Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create version table and window based on the parent table \
        /// where Maintain Version field is marked as true
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns> Message (String) </returns>
        public string CreateVersionInfo(int AD_Column_ID, int AD_Table_ID, Trx trx)
            _trx          = trx;
            _AD_Table_ID  = AD_Table_ID;
            _AD_Column_ID = AD_Column_ID;
            bool hasMainVerCol = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT AD_Column_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + _AD_Table_ID + " AND IsActive ='Y' AND IsMaintainVersions = 'Y'", null, _trx)) > 0;

            if (!hasMainVerCol)
                hasMainVerCol = Util.GetValueOfString(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT IsMaintainVersions FROM AD_Table WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + _AD_Table_ID, null, _trx)) == "Y";
            // check whether there are any columns in the table
            // marked as "Maintain Versions", then proceed else return
            if (hasMainVerCol)
                MTable tbl = new MTable(GetCtx(), _AD_Table_ID, _trx);

                string VerTblName = tbl.GetTableName() + "_Ver";

                // Create/Get System Elements for Version Table Columns
                string retMsg = GetSystemElements(VerTblName);
                if (retMsg != "")

                int Ver_AD_Table_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT AD_Table_ID FROM AD_Table WHERE TableName = '" + VerTblName + "'", null, _trx));

                // check whether version table is already present in system
                // if not present then create table
                MTable tblVer = null;
                if (Ver_AD_Table_ID <= 0)
                    string tableName = tbl.GetTableName();
                    // create new Version table for parent table
                    tblVer = new MTable(GetCtx(), 0, _trx);
                    tblVer.SetTableName(tableName + "_Ver");
                    tblVer.SetName(tableName + " Ver");
                    tblVer.Set_Value("Export_ID", null);
                    tblVer.Set_Value("AD_Window_ID", null);
                    tblVer.SetDescription("Table for maintaining versions of " + tableName);
                    tblVer.SetHelp("Table for maintaining versions of " + tableName);
                    if (!tblVer.Save())
                        ValueNamePair vnp   = VLogger.RetrieveError();
                        string        error = "";
                        if (vnp != null)
                            error = vnp.GetName();
                            if (error == "" && vnp.GetValue() != null)
                                error = vnp.GetValue();
                        if (error == "")
                            error = "Error in creating Version Table";
                        log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Version table not created :: " + error);
                        return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VersionTblNotCreated"));
                        Ver_AD_Table_ID = tblVer.GetAD_Table_ID();
                        // Create Default Version Columns
                        retMsg = CreateDefaultVerCols(Ver_AD_Table_ID);
                        if (retMsg != "")
                    tblVer = new MTable(GetCtx(), Ver_AD_Table_ID, _trx);
                    // Create Default Version Columns
                    retMsg = CreateDefaultVerCols(Ver_AD_Table_ID);
                    if (retMsg != "")

                int VerTableColID = 0;
                // if Version table successfully created, then check columns, if not found then create new
                if (Ver_AD_Table_ID > 0)
                    // Get all columns from Version Table
                    int[] ColIDs = MColumn.GetAllIDs("AD_Column", "AD_Table_ID = " + _AD_Table_ID, _trx);

                    bool    hasCols    = false;
                    DataSet dsDestCols = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT ColumnName, AD_Column_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + Ver_AD_Table_ID, null, _trx);
                    if (dsDestCols != null && dsDestCols.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        hasCols = true;

