Beispiel #1
        public async Task <Response <WeekPictogramDTO> > ReadPictogram(long id)
                //Fetch the pictogram and check that it actually exists
                var pictogram = await _giraf._context.Pictograms
                                .Where(p => p.Id == id)

                if (pictogram == null)
                    return(new ErrorResponse <WeekPictogramDTO>(ErrorCode.PictogramNotFound));

                //Check if the pictogram is public and return it if so
                if (pictogram.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.PUBLIC)
                    return(new Response <WeekPictogramDTO>(new WeekPictogramDTO(pictogram)));

                var usr = await _giraf.LoadBasicUserDataAsync(HttpContext.User);

                if (usr == null)
                    return(new ErrorResponse <WeekPictogramDTO>(ErrorCode.UserNotFound));

                var ownsResource = false;
                if (pictogram.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
                    ownsResource = await _giraf.CheckPrivateOwnership(pictogram, usr);
                else if (pictogram.AccessLevel == AccessLevel.PROTECTED)
                    ownsResource = await _giraf.CheckProtectedOwnership(pictogram, usr);

                if (ownsResource)
                    return(new Response <WeekPictogramDTO>(new WeekPictogramDTO(pictogram)));
                    return(new ErrorResponse <WeekPictogramDTO>(ErrorCode.NotAuthorized));
            } catch (Exception e)
                var exceptionMessage = $"Exception occured in read:\n{e}";
                return(new ErrorResponse <WeekPictogramDTO>(ErrorCode.Error));
Beispiel #2
        public async Task <Response <DepartmentDTO> > RemoveResource(long resourceId)
            //Fetch the department and check that it exists.
            var usr = await _giraf.LoadUserWithResources(HttpContext.User);

            //Fetch the department and check that it exists. No need to fetch dep ressources they are already on user
            var department = await _giraf._context.Departments.Where(d => d.Key == usr.DepartmentKey)
                             .Include(d => d.Members)

            if (department == null)
                return(new ErrorResponse <DepartmentDTO>(ErrorCode.DepartmentNotFound));

            //Fetch the resource with the given id, check that it exists.
            var resource = await _giraf._context.Pictograms
                           .Where(f => f.Id == resourceId)

            if (resource == null)
                return(new ErrorResponse <DepartmentDTO>(ErrorCode.ResourceNotFound));

            var resourceOwned = await _giraf.CheckProtectedOwnership(resource, usr);

            if (!resourceOwned)
                return(new ErrorResponse <DepartmentDTO>(ErrorCode.NotAuthorized));

            //Check if the department already owns the resource and remove if so.
            var drrelation = await _giraf._context.DepartmentResources
                             .Where(dr => dr.PictogramKey == resource.Id && dr.OtherKey == department.Key)

            if (drrelation == null)
                return(new ErrorResponse <DepartmentDTO>(ErrorCode.ResourceNotOwnedByDepartment));

            await _giraf._context.SaveChangesAsync();

            //Return Ok and the department - the resource is now visible in deparment.Resources
            var members = DepartmentDTO.FindMembers(department.Members, _roleManager, _giraf);

            return(new Response <DepartmentDTO>(new DepartmentDTO(usr.Department, members)));