Beispiel #1
        public static void DrawImage(Graphics g, Image image, ImageLayoutMode layoutMode, Rectangle rect)
            // Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero);

            if (layoutMode == ImageLayoutMode.None)
                Rectangle tempRect = new Rectangle(rect.X, rect.Y, image.Width, image.Height);
                g.DrawImage(image, tempRect);
            else if (layoutMode == ImageLayoutMode.Stretch)
                g.DrawImage(image, rect);
            else if (layoutMode == ImageLayoutMode.FitToWidth)
                Size newSize = new Size(rect.Width, rect.Width * image.Height / image.Width);
                g.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(rect.Location, newSize));
            else if (layoutMode == ImageLayoutMode.FitToHeight)
                Size newSize = new Size(rect.Height * image.Width / image.Height, rect.Height);
                g.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(rect.Location, newSize));
Beispiel #2
        /// <ToBeCompleted></ToBeCompleted>
        private static TextureBrush GetBrush(Image image, ImageLayoutMode imageLayout, float gamma, byte transparency, bool grayScale)
            if (image == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("image");
            BrushKey brushKey;

            brushKey.FillStyle = null;
            brushKey.Image     = image;

            Brush brush = null;

            if (!_brushCache.TryGetValue(brushKey, out brush))
                // First, get ImageAttributes
                ImageAttributes imgAttribs = null;
                if (!_imageAttribsCache.TryGetValue(brushKey, out imgAttribs))
                    imgAttribs = GdiHelpers.GetImageAttributes(imageLayout, gamma, transparency, grayScale);
                    _imageAttribsCache.Add(brushKey, imgAttribs);

                // Create Brush
                _rectBuffer.X      = 0;
                _rectBuffer.Y      = 0;
                _rectBuffer.Width  = image.Width;
                _rectBuffer.Height = image.Height;
                brush = new TextureBrush(image, _rectBuffer, imgAttribs);

                // Add created brush to the BrushCache
                _brushCache.Add(brushKey, brush);
 private void Construct()
     // this fillStyle holds the image of the shape
     image = null;
     imageGrayScale = false;
     compressionQuality = 100;
     imageGamma = 1;
     imageLayout = ImageLayoutMode.Original;
     imageTransparency = 0;
        //private Image BrushImage {
        //   get {
        //      if (brushImage == null
        //         && !NamedImage.IsNullOrEmpty(image)
        //         && (image.Width >= 2 * Width || image.Height >= 2 * Height))
        //            brushImage = GdiHelpers.GetBrushImage(image.Image, Width, Height);
        //      return brushImage;
        //   }
        private void Construct(string resourceBaseName, Assembly resourceAssembly)
            if (resourceBaseName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("resourceBaseName");
            System.IO.Stream stream = resourceAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceBaseName);
            if (stream == null) throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("'{0}' is not a valid resource in '{1}'.", resourceBaseName, resourceAssembly), "resourceBaseName");

            var customimage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(stream);
            if (customimage == null) throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("'{0}' is not a valid image resource.", resourceBaseName), "resourceBaseName");
            this.resourceName = resourceBaseName;
            this.resourceAssembly = resourceAssembly;

            image = new NamedImage(customimage, "customimage");

            // this fillStyle holds the image of the shape
            imageGrayScale = false;
            compressionQuality = 100;
            imageGamma = 1;
            imageLayout = ImageLayoutMode.Original;
            imageTransparency = 0;

 /// <override></override>
 protected override void LoadFieldsCore(IRepositoryReader reader, int version)
     base.LoadFieldsCore(reader, version);
     imageLayout = (ImageLayoutMode)reader.ReadByte();
     imageTransparency = reader.ReadByte();
     imageGamma = reader.ReadFloat();
     compressionQuality = reader.ReadByte();
     imageGrayScale = reader.ReadBool();
     string name = reader.ReadString();
     Image img = reader.ReadImage();
     if (name != null && img != null)
         image = new NamedImage(img, name);
     transparentColor = Color.FromArgb(reader.ReadInt32());
 /// <override></override>
 public override void CopyFrom(Shape source)
     if (source is CustomPictureBase) {
         CustomPictureBase src = (CustomPictureBase)source;
         if (!NamedImage.IsNullOrEmpty(src.Image))
             Image = src.Image.Clone();
         imageGrayScale = src.GrayScale;
         imageLayout = src.ImageLayout;
         imageGamma = src.GammaCorrection;
         imageTransparency = src.Transparency;
         transparentColor = src.TransparentColor;
         compressionQuality = src.compressionQuality;
Beispiel #7
		/// <ToBeCompleted></ToBeCompleted>
		public static TextureBrush GetBrush(Image image, ImageLayoutMode imageLayout, float gamma, byte transparency, bool grayScale) {
			if (image == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("image");
			BrushKey brushKey;
			brushKey.FillStyle = null;
			brushKey.Image = image;

			Brush brush = null;
			brushCache.TryGetValue(brushKey, out brush);
			if (!(brush is TextureBrush)) {
				// First, get ImageAttributes
				ImageAttributes imgAttribs = null;
				imageAttribsCache.TryGetValue(brushKey, out imgAttribs);
				if (imgAttribs == null) {
					imgAttribs = GdiHelpers.GetImageAttributes(imageLayout, gamma, transparency, grayScale);
					imageAttribsCache.Add(brushKey, imgAttribs);

				// Create Brush
				rectBuffer.X = 0;
				rectBuffer.Y = 0;
				rectBuffer.Width = image.Width;
				rectBuffer.Height = image.Height;
				brush = new TextureBrush(image, rectBuffer, imgAttribs);

				// add created brush to the BrushCache
				if (brushCache.ContainsKey(brushKey))
					brushCache[brushKey] = brush;
				else brushCache.Add(brushKey, brush);
			return (TextureBrush)brush;
Beispiel #8
 void IEntity.LoadFields(IRepositoryReader reader, int version)
     name = reader.ReadString();
     if (version >= 3) title = reader.ReadString();
     if (version >= 4) securityDomainName = reader.ReadChar();
     size.Width = reader.ReadInt32();
     size.Height = reader.ReadInt32();
     backColor = Color.FromArgb(reader.ReadInt32());
     targetColor = Color.FromArgb(reader.ReadInt32());
     string imgName = reader.ReadString();
     Image img = reader.ReadImage();
     if (img != null) backImage = new NamedImage(img, imgName);
     imageLayout = (ImageLayoutMode)reader.ReadByte();
     imageGamma = reader.ReadFloat();
     imageTransparency = reader.ReadByte();
     imageGrayScale = reader.ReadBool();
     imageTransparentColor = Color.FromArgb(reader.ReadInt32());