Beispiel #1
        private double Radius2Calculate(GeoPoint MousePosition)
        {  // falls die Höhe über einen Punkt im Raum über der jetzigen Cone bestimmt wird:
            // komplizierte Berechnung des Radius. Zunächst der Spezialfall Draufsicht auf Kegel:
            double l;

            if (Precision.SameDirection(CurrentMouseView.Projection.Direction, coneDirZ, false))
                l = Geometry.DistPL(MousePosition, coneStartPoint, coneDirZ);
            {  // ebene aus Kegelachse und der Senkrechten dieser Achse mit der Projektionsrichtung (Auge-Zeichnung)
                Plane pl = new Plane(coneStartPoint, coneDirZ, CurrentMouseView.Projection.Direction ^ coneDirZ);
                // Projektion des Mousepunkts in diese Ebene
                GeoPoint2D tP = pl.Project(MousePosition);
                // gemäß Ebenendefinition ist der y-Wert der gewünschte Radius
                l = Math.Abs(tP.y);
            if (l >= 0.0)
                if (l <= Precision.eps)
                    l = 0.0;
                // nun die Länge zurückliefern
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the position of the point p, which is assumed to be on the bound of this rectangle.
        /// 0 is lower left, 1 is lower right and so on
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">the point to check</param>
        /// <returns>the parameter which is between 0 and 4</returns>
        internal double PositionOf(GeoPoint2D p)
            double ld = Math.Abs(p.x - Left);
            double rd = Math.Abs(p.x - Right);
            double bd = Math.Abs(p.y - Bottom);
            double td = Math.Abs(p.y - Top);

            if (ld < rd && ld < bd && ld < td)
            {   // closest to the left side
                double d = (p.y - Bottom) / (Top - Bottom);
                return(Math.Min(4.0, 4.0 - d));
            else if (rd < bd && rd < td)
            {   // closest to the right side
                double d = (p.y - Bottom) / (Top - Bottom);
                return(1.0 + d);
            else if (bd < td)
            {   // closest to the bottom side
                double d = (p.x - Left) / (Right - Left);
                return(Math.Max(0.0, d));
            {   // closest to the top
                double d = (p.x - Left) / (Right - Left);
                return(3.0 - d);
Beispiel #3
 internal bool ContainsPeriodic(GeoPoint2D uv, double up, double vp)
     if (uv.x >= Left && uv.x <= Right && uv.y >= Bottom && uv.y <= Top)
     if (up > 0.0)
         while (Right - uv.x >= up)
             uv.x += up;
         while (uv.x - Left >= up)
             uv.x -= up;
     if (vp > 0.0)
         while (Top - uv.y >= vp)
             uv.y += vp;
         while (uv.y - Bottom >= vp)
             uv.y -= vp;
     if (up > 0.0 || vp > 0.0)
         return(uv.x >= Left && uv.x <= Right && uv.y >= Bottom && uv.y <= Top);
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Overrides <see cref="CADability.GeoObject.ISurfaceImpl.SameGeometry (BoundingRect, ISurface, BoundingRect, double, out ModOp2D)"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="thisBounds"></param>
 /// <param name="other"></param>
 /// <param name="otherBounds"></param>
 /// <param name="precision"></param>
 /// <param name="firstToSecond"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override bool SameGeometry(BoundingRect thisBounds, ISurface other, BoundingRect otherBounds, double precision, out ModOp2D firstToSecond)
     firstToSecond = ModOp2D.Null;
     if (other is PlaneSurface)
         PlaneSurface second = other as PlaneSurface;
         GeoPoint     p      = PointAt(thisBounds.GetCenter());
         if (Math.Abs(second.Plane.Distance(p)) > precision)
         p = second.PointAt(otherBounds.GetCenter());
         if (Math.Abs(Plane.Distance(p)) > precision)
         if (Precision.SameDirection(Normal, second.Normal, false))
             GeoPoint2D[] src = new GeoPoint2D[] { GeoPoint2D.Origin, new GeoPoint2D(1, 0), new GeoPoint2D(0, 1) };
             GeoPoint2D[] dst = new GeoPoint2D[3];
             for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                 dst[i] = second.PositionOf(PointAt(src[i]));
             firstToSecond = ModOp2D.Fit(src, dst, true);
     return(base.SameGeometry(thisBounds, other, otherBounds, precision, out firstToSecond));
Beispiel #5
        public void OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs e)
            double Factor;

            if (e.Delta > 0)
                Factor = 1.0 / 1.1;
            else if (e.Delta < 0)
                Factor = 1.1;
            Rectangle    clr = canvas.ClientRectangle;
            BoundingRect rct = new BoundingRect(clr.Left, clr.Bottom, clr.Right, clr.Top);

