public override string GenerateEditorHtml(IPublishingContext publishingContext)
            string status = GenerateStatus(((IContentSourceSite)publishingContext).DialogOwner, ((IContentSourceSite)publishingContext).AccountId);

            // If the status has changed we need to show it to the user
            if (status != String.Empty && status != _content.Properties.GetString(VIDEO_STATUS, null))
                using (Bitmap image = CreateMockPlayer(status))
                    if (image != null)
                        // Save this new status
                        _content.Properties.SetString(VIDEO_STATUS, status);

            StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();

            html.Append(GenerateMetadataHtml(((IEditingMode)publishingContext).CurrentEditingMode == EditingMode.Wysiwyg));

Beispiel #2
 public VideoContext(IPublishingContext context)
     _embeddable     = context.SupportsEmbeds;
     _scriptable     = context.SupportsScripts;
     _blogProviderId = ((BlogPostHtmlEditor)context).ProviderId;
     _context        = context;
Beispiel #3
        public override bool OnPrePublish(IWin32Window dialogOwner, IProperties properties,
                                          IPublishingContext publishingContext, bool publish)
            var info = (BlogPost) publishingContext.PostInfo;

            //look at the publish date.
            if (!info.HasDatePublishedOverride)
                var nextPubDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day);
                nextPubDate = GetNextDayOccurrence(DayOfWeek.Tuesday, nextPubDate);

                var reader = new JsonTextReader(reader: File.OpenText("Plugins\\Throttle.json"));
                var json = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializer();

                var config = json.Deserialize<Configuration>(reader);
                var wrapper = new MetaWeblogWrapper(config.Url, config.Username, config.Password);
                List<Post> recentPosts = wrapper.GetRecentPosts(10).ToList();
                while (recentPosts.Any(p => p.DateCreated >= nextPubDate && p.DateCreated < nextPubDate.AddDays(1)))
                    nextPubDate = GetNextDayOccurrence(DayOfWeek.Tuesday, nextPubDate.AddDays(1));
                var pubDate = new DateTime(nextPubDate.Year, nextPubDate.Month, nextPubDate.Day, 9, 0, 0);
                info.DatePublished = pubDate;
                info.DatePublishedOverride = pubDate;
            return base.OnPrePublish(dialogOwner, properties, publishingContext, publish);
        private string GenerateLink(ISmartContent smartContent, IPublishingContext publishingContext, out Position position)
            position = Position.Footer;

            string culture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name;
            if (culture.Contains("-"))
                culture = culture.Replace("-", "_");

            var stringWriter = new StringWriter();
            stringWriter.WriteLine("<script type=\"text/javascript\">");

            stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_uid = '{0}';", _settings.FlattrId);
            stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_tle = '{0}';", publishingContext.PostInfo.Title);
            stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_dsc = '{0}';", publishingContext.PostInfo.Contents);
            stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_cat = 'text';");
            stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_lng = '{0}';", culture);
            stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_tag = '';");
            stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_url = '{0}';", publishingContext.PostInfo.Permalink);
            stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_hide = 'false';");

            if (_settings.CompactMode)
                stringWriter.WriteLine("var flattr_btn = 'compact';");

            stringWriter.WriteLine("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></script>");

            return stringWriter.ToString();
Beispiel #5
        public override string GenerateEditorHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
            var settings = new Settings(content.Properties);

