private static void Main()
            Parameters.Verbosity = VerbosityLevels.AboveNormal;
            // this next line is to set the Debug statements from OOOT to the Console.
            Debug.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out));

            /* In this example, we first present how the details of an optimzation
             * problem can be saved to an XML-file so that it can be read in
             * and solved as opposed to defining all the details in an imperative
             * (code line by code line) way. In the first function, the xml file
             * name "test1.xml" is created. */

            /* now we create a series of different optimization methods and test
             * them on the problem. The problem is now opened from the file and
             * the details are stored in an object of class "Problem Definition".*/
            var stream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open);

            ProblemDefinition probTest1 = ProblemDefinition.OpenprobFromXml(stream);
            abstractOptMethod opty;

            /***********Gradient Based Optimization with Steepest Descent****************/
            SearchIO.output("***********Gradient Based Optimization with Steepest Descent****************");
            opty = new GradientBasedOptimization();
            abstractSearchDirection searchDirMethod = new SteepestDescent();

            //abstractLineSearch lineSearchMethod = new ArithmeticMean(0.0001, 1, 100);
            //abstractLineSearch lineSearchMethod = new DSCPowell(0.0001, 1, 100);
            abstractLineSearch lineSearchMethod = new GoldenSection(0.0001, 1);

            opty.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(opty, 10));
            /* since this is not a population-based optimization method, we need to remove the MaxSpan criteria. */
            opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence);

            double[] xStar;
            var      timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var      fStar = opty.Run(out xStar);

            printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer);

            /***********Gradient Based Optimization with Fletcher-Reeves****************/
            SearchIO.output("***********Gradient Based Optimization with Fletcher-Reeves****************");

            /* we don't need to reset (invoke the constructor) for GradientBasedOptimization since we are only
             * change the seaach direction method. */
            searchDirMethod = new FletcherReevesDirection();
            /* you could also try the remaining 3 search direction methods. */
            //searchDirMethod = new CyclicCoordinates();
            //searchDirMethod = new BFGSDirection();
            //searchDirMethod = new PowellMethod(0.001, 6);

            timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            fStar = opty.Run(out xStar);
            printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer);
            /******************Generalized Reduced Gradient***********************/
            SearchIO.output("******************Generalized Reduced Gradient***********************");
            opty = new GeneralizedReducedGradientActiveSet();
            opty.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(opty, 10));
            opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence);

            timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            fStar = opty.Run(out xStar);
            printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer);

            /* GRG is the ONLY one here that handles constraints explicity. It find the
             * optimal very quickly and accurately. However, many of the other show a
             * better value of f*, this is because they are using an imperfect penalty
             * function (new squaredExteriorPenalty(opty, 10)). While it seems that GRG
             * includes it as well, it is only used in the the line search method. */

            /******************Random Hill Climbing ***********************/
            SearchIO.output("******************Random Hill Climbing ***********************");
            opty = new HillClimbing();
            opty.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(opty, 8));
            opty.Add(new RandomNeighborGenerator(probTest1.SpaceDescriptor));
            opty.Add(new KeepSingleBest(optimize.minimize));
            opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence);

            /* the deltaX convergence needs to be removed as well, since RHC will end many iterations
             * at the same point it started. */
            opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is DeltaXConvergence);

            timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            fStar = opty.Run(out xStar);
            printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer);

            /******************Exhaustive Hill Climbing ***********************/
            SearchIO.output("******************Exhaustive Hill Climbing ***********************");
            /* Everything else about the Random Hill Climbing stays the same. */
            opty.Add(new ExhaustiveNeighborGenerator(probTest1.SpaceDescriptor));

            timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            fStar = opty.Run(out xStar);
            printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer);

            /******************Simulated Annealing***********************/
            SearchIO.output("******************Simulated Annealing***********************");
            opty = new SimulatedAnnealing(optimize.minimize);
            opty.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(opty, 10));
            opty.Add(new RandomNeighborGenerator(probTest1.SpaceDescriptor, 100));
            opty.Add(new SACoolingSangiovanniVincentelli(100));
            opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is MaxSpanInPopulationConvergence);

            /* the deltaX convergence needs to be removed as well, since RHC will end many iterations
             * at the same point it started. */
            opty.ConvergenceMethods.RemoveAll(a => a is DeltaXConvergence);

            timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            fStar = opty.Run(out xStar);
            printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer);

