Beispiel #1
        public void Soft_Deleted_BlogItem_Searchable()
            // Arrange
            IBlogItem savedItem      = fixture.Blog.Save(RandomBlogItem(false));
            String    newId          = savedItem.Header.Id; // Get the Id
            Boolean   deleteResponse = fixture.Blog.Delete(new List <IBlogHeader>()
            }, false);                                                                                         // Delete

            // Act
            IList <IBlogHeader> searchResults =
                    new BlogListRequest()
                Ids = new List <String>()
                States = new List <BlogHeaderState>()
                }                                                                        // Search specifically for deleted items

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(1, searchResults.Count);
        public virtual IActionResult SaveBlogEdit(EditItemViewModel model)
            // Get the blog that is for this controller instance
            if (Current != null)
                // Get the item that needs to be saved
                IBlogItem blogItem = (model.Id == "") ? new BlogItem() : Current.Get(new BlogHeader()
                    Id = Current.Parameters.Provider.DecodeId(model.Id)

                // Blog item valid?
                if (blogItem != null)
                    // Update the properties of the blog item from the incoming model

                    // (Re)Save the blog item back to the blog handler
                    blogItem = Current.Save(blogItem);
                    throw new ItemNotFoundBlogException("Item with id '{id}' not found");

            // Call the common view handler
Beispiel #3
        public void Soft_Deleted_BlogItem_Not_Searchable()
            // Arrange
            IBlogItem savedItem      = fixture.Blog.Save(RandomBlogItem(false));
            String    newId          = savedItem.Header.Id; // Get the Id
            Boolean   deleteResponse = fixture.Blog.Delete(new List <IBlogHeader>()
            }, false);                                                                                         // Delete

            // Act
            IList <IBlogHeader> searchResults =
                    new BlogListRequest()
                Ids = new List <String>()
                States = new List <BlogHeaderState>()
                }                                                 // No state list passed so should default to published only

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(0, searchResults.Count);
        /// <summary>
        /// Copys a given item in to this item (so we preserve the object reference)
        /// Does not copy the file references however
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The the current item</returns>
        public IBlogItem Copy(IBlogItem from)
            // Copy the items in
            this.Header.Author        = from.Header.Author;
            this.Header.Description   = from.Header.Description;
            this.Header.Name          = from.Header.Name;
            this.Header.PublishedDate = from.Header.PublishedDate;
            this.Header.State         = from.Header.State;
            this.Header.Tags          = from.Header.Tags;
            this.Header.SEOTags       = from.Header.SEOTags;
            this.Header.UpdatedDate   = from.Header.UpdatedDate;
            this.Content = from.Content;

            // Copy the files in (not by reference)
            this.Files = new List <BlogFile>();
            from.Files.ForEach(file =>
                this.Files.Add(new BlogFile()
                    Content  = file.Content,
                    Filename = file.Filename,
                    Tags     = file.Tags,
                    Title    = file.Title

            // Return itself after the copy in
        private const String blogUserFilename     = "{0}.xml";   // The file name for the user details

        /// <summary>
        /// Override for the base delete functionality
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Boolean Delete(IList <IBlogHeader> items, Boolean permanent)
                // List of filename to remove should it be a hard delete (done before becuase the
                // items won't exist in the index after the base method call)
                List <String> filesToDelete = permanent ?
                                              ((List <IBlogHeader>)items).Select(x => BlogItemFilename(x.Id)).ToList <String>()
                    : null;

                // Any files attached to the blogs that might be removed
                if (permanent)
                    ((List <IBlogHeader>)items).ForEach(
                        header =>
                        // Get the item to check to see if there are any other files to remove
                        IBlogItem item = base.Load(header);
                        if (item != null)
                            item.Files.ForEach(file => DeleteFile(header.Id, file));

                // Call the base implementation to handle the headers etc.
                if (base.Delete(items, permanent))
                    // Hard delete? Remove the files ..
                    if (permanent && filesToDelete != null)
                        // Remove the blog files itself
                        filesToDelete.ForEach(file =>
                                // Attempt to delete the file from disk ..
                                // Move to the next one if failed to delete, it has no real impact on the system

