private static void CreateIndex() { var exists = _client.IndexExists(Index); //基本配置 IIndexState indexState = new IndexState() { Settings = new IndexSettings() { NumberOfReplicas = 1, //副本数 NumberOfShards = 5 //分片数 } }; if (!exists.Exists) { _client.CreateIndex(Index, p => p .InitializeUsing(indexState) .Mappings(ms => ms.Map <Person>(m => m.AutoMap() )) ) ; } }
/// <summary> /// 创建索引 /// </summary> /// <param name="esCreateIndexSettings">创建索引配置</param> /// <param name="mappingHandle">映射处理</param> internal static void CreateIndex(EsCreateIndexSettings esCreateIndexSettings, Action <ElasticClient, string> mappingHandle = null) { var aliasIndex = esCreateIndexSettings.AliasIndex; var numberOfShards = esCreateIndexSettings.NumberOfShards; var index = esCreateIndexSettings.Setting.EsDefaultIndex; var currClient = GetClient(esCreateIndexSettings.Setting); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(aliasIndex)) { aliasIndex = esCreateIndexSettings.Setting.EsDefaultIndex; } //验证索引是否存在 if (!currClient.Indices.Exists(index).Exists) { IIndexState indexState = new IndexState() { Settings = new IndexSettings() { NumberOfReplicas = 0, NumberOfShards = numberOfShards } }; //按别名创建索引 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(aliasIndex) && !aliasIndex.Equals(index)) { currClient.Indices.Create(index, c => c.InitializeUsing(indexState).Aliases(a => a.Alias(aliasIndex))); } else { currClient.Indices.Create(index, c => c.InitializeUsing(indexState)); } } mappingHandle?.Invoke(currClient, index); }
public virtual async Task <IndexState> GetIndexStateAsync(string documentType) { var result = new IndexState { DocumentType = documentType, Provider = _connection.Provider, Scope = _connection.Scope }; var searchRequest = new SearchRequest { Sorting = new[] { new SortingField { FieldName = KnownDocumentFields.IndexationDate, IsDescending = true } }, Take = 1, }; try { var searchResponse = await _searchProvider.SearchAsync(documentType, searchRequest); result.IndexedDocumentsCount = searchResponse.TotalCount; if (searchResponse.Documents?.Any() == true) { var indexationDate = searchResponse.Documents[0].FirstOrDefault(kvp => kvp.Key.EqualsInvariant(KnownDocumentFields.IndexationDate)); result.LastIndexationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(indexationDate.Value); } } catch { // ignored } return(result); }
public string Post([FromBody] Category category) { try { ElasticClient es = conn.Create(); var settings = new IndexSettings { NumberOfReplicas = 1, NumberOfShards = 2 }; var indexConfig = new IndexState { Settings = settings }; if (!es.IndexExists("categories").Exists) { es.CreateIndex("categories", c => c .InitializeUsing(indexConfig) .Mappings(m => m.Map <Category>(mp => mp.AutoMap()))); } esrepo.InsertDocument <Category>(es, category, "categories"); return("Success"); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 创建索引,1个副本,5个分片 /// 当索引存在的时候返回true /// 当索引不存在则创建,并根据T进行创建索引的mapping /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="indexName"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static bool CreateIndex <T>(string indexName) where T : class, new() { var response = client.IndexExists(indexName); if (!response.Exists) { IIndexState indexState = new IndexState() { Settings = new IndexSettings() { NumberOfReplicas = 1, //副本数 NumberOfShards = 5 //分片数 } }; var indexResponse = client.CreateIndex(indexName, p => p.InitializeUsing(indexState).Mappings(x => x.Map <T>(y => y.AutoMap()))); if (indexResponse.IsValid) { return(true); } throw indexResponse.OriginalException; } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Prepare index /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private static async Task GetData() { _state = IndexState.Downloading; String content = await DownloadFile(IndexUrl); //try to get previously downloaded file if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content)) { if (File.Exists(TempFile)) { content = File.ReadAllText(TempFile); _state = IndexState.OkUsingCache; } } else { File.WriteAllText(TempFile, content); } ParseJson(content); if (!IsReady) { _state = IndexState.NoContent; } if (IsReady && _state != IndexState.OkUsingCache) { _state = IndexState.OK; } }