            /******************Exhaustive Search ***********************/
            // SearchIO.output("******************Exhaustive Search ***********************");
            //opty = new ExhaustiveSearch(probTest1.SpaceDescriptor, optimize.minimize);

            /* No convergence criteria is needed as the process concludes when all
             * states have been visited but for this problem that is 4 trillion states.*/
            /* if you DID KNOW the best, you can include a criteria like...*/
            //opty.ConvergenceMethods.Add(new ToKnownBestXConvergence(new[] { 3.0, 3.0 }, 0.0000001));
            //timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            //fStar = opty.Run(out xStar);

            /* you probably will never see this process complete. Even with the added
             * convergence criteria (which is not factored into the estimated time of
             * completion), you are probably looking at 1 to 2 years. */
            //printResults(opty, xStar, fStar, timer);
Beispiel #2
        public void evalGT(candidate c)
            current = c;
            Boolean found = false;

            /* recall that gearcount is found in reorderNodes, Albert! */
            stateVars = new double[gearcount + 1, 10];

            #region Set up optMethod
            //NelderMead optMethod =
            //    new NelderMead(.001, 10, true);
            //GradientBasedUnconstrained optMethod =
            //    new GradientBasedUnconstrained(10);
            GradientBasedOptimization optMethod = new GradientBasedOptimization(10);
            //SequentialQuadraticProgramming optMethod = new SequentialQuadraticProgramming(true);
            //GeneralizedReducedGradientActiveSet optMethod =
            //    new GeneralizedReducedGradientActiveSet(true);
            optMethod.Add(new ArithmeticMean(optMethod, 0.001, 2, 200));
            //optMethod.Add(new GoldenSection(optMethod, 0.001,200, int.MaxValue));
            //optMethod.Add(new BFGSDirection());
            optMethod.Add(new FletcherReevesDirection());
            optMethod.Add(new convergenceBasic(BasicConvergenceTypes.OrBetweenSetConditions, 200, 0.0001, double.NaN, double.NaN, int.MaxValue));
            //optMethod.Add(new convergenceBasic(BasicConvergenceTypes.AndBetweenSetConditions, 20, 0.01, double.NaN, double.NaN, int.MaxValue));
            optMethod.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(optMethod, 10.0));
            //optMethod.Add(new linearExteriorPenaltySum(optMethod, 10.0));
            DiscreteSpaceDescriptor dsd = new DiscreteSpaceDescriptor(optMethod, 4 * gearcount);

            for (int i = 0; i < gearcount; i++)
                foreach (GearFamily gf in gearFamilies)
                    if (c.graph.nodes[i].localLabels.Contains(gf.label))
                        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                            if (c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables.Count < j + 1)
                        c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[0] = gf.Sfb;
                        c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[1] = gf.Sfc;
                        c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[2] = gf.density;
                        dsd.addLinkedVariableValues(new int[] { 4 * i, 4 * i + 1, 4 * i + 2 }, gf.gears);
            SearchIO.output("The parametric space is " + dsd.SizeOfSpace.ToString(), 3);
            //setup constraints for optimization
            //slot 1 - number of teeth
            //slot 2 - pitch
            //slot 3 - face Width
            //slot 4 - location variable

            #region Constraint Building Region
            double[] x = new double[4 * gearcount];
            double[] xStar = new double[4 * gearcount];
            //double fStar = double.PositiveInfinity;
            double fStar = 0.0;
            double ftemp = 1000;
            double weightstar = 100;
            double lowestmass = 100;
            double massstar = 100;
            double mass = 100;
            double[,] stateVarsStar = new double[gearcount + 1, 10];

            outputSpeedConstraint oSC =
            new outputSpeedConstraint(stateVars, this);

            stressConstraint sc =
            new stressConstraint(stateVars, c, this);

            boundingboxConstraint bbc =
            new boundingboxConstraint(stateVars, c, this);

            outputLocationConstraint olc =
            new outputLocationConstraint(stateVars, c, this);

