/// <summary>
        /// Multidimensional scaling/PCoA: transform distances to points in a coordinate system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">A matrix of pairwise distances. Zero indicates identical objects.</param>
        /// <returns>A matrix, the columns of which are coordinates in the nth dimension.
        /// The rows are in the same order as the input.</returns>
        public static ILArray <double> Scale(ILArray <double> input)
            int n = input.Length;

            ILArray <double> p = ILMath.eye <double>(n, n) - ILMath.repmat(1.0 / n, n, n);

            ILArray <double> a = -.5 * ILMath.multiplyElem(input, input);
            ILArray <double> b = ILMath.multiply(p, a, p);

            ILArray <complex> V = ILMath.empty <complex>();
            ILArray <complex> E = ILMath.eig((b + b.T) / 2, V);

            ILArray <int>    i = ILMath.empty <int>();
            ILArray <double> e = ILMath.sort(ILMath.diag(ILMath.real(E)), i);

            e = ILMath.flipud(e);
            i = ILMath.toint32(ILMath.flipud(ILMath.todouble(i)));

            ILArray <int> keep = ILMath.empty <int>();

            for (int j = 0; j < e.Length; j++)
                if (e[j] > 0.000000001)
                    keep.SetValue(j, keep.Length);

            ILArray <double> Y;

            if (ILMath.isempty(keep))
                Y = ILMath.zeros(n, 1);
                Y = ILMath.zeros <double>(V.S[0], keep.Length);
                for (int j = 0; j < keep.Length; j++)
                    Y[ILMath.full, j] = ILMath.todouble(-V[ILMath.full, i[keep[j]]]);
                Y = ILMath.multiply(Y, ILMath.diag(ILMath.sqrt(e[keep])));

            ILArray <int> maxind = ILMath.empty <int>();

            ILMath.max(ILMath.abs(Y), maxind, 0);
            int              d       = Y.S[1];
            ILArray <int>    indices = maxind + ILMath.toint32(ILMath.array <int>(SteppedRange(0, n, (d - 1) * n)));
            ILArray <double> colsign = ILMath.sign(Y[indices]);

            for (int j = 0; j < Y.S[1]; j++)
                Y[ILMath.full, j] = Y[ILMath.full, j] * colsign[j];

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// map all elements in A into final colors
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="A">array with elements to map</param>
        /// <returns>colors as ILArray, the i-th row represents the color for the i-th element of A as RGB tripel.</returns>
        public ILArray <float> Map(ILArray <float> A)
            ILArray <float> ret = new ILArray <float>(A.Dimensions.NumberOfElements, 3);
            float           min, max;

            if (!A.GetLimits(out min, out max) || min == max)
                // special case: all constant: eturn middle of colormap
                return(ILMath.repmat(m_map[m_map.Length / 2, null], ret.Dimensions[0], 1));

            float dist = (m_map.Dimensions[0] - 1) / (A.MaxValue - min);

            for (int i = 0; i < ret.Dimensions[0]; i++)
                double index = (double)(A.GetValue(i) - min) * dist;
                if (index >= m_map.Dimensions[0] - 1)
                    ret[i, null] = m_map["end;:"];
                else if (index < 0)
                    ret[i, null] = m_map["0;:"];
                int find = (int)Math.Floor(index);
                if (find == index)
                    ret[i, null] = m_map[find, null];
                // interpolate
                index = index - find;
                float r1 = m_map.GetValue(find, 0);
                float g1 = m_map.GetValue(find, 1);
                float b1 = m_map.GetValue(find, 2);
                r1 = (float)(index * (m_map.GetValue(find + 1, 0) - r1) + r1);
                g1 = (float)(index * (m_map.GetValue(find + 1, 1) - g1) + g1);
                b1 = (float)(index * (m_map.GetValue(find + 1, 2) - b1) + b1);
                ret.SetValue(r1, i, 0);
                ret.SetValue(g1, i, 1);
                ret.SetValue(b1, i, 2);
        private void TestQuickSortDescIDX()
            try {
                ILArray <double> A = ILMath.counter(5, 4, 3);
                ILArray <double> ind;
                ILArray <double> result = ILMath.sort(A, out ind, 1, true);
                ILArray <double> expect = A[":;3,2,1,0;:"];
                if (!result.Equals(expect))
                    throw new Exception("invalid values");
                expect = ILMath.repmat(new ILArray <double>(new double[] { 3, 2, 1, 0 }), 5, 1, 3);
                if (!ind.Equals(expect))
                    throw new Exception("invalid indices");
                // test scalar
                A      = 3.0;
                result = ILMath.sort(A, out ind, 0, true);
                if (result != 3.0)
                    throw new Exception("invalid values: scalar");
                if (ind != 0.0)
                    throw new Exception("invalid indices");
                // test empty
                A = ILArray <double> .empty();

