1; GetApiDataFunc = data.Item2; registered = true; ExceptionHandler.Run(InitAction); ExceptionHandler.WriteToLog($"[RHF] Successfully registered with Rich HUD Master."); } else if (msgType == MsgTypes.RegistrationFailed) { if (message is string) { ExceptionHandler.WriteToLog($"[RHF] Failed to register with Rich HUD Master. Message: {message as string}"); } else { ExceptionHandler.WriteToLog($"[RHF] Failed to register with Rich HUD Master."); } regFail = true; } } } }
public static BaseMessageHandler GetHandler(MsgTypes msgType) { BaseMessageHandler handler = null; switch (msgType) { case MsgTypes.Email: handler = new EmailMessageHandler(); break; case MsgTypes.Txt: handler = new TxtMessageHandler(); break; case MsgTypes.QQ: handler = new QQMessageHandler(); break; case MsgTypes.SMS: handler = new SmsMessageHandler(); break; case MsgTypes.WeChat: handler = new WeChatMessageHandler(); break; } return(handler); }
public static FieldInfo[] GetFields(Type T, ref object instance, out IRosMessage msg) { if (instance == null) { if (T.IsArray) { instance = Array.CreateInstance(T.GetElementType(), 0); } else { instance = Activator.CreateInstance(T); } } IRosMessage MSG = instance as IRosMessage; if (MSG == null) { msg = MSG; return(instance.GetType().GetFields()); } MsgTypes MT = MSG.msgtype; if (MT != MsgTypes.Unknown) { msg = MSG; return(msg.GetType().GetFields().Where((fi => MSG.Fields.Keys.Contains(fi.Name) && !fi.IsStatic)).ToArray()); } throw new Exception("GetFields is weaksauce"); }
protected virtual void addMessageSimple(MsgTypes type, string message, bool notyMessage) { if (notyMessage) { messenger.AddMessage(type, message); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Delete(MsgTypes type, int id, MessageSearchCondition condition) { await this.Biz.Value.Delete(type, id); this.SetCondition(condition); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public Subscription(string n, string md5s, string dt) { name = n; md5sum = md5s; datatype = dt; msgtype = (MsgTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(MsgTypes), dt.Replace("/", "__")); }
public override void AddMessage(MsgTypes type, string message, Exception exception = null, bool logMessage = false, bool notyMessage = true) { if (exception == null) { if (Settings.DeploymentContext == DeploymentContext.Development) { Debug.WriteLine($"NOTIFIER >>>> {type.GetText()} : {message}"); } if (logMessage || Settings.Notifications.LogAllMessages || (type == MsgTypes.Error || type == MsgTypes.Warning)) { log(type, message); } addMessageSimple(type, message, notyMessage); } else { if (Settings.DeploymentContext == DeploymentContext.Development) { Debug.WriteLine($"NOTIFIER >>>> EXCP : {exception.Message}"); } logException(type, message, exception); addMessage(type, message, exception, notyMessage); } }
public BaseMessage(MsgTypes type, bool allowHtml = false) { this.MsgType = type; this.AllowHtml = allowHtml; this.PRI = Priorities.Normal; this.Status = MsgStatus.New; }
public static IRosMessage generate(MsgTypes t) { lock (constructors) { if (constructors.ContainsKey(t)) return constructors[t].Invoke(t); Type thistype = typeof (IRosMessage); foreach (Type othertype in thistype.Assembly.GetTypes()) { if (thistype == othertype || !othertype.IsSubclassOf(thistype)) { continue; } IRosMessage msg = Activator.CreateInstance(othertype) as IRosMessage; if (msg != null) { if (msg.msgtype() == MsgTypes.Unknown) throw new Exception("OH NOES IRosMessage.generate is borked!"); if (!_typeregistry.ContainsKey(msg.msgtype())) _typeregistry.Add(msg.msgtype(), msg.GetType()); if (!constructors.ContainsKey(msg.msgtype())) constructors.Add(msg.msgtype(), T => Activator.CreateInstance(_typeregistry[T]) as IRosMessage); } } if (constructors.ContainsKey(t)) return constructors[t].Invoke(t); else throw new Exception("OH NOES IRosMessage.generate is borked!"); } }
/// <summary> /// For Performance /// default of no noty for logging for import routines etc /// keeps in RAM, then dump all at end /// avoids slowing down processes which /// </summary> public void QueueMessage(MsgTypes type, string message, Exception exception = null, bool logMessage = false, bool notyMessage = false) { messagesQueue.Add(new MessageInfo() { type = type, message = message, exception = exception, logMessage = logMessage, notyMessage = notyMessage }); }
