Beispiel #1
    int ManhattenDist(GridNodes nodeA, GridNodes nobeB)
        int ix = Mathf.Abs(nodeA.gridPosX - nobeB.gridPosX);
        int iy = Mathf.Abs(nodeA.gridPosY - nobeB.gridPosY);

        return(ix + iy);
Beispiel #2
    private bool PopulateGridNodesFromGridPropertiesDictionary(SceneName sceneName, Vector2Int startGridPosition, Vector2Int endGridPosition)
        // Get grid properties dictionary for the scene
        //  SceneSave sceneSave;

        //  if (GridPropertiesManager.Instance.GameObjectSave.sceneData.TryGetValue(sceneName.ToString(), out sceneSave))
        // {
        // Get Dict grid property details
        //  if (sceneSave.gridPropertyDetailsDictionary != null)
        //  {
        // Get grid height and width
        if (GridPropertiesManager.Instance.GetGridDimensions(sceneName, out Vector2Int gridDimensions, out Vector2Int gridOrigin))
            // Create nodes grid based on grid properties dictionary
            gridNodes  = new GridNodes(gridDimensions.x, gridDimensions.y);
            gridWidth  = gridDimensions.x;
            gridHeight = gridDimensions.y;
            originX    = gridOrigin.x;
            originY    = gridOrigin.y;

            // Create openNodeList
            openNodeList = new List <Node>();

            // Create closed Node List
            closedNodeList = new HashSet <Node>();
Beispiel #3
    void gridGen()
        grid = new GridNodes[gridSizeX, gridSizeY];

        Vector3 botLeft = transform.position - Vector3.right * worldSize.x / 2 - Vector3.forward * worldSize.y / 2; //find the bottom left

        // Debug.Log(botLeft);

        for (int x = 0; x < gridSizeX; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < gridSizeY; y++)
                Vector3 nodeWordlPos = botLeft + Vector3.right * (x * tileDiameter + tileRad) + Vector3.forward * (y * tileDiameter + tileRad); // finding the node tiles world pos


                bool Wall = true;

                if (Physics.CheckSphere(nodeWordlPos, tileRad, wallMask))
                    Wall = false;

                grid[x, y] = new GridNodes(Wall, nodeWordlPos, x, y);

                // Debug.Log(nodeWordlPos.x);
Beispiel #4
    void getFoundPath(GridNodes cStartNode, GridNodes cEndNode)
        List <GridNodes> foundPath   = new List <GridNodes>();
        List <Vector3>   v3foundPath = new List <Vector3>();
        GridNodes        current     = cEndNode;

        while (current != cStartNode)
            current = current.Parent;

        grid.foundPath = foundPath;
        storedPath     = v3foundPath;
Beispiel #5
    public List <GridNodes> GetNeighbours(GridNodes node)
        List <GridNodes> neighbours = new List <GridNodes>();

        for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
            for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
                if (x == 0 && y == 0)
                // Debug.Log(node.gridPosX);
                int checkX = node.gridPosX + x;
                int checkY = node.gridPosY + y;

                if (checkX >= 0 && checkX < gridSizeX && checkY >= 0 && checkY < gridSizeY)
                    neighbours.Add(grid[checkX, checkY]);
Beispiel #6
    //private void Update()
    //    pathFind(startPos.position, targetPos.position);

    public void pathFind(Vector3 cStartPos, Vector3 cTargetPos)
        //  Debug.Log("happens");
        GridNodes startNode  = grid.NodeFromWorldPos(cStartPos);
        GridNodes targetNode = grid.NodeFromWorldPos(cTargetPos);

