Beispiel #1
        public static BitmapSource ILArrayToBitmapSource(ILArray <double> surface)
            // Define parameters used to create the BitmapSource.
            PixelFormat pf        = PixelFormats.Bgr32;
            int         width     = surface.Dimensions[0];
            int         height    = surface.Dimensions[1];
            int         bytes     = (pf.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
            int         rawStride = (width * bytes);

            byte[]    rawImage  = new byte[rawStride * height];
            int       index     = 0;
            ColourMap ColourMap = new ColourMap(ColourMapType.Jet, 256);

            byte[,] cmap = ColourMap.ToByteArray();
            double           range     = surface.MaxValue - surface.MinValue;
            double           min       = surface.MinValue;
            int              magnitude = 0;
            ILArray <int>    scaled    = (ILArray <int>)ILMath.convert(NumericType.Int32, ILMath.floor((surface - min) * 256.0 / range));
            ILIterator <int> iterator  = scaled.CreateIterator();
            Stopwatch        sw        = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            magnitude = iterator.Value;
            for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
                for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                    if (magnitude == 256)
                        magnitude = 255;
                    rawImage[index]     = cmap[magnitude, 3];
                    rawImage[index + 1] = cmap[magnitude, 2];
                    rawImage[index + 2] = cmap[magnitude, 1];
                    rawImage[index + 3] = cmap[magnitude, 0];
                    index    += bytes;
                    magnitude = iterator.Increment();
            string result;

            result = "Elapsed time: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString() + " ms";
            // Create a BitmapSource.
            BitmapSource bitmap = BitmapSource.Create(width, height,
                                                      96, 96, pf, null,
                                                      rawImage, rawStride);

Beispiel #2
        public static BitmapSource ILArrayToBitmapSourceReversed(ILArray <double> surface, ColourMap colourMap)
            // Define parameters used to create the BitmapSource.
            PixelFormat pf        = PixelFormats.Bgr32;
            int         width     = surface.Dimensions[0];
            int         height    = surface.Dimensions[1];
            int         bytes     = (pf.BitsPerPixel + 7) / 8;
            int         rawStride = (width * bytes);

            byte[] rawImage = new byte[rawStride * height];
            int    index    = 0;

            byte[,] cmap = colourMap.ToByteArray();
            int              colourMapLength = colourMap.Length;
            double           range           = surface.MaxValue - surface.MinValue;
            double           min             = surface.MinValue;
            int              magnitude       = 0;
            ILArray <int>    scaled          = (ILArray <int>)ILMath.convert(NumericType.Int32, ILMath.floor((surface - min) * (double)(colourMapLength - 1) / range));
            ILIterator <int> iterator        = scaled.CreateIterator();

            magnitude = iterator.Value;
            for (int y = height - 1; y >= 0; --y)
                index = y * rawStride;
                for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
                    rawImage[index]     = cmap[magnitude, 3];
                    rawImage[index + 1] = cmap[magnitude, 2];
                    rawImage[index + 2] = cmap[magnitude, 1];
                    rawImage[index + 3] = cmap[magnitude, 0];
                    index    += bytes;
                    magnitude = iterator.Increment();
            // Create a BitmapSource.
            BitmapSource bitmap = BitmapSource.Create(width, height,
                                                      96, 96, pf, null,
                                                      rawImage, rawStride);

        private void Wenner1D_Form_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            try {
                DataTable table = new DataTable();
                if (inforadio == 0)
                    table.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] { new DataColumn("a (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("Distance (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("C1"),
                                                              new DataColumn("C2"),
                                                              new DataColumn("P1"),
                                                              new DataColumn("P2"),
                                                              new DataColumn("Z/n (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("V (mV)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("I (mA)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("R (Ω)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("K (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("ρa (Ω.m)") });
                    string[] MyDataLines = MyDataString.Split('\n');
                    L = MyDataLines.Length;
                    double[] data_a   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_C1  = new double[L];
                    double[] data_C2  = new double[L];
                    double[] data_P1  = new double[L];
                    double[] data_P2  = new double[L];
                    double[] data_V   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_I   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_R   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_K   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_Rho = new double[L];
                    double[] data_dis = new double[L];
                    double[] data_n   = new double[L];
                    double   pi       = 3.14;

