public bool Initialize() { if (m_bIsInitialized) { return(true); } if (m_intChannelIndex <= 0 || m_intChannelIndex > MAX_CHANNELINDEX) { for (uint i = 1; i <= MAX_CHANNELINDEX; i++) { if (!GroupSDK.MAG_IsChannelAvailable(i)) //find an unused channel { GroupSDK.MAG_NewChannel(i); m_intChannelIndex = i; break; } } } if (m_intChannelIndex > 0 && m_intChannelIndex <= MAX_CHANNELINDEX && GroupSDK.MAG_IsLanConnected()) { m_bIsInitialized = GroupSDK.MAG_Initialize(m_intChannelIndex, m_hWndMsg); } return(m_bIsInitialized); }
public void DeInitialize() { if (!m_bIsInitialized) { return; } if (GroupSDK.MAG_IsProcessingImage(m_intChannelIndex)) { GroupSDK.MAG_StopProcessImage(m_intChannelIndex); } if (GroupSDK.MAG_IsListening(m_intChannelIndex)) { GroupSDK.MAG_StopListen(m_intChannelIndex); } if (GroupSDK.MAG_IsLinked(m_intChannelIndex)) { DisLinkCamera();//include stop sd storage } if (GroupSDK.MAG_IsInitialized(m_intChannelIndex)) { GroupSDK.MAG_Free(m_intChannelIndex); } if (GroupSDK.MAG_IsChannelAvailable(m_intChannelIndex)) { GroupSDK.MAG_DelChannel(m_intChannelIndex); } }
/// <summary> /// 重启热像仪 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool ResetCamera() { //the user should stop image process before reset //if you forget, the sdk will call MAG_StopProcessImage() //remember to stop sd storage before reset if (m_bIsRecordingMGS) { SDStorageMGSStop(); } if (m_bIsRecordingAVI) { SDStorageAviStop(); } if (GroupSDK.MAG_ResetCamera(m_intChannelIndex)) { //MAG_ResetCamera() will call MAG_Free() and MAG_DelChannel() //so the channel is invalid now m_bIsInitialized = false; m_intChannelIndex = 0xffffffff; //this object is reusable after call Initialize() return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public void StopProcessImage() { if (GroupSDK.MAG_IsProcessingImage(m_intChannelIndex)) { GroupSDK.MAG_StopProcessImage(m_intChannelIndex); } }
/// <summary> /// 枚举在线相机,异步更新相机列表,因此立即GetTerminalList可能拿不到最新的,推荐sleep(50) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public bool EnumCameras() { if (!m_bIsIntialized) { Initialize(); } return(m_bIsIntialized ? GroupSDK.MAG_EnumCameras() : false); }
/// <summary> /// 获取本机IP /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public uint GetLocalIp() { if (!m_bIsIntialized) { Initialize(); } return(m_bIsIntialized ? GroupSDK.MAG_GetLocalIp() : 0); }
public bool GetMulticastState(uint intTargetIP, ref uint intMulticastIp, ref uint intMulticastPort, uint intTimeout) { if (!m_bIsIntialized) { Initialize(); } return(m_bIsIntialized ? GroupSDK.MAG_GetMulticastState(0, ref intMulticastIp, ref intMulticastPort, intTimeout) : false); }
public GroupSDK.TEMP_STATE GetFrameStatisticalData() { int size = (int)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GroupSDK.TEMP_STATE)); IntPtr ptr = GroupSDK.MAG_GetFrameStatisticalData(m_intChannelIndex); GroupSDK.TEMP_STATE state = (GroupSDK.TEMP_STATE)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(GroupSDK.TEMP_STATE)); return(state); }
public bool SDStorageAviStop() { bool bReturn = GroupSDK.MAG_SDStorageAviStop(m_intChannelIndex); if (bReturn) { m_bIsRecordingAVI = false; } return(bReturn); }
public bool ListenTo(uint intIP) { if (GroupSDK.MAG_ListenTo(m_intChannelIndex, intIP)) { GroupSDK.MAG_GetCamInfo(m_intChannelIndex, ref m_CamInfo, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GroupSDK.CAMERA_INFO))); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool SetCameraRegContent(GroupSDK.CAMERA_REGCONTENT RegContent) { if (GroupSDK.MAG_SetCameraRegContent(m_intChannelIndex, ref RegContent)) { GroupSDK.MAG_ReadCameraRegContent(m_intChannelIndex, ref m_RegContent, 2 * MAG_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, 0); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