public UsersElasticSearchRepository(IElasticClient client) { this.client = client; if (this.client.IndexExists("users").Exists) { return; } var indexSettings = new IndexSettings { NumberOfReplicas = 1, NumberOfShards = 2 }; var indexConfig = new IndexState { Settings = indexSettings }; var response = this.client.CreateIndex( IndexName, c => c.InitializeUsing(indexConfig) .Mappings(m => m.Map <UserIndex>(mp => mp.AutoMap()))); if (response.IsValid) { Log.Information("Index Created. Data: {@data}", new { Response = response, MethodName = "UsersElasticSearchRepository" }); } }
/// <summary> /// 创建索引 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="elasticClient"></param> /// <param name="indexName"></param> /// <param name="numberOfShards"></param> /// <param name="numberOfReplicas"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool CreateIndex <T>(this ElasticClient elasticClient, string indexName = "", int numberOfShards = 5, int numberOfReplicas = 1) where T : class { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(indexName)) { indexName = typeof(T).Name; } if (elasticClient.Indices.Exists(indexName).Exists) { return(false); } else { var indexState = new IndexState() { Settings = new IndexSettings() { NumberOfReplicas = numberOfReplicas, NumberOfShards = numberOfShards, }, }; var response = elasticClient.Indices.Create(indexName, c => c.InitializeUsing(indexState).Map <T>(p => p.AutoMap())); return(response.Acknowledged); } }
public void CreateIndexes() { var elasticClient = ESClient(); var indexConfig = new IndexState { Settings = new IndexSettings { NumberOfReplicas = 1, NumberOfShards = 2 } }; _indexes.ForEach(index => { if (!elasticClient.IndexExists(index).Exists) { switch (index) { case RequestMetrics.Name: var response = elasticClient.CreateIndex(index, c => c .InitializeUsing(indexConfig) .Mappings(m => m.Map <RequestMetrics>(mp => mp.AutoMap()))); break; case ApplicationMetrics.Name: elasticClient.CreateIndex(index, c => c .InitializeUsing(indexConfig) .Mappings(m => m.Map <ApplicationMetrics>(mp => mp.AutoMap()))); break; } } }); }
public ResultModel <bool> CreateIndex(TModel model, string indexName) { var result = new ResultModel <bool>(); try { var settings = new IndexSettings { NumberOfReplicas = 1, NumberOfShards = 3 }; var indexConfig = new IndexState { Settings = settings }; if (!EsClient.IndexExists(indexName).Exists) { EsClient.CreateIndex(indexName, c => c .InitializeUsing(indexConfig) .Mappings(m => m.Map <TModel>(mp => mp.AutoMap()))); } result.Value = true; result.IsSuccess = true; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } return(result); }
public static bool CreateIndex(string indexName, int numberOfReplicas, int numberOfShards) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(indexName) || numberOfReplicas.Equals(0) || numberOfShards.Equals(0)) { throw new ArgumentNullException("参数不能为空"); } try { var client = GetClient(); IIndexState indexState = new IndexState() { Settings = new IndexSettings() { NumberOfReplicas = numberOfReplicas, //副本数 NumberOfShards = numberOfShards //分片数 } }; //创建索引 先不maping return(client.CreateIndex(indexName, p => p.InitializeUsing(indexState)).IsValid); } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }
public async Task SeedData() { try { var httpConnection = new AwsHttpConnection(new AwsSettings { AccessKey = "AKIAI63FYLJHOUAV7HQA", SecretKey = "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", Region = "us-east-1", }); var indexName = _config["ConnectionStrings:IndexName"]; var node = new Uri(""); var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(node); var settings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, httpConnection).DefaultIndex(indexName); ElasticClient client = new ElasticClient(settings); var result = client.TypeExists(indexName, typeof(Persona)); if (!result.Exists) { var indexSettings = new IndexSettings(); indexSettings.NumberOfReplicas = 1; indexSettings.NumberOfShards = 1; var indexState = new IndexState(); indexState.Settings = indexSettings; await client.CreateIndexAsync(indexName, f => f.InitializeUsing(indexState)); } } catch { Console.WriteLine("Error al conectar a BD"); } }