                    for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                        string[] MyDataColumns = MyDataLines[i].Split('\t');
                        data_a[i]   = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[0]]);
                        data_C1[i]  = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[1]]);
                        data_C2[i]  = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[2]]);
                        data_P1[i]  = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[3]]);
                        data_P2[i]  = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[4]]);
                        data_V[i]   = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[5]]);
                        data_I[i]   = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[6]]);
                        data_R[i]   = data_V[i] / data_I[i];
                        data_K[i]   = 2 * pi * data_a[i];
                        data_n[i]   = data_P2[i] - data_P1[i];
                        data_Rho[i] = data_R[i] * data_K[i];
                        data_dis[i] = (data_C1[i] - poz - 1) * data_a[0] + data_a[i] + (data_a[i] / 2);
                        object[] Data_Row = { data_a[i],  data_dis[i], data_C1[i], data_C2[i],
                                              data_P1[i], data_P2[i],  data_n[i],  data_V[i], data_I[i],data_R[i],
                                              data_K[i],  data_Rho[i] };
                    dataGridView1.DataSource = table;
                    dis = data_dis;
                    Rho = data_Rho;
                    a   = data_n;

                    ILArray <double> dat_dis  = data_dis;
                    ILArray <double> dat_Rho  = data_Rho;
                    ILArray <float>  ddis     = ILMath.convert <double, float>(dat_dis);
                    ILArray <float>  drho     = ILMath.convert <double, float>(dat_Rho);
                    ILArray <float>  position = ILMath.zeros <float>(3, data_dis.Length);
                    position[0, ":"] = ddis[":"];
                    position[1, ":"] = drho[":"];

                    ilPanel1.Scene.Add(new ILPlotCube
                        Axes =
                            YAxis        =
                                Label    =
                                    Text = "ρa (Ω.m)"
                            XAxis        =
                                Label    =
                                    Text = "Distance (m)"
                        Children = { new ILPoints
                                         Positions = position,
                                         Size      = 4
                                     } }
                if (inforadio == 1)
                    table.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] { new DataColumn("a (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("Distance (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("C1"),
                                                              new DataColumn("C2"),
                                                              new DataColumn("P1"),
                                                              new DataColumn("P2"),
                                                              new DataColumn("Z/n (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("R (Ω)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("K (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("ρa (Ω.m)") });
                    string[] MyDataLines = MyDataString.Split('\n');
                    L = MyDataLines.Length;
                    double[] data_a   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_C1  = new double[L];
                    double[] data_C2  = new double[L];
                    double[] data_P1  = new double[L];
                    double[] data_P2  = new double[L];
                    double[] data_R   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_K   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_Rho = new double[L];
                    double[] data_dis = new double[L];
                    double[] data_n   = new double[L];
                    double   pi       = 3.14;

                    for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                        string[] MyDataColumns = MyDataLines[i].Split('\t');
                        data_a[i]   = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[0]]);
                        data_C1[i]  = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[1]]);
                        data_C2[i]  = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[2]]);
                        data_P1[i]  = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[3]]);
                        data_P2[i]  = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[4]]);
                        data_R[i]   = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[5]]);
                        data_K[i]   = 2 * pi * data_a[i];
                        data_Rho[i] = data_R[i] * data_K[i];
                        data_n[i]   = data_P2[i] - data_P1[i];
                        data_dis[i] = (data_C1[i] - poz - 1) * data_a[0] + data_a[i] + (data_a[i] / 2);
                        object[] Data_Row = { data_a[i],  data_dis[i], data_C1[i], data_C2[i],
                                              data_P1[i], data_P2[i],  data_n[i],  data_R[i],
                                              data_K[i],  data_Rho[i] };
                    dataGridView1.DataSource = table;
                    dis = data_dis;
                    Rho = data_Rho;
                    a   = data_n;