public static MsgTypes GetMessageType(string s) { //Console.WriteLine("LOOKING FOR: " + s + "'s type"); if (GetMessageTypeMemoString.ContainsKey(s)) { return(GetMessageTypeMemoString[s]); } if (s.Contains("TimeData")) { GetMessageTypeMemoString.Add(s, MsgTypes.std_msgs__Time); return(MsgTypes.std_msgs__Time); } if (!s.Contains("Messages")) { if (s.Contains("System.")) { Array types = Enum.GetValues(typeof(MsgTypes)); MsgTypes[] mts = (MsgTypes[])types; string test = s.Split('.')[1]; MsgTypes m = mts.FirstOrDefault(mt => mt.ToString().ToLower().Equals(test.ToLower())); GetMessageTypeMemoString.Add(s, m); return(m); } return(MsgTypes.Unknown); } MsgTypes ms = (MsgTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(MsgTypes), s.Replace("Messages.", "").Replace(".", "__").Replace("[]", "")); GetMessageTypeMemoString.Add(s, ms); return(ms); }
protected virtual void addMessage(MsgTypes type, string message, Exception exception, bool notyMessage) { addMessageSimple(type, message, notyMessage); if (Settings.Notifications.ShowUserExceptionDetails) { messenger.AddMessage(MsgTypes.Warning, $"Exp : {exception.Message}"); } }
public async Task DeleteExpiredMsgs(long id, MsgTypes msgType) { string key = KeyGenHelper.GenUserKey(id, "MsgIds", msgType.ToString()); var deletedKeys = await _redis.DeleteZsetReturnValueRangeAsync (key, 0, (DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays(30)).ToTimeStamp()); await _redis.DeleteHashValuesAsync(KeyGenHelper.GenUserKey(id, "Msgs", msgType.ToString()), deletedKeys); }
protected override void addMessage(MsgTypes type, string message, Exception exception, bool notyMessage) { base.addMessage(type, message, exception, notyMessage); if (!Settings.Notifications.ShowUserExceptionDetails) { messenger.AddMessage(MsgTypes.Warning, $"Exception Occurred : {Settings.Notifications.SystemWatcher} has been notified"); } }
internal ulong handleMessage(IRosMessage msg, bool ser, bool nocopy, IDictionary connection_header, PublisherLink link) { IRosMessage t = null; ulong drops = 0; TimeData receipt_time = ROS.GetTime().data; if (msg.Serialized != null) //will be null if self-subscribed { msg.Deserialize(msg.Serialized); } lock (callbacks_mutex) { foreach (ICallbackInfo info in callbacks) { MsgTypes ti = info.helper.type; if (nocopy || ser) { t = msg; t.connection_header = msg.connection_header; t.Serialized = null; bool was_full = false; bool nonconst_need_copy = callbacks.Count > 1; info.subscription_queue.pushitgood(info.helper, t, nonconst_need_copy, ref was_full, receipt_time); if (was_full) { ++drops; } else { info.callback.addCallback(info.subscription_queue, info.Get()); } } } } if (t != null && link.Latched) { LatchInfo li = new LatchInfo { message = t, link = link, connection_header = connection_header, receipt_time = receipt_time }; if (latched_messages.ContainsKey(link)) { latched_messages[link] = li; } else { latched_messages.Add(link, li); } } return(drops); }
public IRosMessage(MsgTypes t, string def, bool hasheader, bool meta, Dictionary <string, MsgFieldInfo> fields, string ms5, bool isservicemessage) { msgtype = t; MessageDefinition = def; HasHeader = hasheader; IsMetaType = meta; Fields = fields; MD5Sum = ms5; IsServiceComponent = isservicemessage; }
public static string Sum(MsgTypes m) { if (!md5memo.ContainsKey(m)) { IRosMessage irm = IRosMessage.generate(m); string hashme = PrepareToHash(irm); md5memo.Add(m, Sum(hashme)); } return md5memo[m]; }
public async Task ReadedMsg(long id, MsgTypes msgType, string msgId) { var msginfo = await GetMsgInfo(id, msgType, msgId); if (msginfo != null && msginfo.MsgState == MsgStates.Unread) { msginfo.MsgState = MsgStates.Readed; await SetMsgInfo(id, msgType, msginfo); } }
public MessageDeserializer <T> MakeDeserializer <T>(MsgTypes type, SubscriptionCallbackHelper <T> helper, T m, IDictionary connection_header) where T : IRosMessage, new() { if (type == MsgTypes.Unknown) { return(null); } //return ROS.MakeDeserializer(ROS.MakeMessage(type)); return(new MessageDeserializer <T>(helper, m, connection_header)); }