            System.Drawing.Point p = new System.Drawing.Point(e.X, e.Y);
            p = canvas.PointToClient(Frame.UIService.CurrentMousePosition);
            GeoPoint2D p2 = screenToLayout * new GeoPoint2D(p.X, p.Y);

            rct.Right  = p2.x + (rct.Right - p2.x) * Factor;
            rct.Left   = p2.x + (rct.Left - p2.x) * Factor;
            rct.Bottom = p2.y + (rct.Bottom - p2.y) * Factor;
            rct.Top    = p2.y + (rct.Top - p2.y) * Factor;
            (this as IView).ZoomToRect(rct);
            (this as IView).InvalidateAll();
 /// <summary>
 /// Overrides <see cref="CADability.GeoObject.ISurfaceImpl.GetLineIntersection (GeoPoint, GeoVector)"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="startPoint"></param>
 /// <param name="direction"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override GeoPoint2D[] GetLineIntersection(GeoPoint startPoint, GeoVector direction)
     if (Precision.SameDirection(this.direction, direction, false))
     {   // Linie parallel zur Auszugsrichtung
         return(new GeoPoint2D[] { });
         // Die Ebene durch Auszugsrichtung und Schnittgerade und Schnittlinien-Startpunkt, schneide
         // die Basiskurve mit der Ebene. Die Schnittpunkt liefern die richtigen u-Werte
         // die v-Werte finden wir vom u-Wert auf der basisCurve ausgehen in Auszugsrichtung und mit der Schnittlinie schneiden
         Plane        pln = new Plane(startPoint, direction, this.direction);
         double[]     u   = basisCurve.GetPlaneIntersection(pln);
         GeoPoint2D[] res = new GeoPoint2D[u.Length];
         pln = new Plane(startPoint, direction, direction ^ this.direction); // Ebene senkrech zur Auszugsrichtung durch den Linienpunkt
         for (int i = 0; i < u.Length; ++i)
             GeoPoint ip     = pln.Intersect(basisCurve.PointAt(u[i]), this.direction);
             GeoPoint vbasis = basisCurve.PointAt(u[i]);
             //res[i] = new GeoPoint2D((u[i] - curveStartParameter) / (curveEndParameter - curveStartParameter), Geometry.LinePar(startPoint, this.direction, ip));
             res[i] = new GeoPoint2D((u[i] * (curveEndParameter - curveStartParameter) + curveStartParameter), Geometry.LinePar(vbasis, this.direction, ip));
        public override GeoPoint PointAt(GeoPoint2D uv)
            double l = Math.Sqrt(uv.x * uv.x + uv.y * uv.y);

            if (l == 0.0)
                return(location + zAxis);          // this is invalid and should never be used.
            double r = xAxis.Length;

            // l must be between r/2 and r
            // trying to clip here:
            if (l < r / 2 * 0.99)
            if (l < r / 2)
                l = r / 2;
            if (l > r)
                l = r;
            double z = (r - l) / l;
            double a = Math.Atan2(uv.y, uv.x);
            return(location + Math.Cos(a) * xAxis + Math.Sin(a) * yAxis + z * zAxis);
Beispiel #8
 internal void AddPositionOnFace(Face fc, GeoPoint2D uv)
     lock (uvposition)
         uvposition[fc] = uv;
Beispiel #9
            GeoPoint2D ICurveTransformation2D.TransformPoint(ICurve2D curve, double par)
            {   // gesucht: Punkt der Kurve im nichtperiodischen System
                GeoPoint2D uv = curve.PointAt(par);
                double     r  = uv.y - vmin;