                    ILArray <double> dat_dis  = data_dis;
                    ILArray <double> dat_Rho  = data_Rho;
                    ILArray <float>  ddis     = ILMath.convert <double, float>(dat_dis);
                    ILArray <float>  drho     = ILMath.convert <double, float>(dat_Rho);
                    ILArray <float>  position = ILMath.zeros <float>(3, data_dis.Length);
                    position[0, ":"] = ddis[":"];
                    position[1, ":"] = drho[":"];

                    ilPanel1.Scene.Add(new ILPlotCube
                        Axes =
                            YAxis        =
                                Label    =
                                    Text = "ρa (Ω.m)"
                            XAxis        =
                                Label    =
                                    Text = "Distance (m)"
                        Children = { new ILPoints
                                         Positions = position,
                                         Size      = 4
                                     } }
                if (inforadio == 2)
                    table.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] { new DataColumn("Distance (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("a (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("ρa (Ω.m)") });
                    string[] MyDataLines = MyDataString.Split('\n');
                    L = MyDataLines.Length;
                    double[] data_dis = new double[L];
                    double[] data_a   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_Rho = new double[L];

                    for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                        string[] MyDataColumns = MyDataLines[i].Split('\t');
                        data_a[i]   = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[1]]);
                        data_dis[i] = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[0]]);
                        data_Rho[i] = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[2]]);
                        object[] Data_Row = { data_dis[i], data_a[i], data_Rho[i] };
                    dataGridView1.DataSource = table;
                    dis = data_dis;
                    Rho = data_Rho;
                    a   = data_a;

                    ILArray <double> dat_dis  = data_dis;
                    ILArray <double> dat_Rho  = data_Rho;
                    ILArray <float>  ddis     = ILMath.convert <double, float>(dat_dis);
                    ILArray <float>  drho     = ILMath.convert <double, float>(dat_Rho);
                    ILArray <float>  position = ILMath.zeros <float>(3, data_dis.Length);
                    position[0, ":"] = ddis[":"];
                    position[1, ":"] = drho[":"];

                    ilPanel1.Scene.Add(new ILPlotCube
                        Axes =
                            YAxis        =
                                Label    =
                                    Text = "ρa (Ω.m)"
                            XAxis        =
                                Label    =
                                    Text = "Distance (m)"
                        Children = { new ILPoints
                                         Positions = position,
                                         Size      = 4
                                     } }
            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #4
        private void PlotByIsolines(
            DenseMatrix dmListOfData,
            Dictionary <string, object> properties,
            string description = "")
            strDataDescription = description;
            ThreadSafeOperations.SetText(lblDescription, strDataDescription, false);

            defaultProperties  = properties;
            strOutputDirectory = (string)defaultProperties["DefaultDataFilesLocation"];
            if (!ServiceTools.CheckIfDirectoryExists(strOutputDirectory))
                strOutputDirectory = "";

            dmDataList = dmListOfData.Copy();
            double dataMaxVal = dmDataList.Column(3).Max();
            double dataMinVal = dmDataList.Column(3).Min();

            ILScene scene = new ILScene();

            currSurfPlotCube          = new ILPlotCube();
            currSurfPlotCube.TwoDMode = false;

            List <List <DenseMatrix> > llDataMatricesSlicedByZ = ReshapeDataToMatrices(dmDataList, SlicingVariable.z);
            DenseMatrix dmXvalues = llDataMatricesSlicedByZ[0][0].Copy();
            DenseMatrix dmYvalues = llDataMatricesSlicedByZ[0][1].Copy();