void threadfthod() { if (!GroupSDK.MAG_IsChannelAvailable(0)) { if (GroupSDK.MAG_NewChannel(0)) { if (GroupSDK.MAG_Initialize(0, IntPtr.Zero)) { updateListBox("初始化成功"); updateListBox("创建通道0成功"); if (GroupSDK.MAG_IsUsingStaticIp()) { updateListBox("使用静态IP"); uint loaclIP = magService.GetLocalIp(); updateListBox("获取到本机IP" + loaclIP); if (magService.StartDHCPServer()) { updateListBox("开启静态连接"); uint dev_num = 0; if (magService.EnumCameras()) { updateListBox("枚举摄像机"); Thread.Sleep(500); dev_num = magService.GetTerminalList(_LstEnumInfo, MAX_ENUMDEVICE); updateListBox("一共有" + dev_num + "摄像机,集合长度" + _LstEnumInfo[0].sName); if (mag.LinkCamera(loaclIP, 50)) { updateListBox("连接成功"); } else { updateListBox("连接false"); } } } } } //if (mag.LinkCamera("", 50000)) //{ // updateListBox("连接成功"); //} //else //{ // updateListBox("连接失败"); //} } } }
public bool LoadDDT(GroupSDK.OUTPUT_PARAM param, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string sFileName, GroupSDK.DelegateNewFrame funcFrame, IntPtr pUserData) { if (!GroupSDK.MAG_IsProcessingImage(m_intChannelIndex)) { if (!GroupSDK.MAG_LoadDDT(m_intChannelIndex, ref param, sFileName, funcFrame, pUserData)) { return(false); } GroupSDK.MAG_GetCamInfo(m_intChannelIndex, ref m_CamInfo, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GroupSDK.CAMERA_INFO))); return(true); } return(false); }
public bool LoadBufferedDDT(GroupSDK.OUTPUT_PARAM param, IntPtr pBuffer, uint size, GroupSDK.DelegateNewFrame funcFrame, IntPtr pUserData) { if (!GroupSDK.MAG_IsProcessingImage(m_intChannelIndex)) { if (!GroupSDK.MAG_LoadBufferedDDT(m_intChannelIndex, ref param, pBuffer, size, funcFrame, pUserData)) { return(false); } GroupSDK.MAG_GetCamInfo(m_intChannelIndex, ref m_CamInfo, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GroupSDK.CAMERA_INFO))); return(true); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 连接相机 /// </summary> /// <param name="intIP"></param> /// <param name="intTimeOut">ms</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool LinkCamera(uint intIP, uint intTimeOut) { if (GroupSDK.MAG_LinkCamera(m_intChannelIndex, intIP, intTimeOut)) { m_intCameraIPAddr = intIP; GroupSDK.MAG_GetCamInfo(m_intChannelIndex, ref m_CamInfo, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GroupSDK.CAMERA_INFO))); GroupSDK.MAG_ReadCameraRegContent(m_intChannelIndex, ref m_RegContent, intTimeOut, 0); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool LinkCameraEx(uint intIP, ushort shortPort, string charCloudUser, string charCloudPwd, uint intCamSN, string charCamUser, string charCamPwd, uint intTimeOut) { if (GroupSDK.MAG_LinkCameraEx(m_intChannelIndex, intIP, shortPort, charCloudUser, charCloudPwd, intCamSN, charCamUser, charCamPwd, intTimeOut)) { m_intCameraIPAddr = intIP; GroupSDK.MAG_GetCamInfo(m_intChannelIndex, ref m_CamInfo, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GroupSDK.CAMERA_INFO))); GroupSDK.MAG_ReadCameraRegContent(m_intChannelIndex, ref m_RegContent, intTimeOut, 0); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public void DisLinkCamera() { //remember to stop sd storage before dislink if (m_bIsRecordingMGS) { SDStorageMGSStop(); } if (m_bIsRecordingAVI) { SDStorageAviStop(); } m_intCameraIPAddr = 0; GroupSDK.MAG_DisLinkCamera(m_intChannelIndex); }