            // Always want to embed stylesheet for editor markup.
            return(settings.Format.FormatCode(settings.SourceCode, embedStylesheet: true, alternate: settings.HighlightAlternateLines, lineNumbers: settings.ShowLineNumbers));
 /// <summary>
 /// Notifies the plugin that a blog post was successfully published.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dialogOwner">Owner for any dialog boxes shown.</param>
 /// <param name="properties">Property-set that the plugin can use to get and set properties for this post.</param>
 /// <param name="publishingContext">Publishing context for HTML generation.</param>
 /// <param name="publish">If false, the post was posted as a draft.</param>
 public virtual void OnPostPublish(
     IWin32Window dialogOwner,
     IProperties properties,
     IPublishingContext publishingContext,
     bool publish)
 /// <summary>
 /// Notifies the plugin that a blog post was successfully published.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dialogOwner">Owner for any dialog boxes shown.</param>
 /// <param name="properties">Property-set that the plugin can use to get and set properties for this post.</param>
 /// <param name="publishingContext">Publishing context for HTML generation.</param>
 /// <param name="publish">If false, the post was posted as a draft.</param>
 public virtual void OnPostPublish(
     IWin32Window dialogOwner,
     IProperties properties,
     IPublishingContext publishingContext,
     bool publish)
 public VideoContext(IPublishingContext context)
     _embeddable = context.SupportsEmbeds;
     _scriptable = context.SupportsScripts;
     _blogProviderId = ((BlogPostHtmlEditor)context).ProviderId;
     _context = context;
 /// <summary>
 /// Notifies the plugin that a post publish operation is about to be attempted,
 /// unless this plugin or another publishing notification plugin cancels the
 /// attempt.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dialogOwner">Owner for any dialog boxes shown.</param>
 /// <param name="properties">Property-set that the plugin can use to get and set properties for this post.</param>
 /// <param name="publishingContext">Publishing context for HTML generation.</param>
 /// <param name="publish">If false, the post is being posted as a draft.</param>
 /// <returns>False to cancel the publish operation, otherwise true.</returns>
 public virtual bool OnPrePublish(
     IWin32Window dialogOwner,
     IProperties properties,
     IPublishingContext publishingContext,
     bool publish)
        public override string GenerateEditorHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
            VideoSmartContent VideoContent = new VideoSmartContent(content);
            string            html         = VideoContent.GenerateEditorHtml(publishingContext);

            ((IInternalContent)content).RefreshCallback = VideoContent.GetRefreshCallback();
 /// <summary>
 /// Notifies the plugin that a post publish operation is about to be attempted,
 /// unless this plugin or another publishing notification plugin cancels the
 /// attempt.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dialogOwner">Owner for any dialog boxes shown.</param>
 /// <param name="properties">Property-set that the plugin can use to get and set properties for this post.</param>
 /// <param name="publishingContext">Publishing context for HTML generation.</param>
 /// <param name="publish">If false, the post is being posted as a draft.</param>
 /// <returns>False to cancel the publish operation, otherwise true.</returns>
 public virtual bool OnPrePublish(
     IWin32Window dialogOwner,
     IProperties properties,
     IPublishingContext publishingContext,
     bool publish)
     return true;
        public override string GeneratePublishHtml(IPublishingContext publishingContext)
            VideoContext  context = new VideoContext(publishingContext);
            StringBuilder html    = new StringBuilder();

        public override string GeneratePreviewHtml(ISmartContent smartContent, IPublishingContext publishingContext, out Position position)
            string url = publishingContext.PostInfo.Permalink;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                url = DotNetShoutoutCounterGenerator.BaseUrl;

            return(GenerateLink(url, publishingContext.PostInfo.Title, out position));
Beispiel #14
 public override string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
     if (!content.Properties.Contains("html"))
         content.Properties["html"] = GenerateHtml(
Beispiel #15
        public override bool OnPrePublish(System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window dialogOwner, IProperties properties, IPublishingContext publishingContext, bool publish)
            bool Result = false;        //用于告诉Live Writer是否要post到当前帐户
            if (Posting) return true;   //由于向Server执行Post操作(IBlogClient.NewPost)会递归调用此过程,所以此处需要屏蔽后续的进入尝试

            BlogPost postinfo = publishingContext.PostInfo as BlogPost;
            BlogPostCategory[] categories = null;// = postinfo.Categories.Clone() as BlogPostCategory[];

            DialogBlogSelect.InitCategorys((publishingContext.PostInfo as WindowsLive.Writer.Extensibility.BlogClient.BlogPost).Categories);
            if (DialogBlogSelect.ShowDialog() != System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                Posting = false;
                return false;

            //排除当前帐户——当前帐户让Live Writer去完成
            for (int i = 0; i < DialogBlogSelect.SelectedBlogs.Count; i++)
                if (DialogBlogSelect.SelectedBlogs[i].ID.ToString() == publishingContext.AccountId)
                    postinfo.Categories = DialogBlogSelect.SelectedBlogs[i].PostCatalogs.ToArray();
                    Result = true;

                categories = postinfo.Categories.Clone() as BlogPostCategory[];

            foreach (AccountItem blog in DialogBlogSelect.SelectedBlogs)
                string str;
                XmlDocument document;
                BlogSettings settings = BlogSettings.ForBlogId(blog.ID);
                IBlogClient client = BlogClientManager.CreateClient(settings);
                postinfo.Categories = blog.PostCatalogs.ToArray();
                string postId = client.NewPost(settings.HostBlogId, postinfo, NullNewCategoryContext.Instance, true, out str, out document);
                OpenPostedPage(settings.HomepageUrl, postinfo.Permalink);

                postinfo.Categories = categories;