                    // Save the index regardless on a hard or soft delete

                // Failed if it gets to here
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw BlogException.Passthrough(ex, new CouldNotRemoveBlogException(ex));
 /// <summary>
 /// None-helper signature of the blog item blog item editor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item"></param>
 /// <param name="preview"></param>
 /// <param name="viewModel"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IHtmlContent BlogAttachments(IBlogItem item, BlogViewModelBase viewModel)
 => ContentFill(BlogViewTemplatePart.Attachment_View,
                new List <BlogViewTemplateReplacement>()
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.Common_Controller_Url, viewModel.ControllerUrl, false),
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.BlogItem_SEOUrlTitle, SEOUrlTitle(item.Header.Name), false),
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.Attachments, EditAttachments(item, viewModel).GetString(), false)
 }, viewModel);
 /// <summary>
 /// Build the singular attachment editor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">The file (attachment) to be displayed</param>
 /// <param name="viewModel">The view model that contains the relevant templates</param>
 /// <returns>The Html Content for the attachment editor</returns>
 private static IHtmlContent EditAttachment(IBlogItem item, BlogFile file, BlogViewModelBase viewModel)
 => ContentFill(BlogViewTemplatePart.Attachment_Item,
                new List <BlogViewTemplateReplacement>()
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.Common_Controller_Url, viewModel.ControllerUrl, false),
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.Attachment_Title, file.Title, false),
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.Attachment_Url, AttachmentUrl(item, file, viewModel), false)
 }, viewModel);
Beispiel #8
 /// <summary>
 /// None-helper signature of the blog item blog item editor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item"></param>
 /// <param name="preview"></param>
 /// <param name="viewModel"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IHtmlContent BlogSEOHeader(BlogViewModelBase viewModel, IBlogItem item)
 => ContentFill(BlogViewTemplatePart.Blog_SEO_Header,
                new List <BlogViewTemplateReplacement>()
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.BlogItem_Author, item.Header.Author, true),
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.BlogItem_Name, item.Header.Name, true),
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.BlogItem_Description, item.Header.Description, true),
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.BlogItem_SEOTags, SEOKeywords(viewModel.CurrentBlog.Parameters.SEOSettings.Tags, item.Header.Tags), true)
 }, viewModel);
Beispiel #9
        public void Save_New_BlogItem()
            // Arrange

            // Act
            IBlogItem savedItem = fixture.Blog.Save(RandomBlogItem(false));

            // Assert
            Assert.NotNull(savedItem.Header.Id); // Was a new id created for the object?
Beispiel #10
        public void Save_Existing_BlogItem()
            // Arrange
            IBlogItem savedItem = fixture.Blog.Save(RandomBlogItem(false));
            String    newId     = savedItem.Header.Id; // Get the Id

            // Act
            IBlogItem resavedItem = fixture.Blog.Save(savedItem); // Resave
            String    resaveId    = resavedItem.Header.Id;        // Get the resaved Id

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(newId, resaveId); // Is the origional Id the same as the resaved Id?
Beispiel #11
        public void Delete_Existing_BlogItem_Soft()
            // Arrange
            IBlogItem savedItem = fixture.Blog.Save(RandomBlogItem(false));
            String    newId     = savedItem.Header.Id; // Get the Id

            // Act
            Boolean deleteResponse = fixture.Blog.Delete(new List <IBlogHeader>()
            }, false);                                                                                         // Delete

            // Assert
        /// <summary>
        /// Upload a file to the server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blogItem">The blog item the file is attached to</param>
        /// <param name="title">The title of the attachment</param>
        /// <param name="file">The raw file to be attached</param>
        /// <returns>The blog file that was created </returns>
        public BlogFile UploadFile(IBlog blog, IBlogItem blogItem, String title, IFormFile file)
            // The blog file to be returned
            BlogFile blogFile = null;

            // Make sure there is actually a file
            if (file != null)
                if (blogItem != null)
                    // The content of the file ready to pass to the data provider
                    Byte[] fileContent = null; // Empty by default