/// <summary> /// 如果同名索引不存在则创建索引 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam> /// <param name="client">ElasticClient实例</param> /// <param name="indexName">要创建的索引名称</param> /// <param name="numberOfReplicas">默认副本数量,如果是单实例,注意改成0</param> /// <param name="numberOfShards">默认分片数量</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool CreateIndex <T>(this ElasticClient client, string indexName = "", int numberOfReplicas = 1, int numberOfShards = 5) where T : class { if (client.IndexExists(indexName).Exists) { return(false); } var indexState = new IndexState { Settings = new IndexSettings { NumberOfReplicas = numberOfReplicas, //副本数 NumberOfShards = numberOfShards //分片数 } }; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(indexName)) { indexName = typeof(T).Name.ToLower(); } var result = client.CreateIndex(indexName, c => c.InitializeUsing(indexState).Mappings(ms => ms.Map <T>(m => m.AutoMap()))); return(result.Acknowledged); }
private IndexState CalculateIndex(IndexState lastIndex, IDictionary <string, decimal> topAssetsWeights, IDictionary <string, decimal> topUsingPrices) { if (lastIndex == null) { return(new IndexState(InitialIndexValue, topUsingPrices)); } var signal = 0m; var topAssets = topAssetsWeights.Keys.ToList(); foreach (var asset in topAssets) { var currentPrice = topUsingPrices[asset]; var previousPrice = Utils.GetPreviousMiddlePrice(asset, lastIndex, currentPrice); var weight = topAssetsWeights[asset]; var r = currentPrice / previousPrice; signal += weight * r; } var indexValue = Math.Round(lastIndex.Value * signal, 2); var indexState = new IndexState(indexValue, topUsingPrices); return(indexState); }
public void Read (TProtocol iprot) { bool isset_Status = false; TField field; iprot.ReadStructBegin(); while (true) { field = iprot.ReadFieldBegin(); if (field.Type == TType.Stop) { break; } switch (field.ID) { case 1: if (field.Type == TType.I32) { Status = (IndexState)iprot.ReadI32(); isset_Status = true; } else { TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); } break; default: TProtocolUtil.Skip(iprot, field.Type); break; } iprot.ReadFieldEnd(); } iprot.ReadStructEnd(); if (!isset_Status) throw new TProtocolException(TProtocolException.INVALID_DATA); }
public void CalculateState() { var defineList = index_definition_infos(); //根据定义生成指数信息 foreach (IndexDefinitionInfo define in defineList) { //计算状态数据 IndexState stateResult = IndexState.Warn; try { stateResult = CalculateState(define); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Log().Error("计算技术状态异常:对象类型:{0},对象编码:{1},周期:{2},技术:{3},\r\n异常信息:{4}" .Format(this.ObjectType, this.ObjectCode, this.Cycle,, ex.GetAllExptionMessage() + ex.StackTrace)); } //存储状态 try { SaveTechState(define, stateResult); } catch (Exception ex) { this.Log().Error("保存状态数据异常:对象类型:{0},对象编码:{1},周期:{2},技术:{3},\r\n异常信息:{4}" .Format(this.ObjectType, this.ObjectCode, this.Cycle,, ex.GetAllExptionMessage() + ex.StackTrace)); //回滚 //ClearTechData(define); continue; } } }
/// <summary> /// 如果同名索引不存在则创建索引 /// </summary> /// <param name="client">ElasticClient实例</param> /// <param name="indexName">要创建的索引名称</param> /// <param name="numberOfReplicas">默认副本数量,如果是单实例,注意改成0</param> /// <param name="numberOfShards">默认分片数量</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool CreateIndex <T>(IElasticClient client, string indexName = "wizplant", int numberOfReplicas = 1, int numberOfShards = 5) where T : class { var existsResponse = client.Indices.Exists(indexName); // 存在则返回true 不存在创建 if (existsResponse.Exists) { return(true); } var indexState = new IndexState { Settings = new IndexSettings { NumberOfReplicas = numberOfReplicas, //副本数 NumberOfShards = numberOfShards //分片数 } }; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(indexName)) { indexName = typeof(T).Name.ToLower(); } CreateIndexResponse response = client.Indices.Create(indexName, p => p.InitializeUsing(indexState).Map <T>(r => r.AutoMap())); // var result = client.CreateIndex(indexName, c => c.InitializeUsing(indexState).Mappings(ms => ms.Map<T>(m => m.AutoMap()))); return(response.IsValid); }