public static string Sum(MsgTypes m) { if (!md5memo.ContainsKey(m)) { IRosMessage irm = IRosMessage.generate(m); string hashme = PrepareToHash(irm); md5memo.Add(m, Sum(hashme)); } return(md5memo[m]); }
public void initialize <MSrv>() where MSrv : IRosService, new() { MSrv srv = new MSrv(); RequestMd5Sum = srv.RequestMessage.MD5Sum(); ResponseMd5Sum = srv.ResponseMessage.MD5Sum(); RequestType = srv.RequestMessage.msgtype(); ResponseType = srv.ResponseMessage.msgtype(); }
public void initialize <MReq, MRes>() where MReq : IRosMessage, new() where MRes : IRosMessage, new() { MReq req = new MReq(); MRes res = new MRes(); RequestMd5Sum = req.MD5Sum(); ResponseMd5Sum = res.MD5Sum(); RequestType = req.msgtype(); ResponseType = res.msgtype(); }
internal bool addCallback <M>(SubscriptionCallbackHelper <M> helper, string md5sum, CallbackQueueInterface queue, uint queue_size, bool allow_concurrent_callbacks, string topiclol) where M : IRosMessage, new() { lock (md5sum_mutex) { if (this.md5sum == "*" && md5sum != "*") { this.md5sum = md5sum; } } if (md5sum != "*" && md5sum != this.md5sum) { return(false); } lock (callbacks_mutex) { CallbackInfo <M> info = new CallbackInfo <M> { helper = helper, callback = queue, subscription_queue = new Callback <M>(helper.callback().func, topiclol, queue_size, allow_concurrent_callbacks) }; //if (!helper.isConst()) //{ ++nonconst_callbacks; //} callbacks.Add(info); if (latched_messages.Count > 0) { MsgTypes ti = info.helper.type; lock (publisher_links_mutex) { foreach (PublisherLink link in publisher_links) { if (link.Latched) { if (latched_messages.ContainsKey(link)) { LatchInfo latch_info = latched_messages[link]; bool was_full = false; bool nonconst_need_copy = false; //callbacks.Count > 1; info.subscription_queue.pushitgood(info.helper, latched_messages[link].message, nonconst_need_copy, ref was_full, ROS.GetTime().data); if (!was_full) { info.callback.addCallback(info.subscription_queue, info.Get()); } } } } } } } return(true); }
public string GetMessage(MsgTypes type) { switch (type) { case (MsgTypes.GenericError): return("We just encountered an error while processing your request. We've notified the support team about this. Please try again later."); default: return(type.ToString()); } }
public static void Send(MsgTypes command, string message = "") { // 从配置文件读取端口 int port = Settings.Msg.Port; var client = new UdpClient(); var endpoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), port); byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"{command}#{message}"); client.Send(data, data.Length, endpoint); client.Close(); }
public async Task<IEnumerable<Template>> GetTemplates(string code, string appCode, MsgTypes? msgType = null, Langs? lang = null) { var cond = new TemplateSearchCondition() { AllowPage = false, AppCode = appCode, Code = code, Lang = lang, MsgType = msgType }; return await this.TemplateBiz.Value.Search(cond); }
public void AddMessage(MsgTypes type, string text) { Dictionary <MsgTypes, List <string> > messages = _messagesAccess.Get(); if (!messages.ContainsKey(type)) { messages.Add(type, new List <string>()); } messages[type].Add(text); _messagesAccess.Store(messages); }
public UserMsgInfo(MsgTypes msgType, string msgId, string title, string content, MsgStates msgState, long msgTime, List <RewardInfo> rewardInfo) { MsgType = msgType; MsgId = msgId; Title = title; Content = content; MsgState = msgState; MsgTime = msgTime; RewardInfo = rewardInfo; }
public override void getPublishTypes(ref bool ser, ref bool nocopy, ref MsgTypes mt) { lock (drop_mutex) { if (dropped) { ser = false; nocopy = false; return; } } subscriber.getPublishTypes(ref ser, ref nocopy, ref mt); }
public void Show(String msg, MsgTypes msgType) { switch (msgType) { case MsgTypes.Error: MessageBox.Show(msg, Captions.ErrorCaption, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); break; case MsgTypes.Informational: MessageBox.Show(msg, Captions.InfoCaption, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); break; } }
public override void getPublishTypes(ref bool ser, ref bool nocopy, MsgTypes mt) { lock (drop_mutex) { if (dropped) { ser = false; nocopy = false; return; } } subscriber.getPublishTypes(ref ser, ref nocopy, mt); }