                return(new GeoPoint2D(r * Math.Cos(uv.x), r * Math.Sin(uv.x)));
Beispiel #10
 public Arc2D(GeoPoint2D center, double radius, GeoPoint2D StartPoint, GeoPoint2D EndPoint, bool counterclock)
     : base(center, radius)
     start = new Angle(StartPoint, center);
     sweep = new SweepAngle(StartPoint - center, EndPoint - center);
     // sweep ist zwischen -pi und +pi, also der Bogen ist maximal ein Halbkreis.
     // counterclock gibt aber die Richtung vor, deshalb ggf. umdrehen
     if ((StartPoint | EndPoint) < radius * 1e-10)
         if (counterclock)
             sweep = SweepAngle.Full;
             sweep = SweepAngle.FullReverse;
     if (counterclock && sweep <= 0.0)
         sweep += 2.0 * Math.PI;
     if (!counterclock && sweep >= 0.0)
         sweep -= 2.0 * Math.PI;
Beispiel #11
        public            ClipRect[] Split()
            GeoPoint2D cnt = Center;

            ClipRect[] res = new ClipRect[4];
            res[0].Left   = Left;
            res[0].Bottom = Bottom;
            res[0].Right  = cnt.x;
            res[0].Top    = cnt.y;

            res[1].Left   = Left;
            res[1].Bottom = cnt.y;
            res[1].Right  = cnt.x;
            res[1].Top    = Top;

            res[2].Left   = cnt.x;
            res[2].Bottom = cnt.y;
            res[2].Right  = Right;
            res[2].Top    = Top;

            res[3].Left   = cnt.x;
            res[3].Bottom = Bottom;
            res[3].Right  = Right;
            res[3].Top    = cnt.y;

Beispiel #12
 private void PerpFoot()
     if (dimCurve != null) //falls in CurveInput (s.u.) ein Objekt getroffen war
         Plane      pl;
         double     mindist   = double.MaxValue;
         GeoPoint2D footPoint = new GeoPoint2D(0.0, 0.0);
         if (Curves.GetCommonPlane(dim.DimLineRef, dimCurve, out pl))
             ICurve2D c2D = dimCurve.GetProjectedCurve(pl);
             if (c2D is Path2D)
                 (c2D as Path2D).Flatten();
             GeoPoint2D[] perpPoints = c2D.PerpendicularFoot(pl.Project(dim.DimLineRef));
             if (perpPoints.Length > 0)
             {   // eine gültige Kurve ist gefunden
                 for (int j = 0; j < perpPoints.Length; ++j)
                     double dist = Geometry.Dist(perpPoints[j], pl.Project(dim.DimLineRef));
                     if (dist < mindist)
                         mindist   = dist;
                         footPoint = perpPoints[j];
         if (mindist < double.MaxValue)
         {   // also: Fußpunkt gefunden
             dim.SetPoint(0, pl.ToGlobal(footPoint));
Beispiel #13
 public override bool TryPointDeriv2At(double position, out GeoPoint2D point, out GeoVector2D deriv, out GeoVector2D deriv2)
 {   // not yet tested
     point  = fromUnit * new GeoPoint2D(position, Math.Sin(ustart + position * udiff));
     deriv  = fromUnit * new GeoVector2D(1, udiff * Math.Cos(ustart + position * udiff));
     deriv2 = fromUnit * new GeoVector2D(1, -udiff * udiff * Math.Sin(ustart + position * udiff));
Beispiel #14
        public override GeoPoint2D PointAt(double pos)
            double     u = PosToPar(pos);
            GeoPoint2D p = new GeoPoint2D(u, Math.Sin(u));

            return(fromUnit * p);
Beispiel #15
        public override void DerivationAt(GeoPoint2D uv, out GeoPoint location, out GeoVector du, out GeoVector dv)
            periodicSurface.DerivationAt(toPeriodic(uv), out GeoPoint ploc, out GeoVector pdu, out GeoVector pdv);
            location = ploc;
            double l = uv.x * uv.x + uv.y * uv.y;
            double sl = Math.Sqrt(l);
            double dsdu, dsdv, dtdu, dtdv;

