/// <summary>
        /// Updates the screen if it is currently the active screen.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameTime">The current game time.</param>
        public override void Update(TickCount gameTime)

            // Get the current time
            _currentTime = gameTime;

            if (UserChar == null)
                _userLight.IsEnabled = false;

            ScreenManager.AudioManager.ListenerPosition = UserChar.Center;

            // HACK: What a stupid way to make sure the correct inventory and equipped is used...
            _inventoryForm.Inventory   = UserInfo.Inventory;
            _equippedForm.UserEquipped = UserInfo.Equipped;

            // Check to hide the shopping form from the user going out of range of the shop owner
            var shopInfo = ShopForm.ShopInfo;

            if (shopInfo != null && shopInfo.ShopOwner != null && !GameData.IsValidDistanceToShop(UserChar, shopInfo.ShopOwner))

            // Update some other goodies

            // Update targeting
            _gameControls.TargetIndex = _characterTargeter.TargetEntityIndex;

            // Update controls
            _gameControls.Update(GUIManager, _currentTime);

            var sock = _socket.RemoteSocket;

            if (_latencyLabel != null && sock != null && sock.IsConnected)
                _latencyLabel.Text = string.Format(_latencyString,
                                                   sock.AverageLatency < 1 ? "<1" : Math.Round(sock.AverageLatency).ToString());

            _userLight.IsEnabled = true;

            // Periodically synchronize the game time
            if (Socket != null && _nextSyncGameTime < gameTime)
                _nextSyncGameTime = gameTime + ClientSettings.Default.Network_SyncGameTimeFrequency;
                using (var pw = ClientPacket.SynchronizeGameTime())
                    Socket.Send(pw, ClientMessageType.System);