                if (!ILMath.sort(A, out ind, 0, true).IsEmpty)
                    throw new Exception("invalid values: empty");
                if (!ind.IsEmpty)
                    throw new Exception("invalid indices");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Error(0, e.Message);
 /// <summary>
 /// construct new filled graph
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="panel">panel hosting the graph</param>
 /// <param name="X">X coords, if null, range 0..[cols of Z] will be created</param>
 /// <param name="Y">Y coords, if null, range 0..[rows of Z] will be created</param>
 /// <param name="Z">Z coords (heights)</param>
 /// <param name="C">Colors for Z</param>
 /// <param name="clippingContainer">gloabal limits of panel</param>
 public ILFilledGraph(ILPanel panel, ILBaseArray X, ILBaseArray Y,
                      ILBaseArray Z, ILBaseArray C, ILClippingData clippingContainer)
     : base(panel, clippingContainer)
     #region argument checking
     if (Z == null || !Z.IsMatrix)
         throw new ILArgumentException("ILFilledGraph: Z must be matrix!");
     if (!Z.IsNumeric)
         throw new ILArgumentException("ILFilledGraph: Z must be numeric!");
     m_sourceArray = ILMath.tosingle(Z);
     m_rows        = m_sourceArray.Dimensions[0];
     m_cols        = m_sourceArray.Dimensions[1];
     ILArray <float> tmp;
     if (!object.Equals(X, null) && !X.IsEmpty)
         if (!X.IsMatrix || !X.IsNumeric)
             throw new ILArgumentException("ILFilledGraph: X must be numeric matrix!");
         if (X.Dimensions.IsSameSize(Z.Dimensions))
             tmp = ILMath.tosingle(X);
             tmp.ExportValues(ref m_xCoords);
             m_localClipping.XMax = tmp.MaxValue;
             m_localClipping.XMin = tmp.MinValue;
             throw new ILArgumentException("ILFilledGraph: X must be of same size than Z!");
         ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.repmat(ILMath.counter(0.0, 1.0, 1, m_cols), m_rows, 1)).ExportValues(ref m_xCoords);
         m_localClipping.XMin = 0;
         m_localClipping.XMax = m_cols - 1;
     if (!object.Equals(Y, null) && !Y.IsEmpty)
         if (!Y.IsMatrix || !Y.IsNumeric)
             throw new ILArgumentException("ILFilledGraph: Y must be numeric matrix!");
         if (Y.Dimensions.IsSameSize(Z.Dimensions))
             tmp = ILMath.tosingle(Y);
             tmp.ExportValues(ref m_yCoords);
             m_localClipping.YMax = tmp.MaxValue;
             m_localClipping.YMin = tmp.MinValue;
             throw new ILArgumentException("ILFilledGraph: Y must be same size than Z!");
         ILMath.tosingle(ILMath.repmat(ILMath.counter(0.0, 1.0, m_rows, 1), 1, m_cols)).ExportValues(ref m_yCoords);
         m_localClipping.YMax = m_rows - 1;
         m_localClipping.YMin = 0;
     if (object.Equals(C, null) || C.IsEmpty)
         m_colors = null;
         m_colors = ILMath.tosingle(C);
     m_localClipping.ZMax = m_sourceArray.MaxValue;
     m_localClipping.ZMin = m_sourceArray.MinValue;
     m_Vertcount   = m_rows * m_cols;
     m_vertexReady = false;
     m_indexReady  = false;
     // default view properties
     m_opacity            = 1.0f;
     m_wireLines          = new ILLineProperties();
     m_wireLines.Changed += new EventHandler(m_wireLines_Changed);
     m_filled             = true;
        private void TestQuickSortDescIDX(int dim, int len)
            try {
                // asc along dimension (already ordered values)
                int[] dims = new int[4] {
                    5, 4, 3, 2
                dims[dim] = len;
                ILArray <double> A = ILMath.counter(dims);
                ILArray <double> ind;
                ILArray <double> result = ILMath.sort(A, out ind, dim, true);
                ILArray <double> expect = null;
                ILArray <double> expectInd;
                expectInd = ILMath.counter(A.Dimensions[dim] - 1, -1.0, 1, A.Dimensions[dim]);
                ILBaseArray[] revDims = new ILBaseArray[dims.Length];
                revDims[dim] = expectInd;
                expect       = A[revDims];
                if (!result.Equals(expect))
                    throw new Exception("invalid values");

                int [] dimsEx = new int[dims.Length];
                expectInd = ILMath.repmat(expectInd, A.Dimensions.SequentialIndexDistance(dim), 1);
                sortIDXTestHelper001(dim, dims, ref expectInd, dimsEx);
                expectInd = ILMath.repmat(expectInd, dimsEx);
                if (!ind.Equals(expectInd))
                    throw new Exception("invalid indices");
                // reverse values ...
                A      = ILMath.counter(A.Dimensions.NumberOfElements, -1.0, dims);
                result = ILMath.sort(A, out ind, dim, true);
                if (!result.Equals(A.C))
                    throw new Exception("invalid values");

                expectInd = ILMath.counter(0.0, 1.0, 1, A.Dimensions[dim]);
                expectInd = ILMath.repmat(expectInd, A.Dimensions.SequentialIndexDistance(dim), 1);
                sortIDXTestHelper001(dim, dims, ref expectInd, dimsEx);
                expectInd = ILMath.repmat(expectInd, dimsEx);
                if (!ind.Equals(expectInd))
                    throw new Exception("invalid indices");
                // test scalar
                A      = 3.0;
                result = ILMath.sort(A, out ind, 0, true);
                if (result != 3.0)
                    throw new Exception("invalid values: scalar");
                if (ind != 0.0)
                    throw new Exception("invalid indices");
                // test empty
                A = ILArray <double> .empty();

                if (!ILMath.sort(A, out ind, 0, true).IsEmpty)
                    throw new Exception("invalid values: empty");
                if (!ind.IsEmpty)
                    throw new Exception("invalid indices");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Error(0, e.Message);