                    // Create a memory stream to read the file
                    using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                        file.CopyTo(memoryStream);            // Copy the file in to a memory stream
                        fileContent = memoryStream.ToArray(); // convert the steam of data to a byte array
                        memoryStream.Close();                 // It's in a using anyway but just incase

                    // Something to save?
                    if (fileContent != null && fileContent.Length != 0)
                        // Get the content header
                        ContentDispositionHeaderValue parsedContentDisposition = ContentDispositionHeaderValue.Parse(file.ContentDisposition);

                        // Create the new blog file for saving
                        blogFile = new BlogFile()
                            Content  = fileContent,
                            Filename = parsedContentDisposition.FileName.Replace("\"", ""),
                            Tags     = new List <String>(),
                            Title    = title ?? ("File: " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString())

                        // Add the file to the blog file list

                        // Save the blog item and with it the new file

            // Saved so do the common redirect
        public virtual IActionResult GetAttachment(String id, String fileId)
            // Bytes to send back
            Byte[] content     = null;                     // No content by default
            String contentType = BlogFile.DefaultMimeType; // Default content type is plain text
            String fileName    = "";                       // Default filename

            // Get the blog that is for this controller instance
            if (Current != null)
                // Get the blog item
                IBlogItem blogItem = Current.Get(new BlogHeader()
                    Id = Current.Parameters.Provider.DecodeId(id)

                // Did the "Get" actually work?
                if (blogItem != null && blogItem.Header.Id != "")
                    // Get the blog item related to the request
                    BlogFile blogFile = blogItem.Files.Where(file => file.Id == fileId).FirstOrDefault();

                    // Does this file exist under this blog item?
                    if (blogFile != null)
                        // Populate the file class with the data from the provider
                        blogFile = Current.Parameters.Provider.LoadFile(blogItem.Header.Id, blogFile);

                        // Content was returned for this request?
                        if (blogFile != null && blogFile.Id != "")
                            // Assign the varaibles for the return stream
                            contentType = blogFile.ContentType; // Work out the content type for the header
                            fileName    = blogFile.Filename;    // Get the origional filename
                            content     = blogFile.Content;     // Get the returned content type

                            // Return the content here
                            return(File(content, contentType, fileName));

            // Must have failed to have arrived here
            return(File((Byte[])null, BlogFile.DefaultMimeType, ""));
 /// <summary>
 /// Build the edit button for the blog item
 /// .. and determine whether it should even be visible for the user
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="viewModel"></param>
 /// <returns>The html content for the edit button</returns>
 private static IHtmlContent BlogItemEditButton(IBlogItem item, BlogViewModelBase viewModel)
     // Do we have someone logged in and are they an admin user?
     if (viewModel.CurrentUser != null && viewModel.CurrentUser.IsAdmin)
         // Return the content as there is a user logged in and they are an admin user
         return(ContentFill(BlogViewTemplatePart.Blog_EditItem_Button, new List <BlogViewTemplateReplacement>()
             new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.Common_Controller_Url, viewModel.ControllerUrl, false),
             new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.BlogItem_Id, item.Header.Id, true)
         }, viewModel));
         return(new HtmlContentBuilder()); // No content as not logged in
 /// <summary>
 /// None-helper signature of the blog item rendered (picks up the template for the item from the current view)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item"></param>
 /// <param name="preview"></param>
 /// <param name="viewModel"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IHtmlContent BlogItem(IBlogItem item, BlogViewModelBase viewModel)
 => ContentFill(BlogViewTemplatePart.Blog_Item,
                new List <BlogViewTemplateReplacement>()
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.Common_Controller_Url, viewModel.ControllerUrl, false),
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.BlogItem_Author, item.Header.Author, true),
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.BlogItem_Description, item.Header.Description, true),
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.BlogItem_Id, item.Header.Id, true),
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.BlogItem_Name, item.Header.Name, true),
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.BlogItem_PublishedDate,
                                     item.Header.PublishedDate.ToCustomDate(viewModel.DisplaySettings.DateFormat), true),
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.BlogItem_State, item.Header.State.GetDescription(), true),
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.BlogItem_UpdatedDate,
                                     item.Header.UpdatedDate.ToCustomDate(viewModel.DisplaySettings.DateFormat), true),
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.BlogItem_Content, item.Content, false),
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.BlogItem_EditButton, BlogItemEditButton(item, viewModel).GetString(), false),
     new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.BlogItem_SEOUrlTitle, SEOUrlTitle(item.Header.Name), false)
 }, viewModel);
Beispiel #16
        public void Deserialize_Provides_AdditionalData()
            // Arrange