/// <summary> /// 封装后的创建index /// </summary> /// <param name="indexName"></param> /// <param name="shards">分片数量,即数据块最小单元</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <bool> AddIndexAsync(string indexName, int shards = 5) { try { var isHaveIndex = await IsExsitIndex(indexName.ToLower()); if (!isHaveIndex) { var setting = new IndexState() { Settings = new IndexSettings() { NumberOfReplicas = 0, //副本数 NumberOfShards = shards, //分片数 RefreshInterval = -1 } }; var response = await Client.Indices .CreateAsync(indexName, x => x.InitializeUsing(setting) .Map <TEntity>(y => y.AutoMap())); return(response.Acknowledged); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } return(true); }
public static bool CreateIndex <T>(IElasticClient elasticClient, string indexName) where T : class { var existsResponse = elasticClient.Indices.Exists(indexName); // 存在则返回true 不存在创建 if (existsResponse.Exists) { return(true); } //基本配置 IIndexState indexState = new IndexState { Settings = new IndexSettings { NumberOfReplicas = 1, // 副本数 NumberOfShards = 6, // 分片数 }, }; CreateIndexResponse response = elasticClient.Indices.Create(indexName, p => p .InitializeUsing(indexState).Map <T>(r => r.AutoMap()) ); return(response.IsValid); }
/// <summary> /// Creates Index Async ps:if index doesnt exist /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TClass">Class type</typeparam> /// <param name="indexName">index name</param> /// <param name="numberOfReplicas">replica count</param> /// <param name="numberOfShards">shard count </param> public static Task <ICreateIndexResponse> CreateIndexAsync <TClass>(string indexName, int numberOfReplicas, int numberOfShards) where TClass : class { var settings = new IndexSettings { NumberOfReplicas = numberOfReplicas, NumberOfShards = numberOfShards }; var indexConfig = new IndexState { Settings = settings }; if (!EsClient.IndexExists(indexName).Exists) { //EsClient.DeleteIndex("testindex"); return(EsClient.CreateIndexAsync(indexName, c => c .Mappings(ms => ms .Map <TClass>(m => m .AutoMap(typeof(TClass)) ) ) )); } else { return(null); } }
//public static void CreateIndex() //{ // CreateIndex(defaultIndexName); //} public static void CreateIndex(ElasticClient client) { IndexSettings set = new IndexSettings(); set.NumberOfReplicas = 2; set.NumberOfShards = 25; // Add the Analyzer with a name set.Analysis = new Nest.Analysis() { Analyzers = new Analyzers(), TokenFilters = BasicTokenFilters(), }; set.Analysis.Analyzers.Add("default", DefaultAnalyzer()); IndexState idxSt = new IndexState(); idxSt.Settings = set; var res = client.Indices .Create(client.ConnectionSettings.DefaultIndex, i => i .InitializeUsing(idxSt) .Map(mm => mm .Properties(ps => ps .Date(psn => psn.Name("DbCreated")) .Keyword(psn => psn.Name("DbCreatedBy")) ) ) ); }
public static async Task CreateIndexAsync <T>(this ElasticClient elasticClient, string indexName = "", int numberOfShards = 5, int numberOfReplicas = 1) where T : class { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(indexName)) { throw new ArgumentException("索引名称不可为空"); } if (!(await elasticClient.Indices.ExistsAsync(indexName)).Exists) { var indexState = new IndexState { Settings = new IndexSettings { NumberOfReplicas = numberOfReplicas, NumberOfShards = numberOfShards, // index.blocks.read_only:设为true,则索引以及索引的元数据只可读 // index.blocks.read_only_allow_delete:设为true,只读时允许删除。 //设为true,则不可读。 // index.blocks.write:设为true,则不可写。 // index.blocks.metadata:设为true,则索引元数据不可读写 } }; var response = await elasticClient.Indices.CreateAsync(indexName, p => p.InitializeUsing(indexState).Map <T>(x => x.AutoMap())); if (!response.IsValid) { throw new Exception($"创建索引失败:{response.OriginalException.Message}"); } } }
public static async Task <bool> CreateIndex <T>(this ElasticClient client, string indexName = "", int numberOfShards = 5, int numberOfReplicas = 1) where T : class { if (indexName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { indexName = typeof(T).Name; } var existResponse = await client.Indices.ExistsAsync(indexName); if (existResponse.Exists) { return(false); } var idxState = new IndexState { Settings = new IndexSettings() { NumberOfReplicas = numberOfReplicas, NumberOfShards = numberOfShards } }; var response = await client.Indices.CreateAsync(indexName, x => x.InitializeUsing(idxState).Map <T>(i => i.AutoMap())); return(response.Acknowledged); }
