static void Main(string[] args)
        string[] inputs;
        int      surfaceN = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); // the number of points used to draw the surface of Mars.

        // find the landing site
        Point landingStart = new Point(0, 0), landingEnd = new Point(0, 0);
        int   landX0 = 0, landY0 = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < surfaceN; i++)
            inputs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
            int landX = int.Parse(inputs[0]); // X coordinate of a surface point. (0 to 6999)
            int landY = int.Parse(inputs[1]); // Y coordinate of a surface point. By linking all the points together in a sequential fashion, you form the surface of Mars.

            // if no change in Y then set as new landingzone
            if (landY0 == landY)
                landingStart = new Point(landX0, landY0);
                landingEnd   = new Point(landX, landY);
            landX0 = landX;
            landY0 = landY;

        Console.Error.WriteLine("Landing Area: {0} - {1}", landingStart.X, landingEnd.X);

        // game loop
        while (true)
            inputs = Console.ReadLine().Split(' ');
            int    X          = int.Parse(inputs[0]);
            int    Y          = int.Parse(inputs[1]);
            int    hSpeed     = int.Parse(inputs[2]); // the horizontal speed (in m/s), can be negative.
            int    vSpeed     = int.Parse(inputs[3]); // the vertical speed (in m/s), can be negative.
            int    fuel       = int.Parse(inputs[4]); // the quantity of remaining fuel in liters.
            double rotatation = int.Parse(inputs[5]); // the rotation angle in degrees (-90 to 90).
            int    thrust     = int.Parse(inputs[6]); // the thrust power (0 to 4).

            // create the lander
            Lander lander = new Lander(X, Y, hSpeed, vSpeed, fuel, rotatation, thrust);

            Point landing = new Point((landingEnd.X - landingStart.X) / 2, landingStart.Y + 2000);  // the ideal landing spot midway into the flat area

            double g      = -3.711;
            int    power  = 0;
            double rotate = 0;
            double AccelV = 0;  // allowable vertical accel

            if ((lander.Y - landingStart.Y) > 1000)
                AccelV = -0.5;

            // move lander to the landing position
            if (lander.X < landingStart.X)
                if (lander.HSpeed < 50)

            // move the lander to the starting position
            else if (lander.X > landingEnd.X)
                if (lander.HSpeed > -50)
                if (lander.HSpeed < -1)
                else if (lander.HSpeed > 1)
                    rotate = 0;
                    if (lander.VSpeed <= -40)
                        power = 4;
                        power = 3;
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", rotate, power);

             *  double bestRotate=0;
             *  double bestPower=0;
             *  double bestScore=100000;
             *  // all angles
             *  for (int rotate=-90; rotate<=90; rotate=rotate+15)
             *  {
             *      // all powers
             *      for(int power=0; power<=4; power++)
             *      {
             *          //find the landing area for each combination
             *          int HSpeedMax=40;
             *          int VSpeedMax=-20;
             *          Point estimatedlanding = lander.calculateXY(rotate, power, HSpeedMax, VSpeedMax);
             *          double score=Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(landing.X-estimatedlanding.X,2) + Math.Pow(landing.Y-estimatedlanding.Y, 2));
             *          // Console.Error.WriteLine("{0} {1} => {2}", estimatedlanding.X, estimatedlanding.Y, Math.Round(score,2));
             *          // compare the score and take the closest match
             *          if(score < bestScore)
             *          {
             *              //Console.Error.WriteLine("{0} < {1}", score, bestScore);
             *              // Console.Error.WriteLine("BEST:  {0} {1} => {2}", rotate, power, Math.Round(score,2));
             *              bestRotate=rotate;
             *              bestPower=power;
             *              bestScore=score;
             *          }
             *      }
             *  }
             *  Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", bestRotate, bestPower);
             *   // calculate ideal acceleration
             *   // a=[(v)^2-(v0)^2]/2d
             *   double HDistance, VDistance, HSpeedIdeal, VSpeedIdeal;
             *   // lander to the left of landing zone
             *   if(lander.X < landingStart.X)
             *   {
             *       HDistance=landingStart.X-lander.X;
             *       VDistance=lander.Y-landingStart.Y+500;
             *       VSpeedIdeal=-39;
             *       HSpeedIdeal=40;
             *       Console.Error.WriteLine("1");
             *   }
             *   // lander to the right of the landing zone
             *   else if(lander.X > landingEnd.X)
             *   {
             *       HDistance=landingEnd.X-lander.X;
             *       VDistance=landingStart.Y-lander.Y;
             *       VSpeedIdeal=0;
             *       HSpeedIdeal=-40;
             *   }
             *   // lander within the landing zone
             *   else
             *   {
             *       HDistance=1;
             *       VDistance=1;
             *       HSpeedIdeal=0;
             *       VSpeedIdeal=0;
             *       if(lander.HSpeed<20){
             *           HDistance=1;
             *           VDistance=lander.Y-landingStart.Y;
             *           VSpeedIdeal=-39;
             *           HSpeedIdeal=0;
             *       }
             *   }
             *   double accelHIdeal=calculateAccel(HSpeedIdeal, lander.HSpeed, HDistance);
             *   double accelVIdeal=calculateAccel(VSpeedIdeal, lander.VSpeed, VDistance);
             *   Console.Error.WriteLine("H:{0}  V:{1}", accelHIdeal, accelVIdeal);
             *   lander.findBestRoute(accelHIdeal, accelVIdeal);
             *   /*
             *   // hover the lander and move to the landing zone
             *   if(lander.X < landingStart.X)
             *   {
             *       if(lander.VSpeed < -30)
             *       {
             *           rotate=0;
             *           power=4;
             *       }
             *       else{
             *           rotate=lander.Rotate-15;
             *           if(rotate<-90) rotate=-90;
             *           power=4;
             *       }
             *   }
             *   // lander to the right of the landing zone
             *   else if(lander.X > landingEnd.X)
             *   {
             *   }
             *   // lander within the landing zone
             *   else
             *   {
             *       if(lander.Rotate==0 && Math.Abs(lander.HSpeed)<20)
             *       {
             *           rotate=0;
             *           if(lander.VSpeed>=40) power=4;
             *           else power=lander.Power-1;
             *       }
             *       else if(lander.HSpeed>20)
             *       {
             *           if(lander.VSpeed < -40)
             *           {
             *               rotate=0;
             *               power=4;
             *           }
             *           else{
             *               rotate=lander.Rotate+15;
             *               if (rotate>90) rotate=90;
             *               power=4;
             *           }
             *       }
             *   }
             *  Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", rotate, power);