public ActionResult Login( Models.User user )
            if( ModelState.IsValid ) {
                //Check if password is valid
                if( user.IsPasswordValid( user.Username, user.Password ) ) {
                    //Password is valid, create authentication cookie
                    FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie( user.Username, false );

                    //Update LastLoginDate in the database for future usage statistics
                    user.UpdateLastLoginDate( user.Username );

                    //Refresh site
                    return RedirectToAction( "Index", "Index" );
                else {
                    //Username or password is not valid, display an error
                    //For additional security do not specify if username exists
                    ModelState.AddModelError( "", "Username or password is incorrect" );

            return View( user );
        public ActionResult Create( Models.User user )
            if( ModelState.IsValid ) {
                //Check if username already exists in the database
                if( user.IsUsernameInUse( user.Username ) ) {
                    ModelState.AddModelError( "", "Username already exists, please try a different one" );
                else {
                    //Username does not exist, create new user
                    user.CreateNewUser( user.Username, user.Password );

                    //Create authentication cookie for new account
                    FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie( user.Username, false );

                    //Update LastLoginDate in the database for future usage statistics
                    user.UpdateLastLoginDate( user.Username );

                    //Refresh site
                    return RedirectToAction( "Index", "Index" );

            return View( user );