            List<samePitch> samePitches = new List<samePitch>();
            for (int i = 0; i < gearcount; i++)
                if ((c.graph.nodes[i].localLabels.Contains("contact")) || (c.graph.nodes[i].localLabels.Contains("bevelcontact")) || (c.graph.nodes[i].localLabels.Contains("wormcontact")))
                    samePitches.Add(new samePitch(((i - 1) * 4) + 1, ((i * 4) + 1)));
            f = new totalObjFunction(this, current, stateVars);
            int numVars = dsd.linkedSpace.Count;
            int[] VarIndices = new int[numVars];
            for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++)
                VarIndices[i] = 0;
            int[] VarMaxes = new int[numVars];
            for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++)
                VarMaxes[i] = dsd.linkedSpace[i].GetLength(0);
            int currentI = 0;
            VarIndices[currentI]--;  //this is an unavoidable hack to start at all zeroes.
                if (VarIndices[currentI] == VarMaxes[currentI])
                    VarIndices[currentI] = 0;
                    if ((currentI > numVars - 3) && (currentI < numVars))
                        SearchIO.output("Index " + currentI.ToString() + " changed to " + VarIndices[currentI].ToString(), 4);
                    currentI = 0;
                    x = dsd.GetDesignVector(null, VarIndices);
                    //fStar = f.calculate(x);
                    Boolean Feasible = true;
                    foreach (samePitch sp in samePitches)
                        if (!sp.feasible(x)) Feasible = false;
                     if (Feasible && oSC.feasible(x))
                        if (sc.feasible(x))
                            //run optMethod here
                            double[] xTuned;
                            mass = 0;
                            double fTuned =, out xTuned);
                            for (int k = 0; k < gearcount; k++)
                                mass += stateVars[k, 2];

                            found = false;
                            if (fTuned< ftemp)
                                ftemp = fTuned;
                            found = isCurrentTheGoal(stateVars, udg);
                            if (found == true)
                                if (mass < massstar)
                                        fStar = fTuned;
                                        xStar = (double[])xTuned.Clone();
                                        massstar = mass;
                                        stateVarsStar = (double[,])stateVars.Clone();


            } while (currentI < numVars);

            SearchIO.output("final report f = " + c.f0, 3);
            if (gearcount > 2)
                if (massstar == 100)
                fStar = ftemp+50;
            c.f0 = fStar;
            c.f2 = massstar;
            c.f1 = calcInefficiency(stateVarsStar);
            string outputString = "";
            string outputString2 = "";
            double p = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < gearcount; i++)
            //var order
            //x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, face width, diameter, number of teeth, type ID number
            {//output for gear visualizer!
                outputString += "gear," + (i + 1) + "," + stateVarsStar[i, 3] + "," + stateVarsStar[i, 4] +
                    "," + stateVarsStar[i, 5] + "," + stateVarsStar[i, 6] + "," + stateVarsStar[i, 7] + "," +
                    stateVarsStar[i, 8] + "," + xStar[i * 4 + 2] + "," + (xStar[i * 4] / xStar[i * 4 + 1]) +
                    "," + xStar[i * 4] + "," + stateVarsStar[i, 9] + "\n";
                if (i != 0)
                    if ((stateVarsStar[i, 3] - stateVarsStar[(i - 1), 3] == 0) && (stateVarsStar[i, 4] - stateVarsStar[(i - 1), 4] == 0))
                        outputString2 += "rod," + (p) + "," + i + "," + (i - 1);//(stateVarsStar[i, 5] - stateVarsStar[(i - 1), 5]);
                        p += 1;

                for (int j = 1; j < 9; j++)
                    if (c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables.Count <= j)
                c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[3] = stateVarsStar[i, 3];
                c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[4] = stateVarsStar[i, 4];
                c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[5] = stateVarsStar[i, 5];
                c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[6] = stateVarsStar[i, 6];
                c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[7] = stateVarsStar[i, 7];
                c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[8] = stateVarsStar[i, 8];
            for (int j = 1; j < 9; j++)
                if (c.graph.nodes[gearcount].localVariables.Count <= j)
            c.graph.nodes[gearcount].localVariables[3] = stateVarsStar[gearcount, 3];
            c.graph.nodes[gearcount].localVariables[4] = stateVarsStar[gearcount, 4];
            c.graph.nodes[gearcount].localVariables[5] = stateVarsStar[gearcount, 5];
            c.graph.nodes[gearcount].localVariables[6] = stateVarsStar[gearcount, 6];
            c.graph.nodes[gearcount].localVariables[7] = stateVarsStar[gearcount, 7];
            c.graph.nodes[gearcount].localVariables[8] = stateVarsStar[gearcount, 8];

            string filename = Program.settings.outputDirectory + "visualizerOutput1.txt";
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create);
            StreamWriter outputWriter = new StreamWriter(fs);
Beispiel #3
        public void evalGT(candidate c)
            current = c;
            Boolean found = false;

