Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes an impulse and plays it with the ImpulseDemo's parameters.
        /// This takes an impulse so you don't need to instantiate one every time.
        /// If you're doing the same impulse regularly, it saves traversal/breadth first searching
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imp">A constructed impulse of the emanation or traversal</param>
        private void ConfigureAndPlayImpulse(ImpulseGenerator.Impulse imp)
            if (CurrentMode == ImpulseType.Emanating)

            //To support CodeSequence Samples
            if (SelectedCodeSequence < 0)
                //These are broken up by lines for readability
                imp.WithEffect(effectOptions[currentEffect], EffectDuration, EffectStrength);

                //You can do something like:
                //i.WithAttenuation(Attenuation).WithDuration(ImpulseDuration).WithEffect(effectOptions[CurrentEffect], EffectDuration, EffectStrength).Play();
                //Chaining and Functional Programming!
                //These are broken up by lines for readability
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Repeatedly calls impulse.Play after X delay Y times.
        /// This sample DOES work. It will get baked into the Impulse's functionality later.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="impulse">The impulse to repeat</param>
        /// <param name="delay">How long AFTER the previous one do you want to start the next one</param>
        /// <param name="count">How many times you want to play it. (Ideally you should call .Play before you call RepeatedEmanations, otherwise it won't start when you start this coroutine.)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        IEnumerator RepeatedEmanations(ImpulseGenerator.Impulse impulse, float delay, int count)
            for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay));

Beispiel #3
        private void ClickedSuitInTraversalMode(SuitBodyCollider clicked, RaycastHit hit)
            //None are currently selected
            if (ImpulseOrigin == null)
                //Select first
                ImpulseOrigin = clicked;

                //Mark it as selected
                ColorSuit(clicked, OriginColor);
            //First one is already selected
                //If we click back on the first node.
                if (ImpulseOrigin == clicked)
                    //Unselect First
                    ColorSuit(clicked, unselectedColor);
                    ImpulseOrigin = null;

                    //If we had a destination
                    if (ImpulseDestination != null)
                        //Clear it.
                        ColorSuit(ImpulseDestination, unselectedColor);
                        ImpulseDestination = null;
                    //If we had a destination (from last play)
                    if (ImpulseDestination != null)
                        //Clear it to avoid leaving unnecessary colored nodes
                        ColorSuit(ImpulseDestination, unselectedColor);
                        ImpulseDestination = null;

                    //Set our destination
                    ImpulseDestination = clicked;
                    ColorSuit(clicked, OriginColor);

                    //Leftover log to see that we're playing from the start to end.
                    //Debug.Log((int)TraversalOrigin.regionID + "\t " + (int)suit.regionID);

                    //Play Impulse from the origin to our brand new destination.
                    ImpulseGenerator.Impulse imp = ImpulseGenerator.BeginTraversingImpulse(ImpulseOrigin.regionID, clicked.regionID);

                    //Then play it
        private void Start()
            Effect whichEffect          = Effect.Pulse;         //What's more electrical than pulses.
            float  totalImpulseDuration = .35f;                 //How long does the shock take to traverse to the heart.
            float  effectDuration       = 0.0f;                 //0.0 defaults to the natural duration of the pulse effect.
            float  effectStrength       = 1;                    //How strong is the pulse effect

            //Create the Impulse object (which can be told to play, which instantiates what it 'is')
            shockImpulse = ImpulseGenerator.BeginTraversingImpulse(AreaFlag.Forearm_Right, AreaFlag.Chest_Left);

            // This sets the duration to be .25 seconds

            //This defines the base effect (which needs an effect name, a strength and a duration)
            shockImpulse.WithEffect(whichEffect, effectDuration, effectStrength);
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a simple handful of lines. This plays when Walter (the giant red scorpion of player murdering) lands on the ground.
        /// This sample DOES work.
        /// The intention is to give an effect that goes up the body.
        /// It has been slightly adapted to take different effect families (click, double-click, hum, etc)
        /// </summary>
        public static void GiantScorpionLanding(string effect = "buzz")
            //TWo different Impulses are used here even though the same one could be re-assigned. Two variables are more readable at neglible CPU cost.
            ImpulseGenerator.Impulse leftUp = ImpulseGenerator.BeginTraversingImpulse(AreaFlag.Lower_Ab_Left, AreaFlag.Forearm_Left)
                                              .WithEffect(effect, 0.1f, 1.0f);
            ImpulseGenerator.Impulse rightUp = ImpulseGenerator.BeginTraversingImpulse(AreaFlag.Lower_Ab_Right, AreaFlag.Forearm_Right)
                                               .WithEffect(effect, 0.1f, 1.0f);