            List <List <DataValuesOver3DGrid> > lDataVectorsForSurfices = Group_DVOG_DataByValues(dmDataList);

            foreach (List <DataValuesOver3DGrid> currSurfVectorsList in lDataVectorsForSurfices)
                //ILInArray<float> ilaXvalues =
                //    currSurfVectorsList.ConvertAll<float>(dvog => Convert.ToSingle(dvog.x)).ToArray();
                //ILInArray<float> ilaYvalues =
                //    currSurfVectorsList.ConvertAll<float>(dvog => Convert.ToSingle(dvog.y)).ToArray();
                //ILInArray<float> ilaZvalues =
                //    currSurfVectorsList.ConvertAll<float>(dvog => Convert.ToSingle(dvog.z)).ToArray();
                //ILSurface currSurf = new ILSurface(ilaZvalues, ilaXvalues, ilaYvalues);
                // не катит - надо, чтобы сетка z была m*n, сетка x = m*[1|n], сетка y - [1|m]*n
                // поэтому просто список точек, которые должны составить поверхность, - не катят
                //  => или отрисовывать множества точек, без привязки именно к понятию поверхности. Это пока не получилось
                //  => или переформировать список точек так, чтобы они составили m*n поверхность

                // скомпоновать матрицу значений Z, соответствующих значениям x и y
                DenseMatrix dmZvalues = DenseMatrix.Create(dmXvalues.RowCount, dmXvalues.ColumnCount, (r, c) =>
                    double x = dmXvalues[r, c];
                    double y = dmYvalues[r, c];
                    int idx  = currSurfVectorsList.FindIndex(dvog => ((dvog.x == x) && (dvog.y == y)));
                    if (idx == -1) // ничего нужного нет
                ILArray <double> arrXvalues = (ILArray <double>)(dmXvalues.ToArray());
                ILArray <double> arrYvalues = (ILArray <double>)(dmYvalues.ToArray());
                ILArray <double> arrZvalues = (ILArray <double>)(dmZvalues.ToArray());

                // сформируем colors array
                ColorScheme newCS    = new ColorScheme("");
                DenseMatrix dmValues = DenseMatrix.Create(dmXvalues.RowCount, dmXvalues.ColumnCount, (r, c) =>
                    double x = dmXvalues[r, c];
                    double y = dmYvalues[r, c];
                    int idx  = currSurfVectorsList.FindIndex(dvog => ((dvog.x == x) && (dvog.y == y)));
                    if (idx == -1) // ничего нужного нет

                double[,] dmRvalues = DenseMatrix.Create(dmValues.RowCount, dmValues.ColumnCount,
                                                         (r, c) =>
                    Bgr currColor = newCS.GetColorByValueAndRange(dmValues[r, c], dataMinVal, dataMaxVal);
                    return(currColor.Red / 255.0d);
                double[,] dmGvalues = DenseMatrix.Create(dmValues.RowCount, dmValues.ColumnCount,
                                                         (r, c) =>
                    Bgr currColor = newCS.GetColorByValueAndRange(dmValues[r, c], dataMinVal, dataMaxVal);
                    return(currColor.Green / 255.0d);
                double[,] dmBvalues = DenseMatrix.Create(dmValues.RowCount, dmValues.ColumnCount,
                                                         (r, c) =>
                    Bgr currColor = newCS.GetColorByValueAndRange(dmValues[r, c], dataMinVal, dataMaxVal);
                    return(currColor.Blue / 255.0d);
                float[, ,] rgbaArrData = new float[4, dmRvalues.GetLength(0), dmRvalues.GetLength(1)];
                for (int i = 0; i < dmRvalues.GetLength(0); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < dmRvalues.GetLength(1); j++)
                        rgbaArrData[0, i, j] = Convert.ToSingle(dmRvalues[i, j]);
                        rgbaArrData[1, i, j] = Convert.ToSingle(dmGvalues[i, j]);
                        rgbaArrData[2, i, j] = Convert.ToSingle(dmBvalues[i, j]);
                        rgbaArrData[3, i, j] = 0.3f;

