IEnumerable <int> FindAirDefenses()
            airDefenses = AirDefense.Find();

            //After finding air Defenses, Sort them.
            if (airDefenses.Length > 1)
                //Now that we found all Air Defenses, order them in the array with closest AD to Target first.
                Array.Sort(airDefenses, delegate(AirDefense ad1, AirDefense ad2)
                    return(HumanLikeAlgorithms.DistanceFromPoint(ad1, mainTarget.DeployGrunts)
                           .CompareTo(HumanLikeAlgorithms.DistanceFromPoint(ad2, mainTarget.DeployGrunts)));
                Log.Error($"{Tag} Somehow no air defenses were found in Attack Phase. - Surrender.");
                surrender = true;
                yield break;
Beispiel #2
        public override double ShouldAccept()
            if (!PassesBasicAcceptRequirements())

            //TODO - Check which kind of army we have trained. Calculate an Air Offense Score, and Ground Offense Score.

            //TODO - Find all Base Defenses, and calculate an AIR and Ground Defensive Score.

            //TODO - From Collector/Storage fill levels, determine if loot is in Collectors, or Storages... (Will help to decide which alg to use.)

            //Verify that the Attacking Army contains at least 6 Dragons.
            deployElements = Deploy.GetTroops();
            var dragons = deployElements.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == DeployId.Dragon);

            if (dragons == null || dragons?.Count < 6)
                Log.Error($"{Tag} Army not correct! - Dark Dragon Deploy Requires at least 6 Dragons to function Properly. (You have {dragons?.Count ?? 0} dragons)");

            //Verify that there are enough spells to take out at least ONE air defense.
            var lightningSpells = deployElements.FirstOrDefault(u => u.ElementType == DeployElementType.Spell && u.Id == DeployId.Lightning);
            List <DeployElement> earthquakeSpells = deployElements.Where(u => u.ElementType == DeployElementType.Spell && u.Id == DeployId.Earthquake).ToList();

            var lightningCount  = lightningSpells?.Count ?? 0;
            var earthquakeCount = 0;

            //Get a count of all earthquake spells... donated, or brewed...
            foreach (var spell in earthquakeSpells.Where(s => s.Count > 0))
                earthquakeCount += spell.Count;

            if (lightningCount < 2 || lightningCount < 3 && earthquakeCount < 1)
                //We dont have the Spells to take out the Closest Air Defense... Surrender before we drop any Dragons!
                Log.Error($"{Tag} We don't have enough spells to take out at least 1 air defense... Lightning Spells:{lightningCount}, Earthquake Spells:{earthquakeCount}");

            if (deployElements.Count >= 11)
                //Possibly Too Many Deployment Elements!  Bot Doesnt Scroll - Change Army Composition to have less than 12 unit types!
                Log.Warning($"{Tag} Warning! Full Army! - The Bot does not scroll through choices when deploying units... If your army has more than 11 unit types, The bot will not see them all, and cannot deploy everything!)");

            //Write out all the unit pretty names we found...
            Log.Debug($"{Tag} Deployable Troops: {ToUnitString(deployElements)}");

            Log.Info($"{Tag} Base meets minimum Requirements... Checking DE Storage/Air Defense Locations...");

            //Grab the Locations of the DE Storage
            darkElixirStorage = HumanLikeAlgorithms.TargetDarkElixirStorage();

            if (!darkElixirStorage.ValidTarget)
                Log.Warning($"{Tag} No Dark Elixir Storage Found - Skipping");

            //Get the locaiton of all Air Defenses
            var airDefensesTest = AirDefense.Find();

            if (airDefensesTest.Length == 0)
                Log.Warning($"{Tag} Could not find ANY air defenses - Skipping");

            Log.Info($"{Tag} Found {airDefensesTest.Length} Air Defense Buildings.. Continuing Attack..");

            if (airDefensesTest.Length > 1)
                //Now that we found all Air Defenses, order them in the array with closest AD to Target first.
                Array.Sort(airDefensesTest, delegate(AirDefense ad1, AirDefense ad2)
                    return(HumanLikeAlgorithms.DistanceFromPoint(ad1, darkElixirStorage.DeployGrunts)
                           .CompareTo(HumanLikeAlgorithms.DistanceFromPoint(ad2, darkElixirStorage.DeployGrunts)));

            //Create the Funnel Points
            deFunnelPoints      = darkElixirStorage.GetFunnelingPoints(30);
            balloonFunnelPoints = darkElixirStorage.GetFunnelingPoints(20);

            //During Debug, Create an Image of the base including what we found.

            //We are Good to attack!