/// <summary> /// 获取在线相机列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="list"></param> /// <param name="size">list总的字节数</param> /// <returns></returns> public uint GetTerminalList(GroupSDK.ENUM_INFO[] list, uint unit_count) { if (!m_bIsIntialized) { return(0); } //创建新的实例 GroupSDK.ENUM_INFO[] camers = new GroupSDK.ENUM_INFO[32]; uint size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GroupSDK.CAMERA_INFO)) * unit_count; IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)size); IntPtr ptrBackup = ptr; uint dev_num = GroupSDK.MAG_GetTerminalList(ptr, size); for (int i = 0; i < dev_num; i++) { camers[i] = (GroupSDK.ENUM_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(GroupSDK.ENUM_INFO)); ptr = (IntPtr)((int)ptr + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GroupSDK.ENUM_INFO))); } Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptrBackup); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dev_num; i++) { string nowip = IntToIP(camers[i].intCamIp); if (nowip == Globals.CameraIp1 || nowip == Globals.CameraIp2)//如果相机属于配置文件里面的IP { list[index] = camers[i]; index++; if (index == 2) { break; } } } if (dev_num >= 2) { dev_num = 2; } return(dev_num); }
public bool Initialize() { if (m_bIsIntialized) { return(true); } if (!GroupSDK.MAG_IsChannelAvailable(0)) { GroupSDK.MAG_NewChannel(0); } if (GroupSDK.MAG_IsLanConnected()) { m_bIsIntialized = GroupSDK.MAG_Initialize(0, m_hWndMsg); } return(m_bIsIntialized); }
public void DeInitialize() { if (!m_bIsIntialized) { return; } if (GroupSDK.MAG_IsDHCPServerRunning()) { GroupSDK.MAG_StopDHCPServer(); } if (GroupSDK.MAG_IsInitialized(0)) { GroupSDK.MAG_Free(0); } if (GroupSDK.MAG_IsChannelAvailable(0)) { GroupSDK.MAG_DelChannel(0); } m_bIsIntialized = false; }
/// <summary> /// 获取在线相机列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="list"></param> /// <param name="size">list总的字节数</param> /// <returns></returns> public uint GetTerminalList(GroupSDK.ENUM_INFO[] list, uint unit_count) { if (!m_bIsIntialized) { return(0); } uint size = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GroupSDK.CAMERA_INFO)) * unit_count; IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)size); IntPtr ptrBackup = ptr; uint dev_num = GroupSDK.MAG_GetTerminalList(ptr, size); for (int i = 0; i < dev_num; i++) { list[i] = (GroupSDK.ENUM_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(GroupSDK.ENUM_INFO)); ptr = (IntPtr)((int)ptr + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GroupSDK.ENUM_INFO))); } Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptrBackup); return(dev_num); }
public void SetIsothermalPara(int intLowerLimit, int intUpperLimit) { GroupSDK.MAG_SetIsothermalPara(m_intChannelIndex, intLowerLimit, intUpperLimit); }
public bool SetSerialCallBack(GroupSDK.DelegateSerial cb, IntPtr pUserData) { return(GroupSDK.MAG_SetSerialCallBack(m_intChannelIndex, cb, pUserData)); }
public bool GetCurrentOffset([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string sReferenceDDT, ref int offsetx, ref int offsety) { return(GroupSDK.MAG_GetCurrentOffset(m_intChannelIndex, sReferenceDDT, ref offsetx, ref offsety)); }
public void Unlock() { GroupSDK.MAG_UnLockFrame(m_intChannelIndex); }
public bool SaveDDT([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string sFileName) { return(GroupSDK.MAG_SaveDDT(m_intChannelIndex, sFileName)); }
public bool SDStorageAviStart() { m_bIsRecordingAVI |= GroupSDK.MAG_SDStorageAviStart(m_intChannelIndex); return(m_bIsRecordingAVI); }
public bool SDStorageMGSStart() { m_bIsRecordingMGS |= GroupSDK.MAG_SDStorageMGSStart(m_intChannelIndex); return(m_bIsRecordingMGS); }
public bool SDStorageBMP() { return(GroupSDK.MAG_SDStorageBMP(m_intChannelIndex)); }
public int SaveDDT2Buffer(byte[] pBuffer, uint intBufferSize) { return(GroupSDK.MAG_SaveDDT2Buffer(m_intChannelIndex, pBuffer, intBufferSize)); }