                    // loop through all columns
                    foreach (int columnID in ColIDs)
                        bool createNew = true;
                        // object of Column from source table (Master Table)
                        MColumn sCol = new MColumn(GetCtx(), columnID, _trx);
                        // check if source column is not Virtual Column, proceed in that case only
                        if (!sCol.IsVirtualColumn())
                            DataRow[] dr = null;
                            if (hasCols)
                                dr = dsDestCols.Tables[0].Select("ColumnName = '" + sCol.GetColumnName() + "'");
                                if (dr.Length > 0)
                                    createNew = false;
                            // Version Column object
                            MColumn colVer    = null;
                            int     AD_Col_ID = 0;
                            // if column not present in Version table then create new
                            if (createNew)
                                colVer = new MColumn(GetCtx(), AD_Col_ID, _trx);
                            // if column already present and user pressed sync button on same column of Master table
                            // then create object of existing column (in case of change in any column fields)
                            else if (!createNew && (_AD_Column_ID == columnID))
                                AD_Col_ID = Util.GetValueOfInt(dr[0]["AD_Column_ID"]);
                                colVer    = new MColumn(GetCtx(), Util.GetValueOfInt(dr[0]["AD_Column_ID"]), _trx);
                            if (colVer != null)
                                if (AD_Col_ID > 0)
                                // set key column to false
                                // check if source column is key column
                                // then set Restrict Constraint and set Reference as Table Direct
                                if (sCol.IsKey())
                                //if (sCol.IsKey())
                                //    colVer.SetIsParent(true);
                                if (!colVer.Save())
                                    ValueNamePair vnp   = VLogger.RetrieveError();
                                    string        error = "";
                                    if (vnp != null)
                                        error = vnp.GetName();
                                        if (error == "" && vnp.GetValue() != null)
                                            error = vnp.GetValue();
                                    if (error == "")
                                        error = "Version Column not created";
                                    log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Version Column not created :: " + sCol.GetColumnName() + " :: " + error);
                                    return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VersionColNotCreated"));
                                    VerTableColID = colVer.GetAD_Column_ID();

                    // Get one column to sync table in database from Version Table
                    if (VerTableColID <= 0)
                        VerTableColID = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT AD_Column_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + Ver_AD_Table_ID, null, _trx));

                    // Get newly Created Column
                    if (oldVerCol > 0)
                        VerTableColID = oldVerCol;

                    // Sync Version table in database
                    bool success = true;
                    retMsg = SyncVersionTable(tblVer, VerTableColID, out success);
                    // if any error and there is message in return then return and rollback transaction
                    if (!success && retMsg != "")
                        log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Column not sync :: " + retMsg);
                        return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "ColumnNotSync"));
                        // if table has single key
                        if (tbl.IsSingleKey())
                            // get column names from parent table
                            string colNameStrings = GetColumnNameString(tbl.GetAD_Table_ID());
                            // get default columns string from Version Table columns list
                            string defColString = GetDefaultColString(colNameStrings);
                            // Insert data in version table from Master table
                            InsertVersionData(colNameStrings, defColString, tblVer.GetTableName());
                        // Cases where single key is not present in Master table
                            // Insert data in version table against Master Table
                            retMsg = InsertMKVersionData(tbl, tbl.GetKeyColumns(), tblVer);
                            if (retMsg != "")
                                log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Data not Inserted :: " + retMsg);
                                return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "DataInsertionErrorMultikey"));
            return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "ProcessCompletedSuccessfully"));
        }       //	prepare

         *  Process
         *	@return info
         *	@throws Exception
        protected override String DoIt()// throws Exception
            log.Info("AD_Column_ID=" + p_AD_Column_ID
                     + ", IsEncrypted=" + p_IsEncrypted
                     + ", ChangeSetting=" + p_ChangeSetting
                     + ", MaxLength=" + p_MaxLength);
            MColumn column = new MColumn(GetCtx(), p_AD_Column_ID, Get_Trx());

            if (column.Get_ID() == 0 || column.Get_ID() != p_AD_Column_ID)
                throw new Exception("@NotFound@ @AD_Column_ID@ - " + p_AD_Column_ID);
            String columnName = column.GetColumnName();
            int    dt         = column.GetAD_Reference_ID();