            /* recall that gearcount is found in reorderNodes, Albert! */
            stateVars = new double[gearcount + 1, 10];

            #region Set up optMethod
            //NelderMead optMethod =
            //    new NelderMead(.001, 10, true);
            //GradientBasedUnconstrained optMethod =
            //    new GradientBasedUnconstrained(10);
            GradientBasedOptimization optMethod = new GradientBasedOptimization(10);
            //SequentialQuadraticProgramming optMethod = new SequentialQuadraticProgramming(true);
            //GeneralizedReducedGradientActiveSet optMethod =
            //    new GeneralizedReducedGradientActiveSet(true);
            optMethod.Add(new ArithmeticMean(optMethod, 0.001, 2, 200));
            //optMethod.Add(new GoldenSection(optMethod, 0.001,200, int.MaxValue));
            //optMethod.Add(new BFGSDirection());
            optMethod.Add(new FletcherReevesDirection());
            optMethod.Add(new convergenceBasic(BasicConvergenceTypes.OrBetweenSetConditions, 200, 0.0001, double.NaN, double.NaN, int.MaxValue));
            //optMethod.Add(new convergenceBasic(BasicConvergenceTypes.AndBetweenSetConditions, 20, 0.01, double.NaN, double.NaN, int.MaxValue));
            optMethod.Add(new squaredExteriorPenalty(optMethod, 10.0));
            //optMethod.Add(new linearExteriorPenaltySum(optMethod, 10.0));
            DiscreteSpaceDescriptor dsd = new DiscreteSpaceDescriptor(optMethod, 4 * gearcount);

            for (int i = 0; i < gearcount; i++)
                foreach (GearFamily gf in gearFamilies)
                    if (c.graph.nodes[i].localLabels.Contains(gf.label))
                        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                            if (c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables.Count < j + 1)
                        c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[0] = gf.Sfb;
                        c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[1] = gf.Sfc;
                        c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[2] = gf.density;
                        dsd.addLinkedVariableValues(new int[] { 4 * i, 4 * i + 1, 4 * i + 2 }, gf.gears);
            SearchIO.output("The parametric space is " + dsd.SizeOfSpace.ToString(), 3);
            //setup constraints for optimization
            //slot 1 - number of teeth
            //slot 2 - pitch
            //slot 3 - face Width
            //slot 4 - location variable

            #region Constraint Building Region
            double[] x     = new double[4 * gearcount];
            double[] xStar = new double[4 * gearcount];
            //double fStar = double.PositiveInfinity;
            double fStar      = 0.0;
            double ftemp      = 1000;
            double weightstar = 100;
            double lowestmass = 100;
            double massstar   = 100;
            double mass       = 100;
            double[,] stateVarsStar = new double[gearcount + 1, 10];

            outputSpeedConstraint oSC =
                new outputSpeedConstraint(stateVars, this);

            stressConstraint sc =
                new stressConstraint(stateVars, c, this);

            boundingboxConstraint bbc =
                new boundingboxConstraint(stateVars, c, this);

            outputLocationConstraint olc =
                new outputLocationConstraint(stateVars, c, this);