            // What property are we going to add / check is put in the right place?
            KeyValuePair <String, JToken> propertyToCheck =
                new KeyValuePair <String, JToken>
                    JToken.FromObject("Added Value")

            // Set up the dictionary of properties we expect to see
            IDictionary <String, JToken> expectedAdditionalData =
                new Dictionary <String, JToken>()
                { propertyToCheck.Key, propertyToCheck.Value }

            // Generate the new blog to use to save blog items
            IBlog blog = new Blog(
                new BlogParameters()
                Id       = "TestBlogId",
                Provider = new BlogMemoryProvider()

            IBlogItem blogItem = blog.Save(new BlogItem()
            });                                                                              // Save the blog item to make sure it is safe
            String  output     = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(blogItem, Formatting.Indented); // Serialize it
            JObject jsonObject = JObject.Parse(output);                                      // Parse the output back as a generic JObject
            JObject header     = (JObject)jsonObject["Header"];                              // Get the header section to work with

            // Act
            .AddAfterSelf(new JProperty(propertyToCheck.Key, propertyToCheck.Value));                    // Add the new property in
            BlogHeader deserializedItem = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BlogHeader>(header.ToString()); // Deserialize

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expectedAdditionalData, deserializedItem.AdditionalData); // Are the dictionaries equal to what we expect?
        /// <summary>
        /// Build the attachment editing content
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The blog entry to get the attachments from</param>
        /// <param name="viewModel">The view model that contains the relevant templates</param>
        /// <returns>The Html Content of the attachment editor</returns>
        private static IHtmlContent EditAttachments(IBlogItem item, BlogViewModelBase viewModel)
            // Create a content builder just to make the looped items content
            HtmlContentBuilder attachmentBuilder = new HtmlContentBuilder();

            // Loop the results and create the row for each result in the itemsBuilder
                file =>
                attachmentBuilder.AppendHtml(EditAttachment(item, file, viewModel));

            // Call the standard content filler function
                               new List <BlogViewTemplateReplacement>()
                new BlogViewTemplateReplacement(BlogViewTemplateField.Attachment_List, attachmentBuilder.GetString(), false)
        /// <summary>
        /// Load the item from disk
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">The header of the item that is to be loaded</param>
        /// <returns>The blog item that was found</returns>
        public override IBlogItem Load(IBlogHeader request)
                // Get the header record part from the base load
                IBlogItem headerOnly = base.Load(request);

                // Did it give us a valid header to now go and load the content from disk?
                if (headerOnly.Header.Id != "")

                // Only should get to here if something has gone wrong
                throw new CouldNotLoadBlogException(); // Failed to load the content so error
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Something went wrong, explain why
                throw BlogException.Passthrough(ex, new CouldNotLoadBlogException(ex));
        /// <summary>
        /// Save a blog item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item to be saved</param>
        /// <returns>The item once it has been saved</returns>
        public virtual IBlogItem Save(IBlogItem item)
            // Define the response
            IBlogItem response = null;

            // Check and see if the blog item exists in the local item list first
            IBlogItem foundItem = items.Headers.Where(x => x.Header.Id == item.Header.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (foundItem == null)
                item.Header.Id = NewId();          // Generate a new Id and assign it
                items.Headers.Add((BlogItem)item); // Add the item
                response = item;                   // Assign the data to the response
                foundItem.Copy(item); // Copy the data in (don't repoint the reference)
                response = foundItem; // Assign the data to the response

            // Return the item back to the caller
        public IActionResult FileBrowserUpload(String id, String CKEditorFuncNum, String Source, [FromForm] IFormFile Upload)
            // The file to be attached
            CKEditorUploadResponse result = new CKEditorUploadResponse()

