Beispiel #1
        public override double ShouldAccept()
            bool accept = true;

            // check if the base meets ALL the user's requirements
            if (!PassesBasicAcceptRequirements())
                if (!Opponent.IsForcedAttack)

            //Check to see if the settings are favoring Gold or Elixir...
            IgnoreGold   = (CurrentSetting("Ignore Gold") == 1);
            IgnoreElixir = (CurrentSetting("Ignore Elixir") == 1);

            var minTargets = CurrentSetting("Minimum Exposed Targets");

            //If ignoring Gold, Reduce the min required targets by half.
            if (IgnoreGold)
                Log.Info($"{Tag}Ignoring Gold Storages/Collectors");

            //If ignoring Gold, Reduce the min required targets by half.
            if (IgnoreElixir)
                Log.Info($"{Tag}Ignoring Elixir Storages/Collectors");

            var acceptableTargetRange = CurrentSetting("Acceptable Target Range");

            acceptableTargetRange = acceptableTargetRange * acceptableTargetRange;

            int    ripeCollectors   = 0;
            double avgfillState     = 0;
            double avgCollectorLvel = 0;
            var    activeBase       = !Opponent.IsDead();

            //Check how many Collectors are Ripe for the taking (outside walls)
            ripeCollectors = HumanLikeAlgorithms.CountRipeCollectors(algorithmName, acceptableTargetRange, IgnoreGold, IgnoreElixir, AttackId, out avgfillState, out avgCollectorLvel, CacheBehavior.Default, activeBase);

            if (activeBase)
                var minFillLevel = (double)(CurrentSetting("Min Collector Fill Level"));
                if (Opponent.IsForcedAttack)
                    Log.Info($"{Tag}Forced Attack! Actual Fillstate: {(avgfillState * 10).ToString("F1")} Normal FillState Req: {minFillLevel}.");
                else if ((avgfillState * 10) < minFillLevel)
                    //FillState is too Low. Skip
                    Log.Warning($"{Tag}Skipping - Avg fillstate is too low: {(avgfillState * 10).ToString("F1")}. Must be > {minFillLevel}.");
                    accept = false;
                    Log.Info($"{Tag}Avg Collector Fillstate Accepted: {(avgfillState * 10).ToString("F1")} > {minFillLevel}.");

                var minAvgCollectorLevel = CurrentSetting("Min Average Collector Level");
                if (Opponent.IsForcedAttack)
                    Log.Info($"{Tag}Forced Attack! Avg Collector Level: {avgCollectorLvel.ToString("F1")} Normal Collector Lvl Req: {minAvgCollectorLevel}.");
                else if (avgCollectorLvel < minAvgCollectorLevel && accept)
                    //Level of Collectors is too low.
                    Log.Warning($"{Tag}Skipping - Avg Collector Level is too low: {avgCollectorLvel.ToString("F1")}. Must be > {minAvgCollectorLevel}.");
                    accept = false;
                else if (accept)
                    Log.Info($"{Tag}Avg Collector Level Accepted: {avgCollectorLvel.ToString("F1")} > {minAvgCollectorLevel}.");
                //Log some info about the AvgCollectorLevel and Fill State
                Log.Info($"{Tag}Avg Collector Fillstate: {(avgfillState * 10).ToString("F1")}");
                Log.Info($"{Tag}Avg Collector Level: {avgCollectorLvel.ToString("F1")}");

            if (Opponent.IsForcedAttack)
                Log.Info($"{Tag}Forced Attack! {ripeCollectors} targets found outside walls. Normal Min={minTargets}");
            else if (ripeCollectors < minTargets && accept)
                Log.Warning($"{Tag}Skipping - {ripeCollectors} targets were found outside the wall. Min={minTargets}");
                accept = false;
            else if (accept)
                Log.Debug($"{Tag}{ripeCollectors} targets found outside walls. Min={minTargets}");

            double returnVal = 0;

            if (accept || Opponent.IsForcedAttack)
                returnVal = .99;

        public override double ShouldAccept()
            int returnVal = 0;

            // check if the base meets ALL the user's requirements
            if (!Opponent.MeetsRequirements(BaseRequirements.All))

            //Check if the base is dead.
            if (Opponent.IsDead(true))
                //Check to see if the settings are favoring Gold or Elixir.. (if a resource is set to ZERO, Ignore that resource when searching for targets)
                if (!UserSettings.DeadSearch.NeedsOnlyOneRequirementForAttack)
                    IgnoreGold   = (UserSettings.DeadSearch.MinGold == 0);
                    IgnoreElixir = (UserSettings.DeadSearch.MinElixir == 0);

                var minTargets = _minimumExposedTargets;

                //If ignoring Gold, Reduce the min required targets by half.
                if (IgnoreGold)
                    Log.Info($"[Human Barch] Minimum Gold = 0  - Ignoring Gold Storages/Collectors");
                    minTargets = (int)Math.Floor(Convert.ToDouble(minTargets) / 2d);

                //If ignoring Gold, Reduce the min required targets by half.
                if (IgnoreElixir)
                    Log.Info($"[Human Barch] Minimum Elixir = 0  - Ignoring Elixir Storages/Collectors");
                    minTargets = (int)Math.Floor(Convert.ToDouble(minTargets) / 2d);;
                if (minTargets == 0)
                    minTargets = 1; //if Gold AND Elixir are Ignored, there should be at least 1 target (DE) in order to attack.
                //Check how many Collectors are Ripe for the taking (outside walls)
                int ripeCollectors = HumanLikeAlgorithms.CountRipeCollectors(_minimumDistanceToCollectors, IgnoreGold, IgnoreElixir);

                Log.Info($"[Human Barch] {ripeCollectors} targets found outside walls. Min={minTargets}");

                if (ripeCollectors < minTargets)
                    Log.Info($"[Human Barch] Skipping - {ripeCollectors} targets were found outside the wall. Min={minTargets}");
                    returnVal = 0;
                //Check to see if the settings are favoring Gold or Elixir.. (if a resource is set to ZERO, Ignore that resource when searching for targets)
                if (!UserSettings.ActiveSearch.NeedsOnlyOneRequirementForAttack)
                    IgnoreGold   = (UserSettings.ActiveSearch.MinGold == 0);
                    IgnoreElixir = (UserSettings.ActiveSearch.MinElixir == 0);

                TownHall townHall = TownHall.Find(CacheBehavior.Default);

                if (townHall.CanSnipe())
                    //The TH is positioned so we might be able to snipe it.
                    Log.Info($"[Human Barch] Sniping Active Town Hall!");
                    Log.Info($"[Human Barch] Skipping Active Base, TH is not Snipable.");
                    //This is a live base, and we can't snipe the TH.  Ignore the Loot Requirements, and always Skip.
                    returnVal = 0;
