Beispiel #1
        private static AutomatedBackupsForm attachToBackupsForm(IDownloadableProcessable downloadable)
            #region create form
            var automatedBackupsForm = new AutomatedBackupsForm();

            #region define how model actions will affect form behavior
            void begin(object _, LibraryBook libraryBook) => automatedBackupsForm.AppendText($"Begin: {libraryBook.Book}");
            void statusUpdate(object _, string str) => automatedBackupsForm.AppendText("- " + str);

            // extra line after book is completely finished
            void completed(object _, LibraryBook libraryBook) => automatedBackupsForm.AppendText($"Completed: {libraryBook.Book}{Environment.NewLine}");


            #region subscribe new form to model's events
            downloadable.Begin        += begin;
            downloadable.StatusUpdate += statusUpdate;
            downloadable.Completed    += completed;

            #region when form closes, unsubscribe from model's events
            // unsubscribe so disposed forms aren't still trying to receive notifications
            automatedBackupsForm.FormClosing += (_, __) =>
                downloadable.Begin        -= begin;
                downloadable.StatusUpdate -= statusUpdate;
                downloadable.Completed    -= completed;

Beispiel #2
        // subscribed to Begin event because a new form should be created+processed+closed on each iteration
        private static void wireUpEvents(IDownloadableProcessable downloadable)
            #region create form
            var downloadDialog = new DownloadForm();

            // extra complexity for wiring up download form:
            // case 1: download is needed
            //   dialog created. subscribe to events
            //   downloadable.DownloadBegin fires. shows dialog
            //   downloadable.DownloadCompleted fires. closes dialog. which fires FormClosing, FormClosed, Disposed
            //   Disposed unsubscribe from events
            // case 2: download is not needed
            //   dialog created. subscribe to events
            //   dialog is never shown nor closed
            //   downloadable.Completed fires. disposes dialog and unsubscribes from events

            #region define how model actions will affect form behavior
            void downloadBegin(object _, string str)

            // close form on DOWNLOAD completed, not final Completed. Else for BackupBook this form won't close until DECRYPT is also complete
            void fileDownloadCompleted(object _, string __) => downloadDialog.Close();

            void downloadProgressChanged(object _, Dinah.Core.Net.Http.DownloadProgress progress)
            => downloadDialog.DownloadProgressChanged(progress.BytesReceived, progress.TotalBytesToReceive);

            void unsubscribe(object _ = null, EventArgs __ = null)
                downloadable.DownloadBegin           -= downloadBegin;
                downloadable.DownloadCompleted       -= fileDownloadCompleted;
                downloadable.DownloadProgressChanged -= downloadProgressChanged;
                downloadable.Completed -= dialogDispose;

            // unless we dispose, if the form is created but un-used/never-shown then weird UI stuff can happen
            // also, since event unsubscribe occurs on FormClosing and an unused form is never closed, then the events will never be unsubscribed
            void dialogDispose(object _, object __)
                if (!downloadDialog.IsDisposed)


            #region subscribe new form to model's events
            downloadable.DownloadBegin           += downloadBegin;
            downloadable.DownloadCompleted       += fileDownloadCompleted;
            downloadable.DownloadProgressChanged += downloadProgressChanged;
            downloadable.Completed += dialogDispose;

            #region when form closes, unsubscribe from model's events
            // unsubscribe so disposed forms aren't still trying to receive notifications
            // FormClosing is more UI safe but won't fire unless the form is shown and closed
            //   if form was shown, Disposed will fire for FormClosing, FormClosed, and Disposed
            //   if not shown, it will still fire for Disposed
            downloadDialog.Disposed += unsubscribe;