                ILSurface currSurf = new ILSurface(ILMath.convert <double, float>(arrZvalues),
                                                   ILMath.convert <double, float>(arrXvalues), ILMath.convert <double, float>(arrYvalues), rgbaArrData);

                currSurf.UseLighting = true;


            currSurfPlotCube.Projection = Projection.Orthographic;



            ilPanel1.Scene = scene;
        private void Wenner2D_Form_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            try {
                DataTable table = new DataTable();
                if (inforadio == 0)
                    table.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] { new DataColumn("a (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("Distance (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("C1"),
                                                              new DataColumn("C2"),
                                                              new DataColumn("P1"),
                                                              new DataColumn("P2"),
                                                              new DataColumn("Z/n (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("V (mV)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("I (mA)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("R (Ω)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("K (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("ρa (Ω.m)") });
                    string[] MyDataLines = MyDataString.Split('\n');
                    L = MyDataLines.Length;
                    double[] data_a   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_C1  = new double[L];
                    double[] data_C2  = new double[L];
                    double[] data_P1  = new double[L];
                    double[] data_P2  = new double[L];
                    double[] data_V   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_I   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_R   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_K   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_Rho = new double[L];
                    double[] data_dis = new double[L];
                    double[] data_n   = new double[L];
                    double   pi       = 3.14;

                    for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                        string[] MyDataColumns = MyDataLines[i].Split('\t');
                        data_a[i]   = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[0]]);
                        data_C1[i]  = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[1]]);
                        data_C2[i]  = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[2]]);
                        data_P1[i]  = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[3]]);
                        data_P2[i]  = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[4]]);
                        data_V[i]   = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[5]]);
                        data_I[i]   = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[6]]);
                        data_R[i]   = data_V[i] / data_I[i];
                        data_K[i]   = 2 * pi * data_a[i];
                        data_n[i]   = data_P2[i] - data_P1[i];
                        data_Rho[i] = data_R[i] * data_K[i];
                        data_dis[i] = (data_C1[i] - poz - 1) * data_a[0] + data_a[i] + (data_a[i] / 2);
                        object[] Data_Row = { data_a[i],  data_dis[i], data_C1[i], data_C2[i],
                                              data_P1[i], data_P2[i],  data_n[i],  data_V[i], data_I[i],data_R[i],
                                              data_K[i],  data_Rho[i] };
                    dataGridView1.DataSource = table;
                    dis = data_dis;
                    Rho = data_Rho;
                    a   = data_n;

                    double[] X     = data_dis;
                    double[] Y     = data_n;
                    double[] Z     = data_Rho;
                    double   minX  = X.Min();
                    double   maxX  = X.Max();
                    double   minY  = Y.Min();
                    double   maxY  = Y.Max();
                    double   intX  = 1;
                    double   intY  = 0.1;
                    int      LX    = Convert.ToInt32((maxX - minX) / intX);
                    int      LY    = Convert.ToInt32((maxY - minY) / intY);
                    double[] intpX = new double[LX];
                    double[] intpY = new double[LY];
                    for (int i = 0; i < LX; i++)
                        if (i == 0)
                            intpX[i] = minX;
                            intpX[i] = intpX[i - 1] + intX;
                    for (int i = 0; i < LY; i++)
                        if (i == 0)
                            intpY[i] = minY;
                            intpY[i] = intpY[i - 1] + intY;
                    // IDW
                    int      nX    = intpX.Length;
                    int      nY    = intpY.Length;
                    int      N     = nX * nY;
                    double[] intpZ = new double[N];
                    double[] susX  = new double[N];
                    double[] susY  = new double[N];
                    for (int i = 0; i < nY; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < nX; j++)
                            susX[j + (nX * (i))] = intpX[j];
                            susY[j + (nX * (i))] = intpY[i];
                    double k = 2;
                    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                        double[] d_obs     = new double[X.Length];
                        double[] d_ok      = new double[X.Length];
                        double[] spd_ok    = new double[X.Length];
                        double[] Zspd_ok   = new double[X.Length];
                        double[] s_spd_ok  = new double[X.Length];
                        double[] s_Zspd_ok = new double[X.Length];
                        for (int j = 0; j < X.Length; j++)
                            d_obs[j]   = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(X[j] - susX[i], 2) + Math.Pow(Y[j] - susY[i], 2));
                            d_ok[j]    = Math.Pow(d_obs[j], k);
                            spd_ok[j]  = 1 / (d_ok[j] + 0.00001);
                            Zspd_ok[j] = Z[j] * spd_ok[j];
                            if (j == 0)
                                s_spd_ok[j]  = spd_ok[j];
                                s_Zspd_ok[j] = Zspd_ok[j];
                                s_spd_ok[j]  = s_spd_ok[j - 1] + spd_ok[j];
                                s_Zspd_ok[j] = s_Zspd_ok[j - 1] + Zspd_ok[j];
                        intpZ[i] = s_Zspd_ok[X.Length - 1] / s_spd_ok[X.Length - 1];
                    ILArray <double> ILintpZ = intpZ;
                    ILArray <double> matrix  = ILMath.zeros(nY, nX);