            // Get the blog that is for this controller instance
            if (Current != null)
                // Get the blog item
                IBlogItem blogItem = Current.Get(new BlogHeader()
                    Id = Current.Parameters.Provider.DecodeId(id)
                if (blogItem != null)
                    // Which editor was requested?
                    switch (Source)
                    // Was CK Editor being used? If so set certain properties of the view model
                    case "CKEditor":

                        // If the file upload is goodthen
                        BlogFile file = UploadFile(Current, blogItem, Upload.FileName, Upload);
                        result.Uploaded = 1;
                        result.Filename = Upload.FileName;
                        result.Url      = HtmlHelpers.AttachmentUrl(blogItem, file, ControllerName);


            // Return the object as the result
        public IActionResult FileBrowser(FileBrowserRequest request)
            FileBrowserViewModel browserModel = new FileBrowserViewModel()

            // Get the blog that is for this controller instance
            if (Current != null)
                // Set the browser templates
                browserModel.Templates = Current.Templates.ContainsKey(BlogControllerView.FileBrowser) ?
                                         Current.Templates[BlogControllerView.FileBrowser] : new BlogViewTemplates();

                // Get the blog item
                IBlogItem blogItem = Current.Get(new BlogHeader()
                    Id = Current.Parameters.Provider.DecodeId(
                if (blogItem != null)
                    // Set the blog item for the returning view model
                    browserModel.Item = blogItem;

                    // Which editor was requested?
                    switch (request.Source)
                    // Was CK Editor being used? If so set certain properties of the view model
                    case "CKEditor":


            return(View(this.ViewLocation("filebrowser"), browserModel));
Beispiel #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Wrapper for the underlaying renderer for the blog item SEO items using the current "view" template
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="helper">The HtmlHelper reference to extend the function in to</param>
 /// <param name="item">The item to be rendered</param>
 /// <param name="preview">Display in "prevew" mode for indexes etc.</param>
 /// <returns>The Html String output for the helper</returns>
 public static IHtmlContent BlogSEOHeader(this IHtmlHelper helper, IBlogItem item)
 => BlogSEOHeader(GetModel(helper), item);
Beispiel #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Base implementation of the attachment url for putting together the relative path
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">The blog item</param>
 /// <param name="file">The file in the blog item to link to</param>
 /// <param name="ControllerName">The name of the controller to be linked to</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static String AttachmentUrl(IBlogItem item, BlogFile file, String ControllerName)
 => $"{FormatControllerName(ControllerName)}/item/{item.Header.Id}/attachment/{file.Id}";
Beispiel #24
 /// <summary>
 /// The translated attachment url (Will not be direct but
 /// through a controller to relay the data)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item">The blog item the file is attached to</param>
 /// <param name="file">The file to provide the url for</param>
 /// <param name="viewModel">The view model that containers the controller base url (incase there are multiple blogs)</param>
 /// <returns>The url for the file attachment</returns>
 public static String AttachmentUrl(IBlogItem item, BlogFile file, BlogViewModelBase viewModel)
 => AttachmentUrl(item, file, viewModel.RelativeControllerUrl);
Beispiel #25
        //Save the Feed to Sitecore
        private void ProcessNewBlogItem(IBlogItem doc)
            string message = string.Format("Creating New Item [docId:{0}] - \"{1}\"", doc.Id, doc.BlogTitle);

            Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Error(message, "RssFeedImport");

            IBlogItem blog = null;

            var masterDb = Database.GetDatabase("master");
            var item     = masterDb.GetItem("/sitecore/system/Modules/RSSFeedSettings");

            Sitecore.Data.Fields.LinkField linkField = item.Fields["BlogLocation"];

