public ActivityInfo GetActivityInfo(int activityID, int nodeID, int wfProcessID, Ctx ctx)
            ActivityInfo info = new ActivityInfo();

                MWFNode node = new MWFNode(ctx, nodeID, null);
                info.NodeAction = node.GetAction();
                info.NodeName   = node.GetName();
                if (MWFNode.ACTION_UserChoice.Equals(node.GetAction()))
                    MColumn col = node.GetColumn();
                    info.ColID             = col.GetAD_Column_ID();
                    info.ColReference      = col.GetAD_Reference_ID();
                    info.ColReferenceValue = col.GetAD_Reference_Value_ID();
                    info.ColName           = col.GetColumnName();
                else if (MWFNode.ACTION_UserWindow.Equals(node.GetAction()))
                    info.AD_Window_ID = node.GetAD_Window_ID();
                    MWFActivity activity = new MWFActivity(ctx, activityID, null);
                    info.KeyCol = activity.GetPO().Get_TableName() + "_ID";
                else if (MWFNode.ACTION_UserForm.Equals(node.GetAction()))
                    info.AD_Form_ID = node.GetAD_Form_ID();

                string  sql = @"SELECT node.ad_wf_node_ID,
                                  node.Name AS NodeName,
                                  usr.Name AS UserName,
                              FROM ad_wf_eventaudit wfea
                                INNER JOIN Ad_WF_Node node
                                ON (node.Ad_Wf_node_ID=wfea.AD_Wf_Node_id)
                                INNER JOIN AD_User usr
                                ON (usr.Ad_User_ID         =wfea.ad_User_ID)
                              WHERE wfea.AD_WF_Process_ID=" + wfProcessID + @"
                              Order By wfea.ad_wf_eventaudit_id desc";
                DataSet ds  = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql);
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    List <NodeInfo> nodeInfo = new List <NodeInfo>();
                    List <int>      nodes    = new List <int>();
                    NodeInfo        ni       = null;
                    NodeHistory     nh       = null;
                    for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                        if (!nodes.Contains(Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AD_WF_Node_ID"])))
                            ni            = new NodeInfo();
                            ni.Name       = Util.GetValueOfString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["NodeName"]);
                            nh            = new NodeHistory();
                            nh.State      = Util.GetValueOfString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["WFState"]);
                            nh.ApprovedBy = Util.GetValueOfString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"]);
                            ni.History    = new List <NodeHistory>();

                            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TextMsg"] == null || ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TextMsg"] == DBNull.Value)
                                nh.TextMsg = string.Empty;
                                nh.TextMsg = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TextMsg"].ToString();
                            int index = nodes.IndexOf(Util.GetValueOfInt(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["AD_WF_Node_ID"]));
                            nh            = new NodeHistory();
                            nh.State      = Util.GetValueOfString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["WFState"]);
                            nh.ApprovedBy = Util.GetValueOfString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"]);
                            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TextMsg"] == null || ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TextMsg"] == DBNull.Value)
                                nh.TextMsg = string.Empty;
                                nh.TextMsg = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["TextMsg"].ToString();
                    info.Node = nodeInfo;

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create default columns for Master Data Version Table
        /// e.g. Processed, Processing, IsApproved etc.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Ver_AD_Table_ID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string CreateDefaultVerCols(int Ver_AD_Table_ID)
            DataSet dstblCols = DB.ExecuteDataset("SELECT ColumnName FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + Ver_AD_Table_ID, null, null);

            for (int i = 0; i < listDefVerCols.Count; i++)
                bool hasCol = false;
                if (dstblCols != null && dstblCols.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    DataRow[] dr = dstblCols.Tables[0].Select("ColumnName = '" + listDefVerCols[i] + "'");
                    if (dr != null && dr.Length > 0)
                        hasCol = true;
                if (hasCol)
                MColumn colVer = new MColumn(GetCtx(), 0, _trx);
                //if (listDefVerCols[i] == "VersionValidFrom")
                //    colVer.SetIsParent(true);
                if (listDefVerRef[i] == 10)
                if (listDefVerRef[i] == 14)
                if (listDefVerRef[i] == 13)
                if (!colVer.Save())
                    ValueNamePair vnp   = VLogger.RetrieveError();
                    string        error = "";
                    if (vnp != null)
                        error = vnp.GetName();
                        if (error == "" && vnp.GetValue() != null)
                            error = vnp.GetValue();
                    if (error == "")
                        error = "Error in creating Version Column " + listDefVerCols[i];
                    log.Log(Level.SEVERE, "Version Column not created :: " + listDefVerCols[i] + " :: " + error);
                    return(Msg.GetMsg(GetCtx(), "VersionColNotCreated"));
                    oldVerCol = colVer.GetAD_Column_ID();
        }//	prepare

        /// <summary>
        /// Alert table
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>int</returns>
        override protected string DoIt()
            string exception = "";

            log.Info("C_Column_ID=" + p_AD_Column_ID);
            if (p_AD_Column_ID == 0)
                //    return "";
                throw new Exception("@No@ @AD_Column_ID@");
            //IDbTransaction trx = ExecuteQuery.GerServerTransaction();
            MColumn column = new MColumn(GetCtx(), p_AD_Column_ID, Get_Trx());

            if (column.Get_ID() == 0)
                throw new Exception("@NotFound@ @AD_Column_ID@" + p_AD_Column_ID);