            //Don't forget to play the effects

            //We could HapticHandle[] if we wanted to stop these prematurely - however they're very short effects, so it's unlikely that will be needed.
            //HapticHandle's can be Stopped or restarted until they (Finish playing AND go out of scope), after that they're gone.
Beispiel #6
        public override void OnSuitClicked(SuitBodyCollider clicked, RaycastHit hit)
            //Start with which mode this SuitDemo is in

            // Emanation - Start at a point and affect in waves the neighbor pads.
            if (CurrentMode == ImpulseType.Emanating)
                //Debug.Log((int)suit.regionID + "\n");
                ImpulseGenerator.Impulse imp = ImpulseGenerator.BeginEmanatingEffect(clicked.regionID, (int)Depth);
                if (imp != null)
                    ColorSuit(ImpulseOrigin, unselectedColor);
                    //Select first
                    ImpulseOrigin = clicked;

            // Traversing - Start at a point and move in stages to the destination through neighbor pads
            else if (CurrentMode == ImpulseType.Traversing)
                ClickedSuitInTraversalMode(clicked, hit);
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes an impulse and plays it with the ImpulseDemo's parameters.
        /// This takes an impulse so you don't need to instantiate one every time.
        /// If you're doing the same impulse regularly, it saves traversal/breadth first searching
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imp">A constructed impulse of the emanation or traversal</param>
        private void ConfigureAndPlayImpulse(ImpulseGenerator.Impulse imp)
            if (CurrentMode == ImpulseType.Emanating)

            //To support HapticSequence Samples
            if (UseEffectSelectorSlider)
                //Prevent array index out of bounds errors.
                Effect whichEffect = effectOptions[Mathf.Clamp(currentEffect, 0, effectOptions.Length - 1)];

                //These are broken up by lines for readability
                imp.WithEffect(whichEffect, EffectDuration, EffectStrength);

                //You can do something like:
                //i.WithAttenuation(Attenuation).WithDuration(ImpulseDuration).WithEffect(effectOptions[CurrentEffect], EffectDuration, EffectStrength).Play();
                //Chaining and Functional Programming!
                //These are broken up by lines for readability
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// [Note: this does not work]
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="playerBody"></param>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        public void DynamiteExplosionSample(GameObject playerBody, ExplosionInfo info)
            //Again, we checked what was the closest place to the explosion for starting an impulse.
            AreaFlag loc = FindNearest(playerBody, info.explosionCenter);

            if (loc != AreaFlag.None)
                //This is a little gross but the idea is simple: Closer to the explosion, the longer the effect.
                //If you're close to dynamite the visuals take longer to dissipate and you'll spend longer thinking 'Oh man I screwed up' even though you're unharmed.
                //This is accomplished in a couple of ways:

                //The emanation will traverse farther across the user's body.
                int depth = 8;

                //The emanation will restart several times
                int repeats = 3;

                //The starting strength of the effect will be stronger.
                float strength = 1.0f;

                //The delay between the repetitions will be shorter.
                float delay = .15f;

                //We do a simple bit of checking based on the distance from the blast.
                if (info.dist > 0)
                    //We base the depth off of the distance from the explosion.
                    //There is some magic-numbering going on here. You can tune it or standardize your distances.

                    //The farther, the less depth of the emanation
                    depth = (int)(8 / info.dist);
                    //The farther, the less initial strength - NOTE: this is just Effect strength, not using the Attenuation which is still a bit incomplete.
                    strength = 2 / info.dist;

                //The closer the player is to the explosion, the more the explosion will 'reverberate' by repeating.
                repeats = Mathf.RoundToInt(Mathf.Clamp(7 / info.dist, 0, 7));

                //If we're going to experience it a lot, we'll get a shorter delay between the repeats.
                if (repeats > 4)
                    delay = .1f;

                //Start at the correct spot.
                ImpulseGenerator.Impulse impulse = ImpulseGenerator.BeginEmanatingEffect(loc, depth)
                                                   //Give the total effect a short duration (which you could choose to modify)
                                                   //Start with a natural duration click for the initial hit. This is good because it gets the motors going earlier on
                                                   .WithEffect("click", .00f, strength)
                                                   //Finish with a buzz which will last longer than natural duration. This gives the explosion a residual impact feeling
                                                   .WithEffect("buzz", .15f, strength);

                //Finally, we call the coroutine that will repeatedly create new handles of the impulse with Play().
                //Remember, an Impulse is like a prefab or a building plan for haptics. You can 'instantiate' multiple haptic effects off the same Impulse.
                StartCoroutine(RepeatedEmanations(impulse, delay, repeats));
                Debug.LogWarning("Invalid Hit at " + info.explosionCenter + "\n");