            //	Can it be enabled?
            if (column.IsKey() ||
                column.IsParent() ||
                column.IsStandardColumn() ||
                column.IsVirtualColumn() ||
                column.IsIdentifier() ||
                column.IsTranslated() ||
                DisplayType.IsLookup(dt) ||
                DisplayType.IsLOB(dt) ||
                "DocumentNo".Equals(column.GetColumnName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                "Value".Equals(column.GetColumnName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                "Name".Equals(column.GetColumnName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (column.IsEncrypted())
                return(columnName + ": cannot be encrypted");

            //	Start
            AddLog(0, null, null, "Encryption Class = " + SecureEngine.GetClassName());
            bool error = false;

            //	Test Value
            if (p_TestValue != null && p_TestValue.Length > 0)
                String encString = SecureEngine.Encrypt(p_TestValue);
                AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Test Value=" + encString);
                String clearString = SecureEngine.Decrypt(encString);
                if (p_TestValue.Equals(clearString))
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Decrypted=" + clearString
                           + " (same as test value)");
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Decrypted=" + clearString
                           + " (NOT the same as test value - check algorithm)");
                    error = true;
                int encLength = encString.Length;
                AddLog(0, null, null, "Test Length=" + p_TestValue.Length + " -> " + encLength);
                if (encLength <= column.GetFieldLength())
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Length (" + encLength
                           + ") fits into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ")");
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Length (" + encLength
                           + ") does NOT fit into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ") - resize field");
                    error = true;

            //	Length Test
            if (p_MaxLength != 0)
                String testClear = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
                while (testClear.Length < p_MaxLength)
                    testClear += testClear;
                testClear = testClear.Substring(0, p_MaxLength);
                log.Config("Test=" + testClear + " (" + p_MaxLength + ")");
                String encString = SecureEngine.Encrypt(testClear);
                int    encLength = encString.Length;
                AddLog(0, null, null, "Test Max Length=" + testClear.Length + " -> " + encLength);
                if (encLength <= column.GetFieldLength())
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Max Length (" + encLength
                           + ") fits into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ")");
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Max Length (" + encLength
                           + ") does NOT fit into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ") - resize field");
                    error = true;

            if (p_IsEncrypted != column.IsEncrypted())
                if (error || !p_ChangeSetting)
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Encryption NOT changed - Encryption=" + column.IsEncrypted());
                    if (column.Save(Get_Trx()))
                        AddLog(0, null, null, "Encryption CHANGED - Encryption=" + column.IsEncrypted());
                        AddLog(0, null, null, "Save Error");

            if (p_IsEncrypted == column.IsEncrypted() && !error)      // Done By Karan on 10-nov-2016, to encrypt/decrypt passwords according to settings.
                //object colID = DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT AD_Column_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Table_ID =(SELECT AD_Table_ID From AD_Table WHERE TableName='AD_User') AND ColumnName='Password'", null, Get_Trx());

                // if (colID != null && colID != DBNull.Value && Convert.ToInt32(colID) == column.GetAD_Column_ID())

                string tableName = MTable.GetTableName(GetCtx(), column.GetAD_Table_ID());

                DataSet ds = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT " + column.GetColumnName() + "," + tableName
                                               + "_ID FROM " + tableName, null, Get_Trx());
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (p_IsEncrypted)
                        for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()] != DBNull.Value &&
                                //MUser user = new MUser(GetCtx(), Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][MTable.GetTableName(GetCtx(), column.GetAD_Table_ID()) + "_ID"]), Get_Trx());

                                int encLength = SecureEngine.Encrypt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString()).Length;

                                if (encLength <= column.GetFieldLength())
                                    //PO tab = MTable.GetPO(GetCtx(), tableName,
                                    //    Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][tableName + "_ID"]), Get_Trx());

