Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        ///   Set person's flag based on what is default for this election
        /// </summary>
        public bool ApplyVoteReasonFlags(Person person)
            // using only what they have

            var changed = false;

            var reason = IneligibleReasonEnum.Get(person.IneligibleReasonGuid);

            if (reason == null)
                // no reason, so set to true
                if (!person.CanVote.GetValueOrDefault())
                    person.CanVote = true;
                    changed        = true;
                if (!person.CanReceiveVotes.GetValueOrDefault())
                    person.CanReceiveVotes = true;
                    changed = true;
                // update to match what this reason implies
                if (person.CanVote != reason.CanVote)
                    person.CanVote = reason.CanVote;
                    changed        = true;
                if (person.CanReceiveVotes != reason.CanReceiveVotes)
                    person.CanReceiveVotes = reason.CanReceiveVotes;
                    changed = true;

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        ///   Ensure the flags match the Guid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="people"></param>
        /// <param name="hub"></param>
        /// <param name="personSaver"></param>
        public void EnsureFlagsAreRight(List <Person> people, IStatusUpdateHub hub, Action <DbAction, Person> personSaver)
            hub.StatusUpdate("Reviewing people", true);
            var currentElectionGuid = UserSession.CurrentElectionGuid;

            // var defaultCanVote = UserSession.CurrentElection.CanVote == "A";
            // var defaultCanReceiveVotes = UserSession.CurrentElection.CanReceive == "A";

            var numDone = 0;

            foreach (var person in people)
                var changesMade = false;

                if (numDone % 10 == 0)
                    hub.StatusUpdate("Reviewed {0} people".FilledWith(numDone), true);

                if (currentElectionGuid != person.ElectionGuid)
                    hub.StatusUpdate("Found unexpected person. Please review. Name: " + person.C_FullName);

                var matchedReason = IneligibleReasonEnum.Get(person.IneligibleReasonGuid);
                if (person.IneligibleReasonGuid.HasValue && matchedReason == null)
                    personSaver(DbAction.Attach, person);
                    person.IneligibleReasonGuid = IneligibleReasonEnum.Ineligible_Other;

                    hub.StatusUpdate("Found unknown ineligible reason. Set to Unknown. Name: " + person.C_FullName);

                    changesMade = true;

                if (ApplyVoteReasonFlags(person))
                    personSaver(DbAction.Attach, person);
                    changesMade = true;
                // var reason = IneligibleReasonEnum.Get(person.IneligibleReasonGuid);
                // if (reason == null)
                // {
                //   unknownIneligibleGuid = true;
                // }
                // else
                // {
                //   var canVote = reason.CanVote;
                //   var canReceiveVotes = reason.CanReceiveVotes;
                //   if (canVote != person.CanVote || canReceiveVotes != person.CanReceiveVotes)
                //   {
                //     personSaver(DbAction.Attach, person);
                //     person.CanVote = canVote;
                //     person.CanReceiveVotes = canReceiveVotes;
                //   }
                // }
                // else
                // {
                //   if (defaultCanVote != person.CanVote || defaultCanReceiveVotes != person.CanReceiveVotes)
                //   {
                //     personSaver(DbAction.Attach, person);
                //     person.CanVote = defaultCanVote;
                //     person.CanReceiveVotes = defaultCanReceiveVotes;
                //     changesMade = true;
                //   }
                // }

                if (changesMade)
                    //          personSaver(DbAction.Save, person);

            hub.StatusUpdate("Reviewed {0} people".FilledWith(numDone));
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        ///   Ensure the flags match the Guid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="people"></param>
        /// <param name="hub"></param>
        /// <param name="personSaver"></param>
        public void EnsureFlagsAreRight(List <Person> people, IStatusUpdateHub hub, Action <DbAction, Person> personSaver)
            hub.StatusUpdate("Reviewing people", true);
            var currentElectionGuid = UserSession.CurrentElectionGuid;

            var numDone = 0;

            foreach (var person in people)
                var changesMade           = false;
                var unknownIneligibleGuid = false;

                if (numDone % 10 == 0)
                    hub.StatusUpdate("Reviewed {0} people".FilledWith(numDone), true);

                if (currentElectionGuid != person.ElectionGuid)
                    hub.StatusUpdate("Reviewed {0} people".FilledWith(numDone));
                    hub.StatusUpdate("Found unexpected person. Please review. Name: " + person.C_FullNameFL);

                if (person.IneligibleReasonGuid.HasValue)
                    var reason = IneligibleReasonEnum.Get(person.IneligibleReasonGuid);
                    if (reason == null)
                        unknownIneligibleGuid = true;
                        var canVote         = reason.CanVote;
                        var canReceiveVotes = reason.CanReceiveVotes;

                        if (canVote != person.CanVote || canReceiveVotes != person.CanReceiveVotes)
                            personSaver(DbAction.Attach, person);
                            person.CanVote         = canVote;
                            person.CanReceiveVotes = canReceiveVotes;
                            changesMade            = true;
                if (unknownIneligibleGuid)
                    personSaver(DbAction.Attach, person);
                    person.IneligibleReasonGuid = IneligibleReasonEnum.Ineligible_Other;

                    hub.StatusUpdate("Reviewed {0} people".FilledWith(numDone));
                    hub.StatusUpdate("Found unknown ineligible reason. Set to Unknown. Name: " + person.C_FullNameFL);

                    changesMade = true;
                if (changesMade)
                    personSaver(DbAction.Save, person);
            hub.StatusUpdate("Reviewed {0} people".FilledWith(numDone));