            if (l > 0)
                dsdu = toPeriodicBounds[0, 1] * uv.x / sl - toPeriodicBounds[0, 0] * uv.y / l;
                dsdv = toPeriodicBounds[0, 1] * uv.y / sl + toPeriodicBounds[0, 0] * uv.x / l;
                dtdu = toPeriodicBounds[1, 1] * uv.x / sl - toPeriodicBounds[1, 0] * uv.y / l;
                dtdv = toPeriodicBounds[1, 1] * uv.y / sl + toPeriodicBounds[1, 0] * uv.x / l;
                du   = dsdu * pdu + dtdu * pdv;
                dv   = dsdv * pdu + dtdv * pdv;
            {   // toPeriodic at (0,0) did return toPeriodicBounds * (0,0), but we also need toPeriodicBounds * (pi/2,0), because at (0,0) there is the pole
                GeoPoint2D pole1 = toPeriodicBounds * new GeoPoint2D(Math.PI / 2.0, 0.0);
                periodicSurface.DerivationAt(pole1, out GeoPoint ploc1, out GeoVector pdu1, out GeoVector pdv1);
                dsdu = toPeriodicBounds[0, 1] - toPeriodicBounds[0, 0];
                dsdv = toPeriodicBounds[0, 1] + toPeriodicBounds[0, 0];
                dtdu = toPeriodicBounds[1, 1] - toPeriodicBounds[1, 0];
                dtdv = toPeriodicBounds[1, 1] + toPeriodicBounds[1, 0];
                du   = dsdu * pdu + dtdu * pdv;
                dv   = dsdv * pdu1 + dtdv * pdv1;
Beispiel #16
            public int Compare(object x, object y)
            {   // Typ-Casting
                IGeoObject o1 = (IGeoObject)x;
                IGeoObject o2 = (IGeoObject)y;
                // Sortierung nach Mittelpunkten
                BoundingRect re = IGeoObjectImpl.GetExtent(o1, projection, false);
                GeoPoint2D   p1 = re.GetCenter();

                re = IGeoObjectImpl.GetExtent(o2, projection, false);
                GeoPoint2D p2 = re.GetCenter();

                if (dirx)
                    if (p1.x < p2.x)
                    if (p1.x > p2.x)
                    if (p1.y < p2.y)
                    if (p1.y > p2.y)
Beispiel #17
        public override GeoPoint2D PositionOf(GeoPoint p)
            GeoPoint2D uvp = periodicSurface.PositionOf(p);

            SurfaceHelper.AdjustPeriodic(periodicSurface, periodicBounds, ref uvp);
Beispiel #18
        private static void RefineIntersectionPoint(Ellipse2D e1, Ellipse2D e2, ref GeoPoint2DWithParameter ip)
        {   // hier mir Param arbeiten, da es sich auch um einen Ellipsenbogen handeln kann
            double     par1    = e1.ParamOf(ip.p);
            double     par2    = e2.ParamOf(ip.p);
            GeoPoint2D p1      = e1.PointAtParam(par1);
            GeoPoint2D p2      = e2.PointAtParam(par2);
            int        counter = 0;