                                    //tab.Set_Value(column.GetColumnName(), (SecureEngine.Encrypt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString())));
                                    //if (!tab.Save(Get_Trx()))
                                    //    Rollback();
                                    //    return "Encryption=" + false;
                                    string p_NewPassword = SecureEngine.Encrypt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString());
                                    String sql           = "UPDATE " + tableName + " SET Updated=SYSDATE, UpdatedBy=" + GetAD_User_ID();
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_NewPassword))
                                        sql += ", " + column.GetColumnName() + "=" + GlobalVariable.TO_STRING(p_NewPassword);
                                    sql += " WHERE " + tableName + "_ID=" + Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][tableName + "_ID"]);
                                    int iRes = DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, Get_Trx());
                                    if (iRes <= 0)
                                        return("Encryption=" + false);
                                    return("After Encryption some values may exceed the value of column length. Please exceed column Length.");
                        for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()] != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()] != DBNull.Value &&
                                // MUser user = new MUser(GetCtx(), Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][MTable.GetTableName(GetCtx(), column.GetAD_Table_ID())+"_ID"]), Get_Trx());

                                //PO tab = MTable.GetPO(GetCtx(), tableName,
                                //   Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][tableName + "_ID"]), Get_Trx());

                                //tab.Set_Value(column.GetColumnName(), (SecureEngine.Decrypt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString())));
                                //if (!tab.Save(Get_Trx()))
                                //    Rollback();
                                //    return "Encryption=" + false;

                                string p_NewPassword = SecureEngine.Decrypt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][column.GetColumnName()].ToString());
                                String sql           = "UPDATE " + tableName + "  SET Updated=SYSDATE, UpdatedBy=" + GetAD_User_ID();
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_NewPassword))
                                    sql += ", " + column.GetColumnName() + "=" + GlobalVariable.TO_STRING(p_NewPassword);
                                sql += " WHERE " + tableName + "_ID  =" + Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][tableName + "_ID"]);
                                int iRes = DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, Get_Trx());
                                if (iRes <= 0)
                                    return("Encryption=" + false);
            return("Encryption=" + column.IsEncrypted());
        /// <summary>
        /// Process
        /// throws Exception
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>info</returns>
        override protected string DoIt()
            //IDbTransaction trx = ExecuteQuery.GerServerTransaction();
            MTab tab = new MTab(GetCtx(), p_AD_Tab_ID, Get_Trx());

            //MTab tab = new MTab(GetCtx(), p_AD_Tab_ID, trx.ToString());
            if (p_AD_Tab_ID == 0 || tab == null || tab.Get_ID() == 0)
                throw new Exception("@NotFound@: @AD_Tab_ID@ " + p_AD_Tab_ID);
            int    count = 0;
            string sql   = "SELECT * FROM AD_Column c "
                           + "WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM AD_Field f "
                           + "WHERE c.AD_Column_ID=f.AD_Column_ID"
                           + " AND c.AD_Table_ID=@AD_Table_Id" //	#1
                           + " AND f.AD_Tab_ID=@AD_Tab_Id)"    //	#2
                           + " AND AD_Table_ID=@AD_Table_Id1"  //	#3
                           + " AND NOT (Name LIKE 'Created%' OR Name LIKE 'Updated%')"
                           + " AND IsActive='Y' "
                           + "ORDER BY Name desc";

                SqlParameter[] param = new SqlParameter[3];
                param[0] = new SqlParameter("@AD_Table_Id", tab.GetAD_Table_ID());
                param[1] = new SqlParameter("@AD_Tab_Id", tab.GetAD_Tab_ID());
                param[2] = new SqlParameter("@AD_Table_Id1", tab.GetAD_Table_ID());
                DataSet ds = DataBase.DB.ExecuteDataset(sql, param, Get_Trx());
                //DataSet ds1 = ExecuteQuery.ExecuteDataset(sql);
                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i];
                    //MColumn column = new MColumn (getCtx(),dr, Get_Trx());
                    //MColumn column = new MColumn(GetCtx(), dr, null);
                    MColumn column = new MColumn(GetCtx(), dr, Get_Trx());
                    MField field = new MField(tab);
                    if (column.IsKey())
                    if (column.GetColumnName().ToString() == "AD_Client_ID")
                    if (column.GetColumnName().ToString() == "AD_Org_ID")
                    //Export_ID Check  [Hide Export Field]
                    if (column.GetColumnName().ToString() == "Export_ID")