        List <GridNodes>    openList   = new List <GridNodes>();
        HashSet <GridNodes> closedList = new HashSet <GridNodes>();


        int counter = 0;

        finishedPath = false;

        while (openList.Count > 0)
            GridNodes current = openList[0];

            for (int i = 1; i < openList.Count; i++)
                if (openList[i].FCost < current.FCost || openList[i].FCost == current.FCost && openList[i].distFromEnd < current.distFromEnd)
                    current = openList[i];



            if (current == targetNode)
                getFoundPath(startNode, targetNode);
                finishedPath = true;
                //Debug.Log("path found: " + counter);

            foreach (GridNodes Neighbor in grid.GetNeighbours(current))
                if (!Neighbor.isObstructed || closedList.Contains(Neighbor))

                int moveCost = current.distFromStart + ManhattenDist(current, Neighbor);

                if (!openList.Contains(Neighbor) || moveCost < Neighbor.FCost)
                    Neighbor.distFromStart = moveCost;
                    Neighbor.distFromEnd   = ManhattenDist(Neighbor, targetNode);
                    Neighbor.Parent        = current;

                    if (!openList.Contains(Neighbor))
Beispiel #7
 void Awake()
     iA   = GetComponent <IA>();
     grid = GameObject.Find("GridObject").GetComponent <GridNodes>();
     path = new List <Vector3>();
Beispiel #8
    /// <summary>
    /// This method will populate all of the nodes in a tileMap for a given scene, and store within them members from the GridPropertyDetailsDictionary
    /// including the bool isNPCObstacle, and isPath properties.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sceneName"></param>
    /// <param name="startGridPosition"></param>
    /// <param name="endGridPosition"></param>
    /// <returns> populates all of the nodes in the current scene tilemap GridNodes with properties from the GridPropertiesDictionary isPath and isNPCObstacle, and Returns a bool
    /// stating if it was successful or not. </returns>
    private bool PopulateGridNodesFromGridPropertiesDictionary(SceneName sceneName, Vector2Int startGridPosition, Vector2Int endGridPosition)
        // Get the grid properties dictionary for the given scene in the SceneSave, where the GridPropertiesDictionary is stored (and saved/loaded)
        SceneSave sceneSave;

        // Get the SceneData (dictionary of all saved items in that scene) for this scene, if it exists
        if (GridPropertiesManager.Instance.GameObjectSave.sceneData.TryGetValue(sceneName.ToString(), out sceneSave))
            // Get the dict of grid property details stored in the SceneSave, if it exists
            if (sceneSave.gridPropertyDetailsDictionary != null)
                // Get the grid height, width, and origin of the current scene if the sceneName was found in the dictionary
                if (GridPropertiesManager.Instance.GetGridDimensions(sceneName, out Vector2Int gridDimensions, out Vector2Int gridOrigin))
                    // Create a GridNodes (list of all nodes in a grid for the current scene) based on the grid properties dictionary just obtained,
                    // And populate the grid dimensions and origin for AStar
                    gridNodes  = new GridNodes(gridDimensions.x, gridDimensions.y);
                    gridWidth  = gridDimensions.x;
                    gridHeight = gridDimensions.y;
                    originX    = gridOrigin.x;
                    originY    = gridOrigin.y;

                    // Create the openNodeList to be used to store nodes to be checked
                    openNodeList = new List <Node>();

                    // create the closedNodeList to be used to store already checked nodes
                    closedNodeList = new HashSet <Node>();
                // Just return false if we didn't find a dictionary for this scene

                // Populate the start node, from gridNodes.GetGridNode which returns the node in the GridNode array at that position. Subtract the origins because the origin is different in every scene
                // Tile maps have an origin in the CENTER of the map, we subtract the origin so we start at the bottom left as usual
                startNode = gridNodes.GetGridNode(startGridPosition.x - gridOrigin.x, startGridPosition.y - gridOrigin.y);

                // Populate the target node in the same way
                targetNode = gridNodes.GetGridNode(endGridPosition.x - gridOrigin.x, endGridPosition.y - gridOrigin.y);

                // Loop through every square in the grid, and populate the obstacle and path info for the each grid square
                for (int x = 0; x < gridDimensions.x; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < gridDimensions.y; y++)
                        // Get the gridPropertyDetails for the current square we are looking at (this will have members like isDiggable, isPath, isNPCObstacle, etc), adjusted by the origin as well
                        GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails = GridPropertiesManager.Instance.GetGridPropertyDetails(x + gridOrigin.x, y + gridOrigin.y, sceneSave.gridPropertyDetailsDictionary);