            while (!Precision.IsEqual(p1, p2))
                GeoVector2D d1 = e1.DirectionAtParam(par1);
                GeoVector2D d2 = e2.DirectionAtParam(par2);
                GeoPoint2D  p;
                if (Geometry.IntersectLL(p1, d1, p2, d2, out p))
                    par1 = e1.ParamOf(p);
                    par2 = e2.ParamOf(p);
                    p1   = e1.PointAtParam(par1);
                    p2   = e2.PointAtParam(par2);
                    ip.p = p;
                if (counter > 100)
            ip.par1 = e1.PositionOf(ip.p); // richtige Werte auch für Arc
            ip.par2 = e2.PositionOf(ip.p);
 /// <summary>
 /// Overrides <see cref="CADability.GeoObject.ISurfaceImpl.SameGeometry (BoundingRect, ISurface, BoundingRect, double, out ModOp2D)"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="thisBounds"></param>
 /// <param name="other"></param>
 /// <param name="otherBounds"></param>
 /// <param name="precision"></param>
 /// <param name="firstToSecond"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override bool SameGeometry(BoundingRect thisBounds, ISurface other, BoundingRect otherBounds, double precision, out ModOp2D firstToSecond)
     if (other is SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion)
         firstToSecond = ModOp2D.Null;
         SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion sleother = other as SurfaceOfLinearExtrusion;
         // es würde genügen, wenn die beiden Kurven sich überlappen. Dann auf das Überlappungsintervall testen
         bool reverse;
         if (!Curves.SameGeometry(BasisCurve, sleother.BasisCurve, precision, out reverse))
         // zwei Extrempunkte bestimmen, damit sollte es OK sein
         GeoPoint2D uv1 = new GeoPoint2D(curveStartParameter, 0.0);
         GeoPoint   p1  = PointAt(uv1);
         GeoPoint2D uv2 = sleother.PositionOf(p1);
         GeoPoint   p2  = sleother.PointAt(uv2);
         if ((p1 | p2) > precision)
         uv1 = new GeoPoint2D(curveEndParameter, 1.0);
         p1  = PointAt(uv1);
         uv2 = sleother.PositionOf(p1);
         p2  = sleother.PointAt(uv2);
         if ((p1 | p2) > precision)
         firstToSecond = ModOp2D.Translate(uv2 - uv1);
     return(base.SameGeometry(thisBounds, other, otherBounds, precision, out firstToSecond));
Beispiel #20
        public override bool TryPointDeriv3At(double position, out GeoPoint2D point, out GeoVector2D deriv1, out GeoVector2D deriv2, out GeoVector2D deriv3)
            double sweepParameter;

            if (counterClock)
                sweepParameter = 2.0 * Math.PI;
                sweepParameter = -2.0 * Math.PI;
            double u  = position * sweepParameter;
            double su = Math.Sin(u);
            double cu = Math.Cos(u);

            point = fromUnitCircle * new GeoPoint2D(cu, su);
            double pp   = 2 * Math.PI;
            double ppp  = 4 * Math.PI * Math.PI;
            double pppp = 8 * Math.PI * Math.PI * Math.PI;

            if (!counterClock)
                pp   = -pp;
                pppp = -pppp;
            deriv1 = pp * new GeoVector2D(fromUnitCircle[0, 1] * cu - fromUnitCircle[0, 0] * su, fromUnitCircle[1, 1] * cu - fromUnitCircle[1, 0] * su);
            deriv2 = ppp * new GeoVector2D(-fromUnitCircle[0, 1] * su - fromUnitCircle[0, 0] * cu, -fromUnitCircle[1, 1] * su - fromUnitCircle[1, 0] * cu);
            deriv3 = pppp * new GeoVector2D(fromUnitCircle[0, 0] * su - fromUnitCircle[0, 1] * cu, fromUnitCircle[1, 0] * su - fromUnitCircle[1, 1] * cu);
        public bool IsInside(GeoPoint2D uv)
            double r = xAxis.Length;
            double l = Math.Sqrt(uv.x * uv.x + uv.y * uv.y);

            return(l <= r && l >= r / 2);
Beispiel #22
 public override bool TryPointDeriv2At(double position, out GeoPoint2D point, out GeoVector2D deriv, out GeoVector2D deriv2)
     point  = PointAt(position);
     deriv  = endPoint - startPoint;
     deriv2 = GeoVector2D.NullVector;
Beispiel #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Overrides <see cref="CADability.GeoObject.ISurfaceImpl.HitTest (BoundingCube, out GeoPoint2D)"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bc"></param>
 /// <param name="uv"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public override bool HitTest(BoundingCube bc, out GeoPoint2D uv)
     GeoPoint[] cube = bc.Points;
     bool[]     pos  = new bool[8];
     // any vertex of the cube on the plane?
     for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
         GeoPoint p = cube[i];
         if (Math.Abs((toUnitPlane * p).z) < Precision.eps)
             uv = PositionOf(p);
         pos[i] = Orientation(p) < 0;
     // any line of the cube interfering the plane?
     int[,] l = bc.LineNumbers;
     for (int k = 0; k < 12; ++k)
         int i = l[k, 0];
         int j = l[k, 1];
         if (pos[i] != pos[j])
             GeoPoint2D[] erg = GetLineIntersection(cube[i], cube[j] - cube[i]);
             uv = erg[0];
     // now the cube´s vertices are on one side only
     uv = GeoPoint2D.Origin;
     return(false);  //convexity of the inner and outer points
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides <see cref="CADability.Curve2D.GeneralCurve2D.Trim (double, double)"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="StartPos"></param>
        /// <param name="EndPos"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ICurve2D Trim(double StartPos, double EndPos)
            GeoPoint2D newStartPoint = PointAt(StartPos);
            GeoPoint2D newEndPoint   = PointAt(EndPos);