                    for (int i = 0; i < nY; i++)
                        ILArray <int> rangeX = ILMath.vec <int>(0, nX - 1);
                        ILArray <int> rangeZ = ILMath.vec <int>(0 + (nX) * (i), (nX * (i + 1) - 1));
                        matrix[i, rangeX] = ILintpZ[rangeZ];

                    ILArray <float> matrixf = ILMath.convert <double, float>(matrix);
                    ILArray <float> Xf      = ILMath.convert <double, float>(intpX);
                    ILArray <float> Yf      = -1 * ILMath.convert <double, float>(intpY);

                    ilPanel1.Scene.Add(new ILPlotCube
                        Axes =
                            XAxis        =
                                Label    =
                                    Text = "Distance (m)"
                            YAxis        =
                                Label    =
                                    Text = "n"
                        Children =
                            new ILSurface(matrixf, Xf, Yf)
                                // make thin transparent wireframes
                                Wireframe = { Color = Color.FromArgb(50,Color.LightGray) },
                                // choose a different colormap
                                Colormap = new ILColormap(Colormaps.Jet),
                                // add a colorbar (see below)
                                Children = { new ILColorbar() }
                if (inforadio == 1)
                    table.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] { new DataColumn("a (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("Distance (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("C1"),
                                                              new DataColumn("C2"),
                                                              new DataColumn("P1"),
                                                              new DataColumn("P2"),
                                                              new DataColumn("Z/n (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("R (Ω)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("K (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("ρa (Ω.m)") });
                    string[] MyDataLines = MyDataString.Split('\n');
                    L = MyDataLines.Length;
                    double[] data_a   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_C1  = new double[L];
                    double[] data_C2  = new double[L];
                    double[] data_P1  = new double[L];
                    double[] data_P2  = new double[L];
                    double[] data_R   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_K   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_Rho = new double[L];
                    double[] data_dis = new double[L];
                    double[] data_n   = new double[L];
                    double   pi       = 3.14;

                    for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                        string[] MyDataColumns = MyDataLines[i].Split('\t');
                        data_a[i]   = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[0]]);
                        data_C1[i]  = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[1]]);
                        data_C2[i]  = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[2]]);
                        data_P1[i]  = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[3]]);
                        data_P2[i]  = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[4]]);
                        data_R[i]   = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[5]]);
                        data_K[i]   = 2 * pi * data_a[i];
                        data_Rho[i] = data_R[i] * data_K[i];
                        data_n[i]   = data_P2[i] - data_P1[i];
                        data_dis[i] = (data_C1[i] - poz - 1) * data_a[0] + data_a[i] + (data_a[i] / 2);
                        object[] Data_Row = { data_a[i],  data_dis[i], data_C1[i], data_C2[i],
                                              data_P1[i], data_P2[i],  data_n[i],  data_R[i],
                                              data_K[i],  data_Rho[i] };
                    dataGridView1.DataSource = table;
                    dis = data_dis;
                    Rho = data_Rho;
                    a   = data_n;