                        // As long as we found the details for that square, populate the obstacle bool and penalty. If not, just quit out and return false from this method
                        if (gridPropertyDetails != null)
                            // If the current square is an obstacle, create a node at that grid location (obtained from the gridNodes array GetGridNode at this position),
                            // and say so in the Node isObstacle member
                            if (gridPropertyDetails.isNPCObstacle == true)
                                Node node = gridNodes.GetGridNode(x, y);
                                node.isObstacle = true;
                            if (gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode == 10000 || gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode == 10009 ||
                                gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode == 10010 || gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode == 10011 ||
                                gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode == 10014 || gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode == 10016 ||
                                gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode == 10022 || gridPropertyDetails.seedItemCode == 10023) // I added this if statement so that things like trees, rocks, etc are considered obstacles for the path finding algorithm to navigate around
                                Node node = gridNodes.GetGridNode(x, y);
                                node.isObstacle = true;
                            // Else, if the current square is a path, create a node at that grid location (obtained from the gridNodes array GetGridNode at this position),
                            // and populate it's movement penalty with pathMovementPenalty
                            else if (gridPropertyDetails.isPath == true)
                                Node node = gridNodes.GetGridNode(x, y);
                                node.movementPenalty = pathMovementPenalty;
                            // Else, if the current square is not a path or obstacle, create a node at that grid location (obtained from the gridNodes array GetGridNode at this position),
                            // and populate it's movement penalty with defaultMovementPenalty
                                Node node = gridNodes.GetGridNode(x, y);
                                node.movementPenalty = defaultMovementPenalty;
Beispiel #9
    private bool PopulateGridNodesFromGridPropertiesDictionary(SceneName sceneName, Vector2Int startGridPosition, Vector2Int endGridPosition)
        // Get grid properties dictionary for the scene
        SceneSave sceneSave;

        if (GridPropertiesManager.Instance.GameObjectSave.sceneData.TryGetValue(sceneName.ToString(), out sceneSave))
            // Get Dict grid property details
            if (sceneSave.gridPropertyDetailsDictionary != null)
                // Get grid height and width
                if (GridPropertiesManager.Instance.GetGridDimensions(sceneName, out Vector2Int gridDimensions, out Vector2Int gridOrigin))
                    // Create nodes grid based on grid properties dictionary
                    gridNodes  = new GridNodes(gridDimensions.x, gridDimensions.y);
                    gridWidth  = gridDimensions.x;
                    gridHeight = gridDimensions.y;
                    originX    = gridOrigin.x;
                    originY    = gridOrigin.y;

                    // Create openNodeList
                    openNodeList = new List <Node>();

                    // Create closed Node List
                    closedNodeList = new HashSet <Node>();

                // Populate start node
                startNode = gridNodes.GetGridNode(startGridPosition.x - gridOrigin.x, startGridPosition.y - gridOrigin.y);

                // Populate target node
                targetNode = gridNodes.GetGridNode(endGridPosition.x - gridOrigin.x, endGridPosition.y - gridOrigin.y);

                // populate obstacle and path info for grid
                for (int x = 0; x < gridDimensions.x; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < gridDimensions.y; y++)
                        GridPropertyDetails gridPropertyDetails = GridPropertiesManager.Instance.GetGridPropertyDetails(x + gridOrigin.x, y + gridOrigin.y, sceneSave.gridPropertyDetailsDictionary);

                        if (gridPropertyDetails != null)
                            // If NPC obstacle
                            if (gridPropertyDetails.isNPCObstacle == true)
                                Node node = gridNodes.GetGridNode(x, y);
                                node.isObstacle = true;
                            else if (gridPropertyDetails.isPath == true)
                                Node node = gridNodes.GetGridNode(x, y);
                                node.movementPenalty = pathMovementPenalty;
                                Node node = gridNodes.GetGridNode(x, y);
                                node.movementPenalty = defaultMovementPenalty;