            return(new Line2D(newStartPoint, newEndPoint));
Beispiel #25
 public override void FindSnapPoint(SnapPointFinder spf)
     if (spf.SnapToFaceSurface)
         Plane    pln = new Plane(location, directionWidth, directionHeight);
         GeoPoint ip;
         if (pln.Intersect(spf.SourceBeam.Location, spf.SourceBeam.Direction, out ip))
             GeoPoint2D ip2d    = Geometry.GetPosition(pln.Project(ip), GeoPoint2D.Origin, pln.Project(directionWidth), pln.Project(directionHeight));
             double     linepos = Geometry.LinePar(spf.SourceBeam.Location, spf.SourceBeam.Direction, ip);
             if (linepos < spf.faceDist)
                 spf.faceDist = linepos;
                 spf.Check(ip, this, SnapPointFinder.DidSnapModes.DidSnapToFaceSurface);
     if (spf.SnapToObjectCenter)
         GeoPoint Center = location + 0.5 * directionWidth + 0.5 * directionHeight;
         spf.Check(Center, this, SnapPointFinder.DidSnapModes.DidSnapToObjectCenter);
     if (spf.SnapToObjectSnapPoint)
         spf.Check(location, this, SnapPointFinder.DidSnapModes.DidSnapToObjectSnapPoint);
         spf.Check(location + directionWidth, this, SnapPointFinder.DidSnapModes.DidSnapToObjectSnapPoint);
         spf.Check(location + directionHeight, this, SnapPointFinder.DidSnapModes.DidSnapToObjectSnapPoint);
         spf.Check(location + directionWidth + directionHeight, this, SnapPointFinder.DidSnapModes.DidSnapToObjectSnapPoint);
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides <see cref="CADability.Curve2D.GeneralCurve2D.Reverse ()"/>
        /// </summary>
        public override void Reverse()
            GeoPoint2D p = startPoint;

            startPoint = endPoint;
            endPoint   = p;
Beispiel #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the position of the provided point with a given precision
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p">The point to test</param>
 /// <param name="frameWidth">The precision: if the distance to a bounding line is smaller
 /// than this value, the point is considered as <see cref="Position.onframe"/></param>
 /// <returns>The position of the point</returns>
 public Position GetPosition(GeoPoint2D p, double frameWidth)
     if (p.x < Left - frameWidth)
     if (p.x > Right + frameWidth)
     if (p.y < Bottom - frameWidth)
     if (p.y > Top + frameWidth)
     if (p.x > Left + frameWidth &&
         p.x < Right - frameWidth &&
         p.y > Bottom + frameWidth &&
         p.y < Top - frameWidth)
Beispiel #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Implements <see cref="Action.OnMouseMove"/>. If you override this method
 /// don't forget to call the bas implementation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e"><paramref name="Action.OnMouseMove.e"/></param>
 /// <param name="vw"><paramref name="Action.OnMouseMove.vw"/></param>
 public override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e, IView vw)
     using (Frame.Project.Undo.ContextFrame(this))
         SnapPointFinder.DidSnapModes DidSnap;
         GeoPoint p = base.SnapPoint(e, fixPoint, vw, out DidSnap);
         // hier möglicherweise einige Fangmethoden ausschalten
         // der fixPoint und der aktuelle Punkt werden in die aktuelle Zeichenebene projiziert
         if (CalculateAngleEvent != null)
             SetAngle(new Angle(CalculateAngleEvent(p)));
             if (usesLocalPlane)
                 GeoPoint2D pp = localPlane.Project(p);
                 SetAngle(new Angle(pp, GeoPoint2D.Origin));
                 GeoPoint2D pp        = ActiveDrawingPlane.Project(p);
                 GeoPoint2D pfixpoint = ActiveDrawingPlane.Project(fixPoint);
                 SetAngle(new Angle(pp, pfixpoint));
Beispiel #29
        internal void Add(IEnumerable <Edge> edges, Face onThisFace, double arrowsize, System.Drawing.Color clr, int debugHint)
            Random rnd = new Random();

