// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		// Instantiate internal managers
		gui = gameObject.AddComponent<GUIManager>();
        musicManager = (GameObject) Instantiate(Resources.Load(ResourcePaths.musicManager), Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
        soundManager = (GameObject) Instantiate(Resources.Load(ResourcePaths.soundManager), Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
        music = musicManager.GetComponent<MusicManager>();
        sound = soundManager.GetComponent<SoundManager>();
        objects = gameObject.AddComponent<ObjectManager>();
		levels = gameObject.AddComponent<LevelGenerator>();
        art = gameObject.GetComponent<LayerManager>();
		reactionTable = new ReactionTable();

        if(layerTracks.Length > 0)
            music.clips = layerTracks;
        //Find camera if not explicitly done in the Editor (this is a failsafe.. shouldn't rely on this)
        if (!mainCamera)
            mainCamera = GameObject.Find("Main Camera");

        // Start first level
        state = GameState.loading;

        //This is just so the old "Gameplay" scene doesn't break
        #pragma warning disable 0618 // Type or member is obsolete
        if(Application.loadedLevelName == "Gameplay")
            worldProperties = gameObject.AddComponent<WorldProperties>();

            // Set the camera to follow the game's player
            mainCamera.GetComponent<CameraFollow>().SetPlayer(ref worldProperties.player);
        #pragma warning restore 0618 // Type or member is obsolete