            MTable table = MTable.Get(GetCtx(), column.GetAD_Table_ID());

            if (table.Get_ID() == 0)
                throw new Exception("@NotFound@ @AD_Table_ID@" + column.GetAD_Table_ID());
            //	Find Column in Database

            if (column.IsVirtualColumn())
            int    noColumns = 0;
            string sql       = CommonFunctions.SyncColumn(table, column, out noColumns);

            //DatabaseMetaData md = new DatabaseMetaData();
            //String catalog = "";
            //String schema = DataBase.DB.GetSchema();

            ////get table name
            //string tableName = table.GetTableName();

            //int noColumns;
            //string sql = null;
            ////get columns of a table
            //DataSet dt = md.GetColumns(catalog, schema, tableName);
            ////for each column
            //for (noColumns = 0; noColumns < dt.Tables[0].Rows.Count; noColumns++)
            //    string columnName = dt.Tables[0].Rows[noColumns]["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString().ToLower();
            //    if (!columnName.Equals(column.GetColumnName().ToLower()))
            //        continue;

            //    //check if column is null or not

            //    string dtColumnName = "is_nullable";
            //    string value = "YES";
            //    //if database is oracle
            //    if (DatabaseType.IsOracle)
            //    {
            //        dtColumnName = "NULLABLE";
            //        value = "Y";
            //    }
            //    bool notNull = false;
            //    //check if column is null
            //    if (dt.Tables[0].Rows[noColumns][dtColumnName].ToString() == value)
            //        notNull = false;
            //    else
            //        notNull = true;
            //    //............................

            //    //if column is virtual column then alter table and drop this column
            //    if (column.IsVirtualColumn())
            //    {
            //        sql = "ALTER TABLE " + table.GetTableName()
            //       + " DROP COLUMN " + columnName;
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        sql = column.GetSQLModify(table, column.IsMandatory() != notNull);
            //        noColumns++;
            //        break;
            //    }

            //dt = null;

            ////while (
            ////    noColumns++;
            ////    String columnName = rs.getString ("COLUMN_NAME");
            ////    if (!columnName.equalsIgnoreCase(column.getColumnName()))
            ////        continue;

            ////    //	update existing column
            ////    boolean notNull = DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls == rs.getInt("NULLABLE");
            ////    if (column.isVirtualColumn())
            ////        sql = "ALTER TABLE " + table.getTableName()
            ////            + " DROP COLUMN " + columnName;
            ////    else
            ////        sql = column.getSQLModify(table, column.isMandatory() != notNull);
            ////    break;
            ////rs = null;

            ////	No Table
            //if (noColumns == 0)
            //    sql = table.GetSQLCreate();
            ////	No existing column
            //else if (sql == null)
            //    if (column.IsVirtualColumn())
            //    {
            //        return "@IsVirtualColumn@";
            //    }
            //    sql = column.GetSQLAdd(table);

            int no = 0;

            if (sql.IndexOf(";") == -1)
                //no =
                //ExecuteQuery.ExecuteNonQuery(sql, false, Get_Trx());
                    no = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(sql, null, Get_Trx());

                    AddLog(0, DateTime.MinValue, Decimal.Parse(no.ToString()), sql);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    exception = ex.Message;
                //addLog (0, null, new BigDecimal(no), sql);
                //string ss = "; ";
                string[] statements = sql.Split(';');
                for (int i = 0; i < statements.Length; i++)
                    int count = DataBase.DB.ExecuteQuery(statements[i].ToString(), null, Get_Trx());
                    AddLog(0, DateTime.MinValue, Decimal.Parse(count.ToString()), statements[i]);

                    no += count;

            if (no == -1)
                string        msg = "@Error@ ";
                ValueNamePair pp  = VAdvantage.Logging.VLogger.RetrieveError();
                if (pp != null)
                    msg += exception + " - ";
                msg += sql;
                throw new Exception(msg);
            string r = createFK(noColumns);

            // Change here for Master Data Versioning
            bool hasMainVerCol = Util.GetValueOfInt(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT AD_Column_ID FROM AD_Column WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + column.GetAD_Table_ID() + " AND IsActive ='Y' AND IsMaintainVersions = 'Y'", null, Get_Trx())) > 0;

            // check whether there are any columns in the table
            // marked as "Maintain Versions", then proceed else return

            if (!hasMainVerCol)
                hasMainVerCol = Util.GetValueOfString(DB.ExecuteScalar("SELECT IsMaintainVersions FROM AD_Table WHERE AD_Table_ID = " + column.GetAD_Table_ID(), null, Get_Trx())) == "Y";

            string versionMsg = "";

            if (hasMainVerCol)
                // call CreateVersionInfo function of MasterVersions class
                // to create version table and all columns
                MasterVersions mv = new MasterVersions();
                versionMsg = mv.CreateVersionInfo(column.GetAD_Column_ID(), column.GetAD_Table_ID(), Get_Trx());

            return(sql + "; " + r + "; " + versionMsg);
        }       //	doIt