public ElasticAuditorProvider(ElasticSetting elasticSetting) { _elasticSetting = elasticSetting; _node = new Uri(_elasticSetting.ConnectionString); _settings = new ConnectionSettings(_node); _client = new ElasticClient(_settings); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_elasticSetting.Username) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(_elasticSetting.Password)) { _settings.BasicAuthentication(_elasticSetting.Username, _elasticSetting.Password); _settings.ServerCertificateValidationCallback( (o, certificate, arg3, arg4) => true); } var indexSettings = new IndexSettings { NumberOfReplicas = 1, NumberOfShards = 5 }; var indexConfig = new IndexState { Settings = indexSettings }; ReformatIndex(); _indexName = string.Format(_elasticSetting.IndexFormat, DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd")); if (!_client.IndexExists(_indexName).Exists) { _client.CreateIndex(_indexName, c => c .InitializeUsing(indexConfig) .Mappings(m => m.Map <Audit>(mp => mp.AutoMap(typeof(Audit)).AutoMap <Audit>()))); } }
public async Task InitAsync() { try { IIndexState indexState = new IndexState() { Settings = new IndexSettings() { NumberOfReplicas = 1, NumberOfShards = 3 } }; var RequestInfoIndex = await Client.Indices.ExistsAsync(GetIndexName <RequestInfo>()); if (!RequestInfoIndex.Exists) { await Client.Indices.CreateAsync(GetIndexName <RequestInfo>(), a => a.InitializeUsing(indexState)); await Client.MapAsync <Models.RequestInfo>(c => c.Index(GetIndexName <RequestInfo>()).AutoMap()); } var MonitorJobIndex = await Client.Indices.ExistsAsync(GetIndexName <MonitorJob>()); if (!MonitorJobIndex.Exists) { await Client.Indices.CreateAsync(GetIndexName <MonitorJob>(), a => a.InitializeUsing(indexState)); await Client.MapAsync <Models.MonitorJob>(c => c.Index(GetIndexName <MonitorJob>()).AutoMap()); } var SysUserIndex = await Client.Indices.ExistsAsync(GetIndexName <SysUser>()); if (!SysUserIndex.Exists) { await Client.Indices.CreateAsync(GetIndexName <SysUser>(), a => a.InitializeUsing(indexState)); await Client.MapAsync <Models.SysUser>(c => c.Index(GetIndexName <SysUser>()).AutoMap()); } var user = await Client.SearchAsync <SysUser>(s => s.Index(GetIndexName <SysUser>()).Query(q => q.MatchAll())).ConfigureAwait(false); if (user.Documents.Count == 0) { await Client.IndexAsync <SysUser>(new SysUser { Id = MD5_16(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()), UserName = Core.Config.BasicConfig.DefaultUserName, Password = Core.Config.BasicConfig.DefaultPassword }, x => x.Index(GetIndexName <SysUser>())); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } }
private void SaveTechState(IndexDefinitionInfo define, IndexState result) { using (StockManDBEntities entity = new StockManDBEntities()) { var cate = (int)this.ObjectType + ""; var code = cate + "_" + this.ObjectCode + "_" + define.code; var objectState = entity.objectstate.FirstOrDefault(p => p.code == code); if (objectState == null) { var temp = new objectstate() { code = code, category_code = cate, object_code = this.ObjectCode, index_code = define.code, date = DateTime.Now }; switch (this.Cycle) { case = (int)result; break; case TechCycle.week: temp.week = (int)result; break; default: temp.month = (int)result; break; } entity.objectstate.Add(temp); } else { switch (this.Cycle) { case objectState.last_day =; = (int)result; break; case TechCycle.week: objectState.last_week = objectState.week; objectState.week = (int)result; break; default: objectState.last_month = objectState.month; objectState.month = (int)result; break; } = DateTime.Now; } entity.SaveChanges(); } }