            Posting = false;
            return Result;
        public BlogPostEditingManager(IBlogPostEditingSite editingSite, IBlogPostEditor[] postEditors, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
            // save reference to owner
            _mainFrameWindow = editingSite.FrameWindow;
            _publishingContext = publishingContext;

            // subscribe to weblog settings edited
            _editingSite = editingSite;
            _editingSite.GlobalWeblogSettingsChanged += new WeblogSettingsChangedHandler(editingSite_GlobalWeblogSettingsEdited);

            // initialize post editors
Beispiel #17
 internal static void PlainTextTransform(IPublishingContext site, SmartContentSource source, ISmartContent sContent, ref string content)
     if (source is IInternalSmartContentSource)
             content = ((IInternalSmartContentSource)source).GeneratePlainTextHtml(sContent, site);
         catch (Exception ex)
             Trace.WriteLine("Content Source failed to generate plain text html: " + ex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate the HTML that should be inserted at the beginning or end of
 /// the blog post when the editor is switched to Preview mode.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The returned HTML will be wrapped inside a <c>div</c>
 /// whose float and margins can be controlled by the <c>Layout</c>
 /// property on the <c>ISmartContent</c> parameter.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="smartContent">Can be used to get/set properties for this post, add files for upload, and control the layout of the containing <c>div</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="publishingContext">Publishing context for HTML generation.</param>
 /// <param name="position">The position where the generated HTML should be inserted.</param>
 /// <returns>The HTML that should appear at the end of the blog post.</returns>
 public abstract string GeneratePreviewHtml(
     ISmartContent smartContent,
     IPublishingContext publishingContext,
     out Position position);
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate the HTML content which is published to the destination weblog.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="content">SmartContent object to generate HTML for.</param>
 /// <param name="publishingContext">Publishing context for HTML generation.</param>
 /// <returns>HTML to be published to the destination weblog.</returns>
 public abstract string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext);
        public override string GenerateEditorHtml(IPublishingContext publishingContext)
            string status = GenerateStatus(((IContentSourceSite)publishingContext).DialogOwner, ((IContentSourceSite)publishingContext).AccountId);

            // If the status has changed we need to show it to the user
            if (status != String.Empty && status != _content.Properties.GetString(VIDEO_STATUS, null))
                using (Bitmap image = CreateMockPlayer(status))
                    if (image != null)
                        // Save this new status
                        _content.Properties.SetString(VIDEO_STATUS, status);

            StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
            html.Append(GenerateMetadataHtml(((IEditingMode)publishingContext).CurrentEditingMode == EditingMode.Wysiwyg));

            return html.ToString();
 public override string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
     var settings = new Settings(content.Properties);
     return settings.Format.FormatCode(settings.SourceCode, embedStylesheet: settings.EmbedStylesheet, alternate: settings.HighlightAlternateLines, lineNumbers: settings.ShowLineNumbers);
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate the HTML that should be inserted at the beginning or end of
 /// the blog post when the editor is switched to Preview mode.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The returned HTML will be wrapped inside a <c>div</c>
 /// whose float and margins can be controlled by the <c>Layout</c>
 /// property on the <c>ISmartContent</c> parameter.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="smartContent">Can be used to get/set properties for this post, add files for upload, and control the layout of the containing <c>div</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="publishingContext">Publishing context for HTML generation.</param>
 /// <param name="position">The position where the generated HTML should be inserted.</param>
 /// <returns>The HTML that should appear at the end of the blog post.</returns>
 public abstract string GeneratePreviewHtml(
     ISmartContent smartContent,
     IPublishingContext publishingContext,
     out Position position);
 public abstract string GenerateEditorHtml(IPublishingContext publishingContext);
        internal static void PlainTextTransform(IPublishingContext site, SmartContentSource source, ISmartContent sContent, ref string content)
            if (source is IInternalSmartContentSource)
                    content = ((IInternalSmartContentSource)source).GeneratePlainTextHtml(sContent, site);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Content Source failed to generate plain text html: " + ex);