public static DialogResult Show(String Caption, String Text, String Buttons, MsgTypes MsgType) { MessageBoxButtons btns = MessageBoxButtons.OK; MessageBoxIcon icon = MessageBoxIcon.None; if (Buttons.ToLower().Contains("yesno")) { if (Buttons.ToLower().Contains("cancel")) { btns = MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel; } else { btns = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo; } } if (Buttons.ToLower().Contains("ok")) { btns = MessageBoxButtons.OK; } switch (MsgType) { case MsgTypes.ERROR: icon = MessageBoxIcon.Error; if (LOGGER_LEVEL >= 0) LogError(Text); break; case MsgTypes.WARNING: icon = MessageBoxIcon.Warning; if (LOGGER_LEVEL >= 1) LogWarning(Text); break; case MsgTypes.INFO: icon = MessageBoxIcon.Information; if (LOGGER_LEVEL >= 2) LogInfo(Text); break; } if (Application.OpenForms.Count > 0) { return MetroFramework.MetroMessageBox.Show(Application.OpenForms[0], Text, Caption, btns, icon); } else { return DialogResult.None; } }
public async Task<Template> GetByCode(string code, string appCode, MsgTypes msgType, Langs? lang) { code = code.ToUpper().Trim(); appCode = appCode.ToUpper(); using (var db = new Entities()) { var query = db.Templates.Where(t => !t.IsDeleted && t.Code.ToUpper() == code && t.AppCode.ToUpper() == appCode && t.MsgType == msgType && ((lang != null && t.Lang == lang.Value) || (lang == null && t.IsDefault)) ); return await query.FirstOrDefaultAsync(); } }
public int Save(MsgTypes Data) { TopContractsV01Entities context = new TopContractsV01Entities(Utilities.getTestEnvName()); TopContractsEntities.MsgType efMsgType = null; foreach (TopContractsDAL10.SystemTables.MsgType MsgType in Data.Entries) { if (MsgType.New) { efMsgType = new TopContractsEntities.MsgType(); } else { efMsgType = context.MsgTypes.Where(c => c.MsgTypeID == MsgType.ID).SingleOrDefault(); } if (MsgType.Deleted == false) { efMsgType.InitCommonFields(efMsgType, MsgType, efMsgType.MsgTypesLNGs, this.organizationIdentifier); efMsgType.ContractTypesVisibility = MsgType.ContractTypesVisibility; efMsgType.IncludeID1Body = MsgType.IncludeID1Body; efMsgType.IncludeID1Subject = MsgType.IncludeID1Subject; efMsgType.IncludeID2Body = MsgType.IncludeID2Body; efMsgType.IncludeID2Subject = MsgType.IncludeID2Subject; efMsgType.IncludeNameBody = MsgType.IncludeNameBody; efMsgType.IncludeNameSubject = MsgType.IncludeNameSubject; efMsgType.IncludeSysCodeBody = MsgType.IncludeSysCodeBody; efMsgType.IncludeSysCodeSubject = MsgType.IncludeSysCodeSubject; efMsgType.LinkInBody = MsgType.LinkInBody; efMsgType.LinkInSubject = MsgType.LinkInSubject; efMsgType.MsgBodyPrefix = MsgType.MsgBodyPrefix; efMsgType.MsgSubjectPrefix = MsgType.MsgSubjectPrefix; } if (MsgType.New) context.MsgTypes.Add(efMsgType); else { if (MsgType.Deleted && efMsgType != null) { efMsgType.DeleteLanguageEntries(efMsgType, context.MsgTypesLNGs, efMsgType.MsgTypesLNGs); //for (int indx = efMsgType.MsgTypesLNGs.Count() - 1; indx >= 0; indx--) //{ // TopContractsEntities.MsgTypesLNG lng = efMsgType.MsgTypesLNGs.ElementAt(indx); // context.MsgTypesLNGs.Remove(lng); //} context.MsgTypes.Remove(efMsgType); } } } return context.SaveChanges(); }
public IRosMessage(MsgTypes t, string def, bool hasheader, bool meta, Dictionary<string, MsgFieldInfo> fields, string ms5) : this(t,def,hasheader,meta,fields,ms5,false) { }
public IRosMessage(MsgTypes t, string def, bool hasheader, bool meta, Dictionary<string, MsgFieldInfo> fields, string ms5, bool isservicemessage) { msgtype = t; MessageDefinition = def; HasHeader = hasheader; IsMetaType = meta; Fields = fields; MD5Sum = ms5; IsServiceComponent = isservicemessage; }
public ProcessedArgs(MsgTypes msgType, int id, Exception ex = null) { this.MsgType = msgType; this.ID = id; this.Exception = ex; }
public MsgBox.MsgResult UserMsgBox(MsgTypes msgType, MsgButtons msgButtons, MsgResult defaultMsgResult, string msg) { return UserMsgBox(SharedObjects.MainWin, msgType, msgButtons, defaultMsgResult, msg); }
public async Task<bool> Delete(MsgTypes type, int id) { var handler = MessageHandlerFactory.GetHandler(type); return await handler.Delete(id); }