                    double[] X     = data_dis;
                    double[] Y     = data_n;
                    double[] Z     = data_Rho;
                    double   minX  = X.Min();
                    double   maxX  = X.Max();
                    double   minY  = Y.Min();
                    double   maxY  = Y.Max();
                    double   intX  = 1;
                    double   intY  = 0.1;
                    int      LX    = Convert.ToInt32((maxX - minX) / intX);
                    int      LY    = Convert.ToInt32((maxY - minY) / intY);
                    double[] intpX = new double[LX];
                    double[] intpY = new double[LY];
                    for (int i = 0; i < LX; i++)
                        if (i == 0)
                            intpX[i] = minX;
                            intpX[i] = intpX[i - 1] + intX;
                    for (int i = 0; i < LY; i++)
                        if (i == 0)
                            intpY[i] = minY;
                            intpY[i] = intpY[i - 1] + intY;
                    // IDW
                    int      nX    = intpX.Length;
                    int      nY    = intpY.Length;
                    int      N     = nX * nY;
                    double[] intpZ = new double[N];
                    double[] susX  = new double[N];
                    double[] susY  = new double[N];
                    for (int i = 0; i < nY; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < nX; j++)
                            susX[j + (nX * (i))] = intpX[j];
                            susY[j + (nX * (i))] = intpY[i];
                    double k = 2;
                    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                        double[] d_obs     = new double[X.Length];
                        double[] d_ok      = new double[X.Length];
                        double[] spd_ok    = new double[X.Length];
                        double[] Zspd_ok   = new double[X.Length];
                        double[] s_spd_ok  = new double[X.Length];
                        double[] s_Zspd_ok = new double[X.Length];
                        for (int j = 0; j < X.Length; j++)
                            d_obs[j]   = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(X[j] - susX[i], 2) + Math.Pow(Y[j] - susY[i], 2));
                            d_ok[j]    = Math.Pow(d_obs[j], k);
                            spd_ok[j]  = 1 / (d_ok[j] + 0.00001);
                            Zspd_ok[j] = Z[j] * spd_ok[j];
                            if (j == 0)
                                s_spd_ok[j]  = spd_ok[j];
                                s_Zspd_ok[j] = Zspd_ok[j];
                                s_spd_ok[j]  = s_spd_ok[j - 1] + spd_ok[j];
                                s_Zspd_ok[j] = s_Zspd_ok[j - 1] + Zspd_ok[j];
                        intpZ[i] = s_Zspd_ok[X.Length - 1] / s_spd_ok[X.Length - 1];
                    ILArray <double> ILintpZ = intpZ;
                    ILArray <double> matrix  = ILMath.zeros(nY, nX);

                    for (int i = 0; i < nY; i++)
                        ILArray <int> rangeX = ILMath.vec <int>(0, nX - 1);
                        ILArray <int> rangeZ = ILMath.vec <int>(0 + (nX) * (i), (nX * (i + 1) - 1));
                        matrix[i, rangeX] = ILintpZ[rangeZ];

                    ILArray <float> matrixf = ILMath.convert <double, float>(matrix);
                    ILArray <float> Xf      = ILMath.convert <double, float>(intpX);
                    ILArray <float> Yf      = -1 * ILMath.convert <double, float>(intpY);

                    ilPanel1.Scene.Add(new ILPlotCube
                        Axes =
                            XAxis        =
                                Label    =
                                    Text = "Distance (m)"
                            YAxis        =
                                Label    =
                                    Text = "n"
                        Children =
                            new ILSurface(matrixf, Xf, Yf)
                                // make thin transparent wireframes
                                Wireframe = { Color = Color.FromArgb(50,Color.LightGray) },
                                // choose a different colormap
                                Colormap = new ILColormap(Colormaps.Jet),
                                // add a colorbar (see below)
                                Children = { new ILColorbar() }
                if (inforadio == 2)
                    table.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] { new DataColumn("Distance (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("a (m)"),
                                                              new DataColumn("ρa (Ω.m)") });
                    string[] MyDataLines = MyDataString.Split('\n');
                    L = MyDataLines.Length;
                    double[] data_dis = new double[L];
                    double[] data_a   = new double[L];
                    double[] data_Rho = new double[L];

                    for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                        string[] MyDataColumns = MyDataLines[i].Split('\t');
                        data_a[i]   = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[1]]);
                        data_dis[i] = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[0]]);
                        data_Rho[i] = Convert.ToDouble(MyDataColumns[selected[2]]);
                        object[] Data_Row = { data_dis[i], data_a[i], data_Rho[i] };
                    dataGridView1.DataSource = table;
                    dis = data_dis;
                    Rho = data_Rho;
                    a   = data_a;