 /// <summary>
 /// Generate the HTML that should be inserted at the beginning or end of
 /// the blog post during publishing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The returned HTML will be wrapped inside a <c>div</c>
 /// whose float and margins can be controlled by the <c>Layout</c>
 /// property on the <c>ISmartContent</c> parameter.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="dialogOwner">Owner for any dialog boxes shown.</param>
 /// <param name="smartContent">Can be used to get/set properties for this post, add files for upload, and control the layout of the containing <c>div</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="publishingContext">Publishing context for HTML generation.</param>
 /// <param name="publish">If false, the post is being posted as a draft.</param>
 /// <param name="position">The position where the generated HTML should be inserted.</param>
 /// <returns>The HTML that should appear at the end of the blog post.</returns>
 public abstract string GeneratePublishHtml(
     IWin32Window dialogOwner,
     ISmartContent smartContent,
     IPublishingContext publishingContext,
     bool publish,
     out Position position);
 private void GetStructuredEditorHtml(IPublishingContext site, SmartContentSource source, ISmartContent sContent, ref string content)
     using (new SmartContentForceInvalidateNotify(sContent))
         content = source.GenerateEditorHtml(sContent, site);
 private void GetStructuredPublishHtml(IPublishingContext site, SmartContentSource source, ISmartContent sContent, ref string content)
     content = source.GeneratePublishHtml(sContent, site);
 public override string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
     if (!content.Properties.Contains("html"))
         content.Properties["html"] = GenerateHtml(
     return content.Properties["html"];
Beispiel #29
 public override string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
     return string.Format("<pre class=\"{1}\">{0}</pre>", content.Properties["code"], content.Properties["class"]);
        public override string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
            VideoSmartContent VideoContent = new VideoSmartContent(content);

            internal void DoPublishWork(IPublishingContext site, SmartContentSource source, ISmartContent sContent, ref string content)
                if (source is IPublishTimeWorker)
                        // For each piece of IPublishTimeWorker smart content we find we need to ask if it has
                        // work to do while publishing.  We pass null as the external context because that object
                        // is only for use when providing external code a chance to interact with the publish.
                        content = ((IPublishTimeWorker)source).DoPublishWork(_form, sContent, _blog.Id, site, null);

                    catch (WebException ex)
                        _exception = ex;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Trace.WriteLine("Content Source failed to do publish work: " + ex);
                        _exception = ex;

 public abstract string GeneratePublishHtml(IPublishingContext publishingContext);
 public override string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
     _currentBlogId = publishingContext.AccountId;
     return FormTagLinks(content);
		/// <summary>
		/// Generates HTML for the publishing mode
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="content">Smart content object</param>
		/// <param name="publishingContext">Publishing context</param>
		/// <returns>Html</returns>
		public override string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
			// Get non-default options
			EffectiveOption[] options = DC.Crayon.Wlw.Framework.
				Options.GetEffectiveOptions(content.Properties, Options)
					.Where(p => p.Location != OptionLocation.Default)

			// Html Element
			HtmlElement preElement = new HtmlElement() { Tag = "pre" };
			OrderedDictionary classAttrParts = new OrderedDictionary(StringComparer.Ordinal);
			OrderedDictionary styleAttr = new OrderedDictionary(StringComparer.Ordinal);

			// Decode
			classAttrParts["decode"] = "true";

			// Setting Groups
			ApplyContentSettings(false, preElement, classAttrParts, styleAttr, options);
			ApplyMetricsSettings(false, preElement, classAttrParts, styleAttr, options);
			ApplyToolbarSettings(true, preElement, classAttrParts, styleAttr, options);
			ApplyLinesSettings(true, preElement, classAttrParts, styleAttr, options);
			ApplyCodeSettings(true, preElement, classAttrParts, styleAttr, options);

			// Set Class
			if (classAttrParts.Count > 0)
				preElement.Attributes["class"] = string.Join(" ",
					.Select(kv => string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}:{1}", kv.Key, HtmlElement.EscapeAttributeValue(kv.Value.ToString())))