public async Task<Template> GetByCode(string code, string appCode, MsgTypes msgType, Langs? lang = null) { var template = await this.TemplateBiz.Value.GetByCode(code, appCode, msgType, lang); return template; }
/// <summary> /// TCLightMsg constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="Msg">A TCANMsg structure defined in the PCAN_DNP Class</param> public TCLightMsg(PCAN_DNP.TPCANMsg Msg) { ID = Msg.ID; MsgType = (MsgTypes)Msg.MSGTYPE; Len = Msg.LEN; Data = Msg.DATA; }
/// <summary> /// PCANLigth MsgFilter function /// This function set the receive message filter of the CAN Controller. /// REMARK: /// - A quick register of all messages is possible using the parameters From and To as 0 /// - Every call of this function maybe cause an extention of the receive filter of the /// CAN controller, which one can go briefly to RESET /// - New in Ver 2.x: /// * Standard frames will be put it down in the acc_mask/code as Bits 28..13 /// * Hardware driver for 82C200 must to be moved to Bits 10..0 again! /// WARNING: /// It is not guaranteed to receive ONLY the registered messages. /// </summary> /// <param name="HWType">Hardware which applay the filter to</param> /// <param name="From">First/Start Message ID - It muss be smaller than the "To" parameter</param> /// <param name="To">Last/Finish Message ID - It muss be bigger than the "From" parameter</param> /// <param name="MsgType">Kind of Frame - Standard or Extended</param> /// <returns>A CANResult value - Error/status of the hardware after execute the function</returns> public static CANResult MsgFilter(HardwareType HWType, uint From, uint To, MsgTypes MsgType) { try { switch (HWType) { case HardwareType.ISA_1CH: return (CANResult)PCAN_ISA.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.ISA_2CH: return (CANResult)PCAN_2ISA.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.PCI_1CH: return (CANResult)PCAN_PCI.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.PCI_2CH: return (CANResult)PCAN_2PCI.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.PCC_1CH: return (CANResult)PCAN_PCC.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.PCC_2CH: return (CANResult)PCAN_2PCC.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.USB_1CH: return (CANResult)PCAN_USB.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.USB_2CH: return (CANResult)PCAN_2USB.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.DNP: return (CANResult)PCAN_DNP.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.DNG: return (CANResult)PCAN_DNG.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); // Hardware is not valid for this function // default: return CANResult.ERR_ILLHW; } } catch (Exception Ex) { // Error: Dll does not exists or the function is not available // Tracer.WriteError(TraceGroup.CANBUS, null, "MsgFilter {0}", Ex.Message + "\""); return CANResult.ERR_NO_DLL; } }
/// <summary> /// PCANLigth MsgFilter function /// This function set the receive message filter of the CAN Controller. /// REMARK: /// - A quick register of all messages is possible using the parameters From and To as 0 /// - Every call of this function maybe cause an extention of the receive filter of the /// CAN controller, which one can go briefly to RESET /// - New in Ver 2.x: /// * Standard frames will be put it down in the acc_mask/code as Bits 28..13 /// * Hardware driver for 82C200 must to be moved to Bits 10..0 again! /// WARNING: /// It is not guaranteed to receive ONLY the registered messages. /// </summary> /// <param name="HWType">Hardware which applay the filter to</param> /// <param name="From">First/Start Message ID - It muss be smaller than the "To" parameter</param> /// <param name="To">Last/Finish Message ID - It muss be bigger than the "From" parameter</param> /// <param name="MsgType">Kind of Frame - Standard or Extended</param> /// <returns>A CANResult value - Error/status of the hardware after execute the function</returns> public static CANResult MsgFilter(HardwareType HWType, uint From, uint To, MsgTypes MsgType) { try { switch (HWType) { case HardwareType.ISA_1CH: return (CANResult)PCAN_ISA.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.ISA_2CH: return (CANResult)PCAN_2ISA.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.PCI_1CH: return (CANResult)PCAN_PCI.