public bool editbugReports(Models.GridModel g)
     if (g.Save(g, g.getXmlPath()))
          return true;
          return false;
        public ActionResult Delete(string id, Models.GridModel model)
            // We got here from an ActionLink, so no data is posted,
            // but we do get the link's id.

            int selected = Int32.Parse(id);
            model.Save(model, model.getXmlPath());
            return RedirectToAction("List");
 public ActionResult Insert(Models.BugReport cmodel, Models.GridModel model)
     // We got here from a submit button on the Insert form, one of two
     // in the Show.aspx view.  Therefore, model data was sent to us
     // via the cmodel parameter, but we don't get an id.
     int cnt = Int32.Parse(model.count);
     cmodel.Id = cnt.ToString();
     model.count = cnt.ToString();
     cmodel.DateAdded = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString();
     model.Save(model, model.getXmlPath());
     return RedirectToAction("List");
        public ActionResult Save(Models.BugReport cmodel, Models.GridModel model)
            // We get here when a "Save" submit button is clicked, so an Http Post
            // message was used.  Thus, we get model data sent up via the cmodel
            // parameter, however we can't get an id number.  That comes only with
            // the actionlinks.

            // Therefore we used a Session["selected"] value to transfer
            // this one datum from the view to this controller method.

            int selected = (int)Session["selected"];

            model.Bugs[selected].EmpId = cmodel.EmpId;
            model.Bugs[selected].Title = cmodel.Title;
            model.Bugs[selected].Requirement = cmodel.Requirement;
            model.Bugs[selected].ProjectName = cmodel.ProjectName;
            model.Bugs[selected].BugDesc = cmodel.BugDesc;
            model.Bugs[selected].SeverityLevel = cmodel.SeverityLevel;
            model.Bugs[selected].Solution = cmodel.Solution;
            model.Bugs[selected].DateAdded = cmodel.DateAdded;
            model.Bugs[selected].LastModifiedDate = cmodel.LastModifiedDate;
            model.Bugs[selected].ResolvedDate = cmodel.ResolvedDate;
            model.Bugs[selected].Checked = false;

            if(model.Save(model, model.getXmlPath()))
            return RedirectToAction("Detail/" +selected);
                Session["ErrorMessage"] = "Failed To Submit Changes";
                return RedirectToAction("ErrorPage", "Home");