			// Return
			return preElement.ToString();
        public override string GeneratePublishHtml(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent smartContent, IPublishingContext publishingContext, bool publish, out Position position)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(publishingContext.PostInfo.Permalink))
                Debug.Fail("No permalink!");
                position = Position.Footer;

            return(GenerateLink(publishingContext.PostInfo.Permalink, publishingContext.PostInfo.Title, out position));
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate the HTML that should be inserted at the beginning or end of
 /// the blog post during publishing.
 /// </summary>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The returned HTML will be wrapped inside a <c>div</c>
 /// whose float and margins can be controlled by the <c>Layout</c>
 /// property on the <c>ISmartContent</c> parameter.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <param name="dialogOwner">Owner for any dialog boxes shown.</param>
 /// <param name="smartContent">Can be used to get/set properties for this post, add files for upload, and control the layout of the containing <c>div</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="publishingContext">Publishing context for HTML generation.</param>
 /// <param name="publish">If false, the post is being posted as a draft.</param>
 /// <param name="position">The position where the generated HTML should be inserted.</param>
 /// <returns>The HTML that should appear at the end of the blog post.</returns>
 public abstract string GeneratePublishHtml(
     IWin32Window dialogOwner,
     ISmartContent smartContent,
     IPublishingContext publishingContext,
     bool publish,
     out Position position);
 public override string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
     _currentBlogId = publishingContext.AccountId;
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate the HTML content which is published to the destination weblog.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="content">SmartContent object to generate HTML for.</param>
 /// <param name="publishingContext">Publishing context for HTML generation.</param>
 /// <returns>HTML to be published to the destination weblog.</returns>
 public abstract string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext);
 public override string GenerateEditorHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
     VideoSmartContent VideoContent = new VideoSmartContent(content);
     string html = VideoContent.GenerateEditorHtml(publishingContext);
     ((IInternalContent)content).RefreshCallback = VideoContent.GetRefreshCallback();
     return html;
 public override string GeneratePublishHtml(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ISmartContent smartContent, IPublishingContext publishingContext, bool publish, out Position position)
     return GenerateLink(smartContent, publishingContext, out position);
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate the HTML content which is used to represent the SmartContent item within
 /// the post editor. The default behavior for this method if it is not overridden is to
 /// call GeneratePublishHtml.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="content">SmartContent object to generate HTML for.</param>
 /// <param name="publishingContext">Publishing context for HTML generation.</param>
 /// <returns>HTML content to be inserted into the post editor.</returns>
 public virtual string GenerateEditorHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
     return(GeneratePublishHtml(content, publishingContext));
 public override string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
     VideoSmartContent VideoContent = new VideoSmartContent(content);
     return VideoContent.GeneratePublishHtml(publishingContext);
 public override string GeneratePreviewHtml(ISmartContent smartContent, IPublishingContext publishingContext, out Position position)
     return GenerateLink(smartContent, publishingContext, out position);
 public override string GenerateEditorHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
     return GenerateHtml(content, true, publishingContext.AccountId);
 public override string GeneratePublishHtml(IPublishingContext publishingContext)
     VideoContext context = new VideoContext(publishingContext);
     StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder();
     return html.ToString();
Beispiel #46
 public abstract string GenerateEditorHtml(IPublishingContext publishingContext);
Beispiel #47
        public override string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
            var settings = new Settings(content.Properties);

            return(settings.Format.FormatCode(settings.SourceCode, embedStylesheet: settings.EmbedStylesheet, alternate: settings.HighlightAlternateLines, lineNumbers: settings.ShowLineNumbers));
 public override string GenerateEditorHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
     return(GenerateHtml(content, true, publishingContext.AccountId));
 public override string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
     return(GenerateHtml(content, false, publishingContext.AccountId));
 /// <summary>
 /// Generate the HTML content which is used to represent the SmartContent item within
 /// the post editor. The default behavior for this method if it is not overridden is to
 /// call GeneratePublishHtml.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="content">SmartContent object to generate HTML for.</param>
 /// <param name="publishingContext">Publishing context for HTML generation.</param>
 /// <returns>HTML content to be inserted into the post editor.</returns>
 public virtual string GenerateEditorHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
     return GeneratePublishHtml(content, publishingContext);
Beispiel #51
 public abstract string GeneratePublishHtml(IPublishingContext publishingContext);
 public override string GeneratePublishHtml(ISmartContent content, IPublishingContext publishingContext)
     return GenerateHtml(content, false, publishingContext.AccountId);