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.PCI_2CH: return (CANResult)PCAN_2PCI.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.PCC_1CH: return (CANResult)PCAN_PCC.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.PCC_2CH: return (CANResult)PCAN_2PCC.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.USB_1CH: return (CANResult)PCAN_USB.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.USB_2CH: return (CANResult)PCAN_2USB.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.DNP: return (CANResult)PCAN_DNP.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); case HardwareType.DNG: return (CANResult)PCAN_DNG.MsgFilter(From, To, (int)MsgType); // Hardware is not valid for this function // default: return CANResult.ERR_ILLHW; } } catch (Exception Ex) { // Error: Dll does not exists or the function is not available // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error: \"" + Ex.Message + "\""); return CANResult.ERR_NO_DLL; } }
public void UserMsgBox(Form owner, MsgTypes msgType, string msg) { UserMsgBox(owner, msgType, MsgButtons.Ok, MsgResult.OK, msg); }
public virtual void getPublishTypes(ref bool ser, ref bool nocopy, ref MsgTypes type_info) { ser = true; nocopy = false; }
/// <summary> /// Adds the message. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">The message.</param> public void AddMessage(Message message) { if (this.InvokeRequired) { AddMessageCallback d = new AddMessageCallback(AddMessage); this.Invoke(d, new object[] { message }); } else { checked { Font labelFont = new Font(new FontFamily("Courier New"), 15); string unformattedMessage; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.SenderName)) unformattedMessage = message.MsgText; else unformattedMessage = message.SenderName + ": " + message.MsgText; /*Tuple<int, string> formattedMessage = BreakString47(unformatted_message);*/ Tuple<Size, string> formattedMessage = CalculateLabelSize(unformattedMessage, labelFont, 600); Label label = new Label(); //label.Text = formattedMessage.Item2; label.Text = formattedMessage.Item2; label.Size = formattedMessage.Item1; int heightDelta = label.Height+8;// = lineHeight * formattedMessage.Item1; label.Click += Label_Click; label.DoubleClick += Label_DoubleClick; label.BackColor = Color.Azure; label.ForeColor = Color.Black; label.Font = labelFont; switch (message.MsgType) { case MsgTypes.Dialog: dialogs.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0,0); label.Location = new Point(0, dialogYPos); dialogYPos += heightDelta; dialogs.Controls.Add(label); break; case MsgTypes.Group: groups.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0, 0); label.Location = new Point(0, groupsYPos); groupsYPos += heightDelta; groups.Controls.Add(label); break; case MsgTypes.Personal: personal.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0, 0); label.Location = new Point(0, personalYPos); personalYPos += heightDelta; personal.Controls.Add(label); break; } tempTable.Add(label, message); lastMessageType = message.MsgType; this.Refresh(); } } }
public async Task<BaseMessage> Get(MsgTypes type, int id) { var handler = MessageHandlerFactory.GetHandler(type); return await handler.Get(id); }
public MsgFieldInfo(string name, bool isliteral, Type type, bool isconst, string constval, bool isarray, string lengths, bool meta, MsgTypes mt) { Name = name; IsArray = isarray; Type = type; IsLiteral = isliteral; IsMetaType = meta; IsConst = isconst; ConstVal = constval; if (lengths == null) return; if (lengths.Length > 0) { Length = int.Parse(lengths); } message_type = mt; }
/// <summary> /// This is self-explanatory /// </summary> /// <param name="type"> The type of message to make </param> /// <returns> A message of that type </returns> internal static IRosMessage MakeMessage(MsgTypes type) { return IRosMessage.generate(type); }
internal void getPublishTypes(ref bool serialize, ref bool nocopy, MsgTypes typeEnum) { lock (subscriber_links_mutex) { foreach (SubscriberLink sub in subscriber_links) { bool s = false, n = false; sub.getPublishTypes(ref s, ref n, typeEnum); serialize = serialize || s; nocopy = nocopy || n; if (serialize && nocopy) break; } } }