Beispiel #1
        public bool Raycast(FRay ray, out float closestDistance)
            // Convert the ray to local space of this node since all of our raycasts are local.
            FRay localRay = WMath.TransformRay(ray, Transform.Position, Transform.LocalScale, Transform.Rotation.Inverted());
            bool bHit     = false;

            if (m_actorMesh != null)
                bHit = m_actorMesh.Raycast(localRay, out closestDistance, true);
                bHit = WMath.RayIntersectsAABB(localRay, m_objRender.GetAABB().Min, m_objRender.GetAABB().Max, out closestDistance);

            if (bHit)
                // Convert the hit point back to world space...
                Vector3 localHitPoint = localRay.Origin + (localRay.Direction * closestDistance);
                localHitPoint = Vector3.Transform(localHitPoint + Transform.Position, Transform.Rotation);

                // Now get the distance from the original ray origin and the new worldspace hit point.
                closestDistance = (localHitPoint - ray.Origin).Length;