private async Task SaveAsync(IndexState indexState, IndexHistory indexHistory) { // Save index state for the next execution await _indexStateRepository.SetAsync(indexState); // Save index history await _indexHistoryRepository.InsertAsync(indexHistory); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { // Setting up the node of elastic server Node = new Uri("http://localhost:9200/"); //Passing Node to connection settings ad also setting up the default index Settings = new ConnectionSettings(Node).DefaultIndex("my_newblog"); // Finally setting up the client Client = new ElasticClient(Settings); // Setting up the number of replicas and shards var settings = new IndexSettings { NumberOfReplicas = 1, NumberOfShards = 2 }; var indexConfig = new IndexState { Settings = settings }; // Creating Index if it does not exists if (!Client.IndexExists("my_newblog").Exists) { Client.CreateIndex("my_newblog", c => c .InitializeUsing(indexConfig) .Mappings(m => m.Map <Post>(mp => mp.AutoMap()))); } // The following lines are methods for various operations using elastic. Comment / Uncomment appropriately //InsertData(); //foreach (var r in PerformTermQuery("blog")) { // Console.WriteLine(r.PostText); //} //foreach (var r in PerformMatchPhrase("New post from NEST")) //{ // Console.WriteLine(r.PostText); //} foreach (var r in PerformTermFilterWithDateGt("blog", DateTime.Now)) { Console.WriteLine(r.PostText); } Console.ReadKey(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message); Console.ReadKey(); } }
public async Task SetAsync(IndexState indexState) { var model = Mapper.Map <IndexStateEntity>(indexState); model.PartitionKey = ConstKey; model.RowKey = ConstKey; await _storage.InsertOrReplaceAsync(model); }
private void CreateElasticIndex(Database db, ElasticClient client) { var ret = client.IndexExists(client.ConnectionSettings.DefaultIndex); if (!ret.Exists) { var set = new IndexSettings { NumberOfReplicas = 2, NumberOfShards = 25 }; var an = new CustomAnalyzer { Tokenizer = "standard", Filter = new[] { "lowercase", "czech_stop", "czech_stemmer", "asciifolding" } }; set.Analysis = new Analysis() { Analyzers = new Analyzers(), TokenFilters = new TokenFilters(), }; set.Analysis.Analyzers.Add("default", an); set.Analysis.TokenFilters.Add("czech_stop", new StopTokenFilter() { StopWords = new string[] { "_czech_" } }); set.Analysis.TokenFilters.Add("czech_stemmer", new StemmerTokenFilter() { Language = "czech" }); var idxSt = new IndexState { Settings = set }; var res = client .CreateIndex(client.ConnectionSettings.DefaultIndex, i => i .InitializeUsing(idxSt) .Mappings(m => { switch (db) { case Database.Dokument: return(m.Map <Dokument>(map => map.AutoMap().DateDetection(false))); case Database.Osoba: return(m.Map <Osoba>(map => map.AutoMap().DateDetection(false))); case Database.Rizeni: return(m.Map <Rizeni>(map => map.AutoMap().DateDetection(false))); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Unknown DB type {db.ToString()}"); } }) ); } }
public void Init() { var sIndex = new IndexState(); var qIndex = new IndexQueries(sIndex); var hIndex = new IndexEventhandlers(sIndex); WhenIndex = new Example.Index(qIndex,hIndex); GivenIndex = WhenIndex.Handle; ThenIndex = new Mock<Contracts.Index.IHandleEvents>(); WhenIndex.Handle = ThenIndex.Object; }
public SetIndexStateCommand([NotNull] string name, IndexState state, string databaseName) : base(databaseName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { throw new RachisApplyException($"Index name cannot be null or empty"); } State = state; IndexName = name; }
public void Init() { var sIndex = new IndexState(); var qIndex = new IndexQueries(sIndex); var hIndex = new IndexEventhandlers(sIndex); var qMembership = new MembershipQueries(qIndex); var hMembership = new MembershipEventhandlers(hIndex); When = new Membership(qMembership,hMembership); Given = When.Handle; Then = new Mock<Contracts.Membership.IHandleEvents>(); When.Handle = Then.Object; }
public void Init() { var sIndex = new IndexState(); var qIndex = new IndexQueries(sIndex); var hIndex = new IndexEventhandlers(sIndex); GivenMembership = new MembershipEventhandlers(hIndex); var sProject = new ProjectState(); var qProject = new ProjectQueries(qIndex); var hProject = new ProjectEventhandlers(sProject, hIndex); WhenProject = new Project(qProject, hProject); GivenProject = WhenProject.Handle; ThenProject = new Mock<Contracts.Projects.IHandleEvents>(); WhenProject.Handle = ThenProject.Object; }
public IndexStatusResponse(IndexState Status) : this() { this.Status = Status; }