Beispiel #1
    void OnGUI()
        var texture2D = MapData.texture;    // Get the map name to load

        if (texture2D != null)
            #region GUI Display
            // Scale the texture view based on the selected choice from the popup
            //scale = (Scale)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Zoom", scale);
            scale = Scale.x1;
            fun   = (FunLevel)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Having fun?", fun); // This is here so I dont have to recalculate off sets again, remove this is scale is field works properly.

            var newScale       = ((int)scale) + 1;
            var newTextureSize = new Vector2(texture2D.width, texture2D.height) * newScale;
            var offset         = new Vector2(10, 65);
            mapViewOffset = new Vector2(10, newTextureSize.y + 85);

            if (isTextureLoaded == false)

            // Export Button
            if (GUILayout.Button("Save Map"))

            // Manages the scroll bar if needed
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Tile Picker");
            var viewPort    = new Rect(0, 0, position.width - 5, position.height - 5);
            var contentSize = new Rect(0, 0, newTextureSize.x + offset.x, newTextureSize.y + offset.y);
            scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(viewPort, scrollPosition, contentSize);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(offset.x, offset.y, newTextureSize.x, newTextureSize.y), texture2D);

            // Size of a tile
            Vector2 tile = new Vector2(15, 15) * newScale;

            tile.x += newScale;
            tile.y += newScale;

            // Picker view //

            // Set the dimensions of the texture grid
            var grid = new Vector2(newTextureSize.x / tile.x, newTextureSize.y / tile.y);

            // Set the position of the selected tile and where the mouse is hovering
            var selectionPos = new Vector2(tile.x * currentSelection.x + offset.x, tile.y * currentSelection.y + offset.y);
            pickerHover = new Vector2(tile.x * pickerHover.x + offset.x, tile.y * pickerHover.y + offset.y);

            // Setup the box texture and it's style
            var boxTex = new Texture2D(1, 1);
            boxTex.SetPixel(0, 0, Colors.Aqua);
            var style = new GUIStyle([0]);
            style.normal.background = boxTex;

            // Render the selected box
            GUI.Box(new Rect(selectionPos.x, selectionPos.y, tile.x, tile.y), "", style);

            // Change the box texture properties
            boxTex.SetPixel(0, 0, Colors.Purple * 0.5f);
            style.normal.background = boxTex;

            // Render the hover box with the modified properties
            GUI.Box(new Rect(pickerHover.x, pickerHover.y, tile.x, tile.y), "", style);

            // Map view //

            // Label
            EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(0, mapViewOffset.y - 20, 50, 25), "Map");

            // Set the dimensions of the texture grid
            var map = new Vector2(MapData.mapDimensions.x, MapData.mapDimensions.y);

            // For map view hover
            mapHover = new Vector2(tile.x * mapHover.x + mapViewOffset.x, tile.y * mapHover.y + mapViewOffset.y);

            Debug.Log(tiles.GetLength(0) + " " + tiles.GetLength(1));
            Debug.Log("Map: " + map);
            // Draw map grid
            for (int y = 0; y < map.y; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < map.x; x++)
                    Debug.Log(MapData.tempMapCoords[x, y] + " x " + x + " y " + y);
                    Debug.Log(tiles[(int)MapData.tempMapCoords[x, y].x, (int)MapData.tempMapCoords[x, y].y]);
                    GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(x * tile.x + mapViewOffset.x, y * tile.y + mapViewOffset.y, tile.x, tile.y), tiles[(int)MapData.tempMapCoords[x, y].x, (int)MapData.tempMapCoords[x, y].y]);
            #endregion GUI Display

            #region GUI Input
            // Get the current GUI event and the mouse position
            var     cEvent   = Event.current;
            Vector2 mousePos = new Vector2(cEvent.mousePosition.x - offset.x, cEvent.mousePosition.y - offset.y);

            if (mousePos.y < mapViewOffset.y - 62 * newScale)
                // Snap the position to the grid
                pickerHover.x = Mathf.Floor((mousePos.x + scrollPosition.x) / tile.x);
                pickerHover.y = Mathf.Floor((mousePos.y + scrollPosition.y) / tile.y);

                // Make sure the selection is within bounds
                if (pickerHover.x > grid.x - 1)
                    pickerHover.x = grid.x - 1;
                else if (pickerHover.x < 0)
                    pickerHover.x = 0;

                if (pickerHover.y > grid.y - 1)
                    pickerHover.y = grid.y - 1;
                else if (pickerHover.y < 0)
                    pickerHover.y = 0;

                // Mouse click in select area
                if (cEvent.type == EventType.mouseDown && cEvent.button == 0 && mousePos.y < offset.y + newTextureSize.y)
                    currentSelection = pickerHover;

                    // Set the currently selected sprite accordingly
                    MapData.currentSprite         = (int)(currentSelection.y * grid.x + currentSelection.x);
                    MapData.currentSelectedCoords = currentSelection;
                    //Debug.Log("X: " + MapData.currentSelectedCoords.x * 16 + " Y: " + MapData.currentSelectedCoords.y * 16);
                // Re-calculate mouse position
                mousePos = new Vector2(cEvent.mousePosition.x - mapViewOffset.x, cEvent.mousePosition.y - mapViewOffset.y);

                // Snap the position to the grid
                mapHover.x = Mathf.Floor((mousePos.x + scrollPosition.x) / tile.x);
                mapHover.y = Mathf.Floor((mousePos.y + scrollPosition.y) / tile.y);

                // Make sure the selection is within bounds
                if (mapHover.x > map.x - 1)
                    mapHover.x = map.x - 1;
                else if (mapHover.x < 0)
                    mapHover.x = 0;

                if (mapHover.y > map.y - 1)
                    mapHover.y = map.y - 1;
                else if (mapHover.y < 0)
                    mapHover.y = 0;

                // Draw Box
                GUI.Box(new Rect(mapHover.x * tile.x + mapViewOffset.x, mapHover.y * tile.y + mapViewOffset.y, tile.x, tile.y), "", style);

                // Mouse click in map area
                if (cEvent.type == EventType.mouseDown && cEvent.button == 0)
                    // Set new tile
                    MapData.SetTile((int)mapHover.x, (int)mapHover.y);
                    //MapData.tempMapCoords[(int)mapHover.x, (int)mapHover.y] = MapData.currentSelectedCoords;
                    MapData.AddNewCoords((int)mapHover.x, (int)mapHover.y, MapData.currentSelectedCoords);
            #endregion GUI Input

            // End Scroll View

            // Rerender