            List <samePitch> samePitches = new List <samePitch>();
            for (int i = 0; i < gearcount; i++)
                if ((c.graph.nodes[i].localLabels.Contains("contact")) || (c.graph.nodes[i].localLabels.Contains("bevelcontact")) || (c.graph.nodes[i].localLabels.Contains("wormcontact")))
                    samePitches.Add(new samePitch(((i - 1) * 4) + 1, ((i * 4) + 1)));
            f = new totalObjFunction(this, current, stateVars);
            int   numVars    = dsd.linkedSpace.Count;
            int[] VarIndices = new int[numVars];
            for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++)
                VarIndices[i] = 0;
            int[] VarMaxes = new int[numVars];
            for (int i = 0; i < numVars; i++)
                VarMaxes[i] = dsd.linkedSpace[i].GetLength(0);
            int currentI = 0;
            VarIndices[currentI]--;  //this is an unavoidable hack to start at all zeroes.
                if (VarIndices[currentI] == VarMaxes[currentI])
                    VarIndices[currentI] = 0;
                    if ((currentI > numVars - 3) && (currentI < numVars))
                        SearchIO.output("Index " + currentI.ToString() + " changed to " + VarIndices[currentI].ToString(), 4);
                    currentI = 0;
                    x        = dsd.GetDesignVector(null, VarIndices);
                    //fStar = f.calculate(x);
                    Boolean Feasible = true;
                    foreach (samePitch sp in samePitches)
                        if (!sp.feasible(x))
                            Feasible = false;
                    if (Feasible && oSC.feasible(x))
                        if (sc.feasible(x))
                            //run optMethod here
                            double[] xTuned;
                            mass = 0;
                            double fTuned =, out xTuned);
                            for (int k = 0; k < gearcount; k++)
                                mass += stateVars[k, 2];
                            found = false;
                            if (fTuned < ftemp)
                                ftemp = fTuned;
                            found = isCurrentTheGoal(stateVars, udg);
                            if (found == true)
                                if (mass < massstar)
                                    fStar         = fTuned;
                                    xStar         = (double[])xTuned.Clone();
                                    massstar      = mass;
                                    stateVarsStar = (double[, ])stateVars.Clone();
            } while (currentI < numVars);

            SearchIO.output("final report f = " + c.f0, 3);
            if (gearcount > 2)
                if (massstar == 100)
                    fStar = ftemp + 50;
            c.f0 = fStar;
            c.f2 = massstar;
            c.f1 = calcInefficiency(stateVarsStar);
            string outputString  = "";
            string outputString2 = "";
            double p             = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < gearcount; i++)
            //var order
            //x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, face width, diameter, number of teeth, type ID number
            {//output for gear visualizer!
                outputString += "gear," + (i + 1) + "," + stateVarsStar[i, 3] + "," + stateVarsStar[i, 4] +
                                "," + stateVarsStar[i, 5] + "," + stateVarsStar[i, 6] + "," + stateVarsStar[i, 7] + "," +
                                stateVarsStar[i, 8] + "," + xStar[i * 4 + 2] + "," + (xStar[i * 4] / xStar[i * 4 + 1]) +
                                "," + xStar[i * 4] + "," + stateVarsStar[i, 9] + "\n";
                if (i != 0)
                    if ((stateVarsStar[i, 3] - stateVarsStar[(i - 1), 3] == 0) && (stateVarsStar[i, 4] - stateVarsStar[(i - 1), 4] == 0))
                        outputString2 += "rod," + (p) + "," + i + "," + (i - 1);//(stateVarsStar[i, 5] - stateVarsStar[(i - 1), 5]);
                        p             += 1;

                for (int j = 1; j < 9; j++)
                    if (c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables.Count <= j)
                c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[3] = stateVarsStar[i, 3];
                c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[4] = stateVarsStar[i, 4];
                c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[5] = stateVarsStar[i, 5];
                c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[6] = stateVarsStar[i, 6];
                c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[7] = stateVarsStar[i, 7];
                c.graph.nodes[i].localVariables[8] = stateVarsStar[i, 8];
            for (int j = 1; j < 9; j++)
                if (c.graph.nodes[gearcount].localVariables.Count <= j)
            c.graph.nodes[gearcount].localVariables[3] = stateVarsStar[gearcount, 3];
            c.graph.nodes[gearcount].localVariables[4] = stateVarsStar[gearcount, 4];
            c.graph.nodes[gearcount].localVariables[5] = stateVarsStar[gearcount, 5];
            c.graph.nodes[gearcount].localVariables[6] = stateVarsStar[gearcount, 6];
            c.graph.nodes[gearcount].localVariables[7] = stateVarsStar[gearcount, 7];
            c.graph.nodes[gearcount].localVariables[8] = stateVarsStar[gearcount, 8];

            string       filename     = Program.settings.outputDirectory + "visualizerOutput1.txt";
            FileStream   fs           = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create);
            StreamWriter outputWriter = new StreamWriter(fs);