            Guid folderTemplateId =

            DateTime rsspubdate = new DateTime();

            if (doc.BlogDisplayDate != null)
                rsspubdate = System.Convert.ToDateTime(doc.BlogDisplayDate.ToString());

            var year  = rsspubdate.Year;
            var month = rsspubdate.Month;

            var rootItemId    = new ID(new Guid(BlogFeedLocId));
            var parentPubItem = masterDb.GetItem(rootItemId);

            var yearFolder = BlogImportHelper.EnsureChildFolder(parentPubItem, year.ToString(), folderTemplateId);

            var monthFolder = BlogImportHelper.EnsureChildFolder(yearFolder, month.ToString("00"), folderTemplateId);

            using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler())
                var itemname = ItemUtil.ProposeValidItemName(doc.BlogTitle);
                var blogItem = monthFolder.Add(itemname, new TemplateID(IBlogItemConstants.TemplateId));
                var db       = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
                if (db != null)
                    if (blogItem != null)
                            //Should be able to add name here
                            blogItem.Fields["BlogID"].Value          = doc.BlogID;
                            blogItem.Fields["BlogTitle"].Value       = doc.BlogTitle;
                            blogItem.Fields["BlogAbstract"].Value    = doc.BlogAbstract;
                            blogItem.Fields["BlogDisplayDate"].Value = doc.BlogDisplayDate;
                            blogItem.Fields["BlogSourceUrl"].Value   = doc.BlogSourceUrl;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Error("Error while creating the New Item: " + BlogName + ": " + ex.Message, "RssFeedImport");
        /// <summary>
        /// Save a blog item
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item">The item to be saved</param>
        /// <returns>The item once it has been saved</returns>
        public override IBlogItem Save(IBlogItem item)
                // New Item?
                Boolean isNew = (item.Header.Id ?? "") == "";

                // The base class will save the item to the in-memory header
                // so we don't want to pass the content in to this. We only want to save
                // the content to the file, so copy and update the item without the content
                // to the index
                IBlogItem headerRecord = item.Duplicate();
                headerRecord.Content = "";                    // Remove the content from being saved to the header record
                headerRecord.Files   = new List <BlogFile>(); // The header record doesn't need the file listing for the header record only
                IBlogItem response = base.Save(headerRecord); // Make sure we have an Id

                // Successfully saved?
                if (response != null && response.Header != null && response.Header.Id != "")
                    // Make sure that the origional record that is about to be writen has an associated Id with it
                    item.Header.Id = response.Header.Id;

                    // If we have any file attachments to save we need to do this now
                    // If the item.Files is blank then see if we already have files to attach
                    if (item.Files != null)
                        item.Files.ForEach(file =>
                            // Anything to write?
                            if (file.Content != null && file.Content.Length > 0)
                                file = SaveFile(item.Header.Id, file);
                        // Sort out the file array
                        if (isNew && item.Files == null)
                            item.Files = response.Files = new List <BlogFile>();
                        else if (!isNew && item.Files == null)
                            // Get the old blog back again to get the file listing etc.
                            response   = Load(response.Header);
                            item.Files = new List <BlogFile>();
                            if (response != null && response.Header != null && response.Header.Id != "")

                    // Write the blog item to disk
                    if (WriteBlogItem(item))
                        // Try and save the header records to disk so any updates are cached there too
                        if (WriteBlogIndex())
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw BlogException.Passthrough(ex, new CouldNotSaveBlogException(ex));

            // Got to here so must have failed
            throw new CouldNotSaveBlogException();
 /// <summary>
 /// Write a blog item to disk so it can be retrieved later
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="blogItem">The Blog Item to be saved</param>
 private Boolean WriteBlogItem(IBlogItem blogItem) => Write <IBlogItem>(BlogItemFilename(blogItem.Header.Id), blogItem);
Beispiel #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Wrapper for the underlaying renderer for the blog item editor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="helper">The HtmlHelper reference to extend the function in to</param>
 /// <param name="item">The item to be rendered</param>
 /// <param name="preview">Display in "prevew" mode for indexes etc.</param>
 /// <returns>The Html String output for the helper</returns>
 public static IHtmlContent BlogEditItem(this IHtmlHelper helper, IBlogItem item)
 => BlogEditItem(item, GetModel(helper));
 /// <summary>
 /// Wrapper for the underlaying renderer for the file browser for a given blog item
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="helper">The HtmlHelper reference to extend the function in to</param>
 /// <param name="item">The item to be rendered</param>
 /// <returns>The Html String output for the helper</returns>
 public static IHtmlContent FileBrowser(this IHtmlHelper helper, IBlogItem item)
 => BlogAttachments(item, GetModel(helper));