                    double[] X     = data_dis;
                    double[] Y     = data_a;
                    double[] Z     = data_Rho;
                    double   minX  = X.Min();
                    double   maxX  = X.Max();
                    double   minY  = Y.Min();
                    double   maxY  = Y.Max();
                    double   intX  = 1;
                    double   intY  = 1;
                    int      LX    = Convert.ToInt32((maxX - minX) / intX);
                    int      LY    = Convert.ToInt32((maxY - minY) / intY);
                    double[] intpX = new double[LX];
                    double[] intpY = new double[LY];
                    for (int i = 0; i < LX; i++)
                        if (i == 0)
                            intpX[i] = minX;
                            intpX[i] = intpX[i - 1] + intX;
                    for (int i = 0; i < LY; i++)
                        if (i == 0)
                            intpY[i] = minY;
                            intpY[i] = intpY[i - 1] + intY;
                    // IDW
                    int      nX    = intpX.Length;
                    int      nY    = intpY.Length;
                    int      N     = nX * nY;
                    double[] intpZ = new double[N];
                    double[] susX  = new double[N];
                    double[] susY  = new double[N];
                    for (int i = 0; i < nY; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < nX; j++)
                            susX[j + (nX * (i))] = intpX[j];
                            susY[j + (nX * (i))] = intpY[i];
                    double k = 2;
                    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                        double[] d_obs     = new double[X.Length];
                        double[] d_ok      = new double[X.Length];
                        double[] spd_ok    = new double[X.Length];
                        double[] Zspd_ok   = new double[X.Length];
                        double[] s_spd_ok  = new double[X.Length];
                        double[] s_Zspd_ok = new double[X.Length];
                        for (int j = 0; j < X.Length; j++)
                            d_obs[j]   = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(X[j] - susX[i], 2) + Math.Pow(Y[j] - susY[i], 2));
                            d_ok[j]    = Math.Pow(d_obs[j], k);
                            spd_ok[j]  = 1 / (d_ok[j] + 0.00001);
                            Zspd_ok[j] = Z[j] * spd_ok[j];
                            if (j == 0)
                                s_spd_ok[j]  = spd_ok[j];
                                s_Zspd_ok[j] = Zspd_ok[j];
                                s_spd_ok[j]  = s_spd_ok[j - 1] + spd_ok[j];
                                s_Zspd_ok[j] = s_Zspd_ok[j - 1] + Zspd_ok[j];
                        intpZ[i] = s_Zspd_ok[X.Length - 1] / s_spd_ok[X.Length - 1];
                    ILArray <double> ILintpZ = intpZ;
                    ILArray <double> matrix  = ILMath.zeros(nY, nX);

                    for (int i = 0; i < nY; i++)
                        ILArray <int> rangeX = ILMath.vec <int>(0, nX - 1);
                        ILArray <int> rangeZ = ILMath.vec <int>(0 + (nX) * (i), (nX * (i + 1) - 1));
                        matrix[i, rangeX] = ILintpZ[rangeZ];

                    ILArray <float> matrixf = ILMath.convert <double, float>(matrix);
                    ILArray <float> Xf      = ILMath.convert <double, float>(intpX);
                    ILArray <float> Yf      = -1 * ILMath.convert <double, float>(intpY);

                    ilPanel1.Scene.Add(new ILPlotCube
                        Axes =
                            XAxis        =
                                Label    =
                                    Text = "Distance (m)"
                            YAxis        =
                                Label    =
                                    Text = "a"
                        Children =
                            new ILSurface(matrixf, Xf, Yf)
                                // make thin transparent wireframes
                                Wireframe = { Color = Color.FromArgb(50,Color.LightGray) },
                                // choose a different colormap
                                Colormap = new ILColormap(Colormaps.Jet),
                                // add a colorbar (see below)
                                Children = { new ILColorbar() }
            catch (Exception ex)