            foreach (Edge edg in edges)
                if (edg.Curve2D(onThisFace) == null)
                int dbgh = debugHint;
                if (debugHint == -1)
                    dbgh = edg.GetHashCode();
                Add(edg.Curve2D(onThisFace), clr, dbgh);
                // noch einen Richtungspfeil zufügen
                GeoPoint2D[] arrowpnts = new GeoPoint2D[3];
                double       pos       = 0.3 + rnd.NextDouble() * 0.4; // to have different positions when the same curve is displayed twice
                GeoVector2D  dir       = edg.Curve2D(onThisFace).DirectionAt(pos).Normalized;
                arrowpnts[1] = edg.Curve2D(onThisFace).PointAt(pos);
                arrowpnts[0] = arrowpnts[1] - arrowsize * dir + arrowsize * dir.ToLeft();
                arrowpnts[2] = arrowpnts[1] - arrowsize * dir + arrowsize * dir.ToRight();
                Polyline2D pl2d = new Polyline2D(arrowpnts);
                Add(pl2d, clr, edg.GetHashCode());
Beispiel #30
        public void Init(System.Drawing.Point SourcePoint, Projection projection, SnapModes SnapMode, int MaxDist)
            this.BestDist       = double.MaxValue;
            this.BestObject     = null;
            this.SnapPointIndex = 0;
            SourceBeam          = projection.PointBeam(SourcePoint);
            this.SourcePoint    = projection.ProjectionPlane.Intersect(SourceBeam);
            this.Projection     = projection;
            this.SnapPoint      = projection.DrawingPlanePoint(SourcePoint);
            // MaxDist die die maximale Entfernung des Fangpunktes vom aktuellen Punkt bezogen auf die ProjectionPlane
            GeoPoint2D p1 = projection.ProjectionPlane.Intersect(projection.PointBeam(new CADability.WebDrawing.Point(SourcePoint.X, SourcePoint.Y + MaxDist)));
            GeoPoint2D p2 = projection.ProjectionPlane.Intersect(projection.PointBeam(new CADability.WebDrawing.Point(SourcePoint.X + MaxDist, SourcePoint.Y)));
            GeoPoint2D p3 = projection.ProjectionPlane.Intersect(projection.PointBeam(new CADability.WebDrawing.Point(SourcePoint.X, SourcePoint.Y - MaxDist)));
            GeoPoint2D p4 = projection.ProjectionPlane.Intersect(projection.PointBeam(new CADability.WebDrawing.Point(SourcePoint.X - MaxDist, SourcePoint.Y)));
            GeoPoint2D p1 = projection.ProjectionPlane.Intersect(projection.PointBeam(new System.Drawing.Point(SourcePoint.X, SourcePoint.Y + MaxDist)));
            GeoPoint2D p2 = projection.ProjectionPlane.Intersect(projection.PointBeam(new System.Drawing.Point(SourcePoint.X + MaxDist, SourcePoint.Y)));
            GeoPoint2D p3 = projection.ProjectionPlane.Intersect(projection.PointBeam(new System.Drawing.Point(SourcePoint.X, SourcePoint.Y - MaxDist)));
            GeoPoint2D p4 = projection.ProjectionPlane.Intersect(projection.PointBeam(new System.Drawing.Point(SourcePoint.X - MaxDist, SourcePoint.Y)));
            this.MaxDist        = Math.Max(Math.Max(p1 | this.SourcePoint, p2 | this.SourcePoint), Math.Max(p3 | this.SourcePoint, p4 | this.SourcePoint));
            pickArea            = projection.GetPickSpace(new Rectangle(SourcePoint.X - MaxDist, SourcePoint.Y - MaxDist, 2 * MaxDist, 2 * MaxDist));
            this.BasePointValid = false;
            this.SnapMode       = SnapMode;
            this.DidSnap        = DidSnapModes.DidNotSnap;
            faceDist            = double.MaxValue;