                    if (field.Save())
                        AddLog(0, DateTime.MinValue, Decimal.Parse(count.ToString()), column.GetName());
                        //AddLog(0, DateTime.MinValue, null, );

                ds = null;
            catch (Exception e)
                log.Log(Level.SEVERE, sql, e);

            return("@Created@ #" + count);
        }       //	prepare

         *  Process
         *	@return info
         *	@throws Exception
        protected override String DoIt()// throws Exception
            log.Info("AD_Column_ID=" + p_AD_Column_ID
                     + ", IsEncrypted=" + p_IsEncrypted
                     + ", ChangeSetting=" + p_ChangeSetting
                     + ", MaxLength=" + p_MaxLength);
            MColumn column = new MColumn(GetCtx(), p_AD_Column_ID, null);

            if (column.Get_ID() == 0 || column.Get_ID() != p_AD_Column_ID)
                throw new Exception("@NotFound@ @AD_Column_ID@ - " + p_AD_Column_ID);
            String columnName = column.GetColumnName();
            int    dt         = column.GetAD_Reference_ID();

            //	Can it be enabled?
            if (column.IsKey() ||
                column.IsParent() ||
                column.IsStandardColumn() ||
                column.IsVirtualColumn() ||
                column.IsIdentifier() ||
                column.IsTranslated() ||
                DisplayType.IsLookup(dt) ||
                DisplayType.IsLOB(dt) ||
                "DocumentNo".Equals(column.GetColumnName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                "Value".Equals(column.GetColumnName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                "Name".Equals(column.GetColumnName(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                if (column.IsEncrypted())
                return(columnName + ": cannot be encrypted");

            //	Start
            AddLog(0, null, null, "Encryption Class = " + SecureEngineUtility.SecureEngine.GetClassName());
            bool error = false;

            //	Test Value
            if (p_TestValue != null && p_TestValue.Length > 0)
                String encString = SecureEngineUtility.SecureEngine.Encrypt(p_TestValue);
                AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Test Value=" + encString);
                String clearString = SecureEngineUtility.SecureEngine.Decrypt(encString);
                if (p_TestValue.Equals(clearString))
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Decrypted=" + clearString
                           + " (same as test value)");
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Decrypted=" + clearString
                           + " (NOT the same as test value - check algorithm)");
                    error = true;
                int encLength = encString.Length;
                AddLog(0, null, null, "Test Length=" + p_TestValue.Length + " -> " + encLength);
                if (encLength <= column.GetFieldLength())
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Length (" + encLength
                           + ") fits into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ")");
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Length (" + encLength
                           + ") does NOT fit into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ") - resize field");
                    error = true;

            //	Length Test
            if (p_MaxLength != 0)
                String testClear = "1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
                while (testClear.Length < p_MaxLength)
                    testClear += testClear;
                testClear = testClear.Substring(0, p_MaxLength);
                log.Config("Test=" + testClear + " (" + p_MaxLength + ")");
                String encString = SecureEngineUtility.SecureEngine.Encrypt(testClear);
                int    encLength = encString.Length;
                AddLog(0, null, null, "Test Max Length=" + testClear.Length + " -> " + encLength);
                if (encLength <= column.GetFieldLength())
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Max Length (" + encLength
                           + ") fits into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ")");
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Encrypted Max Length (" + encLength
                           + ") does NOT fit into field (" + column.GetFieldLength() + ") - resize field");
                    error = true;

            if (p_IsEncrypted != column.IsEncrypted())
                if (error || !p_ChangeSetting)
                    AddLog(0, null, null, "Encryption NOT changed - Encryption=" + column.IsEncrypted());
                    if (column.Save())
                        AddLog(0, null, null, "Encryption CHANGED - Encryption=" + column.IsEncrypted());
                        AddLog(0, null, null, "Save Error");
            return("Encryption=" + column.IsEncrypted());